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SUMMARY A study of the work Vymanika Shastra is presented. First, the historical
aspects and authenticity of the work are discussed. Subsequently, the work is critically
reviewed in respect of its technical content. It appears that his work cannot be dated
us to conclude the non feasibility of heavierthan craft of earlier times. Some peripheral

1. HistoricalAspects afortieth)ofYantraSarvaswaby r: xMqpx: xMpix AUp
sageBharadwaja,whichisdevoted l rjxu l Su || 5 ||
1.1 ORIGIN to a summary of the work on G0 AwO0 1 | A0 3 | ua 4 |
A book titled Brihad Vimana vimana vigyana by a number of
q0 2 ||
Shastra by Shri Bramhamuni othersagesandissaidtobeforthe
Parivrajaka was published in the benefitofallmankind. .going from one island to
year 1959 [1]. It contains verses in another with these crafts in three
Sanskrit (describing aircraft) with 1.2 DATINGOFTHEWORK daysandnights.and
theirHinditranslation. In his introduction to the
Recently, another book titled BrihadVimanaShastra(hereafter A l lu qil rl mUr
Vymanika Shastra by Shri G.R. denotedasBVA)thetranslatorhas aliu ........ || 9 || G0 AwO0 1 |
Josyer has appeared [2], which tried to hind at the Vedic origin of A0 3 | u0 34 | q0 2 || Mwh
contains the same Sanskrit verses the text. In support of this he has lrl WUr: xmh Am uxl Su
with their English translation. One invoked Maharshi Dayananda qimili | i AuulixSl....||10||
notable feature of this English Saraswatis work entitled
Sz mkrzcqM h lqrl M
versionisthatitcontainsdrawings Rigaveda Bhashya Bhumika [3].
of some crafts too, something not Also, some quotations from EiMi | ixqlixM zi l
to be found in the Hindi version. western scholars are given in zMu mi bwOl cscsx:
Also, the English work by Josyer supportoftheclainforantiquity. || 11 || G0 AwO0 2 | A0 3 |
makes no mention whatsoever of According to Maharshi u0 23 | q0 1 | 2 ||
theearlierworkinHindi. Dayananda Saraswatis
Ourmainconcerninthisreport commentary (first published in Just an intelligent people
willbewiththeabovetwoworks. 1878 or earlier), there are constructed ships to cross
These books contain verses references to aircraft in the Vedic oceans..jumping into space
which,accordingtotheirtexts,are mantras: speedily with a craft using fire and
supposedtoformonlypart(about water..containing 12 stamghas
DepartmentalofAeronauticalEngineering (pillars), one wheel, three

ScientificOpinion/5 1974
machines, 300 pivots, and 60 However, we were able to and had them exhibited there.
instruments. locate Shri G.V. Sharma and Shri Subsequently, the original
These, however, are too vague, VenkataramaShastry(adoptedson manuscript and the drawings were
scanty, and totally inadequate to of Pandit Subbaraya Shastry) with procured and retained by Shri
date their (verses) content to the help from a retired scholor from Josyer. The drawings were not
Vedicperiod.Further,weareafraid the Tirupati Sanskrit Library, Shri contained in the transcripts which
we may be attributing meaning to Srinivasa Iyengar, who seems t reached the Baroda University
shlokas based on what we know have played some part in Library. That perhaps is why BVS
today. (More on this in Section transactions relating to the lacksthedrawings.
1.5). transcripts in question. Discussions
ThemanuscriptfromwhichBVS with both Shri Sharma and Shri 1.4 AUTHORSLIFESKETCH
waspreparedassaidtohavebeen Venkatarama Shastry cleared up The authorship, as stated
available a the Rajakiya Sanskrit manypointsconcerningthehistory earlier,hasbeentracedtoShastriji.
Library, Baroda, in 1944. It is also ofthedocuments. Itmaybeworthrecordingsomeof
stated in BVS that later another Shri G.V. Sharma was a close his life history to appreciate the
transcriptwasfoundinPoonawith associate of Pandit Subbaraya situation in a better perspective.
asignatureanddates a uMOcs Shastry (Shastriji from hereon) Following is a brief life sketch of
zq 981919 set on it. BVS has during his later years. It appears Shastriji summarized from
that Shastriji, who was supposedly reference [4]. It appears that the
been written on the basis of the
endowed with certain mystical autobiography was written to fulfil
above two transcripts which are
powers, used to spell out shlokas apromisemadetoJagdishChandra
essentially the same. It may be
(verses) whenever he got Bose (the wellknown scientist) by
noted that in the introduction to
inspiration. These used to be Shastriji, during one of the
BVS gratitude has been expressed
promptly taken down by Shri discussionmeetingsatBombay.
Sharma. After the full text had Shastriji was born in a small
something to do with the
been so dedicated, copies were village in Hosur Taluk (Madras
made which later found their way State) and got married at the age

