Monetarna Politika I Novi Finansijski Instrumenti (Mario Draghi)

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Mario Draghi*


Govor koji je gospodin Mario Draghi,

guverner Bank of Italy i predsednik
Financial Stability Foruma, odrao je
na prvoj sesi o izazovima na svetskim
finansskim tritima 2007. na Konferenci
o novcu i bankarstvu
Monetarna politika
na izbor

i neizvesnost, kojoj
je domain bila
Centralna banka
Argentine, u Buenos
Airesu, 4 juna 2007.

BIS Bazel
5 - 6 2007

Guverner Bank of Italy

Mario Draghi*


Speech by Mr. Mario Draghi, Governor of the

Bank of Italy and Chairman of the Financial
Stability Forum, at Session I on Challenges
in the Worlds Financial Markets of the
2007 Money and
Banking Conference our choice
Monetary Policy
Under Uncertainty,
hosted by the Central
Bank of Argentina,
Buenos Aires, 4 June

BIS Bazel
5 - 6 2007

Governor Bank of Italy

svom izlaganju na temu Monetarna uloga raznih kategora finansskih instituca.
politika i novi finansski instrumenti Hed fondovi sada belee veliki udeo trgovine
najpre u dati pregled nekih od u mnogim segmentima jezgra trita i
najvanih finansskih inovaca koje smo upravljaju stalno rastuim udelom u aktivi
videli tokom poslednjih godina i posledica koje svetskih penzionih fondova i univerzitetskim
su donele finansskim tritima i institucama. legatima. U isto vreme, tradicionalni menaderi
Onda u izloiti neke implikace za politiku aktive su prihvatili stratege nalik strategama
finansske stabilnosti, pre nego to zavrim sa hed fondova, ukljuujui uzimanje leverida i
nekim mislima o implikacama za monetanu kratkih pozica. Neki hed fondovi preuzimaju
politiku. istaknutu ulogu na kreditnim tritima, kao
direktni dobavljai, kao investitori u najrizine
Nedavni talas finansskih inovaca trane CDOs (Collateralized Debt Obligation)
sa sredstvima ili sintetikih CDOs, i pruanjem
Mada je bilo mnogo promena u nainu likvidnosti tritu kreditnih derivata. Rast
funkcionisanja finansskih trita poslednjih samostalne uloge mehanizama za CDO, kao
godina, verovatno su se najvee promene kanala za kreditno posredovanje, sa svoje
dogodile u oblasti kreditnog rizika. Velike strane je izmenilo i potencalno umanjilo ulogu
banke na razvenim finansskih tritima tradicionalnih banaka na kreditnim tritima.
ubrzano se udaljavaju od tradicionalnih Fondovi privatnog kapitala su uzeli vanu
poslova odobravanja kredita i dranja kreditnih ulogu u restrukturiranju korporacione aktive,
plasmana u bilansu do dospelosti. Sve vie vide uz pomo inovativnih kreditnih struktura i
svoj model poslovanja kao originiranje kreditnih finansskih tehnika koje se oslanjaju na hed
potraivanja (ili pakovanje potraivanja fondove kao trgovce i investitore. A granice
koje su drugi originirali) i njihovu prodaju izmeu funkca i ponaanja fondova privatnog
investitorima, esto u tranama zasnovanim kapitala i hod fondova su se zamaglile.
na senioritetu trani. Kao posledica procesa U nekom smislu je jo uvek suvie rano
dezintermedace koji je ve bio odmakao na da se predviaju pune konsekvence ovog
mnogim tritima ubrzan je tokom 1980-tih i razvoja. Ali ve moemo da vidimo neke od
1990-tih godina prolog veka. Kredit je sada promena u finansskim sistemima koje su
artikal koji se uveliko kupuje i prodaje na nastale. Dozvolite mi da napomenem neke od
tritima, umesto to bi se drao na dugi rok u konsekvenci koje ove promene mogu da imaju,
bilansima finansskih posrednika. za finansska trita, finansske instituce i za
Pojaanu trgovinu sekuritizovanim to kako izvravamo nau dunost kao centralni
kreditnim instrumentima prati, kao uzrok i bankari.
posledica, eksplozivan rast trita kreditnih Kada je re o tritima, kljuna promena
derivata. U meuvremenu, derivati i koju je ovo izazvalo jeste poveana likvidnost i
strukturirani proizvodi u drugim rizinim transferabilnost rizika. Ne samo da stalno ima
kategorama, kao to su kamatne stope, devize vie instrumenata i trita na kojima se moe
i akce nastavile su sa rastom u pogledu obima ostvariti heding za bilo koji rizik ili trgovati
i sloenosti. njima, ve je i stalno vei pul partnera koji su
Brzu inovacu finansskih instrumenata spremni da preuzmu jednu ili drugu stranu
prate, takoe kao uzrok i posledica, pojaane transakce transfera rizika - ako je cena prava.
aktivnosti netradicionalnih finansskih igraa, Kada analitiari govore o poveanoj likvidnosti
hed fondova i fondova privatnog kapitala. trita misle na to da na sve vie trita jedna
Kao instituce, one naravno nisu nove. aktiva moe odmah da nae kupca po ceni koja
Dolo je, meutim, do kvalitativne promene ne zahteva preveliku likvidnu premu.
u veliini i predmetu njihovih aktivnosti. Iz Razlog za ovo je to su mnogi novi
uloge igraa u nii preli su u glavne uesnike instrumenti kapitalno - efikasni, to znai da
i pokretae inovaca u irokom spektru trita trgovci nemaju potrebu da alociraju veliki iznos
5 - 6 2007

i transakca. kapitala da bi prihvatili relevantnu izloenost.

Rast hed fondova deo je tekue preraspodele Drugi faktor koji pomae da se povea trina

Buenos Aires, Argentina

n my talk on Monetary Policy and New Financial
Instruments I will first review some of the most
important financial innovations we have seen
in recent years, and the consequences they have
had for financial markets and institutions. Then Ill
discuss some of the implications for financial stability
policies, before closing with some thoughts on the
implications for monetary policy.

