Frac Packing: Best Practices and Lessons Learned From More Than 600 Operations

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Frac Packing: Best Practices and Lessons

Learned From More Than 600 Operations

John Weirich, SPE, Jeff Li, SPE, and Tarik Abdelfattah, SPE, Baker Hughes Incorporated; and
Carlos Pedroso, SPE, Petrobras

Summary With the use of a TSO fracture technique to control fracture

Frac packing is a completion technique that merges two distinct volume, length/height/width control is a key objective of frac
processeshydraulic fracturing and gravel packing. The main packing. The TSO technique is necessary to generate fracture
challenge of a frac-pack completion is the successful creation of width in higher-permeability environments greater than 50 md.
high-conductivity fractures with the tip-screenout (TSO) tech- Coupled with the TSO method is a properly designed pumping
nique and the placement of proppant within those fractures and in schedule that allows one to achieve an optimized fracture prop-
the annulus between the screen and wellbore wall. This is further pant-concentration profile and to gravel pack the casing/screen
compounded by having to do so in an ultra high-permeability annulus in a single pumping operation. The frac-packing process
environment, in which high fluid-leakoff rates are evident. must be executed to combine TSO-fracturing and viscous-fluid
From 1997 to 2006, job data from more than 600 frac-packing gravel-packing technologies to be successful in terms of comple-
operations, representing an estimated 5% of the worldwide total, tion reliability and economics.
have been compiled into a database. This paper reviews well in- TSO fracture treatments are applied to bypass near-wellbore
formation and key frac-packing parameters. Also summarized are damage, to provide vertical connection of laminated sands, and to
engineering implementations and challenges, best practices, and stimulate low-permeability reservoirs. In high-permeability reser-
lessons learned. Essential frac-pack design parameters that were voirs, short fracture lengths of several feet could bypass near-
attained from the step-rate test (SRT) and minifrac test are eval- wellbore damage that is caused by drilling fluids, perforating de-
uated. These include bottomhole pressure, rock-closure time, and bris, fluid-loss pills, and completion-fluid losses. TSO fracture
fracturing-fluid efficiency. Downhole pressure and temperature treatments also may be used to create longer fracture lengths to
are also discussed because of their importance to the post-comple- stimulate lower-permeability reservoirs or to create higher frac-
tion efficiency evaluation and fracturing-fluid-optimization phase. ture heights.
Worldwide case histories are provided that demonstrate how Deepwater frac packs provide additional challenges to the
to both deploy different frac-packing systems and pack the well- completion engineer because of the higher rig costs and larger
bore during extreme conditions with improved packing efficiency work-string volumes. These are combined with the challenges of
and a higher chance of success. fluid cool-down and achieving proper prediction of fluid perform-
ance (Malochee and Comeaux 2003) and work-string length
The frac-packing process is often conducted initially with an
Deepwater exploration and production has developed during the SRT and a minifrac test, which are then followed by the main
last 2 decades. There is a broadening of the geographic regions for proppant fracture treatment and gravel-pack operation. The pur-
deepwater completions (Fig. 1). The vast majority of deepwater pose of the minifrac is to determine bottomhole treating pressure,
reserves are concentrated in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM), west fracture-closure pressure and time, fluid efficiency, and leakoff
Africa, Brazil, North Sea, and southeastern Asia. The potential to coefficient. The SRT data can also be used to predict the fracture-
achieve significantly higher sustainable production rates, well lon- extension and closure pressure, which may be confirmed by the
gevity, and cost reduction has been the primary driver for pursuing minifrac test. The initial fracture design, derived from simulation,
most deepwater completions. There have been many different is then recalibrated with the minifrac-test results. The recalibrated
types of completions in deep water, with frac packs and openhole model is then used to generate a revised proppant-fracturing
horizontal completions emerging as the two dominant types (Vit- pump schedule for the main treatment.
thal 2003). The type of application that was used has been found to Unconsolidated-sand formations require high-quality pressure
be area-dependent. In Brazil, the dominant completion type is data because of large variations of permeability and rock proper-
openhole horizontal gravel packing (OHHGP), which is shown in ties. The analysis of surface-pressure data (pumping pressure)
Fig. 2a. In the GOM, 70% of completions are frac packs, which is does not always provide an accurate determination of closure
illustrated by Fig. 2b. In west Africa both openhole completions pressure, closure time, leakoff coefficient, and fluid efficiency for
and frac packs are used. In general, frac packing has resulted in im- cases with high leakoff and fast closure times (Neumann et al.
proved flow efficiency and has exhibited lower failure rates than 2002). However, live-annulus pressure readings will provide an
other sand-control methods (Vitthal 2003; Norman 2004). McLarty accurate estimation of the aforementioned parameters (Holcomb
and DeBonis (1995), Tiner et al. (1996), and Ott and Woods (2003) et al. 2002; Neumann et al. 2002; Hale et al. 2004).
provide a good overview of the technology development for frac Well information and key frac-packing parameters reviewed in
packing and other sand-control methodologies. this paper are derived from frac-packing jobs completed between
Frac-packing treatments are often applied to formations in 1997 and 2006. Best practices, lessons learned, engineering im-
which vertical permeability limits the application of horizontal plementations, and challenges related to the frac-packing process
wells or wells with multiple target zones behind the casing. The are also summarized. Field cases are provided, demonstrating
production zones often feature high permeability and, in turn, how to deploy different advanced frac-packing systems and how
high fluid-leakoff rates. In some cases, there may be two or more to pack the wellbore during extreme conditions with improved
highly permeable zones that are separated by a shale zone. packing efficiency.

Copyright V
C 2013 Society of Petroleum Engineers
Frac-Packing Downhole Tools and Procedure
This paper (SPE 147419) was accepted for presentation at the SPE Deepwater Drilling and Deepwater completions have constantly challenged placement
Completions Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, 2021 June 2012, and revised for
publication. Original manuscript received for review 19 March 2012. Revised manuscript
design. Pumping rates have been increased to handle longer treat-
received for review 31 October 2012. Paper peer approved 19 November 2012. ment intervals or to maximize proppant placement. Therefore,

June 2013 SPE Drilling & Completion 119


North America

Latin America Africa, ME& Far East

Fig. 1Global deepwater-completion areas with sand control.

frac-packing service tools must be designed to meet such high pipe and the gravel-pack packer assembly and below the sealbore
rates and high-pressure pumping demands. The downhole frac- extension. It allows for the emergency retrieval of the gravel-pack
packing assembly should be developed to minimize or eliminate packer without pulling the screen assembly.
fluid loss post-treatment, reduce risk through the simplicity of The crossover tool alternates the flow paths during gravel-
use, increase reliability, provide redundancy and contingency packing operations. It allows fluids pumped down the work string
planning, and reduce completion-cycle time. to cross over to the screen/casing annulus below the packer and
be squeezed to the formation. In circulation mode, the crossover
tool allows return fluid to flow up the washpipe from below the
Single-Trip, Single-Zone Frac-Packing System. As shown in gravel-pack packer and cross over to the work-string/casing
Fig. 3, a typical downhole assembly for frac packing consists of a annulus above the gravel-pack packer.
sump packer, seal assembly, gravel-pack screen, blank pipe, wash Various downhole frac-packing assemblies have been devel-
pipe, shear safety joint, crossover tool, gravel-pack packer, and oped that depend on the completion procedure. The following sec-
hydraulic setting tool. tion briefly introduces several completion systems.
The sump packer establishes the bottom base and provides the
depth correlation. It is set 10 ft below the lowest perforation and
is usually set on wireline. The blank-pipe section connects the Single-Trip, Single-Zone Perforating/Frac-Packing System.
gravel-pack screen to the gravel-pack extension and provides a This system allows for a combined one-trip perforating and frac-
reservoir of gravel-pack sand above the screen, thus ensuring packing operation that is aimed at minimizing completion time
screen coverage in the event of pack settling. Both screen and and improving productivity. The perforating and frac-packing
blank pipe need to be centralized for even gravel distribution in tools are run in the hole in a single trip with guns positioned on
the annulus. The wash pipe is internal to the screen and blank target depth. At post-detonation, the tool string is repositioned to
pipe, and it serves to create a flow path at the bottom of the screen place the screens opposite the perforations, and remaining opera-
during sand placement. The shear safety joint is between the blank tions are carried out as they would be for a single-trip, single-zone