to several places, Most of this and of eight. His parents died a few
othersimilarmaterialswerekeptin years later and he was forced to
As already stated, the
charge of Shri Venkatrama Shastry support the large family, including
authorship of the work has been
afterthedeathofShastrijiin1941. brothers and sisters, virtually by
attributed to Maharshi
Theexistenceofthemanuscript begging. Subsequently, he went to
Bharadwaja. Whether this
wasknowninsomecirclesandthat stay with his fatherinlaw, but
probably is how Air Com. Goel soonhadtoleavewithhisbrothers
seven seers (Saptarshis) is by no
came to know of it and had it and sisters, looking for alms at
means substantiated. Thus the
procured from the Baroda othertowns.Thereafter,thingsgot
question of authorship remains as
UniversityLibrarysometimeduring worse. Sometime later, his sisters
yet unanswered. It is possible,
1944. and one of his three brothers died
however, to throw more light on
Sometime during 1951, Shri ofsmallpox.Hehimselfgotsucha
Josyer established an organization, severe attack that he no longer
In his introductory remarks in
called International Academy of could move or use his own hands.
the book Vymanika Shastra (VS
Sanskrit Research. An exhibition of His brothers perforce had to leave
from hereon) Josyer states that
rare manuscripts was held during himtohimselfandmoveaway.He
the inaugural function. Shri M.C. had to live on grass and other
dictated the verses to Shri G.
Krishnaswamy Iyengar, another leaves,likeandanimal,foraperiod
associate of Shastriji, (who has of time. He then came to an area
publishedtheEnglishtranslationof near Kolar (Karnataka) in a most
the process in which the work
the autobiography of Shastriji [4]) pitiablestate.Itisstatedthatthere
came into existence have been
took some of the manuscripts, hemetagreatsaint,referredtoas
including the Vymanika Shastra, Guruji Maharaj in the text. This

ScientificOpinion/6 1974
saint cured him of his terrible Dr. Talpade (of Bombay) tried to within the realm of science and is
disease, initiated him into make models under the guidance beyondthescopeofthispaper.
spirituality and revealed to him of Shastriji, but that he was not Thus it appears to us from
secrets of many shastras like successful in making any of then internalandrelatedevidencethat
VimanaShastra,BhautikKalaNidhi, fly. theworkVSisofrecentorigin.
JalaTantra,etc.inacave. Despite these and other facts
Later on, Shastriji came back to 1.5 DISCUSSION mentioned earlier Shri Josyer
Anekal and settled down with his The dating of the work VS may states in the introduction to his
wife to a quiet life. Circumstances beapproachedfromotherangles: book [2] that the work is several
forced him to adopt Shri (a)ThekindofSanskritusedinthe thousand years old; the book in
Venkatarama Shastry as his son. text may indicate whether or not Hindi[1]tendstohintatthevedic
Because of innate spirituality and thetextisofVedicorigin. originofthetext.
mysticism, he came to influence ThetextcontainsShlokassetto What we feel unfortunate in
many people, some wise, some AlwOm metreanditslanguageis history is that some people tend
rich,andsomeboth.Hethenmade quitesimpleandmodern.Again,in to eulogise and glorify whatever
several trips to Bombay and itsintroduction,BVSmentionsthat theycanfindaboutourpast,even
dictated Parts of Vimana Shastra afewwordsdidhaveastructure without valid evidence. In the
there. He had the drawings (of similartothatoftheVedicSanskrit. absence of any evidence, efforts
aircraft) made sometime between Thenumberofsuchwordsbeing will be made to produce part of
1900 and 1919 by someone called verysmall,andtheirusagebeing the evidence in favour of
Ellappawhowasadraughtsmanin incidental,itappearsappropriate antiquity. The above two works
a local engineering college at the toconcludethattheSanskritused are by no means exceptions to
time. inthetextismodern.(b)Another this, in particular the recently
Shastriji had no formal training significantpointisthealmost published book. In fact the
(for schooling) of any kind. He completeabsenceofanymention introduction to Reference [2] is
learnttoreadandwriteTeluguand ofuseofaircraftinthe least scholarly by any standards.
Kannadascriptsonlywhenhecame innumerableSanskrittextsofthe Wefeelthatthepeopleconnected
backaftermeetingGurujiMaharaj. postVedicage.Onetext,namely with publication directly or
His early boyhood and youth were SamaranganaSutradhara,by indirectly are solely to blame
spentinbravingsomeoftheworst Bhojadealswithsomedescription either for distorting or hiding the
calamitiesthatcanbefallaman. ofaircraft,butdoesnotquoteany historyofthemanuscripts.
What appears strange in the earlierwork.Whatismore,Bhoja
whole matter is that Pandit statesthatdetaileddescriptionof 1.6 CONCLUSIONS
SubbarayaShastry,whoapparently theirconstructionandother Thus the work Vymanika
was not a pnadit in anyordinary featureswillnotbegivenlestthe Shastra was brought into
sense, dictated a work and samebeusedforevilpurposeby existence sometime between 1900
nowhereinitdidhisnameappear. people?(Wearetemptedto and 1922 by Pandit Subbaraya
Also, it was written as though remarkthathedidnotknow!) Shastrybytechniquesuncleartous
Maharshi Bhadadwaja were its Themostimportantoftextslike at the moment. The only evidence
author. Any possible fraud in the RamayanaandMahabharatamake in favour of Maharshi Bhardwaja
matter, in our opinion, is out of no mention of the use of aircraft being the author is the textual
the question sine Shastriji was for travel, military, or war statementandnothingmore.
known for his utter simplicity, purposes. The Pushpak Vimana
humbleandun[pretentiousnature. of Ramayana, as described 2. Technical Survey And
It is also stated in his therein, has no flying qualities Criticism
autobiography that he was unsure except possibly by invocation of
of the practicality of the ideas mantrasortantras.Ofcourse,a 2.1 GENERAL
propounded in Vymanika Shastra. discussion of whether these A general treatise on any
(Thetheoryitselfishighlyunsound existed at all is undecideable subject, particularly as complex as
in our view). Also stated one late aeronautics, starts off with an

