C. Duloxetine (SNRI, Potentiates Opiates) I THINK

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1. Recreation MJ is leagal in NJ?

2. Physicians will NOT prescribe opiods after pt has survived an overdose? False
3. Oxycodone is the most commonly prescribed drug? False (DEA guy says hydro)
4. MC place for diversion is in medicine cabinets of pts house? True
5. Heroine is more expensive than oxycodone on the street? False
6. Gunshots are slightly more prevalent than drugs as cause of accidental death? False
7. 15% high school students admit to non-med use of prescription drugs? True
8. #1 cause of accidental overdose involves pharmaceutical drugs? True
9. MC drugs misused are xanox, hydros, oxys? True
10. 43 y/o diagnosed with chronic pelvic pain. Failed antiepileptics and NSAIDs. Which non-opiate
meds can be used to change the manner in which nociception is perceived centrally?
a. Gabapentin (for neuropathic pain and an antiepileptic)
b. Diclofenac (NSAID)
c. Duloxetine (SNRI, potentiates opiates) I THINK.
d. Dantrolene
e. Tramadol (centrally acting oral opioid agonist, considered a synthetic opiate dopamine
and NE)
11. Since 2007, NJ overdoses due to drug abuse has decreased? False
12. Oxycodone IR 30 mg is more desirable than Oxycontin 80 mg by drug addicts? True
13. Abusers who use stimulants (like Ritalin) are LESS likely to abuse opiates? False
14. 54 y/o man with chronic opiate therapy with long acting opiate, extended release oxycodone 40
mg twice daily, and short acting IP morphine 15 mg 3x a day, admitted to hospital 1day ago with
new ankle fracture. Complaints of more pain, 9 out of 10. Awake, alert, eating regularly. Most
appropriate pain management?
a. Continue same as needed until ready to discharge
b. Continue same extended release, increase immediate release
c. Stop extended and increase immediate release
d. Stop both oral and administer IV
15. Pt admitted for new hip fracture, received hydromorphone 1 mg IV x3 in the ER. Regularly takes
oxycodone 40 mg continuous release every 12 hours and hydro/acetominiphen 10/325 mg, ex a
day. 24h total equianalgesic dose in mg? 210 mg
16. New pt admitted for exacerbation of chronic low back pain. What is BEST way to verify the
opioid medication dosage and freq the pt was taking as an outpt?
a. Confirm with pt and family member and checn dispensing pharmacy
b. Confirm with pt and family and check NJ Rx report system
c. Check NJ Rx system and urine drug screen
d. Checm dispensing pharm and obtain urine drug screen
17. Pt with chronic pain may encounter 4 different types of pain? True
18. 43 y/o with chronic pelvic pain. Failed antiepileptics and NSAIDS. Intermittent urinary
incontinence that coincided with groin numbness. Most appropriate next step:
a. Neuro exam (bladder pain syndrome, need to rule out neurogenic causes)
b. Refer to gyn
c. Sacral ME
d. Innominate ME
e. Lumbar HVLA
19. 57 y/o male police officer, pins and needles in feet. BP is high, 5/7, 220 lbs. Cannot detect
tuning fork on 1st metatarsal and cant feel his feet compared to knees with touch. Most likely
a. Charcot marie tooth
b. HIV
c. Sjogrens
d. RA
e. Diabetes melllitus
20. Most effective treatment plan for pts with fibromyalgia should being with?
a. Oxy
b. Pregabalin
c. Diazepam
d. Physical therapy
e. Acetaminophen
21. Which agent indicated fro cluster migraines only?
a. Oxygen
b. Triptans
c. CCB
d. Steroids
22. Dx for migraine without aura? Photophobia, nausea, sonophobia
23. Which indicated for migraine prevention? Topirimate, propranolol, candasartan
24. Hospice provides bereavement services fro family for 13 months? True
25. Pt eligible for hospice if he/she has less than 6 months to live? True
26. All of the following would b epositive in a routine opiate screen except:
a. MS contin
b. Hydrocodone
c. Oxycodone
d. Codeine
27. Pt suffers pain goes to the ER frequently to obtain opiates because primary care doc does not
write for these meds is an example of:
a. Addiction
b. Pseudo addiction
c. Tolerance
d. Dependence
28. All of the following should be included in an opiate script except:
a. Date
b. Dose with number written out
c. Pharmacy location
d. Providers DEA
29. Which of the following accurately describes neuropathic pain?
a. When acute, serves as protective
b. Most commonly seen post-op
c. Disproportionate to receptor stimulus
d. Arises from a stimulus outside the nervous system
30. Which is indicative of lower motor neuron lesion? Hyporeflexia
31. Which can facilitate and inhibit paini? Serotonin

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