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dr Vesna Mati
Specalista za poslove sa
pravnim licima u zemlji UBS

STOJAN PROTI Stojan Proti, jedan od velikana

mone Radikalne stranke Srbe
(1857-1923) - na prelazu iz XIX u XX vek,
iskreno je verovao u mo radikalne
RADIKALNO DO ideologe. Ona je za njega
bila pokreta, motiv delovanja,
POBEDE I NAZAD generator velikog linog uspeha
na politikoj i ekonomskoj sceni
Srbe i sjajnih rezultata za
dravu Srbu, ali i cena njegovog
poniranja i pada. bankarstvo -


Vesna Mati PhD

ASB Specialist for operations
with domestic legal entities

Stojan Protic, one of the leading STOJAN PROTIC

figures of the Serbian Radical
Party at the turn of the 20th (1857-1923) -
century, sincerely believed in the
power of radical ideology. For IN RADICAL
him, it was the catalyst, motive
for action, generator of a huge STEPS TO
personal success at the political
and economic scene of Serbia,
along with extraordinary results BACK
for Serbia as a country, but it was
also the price of his decline and
bankarstvo -

ria o Stojanu Protiu slika linost jaku i Na poziv Nikole Paia, godine 1881.
energinu, izrazitih radikalnih ubeenja, imenovan je za urednika partskog lista
pravog partskog oveka, otrog i Radikalne stranke, Samouprava. Istovremeno,
upornog politiara. Ideju radikalizma u Srbi velikom brzinom napreduje u Radikalnoj
razva od samog osnivanja Narodne radikalne stranci, obzirom da je u naredne dve godine prvo
stranke i skoro opsesivno, do kraja ivota, vrsto bio zamenik lana Glavnog odbora stranke, a
i nepomirljivo, brani radikalne politike potom i lan Glavnog odbora
ideje. Ovakva politika stranke. Na ovoj funkci
orentaca, svrstala ga ostao je 40 godina, skoro
je meu najznaajne do kraja ivota. Bio je veliki
linosti u radikalnoj pratelj i partski saborac sa
stranci toga vremena, uz prvom linou Radikalne
Nikolu Paia i dr Lazu stranke, Nikolom Paiem,
Paua. sve do 1919. godine, kada
Drugo veliko ivotno su se razili u politikim
opredeljenje Stojana stavovima. Udaljavanje
Protia bilo je politiko izmeu ova dva vrsna
novinarstvo. Kao veoma politiara eskaliralo
odluan i energian ovek, je naroito povodom
u politikom novinarstvu je Paievog potpisivanja
bio veoma otar polemiar. enevske deklerace, koju
Ne tedeo svoje politike je srpska vlada odbacila.
protivnike, bio je direktan i Definitivan prekid
govorio im je ono to nisu svih kontakata izmeu
eleli da uju, ali njihovu Stojana Protia i Nikole
porodinu reputacu ne Stojan Proti Paia, usledio je posle
nikada dovodio u pitanje ili ujedinjenja tri naroda u
koristio u politike svrhe. Kraljevinu Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca 01.12.1920.
godine, kada je regent Aleksandar postavio
Brzi uspon sina siromanog Stojana Protia za predsednika vlade, to je
pamuklaa Pai doiveo kao izdaju.
Iako je bio pobornik politike i
Iako potie iz relativno skromne zanatlske parlamentarne borbe za ustavni preobraaj
porodice, Stojan Proti je zavrio Filosofski Srbe, zbog stranakog rada bio je hapen i
fakultet u Beogradu (historsko-filoloki odsek) osuivan. Nemilosrdan i direktan u politikim
i uz veliku upornost i radinost, kao samouk, polemikama, uporan u borbi za politike
nauio ruski, nemaki i francuski, a kasne i ideale, posle samo 26 dana urednikog staa
engleski jezik. u listu Odjek1, sa politikom programskom
Brzi uspon u poslovnom ivotu Stojana orentacom, on je 1887. godine osuen na
Protia odveo ga je u finansske sfere, gde je etiri godine zatvora po Krivinom zakoniku
pokazao ne samo da dobro poznaje dravne Srbe. Krivica je obrazloena delima izlaganja
finanse, ve je zabeleio i vrlo dobre rezultate mrzosti i prezrenju vlade i vlasti i delom
u obavljanju tih poslova, i to u ekonomski uvrede predsednika Narodne skuptine.
nestabilnim i vrlo tekim vremenima za dravu Proti je izbegao uruivanje kazne koristei
Srbu. mogunost u zakonu i napustio Beograd
bankarstvo -