ScientificOpinion/7 1974
enunciation of the basic principles
involved and subsequently
discusses the integration and
development of these principles
science or technology. Contrary to
this, the Vymanika Shastra gets
down to details right away; even
here there is no expression of any
kind of generality. The different
described as though a particular
The science of aeronautics
requires an understanding of a
number of disciplines:
aerodynamics, aeronautical
structures, propulsive devices,
materials, and metallurgy. The
subject works lay uncalled for
emphasis on propulsive devices
and structures, but little or no
emphasis on aerodynamics. It is [Note: The accompanying aircraft 2.2b Principles A few lines have
worthpointingoutthatthehistory diagrams are given merely to aid been devoted to the function of
of aeronautics (western) in regard visualizationandarenottoscale.] wings and tail and they appear to
to production of heavierthanair beincorrect.Fromwhatisgivenin
craftisstuddedwithinitialfailures, thefollowingverses:
significantly traceable to a non 2.2 SHAKUNAVIMANA
understandingofaerodynamics[5]. 2.2a General As the name iju uimrl SYmSzkuexir |
The works [1,2] under suggests,thisvimana(plane)islike mzccNMlxrxl iimrqu c ||
discussion contain description and abird.Itissupposedtocontainthe
uqlimhj iimcdpaxiru W |
details on the definition of an following parts: Peetha (floor
airplane, a pilot, aerial routes, board), hollow mast, three ii uqlxgcUMUhwqrMrlM: ||
food, clothing, metals, metal wheeled keelakas (hinges) with
production, mirrors and their uses holes, four heaters, air suction Itappearsthatgreatimportanceis
inwars,varietiesofmachineryand pipes, water jacket, oil tank, given to the tail portion for the
yantras, planes like mantrik, shakuna yantra, two wings, tail generationoflift.Alsothefunction
tantrik, and kritak. Details about portiontoenablethevimanatofly, of the hinge wings becomes
four planes in the kritak category owshyamaka yantra or heat unclear in this context. It may be
Shakuna, Sundara, Rukma, and engine,etc. noted that it is the wings which
Tripuraarealsogiven. It has several tiers, each one shouldcontributetothelifeofthe
We will address ourselves containing different yantras craft and the tail portion to its
principallytotheabovementioned (machines). The drawings show controllability.
four planes; the discussion will be parts like cylinder, piston worm
on the basis of principles, gear, and pumps which seem 2.2c Geometry The height and
geometry, materials, chemistry, entirely modern (beyond 18th width of the craft, in our opinion,
andoperationaldata. century). areinsuchproportionastoputits
stability in serious question. There
are inconsistencies in the
dimensions mentioned in the