The recent wave of financial innovation

While there have been many changes in how

financial markets function in recent years, perhaps
the most striking changes have come in the area of
credit risk. Large banks in the developed markets
are rapidly moving away from the traditional
business of making loans and holding them to
maturity. Increasingly they see their business model
as originating credit claims (or packaging claims
originated by others) and selling them, often in
seniority-based tranches, to investors. As a result,
the process of disintermediation - which was already
well underway in many markets in the 1980s and
1990s - has accelerated. Credit is now something
that is largely bought and sold on markets, rather
than held for the long term on the balance sheets of
financial intermediaries.
The increased trading of securitized credit
instruments has accompanied, as both cause and
effect, the explosive growth in the market for credit
derivatives. Meanwhile, derivatives and structured
products in other risk categories, such as interest
rates, foreign exchange and equities, have also
continued to grow in volume and complexity.
Rapid innovation in financial instruments has
accompanied - again, both as cause and effect
- increased activity by non-traditional financial
players, notably hedge funds and private equity
funds. As institutions, of course, these are not
themselves new. But there has been a qualitative
shift in the size and scope of their activity. They
have gone from being niche players to being key
participants and drivers of innovation in a broad
range of markets and transactions.
The growth of hedge funds is part of an ongoing
realignment of the roles of different categories of
financial institutions. Hedge funds now account
for a large share of trading in many core market
segments, and manage a steadily increasing share of
5 - 6 2007

the assets of the worlds pension funds and university

endowments. At the same time, traditional asset

likvidnost je da ima sve vie i vie igraa koji dilera i primarnih brokera bude smanjena. Ako
su strukturno bolji u njenom obezbeivanju. inicalno kretanje cena zabrine partnere, onda
Na primer, institucionalni investitori sa nastaje dublje i ire zasnovana eroza koja moe
dugim investicionim horizontima sada su da izazove rizike sistemske prirode.
postali najvei investitori u fondove privatnog Kakve su implikace ovog novog okruenja
kapitala i hed fondove. Poto ovi investitori za finansske instituce, naroito za one koje
mogu da prihvate due periode fiksiranja, su podvrgnute regulativi? Vaan razvoj je to
u normalnim vremenima, hed fondovi i poboljana trgovina i postupci za utvrivanje
privatni kapitalni fondovi mogu da pruaju cena rizika omoguavaju finansskim
promptnu likvidnost tritama jer sami ne institucama svih vrsta da efikasne upravljaju
moraju da brinu o potrebama za likvidnou svojim rizicima. Za zvanini sektor, ovo je
svojih investitora. Fondovi mogu, meutim, da jasno dobra vest. U isto vreme, meutim,
se suoe sa zahtevima za likvidnou drugih konkurentski pritisci novih igraa i novi naini
partnera, naroito u stresnim vremenima - na na koji se obavljaju stari poslovi predstavljaju
ovo u se vratiti za momenat. potekou. Vei kapacitet za upravljanje
Vea raznovrsnost igraa i instrumenata, rizikom takoe znai da je uesnicima olakano
kao i poveanje likvidnosti, imali su dubok da uzimaju rizik, to onda pojaava probleme
uticaj na funkcionisanje trita. Volatilnost i sa moralnim hazardom. Operativno okruenje
prema rizika stalno su padali tokom ovog je postalo rizine, sa sloenim instrumentima
perioda brzih inovaca. Do jednog stepena, ovo koji prouzrokuju potekoe u upravljanju
je odraavalo smanjenu realnu volatilnost. Ali, rizikom i valorizacom ak i za najsofisticirane
ono to je od vee vanosti, trita su postala firme. ok koji pogodi profitabilnost i umanji
strukturno efikasna u odreivanju cene kreditni stending jedne ili vie veih instituca,
rizika i arbitrai razlika u vrednovanju aktive. ili vodi banke ka uzimanju rizinih stratega
Finansske cene se sada aktivne nego rane da bi postigle eljeni nivo profita, moe da ima
kreu prema fundamentalnim pokazateljima. sistemske implikace za koje vlasti moraju da
Posledica toga je da se kreemo prema znaju.
svetu u kome se finansski okovi lake Kljuno pitanje za stabilnost globalnih
absorbuju nego to je to rane bio sluaj, jer finansskih trita jeste da li jezgro posrednika
ima mnogo vei pul igraa koji su spremni i - petnaest ili dvadeset velikih globalnih firmi
sposobni da brzo prelaze sa jednog na drugo koje prave trita najire trgovanim derivatima
trite. Otuda, nestaica likvidnosti na jednom i deluju kao primarni brokeri za hed fondove
tritu ili finansskom sektoru brzo moe - adekvatno upravljaju svojim trgovinskim
da se nadoknadi transferom likvidnosti sa aktivnostima sa partnerima i za svoj raun,
drugog. Ovo pomae u obezbeenju da cene kao principali. Velike dilerske firme upravljaju
za povezanu aktivu meusobno kreu grubo izloenostima prema partnerima kombinacom
istom linom. inicalne margine, variacione margine i
U isto vreme rizik od ireg oka, koji moe alokacom svog kapitala. Do sada, ove firme
da pogodi nekoliko trita u isto vreme, moe izgleda da dre pod kontrolom svoje direktne
da se poveava. Takav ok bi mogao da proizae kreditne izloenosti prema hed fondovima i
iz pada apetita za rizikom kod irokog kruga principalnoj trgovini. Meutim, postoje dokazi
uesnika, moda u vezi sa padom likvidnosti da konkurenca na poslovima hed fondova
na raspolaganju hed fondovima i drugim jako pritiska aranmane o marginama. Nejasno
aktivnim trgovcima. Hed fondove od potreba je da li firme imaju adekvatnu zatitu protiv
za likvidnou mogu da tite njihovi investitori, indirektne izloenosti prema posledicama
fiksirani periodi i kanali za povlaenje sredstava, aktivnosti za veim leveridom, kao to je
ali i dalje su im potrebna likvidna sredstva da rizik od iznenadnog globalnog likvidnosnog
odgovore pozivima za uplatu margina na svoje oka. Firme jo uvek razvaju metodologe da
pozice. Ti zahtevi mogu verovatno da rastu modeliraju takve dogaaje i da ih inkorporiraju
5 - 6 2007

otre u vreme kada su trita turbulentna i u stresne testove. Ali na kraju najbolja zatita je
kada ponuda likvidnosti drugih trgovaca ili u adekvatnom kapitalu i likvidnosti.