Dravni poslenik postaje odmah nakon na nekoliko meseci, dok ne istekao rok
zavretka studa, sudski praktikant u apcu, a zastarelosti presude.
potom suplent gimnaze u Svilajincu. Nakon ovog dogaaja, poinje period

Pokreta lista Odjek, S. Proti

he story about Stojan Protic depicts the same time, he makes a swi progress in
a strong and energetic personality, of the Radical Party, given that in the following
distinct radical convictions, a true party- two years, he first occupied the position of a
oriented man, a firm and persistent politician. deputy member of the Partys Executive Board,
He was developing the idea of radicalism and then the member of the Partys Executive
in Serbia from the very establishment of Board. He held this post for 40 years, almost till
the National Radical Party, and almost the end of his life. He was a great friend and
obsessively, till the end of his life, firmly and party comrade of the Radical Partys leader,
uncompromisingly, defending radical political Nikola Pasic, until 1919 when their political
ideas. Such a political orientation placed him views diverged. The divergence between
among the most significant persons in the these two top-notch politicians escalated on
radical party of the time, alongside Nikola Pasic the occasion of Pasics signing of the Geneva
and Dr Laza Pachu. Declaration, which had been rejected by the
The second important life-long inclination Serbian Government. Definite termination of
of Stojan Protic was political journalism. As an all contacts between Stojan Protic and Nikola
extremely decisive and energetic man, he was a Pasic ensued aer the unification of the three
very harsh polemicist in the sphere of political nations into the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and
journalism. He never spared his political Slovenes on 01.12.1920, when Regent Alexander
opponents, but was direct instead, telling them appointed Stojan Protic the Prime Minister,
what they did not want to hear. Nevertheless, which Pasic experienced as betrayal.
he never jeopardized their family reputation Despite the fact that he advocated a
nor did he use it for political purposes. political and parliamentary campaign for
Swi rise of a poor coon-traders transformation
son of Serbia, he
was arrested
Although he came from a relatively
humble family of crasmen, Stojan
Protic graduated from the Faculty of
Philosophy in Belgrade (Department
of History and Philology), and due to
his endless persistence and diligence,
taught himself to speak Russian, German
and French, and later on, English.
The swi rise in professional life led
Stojan Protic into financial waters, where
not only did he show a solid knowledge of
state finances, but also recorded excellent
results in conducting these operations, even
in the economically unstable and terribly and convicted
tough times for the country of Serbia. several times
He became a state officer straight aer his due to his party-
graduation, as a court practitioner in the city related activities. Merciless
of abac, aer which he became a teaching and straightforward in political polemics,
assistant in Svilajnac High School. persistent in his fight for political ideals, in
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At the invitation of Nikola Pasic, in 1881, 1887, aer only 26 days of being the editor of
he was appointed editor of the Radical Partys a politically engaged magazine Odjek (Echo)1,
newspaper, Samouprava (Self-Governance). At he was sentenced to four years in prison