HRWP, 1.7%
SAS, 2.8%
Single-Trip, Multizone Frac-Packing System. This system pro-
CHGP, 15.4%
ESS, 1.0% vides the ability to frac pack multiple zones in a single trip with
OHHGP, 49.3% complete zonal isolation before and after treatment. In addition,
Frac-packing, 29.8% it provides the ability to provide selective or commingled
Each zone contains isolated gravel-pack screens with integral
production sliding sleeves, a frac-packing sleeve for placing prop-
(a) pant, and an isolation packer. The equipment for all zones is
assembled at the rig floor, and then a single gravel-pack service
Total job # = 444
tool is installed below the lowermost screened interval and con-
8.6% nected through a concentric inner work string to the primary work
string above the top production packer. The entire assembly is
Frac-packing, 71.8% now run into the wellbore in a single trip. The service tool con-
tains shifting tools that will selectively open or close the produc-
tion sliding sleeves and frac-packing sleeves in each zone, thus
allowing selective zonal isolation, treatment, or production.

Computer Simulator for Frac Packing
Fig. 2(a) Percentage of various sand-control completions in Because of the complexity and challenges of frac packing, the
Campos basin; (b) percentage of various sand-control comple- ability to successfully model the TSO fracture volume and geo-
tions in GOM. metric shape and to design a proppant schedule to achieve an

120 June 2013 SPE Drilling & Completion

Workstring, conveys assembly to bottom of wellbore

Hydraulic Setting Tool, Tubing Pressure Actuated,

Provides compressive force to set packer

Retrievable Seal Bore Packer/Gravel Pack Packer,

seals top of GP assembly to casing ID

Crossover Tool, Diverts slurry from tubing

above GP packer to Casing Screen annulus below,
Provides alternate path for washpipeflow below the
GP packer to casing workstringannulus above

Shear Safety Joint,

provides straight Pull disconnect for remedial operations

Washpipe provides a path for fluid circulation to the

bottom of the screened interval

Blank Pipe, provides area for

gravel reservoir between top of screen & slurry exit ports

Gravel Pack Screen, Filters out gravel pack media

Sump Packer Seal Assembly, seals bottom of

screen assembly into sump packer

Sump Packer Permanent Seal Bore,

seals bottom of screen to casing ID
Circulation Squeeze

Fig. 3Basic components of downhole assembly for frac pack.

optimized fracture proppant-concentration profile is intricate. To hole conditions. Its use results in better design, execution, and
address these issues, a computer simulator is used. Constant post-treatment evaluation of the frac pack.
changes in simulation-input parameters occur because of data
gathering. Data are usually collected from field tests, such as a
minifrac test, and on-site gauge readings. The simulation is then Overview of Frac-Packing Operations
calibrated to provide a more accurate estimation of overall frac- Between 1997 and 2006, job data from more than 600 frac-pack-
packing pumping volume, individual stage volumes, and fracture- ing operations were compiled into a database. The data include
growth behavior. Parameters that are accounted for include well details, reservoir data, formation-stress gradient, fracture
 Stress gradient toughness, frac-packing pumping parameters, post-job reports,
 Rock properties and job-problem reports. Well information and key frac-packing
 Permeability and porosity parameters from the database mentioned previously are illustrated
 Reservoir pressure in Figs. 4 through 13.
 Leakoff coefficient Frac-pack completions generally have a much deeper envelope
 Fluid properties than OHHGP. The latest well- depth world record for a frac pack
 Wellbore configurations in an extended well was recorded at a total measured depth
Several software packages that assist in the design and execu- (TMD) of 30,880 ft and a total vertical depth (TVD) of 11,591 ft.
tion of sand treatments are available in the industry (Ott and The depth envelope for frac packing is plotted in Fig. 4.
Woods 2003). These software packages have several modules that Figs. 5 and 6, respectively, plot the well-completion depth at
perform various functions. Some of these functions are intended the top of perforation and the wellbore-deviation angle in both the
to GOM and Campos basin for three different sand-control methods
 Calculate various engineering parameters [high-rate water pack (HRWP), openhole gravel pack (OHGP),
 Simulate hydraulic-fracturing treatment and frac pack]. There is no significant difference in terms of well
 Simulate the gravel-packing displacement in three dimensions vertical depth and deviation angles among the three different sand-
 Consider the surface equipment, work string, downhole sand- control methods for the majority of wells. The deepest wellbore is
control assembly, and wellbore geometry/profile to conduct the approximately 27,000 ft for frac packing. The reservoir pressure
hydraulic calculation gradient in the GOM is relatively low and is less than 0.5 psi/ft for
 Convert surface-treatment conditions to bottomhole conditions the majority of the completed wells (Fig. 7). It is necessary to pack
 Allow users to analyze the minifrac and SRT results to deter- such wells fully across the production intervals at a high pump rate.
mine the fracture-closure pressure, fracture geometry, and fluid- The typical wellbore construction for the three different
leakoff coefficient gravel-packing completions in the GOM is usually composed of
 Present log data to identify treated layers and zones. 5-, 5 1/2-, 7-, 7 5/8-, or 9 5/8-in. production casing (Fig. 8). The
The simulator is a powerful analytical tool that can characterize formation-stress gradient is depicted in Fig. 9, showing an average
the physical phenomena of frac packing while considering down- value of 0.79 psi/ft. The fracture toughness is between 800 and

June 2013 SPE Drilling & Completion 121

OHHGP Envelope
(Farias et al. 2007)


10000 GOM (Pourciau 2007)

GOM (Gillespie et al. 2005)

15000 Gravel-pack from GOM

TVD, ft


20000 Frac-pack from GOM

GOM (Van Sickle et al. 2006)

Gulf of Guinea (Cipolla et al. 2005) Frac pack Envelope

Bohai Bay (Vickery et al. 2004)

Bohai Bay (Liu et al. 2006)

GOM (Ogier et al. 2011)

Frac-pack from Campos Basin

0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000
TMD, ft

Fig. 4Frac-packing depth envelope across the world.

