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Prayer + Effort + Patience + Positive thought = PASSED.


Criminalistics 1. Light
Lucky one is the one who study hard! 2. Camera
Relax! Dont be nervous! 3. Lens
Assure 75 correct every subject during board exam! 4. Sensitized materials
5. Chemical processing
ARCHES ------5%
1. Body or light tight box-
2. Lens
Whorl tracing 3. Shutter
I (inner) - 3 or more ridges inside the right delta 4. Holder of sensitized material
5. View finder
O (outer) - 3 or more ridges outside the right delta
Additive Color Mixture
M (meeting) - 1 or 2 ridges either inside or outside the right Primary colors: green, red and blue= white.
delta, or if the tracing stops on the right delta itself
Subtractive Color Mixture
The counting of loop with the equivalent symbol Secondary colors: yellow, magenta and cyan= black.
Index middle ring RED- the longest of which is seen.
(1-9) I (1-10) I (1-13) I VIOLET-shortest what is seen.
10 or more O 11or more-O 14 or more O
Positive Lens- weak positive lens, known as PORTRAIT or
Mitochondrial DNA: 500 to 10,000 copies per cell CLOSE-UP Attachments

Nucleus contains 22 pairs of chrom = autosomes + 23rd sex Negative Lens- to increase the effective focal length
Lens Hood- to reduce unwanted angular rays of light
[Male XY;FemaleXX]billion base pairs [99.9% is
common;0.1% highly variable in a given population]
Prayer + Effort + Patience + Positive thought = PASSED.

Shutters Speed
Source of Light Lens Opening
1/250- simple in human motion a. Bright sunlight shadow are prominent
1/1000- droplet of milk or water
b. Hazy sunlight light shadows are present
1/2000- wings of bird f/11
1/4000- flying bullet c. cloudy Bright sunlight no shadows but
Developing progress for FILM d. weak, hazy sunlight soft shadows
Development 5 - 6 minutes f/8
e. sunlight or open shade its about to
Stop-bath 15-20 seconds
rain/person is under shade
Fixation 10-15 minutes
Preferably running water 15 to20 minutes
for another
Bright deep and uniform in shadow
Developing progress for photographic paper
Hazy transparent in shadow
Development 1 minute
Stop-bath 10-15 seconds Dull no shadow.
Fixation 30 seconds Cloudy Bright- no shadow but objects at far distance
Wash the print in 20-30 minutes
are clearly visible.
running water for about
Cloudy Dull- no shadow and visibility of distant
Basic Kinds of Gunshot Wounds objects are already limited
Contact - Gun muzzle is pressed against, or within an inch or
two, of the body. LENS CORRECTION
Close or Intermediate-----6 to 2 ft
Distance Discharge--------over 2 or 3 ft Achromatic lens chromatic aberration
Rapid rectilinear lens distortion
Infrared lights 700-1000 Nanometer
Visible light 400-700 Nanometer Anastigmatic lens astigmatism as well as the other
Ultra-violet light 30 - 400 Nanometer lens defects
X-rays 10 30 Nanometer Apochromatic lens astigmatism but higher degree
correction color
Prayer + Effort + Patience + Positive thought = PASSED.


LIGHT its Nature and Sources
It is a radiant electromagnetic energy that can be seen by naked 1000 peso- blue
eye. Jose Abad Santos, Vicente Lim and Josefa Llanes Escoda
186,000 miles/sec. velocity/ speed of light 500 peso- yellow
16,000 to 18,000 ft./sec. bullets speed Benigno Aquino and Corazon Aquino
200 peso- green
. Diosdado Macapagal
Types of film (black & white) according to Color or
100 peso-Mauve
Spectral sensitivity
Manuel Roxas
Monochromatic UV and blue color only. 50 peso- Red
(blue sensitivity) Sergio Osmea
Orthochromatic film UV to blue and green light. 20-peso-Orange
Manuel L. Quezon
Panchromatic UV, blue, green, red or all colors, 10-peso- Brown
it has a widest range of spectral Bonifacio and Mabini
sensitivity. 5 peso- Green
1 peso- Blue
Infra-red films UV, blue, green, red or all colors
The greater the number of points of similarities
Rules of Electronic Evidence and dissimilarities of two persons compared, the greater is
the probability for the conclusion to be correct. This is known
(A.M. No. 01-7-01-SC) dated July 17, 2001 as the Methods of Identification