Initiator of the magazine Odjek (Echo), S. Protic

uspene karere ovog upornog i otrog Trgovinski ili carinski rat izmeu Srbe i
politiara. Iste, 1887. godine postaje narodni Austro-Ugarske poeo je jo 1906. godine i
poslanik, a godine 1893. biva postavljen za pretio je da ozbiljno ugrozi privredu Srbe.
upravitelja beogradske varoi. Na ovom Austro-Ugarska je zatvorila
poslu demonstrira svoju svoje granice za izvoz srpske
samovolju, jer je oterao stoke, navodno zbog zaraze,
sve kmetove liberale, ali je istovremeno ovu meru
pod izgovorom da su zahtevala i izdejstvovala i
nezakonito izabrani. na granici Srbe sa Bosnom
Kanjen je premetajem u i Hercegovinom, koja je,
poresku slubu, za koju je iako pod Turskom vlau,
pokazao veliki dar, obzirom bila pod protektoratom
da je godinama uspeno Austro-Ugarske impere.
obavljao ove poslove Situaca je dodatno
i upravljao dravnim oteana 1909. godine
monopolima. (1901. finansskom krizom u
postaje lan Samostalne Srbi, koju je uzrokovala
monopolske uprave.) finansska blokada Bea,
Na ministarskim kao i naruenom optom
pozicama Stojan Proti sigurnou u dravi, zbog
nalazi se u vreme dinaste oekivane invaze Austro-
Ni kola Pai
Karaorevia. lan vlade Ugarske. Posledice ove
postao je odmah nakon krize manifestovale su se kao:
Majskog prevrata 1903. godine. Ministar oskudica novca na domaem tritu,
unutranjih dela bio je tri puta2, zastupnik naglo povlaenje tednje i obustave isplata
ministra unutranjih dela jedan put , a banaka,
ministar finansa u dva mandata4. Godine 1918. finansska nedisciplina, u svetlu prestanka
postavljen je za zastupnika ministra inostranih izmirenja obaveza dunika.
dela, a u periodu od 1918-1919. godine bio je Interesantno je da su se za vreme Carinskog
predsednik prve vlade Kraljevine Srba, Hrvata rata, od 1909-1911. godine dvojica najuglednih
i Slovenaca, odnosno, 1920. godine ponovo je radikala i najboljih poznavalaca finansa u
postavljen za predsednika vlade Kraljevine stranci, dr Laza Pau, zapamen kao finansski
Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca. gene, i Stojan Proti, smenjivali na funkci
ministra finansa. Dr Laza Pau je poeo drugi
Zenit politike afirmace i poslovnog mandat ministra finansa u vreme poetka
uspeha Carinskog rata 1906. godine i na toj funkci
ostao do 1908. godine, kada je za ministra
Stojan Proti slovio je za najboljeg finansa postavljen Stojan Proti. Dr Laza Pau
poznavaoca dravnih finansa posle dr Laze ne oklevao, ve je odmah nakon trgovinske
Paua u Radikalnoj stranci, to je i dokazao za blokade Srbe od strane Austro-Ugarske, poeo
vreme dva ministarska mandata u kojima je da radi na ekonomskoj emancipaci Srbe
vodio resor finansa Srbe. i otvaranju srpske privrede prema drugim
Prvi ministarski mandat trajao je od 1909- tritima (Belge, Nemake, Francuske, Egipta),
1912. godine. To je bio teak period za poetak to je rezultiralo privlaenjem stranog kapitala
ministarskog mandata, obzirom da je usledio u u Srbu.
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vreme trgovinskog rata sa Austro-Ugarskom. Odlunost i energinost Stojana Protia, koji

1903-1905. godine, 1906-1907. godine i 1912-1914. godine
1910-1911. godine
1909-1912. godine i 1917-1918. godine