10,000 psi/in.0.5 (Fig. 10). For the majority of the wells, the frac- The pack factor or packed-proppant mass per linear measure-
ture toughness is 1,200 psi/in.0.5. The typical fluid-leakoff co- ment depth is less than 100 lbm/ft measured depth (MD) for
efficients range from 0.006 to 0.03 ft/min0.5 for sand and 0 to OHHGP and HRWP methods. However, the average pack factor
0.004 ft/min0.5 for shale sand. However, the fluid-leakoff coeffi- in frac packing is approximately 640 lbm/ft MD in the GOM and
cients are varied (Fig. 11). 1,120 lbm/ft in the Campos basin (Fig. 13). This indicates that the
As Fig. 12 illustrates, pump rates for OHHGP and HRWP are conductivity in frac-pack wells is higher than that in wells with an
much lower than those for frac packing. Pump rates for such OHHGP or HRWP completion.
applications are generally less than 10 bbl/min. In contrast, pump Fig. 14 shows the skin factors for the three different sand-con-
rates for frac packs can reach as high as 40 bbl/min. In the GOM, trol methods. In the GOM, the average skin factor for frac packing
pump rates are between 15 and 40 bbl/min, with an average pump with underbalanced perforating is 0.44, whereas the same parame-
rate of approximately 15 bbl/min. In the Campos basin, pump ter has an average of 2.9 in wells with overbalanced perforating.
rates are 10 to 40 bbl/min, with an average pump rate of approxi- Because the skin factor is not a linear parameter, it is converted to
mately 25 bbl/min. The frac-packing application envelope is con- the flow efficiency with a simple correlation between the skin fac-
stantly being enlarged in terms of pump rate and proppant volume. tor and the flow efficiency [efficiency 7/(7 skin)]. After the
Today, pumping jobs at rates of 30 to 50 bbl/min with 100,000 to skin factor is converted to the flow efficiency, the averaged flow
300,000 lbm of proppant are common. efficiency is then converted back to the skin factor. The average




GOM operation Campos Basin

Vertical depth@ top perf, ft






Job #

Fig. 5Vertical depth at the top of perforation for different sand-control completions.

122 June 2013 SPE Drilling & Completion




80 GOM operation
Campos Basin


Deviation angle, o







Job #

Fig. 6Wellbore-deviation angle for various sand-control completions.

skin factors shown in Fig. 14 were calculated with the aforemen- tioned in the Introduction, TSO fracture treatments applied in the
tioned method. This indicates that perforations conducted with frac-packing process could bypass near-wellbore damage that was
underbalanced conditions could improve well production. How- caused by drilling fluids, perforating debris, fluid-loss pills, and
ever, individually, some wells with underbalanced perforating are completion-fluid losses. Therefore, the frac packing could result
still estimated to have skin factors that are higher than those in in a lower skin factor. Thousands of successful frac-packing jobs
wells with overbalanced perforating. More data are required to have been completed across the world with enhanced packing
show that underbalanced perforating is better than overbalanced technology and optimized through computer simulations. How-
perforating in frac-pack operations for well productivity (Neu- ever, every job has its challenges. Typical challenges and lessons
mann et al. 2002; Pourciau et al. 2005). The average skin factor learned in frac-packing operations are discussed in the following
for OHHGP is 6.4; for HRWP and frac packing, it is 2.8 and 0.74, four subsections.
respectively. This indicates that frac packing has a higher comple-
tion efficiency than the other two methods, and that OHHGP has Case Number 1Single-Trip, Multizone Frac Packing in
the lowest completion efficiency among these cases. Similarly, in Indonesia. In the Mahakham delta of Indonesia, wells are in rela-
the Campos casin, the averaged skin factors are 2.4, 2.1, and 24.1 tively shallow waters at a depth of 200 to 260 ft to seabed. With
for HRWP, frac packing, and OHHGP, respectively. As men- five zones to be completed, installing conventional gravel-pack



Reservoir pressure, psi/ft TVD @ perf



























Job #

Fig. 7Reservoir-pressure gradient for various sand-control completions in the GOM.

June 2013 SPE Drilling & Completion 123



12 Frac-packing

Case size, in 10

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Job #

Fig. 8Caseing size for various sand-control completions in the GOM.

completions would consume up to 30 rig days. To reduce the NPT during the total completion time. The average completion
cost, the operator applied the single-trip, multizone frac-packing time per treated zone is approximately 29 hours. The total com-
technology (Banman et al. 2008). In the case to be discussed, a pletion time is defined as the duration between deploying the
9 5/8  3 3/4-in. single-trip, multizone system was selected for sump packer with EL and laying down the service tools on the rig
the well completion. Since 2005, more than 20 wells were com- floor. For the analyzed jobs in this paper, 69 days were taken to
pleted with this technology. The longest bottomhole-assembly complete a total of 60 zones with the single-trip, multizone sand-
(BHA) length was 3,563 ft, completing up to six zones in one trip. control system. When compared with the conventional stacked
A trip is defined in this paper as a work string with any sand-control operation, 140 rig days (67%) were saved, resulting
BHA running in and pulling out of the hole. An electric-line (EL) in significant cost saving.
trip is defined as one-half of a trip. For a typical five-zone stack- A few lessons were learned during the frac packing of these
pack operation, described by Banman et al. (2008) and Suryanada wells. In the early stage, to complete one of the wells, the operator
et al. (2010), 14.5 trips are needed with the service string, whereas noticed that the debris plugged the holes around the hollow-steel
only 3.5 trips are needed with the single-trip, multizone system. carrier when deploying large and long tubing-conveyed perforat-
Fig. 15 shows the completion time per treated zone and the ing (TCP) guns. Computer modeling predicted that the TCP as-
nonproductive time (NPT) related to the single-trip, multizone sembly run in this well would create an underbalanced condition
system. The relative NPT is defined as the percentage of total inside of the hollow-steel carrier resulting from the displacement



Stress gradient, psi/ft




384 327 369 402 444
Job #

Fig. 9Formation-stress gradient for frac packing in the GOM.

124 June 2013 SPE Drilling & Completion



Fracture toughness, psi/in0.5




126 150 174 198 222 246 270 294 318 342 366 390 414 438
Job #

Fig. 10Fracture toughness for frac packing in the GOM.

of the air with the completion liquid. To reduce the risks associ- bris could plug the hollow-steel carrier if the hole is not clean. In
ated with this dynamic process, the completion fluid is now circu- addition, long TCP guns could generate considerable steel debris
lated into the casing annulus inlet and circulated out through the after firing (Banman et al. 2008). Cleaning this debris with a dedi-
casing annulus outlet while the TCP guns are deployed. The oper- cated tool is essential to ensure that subsequent operations are
ator now uses this method as a standard procedure to avoid plug- trouble-free. A scraper tool combined with a downhole-debris
ging the hollow-steel carrier. In addition, to mitigate formation magnetic tool, which is shown in Fig. 16, could be used to clean
influx and potential well-control issues resulting from detonation this type of debris. Sometimes, junk baskets are used to clean
dynamics and resultant fluid displacements, the work string is large rock chips, blowout preventers (BOP) annular-bag rubber,
reciprocated immediately after the guns are fired. Also, conduct- and metal chips. Debris could also cause the downhole service
ing a dynamic two-phase-flow analysis is a standard procedure to tools and seals to malfunction, resulting in higher NPT. In one
ensure that this dynamic underbalanced condition is manageable. frac-packing completion, damage to the service-tool collets was
Managing debris and keeping the hole clean during all stages observed, which led to unexpected downtime. Subsequent slick-
of the frac-packing process are crucial to completing the well suc- line operations revealed BOP annular-bag rubber debris, which
cessfully and minimizing NPT. As discussed previously, the de- was left during the drilling stage. As a result, the annular bags are


For sand
0.3 For shale sand
Campos Basin
Fluid leakoff coefficient, ft/min0.5

0.25 GOM operation





0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Job #

Fig. 11Fluid-leakoff coefficients for frac packing.

