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Temperature, source rock maturity

and timing of hydrocarbon

generation in the Terschelling Basin
and southern Dutch Central Graben
The results of the recently completed detailed
geological mapping project were used as input for a full
3D reconstruction of the history of temperature, source
rock maturity and timing of hydrocarbon generation
in the Terschelling Basin and the southern part of the
Dutch Central Graben.

Figure 1 Location and present-day 3D geometrical model of the Dutch Central Graben and
Introduction Terschelling Basin.

TNO uses basin modelling to integrate the wealth of data and information gathered and mapped in its detailed mapping programme for sub-
areas of the offshore Netherlands and to evaluate the interdependencies of the different processes that affect rocks and fluids during their
geological history. Special attention is paid to processes and conditions affecting hydrocarbon potential. Here we present selected results from
a 3D reconstruction of the history of temperature, source rock maturity and timing of hydrocarbon generation in the Terschelling Basin and the
uGE 086-05-2009

southern part of the Dutch Central Graben from 320 Ma to the present day (Figure 1).
Paleo-water depths and sediment water
interface temperatures, given in Figure 2,
are representative for the whole area. The
basal heat flow boundary condition was
kept constant at 60 mW/m2 in the initial
modelling scenarios. Later scenarios used a
variable basal heat flow boundary condition
(Figure 2), estimated in-house by Abdul
Fattah et al. with the 1D tectonic heat flow
predictor (Petroprob).

The Petromod default set-ups that were used

Figure 2 History of water in the simulations pertain to the lithology
depth (paleo water depth = and mixed lithology and their associated
PWD), sediment water interface default properties (thermal conductivity,
temperature (SWIT) and basal radiogenic heat production and heat
heat flow (HF); PWD and SWIT capacity), default mechanical compaction
are representative for the whole equations and default porosity-permeability
area; HF shown in this figure is relationships. Measured porosities and
representative for the western permeabilities provided the basis for
part of the area (Dutch Central selecting the proper compaction and
Graben). porosity-permeability relationships.

The salt movement tool in Petromod

was used to simulate the movement of
Zechstein salt, taking the calculated original
thickness of the Zechstein Group as original
depositional thickness. This original
constant thickness of the Zechstein Group
Basin modelling: input over the whole area was derived from the
and boundary conditions present-day volume of the Zechstein Group.
The calculated original thickness of the
The basin modelling programme we used was Petromod (version 10) from IES. Basic data Zechtein Group is 540 m. Salt movement
requirements for the modelling include the present-day geometry, lithological properties, was set to start in the Triassic.
quantified time-sequence of events during the geological history, boundary conditions and
calibration data. The simulations of the thermal and maturity
history started with a thermal model,
The TNO mapping project provided the basic 3D stratigraphic model (depth and thicknesses) applying default Petromod lithology-related
for 11 main stratigraphic groups from the Upper North Sea Group to Upper Rotliegend Group. thermal conductivities, heat capacities and
This model was extended to greater depth with the Step Graben and Hospital Ground, Maurits, radiogenic heat production, and a constant
Ruurlo, and Baarlo formations of the Limburg Group (Figure 1). The model was refined with basal heat flow of 60 mW/m2 as the bottom
additional Jurassic and Triassic reservoir units and Triassic seals. It included 29 layers plus boundary condition, zero heat flow across
basement. Lithological compositions were assigned to each layer. The model took two source lateral boundaries, a transient heat flow
rock intervals into account: the gas-prone coals of the Baarlo, Ruurlo and Maurits formations through the sediments, and the history of
(source rocks containing type III kerogen) and the oil-prone Posidonia Shale Formation (source sediment water interface temperatures.
rocks containing type II kerogen). A second scenario for the thermal modelling
incorporated the results of a tectonic
The geological history incorporates the three main phases of erosion identified in the area reconstruction of the basal heat flow
the Saalian, Mid-Kimmerian and Sub-Hercynian phases as well as additional periods of non- boundary condition. The maturity modelling
deposition. The 3D thicknesses of eroded sediments were estimated for each period using the was based on the Sweeney and Burnham
stratigraphic information from new well log interpretations and initial 1D basin modelling at (1990) kinetic model. Ample porosity,
well locations. This resulted in 11 erosion maps (corresponding to the 11 stratigraphic layers temperature and vitrinite reflectance data
affected by erosion). were available for calibration.
Burial history
The similarities and differences in the burial
histories of the Dutch Central Graben and
the Terschelling Basin are illustrated by the
simulated burial histories at well locations
F17-05 and M01-02, respectively (Figures 3
and 4). The burial histories show that in
both areas Saalian uplift and erosion was
significant and the layers are at present-day
maximum burial depth. The main differences
in burial history occurred during Jurassic-
Cretaceous times.