pursuant to the Criminal Code of Serbia. His Zenith of political affirmation and
guilt was explained by his acts of exposing business success
the Government and authorities to revulsion
and detestation and causing offence to the Stojan Protic was considered the best
President of the National Assembly. connoisseur of the state finances in the Radical
Protic managed to avoid serving the Party, second only to Dr Laza Pachu, which he
sentence by finding a loophole in the law, proved in his two terms of office as a minister
and le Belgrade for several months, until his during which he managed the financial sector
charges expired. of Serbia.
This event was followed by a period of His first ministerial term of office lasted
successful career of this unrelenting and harsh from 1909 to 1912. It was a rough period to
politician. In the same year, 1887, he became a start a ministerial mandate, given that it fell at
member of the parliament, and in 1893 he was the time of the trade war with Austria-Hungary.
appointed the mayor of the city of Belgrade. The trade was, also known as the Customs
Occupying this position, he demonstrated his War between Serbia and Austria-Hungary,
self-will by dismissing all liberal serfs, under started back in 1906, threatening to seriously
the excuse that they had been illegally elected. jeopardize the economy of Serbia. Austria-
He was punished by being transferred into the Hungary closed its borders for Serbian export
tax administration, for which he showed great of cale, allegedly due to a contagion, but at
gi, given that he successfully conducted these the same time, it demanded and secured this
operations and managed state monopolies for measure to be effected at the Serbian border
years. (In 1901 he became a member of the with Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was,
Independent Monopoly though under the Turkish rule, under the
Administration.) protectorate of the Austro-
Stojan Protic Hungarian Empire. The
occupied ministerial situation was additionally
positions during the exacerbated in 1909 due to
reign of the Dynasty the financial crisis in Serbia,
of Karadjordjevic. He caused by the financial
became a member blockade by Vienna, as well
of the Government as the undermined general
immediately aer the safety in the country, due to the
May Putsch in 1903. expected invasion by Austria-
He was the Minister of Hungary. The repercussions of
Interior three times2, this crisis were manifested in
representative of the the following forms:
Minister of Interior dr Laza Pau Shortage of money in
once3, and Minister of the domestic market;
Finance twice4. In 1918 he was appointed Sudden withdrawal
representative of the Minister of Foreign of savings and discontinuation of
Affairs, and in the period 1918-1919, he was disbursements by banks;
the Prime Minister of the first Government of Lack of financial discipline, in light of the
the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, cessation of liabilities selement by the
and in 1920 he was reappointed for the same debtors.
position. What is interesting is that, at the time of
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the Customs War, from 1909 to 1911, the two

1903-1905, 1906-1907, and 1912-1914
1909-1912 and 1917-1918

je preuzeo kormilo nad ministarstvom finansa a koje je njegov premer Novakovi nazvao
1909. godine, kada je situaca u Srbi dobila i podrugljivim,
obeleja finansske krize, rezultirali su takoe otkazao sve koncese koje je koristila Austro-
dobrim odlukama: Ugarska u Srbi, ukljuujui i plovidbenu i
Narodnoj banci Srbe odobreno je poslao dr Lazu Paua bez znanja ostalih
emitovanje vanrednog kontingenta srebrnih lanova vlade u Pariz da pregovara sa
novanica u visini od 10% opticaja (3,75 Otomanskom bankom Credit Mobilier o
miliona dinara), zajmu od 150 miliona dinara.
Narodna banka je u okviru mera podrke vrst stav Srbe u ekonomskom ratu sa
privredi odobravala kredite iz fonda Austro-Ugarskom uz briljantno voenje resora
predvienog za eskontovanje dravnih finansa od strane ove dvojice ministara, kao
bonova u ukupnom iznosu od 2,5 miliona i finansska podrka Pariza, dali su dobre
dinara, rezultate. Srpska privreda ne samo da je
Puteno je 27.000 napoleon dinara u opticaj opstala, ve je iz ove krize izala osnaena:
kako bi se suzbio sivi kurs zlata. u periodu od 1906-1910. godine ukupan
Ovaj set mera pratile su i druge odluke izvoz u Srbi je povean za 26,8 miliona
ministra Stojana Protia kojima je energino dinara, a uvoz za 40,4 miliona dinara,
odbio odreene nepovoljne poslovne ponude Narodna banka ponovo je poela emitovati
i aranmane za Srbu: zajmove u zlatu koje je obustavila 1908.
ne prihvatio privremeno produenje teko godine a snizila je i eskontnu stopu sa
sklopljenog trgovinskog ugovora sa Austro- 8% za dva procentna poena selektivno, u
Ugarskom iz 1908. godine, ve je traio da ga zavisnosti od vrste korisnika,
potvrde parlamenti u Beu i Peti, kao to je krajem 1909. godine Srba je dobila zajam
to uinio parlament u Srbi, od Banque Rouvier iz Pariza u iznosu od
odbio je odreene ekonomske kompenzace 30 miliona dinara za kreditiranje trgovine i
koje su nuene Srbi da bi prihvatila Aneks proizvodnje.
trgovinskog ugovora sa Austro-Ugarskom, Austro-Ugarska je brzo reagovala na ovakav

