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Grammar: Future-Will/Be Going To

Gramatica: futuro Will. Be going to

Listen to the grammar explanations and examples.
Escucha las explicaciones gramaticales y los ejemplos.

1. We use am, is or are with going to and the simple form of the verb to talk about future plans. Usamos
am (soy o estoy) is (es o esta) o are (son o estan) con going to y la forma simple del verbo para hablar
de futuros planes.
Chris: I'm going to bring a present to Emi's party tonight. Vou a llevar un regalo a Emi en la fiesta hoy
en noche.
Ana: Chris, we're all going to bring presents! Chris todos vamos a llevar regalos!!
Future with Be Going To. Futuro con be going to
I am going to work. Voy a ir a trabajar.
You are going to work. Tu vas a ir a trabajar.
He is going to work. El va a ir a trabajar.
She is going to work. Ella va a ir a trabajar.
It is going to work. Va a ir a trabajar.

We are going to work. Nosotros vamos a trabajar.
You are going to work. Ustedes van a trabajar.
They are going to work. Ellos van a trabajar.

2. We make the negative form of be going to like this. Hacemos la forma negativa as:

Chris: Clara isn't going to be at Emi's farewell party. Clara no va a estar en la fiesta de
despedida de Emi.
Luis: Jin and Yoko aren't going to be there either. Jin y Yoko no van a estar ah tampoco.
Negative Statements with be going to: Oraciones negativas con going to:

I'm not going to work. No voy a trabajar.

You're not going to work. Tu no vas a trabajar.
He's not going to work. El no va a trabajar.
She's not going to work. Ella no va a trabajar.
It's not going to work. No va a trabajar.
We're going to work. Nosotros no vamos a trabajar.
You're going to work. Ustedes van a trabajar.
They're going to work. Ellos van a trabajar.
Remember, we can also say, you aren't, he isn't, she isn't, it isn't, we aren't, and they aren't.
Recuerda tambin podemos decir las abreviaciones.

3. To make yes-no questions, we change the order like this. Para hacer preguntas de si o no
cambiamos el orden as:
He's going to bring Emi some flowers. El va a traer algunas flores para Emi.
Is he going to bring Emi flowers? El va a traer flores para Emi?
4. We can answer yes-no questions with long or short answers. Podemos contestar preguntas de
si o no con respuestas cortas o largas.
Chris: Are you going to bring Emi some flowers? Vas a traerle flores a Emi?
Ana: Yes, I am. Si, lo har.
...or... o
Ana: Yes, I'm going to buy some at the supermarket. Si, voy a comprar algunas en el
Chris: Are you going to get Emi a present? Le vas a comprar un regalo a Emi?
Yoko: No, I'm not. No, no lo har.
Yoko: No, I'm going to get her a card. No, le voy a comprar una tarjeta.
Remember that the short answer only uses a form of be. We say, yes, I am. We don't say yes, I'm
going to. Recuerda que en la respuesta corta usamos la forma del Be que corresponda: yes, I
am, NO DECIMOS yes, I am going to.
5. To make information questions, put a question word before am, is, or are going to and the
simple form of the verb, like this. Para hacer preguntas de informacin, se pone una palabra de
pregunta antes de la forma simple del verbo, as:
Jeff: Who are you going to meet? Con quin te vas a encontrar?
Oscar: Marta. We're going to see a movie. Marta. Vamos a ver una pelcula.

Susana: What are you going to do this weekend? Que vas a hacer este fin de semana?
Janet: I'm going to visit Mary. Voy a visitar a Mary.
Susana: When are you going to leave? Cuando te vas a ir?
Janet: I'm going to take the 12 o'clock express. Voy a tomar el expreso de las 12.
Susana: Where are you going to stay? Donde te vas a quedar?
Janet: I'm going to stay with her. Voy a quedarme con ella.
6. We can also use will and the simple form of the verb to talk about future plans. In conversations, we
usually use contractions. Podemos tambin usar Will y la forma simple del verbo para hablar de planes
futuros. En conversaciones usamos abreviaciones.
Sam: I'll be at Emi's around seven. Estar donde Emi alrededor de las 7.
Kate: Great. I'll be there around eight. Genial. Yo estar ah cerca de las 8.
Contractions with Will abreviaciones con Will.

I will Ill
you will You ll
he will Hell
she will She ll
it will It ll
we will Well
you will You ll
they will Theyll
When we use will, we can answer a yes-no question with a long answer or a short answer. In
conversations, we usually use short answers. Cuando usamos will, podemos responder si o no con una
respuesta larga o corta, en conversaciones usualmente usamos la respuesta corta.

Dave: Will you be here this afternoon? Estars ahi esta tarde.
Rich: Yes, I will. Si, estar.

Remember, we don't use contractions in the affirmative short answer. We don't say, Yes, I'll. Recuerda,
no usamos abreviaciones en respuestas cortas. NO DECIMOS Yes Ill.

Dave: Will you be here tomorrow? Estars aqu maana?

Emi: No, I won't. I have an English test. No, no estar. Tengo prueba de ingls.

Note: The negative form of will is will not. The contraction is won't.
Nota: la forma negativa de will es will not. La abreviacin es wont.

Ask information questions with will like this. Preguntas de informacin con will son as:

Chris: Where will Luis meet us? Donde se encontrar Luis con nosotros?
Emi: At my office. En mi oficina.
Chris: When will he be there? Cuando estar ah?
Emi: At 7:30. a las 7:30.

