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PRACTICUM INTERIM REPORT 2016-2017 uOttawa Teacher Candidate University of Otawa Student Number: rE SINFASENT fzasoe Shoo! Name: Schoo! Board: i: Marin de Pores ose Placement Period: University of Otawa Representative: Fooruary Apri 2017 Tristopher Mes ‘Associate Teacher: Grade(s)- Subject Areas): fleanfer King Peerensoeen Number of days late: Number of days absent: Please Noto: “This evaluation should be based on the developmental nature of learning to teach. In filing out the report please keep in mind the Teacher Candidate's stage of preparation inthe program. Teacher Candidates continue to develop ‘ther skls through observation, guided practice and the constructve feedback and mentoring of Associate Teachers, Wa Teacher Candidate receives any ratings of Does Not Meet Expectatons’, the Faculty Representative andlor the Practicum Coordinator must be contacted and a Latter of Concem may be colaboratvely generated. Under the ‘comment section’ within each competency the Assosate Teacher is encouraged to add descriptions of ‘he postives that realy stand out forthe Teacher Candidate andlor to make suggestions in areas where the Teacher CCansidate needs improvement Please reer tothe rubric in the Practicum Guide for a clearer descrstion of each competency level “Teacher Candidate is responsible to email or hand dover a copy tothe Pracicum Offee and your Faculty Representative. The original copy is kept by the Teacher Candidate, ‘A. PROFESSIONAL COMMITMENT COMPETENCY ‘As a developing teacher, the Teacher Candidate: Professional interatior ‘Demonstrates professionalism in interactions. Demonstrates a positive rapport wth students Professional Relationships: Interacts respectuly with members of school community. Demonstrates an understanding of the Associate Teacher teacher cancidate mentoring relationship Professional Responsibility Fulfil responsibities identified by the Associate Teacher andthe Universty Practicum Handbook (29. dts, reinforcing schoo! rules, andlor other cumicular activites) Meets recuired guideines (e.g, submiting lesson pians, marking, returning resources, attendance tracking) Initiative: Demonstrates that he/she is a'sel-starter and acts on suggestions and guidance ftom Associate Teacher ve always prosents hersel in @ professional manner-bath in appearance and interactions with staff, students and parents. She is discreet when discussing studen profiles and/or concems, She has jeviewed the IEPs for Term 1 and has had input on both Term 2 IEPs and Term 1 Report Card ymments. She has been an active participant in professional development opportunities provided by ECTA and OCSB err B. COMMUNICATION COMPETENCY ‘As a developing teacher, the Teacher Candidate: ‘Verbal Communication ‘Speaks clearly and understandably (@ g.. pronunciation, modulation, volume, aicultio). Uses correct oral conventons (0.9, mechanics of the Englich language as wal as subject specie terms and symbols). ‘Non-Verbal Communication: Uses ettectve and approprate non-verbal communication (eg, eye contact, facial expressions, body language). Reads nonverbal communication and responds appropriately e.g, scans class to identily students who are not engaged). Uses correct writen conventions (e., mechanics ofthe English language, at wel as subject pectic terms and ‘symbols. ‘Whites leary and understandably (0... appropriate size and script text, logibe tox, layout of board werk, 3 4 i He i i Listening and Responding: Uses appropriate wait ime (eg, gives student appropriate time to process questions before responding) Uses prebing and prompting techniques (eg, rephrases questons; provides cues), Models efective listening skls (e.g, demonstrates active listening, demonstrates comprehension). Comments: ve always responds to feedback opennly and appropriately and appliss all suggestions to her rofessional practice. She is in regular contact with her associate teacher via email and ensures that he classroom runs efficiently through her leadership skills, when the associate teacher is absent. lEve always seeks clarfication when required. She speaks to all staf members, paraprofessionals, rents and students with a professional tone that displays respect and empattyy C. KNOWLEDGE COMPETENCY ‘As a developing teacher, the Teacher Candidate: Subject Knowledge: Demonstrates fundamental knowedge of subject matter for teaching the assigned grade lave. Provides clear explanations and demonstrates appropriate subject knowledge and related sils. [Meets Expectations ET Developmental Nature of Learners: Responds to questons regarding lesson contentin a knoweedgeable and appropriate manner Bulids upon student responses io expand and extend the discussion and learning ‘Curriculum: Demonstrates an understanding ofthe context in whieh the leaning takes place (e.g, he rationale of te lesson, now he lesson fs into he overall unt or long Fange plans) Demonstrates grown in understancing the Ontario euculum expectations spac to grade and subject taught Comments [Eve's confidence is building as her knowledge base continues to grow. She readily applies best ractices and engaging instructional strategies in all of her lessons. She is invited to continue to iew resources such as the Edugains webcasts to help her to further develop her understanding of he 3-part lesson and inquiry math. She understands the concept of inquiry-based leaming and reates lessons involving a variety of digital tools, (i, Chromebooks, ‘Pads, Kehoo!) D. COMMITMENT TO STUDENTS