Knez Mihajlova ulica krajem 19 veka

Knez Mihajlova Street at the end of the 19th century

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most reputable radicals and best connoisseurs one in respect of sailing; and
of finances in the party, Dr Laza Pachu, He sent Dr Laza Pachu to Paris, without
remembered as a financial genius, and Stojan the knowledge of other members of the
Protic, took turns as Ministers of Finance. Dr Government, to negotiate with the Ooman
Laza Pachu started his second mandate as a bank Credit Mobilier about a loan of 150
minister of finance at the time the Customs million dinars.
War began in 1906, and held this function till The firm position of Serbia in the economic
1908, when Stojan Protic got appointed as the war with the Austro-Hungarian Empire, in
minister of finance. Dr Laza Pachu wasted no combination with the brilliant management
time, but immediately aer the trade blockade of the financial sector by these two ministers,
of Serbia by Austria-Hungary, started working along with the financial support from Paris,
at the economic emancipation of Serbia and yielded sound results. Not only did the Serbian
opening of the Serbian economy towards other economy survive, but it also emerged from the
markets (Belgium, Germany, France, Egypt), crisis reinforced:
which resulted in aracting foreign capital to In the period from 1906 to 1910, the total
Serbia. export of Serbia was increased by 26.8
Decisiveness and vigor of Stojan Protic, who million dinars, and import by 40.4 million
took the helm of the ministry of finance in 1909 dinars;
when the situation in Serbia started having the The National Bank re-started extending
characteristics of a financial crisis, also resulted loans in gold, which had been suspended
in good decisions: back in 1908, and reduced the discount rate
The National Bank of Serbia was allowed to of 8% by two percentage points, selectively,
issue an extraordinary contingent of silver depending on the type of borrower;
coins in the amount of 10% of circulation Towards the end of 1909, Serbia was granted
(3.75 million dinars); a loan by Banque Rouvier from Paris, in the
As a form of support to the economy, the amount of 30 million dinars, for the purpose
National Bank extended loans from the of crediting trade and production.
fund intended for state bills discounting in Austria-Hungary quickly reacted to this
the total amount of 2.5 million dinars; line of developments, and, not wishing to
27.000 Napoleon dinars were let into jeopardize its economic interests in the Balkans,
circulation in order to subdue the shadow signed a new trade arrangement with Serbia in
exchange rate of gold. November 1910.
This set of measures was accompanied The Customs War was ended in 1911, aer
by other decisions of Minister Stojan Protic, lengthy and difficult negotiations led by Dr
whereby he briskly rejected certain business Laza Pachu, and supervised by Stojan Protic in
offers and arrangements unfavourable for his capacity of a minister of finance. It was not
Serbia: until 1912 that the new Trade Agreement came
He did not accept the temporary into effect, when Dr Laza Pachu started his
prolongation of a Trade Agreement with third mandate as the Minister of Finance.
Austro-Hungary concluded with difficulties
back in 1908, but instead he demanded it to Decline
be confirmed by parliaments in Vienna and
Pest, just like it was by the parliament in Stojan Protic held his second mandate as the
Serbia; Minister of Finance in the final year of the First
He refused certain economic compensations World War (1917-1918). Despite being a war
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offered to Serbia in order for it to accept an year, it did not bring any expected economic
Annex to the Trade Agreement, which his aspects to Serbia, given that there were no
Prime Minister Novakovic referred to as budget-related problems, but it was instead
scornful; marked by basic constitutional issues regarding
He cancelled all concessions used by the formation of the unified Kingdom of Serbs,
Austria-Hungary in Serbia, including the Croats and Slovenes. Stojan Protic supported