Heat flow boundary condition Figure 3 1D burial history at well F17-05 in the Dutch Central Graben; note the presence of the
The variable basal heat flow boundary complete Altena Group (dark blue) and the Posidonia Shale Formation (red), and the absence of the
condition reconstructed from tectonic Chalk Group (light green) due to late Cretaceous uplift and erosion, and absence of Carboniferous
forward modelling corresponds to generally Maurits Formation due to Saalian erosion. Movement of Zechstein salt is not included.
higher heat flow values during geological
history compared to the constant boundary
condition of 60 mW/m2. The evaluation of
the influence of these two different heat
flow boundary conditions on the 1D and 3D
simulations of temperature and maturity
history indicated that there were no, or only
very slight, differences in simulated present-
day temperature and vitrinite reflectance
values and that the simulation results are
in accordance with measured temperature
and vitrinite reflectance data. When time-
dependent changes in basal heat flow were
incorporated into the boundary conditions,
the calculated paleo temperatures and paleo
maturities (vitrinite reflectance values) were
somewhat higher, mostly in
the deeper parts of the basin and especially Figure 4 1D burial history at well M01-02 in the Terschelling Basin; note the complete erosion of
in the Terschelling Basin and on the Vlieland the Altena Group (dark blue) during Jurassic uplift and erosion. Movement of Zechstein salt is not
High during the Jurassic periods of increased included.
basal heat flow related to underplating.
The temperatures are clearly different in
the period from 170 Ma to 55 Ma, while

Figure 5 Simulated temperature and maturity history for deepest layer in well L09-10 for constant heat flow boundary condition of 60 mW/m2 (purple
line) and for variable heat flow boundary condition (green line).
Figure 6 Influence of salt structures on present-day temperature and heat flow distribution (same cross section as shown
in Figure 1). Note reduction of temperature affecting Carboniferous source rocks below salt structures.

the corresponding maturities deviate with Thermal and maturity history Posidonia Shale Formations
a time-shift between approximately 145 The burial history of the Posidonia Shale Formation in the Central
Ma and 35 Ma (Figure 5). The results of the Graben shows large differences (Figure 7a) resulting in very different
3D thermal and maturity simulations of the temperature and associated maturity histories, depending on
source rocks, presented below, are based on structural position. During the Late Paleogene and subsequent
the tectonic heat flow boundary conditions. Neogene times, the temperatures in the source rock decreased, even
during times of increasing burial (Figures 7a and 7b), probably due
Thermal history to sharply decreasing sediment water interface temperatures, in
For steady state Petromod simulations, combination with relatively low basal heat flow. Only very recently
the regional variations in temperature in a did the temperatures in the source rock start to increase again.
stratigraphic unit at a certain time in history
result mainly from regional variation in: Present-day temperatures in the Posidonia Shale Formation are lower
depth of burial, basal heat flow and bulk than previous values. The transformation ratio is the ratio of generated
thermal conductivity of the sedimentary petroleum to potential petroleum in a source rock. The ratio indicates
sequence. The transient simulations used that in the south-western part of Block F17 the Posidonia Shale
here also incorporate the effects of paleo Formation already started generating hydrocarbons in Cretaceous
boundary conditions (e.g., paleo surface times, with generation rates reaching their maximum values just
temperatures) and rapid sedimentation before Late Cretaceous uplift (Figures 7c and 7d). The generation
or uplift on the temperature distribution resumed in Paleogene times and practically stopped at the end of the
at a certain time. The lateral variations in Paleogene. At Location 2 (Block L02) the maturity of the Posidonia
thermal and maturity history for a source increases gradually, and the source rock did not start generating
rock in this salt-dominated area also depend hydrocarbons until the Paleogene, continuing into the Neogene.
on its position relative to salt structures of In the inverted centre of the Dutch Central Graben (Location 1), the
high thermal conductivity (Figure 6). Posidonia did not reach a mature state for hydrocarbon generation
(Vr < 0.55; Figure 7c).