COMPETENCY ‘Asa developing teacher, the Teacher Candidate: Positive Learning Environment: ‘Demonstrates a trendy, postive, and professional manner Promotes class safety and wellness Demonsvates a professional presence in the classroom that helps to enure students’ attention and respect Managing Classroom Environment: ‘Demonstrates consistency in maintaining classroom routines and expectations Usiizes appropriate verbal anc non-verbal classroom management fechniques(@.9,creuates throughout the class, makes aye-contac, uses pauses and proximity), Meets Expectations Student Engagement: Uses proactive and preventatve strategies for engaging students Demonstrates an understanding of student's needs and responds in a cuturaly appropriate and fenible manner Collaborative Problem-Solving and Planning: [Demonstrates an understancing of the need for collaborative planing and diferentaion to addcess student leaming needs (@.., weruing with Associate Teacher, sono staf) Comments: ve has established a posilve rapport with students in both Grade 6 classes, Students fea! smfortable when approaching Eve to ask for clarification, assistance or simply to chat. She iintains a professional presence at all times, which ensures students respect her and her position 9 our learning environment. Eve maintains classroom routines and readily applies appropriate lassroom management strategies when required. She provides clear instructions and ensures that students are aware ofthe expectations during structured and unstructured periods of time, She /orks with students in both small and whole group situations. Eve continues to provide differeniated Jearning opportunities for students requiring support and does so without suggestions from the ssociate Teacher. E. PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION COMPETENCY ‘As a developing teacher, the Teacher Candidate: Development of Lesson Plans Utiises a lesson plan template inclucing appropriate reference to Ontario curiculum (e.g, overall ang spect expectations ) Provides in esson plan sufficient deta and timing for each part ofthe lesson, Uses appropriate resources to ‘enhance lesson (e.g. visuals, lraryresources, technology, internet), fleet Expectations Incorporates @ variety of appropriate instructional strategies into lesson plan (e.g, teacherdirected, student. ‘centered, cooperative leaning, technology). Incorporates techniques fr student engagement into pan (e.g, tape relevant o tudents' interests, eppropriate ‘questioning, student participation, use of manipulatives, labs, hands-on activities) Incorporates opportunities for consolidation (@9., summarizes Key components of lessor) ang application (2g follow-up activity, seatwork, homework) [Meets Expectations o Plans to gather evidence of student learring and next steps. (e.g, checking for understanding, surnmative and! forformaive assessment ies Expectalions o Incorporates strategies to address student needs. (e.g, Students with IEPs, students at risk, English Language Learners). its Expectations 2 i zg a | Demonstrates a continuity of plan and progression ofeaming (e.g, soape and sequence, culminating tasks), Demonstrates backwards design and diferentation ots Epestaione o Implementation of Lesson Plan: Ensures all materials are organized and ready for use prior o instruction fee Egeaio Uses clear and effective instructional and questioning techniques that incorporate a range of thinkin skis Promotes relevant purposeful talk and student dialogue. Demonstrates appropriate pacing and ting. Makes efectve transitions prior to and throughout the lesson (@¢, starting the lesson, conducting the lesson, giving instruction, collecting and cistibuing mater) Emoloys instructional strategies that engage al learners. (.g, way one start and ends the lesson, hands-on ctivies technology), Adjusts lessons to circumstances (eg. abe to resume lesson after interruption, [acoressing student needs), Ensures consolation of student ieaming and closure of lesson [Meets Expectations TT Assessment -Student Learning: ‘Assesses student work fay, accurately and in a timely manner Encourages students to seek ways to improve respanses wien giving answers in class, andlor in assignments! tests Comments: Ee ‘continues to engage in the planning process. She plans for “the end in mind’ and is beginning Jo develop effective assessment pieces such as oxit tickets. Continuing focus on formative and 1ummative assessments is a goal going forward. She has developed effective lessons focusing on the concept of probability and has facilitated a student "Escape Room" with a iteracy theme. ‘ontinuing to focus on integrated lessons iteracy-mathematios-technology) will assist in the fsevelopment of more rich tasks. Eve understands the importance of cross-curricular learning and is pen to leaming more with both her students and her Associate teacher, ‘Overall Comments: 've continues to grow and contribute to our classroom leaming environment, She is just as dicated to her own professional growth as she is to the academic and spiritual growth of our students, She has participated in a number of events such as the Arts Deep Learning Network, }ECTA PD, Genius Bar/Tech Tank (Technology-based student clubs), parent-teacher conferences fo name a fow. Sho is a wonderful part of our St. Martin de Porres community and | look forward to jworking with her as her practicum continues, Signature of Associate Teacher: Date: Me Ze maT) sightareof Teacher Candidate ate 7 RETF

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