June 2013 SPE Drilling & Completion 125




Campos Basin
35 GOM operation operation

Pump rate, BPM 30






Job #

Fig. 12Pump rate for various sand-control completions.

replaced for each single-trip, multizone completion as a standard In summary, after experiences with the first two wells, the
procedure. Higher NPT with both Well 6 and Well 9 (Fig. 15) overall NPT dropped from 40 to 7%. As shown in Fig. 15, the ma-
was a result of downhole debris. jority of NPT in the first well completion was associated with
As discussed by Banman et al. (2008) and Suryanada et al. pulling the service tool to the surface. In the second well, the ma-
(2010), the shearable safety joint above the isolation packer was jority of NPT was caused by the shearable safety-joint separation
separated resulting from shrinkage of the blank pipe in a long and subsequent remediation. The additional NPT in both Well 6
treated interval. A study indicated that the shearable safety joint and Well 9 was caused by downhole debris.
parted because the completion fluid cools the assembly, causing
shrinkage of the blank pipe; when combined with the effects of Case Number 2Single-Trip, Multizone Frac Packing in
differential pressure, the joint separated. To remediate this for India. This case study discusses two vertical offshore wells in
subsequent well completions, an extra isolation system is used in the Bay of Bengal, India. The water depth is approximately 2,300
a long zone. Tubing movement and force analysis are conducted ft. The wells were drilled and completed with a 9 5/8-in. casing
as a standard procedure to evaluate the temperature-change effect with the single-trip, multizone system. The system was intended
on the BHA length and to determine whether an extra isolation to frac pack five zones with a total BHA length of approximately
system is needed. 1,100 ft. The single-trip, multizone completion schematic for one



Campos Basin
GOM operation operation
Pack factor, lbm/ft MD







Job #

Fig. 13Packed-proppant mass for various sand-control completions.

126 June 2013 SPE Drilling & Completion

Campos Basin
GOM Operation Operation
Underbalanced perforation
Overbalanced perforation OHHGP
Averaged skin = 6.4 HRWP
Averaged skin = 2.9 with Averaged skin = 2.8
overbalanced perforation Averaged skin = 24.1
Skin factor

40 Averaged skin = 2.4

Averaged skin = 0.44 with
underbalanced perforation Averaged skin = 2.1



1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 111 121 131 141 151 161 171 181 191 201 211

Well number

Fig. 14Skin factor with various perforation conditions.

(Data were compiled from Hannah et al. 1994; Petit et al. 1995; Stewart et al. 1995; Neumann et al. 2002; Ott and Woods 2003; and Pourciau
et al. 2005.)

of the wells is shown in Fig. 17. The detailed operation informa-

tion is summarized by Joseph (2010).
It is very interesting to compare the challenges and lessons
learned between this case and Case Number 1, because both use a
similar system.
 At the time, this project involved the largest amount of sand
pumped into a single zone with a single-trip, multizone system:
148,000 lbm of sand at a pump rate of 45 bbl/min. In addition, a
total of 260,000 lbm of 16/20 sand was pumped in the five zones
of Well 2.
 Wellbore debris caused the frac sleeve to malfunction when
treating Zone 3 of Well 1. The same problem occurred when treat-
ing Zone 1 of Well 2. Both incidents resulted in extra remediation

Completion time (Hours/zone), NPT, %

120 Completion time


80 Magnet


40 Stablizer

0 Bit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Fig. 15Completion time and NPT analysis for select single-

trip, multiple-zone completions in Indonesia. Fig. 16Well-cleaning BHA in Indonesia.

June 2013 SPE Drilling & Completion 127

Depths are bottom of equipment Depth
unless specified otherwise (mBRT)

CIW - SSMC Tubing Hanger

4.1/2" Tubing

1825.59 9-5/8" Packer

1835.02 Isolation Packer

Zone 1 Wire wrap screen

1888.37 Isolation Packer

Wire wrap screen

Zone 2

2027.37 Isolation Packer

Wire wrap screen

Zone 3
2076.64 Isolation Packer

Wire wrap screen

Zone 4

2125.46 Isolation Packer

Wire wrap screen

Zone 5
2160.22 Sump packer w/ Seal Locator Assy

Indexing Muleshoe

Fig. 17Schematic of single-trip, multiple-zone completion in India.

trips. The NPT exceeded 40% for both operations, caused by sig- obtained was valuable for the post-job analysis, helping identify
nificant wellbore debris, frac-sleeve malfunction, and downhole the TSO and net pressure, and for evaluation of the frac-packing
leaks. This is very similar to the NPT in Case Number 1 for the design. Furthermore, a tracer log was performed to identify frac
first two wells operation caused by the learning-curve period. geometries and to help further calibrate the frac simulation.
After the learning-curve period, NPT could be reduced
 Case Studies 1 and 2 indicate that wellbore-debris cleaning, Case Number 3Two-Zone Stack Frac Packing in GOM. A
leak diagnosis, and associated contingency planning are critical deviated well on the continental shelf of the GOM (with a 54-ft
aspects to the success of a single-trip, multizone operation. water depth) was drilled and completed with 5-in. casing. The
 Pressure and temperature downhole memory gauges were in- total MD of the well was 10,650 ft. There were two perforated
stalled in the service tool for these two wells. Information zones at 10,372 to 10,434 ft (62 ft) and 10,256 to 10,296 ft (40 ft).

128 June 2013 SPE Drilling & Completion

10170' Packer Case Number 4Three-Zone Frac Packing in Campos Basin.
The Roncador field, a giant ultradeepwater field discovered in
1996, is in Campos basin, Brazil, 115 km from Rio de Janeiro.
The extent of the field was approximately 111 km2 with water
depths ranging from 1500 to 2000 m. Because of its large exten-
sion, high volume of oil in place (3.3 billion bbl of proven
reserves), different fluid properties, and variations in geological
characteristics, the development strategy was phased in four
10199' Shear-out Safety Joint modules.
Module 1A started production in 2002 with 12 wells (9 pro-
ducers and 3 injectors). At the end of 2007, the second phase of
Module 1A and Module 2 started production through 29 wells (18
producers and 11 injectors). Module 3 will produce from 17 long
10246' Screen
horizontal wells (11 producers and 6 injectors).
Roncadors main reservoirs are unconsolidated turbidity sand-
stones from the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian), thus demand-
ing a sand-control method to be produced. These main reservoirs
10284' Screen are divided into two areas, separated by a massive fault. The dep-
ositional model has been interpreted as a complex turbidity sys-
10304' Isolation Packer
tem, mainly represented by channels, lobes, and over bank faces.
The hanging wall block (Module 1A) has a net thickness of 240 m
in stratified sandstones, which was the main reason for develop-
ment with vertical/deviated multiple-completion wells. In contrast,
the footwall block has been characterized by a single sandstone
with no stratification, which was the main reason for development
with horizontal wells. The wells had lateral lengths ranging from
500 to 1000 m.
10333' Shear-out Safety Joint The Maastrichtian reservoirs (which are locally named Ronca-
dor Sandstones) are subdivided into three main hydraulically dis-
tinct stratigraphic intervals, referred to as Roncador 2, 3, and 4.
These three intervals have different permeabilities and fluid vis-
cosities and, therefore, different mobilities. Furthermore, the
10366' Gravel Pack Screen enhanced-oil-recovery method for this module is water injection.
Because of these factors, the module was expected to have differ-
ent water-breakthrough times for each interval. This is the main
reason that the hanging wall block of Roncador field was devel-
10386' Gravel Pack Screen oped with three selective stacked frac packs. In fact, the need for
this selectivity pushed the development of this technology that
was first used in 1999 (Rovina et al. 2000).
10424' SUMP Packer The shale separating the lower (Roncador 4) and middle inter-
val (Roncador 3) was less than 7 m long (Fig. 19a) in MD (5-m
TVD), posing a risk of possible communication between the inter-
vals if hydraulic fracturing was to be performed. This was con-
Fig. 18Two-zone stack frac pack in the GOM. firmed by simulation. If the fractures were to communicate, all the
efforts to develop and install a selective completion in Roncador

