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COMPETENCY NUMBER : Include the competency
number and letter , as well as subcategory
SUBCATEGORY : C-2-2 Demonstrate knowledge and ability to
properly donn ,doff and dispose of personal
protective equipment.
SIGNIFICANT LEARNING EXPERIENCE: Describe In NFDN 1001, we learned about the proper
One significant learning experience in this course technique of donning (putting on) and how to
related to CLPNA competency. Provide an properly doffing (putting it off). I was able to
Example. follow the steps and carefully do them without
contaminating myself. I demonstrated it while
recording myself through video and submitted
them online via YouTube

WHAT YOU LEARNED: Describe what you learned Personal protective equipment, or PPE, as
and it relates a competency. Explain why it was defined by the Occupational Safety and Health
meaningful. Administration, or OSHA, is specialized
clothing or equipment, worn by an employee
for protection against infectious materials. I
learned the importance on how to properly use
PPE when dealing with clients that are affected
with such illness and understand why health
care providers need to follow these guidelines.
PPE includes wearing: 1.Gloves-which
protects the health care providers hands. 2.
Gowns/Aprons- which protects skin /or
clothing 3. Mask/respirators- This protects
mouth, nose and prevention of airborne
infections. 4. Goggles which protects the
eyes and lastly 5.face shields- with protects
face, mouth , nose and eyes. All of the PPE
listed above prevents contact with the
infectious agent, or body fluid that may contain
the infectious agent, by creating a barrier
between the worker and the infectious material,
So it is a must that we know the proper
technique of doing this , in order to protect
ourselves from being contaminated and to
promote standard precaution technique. This
was a meaningful experience for me as this
was my first time to demonstrate it on my own
and I understand the concept of it and why this
should be an important habit for every health
care worker in the real life setting, and also a
good learning experience especially for me as a
student as this will help me in the long run and
would be beneficial for my career as an LPN
working in the hospital.

PROFICIENY RATING: Use the Proficiency I will rate my self as Good: understands
Categories below to rate you proficiency in the competency in theory and in scenarios and
Chosen CLPNA competency. What did you do to nursing practice as doing donning , doffing and
achieve this competency?. disposing them properly without contaminating
myself as well as the client. By carefully
practicing sterile sterile technique and
knowing the step- step procedure on how to
properly put on the PPE ( donning )on a
sequential manner starting with : 1. Hand
hygiene, 2.putting on the gown- making sure
the gown covers from neck to wrist and tie it at
the back of neck and waist. 3. Mask- secure the
ties or elastic around the head so that mask will
stay in place and fit the moldable band to the
nose bridge and fit snugly to face and below
chin. 4. Eye protection place over the eye or
face and adjust to fit. 5 gloves- pull the cuffs of
the gloves over the cuffs of the gown. And for
doffing take the gloves off first by grasping the
outside edge of the glove near the wrist and
peel away from the hand, turning it inside out
while holding the glove in the opposite glove
hand. Slide the ungloved finger or thumb under
the wrist of the remaining glove and peel the
glove off and over the first glove. making a bag
for both gloves and put it in the garbage. Then
do hand hygiene. After that, remove the gown
by carefully unfasten ties , grasp the outside of
the gown at the back of the shoulders and pull
the gown over the arms , turn the gown inside
out during removal and put in hamper or if
disposable put in the garbage. Then do hand
hygiene again, remove the eye protection or
face shield by handle only by headband or
earpiece and carefully pull away from the face
and put in garbage if disposable if not put in
appropriate area for cleaning and remove mask
by bending forward slightly and carefully
remove the mask from the face by touching
only the ties or elastic bands , staring with
bottom tie then remove the top tie and throw it
in garbage . and lastly hand hygiene. As per
guidelines of Alberta health services, infection
prevention and control. I was asked by my
instructor to redo the demonstration and will
have to record another video presentation as I
did not properly perform removing the gloves.
My instructor mentioned that when
removing PPE we should follow the
guidelines which is sterile to sterile , unsterile
to unsterile. For me, this is a good feedback as
I got encouraged to read and wanting to know
more how to do it right, as they say practice
makes perfect, by the time I submitted my next
video presentation my instructor gave me a
positive feedback and pass the course. By
following the procedure and carefully doing
them I know that I am doing the appropriate
technique of using the Personal protective
Equipment and that I fully understood the
importance of it.

NURSING PRACTICE: Describe how you will apply I will apply this learning In the future, or even
this learning in your current and future nursing to the current working position I am with right
practice. now as a health care aid in a long term care
facility. I will practice using PPE every time I
am dealing with clients / patients that have
airborne diseases or infectious illnesses to
prevent the spread of infection and to protect
myself from getting it as well as to prevent
other people from getting this illnesses. I will
dispose them as soon as I am done using the
proper technique and of course hand washing
before and after is a must. I will make sure that
standard precaution technique will be use. And
will continue learning this until my skills will
get better as this will be good for me in the
long run as an LPN.


Student Number : 1046678


DATE: December 12,2016


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