To convert millimeter calibration to inches, multiply the A person ceases to increase in height after the age 25 yrs.
caliber in millimeters by 0.03937 or divide by 25.4 The growth of a person rarely exceeds 5 cm after the age of 18
To convert inches calibration to millimeters, multiply by 25.4 The rate of growth is most active in the age of
or divide by 0.03937. 5- 7 and 13-16 yrs.
Prayer + Effort + Patience + Positive thought = PASSED.

Pubic hair appear------------------ age 13 in female and 14 in (45%) formed elements or the solid materials consisting chiefly
male of cells namely:
Mustache and beard------------- 16-18 yrs. Red Blood Cells or RBC (ERYTHROCYTES) around
Breast commences---------------- 13-14 yrs. 4 5 millions of red cell per cc. of blood.
Male develop low tone voice---- bet. Age of 16-18yrs
White Blood Cells or WBC (LEUKOCYTES)
Hair turn to gray- ------------------after 40 yrs.
Blood Platelets (THROMBOCYTES)
Pubic hair may turn gray ---------at the age of 50 yrs.
Menstruation in women-----------12 yrs. PRELIMINARY TEST - determine whether the stain
but in warm countries it may start earlier contains blood or another substance. Determines whether
age. visible stains do or do not contain blood. It is used to
Length of hair- scalp grows------- 2.5 cm a month demonstrate the presence of blood.
Beard hair grows at the rate of---- 0.4mm a day CONFIRMATORY TEST - determines whether bloodstain
really contains blood. Test that positively identifies blood.
LIGHT AS FACTOR IN IDENTIFICATION PRECIPITIN TEST- determines whether blood is a human or
Clearest moonlight person cannot be recognized at greater non-human origin, and if non human, the specific animal
distance of 16-17 yards family from which it originated.
BLOOD GROUPING TEST - determines the blood group of
Starlight Not further than 10-13 yards
Board Daylight A person is hardly recognized at a human.
distance farther than 100 yards if the PRELIMINARY TEST FOR BLOOD
person has never been seen before.
Person who are almost strangers may
be recognized as a distance of 25 yards BENZIDINE TEST Blue
PHENOLPHTALEIN TEST Rose color or deep pink color.
( Kastle-Meyer test)

Flash of firearms- letter two inches high can be read with the GUAIACUM TEST Beautiful blue color or
(van Deens Dyas or Schombeins peacock blue color.
aid of the flash of cal.22 firearm at the distance of 2 feet test)
Composition of Blood
LEUCOMALACHITE GREEN Malachite green or bluish
TEST green peacock blue color
Prayer + Effort + Patience + Positive thought = PASSED.

Embalming is an artificial way of preserving the body after

death by injecting 6 to 8 quarts of antiseptic solutions of
A normal healthy Filipino has about 16-18 glasses of blood formalin, per chloride of mercury or arsenic.
(an average glass of 200 cc.) Burial or Exhumation the body must be buried within 48
Loss of 3 glasses---------------------------- will cause anemia. hours after death. (Sec. 1092 Revised Adm. Code)

Loss of 6 glasses of blood means--------- loss of life Disposing of the Dead body in the sea dead body thrown
over board in an open sea provided that the deceased is not
The color change from red to reddish brown within 24 hours suffering from dangerous communicable disease. (Sec. 1095
in warm weather. Revised Adm. Code)