Both intervals were within a 45 -deviation angle. The operator wells (in both producers and injectors) would have been inefficient.
decided to use the conventional stack frac-packing technology to The use of radioactive tracers was not allowed by the Environmen-
perforate and frac pack in those intervals. The completion sche- tal Protection Agency and, therefore, to confirm this hypothesis, a
matic is shown in Fig. 18. temperature log was used to identify the fracture height.
The sump packer was deployed with an EL and set at 10,431 In general terms, the new sequence was to run a base tempera-
ft. The perforation guns were deployed with a wireline to perfo- ture log, perform a minifrac with the same volume expected in the
rate the lower zone. The guns were stuck a few times, which main treatment pad, repeat the temperature-log run to identify the
resulted in extra fishing trips and a setting bull-plug trip. After the fracture height, and then decide between either continuing with a
guns finally fired, a separate hole-cleaning trip was made. Subse- frac pack or dropping the sand-control method to an HRWP, thus
quently, acid was spotted and squeezed into the formation. The preserving selectivity.
minifrac and SRT were conducted. With these calibration tests, Fig. 19b shows one example of the temperature-log interpreta-
the main frac-packing treatment was redesigned and executed tion. The graph displays the perforations (the thick red bar), and,
according to plan. The TSO was achieved. on the right side, the temperature inflections (dash lines and dot
For the top interval, the operator decided to use a TCP method lines) show a very well-defined top and bottom of the fracture. The
to deploy the perforation guns, eliminating the problems encoun- fracture is on the limits of the perforations. Both upper and lower
tered on the lower zone when the guns were deployed on wireline. shales, identified by gamma ray and neutron-density logs, were
After the well was cleaned with a 2 7/8-in. work string, the frac- able to restrict fracture growth. Also, the shale in the middle of the
pack BHA was run in hole. Subsequently, acid was spotted and perforations did not impose any restriction to fracture growth.
squeezed into the formation, and the minifrac and SRT were per- This procedure was repeated in three wells, showing similar
formed. The frac pack was bullheaded from the surface. The sec- results. This indicated that the top and bottom shales were stiff
ond interval treatment took a total of 46 hours. The lower-zone enough to contain the fracture propagation.
treatment took 52 hours. On average, 49 hours per zone was taken An interesting point to be observed is that the amount of fluid
to treat each interval. As a comparison, in Case Study Number 1, injected, which can be inferred from the cooling effects read in
it took 29 hours per zone in the wells with relatively similar depth the temperature log, along the perforated interval during the cali-
(approximately 10,000 ft), but five zones were treated in a single bration tests shows a good correlation with the permeability pro-
trip. file obtained with the nuclear-magnetic-resonance log. In this

June 2013 SPE Drilling & Completion 129

Temperature Log

(a) (b)

Fig. 19Multilogs information before and after the calibration test for Campos basin operation. (a) Gamma ray and neutron-
density logs before the calibration test; (b) temperature logs after the calibration test.

case, the better permeability was read at the bottom of the inter-  Fluid-loss control is critical to the installation of the tool sys-
val, where more fluid was injected. However, because this tem for frac packing post-perforating. Fluid loss should be mini-
sequence added 60 hours to the normal procedure, it became a mized but not necessarily stopped. The common methods for
special procedure, applied only when specific information about controlling fluid loss include reducing hydrostatic pressure and
the fracture-height propagation was necessary. spotting viscous polymer gels or acid-soluble graded solids par-
ticles. Some tool systems have mechanical isolation valves to
Best Practices From Field Cases for mechanically control fluid loss.
the Frac-Packing Process  Polymer-based fluids (linear gel and crosslinked gel) are of-
ten used for the main frac-packing treatment. Their properties
Although it is important to effectively prevent sand production, it could significantly affect fluid-loss control, pumping hydraulics,
is equally important to do so in a way that does not hinder produc- proppant delivery, frac packing, and formation damage. The
tivity. The feasibility and success of frac packing a well depend crosslink time and stability time should be derived from the cool-
on wellbore cleanup, completion fluids, completion tools and est calculated work-string temperature. However, the crosslink
equipment, proppant and screen selection, work-string design, break time should be tested at a temperature closer to the bottom-
perforation, software/simulators, sand-control design/execution hole static temperature after pumping has ceased (Malochee and
and post-treatment evaluation, and field-personnel experience. Comeaux 2003). The proper gel load should be selected on the ba-
The best practices for frac packing are summarized in the follow- sis of the downhole temperature because of the gel degradation at
ing sections. high temperatures.
 In some deepwater completions, multiple fluids are used, in
Completion Fluid which case each fluid should be evaluated individually. The fluid
 Mechanical plugging is the most common cause of forma- that is considered fit for purpose should undergo evaluation
tion-permeability damage. To minimize its effect, clean fluids (Javora et al. 2006) with the proper laboratory equipment and pro-
must be used during drilling-fluid displacement, perforating, well- cedures for on-site maintenance and handling.
bore cleaning, and frac-pack treatment.
 Dedicated filtration equipment must be used to filter the com-
pletion fluids before pumping them into the wellbore. Work String
 Brine is a common completion fluid. Proper brine fluid must  The work string is the hardware used to deploy packers and
be selected on the basis of its density for well control, compatibil- downhole tools, and it is the conduit to circulate fluids during the
ity with the formation rock matrix and other fluids, and the crys- frac-packing process. Similar to drillpipe-design criteria, work-
tallization temperature for maximal storage and optimal operating string design considers torque, drag, pipe stretch or buckling, and
conditions. casing wear caused by high metal-to-metal friction.
 Deepwater environments often present conditions for the for-  Hydraulic analysis (friction and pressure profile along well-
mation of gas hydrates. Computer models can be used to evaluate bore) for pumping various fluids throughout all completion proc-
the hydrate-equilibrium conditions for a variety of completion essesincluding cleanout, displacement, perforation, washout
brines. and frac packingshould be conducted for deep wells. This helps
 Surfactants are often added to completion fluids to minimize ensure that the maximal pump rate for a specific application can
potential formation-damage problems associated with water block- be delivered without putting any added risk to the integrity of the
ing, oil-wetting, clay control, fines migration, and emulsions. They work string, surface equipment, and downhole tools.
must not be used indiscriminately, however, because they can  In cases when dynamic or transient process conditions (pipe
cause additional damage as opposed to preventing it. moving, BHA switching from squeeze/circulation position to the

130 June 2013 SPE Drilling & Completion

reverse position, and gas kicking) are involved, transient hydrau- completion fluid regularly sweeps the well system. The work
lic analysis should be conducted with a capable software (Banman string should be rotated and reciprocated (Pourciau 2007) when
et al. 2008). such slugs are circulated, especially for a highly deviated or hori-
 An internal abrasion-resistant drillpipe coating maximizes zontal well. The debris is usually cleaned out of the well with a
pump rates while eliminating internal buildup of pipe scale, pipe special tool (Hern 2010) (i.e., downhole casing scraper, downhole
failures, and the need for pickling pipe (Pourciau 2007). debris filter, downhole magnetic tool, or junk basket).