managers have adopted hedge-fund-like strategies, funds may, however, face liquidity demands from
including taking on leverage and adopting short other counterparties, particularly in times of stress
positions. Some hedge funds are taking a prominent - a point Ill come back to in a moment.
role in credit markets, either as direct providers, The greater diversity of players and instruments,
as investors in the riskiest tranches of funded or and the increase in liquidity, have had a profound
synthetic CDOs, and by providing liquidity to the impact on how financial markets function. Volatility
credit derivative market. The rise of standalone and risk premia have fallen steadily over this period
CDO vehicles as a channel for credit intermediation of rapid innovation. To a degree, this has reflected
in turn has altered and potentially reduced the role reduced real volatility. But, more fundamentally,
of traditional banks in credit markets. Private markets have become structurally more efficient at
equity funds have assumed an important role in pricing risks and arbitraging valuation differences
restructuring corporate assets, with the help of across assets. Financial prices are now driven more
innovative loan structures and financing techniques actively towards fundamentals than before.
that rely on hedge funds as traders and investors. One consequence of this is that we are moving
And the boundaries between the functions and to a world where financial shocks are more easily
behaviour of private equity funds and hedge funds absorbed than they used to be, because there is a
have blurred as well. larger pool of players available who are willing and
In some respects its still too early to forecast able to switch quickly from one market to another.
the full consequences of these developments. But As a result, liquidity shortages in one market or
we can already see some of the changes in financial financial sector can rapidly be made up by transfers
systems that have resulted. Let me suggest some of of liquidity from another. This helps ensure that
the consequences that these changes may have, for prices for related assets are broadly in line with one
financial markets, for financial institutions, and for another.
how we go about fulfilling our responsibilities as But at the same time the risk of a broader
central bankers. shock, affecting several markets at once, may have
With respect to markets, the most critical change increased. Such a shock could result from a fall in risk
has been the increased liquidity and transferability appetites of a broad range of participants, perhaps in
of risk. Not only are there ever more instruments conjunction with a fall in the liquidity available to
and markets in which all kinds of risks can be hedge funds and other active traders. Hedge funds
hedged or traded; there is also a growing pool of may be shielded from liquidity demands from their
counterparties willing to take one or the other side investors, by lock-up periods and withdrawal gates,
of a risktransfer transaction - as long as the price but they still need liquid funds to meet margin calls
is right. When analysts talk about the increased on their positions. Those demands are likely to rise
liquidity of markets, this is what theyre referring to: most steeply at times when markets are turbulent
in more and more markets, an asset can readily find and the supply of liquidity, whether from other
a buyer at a price that does not command too great traders or from dealers and prime brokers, is likely
a liquidity premium. to be reduced. If initial price movements trigger
One reason for this is that many of the new counterparty concerns, this could well generate
instruments are capital-efficient, meaning that deeper and more broad-based liquidity erosions that
traders do not need to allocate a large amount of can pose risks of a systemic nature.
up-front capital to adopt the relevant exposure. A What are the implications of this new
second factor helping to increase market liquidity is environment for financial institutions, particularly
that more and more players are structurally better the ones that are subject to regulation? One
at providing it. For example, institutional investors important development is that improved trading
with long investment horizons have now become the and pricing of risks enable financial institutions of
largest investors in private equity and hedge funds. all kinds to manage their risks better. For the official
Because these investors can agree to lengthier lock sector, this is clearly good news. At the same time,
in periods, in normal times, hedge funds and private however, competitive pressures from new players and
equity funds can provide ready liquidity to markets new ways of doing old business pose challenges.
5 - 6 2007

because they themselves do not need to worry about Greater risk management capacity also means it is
meeting the liquidity needs of their investors. The easier for participants to take on risks, which can

Implikace za politiku finansske iroke debate koja je pratila krizu LTCM,
stabilnosti politike i finansske vlasti sporazumele su se
da primene indirektni pristup. Ovaj pristup
ta znae ovi dogaaji za politiku finansske se oslanja na partnere koje obezbeuju hed
stabilnosti? U novom okruenju, rizik izgleda fondovima leverid - uglavnom regulisane
da je rasprostrt mnogo ire, ali je smanjena banke ili investicione banke - da primene
transparentnost u pogledu toga gde su rizici odgovarajuu disciplinu u svom kreditiranju
locirani. Ovo umanjuje sektorski uticaj realnih i poslovanju sa hed fondovima. Od partnera
i finansskih okova, ali moe da otea i se oekuje da uvedu limite na svoje izloenosti
anticipiranje koji su sektori ranjivi na ok. ak prema hed fondu koji preuzima ekscesni
i vie nego rane, politika mora da se promeni leverid, koji primenjuje ekscesno rizinu
sa reaktivne orentace gde centralne banke strategu, ili ne dovoljno otvoren u pogledu
interveniu u odgovoru na probleme i pretnje, informaca o svojoj izloenosti rizicima.
na preventivni stav kod koga se sistemi jaaju Ovaj indirektni pristup generalno je
da budu otporni na potencalne okove. uspeo u obuzdavanju rizika za finanssku
Zadatak zvaninog sektora sigurno ne da stabilnost koje su predstavljali hed fondovi.
stoji na putu inovaca ili poboljanja efikasnosti. To je zajedniki napor koji obuhvata najpre i u
Meutim, moramo da minimiziramo rizik najveoj meri primenu discipline u privatnom
moralnog hazarda koji moe da proizae iz sektoru, pri emu kontrolori podravaju tu
poveanog kapaciteta otpornosti regulisanih disciplinu kada je slabe konkurentni pritisci.
firmi na rizik. Jedan od naina da se to uradi Sa rastom trita i njihovim razvojem potrebno
je udvostruavanje napora u korienju je da radimo neprestano kako bismo obezbedili
regulatornih alata - zahtevi za kapitalom da sve relevantne strane rade svoj posao.
zasnovani na riziku, prudencalna pravila, Ovo je poruka koja je proizala iz nedavno
obelodanjivanje koje je usmereno prema jakoj obnovljenog izvetaja Finansskog foruma za
trinoj disciplini - da bi se odluke regulisanih stabilnost (Financial Stability Forum) iz 2000.
firmi blie uskladile sa signalima koji dolaze sa godine o institucama sa velikim leveridom.
trita. U tom obnovljenom izvetaju dali smo pet
Pristup regulaci hed fondova dosta je preporuka - upuenih kontrolorima, partnerima
diskutovan tokom proteklih godina. Posle hed fondova, investitorima i industri hed
fondova - za koje se lanovi FSF slau
da e verovatno biti najefikasne
Sedite Centralne banke
Itale - Palazzo Koch, u pogledu rizika za finanssku
Rim stabilnost povezanih sa hed
fondovima. Tri od ovih preporuka
upuene su kontrolorima. Od njih
se trai da zahtevaju od dilerskih
firmi da jaaju merenje i upravljanje
rizikom partnera, naroito kada
su instrumenti novi i njihova
sloenost visoka. Oni e takoe
da rade sa firmama na jaanju
njihovog kapaciteta da procenjuju i
ublaavaju svoje izloenosti prema
erozama trine likvidnosti o
kojima sam govorio rane. Najzad,
kontrolori e procenjivati potrebu
razvoja vie sistematizovanih