ScientificOpinion/8 1974
verses and those given in the

mOlr uixilqziUi uhi |

mOmgczixilqrq c iju W ||

in the drawings, being 80 and 25
feet respectively. In the verses,
vitasti is used as a unit of length
while in the drawings foot is
from 9 inches to a foot depending
upon the situation in which the
term is used. Here it appears as

2.2d Operational data There are

no statements on the capabilities

2.2e Materials There is mention

board is made of raja loha. This
material,supposedly,istobemade the dynamics of the flight of principles, we have the following:
from prana kshara (ammonium heavierthanaircraft. electricity is generated by some
chloride), Bengal gram, benzoin, means (what appears to be a
mercury borax, mica, silver, and 2.3 SUNDARVIMANA combinationoffriction,heat,solar
panchamrita(!), all mixed, heated 2.3a General This plane meant rays,waterfalletc.)throughuseof
to 800 kaksha (unit of for flight only in the air has five jyotirmukha and several other
temperature), and poured out. tiresandanumberofparts. materialsincludingsixteendrona
There is a number of other measures of donkeys urine! The
materialsdescribedherein. AS mPxii kqlsxipxiju W | use of 80 link of electricity is
mzcS kqSaqrlmgcM c ii: mU|| expected to vaporize oil. Also,
2.2f Comments It must be steam is generated separately. It
pointedoutherethattheessential These are: ground plate, smoke appears that by operating some
idea of flying like a bird has been chimney, five gas engines, metal switches, these two (oil and
triedbymanypeople(abroad)over pipe wind blower, electricity steam) can be mixed to produce
several centuries right from the generator, four faced heater, and 500 kaksha heat. These are then
time of LeonardodaVinci, but outercover. passed through a pipe called
without any success whatever. shundala (like elephants trunk)
Hence the feasibility of a craft of 2.3b Principles The place has for purposes of propulsion.
the above type is a near been described in considerable Further there is detailed
impossibility. Furthermore, the detailthoughnobasicprinciplesof description of some machinery.
authorwhoeverhebeshowsa operation have been mentioned. Lookingintodrawingsandthetext
complete lack of understanding of From what may be salvaged as leads one to conclude that air is

ScientificOpinion/9 1974
sucked from the bottom, and hot
gases are allowed to exhaust
this is expected to produce force
to life the plane up a statement
which is a gross violation of
Newtons laws. It may be
mentioned that there are verses
which imply such violations

LMS caqlaqlai pui |
kqmxUh rxql Sz zhSsi pul||
ixqllu? uqlxr aql uai pui ||
Auil ckUuqZaqlm iju c ||

.The fast movement of the
plane takes place in the same
zhQs ij MsMSp, mUiMqi | 2.4 RUKMAVIMANA
bOMucNllMs rell cizziq || 2.4aGeneralThisplanehasa
five tier structure, with passenger
Fourhundredyojanasarecovered cabins on the third tier. The plane
inoneghatika. ismeantforflightonlyintheair.

... xurqu uqlxr aqlq ...
Ghatikahasastandardimplication 2.4bPrinciplesThisaircraftisthe
Becauseofthisediting,meanings one which some of us thought
oftheversesdonttieinproperly. of 24 minutes. Yojana has an
implicationofabout8to10miles meaningful quite some time back
Infact,thiseditingwastotally whilestudyingBVS.ATthattimeVS
uncalledforandshouldnothave (some interpret yojana to mean
more). Even with the smaller (containing the drawings) was not
beendone.Ifitwastobe available. From BVS we conclude
performed,itshouldhavebeen figure the craft speed amounts to
8000mphfantasticfigurebyany that there were long vertical ducts
indicatedassuch. containing fans at the top. The
aircraftoftodayhasattainedsuch direction of airflow was not
2.3cGeometry&operationaldata indicated in the text. We
It has the shape of a cone speedinsidetheatmosphere.
presumed, therefore, that upward
cylinder combination, with a base flightwould befeasiblebyrunning
diameter of 32 feet, cylinder 2.3d Chemistry & materials One
ofthevesselsusedforproduction the fans to suck air from the top
heightof20feet,andconeheight and send it down the ducts,
of 29 feet. The whole geometry of electricity is expected to be
filled with apamarga, sampasya, generating a lift in the process,
appears to be one of a mobile essentially like a vertical takeoff
factory,ifanything,andmuchless and ayaskanta soaked in
elephants urine mixed with andlandingcraft(VTOL).
from the gas engine (dhoomodga mercury. Another vessel is to be
filledwith cowsurine,andsoon. In the text it is stated that lift is
yantra) is said to be 2113 link. generated by the beating of
Windspeedfromnalastambhais There are several other
descriptions in a similar vein ayahpinda wheels against the
said to be 600 link. Speed of the floor board. Electrical tube wheels
craftisgivenin: withoutanypossiblesense.