Perforating Calibration Tests (Minifrac and SRTs)

 There is not enough evidence to indicate that there are differ-  Calibration tests provide fracture extension, closure pres-
ent effects on the performance of frac-packed completions sures, and fluid leakoff, which are used to redesign the main frac-
between underbalanced and overbalanced conditions in both the packing treatment to achieve TSO. Modern fracturing engineering
GOM and Campos basin (Neumann et al. 2002; Pourciau et al. software could help the completion engineer analyze the results of
2005). However, in the GOM, the top 10 cased-hole producing the calibration tests and determine key parameters.
wells were perforated in an underbalanced condition with TCP  True live bottomhole pressure is critical to evaluate the frac-
guns (Ott and Woods 2003). Overbalanced perforating has ture-closure pressure. It is more challenging to interpret minifrac-
become the standard perforating technique for frac-packing opera- test results in soft and high-permeability formations than it is in
tions in the Campos basin (Neumann et al. 2002). low-permeability hard rocks. In general,  the G-function  plot
 A good rule of thumb is that the screens should cover at least dBHP
(Smith et al. 2002) or a derivative plot ISIP  t , where
10 ft above and below the perforated interval, to ensure coverage. dt
 For a long perforation interval (more than 900 ft), the shrink- ISIP is the instantaneous shut-in pressure, BHP is the bottomhole
age of the blank pipe resulting from the thermal effect should be dBHP
considered, and additional isolation packers should be installed pressure, t is the time, is the bottomhole pressure change
(Rovina et al. 2000). rate and * is the multiplication operation in the original content.
(Neumann et al. 2002) gives a good indication of closure point
during a minifrac analysis.
Downhole Assembly
 In the Campos basin, the minifrac test is needed only for the
 Designing a reliable and robust downhole frac-packing as- calibration test (Neumann et al. 2002). However, in the rest of the
sembly is very important for the whole operation. There are more world, both minifrac and SRT are needed. The determined exten-
challenges for the downhole assembly when the multitreated sion pressure and rate from the SRT could help identify the clo-
interval gets longer and deeper, and the demand for larger vol- sure pressure from the minifrac because the fracture-extension
umes of proppant and high pumping rates becomes evident. pressure is an upper bound on the fracture-closure pressure.
 Service-tool movement from squeeze/circulation position to  Adding pH-control additives into the SRT fluid enhances the
the reverse position can apply a large drawdown pressure on the reservoirs ability to return to its preminifrac leakoff condition.
formation. This swabbing effect has serious implications on sand Therefore, it results in a higher success rate for TSO during the
placement and production from the target zones. The operation main frac-packing treatment and a higher net-pressure gain for
procedures must be carefully planned and modified to eliminate treatments. Using a pH-control-additive technique could result in
excessive tool reciprocation and to minimize the instantaneous 60% higher net-pressure gains than in treatments without a pH-
swabbing effect. At the same time, keeping the hole in a clean control additive (Holcomb et al. 2002).
condition is very important to ensure that the whole operation pro-  The injection fluid during minifrac tests could affect the
gresses smoothly and successfully. leakoff characteristics of the main frac-packing treatment (Bruce
 The annular clearance between the inside diameter and the and Jacot 2000; Smith et al. 2000; Holcomb et al. 2002). This
section below crossover tool (Fig. 3) down to the screen should be effect should be considered for the main-treatment design with
selected large enough (more than 0.75 to 1 in.) to minimize prop- the proper software (Bruce and Jacot 2000). Injecting non-
pant bridging and to avoid premature sandout (Moreno et al. 2009). crosslinked gel with added higher breaker concentrations and
 It is important to maintain a balanced or overbalanced condi- controlling pH in the SRT could recover the reservoir leakoff
tion to avoid flowing unconsolidated sands before the placement characteristics.
of proppant into the perforations.
Surface Equipment
Proppant and Screen  There are four basic types of equipment used for the frac-
 Proppants in a frac pack should provide an effective perme- packing treatmentmixing and blending, pumping, proppant han-
ability contrast, maintain fracture conductivity without proppant dling, and monitoring/control.
crushing, control sand influx and fines migration, and minimize  Skid-mounted equipment has become very popular and
proppant embedment in soft rock formation. somewhat of an industry standard because it provides higher
 In general, the proppant used in frac packing is larger than deployment versatility. All equipment should be customized to
that used for gravel packing. The proppant size should be selected meet a specific set of design parameters.
with the formation-sand size analysis, and it is usually a multiple  A dedicated, fit-for-purpose stimulation vessel and its crew
of the d50 formation-sand size (e.g., d50  7 or 8). members are also critical to the success of the frac-packing opera-
 Completions in deeper wells, with high fracture-closure tion. The vessel should have enough space to accommodate frac
stresses, must use manufactured ceramic poppants because of equipment, mixing and blending equipment, storage proppant and
their consistent spherical shape and higher strength. Ceramic liquid equipment, and a pumping and control/monitoring room for
proppants, because of their consistent shape, will provide a better the operation.
fracture conductivity.
Frac-Packing Design and Simulation
Wellbore-Debris Cleaning  Achieving TSO is the key for successful frac packing in
 With the field operations experiences, the greatest challenge high-permeability formations. TSO fracturing relies on a carefully
encountered in frac packing is downhole-debris management. timed TSO to limit fracture growth and to allow for fracture infla-
 Historical data indicate that as much as 30% of NPT during tion and packing.
completions is a result of debris left in the wellbore (Hern 2010).  The criteria for TSO in frac-pack design should include
 There are a few options to manage the risks related to down- designing to prespecified fracture length (25 to 50 ft) to optimize
hole debris. Applying high-viscosity gel slugs with high-density near-wellbore conductivity; determining the pumping schedule in