podataka o izloenosti globalnih

5 - 6 2007

kreditnih instituca prema hed

fondovima. etvrta preporuka

reinforce moral hazard problems. The operating to do this is to redouble our efforts to use regulatory
environment has also become riskier, with complex tools - riskbased capital requirements, prudential
instruments posing risk management and valuation rules, disclosure that is aimed towards strong market
challenges even for the most sophisticated firms. A discipline - to align the decisions of regulated firms
shock to profitability that reduces the credit standing more closely to market signals.
of one or more large institutions, or leads banks to New instruments and trading patterns also
take on riskier strategies in order to reach a desired call for the expansion or adaptation of the market
level of profits, could have systemic implications that infrastructure that underpin financial activity.
authorities need to be aware of. Here, collective action problems among market
A critical question for the stability of global participants can arise that prevent the market from
financial markets is whether the core intermediaries finding appropriate solutions on its own. Giving the
- the fifteen or twenty large global firms that make impetus that the markets need to resolve collective
markets in the most widely traded derivatives and action problems is a key task of central banks and
act as prime brokers to hedge funds - are adequately financial regulators. Weve seen some creative
managing their counterparty and principal-based examples of this in the last few years, for example
trading activities. The large dealers firms manage the efforts of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
counterparty exposures through a combination of and the Financial Services Authority in London
initial margin, variation margin, and allocations to press large dealers to reduce their backlogs of
of their own capital. So far, these firms seem to be unconfirmed credit derivatives contracts and to
keeping their direct credit exposures to hedge funds create more resilient settlement arrangements for
and principal trading under control. However, these transactions.
there is evidence that competition for hedge fund The approach to regulation of hedge funds has
business may be putting margining arrangements been much discussed over the years. After extensive
under pressure. It is also unclear whether firms have debate following the 1998 LTCM crisis, political and
adequately protected themselves against indirect financial authorities agreed an indirect approach.
exposures to the consequences of greater leveraged This approach relies on the counterparties who
activity, such as the risk of a sudden global shock to provide hedge funds with leverage - largely regulated
liquidity as I mentioned a moment ago. Firms are still banks or investment banks - to exercise appropriate
devising methodologies to model such events and discipline in their lending and dealing with hedge
incorporate them in stress tests. But ultimately the funds. Counterparties are expected to impose limits
best safeguard will be adequate capital and liquidity on their exposure to a hedge fund that takes on
cushions. excessive leverage, is engaged in excessively risky
strategies, or is not sufficiently forthcoming with
Implications for financial stability policy information about their risk exposures.
This indirect approach has generally worked well
What do these developments mean for financial in containing the financial stability risks posed by
stability policy? In the new environment, risks seem hedge funds. It is a joint effort, involving first and
to be dispersed more widely, but transparency about foremost the exercise of discipline by the private
where risks are located has declined. This reduces sectors, with supervisors buttressing that discipline
the sectoral impact of real and financial shocks, but when competitive pressures erode it. As markets
may also make it harder to anticipate which sectors grow and evolve we need to work constantly to
are vulnerable to a shock. Even more than before, ensure that all of the relevant parties are doing what
policy needs to move from a reactive orientation, they need to do.
where we intervene in response to problems and This is the message that came out of the
threats, to a preventative stance in which systems Financial Stability Forums recent update of its
are made more robust to potential shocks. 2000 report on highly leveraged institutions. In the
Certainly its not the task of the official sector update we set out five recommendations - addressed
to stand in the way of innovation or improved to supervisors, hedge fund counterparties, investors,
efficiency. However, we do need to minimize the and the hedge fund industry - that FSF members
5 - 6 2007

moral hazard risks that might come from the agree are likely to be most effective in financial
increased risk capacity of regulated firms. One way stability risks related to hedge-funds Three of the