razvoj dogaaja, i ne elevi da ugrozi svoje nain, uredi odnose izmeu Srbe i Hrvatske,
ekonomske interese na Balkanu, potpisala je ne dobila podrku mnogih, pa ni njegovih
novi trgovinski ugovor sa Srbom u novembru partskih saboraca, pre svega Nikole Paia. To
1910. godine. je bio i formalni razlog za definitivan razlaz ove
Carinski rat je okonan 1911. godine, nakon dvojice velikana Radikalne stranke nakon punih
dugih i tekih pregovora koje je vodio dr Laza 40 godina zajednikog partskog rada. Istoriari
Pau, a pratio Stojan Proti sa funkce ministra se, meutim, slau da je pravi uzrok razlaza ove
finansa. Novi trgovinski ugovor stupio je na dvojice politiara postavljenje Stojana Protia
snagu tek 1912. godine, u vreme kada je dr Lazi od regenta Aleksandra Karaorevia za
Pauu poeo trei mandat Ministra finansa. predsednika prve vlade Kraljevine Srba Hrvata
i Slovenaca. U stvari Pai je bio uvreen to ta
Pad funkca ne bila ponuena njemu, kao prvom
oveku stranke, a Protievo prihvatanje smatrao
Stojan Proti je drugi mandat ministra je izdajom.
finansa obavljao u poslednjoj godini Prvog Nakon ovakvog razvoja dogaaja, Stojan
svetskog rata (1917-1918.). Iako ratna godina, Proti je morao da napusti Radikalnu stranku,
ona u Srbi ne imala oekivana ekonomska to je vodilo i kraju njegove politike karere.
obeleja, obzirom da ne bilo budetskih Naputen i od ostalih partskih kolega i
problema, ali je bila u znaku osnovnih ustavnih saboraca u stranci jer je precenio svoje pozice
pitanja vezana za formiranje ujedinjene u odnosu na Nikolu Paia, Stojan Proti ini
Kraljevine Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca. Stojan poslednji pokuaj da opstane na politikoj
Proti ne bio pristalica ni federalizma, kao ni sceni Srbe. Godine 1923. izlazi na izbore kao
centralizma, ve se zalagao za formu engleske nezavisni kandidat i ostaje bez mandata. Ubrzo
(regionalne) samouprave (pokrajine koje imaju nakon ovih politikih turbulenca, iste godine,
parlamente). Ideja decentralizovane drave u umire zbog naruenog zdravlja.
kojoj je pokuao da, na to je mogue realni

Literatura / References
bankarstvo -

1. Dimitre Boarov, Apostoli srpskih finansa,

Stubovi kulture, Beograd, 1997. godina
2. Prikaz knjige Uspon i pad Stojana Protia,
Danas, 2008. godina,
3. Slobodna enciklopeda Wikipedia,

Beograd, Optinski dom, 1892. godine
Belgrade, City Hall, 1892

neither federalism nor centralism, but instead Pasic was, in fact, offended because this
advocated a form of the English (regional) position was not offered to him, as the leader
self-governance (provinces with separate of the party, and considered Protics acceptance
parliaments). The idea of a decentralized of the position as an act of betrayal.
state in which he tried, in as realistic manner In the aermath of these developments,
as possible, to regulate the relations between Stojan Protic was forced to leave the Radical
Serbia and Croatia, was opposed by many Party, which also led towards the end of his
people, including his party comrades, first and political career. Abandoned by other party
foremost Nikola Pasic. This was the formal colleagues and comrades as well, having
reason for the definite split of these two leading overestimated his position against Nikola Pasic,
figures of the Radical Party aer 40 years of Stojan Protic made his last effort to survive at
joint party activities. Historians, however, the Serbian political scene. In 1923 he took part
agree that the real cause of dispute of these in the elections as an independent candidate
two politicians was the appointment of Stojan and lost his mandate. Soon aer these political
Protic by Regent Alexander Karadjordjevic for turbulences, his health began to fail and he
the Prime Minister of the first Government of passed away in the same year.
the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes.
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