June 2013 SPE Drilling & Completion 131

terms of rate and proppant concentration; designing to achieve a The TSO is the key for a successful frac pack in high-perme-
minimal concentration per unit area; and maintaining pumping ability formations.
pressures at less than critical maximal pressures. Using a frac-packing simulator, updated with real-time data,
 TSO should be designed with modern fracturing software and taking into account the parameters estimated from the cali-
with the calibration-test results and other rock mechanical proper- bration tests will help field engineers design, optimize, and exe-
ties. The critical information needed for a frac-packing design cute the frac-packing process.
should include casing and work-string size, wellbore deviation, The minifrac test and SRT are essential applications, before
perforation-interval length, formation permeability, rocks Youngs designing the main fracture treatment, because they assist in
modulus, mineralogy, bottomhole pressure and bottomhole tem- estimating important parameters such as fracture-closure pres-
perature, water depth, and proppant size and type (Moreno et al. sure and time, fracture leakoff, and fluid efficiency.
2009). With this information, a proper downhole completion-as- Real-time monitoring of the surface live annulus pressure,
sembly tool (screen, blank pipe, and other components), packers, pump rate, bottomhole pressure, and sand-injection concentra-
perforation system, and completion fluids can be selected. tion is crucial to understand the overall frac-packing process.
 A screenout may occur early if fluid leaks off to the forma- Real-time monitoring of bottomhole temperature could help
tion faster than predicted. Conversely, a screenout may not occur design fluid breakers more efficiently.
during the job if fluid leakoff is much slower than predicted. If a Cleaning the wellbore before frac packing and pumping high-
TSO is not achieved in the moderate- and high-permeability for- quality fluids are important to ensure completion success.
mation, a stimulated completion is not expected. Models that analyze work-string torque and drag, frac packing,
 Laminated shales, greater than 3 m, are able to constrain perforation, proppant/screen and fluids selections, wireline
fracture-height growth at common pump rates (Neumann et al. operations, fluid hydraulics, and debris cleanout are essential
2002). The laminated formations with multiple lobes and defini- for the whole process.
tive shale breaks also present a challenge to interpolate data and
model the fracture. Acknowledgments
 HRWP rather than frac packing should be used as a sand- The authors would like to express their appreciation to Baker
control method for thin and high-permeability formations. Cau- Hughes and Petrobras for the opportunity to present this paper.
tion should be taken in using frac packs when water or unwanted We also wish to thank Baker Hughes field-operation crews for the
fluid is very close to the treated intervals (Neumann et al. 2002). execution of these treatments. We also wish to thank colleagues
 Non-Darcy and multiphase effects should be considered in Nicholas Clem and Luly Stephens for their valuable input and the
the frac-pack design and proppant selection when said effects are time spent to edit the manuscript.
significant (Vincent et al. 1999).
Post-Frac-Packing Evaluation
Banman, M., Delattre, E., Sofyan, M. et al. 2008. Single-Trip Multi- Zone
 After a frac pack is in place, it is important to evaluate the Gravel PackingField Case Study Within Total E&P Indonesie on
effectiveness of the treatment. There are a few logging methods Handil, Bekapai, and Sisi Nubi Fields. Paper IPTC 12388 presented at
that include density log, dual-detector neutron log, and spectra the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Kuala Lumpur,
gamma ray or tracer logs. Malaysia, 35 December.
 The tracer log is the most common log method. Fracture Bruce, R. and Jacot, R. 2000. The Effect of Fluid Loss During Fracture
fluid and proppant could be tagged with different radioactive trac- Calibration Tests on the Main Treatment. Paper SPE 65624 presented
ers. Tracer logs record spectral gamma ray data as a function of at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Morgantown, West Virginia,
depth, and therefore, they can evaluate the distribution of the 1719 October.
tagged materials along the wellbore. This allows not only the esti- Cipolla, C.L., Shucart, J.K., and Lafitte, J.R. 2005. Evolution of Frac-pack
mation of the total and individual packed-fracture heights across Design, Modeling, and Execution in the Ceiba Field, Equatorial
the multizones but also the detection of the voids in the packs if Guinea. Paper SPE 95514 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Con-
they are present. ference and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, 912 October.
 With the logging feedback, a decision could be made imme- 10.2118/95514-MS.
diately after the completion. When voids or plugged packs are Farias, R., Li, J., Vilela, A. et al. 2007. Openhole Horizontal Gravel Pack-
detected, remedial action can be taken to help optimize produc- ing Offshore Brazil: Best Practices and Lessons Learned From 72
tion and to prolong the life of the well. Operations. Paper SPE 107190 presented at the SPE Latin American
 Combining tracer logs with downhole pressure- and temper- and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, Buenos Aires, Ar-
ature-gauge data allows one to quantify the fracture model in gentina, 1518 April.
terms of the exact screenout prediction, dynamic fluid-flow analy- Gillespie, G., Angel, K., Cameron, J. et al. 2005. Troika Field: A Well
sis, and annular-pack sand percentage; it is also possible to iden- Failure, and Then a Successful Workover. Paper SPE 97291 presented
tify all the major events taking place at downhole conditions, at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas,
identify the time of their occurrence, and obtain explanations of Texas, 912 October.
some unexpected events (Sanford et al. 2010). Hale, C., Conrad, M., Bose, M. et al. 2004. Is Live Annulus Data Interpre-
tation During Frac-Pack Operations Viable Information? Paper SPE
Conclusion 86461 presented at the SPE International Symposium and Exhibition
The well information and the key frac-packing parameters for on Formation Damage Control, Lafayette, Louisiana, 1820 February.
more than 600 frac-packing jobs were reviewed. The historical
review shows that the frac-packing methodology has been Hannah, R.R., Park, E.I., Porter, D.A. et al. 1994. Combination Fractur-
improved to pack the hole more efficiently and safely. The sum- ing/Gravel-Packing Completion Technique on the Amberjack, Missis-
mary of best practices and lessons learned and the engineering sippi Canyon 109 Field. SPE Prod & Fac 9 (4): 262266. http://
challenges and implementations of frac packing provide a good
guideline for future practice. In summary, Hern, G. 2010. Deepwater Wellbore Cleanup System. Paper SPE 137090
Frac packing can be successfully executed with reliable tools, presented at the SPE Deepwater Drilling and Completions Conference,
well-prepared plans and operation procedures, and dedicated Galveston, Texas, 56 October.
teamwork. Holcomb, W.D., Landry, T.J., Comeaux, B.A. et al. 2002. New Technique
Single-trip, multizone systems have been developed and are Restores Initial Fluid Efficiency Observed in Mini-Frac and Results in
field-proven. With the validation of these systems, it is possible Increased TSO Frac-Pack Success. Paper SPE 77775 presented at the
to perform frac-packing operations with less rig time and high SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio,
reliability. Texas, 29 September2 October.