upuena je partnerima i investitorima hed omoguavaju da paljive odmeravamo
fondova da zahtevaju i deluju na osnovu oekivanja na tritu i da ih uzimamo u obzir.
odgovarajuih informaca od menadera hed Meutim, interpretaca drugih kljunih
fondova. Peta preporuka zahteva od industre promenljivih, kao to su monetarni i kreditni
hed fondova da pregledaju i jaaju postojee agregati, tea je nego do sada, mada nikako ne
repere zdrave prakse za menadere hed manje vana i zahteva obnovljene istraivake
fondova. napore.
eleo bih da razbem iluzu da je ovaj Dozvolite mi da izloim neka od ovih
indirektni pristup lak pristup. Da bi kontrolori pitanja.
mogli da procenjuju adekvatnost procesa
upravljanja rizikom u firmi i da podstaknu vie Monetarna politika, sekuritizaca aktive i
konzervativizma gde je to potrebno, naroito uloga banaka koja se menja
moraju da, na trajnoj osnovi, odreuju gde Nekada je bila centralna uloga bankarskog
su granice prakse upravljanja rizikom. I sistema u transmisi odluke monetarne politike
moraju onda da izloe oekivanja u pogledu na privredu - takozvani bankarski kanal za
promena koje firme, pojedinano i kolektivno, kreditiranje. Sada se ubrzano umanjuje. U
moraju da sprovedu i da nadgledaju uvoenje poreenju sa tradicionalnim nainom miljenja
potrebnih promena u firmama. Sada je u toku to je sutinska promena.
irok pregled glavnih kontrolnih vlasti o tome Banke su rane bile u centru procesa
kako najvee banke i primarni brokeri u svetu transmise monetarne politike. Postojanje
upravljaju svojim rizicima povezanim sa hed asimetrinih informaca o kvalitetu
fondovima. Odvojeno od toga, industra hed zajmoprimaca dalo je posebnu ulogu bankama
fondova poela je da preduzima korake da jaa u procenjivanju kreditne sposobnosti firmi i
postojee smernice za zdravu praksu, naroito pruanju eksternog finansiranja. Osetljivost
u oblasti upravljanja rizicima, valorizovanju bankarskih depozita na tekuim raunima na
i obelodanjivanju podataka investitorima i promene kamatnih stopa dalo je monetarnoj
partnerima. U narednom periodu pomno emo politici snaan alat kojim se utie na
pratiti razvoj u ovim oblastima. bankarske aktivnosti mobilisanja sredstava i
Implikace za monetarnu politiku Ovaj ambent korenito menja razvoj
novih finansskih proizvoda i posrednika.
iroke inovace na finansskim tritima Banke preuzimaju novu ulogu u originiranju,
koje sam upravo pomenuo - ekspanza sakupljanju i distribuci kreditnih rizika
korienja utrivih instrumenata, pojava novih izvan bankarskog sistema. Na veini trita
igraa, razvoj trita derivata i strukturiranih sekuritizaca bankarskih kredita je u zamahu i
proizvoda - doneli su vane promene u nain to utie na nain na koji funkcionie monetarna
na koji se monetarna politika vodi, komunicira politika. irenjem informaca o firmama,
i prenosi na privredu. sekuritizaca pomae da se umanji spred izmeu
Najpre, mehanizmi transmise se menjaju. trokova internog i eksternog finansiranja.
Mada se efekat monetarne politike na Mogunost da se zajmovi sekuritizuju i prodaju
raspoloivost i trokove bankarskih kredita institucionalnim investitorima, kao to su hed
smanjuje, akce monetarne politike imaju fondovi, osiguravajue kompane i penzioni
neposredne efekte na itavu lepezu prinosa fondovi, oputaju bankarska ogranienja u
na finansskom tritu i cenu aktive. Ovaj sredstvima za novo kreditiranje. To takoe
poslednji razvoj moe da bude pozitivan, ako dozvoljava bankama da znatan deo kreditnog
se nae namere dobro prenose i investitori rizika transferiu i umanje svoje zahteve za
ih korektno interpretiraju. Moglo bi da bude kapitalom, ime se omoguava, ceteris paribus,
pogubno, ukoliko to izaziva veu volatilnost. dalje poveanje kredita.
Na proces odluivanja se takoe menja. Posveujemo veliki deo istraivanja
5 - 6 2007

Imamo na raspolaganju irok raspon implikacama sekuritizace na ulogu banaka

novih informaca iz cena aktive, koje nam u mehanizmu transmise. Tekue istraivanje

recommendations are addressed to supervisors. prices. The latter development may be positive, if
They are urged to press dealer firms to strengthen our intentions are communicated well and correctly
counterparty risk measurement and management, interpreted by investors. It could be detrimental, if
especially where instruments are new and complexity it causes more volatility.
is high. They will also work with firms to strengthen Our decision-making process is also changing.
their capacity to assess and mitigate their exposures We have at our disposal a wide range of new
to the market liquidity erosions I mentioned information from asset prices, which enables us to
earlier. Lastly, supervisors will evaluate the case for gauge market expectations more carefully and take
developing more systematic data on core institutions them into account. However, the interpretation
global credit exposures to hedge funds. A fourth of other crucial variables, such as monetary and
recommendation calls on counterparties and credit aggregates, is more difficult than in the past,
investors in hedge funds to demand and act upon although by no means less important, and calls for
appropriate information from hedge fund managers, renewed research efforts.
while a fifth urges the hedge fund industry to review Let me address some of these issues in turn.
and enhance existing sound practice benchmarks for
hedge fund managers. Monetary policy, asset securitization and the
I would like to dispel the notion that this changing role of banks
indirect approach is a light approach. In particular, The role of the banking system in the transmission
for supervisors to be able to judge the adequacy of of monetary policy decisions to the economy - the so
firms risk management processes and to induce called bank lending channel - was once central.
more conservatism where this is needed, they must It is now rapidly diminishing. Compared with the
establish - continuously - where the frontier in terms traditional way of thinking, this is a sea change.
of risk management practices is. And they must Banks were previously at the centre of the
then set out expectations about changes that firms monetary transmission process. The existence of
individually and collectively must make, and oversee asymmetric information on the quality of borrowers
firms implementation of necessary changes. An assigned a special role to banks in assessing firms
extensive review by the main supervisory authorities creditworthiness and providing external finance; the
of how the largest banks and prime brokers in the sensitivity of banks checking deposits to interest rate
world manage their hedge fund related risks is now changes gave monetary policy a powerful tool with
underway. Separately, the hedge fund industry has which to affect banks funding and intermediation
begun to take steps to strengthen existing sound activity.
practice guidance, notably in the areas of risk The development of new financial products
management, valuation practices and disclosures to and intermediaries is radically reshaping this
investors and counterparties. We will be following environment. Banks are taking on a new role in
progress in these areas very closely in period ahead. originating, pooling and distributing credit risks
outside the banking system. In most markets the
Implications for monetary policy securitization of bank loans is booming, and this
is affecting the way monetary policy operates.
The widespread innovations in the financial By disseminating information about firms, loan
markets that I just mentioned - the expansion securitization is helping to reduce the spread
in the use of marketable instruments, the rise between the cost of internal and external finance.
of new players, the development of derivatives The possibility to securitize loans and sell them
and structured products markets - have brought to institutional investors, such as hedge funds,
important changes in the way monetary policy is insurance companies and pension funds, eases
conducted, communicated and transmitted to the banks funding constraints for new lending. It also
economy. allows banks to transfer a substantial part of credit
First of all, the transmission mechanism is risk and reduce their capital requirements, making
changing. While the effect of monetary policy on possible, other things being equal, a further increase
the availability and cost of bank credit is decreasing, in loans supplied.
5 - 6 2007

monetary policy actions have prompter effects on We are devoting a good deal of research to the
a whole range of financial market yields and asset implications of securitization on the role of banks in

