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APPGECET - 2017 Post Graduate Engineering Common Eatrance Tet (Conducted by Andhra University, Visakhapatnam on behalf of APSCHE ) 1 PGECET Enum Paper ForEatrnce Tat # > €S- COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGINEERING 2 G@) Qualiing Esaninationt BE.BTECH Presse He Repsation Nomar forall ore (©) Qualifying Exam Hal Ticket No# 1SKALAGSS1 (© Year of App Passing the Qualifying Exam | 2017 correspondence. (@) Medium of lnsiustion at Qaifyieg Exam > Ealsh REGISTRATION NO. : 6710135544 (oPaotseay imams Egat BAS UN 3. (Candidates Name # DUDEKULA HAIVALL (© Fathers Name # DUDEKULA BABA FAKRUDDIN (© Mother's Name# DUDEKULA SAKRAMMA (@ Date ofBith es per SSC or Equivalent) # +: 12021994 @ Birth State, Birth District ANDHRA PRADESH - KURNOOL (© Gender MALE 4. Category ECB 3 Local Ara sve |6 (a) Non-Minority | Minority NON-MINORITY © Mineity Category NA 1. Annoal Income ofthe Parents Rs) Below One Lak 6 (@) Study Detls [cass.i0 [kURNOOL fntemediate [Diploma [ELANGANA STATE [Deeree lcexTT00R [osc / MCA. Others Iva (Place of Study -S5C or Equivalent URBAN (© S8C Hall Ticket Nuniber & Year ofPassing # | 0920127052 , May -2003 (© lnter Hall Ticket Number & Year of Passing # | A. 19 (a) Address for Comespondeace 615, JOHARAPURAM, ASPARI, KURNOOL, ANDHRA PRADESH, 518347 (@yContact Tdephone Number Mobil) 9985015133 (OE Mail d: HAIVALISI@6MAIL.COM (@ Aadhar Card number 10. Test Centre Preferences: soens177671 Distt Prefrene 1 Preference 2 Prefrence-3 EENDERABAD [kurNooL 1. @ Feepartulars Payment through ONLINE (© Amoust ins): 857.50 (©) Payment Reference 6 ovica55i068 ‘Thee leds CANNOT beoditedby caudate but rites requst canbe made to he CONVENER er Regioal Coordinator of APPGECET-2017 oc malto ‘convener appgeeD017@gmailcoa ‘Remaining felis canbe ete bythe candidate during the permed period For and deal contact O89 ~ van [Decsration: I) have carefully gone through the nstrction booklet and [am convacant with the intreciony, [sail sade fy the aighilty conditions and ther ceulations to be satisfied for appaarineat the antrance tait and admission into any course preseribed,Futher, asic that, Tvl not involv {a any malpractse of ilagal acivtie inthe entrance tet, In case, Ihave ‘brnished any fils information of involved iz any malpractse ‘teaga activity, Tm line for punishment ar por the existing Ise 2) Tam responsible for the cerrections ofthe above details filling by me and the CONVENER APPGECET-2017 is not respensible in} pee 51082017 05:28 PM. SICNATURE and LEFT HAND THUMB impression of the candidate to bs done in the prazence of tha Tavigilator on the day of Examination inthe Examination Hall JAffix 2 ceceat color photosraph “= id (6.5 emi3.5 om) and gt “Tien inprasion attested by 2 Gazatted Officer or SIGNATURE OF THE CANDIDATE in the Principal ofthe College the share studing jevence of the Eavigitator (Well in advance BEFORE es is EXAMINATION) ~ [Note :) ALL the candidates have to submit is form inthe Examination Hal to he Invigiatr 3 This is computer Generated sheet and doe nt require the signature of the CONVENER, AFPGECET-1017,

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