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Espectrofotometra: espectros de absorcin y cuantificacin

espectrofotomtrica de biomolculas
Jos Luis Camargo Sebastin Parra
Abstract: Spectrophotometry is a method
used to measure how much light does a
substance absorb when being hit by a light
beam; this is determined by measuring the
remaining percentage of the beam, which
trespasses the substance, reflecting on a
sensor. One of the most common uses of
spectrophotometry is the determination of
the concentration of a certain substance in
a solvent; therefore, the method is widely
used in different fields like medicine and
engineering. The purpose of this study is to
solely apply the method of spectrophotom-
etry to determine .

Palabras clave: espectrofotometra abso-

bancia transmitancia
Mtodos y materiales:
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