Bank of Italy i ECB (koristei mikropodatke implikace, jer prua monetarnim vlastima
o 3.000 banaka u eurozoni tokom poslednjih snaan instrument za uticaj na privredu.
osam godina)1 pokazuje da su banke koje u Trina oekivanja o buduim namerama
veoj meri koriste sekuritizacu vie zatiene pomeraju dugorone stope i utiu na uslove
od efekata promena u monetarnoj politici: finansiranja, ak i pre nego to se zvanine
u reagovanju na poveanje zvaninih stopa, kamatne stope promene. Modifikaca cena
njihova kreditna aktivnost manje opada nego aktive utie na potronju i investicione odluke.
kod drugih instituca. Otuda izgleda da Ako je komunikaca monetarne politike
sekuritizaca znatno umanjuje ukupan efekat efektivna, ove promene mogu delimino da
monetarne politike na ponudu kredita. urade posao za centralne banke.
Ovaj nalaz ima znatne implikace na to kako U isto vreme, ukoliko nismo dovoljno
procenjujemo politiku. Vie ne moemo da se paljivi konsekvence mogu da budu razorne.
ograniavamo na ispitivanje stanja bankarskog Akce monetarne politike koje odudaraju od
sistema i njegovog kreditnog rizika da bismo brzine koju oekuju ekonomski agensi, koja
procenjivali efekat monetarne politike na je ugraena u dugorone kamatne stope i
kreditne uslove i stabilnost finansskog sistema. druge prinose, kao i u pozice koje su uzete
Mada bankarski sistem moe jo uvek da bude na tritu, mogu da uznemire trita, poveaju
poluga za kontrolu ukupnog finansskog volatilnost i u ekstremnim sluajevima, izazovu
sistema, drugi akter, esto locirani daleko od istovremenu revizu pozica, sa potencalnim
mesta nastajanja kredita, imaju sve vei uticaj tetnim efektima na likvidnost i cenu aktive.
na ponudu kredita. Promene u distribuci Briga da se ne destabilizuju finansska
kreditnog rizika u privredi mogu da utiu trita jedan je od razloga to mnoge centralne
na funkcionisanje transmisionog mehanizma banke, poslednjih godina, nastoje da umanje
na naine koje jo uvek ne razumemo u neizvesnost koja nastaje iz odluka monetarne
potpunosti. politike. One poklanjaju vie panje pravom
Otpornost finansskog sistema na velike nainu komuniciranja svojih ciljeva, stratega
okove tek treba da se u potpunosti testira. i uz razne nanse i praksu, budue namere.
Mada e kreditni rizik biti manje koncentrisan Trend ka veem gradualizmu u akci
u bankama, finansski rizici koje stvara monetarne politike nastao je u svim glavnim
sistem mogu biti stvarno vei. Ne moe se industralizovanim privredama (pomeranja
preduprediti da posle epizode pogrene cene politike preko 25 bazinih poena sada su sasvim
kreditnog rizika nastupe nagla prolagoavanja, retka za velike centralne banke) delom kao
koja predstavljaju nove probleme za stabilnost odgovor na veu neizvesnost u pogledu uticaja
finansskog sistema kao celine. Suvie je rano na promene stopa na finansskim tritima.
rei da li su promene na finansskim tritima Kako odnosi izmeu akca monetarne
odredile kraj kreditnih ciklusa. politike i trinih oekivanja dobaju na
znaaju, treba se uvati rizika od onog to je
Monetarna politika i trita aktive Alan Blinder opisao kao pas juri svoj rep. Od
Dok se uloga banaka u transmisi monetarne bitnog je znaaja da izbegnemo situacu u kojoj
politike umanjuje, drugi kanali dobaju na finansska trita oekuju od centralne banke
znaaju. U stepenu u kome finansske inovace a centralna banka oekuje od trita, pri emu
ine trita kompletnim i efikasnim, tekue i obe strane gube iz vida osnovne faktore koji
oekivane promene zvaninih kamatnih stopa odreuju inflacu.
odmah se prenose na iri krug finansske U Eurosistemu smatramo da je definitivno
aktive. Ukupno, efekti odluka monetarne poeljno da naa politika bude predvidiva
politike na finansska trita jai su i bri. da bi se umanjila neizvesnost i volatilnost
Neposredni uticaj monetarne politike na finansskih trita. Meutim, nae akce su u
iroki krug cena aktive moe da ima povoljne krajnjoj line diktirane ekonomskim izgledima,
5 - 6 2007

Y. Altunbans, L. Gambacorta and D. Marques, Securitisation and monetary policy, mimeo, May 2007

the transmission mechanism. Ongoing
research by the Bank of Italy and the
ECB (using microdata on 3,000 euro-
area banks over the last eight years)1
finds that banks that make greater use
of securitization are more sheltered from
the effects of monetary policy changes:
in response to increases in official
rates, their lending activity shrinks less
than does that of other institutions.
Securitization therefore appears to
reduce the overall effect of monetary
policy on loan supply significantly.
This finding has important
implications on how we assess policy.

We can no longer limit ourselves to
examining the state of the banking
system and its credit risk in order to
evaluate the effect of monetary
Bank of Italy branch office Venice -
policy on credit conditions and the 16 century Palazzo Dolfin-Manin.
stability of the financial system. of financial assets. Overall, the
While the banking system may still effects of policy decisions on
be the lever by which the entire financial system financial markets are stronger and faster.
is controlled, other actors, often located far from A more immediate impact of monetary policy
where the loans are originated, have an increasing on a wide range of asset prices may have favourable
influence on credit supply. The changing distribution implications, since it provides monetary authorities
of credit risk in the economy may affect the way the with a powerful instrument for affecting the
transmission mechanism operates, in ways we do not economy. Market expectations on future policy
yet completely understand. intentions move long-term rates and affect financing
The resilience of the financial system in the face conditions, even before official interest rates are
of larger shocks has yet to be fully tested. Although changed. The modification of asset prices affects
credit risk will be less concentrated on banks, the consumption and investment decisions. If policy
financial risks that are being created by the system communication is effective, these changes may partly
may actually be greater. It cannot be precluded that do the job for central banks.
episodes of credit risk mispricing may be followed At the same time, unless we are suitably careful
by abrupt adjustments, posing new challenges to the consequences may be disruptive. Policy actions
the stability of the financial system as a whole. that diverge from the pace expected by economic
It is too early to tell whether the changes on the agents, which is built into long-term interest rates
financial markets have determined the end of credit and other yields as well as into positions taken on the
cycles. market, may upset markets, increase volatility and,
in extreme cases, induce a simultaneous revision
Monetary policy and asset markets in positions, with potentially disorderly effects on
While the role of banks in monetary policy liquidity and asset prices.
transmission is diminishing, other channels are The concern not to destabilize financial markets
gaining in importance. To the extent that financial is one reason why many central banks have striven
innovation makes markets more complete and more in recent years to reduce the uncertainty arising from
efficient, actual and expected changes in official policy decisions. They are paying more attention to
interest rates are readily transmitted to a wide range proper communication of their objectives, strategies
5 - 6 2007