132 June 2013 SPE Drilling & Completion

Javora, P.H., Stevens, R., Devine, C. et al. 2006. Deepwater Completion Smith, J.E., Meyer, B.R., and Jacot, R.H. 2002. Fracture Pressure-Slope
Challenges Re-Define Best Practices for Completion and Packer Fluid Analysis for TSOs in High-Permeability Formations. SPE Prod & Fac
Selection. Paper SPE 103209 presented at the SPE Annual Technical 17 (2): 110121.
Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, 2427 September. Stewart, B.R., Mullen, M.E., Ellis, R.C. et al. 1995. Economic Justification for Fracturing Moderate to High-Permeability Formations in Sand
Joseph, K.P. 2010. Case History: First of Its Kind: Installation of the Mul- Control Environments. Paper SPE 30470 presented at the SPE Annual
tizone Single-Trip (MST) Technology in Deep Water, India. Paper Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, 2225 October.
SPE 134084 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition, Florence, Italy, 1922 September. http://dx.doi,org/10.2118/ Suryanada, S., Wahyudhi, F., Garcia, E. et al. 2010. Saving 70% Rig Com-
134084-MS. pletion Time on 13 Multizone Wells With Single-Trip Multizone
Liu, L., Deng, J., Ma, Y. et al. 2006. Single-Trip, Multiple-Zone Frac Completion System in Mahakam Delta Offshore Indonesia. Paper SPE
Packing Offshore Sand Control: Overview of 58 Case Histories. Paper 133409 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhi-
SPE 103779 presented at the International Oil and Gas Conference and bition, Florence, Italy, 1922 September.
Exhibition in China, Beijing, China, 57 December. 133409-MS.
10.2118/103779-MS. Tiner, R.L., Ely, J.W., and Schraufnagel, R. 1996. Frac PacksState of
Malochee, S. and Comeaux, B. 2003. Case Study: Analyzing Bottomhole the Art. Paper SPE 36456 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Con-
Temperature Gauge Data in Gulf of Mexico Frac Packs to Optimize ference and Exhibition, Denver, Colorado, 69 October. http://
Fracture Fluid Crosslink, Stability, and Break Times. Paper SPE 84215
presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Van Sickle, E., Womble, A., and McKown, M. 2006. Achieving Savings
Denver, Colorado, 58 October. in Time-Sensitive Completion Costs: Results from Single-Trip Multi-
McLarty, J.M. and DeBonis, V. 1995. Gulf Coast Section SPE Production zone Frac-Packing Case Histories. Paper SPE 103184 presented at the
Operations Study GroupTechnical Highlights from a Series of Frac- SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio,
Pack Treatment Symposiums. Paper SPE 30471 presented at the SPE Texas, 2427 September.
Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, 2225 Vincent, M.C., Pearson, C.M., and Kullman, J. 1999. Non-Darcy and Mul-
October. tiphase Flow in Propped Fractures: Case Studies Illustrate the Dra-
Moreno, B., Haydell, G., and Landry, L. 2009. Critical Data Needs for matic Effect on Well Productivity. Paper SPE 54630 presented at the
Design of Frac-Pack Completions in Todays Oilfield Environment. SPE Western Regional Meeting, Anchorage, Alaska, 2627 May.
Paper SPE 124389 presented at the Offshore Europe Meeting, Aber-
deen, UK, 811 September. Vitthal, S. 2003. A Review of Deepwater CompletionsCase Histories
Neumann, L.F., Pedroso, C.A., Moreira, L. et al. 2002. Lessons Learned Selection and Emerging Technologies. Paper presented at the Deep-
from a Hundred Frac Packs in the Campos Basin. Paper SPE 73722 water Technology Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1417 July.
presented at the SPE International Symposium and Exhibition on For-
mation Damage Control, Lafayette, Louisiana, 2021 February. http://
SI Metric Conversion Factors
Norman, D. 2004. Frac-Pack Completion: Why Has It Become the Stand-
ard Strategy for Sand Control?. Paper SPE 101511-DL presented at bbl  159 E00 L
the SPE Distinguished Lecture 20032004. ft  0.3048* E00 m
Ogier, K.S., Haddad, Z., Moreira, O. et al. 2011. The Worlds Deepest in.  25.4* E03 m
Frac-Pack Completions Utilizing a Single-Trip, Multi-Zone System: A psi  6.895 E03 Pa
Gulf of Mexico Case Study in the Lower Tertiary Formation. Paper
SPE 147313 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and *Conversion factor is exact.
Exhibition, Denver, Colorado, 30 October2 November. http://
Ott, W. and Woods, J. 2003. Modern Sandface Completion Practices Jeff Li has worked in the coiled-tubing (CT) service industry
Handbook. World Oil Magazine. Houston, Texas: Gulf Publishing since 1996. He has been directly involved in the research and
Company. development of several CT technologies, ranging from CT dril-
Petit, G., Leschi, P., and Dusterhoft, R. 1995. Frac and Pack Stimulation: ling, milling, fracturing, and sand cleanout. Currently, Li is the
Application and Field Experience From Hylia Gabon, West Africa. Pa- principal investigator for the project of the mud displacement
per SPE 30115 presented at the SPE European Formation Damage in the primary cement and the cement-sheath failure evalua-
tion. His particular expertise is with multiphase-fluid flow and
Conference, The Hague, The Netherlands, 1516 May. http://
solids-transport studies in sand cleaning, gravel packing, dril- ling, and cementing process. Li holds BSc and MSc degrees
Pourciau, R.D. 2007. Deepwater Extended-Reach Sand-Control Comple- from Xian Jiaotong University, China. He also holds MSc and
tions and Interventions. SPE Drill & Compl 22 (2): 157164. http:// PhD degrees in mechanical engineering from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. Li has published more than 30 tech-
Pourciau, R.D., Fisk, J.H., Descant, F.J. et al. 2005. Completion and Well- nical papers, has held several patents, and is a technical
Performance Results, Genesis Field, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico. SPE reviewer for SPE Drilling and Completion. He is a member of
Drill & Compl 20 (2): 147156. SPE and ICoTA.
Rovina, P.S., Pedroso, C.E., Coutinho, A.B. et al. 2000. Triple Frac-Pack- John Weirich is current Senior Manager of the Lower Comple-
ing in an Ultra-deepwater Subsea Well in Roncador Field, Campos Ba- tions and Reservoir Applications Engineering Group for Baker
sinMaximizing the Production Rate. Paper SPE 63110 presented at Hughes in Houston, Texas. He has more than 30 years of world-
the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, wide operational, marketing, and technical experience in
14 October. sand control and lower completions.
Sanford, J., Bruton, J., Woomer, J. et al. 2010. Quantitative Frac-Pack Tarik Abdelfattah has been working with Baker Hughes for
Analysis Using Dual Tracer Logs and Downhole Gauges. Paper SPE approximately 4 years, focusing mainly on lower completions
137757 presented at the SPE Deepwater Drilling and Completions and applications related to production optimization. Within
Conference, Galveston, Texas, 56 October. the Lower Completions and Reservoir Applications Team, he is
responsible for providing technical assistance and recommen-
dations on sand-control methods and inflow-control comple-
Smith, J., Vitthal, S., McGowen, J.M. et al. 2000. How Minifracs Alter tions. Abdelfattahs primary focus is simulating added benefits
Leakoff and Ways to Counteract It. Paper SPE 58767 presented at the resulting from running such completions with petroleum engi-
SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control, Lafay- neering fundamentals and integrated modeling. He earned a
ette, Louisiana, 2324 February. BS degree in petroleum engineering from Texas A&M

June 2013 SPE Drilling & Completion 133

University, and during his tenure with Baker Hughes, he has 2003, he became a technique adviser for SC&S. In 2006,
published two SPE papers pertaining to the work he has been Pedroso was an SPE Distinguished Lecturer, discussing frac
involved with in the group. packs in ultradeep water. In 2009, he was recognized with the
national prize, the 2009 Petroleum and Gas Brazilian National
Carlos Alberto Pedroso became a chemical engineer in 1986 Industry Personality: Technique Excellence. In 2010, Pedroso
and a petroleum engineer in 1987, when he joined Petrobras. was recognized with the 2010 SPE South American and Carib-
He worked in Reconcavo basin (onshore northeastern Brazil) bean Production and Operations Award. Currently, he is the
until 1995, when he started a masters degree in petroleum en- Manager for SC&S for all offshore Brazil operations. Pedroso is
gineering at Campinas University for hydraulic fracturing. In the Chairperson of the SPE Macae Section. Author of more
1997, Pedroso joined the Campos Basin Stimulation Team, and than 20 SPE papers (and 43 Petrobras papers), he has made a
since then has focused his efforts to develop sand-control and substantial contribution to SC&S development, introducing or
stimulation (SC&S) solutions for deepwater environments. In creating new technologies.

134 June 2013 SPE Drilling & Completion

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