Finally, we can use the present continuous to talk about the future. We show that we are talking about
the future by using future time expressions like these. Finalmente podemos usar presente continuo para
hablar del futuro. Mostramos que estamos hablando del futuro con expresiones as:

Ana: I'm having dinner with Emi tomorrow night. Estoy cenando con Emi maana en la noche.
Kate: That's nice. Where are you going? Eso es agradable. Donde vas?
Ana: Are you going to the party next week? Vas a la fiesta la prxima semana.
Chris: Absolutely. Absolutamente.
Chris: Where are you buying Emi's present tonight? Donde le vas a comprar de regalo a Emi hoy en la
Ana: At a store in my neighborhood. En la tienda de mi vecindario.
Grammar: May and Might
Gramatica: poder y podra.
Listen to the grammar explanations and examples.
Escucha las explicaciones gramaticales y los ejemplos

We usually use going to or will to talk about future plans when we are sure they are going to happen.
Usualmente usamos going to o will para hablar de planes futuros que estamos seguros que van a pasar.
We use may and might to talk about future plans when we are not sure they are going to happen.
Usamos may y might para hablar de planes futuros cuando no estamos seguros que vaya a pasar.

Kate: What are you going to do this weekend? Que vas a hacer este fin de semana?
Chris: I'm going to go to Emi's party Saturday night. I'm not sure about Sunday. I may go to a movie
with Luis. What are you going to do? Voy a ir a la fiesta de Emi el sbado en la noche. No estoy seguro
del domingo, quizas vaya al cine con Luis. Que vas a hacer t?
Kate: I might go to the beach with Ana. Yo quizas vaya a la plata con Ana.
We use may or might with the simple form of the verb. May and might have almost the same meaning.
Usamos may o might con al forma simple del verbo. May y might tienen casi el mismo significado.

I may have dinner with my friends tomorrow. Quizas cene con mis amigos maana.
He might have dinner with his friends tomorrow. El quizas cene con sus amigos maana.
3. We form negative statements by putting not between may or might and the simple form of the verb.
Formamos la forma negativa de las oraciones poniendo no entre may o might y la forma simple del

Ana: Kate, I may not get all my work done by Sunday, so I can't go to the beach with you.
Kate, quizas no tenga todo el trabajo listo para el domingo, as que no podr ir a la playa
Kate: Oh, too bad. Oh, que mal.
Luis: I might not go to the movies with you tonight. Quizas no vaya contigo al cine hoy en al
Chris: That's OK. Esta bien.
Note, we never contract may. We don't say, I mayn't. In American English, we don't contract
might. We don't say, I mightn't. Nunca abreviamos may o might.
We don't use may or might in questions about future plans. When we use may in a question, it means
something different. No usamos may o might en preguntas acerca del futuro.

Maggie: Mom, may I go to the movies with Brian? Mam, puedo ir al cine con Brian?
Laura: No, Maggie. Not tonight. No, Maggie. No esta noche.
In this question, Maggie wants to go to the movies. She is asking her mother for permission to go. En
esta pregunta Maggie quiere ir al cine. Ella le esta pidiendo permiso a su mam para ir.

Note: We don't use might in questions to ask for permission. No usamos might en preguntas para pedir
We can also use may and might in short answers. Tambin podemos usar may o might en respuestas

Chris: Are you going to give a speech at your farewell party? Vas a dar un discurso de despedida en tu
fiesta de despedida?
Emi: I don't know. I might, or I might not. No s..quizas si quizas no.
Chris: Don't be shy! No seas tmida!!

Grammar: Expressions for Special Occasions

gramatica: expresiones para ocasiones especiales.
Listen to the grammar explanations and examples.

At special times and on holidays, we use certain special expressions. En ocasiones especiales
decimos expresiones especiales.
Para cumpleaos decimos feliz cumpleaos!
1. For birthdays we say, Happy birthday!

Luis: It's my birthday today.

Ana: Happy birthday! Have a great day.

On wedding anniversaries, we say, Happy anniversary! Congratulations! En aniversario de

bodas decimos feliz aniversario!

Karen: What are you going to do tonight?

Laura: We're going to celebrate. It's our 15th anniversary.
Karen: Congratulations! Happy anniversary!
For important events, we can say:
para eventos importantes decimos
Congratulations! Felicitaciones!
I'm really happy for you! Estoy realmente feliz por ti!
That's great! Eso es genial!!

Emi: I got an A on my English test.

Paul: Congratulations,Emi. That's great!
Chris: Congratulations on your new job, Ana. I'm really happy for you.
Ana: Thanks, Chris.
When something very sad happens, we say:
cuando pasa algo triste decimos..
I'm really sorry. Realmente lo siento.
That's terrible. Esto es terrible.

Ana: Marcello was in a car accident. He broke his arm.

Chris: Oh, Ana, I'm really sorry.

When someone dies, we say: cuando alguien se muere decimos

I'm so sorry to hear about your father. Lamento escuchar lo de tu padre.

I'm sorry to hear about your mother's death. Siento escuchar acerca de la muerte de tu mam.

Ana: I'm so sorry to hear about your father.

Paul: Thank you, Ana.
When someone is going away, we say:

Goodbye! See you soon!

Bye! I'll miss you.
Take care of yourself.
Keep in touch.

Chris: Bye, Ana. We'll miss you.

Ana: I'll miss you too.

Chris: Keep in touch.
Ana: I will. Don't worry.

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