Y. Altunbas, L. Gambacorta and D. Marqus, Securitisation and monetary policy, mimeo, May 2007.

a ne gleditima finansskih trita. Generalno kao vlasnika novca mogli prilino dobro da
je bolje izbegnuti iznenaenja za trita, ali razumemo. Samo oko 6 procenata su drali
ima situaca kada to ne moe da se izbegne, takozvani nebankarski posrednici (u koje
jer imamo nove informace, ili, jednostavne, spadaju uzajamni fondovi i korporace
imamo razliita gledita u odnosu na gledita finansski mehanizmi koji kupuju, prikupljaju
uesnika na tritu. U takvim sluajevima i prepakuju bankarske zajmove kao utrive
efektivna komunikaca je jo vana. Da se harte od vrednosti). Ovaj procenat je sada
postigne stabilnost cena na srednji rok, bitno je skoro udvostruen i jednu petinu rasta M3 imaju
da vostvo ostane kod monetarnih vlasti. ovi posrednici.2 Njihova tranja za novcem
verovatno e reagovati na razliite motive i tee
Monetarna politika i indikatori finansskih je da se interpretira. Dalje, utrivi instrumenti
trita (kao to su fondovi novanog trita) sada
Dozvolite mi dalje da primetim da predstavljaju 14 posto od M3, u poreenju sa
razvoj finansskih trita i uvoenje novih 10 procenata poetkom devedesetih i samo 5
instrumenata deluju ne samo na monetarnu procenata sredinom osamdesetih. Dre ih u
transmisu ve takoe na na proces donoenja svrhu portfola i manje su direktno vezani sa
odluka. Raspoloivost irokog izbora novih transakce i potronju na robu i usluge.
proizvoda daje nam bogatstvo informaca Ovaj razvoj zahteva dublju analizu. Bilo
koje smo samo pre nekoliko godina s mukom bi pogreno zakljuiti, kao to su to izgleda
dobali. Nasuprot tome, tradicioalni indikatori uradili neki komentatori, da to zahteva
se sada tee interpretiraju. umanjenje uloge novca u strategi centralnih
Imamo na raspolaganju veliki skup banaka, naroito ECB. Dinamika monetarnih
informaca sa trita derivata (uersi, opce, agregata jo uvek prenosi vane informace
svopovi) koje su od kljunog znaaja za o buduem kretanju cena, ali da bi se izvukle
nae odluivanje. Cene sa ovih trita nam ove informace neophodno je da se obradi vei
omoguavaju da procenimo, sa stepenom skup monetarnih podataka i da se uzme u obzir
preciznosti koji je pre nekoliko godina bio znaajan uticaj nedavnih finansskih inovaca.
nezamisliv, celokupnu distribucu trinih Sve centralne banke Evrosistema pristupile su
oekivanja u pogledu kljunih promenljivih. poboljanju svojih analiza u ovom pravcu.
Sada imamo indikatore trinih oekivanja u Tekua istraivanja Bank of Italy imaju za
pogledu inflace, rasta i odluka monetarne cilj razvoj tehnika za izvlaenje informaca iz
politike. Ovo nam pomae da donosimo zajednikog trenda velikog skupa monetarnih
bolje odluke monetarne politike: oekivanja indikatora (M3, ali takoe njegovih
investitora pokazuju nain na koji e privreda komponenti, monetarnih holdinga u raznim
verovatno da reaguje na nae akce i one su sektorima privrede, i pandana M3, ukljuujui
izvor informaca o osnovnim ekonomskim razvoj kredita), korienjem multivariate
trendovima. tehnika (analiza dinamikih faktora) da bi
Meutim, difuza novih finansskih se izbegli umovi. Nai rezultati ukazuju na
instrumenata e takoe verovatno da utie to da zajedniki trend izvuen iz razliitih
na informacioni sadraj nekih indikatora koje monetarnih komponenti prenosi korisne
centralne banke redovno prate i koji slue informace o ponaanju inflace nekoliko
kao osnova za odluke monetarne politike. godina unapred.3 Ovo potvruje da analiza
Ponaanje novca i kredita naroito trpi uticaj monetarnih promenljivih ostaje bitna za
nastajanja novih proizvoda i novih igraa. voenje monetarne politike, pod uslovom da je
Pre deset godina, vei deo M3 u euro zoni zasnovana na proceni velikog skupa informaca
drali su graani i firme, e smo ponaanje i na zdravoj ekonomskoj interpretaci.
5 - 6 2007