Figure 7 1D extractions of 3D simulated
history of burial (a.), temperature (b), maturity
(c) and transformation rates (d) of the Posidonia
Shale Formation at the three selected locations
in the Dutch Central Graben 1. block F17
(inverted graben centre); 2. block L02; 3. SW part
of block 17. Note: maximum temperatures were
reached at the end of the Paleogene. d.

Thermal and maturity history of Carboniferous source rocks hydrocarbon generation in both the graben and the basin in Late
The results of the 3D reconstruction of the burial and temperature Jurassic and Early Cretaceous times; 3. only limited resumption
history of the Carboniferous source rocks show that the temperature of hydrocarbon generation in the graben and basin after the Sub-
history largely follows the burial history, except during Late Paleogene Hercynian uplift during Paleogene times. In addition, simulations
to Pliocene times. Uplift and erosion in the Mid-Late Jurassic in the indicate the occurrence of a phase of Tertiary hydrocarbon generation
Terschelling Basin and Vlieland High are associated with decreasing on the Cleaver Bank High, Central Offshore Platform, Vlieland High,
temperatures, in spite of the contemporaneous increasing basal heat and Schill Grund High, in Paleogene times. The calculated present-day
flow. The simulated present-day temperatures in the Carboniferous variation in maturity at the top of the Maurits and Ruurlo Formations
source rocks are lower than the maximum temperatures experienced shows that these source rocks are in the dry gas window in large
during previous burial. The simulated history of transformation rates parts of the graben and basin, while local wet gas conditions could
for the Ruurlo and Baarlo formations in the graben and the Terschelling be related to the location of salt structures. In addition, wet gas
Basin reveals important information on the timing of hydrocarbon conditions occur at the boundaries of the graben and basin and on
generation: 1. an initial phase of hydrocarbon generation before the the adjacent platform and highs (Figure 8).
Mid-Kimmerian uplift in the Terschelling Basin; 2. a major phase of
Figure 8 Top view: distribution of calculated maturity (vitrinite reflectance values) at the top of
the Maurits Formation and the Ruurlo Formation (left and right-hand side of figure, respectively).
Maturity of Ruurlo Formation varies between overmature in deepest part of the Terschelling Basin
Geo Energy and Geo Information
to immature for gas generation (green) in the platform and highs adjacent to the Terschelling Basin
and the Dutch Central Graben. TNO Built Environment and Geosciences
Geological Survey of the Netherlands is the
central geoscience centre in the Netherlands
for information and research to promote the
sustainable management and use of the
subsurface and its natural resources.

Conclusion and outlook TNO Built Environment and Geosciences

Geological Survey of the Netherlands
The data and information recently gathered and mapped in TNOs mapping programme,
Princetonlaan 6
in combination with the newly reconstructed tectonic heat flow boundary conditions, has
PO Box 80015
improved the 3D characterisation and understanding of the thermal and maturity history in 3508 TA Utrecht
the study area and the timing of the main periods of hydrocarbon generation in Posidonia The Netherlands
and Carboniferous source rocks. The 3D modelling revealed large lateral variations in maturity
and hydrocarbon generation history; these are related to the structural positions of the source T +31 30 256 46 00
F +31 30 256 46 05
rocks and their position relative to large salt structures. The next phase of the basin modelling
programme will focus on the masses of hydrocarbons generated and expelled from the source
rocks and their subsequent migration and accumulation.

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