Cremation is the pulverization of the body into ashes by the

application of heat.
Nature of Time Exception
Normal quantity of seminal fluid in a single ejaculated is from Death
1.5 to 3.5 cc.
Died with After 5 years of interment Shorter period upon opinion
Seminal fluid H20 and same salts communicable of Secretary of Heath
Spermatozoa 400 M to 500 M per ejaculated except in males
afflicted with aspermia or with ologospermia
Without After 3 years of interment Shorter period upon opinion
SIGNS OF DEATH communicable of Secretary of Heath


There must be entire and continuous cessation

of the heart action and flow of blood in the whole vascular
As to kind of instrument used
Blunt instrument (contusion, hematoma, lacerated wound)
General rules no heart action for 5 min death is regarded as Sharpedge instrument (incised wound)
certain Sharp-pointed instrument (punctured wound)
Prayer + Effort + Patience + Positive thought = PASSED.

Sharp-edged and sharp-pointed instrument (stab wound) Serious physical injuries more than 90 days or
Tearing force (lacerated wound) Deformity
Atmospheric pressure (barotrauma) Less Serious physical 10 days or more but not more
Heat or cold (frostbite, burns or scald) injuries than 30 days
Slight physical injuries and 1 to 9 days
Chemical explosion (gunshot or shrapnel wound)

As regards the relation of the site of the application of force 1. Appears to be smaller than 1. Always bigger than missile
and location of injury missile owing to elasticity of
tissue except contact fire.
Coup injury - injury found at site of the application of force 2. Edges inverted 2. Edges averted
Contre Coup - injury found opposite the site of the application 3. Usually ovaloid or rounded 3. Variable shape
4. Contusion collar present 4. Contusion collar absent
of force.
5. Other product of 5. Always absent
combustions when firing is near
Coup Contre Coup - injury found at the site and also 6. Paraffin test may be positive 6. Always negative
opposite the application of force

Locus minoris resistancia - injury found both at the site or Legal importance of the study of pregnancy
opposite the site of the application of the force but in some
o Pregnancy ground for the suspension of the execution
areas offering least resistance to the force applied.
of the death sentence in women
o A conceived child is capable of receiving donation.
Extensive Injury - injury involving a greater area beyond the
o Duration of pregnancy 270-280 days from onset of
site of the application of force
last menstruation. (9 month)
o Abnormally prolonged gestation beyond 300 days.
(10 mnth)
o Minimum period of gestation compatible with
Mutilation (Art. 262 RPC) is the act of looping cutting off
viability of the child born at 180 days may live.- 6
any part or parts of the living body.
Prayer + Effort + Patience + Positive thought = PASSED.

Abortion Practiced by the woman herself or by her By the serious illness of the husband.
parents 2. Adopted Children
Abortion practiced by a physician or midwife and
dispensing of abortions Adoption is defined the act or proceeding by which of
paternity and filiation are recognized as legally existing
between persons not so related by nature.
PATERNITY is the civil of the father with respect to the
child begotten him.

FILIATION is the civil status of the child in relation to its

mother or father.

Kinds of children

1. Legitimate children (proper) born in lawful wedlock or

within 300 days after the dissolution of marriage.

Presumption of Legitimacy

o There is a valid marriage Drugs Test Used Color Reaction

o the birth of the child took place after 180 days Opium Marquis test Purple/Violet
following the celebration of marriage or within 300 Heroin Nitric Acid Yellow-Green
days following its dissolution or separation of spouse; Morphine Nitric Acid Red Orange
Cocaine Cobalt
Thiocyanate Blue
o There is no physical impossibility of the husband
Barbiturates Dille-Kopanyi test Violet
having access to the wife during the first 120 days of Or the Zwikker test Blue color
the 300 preceding the birth of the child. Amphetamines Marquis test Red/Orange-Brown
This physical impossibility may be caused by: LSD Para Amino BenZoic Acid( PABA) Purple
Marijuana Duquenois-Levine test or KN Test Red Bottom layer
The impotence of the husband; the fact that the husband Shabu Symones test Purple
and wife were living separately in such a ay that access
was not possible.

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