G. Ferrero, A. Nobili and P. Passiglia, The sectoral distribution of money supply in the euro area, Temi di
discussione, No. 627, 2006
A. Nobili, A composite indicator for monatary analysis, Banca dItalia, mimeo, May 2007

and, with different nuances and practices, future decisions, of the uncertainty surrounding those
intentions. A trend to greater gradualism in policy expectations, and even of investors attitude towards
action has emerged in all the main industrialized risk. This helps us to produce better policy decisions:
economies (policy moves in excess of 25 basis points investors expectations shape the way the economy
are now quite rare for major central banks) partly in is likely to react to our actions and are a source of
response to the greater uncertainty over the impact information on the underlying economic trends.
of rate changes on the financial markets. However, the diffusion of new financial
As the interplay between policy actions and instruments is also likely to affect the information
market expectations gathers importance, we should content of some of the indicators that central banks
also guard against the risk of what has been described regularly monitor and that serve as a basis for policy
by Alan Blinder as the dog chasing its tail. It is decisions. The behaviour of money and credit
fundamental that we to avoid a situation in which is particularly affected by the emergence of new
financial markets look at the central bank and the products and new players.
central bank looks at financial markets, both losing Ten years ago, most of M3 in the euro area was
sight of the underlying factors that determine held by households and firms, whose behaviour as
inflation. money-holders we could understand reasonably well.
In the Eurosystem, we consider it definitely Only around 6 per cent was held by so-called non-
desirable that our policy be predictable in order to bank intermediaries (which include mutual funds and
reduce uncertainty and volatility in financial markets. financial vehicle corporations that purchase, pool
However, our actions are ultimately dictated by the and repackage bank loans as marketable securities).
economic outlook, not the view of the financial This percentage is now almost twice as large, and
market. In general it is better to avoid surprising about one fifth of M3 growth is accounted for by
the market, but there are times when it cannot be these intermediaries.2 Their demand for money is
avoided, because we have new information or, more likely to respond to different motives, and is harder
simply, different views from market participants. In to interpret. Moreover, marketable instruments
these cases, effective communication is even more (such as money market funds) now represent 14 per
important. To deliver price stability over the medium cent of M3, as against 10 per cent at the beginning of
term, it is essential that the leadership remain with the nineties and only 5 per cent in the mid-eighties.
the monetary authorities. They are held for portfolio purposes and are less
directly connected to transactions and spending on
Monetary policy and financial market indicators goods and services.
Let me further observe that the development These developments call for deeper analysis. It
of financial markets and the introduction of new would be wrong to conclude, as some commentators
instruments affect not only monetary transmission seem to have done, that they require a reduction in
but also our decision-making process. The availability the role of money in the strategy of central banks, and
of a wide range of new products gives us a wealth of of the ECB in particular. The dynamics of monetary
information that we jacked even just a few years ago. aggregates still conveys important information on the
By contrast, the traditional indicators are now harder future evolution of prices, but in order to extract this
to interpret. information it is necessary to process a larger set of
We have at our disposal a large set of information monetary data and take account of the significant
from derivatives markets (futures, options, swaps) impact of the recent financial innovations. All the
that is key to our decision-making. Prices on these central banks in the Eurosystem are committed to
markets allow us to estimate, with a degree of precision improving their analysis in this direction.
that a few years ago would have been unthinkable, Ongoing research at the Bank of Italy is aimed
the entire distribution of market expectations about at developing techniques to extract information
crucial variables. We now have indicators of market from the common trend of a large set of monetary
expectations about inflation, growth and policy indicators (M3, but also its components, the
5 - 6 2007

G. Ferrero, A, Nobili and P. Passiglia, The sectoral distribution of money supply in the euro area, Banca dItalia, Temi di discussione,
No. 627, 2006.

Ovo implicira da ne treba da budemo teme i glavne line takuih promiljanja meu
samozadovoljni u pogledu vrednosti naih centralnim bankama i drugim finansskim
postojeih alata, na koje jasno utiu tekue institucama. Potrebno nam je iskustvo o
promene na finansskom pejsau euro-zone. punom kreditnom ciklusu pre izvlaenja
Meutim, podceniti znaaj monetarne i kreditne zakljuaka. Kao kod svakog perioda brzih
analize bila bi opasna greka. U tom pogledu inovaca, postoji velika neizvesnost o tome
verujem da je stratega pune informace kako e se kljune promenljive - ukljuujui
koju je usvojio Eurosistem, zasnovane na kreditne agregate, potronju, fiksne investice
unakrsnoj proveri signala izvuenih iz realnih i inflacu - ponaati po raznim scenarima.
i monetarnih promenljivih, verovatno najbolja Donosioci politike moraju da budu skromni u
za bavljenje izazovima koje postavlja okruenje pogledu onog to ne znaju i da budu kreativni
koje se menja. i fleksibilni u postupanju sa promenama u
tradicionalnim odnosima koje se ubrzano
Zakljuci dogaaju. Konference kao to je ova od
vitalnog su znaaja za jaanje razumevanja
Ponudio sam nekoliko misli o tome ovog razvoja i za razmenu gledita o tome
kako finansske inovace mogu delovati na ta on znai za zadatke koji se nalaze pred
monetarnu politiku. Sigurno je da nisam iscrpeo centralnim bankarima.
ova pitanja, ve pokuao da osvetlim kljune


Za krizu LTCM moete videti: Upravljanje rizicima na globalizovanim finansskim tritima -

ilustraca na incidentu sa LTCM (Jugoslovensko bankarstvo 1/2 2000).

5 - 6 2007

monetary holdings of different sectors of the Conclusions
economy, and the counterparts of M3, including
credit developments), using multivariate techniques I have offered a few thoughts on how financial
(dynamic factor analysis) to get rid of noise. Our innovation may affect monetary policy. Certainly,
results indicate that the common trend derived I have not exhausted the issues, but sought rather
from the various monetary components conveys to highlight the key themes and the main lines of
useful information on the behaviour of inflation a current thinking among central banks and other
few years down the road.3 This confirms that the official institutions. We need the experience of a full
analysis of monetary variables remains essential in credit cycle before drawing conclusions. As with any
the conduct of monetary policy, provided it is based period of rapid innovation, there is a great deal of
on the assessment of a large information set and uncertainty about how critical variables - including
sound economic interpretation. credit aggregates, consumption, fixed investment,
This implies that we should not be complacent and inflation - will behave under different scenarios.
about the value of our current tools, which are Policymakers will need to be humble about what they
clearly affected by the ongoing change in the euro- do not know, and to be creative and flexible in dealing
area financial landscape. However, playing down with the changes to the traditional relationships that
the importance of monetary and credit analysis are rapidly taking place. Conferences like this one are
would be a dangerous mistake. In this respect I of vital importance to foster understanding of these
believe that the full-information strategy adopted developments and exchange views on what they
by the Eurosystem, based on cross-checking the mean for the tasks we face as central bankers.
signals derived from real and monetary variables, is
probably the best to deal with the challenges posed
by a changing environment.
5 - 6 2007

A. Nobili, A composite indicator for monetary analysis, Banca dItalia, mimeo, May 2007.


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