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Lesson Title: Orca Chief, Indigenous Connection to the Water

Lesson #: 12 Unit: The Changing Landscape Grade: 2/3

Subject: Integrated Unit; Science, E.L.A. & S.S. Time: 1:45-2:20 [35]min

Lesson Activities:
Learning Instructional Activities Student Activities Pacing
Ask students to join the circle, teacher on stool at Students join the circle
I can front
what Ive Review: What is an Elder? Called upon students
learned *use popsicle sticks share what they think an
elder is
Draw what Ask: why do you think elders tell stories?
you or the o What did they tell us in Elders are Called upon students
fisherman Watching? share why they think 5 min
have learnt elders tell stories
Picture fills Explain: For First Nations peoples storytelling is
the page very important. Through stories, people share
5+ colours important lessons about tradition and respect.
# Write what
you have Body:
Students Pair.Share.
Ask: Should we be respectful of animals?
Pair. Share

Tell students 1st listening job: Students listen to story,

Are the people being respectful? listening for if the people
Q: Should are respectful
we be Read book to pg 13
respectful of 15 min
Ask: Were the people being respectful? Opinion/why Called upon students
Tell students 2nd listening job: share opinion & reason
listen to what the orcas do
Yes, No Students listen
Read book to end

Ask: What did the orcas do? Called upon students

Did they help the fisherman? share what the orcas did

Ask: At the end, what did the fisherman say to the

[gave thanks]
o What do you think the fisherman learned? Students Pain.Share
o What did you learn? Pair. Share
Share ideas

Explain criteria:
Ask for risk taker & trait Risk taker repeats criteria

Hand out: sheets Students draw what they

10 min
*set timer [10] learned from the story

Closure: students to hand in sheets Hand in sheets

Curriculum Connections:
Content: S.S. Gr2&3 Relationships between people and the environment in different communities
ELA Gr2&3 Metacognitive strategies (talking and thinking about learning)
Letter formation & Legible handwriting
Explain why people, events, or places are significant to various individuals and
S.S. Gr2&3 groups (significance)
S.S Gr. 3
Recognize causes and consequences of events, decisions, or developments
(cause and consequence)

Assessment and Criteria:

SAY (what will student be able to say new vocabulary, verbal response to questions)
WRITE (how will students use writing skills to show what they have learned; what does this look like?)
DO (what actions/product will students complete to show understanding; what they have been taught)

S- Students will review what an elder is and will pair share if they think we should respect animals. Students
will participate in class discussion about what the fisherman learned as well as pair.share with a buddy what
they learned from the story.


D- Students will participate in class discussion. Students will complete drawing sheet, illustrating what they
learnt from the Orca Chief.

Criteria: Clear criteria to assess what the students have learned from this lesson. Set out clear expectations
linked to Outcomes and Say, write, & do expectations.

Draw what you or the fisherman have learnt
Picture fills the page
5+ colours
# Write what you have learned

Materials and Resources with References/Sources:

Teacher Students
Resources needed: Pencils
Elmo projector
Orca Chief book
The Elders are Watching book
What I have learnt worksheets x25
First Peoples Principles of Learning;
Learning is holistic, reflexive, experiential, and relational (focused on connectedness, on
reciprocal relationships, and a sense of place).
Learning involves generational roles and responsibilities
Learning recognizes the role of indigenous knowledge.

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