ScientificOpinion/10 1974
are supposed to aid flight in a
manner not discussed at all. The
purpose of fans has not been
indicated in the text, whereas in
the figure they have been
like in other crafts, the static

2.4c Geometry The geometry is
again a cylindercone combination
with a base diameter of 100 feet,
height of 20 feet, and cone height
of 80 feet. The text mentions a
dimension of 1000 feet for the 2.5bPrinciplesNomentionofany None of the planes has properties
base. principles of operation has been orcapabilitiesofbeingflown;the
made. Power is said to be geometries are unimaginably
mP Yquqlxr MqMU mMsmri | generatedfromthegeneratorfrom horrendousfromthepointofview
uixiWxrq aqMuixiMq || the generator at the top using of flying; and the principles of
suns rays and some acids in a propulsion make then resist rather
However, the drawing shows only mannernotdescribed.Thegeneral thanassistflying.
100 feet. This is a geometrical descriptionandthediagramsseem
contradiction. to indicate the use of electric The text and the drawings do not
motors which were known only in correlate with each other even
2.4dOperationaldataThe the19thcentury. thematically. The drawings
Description mentions a speed of definitely point to a knowledge of
105 kroshas per ghatika 2.5c Geometry & operational data modern machinery. This can be
amountingtoaspeedof625mph It is oval shaped in plan with a explained on the basis of the fact
(compared to the speed of sound length of 100 feet and maximum that Shri Ellappa who made the
of about 760 mph). This is an widthof24feet.Theheightofthe drawingswasinalocalengineering
incredible speed even for a sleek craftis30feet.Nooperationaldata college and was thus familiar with
aircraftandjustimpossibleforthe havebeengiven. names and details of some
kindofgeometryused. machinery. Of course the text
2.5d Materials In order to retainsastructureinlanguageand
2.4e Materials A number of prevent water from seeping into content from which its recent
materials is mentioned principal the craft, when it is moving over nature cannot be asserted. We
amongwhichisrajaloha. water,itissaidtobecoveredwith must hasten to point out that this
aclothknownasmilkcloth(UmO). does not imply an oriental nature
2.4f Comments If the craft is Alsothedescriptionofanalloyhas of the text at all. All that may be
taken to mean what the drawings beengivenwhichissupposedtobe said is that thematically the
and the text say, it can be stated lightandfireresistant. drawings ought to be ruled out of
that the craft is a decided discussion. And the text, as it
impossibility. 3. General Comments and stands, is incomplete and
Conclusions ambiguous by itself and incorrect
2.5 TRIPURAVIMANA Any reader by now would have atmanyplaces.
2.5a General This plane is concluded the obvious that the
supposed to fly in air, and move planes described above are the Alargenumberofverseshasbeen
waterandland.Whenmovingover best poor concoctions, rather than devoted to the metallurgical and
water the wheels are to be expressions of something real. materialaspects,asstatedearlier.

ScientificOpinion/11 1974
Also,anumberofcrossreferences eastward ones opened; and so on
indicated in BVS belong to the 2.G.R.Josyer,VymanikaShastra, for movements in the north and
subject of materials. (Incidentally, Internaitonal Academy of Sanskrit south directions. And there be no
these references are not to be Research,Mysore4. mistakes in this. There are many
found in VS.) This is more verses on the subject (of
understandable since our people 3. Dayananda Saraswati, Rigveda aircrafts), but the wise will get the
were leaders in this field in earlier Bhashya Bhumika, Vydika idea from whatever little is given
times.Anumberofmaterialsmade Yantralaya,Ajmer,1929. here.
of iron, brass, and bronze, in
existence since times immemorial 4. G. Venkatachala Sharma, The The statements above would
and even till this day, are proofs Autobiography(inEnglishofPandit appeartoindicatecompleteaccord
enoughofthisfeature. Subbaraya Shastry), published by with the Newtons lawsof motion.
M.C.KrishnaswamyIyengar,andC. Contradictions apparent in the
Yetthedescriptionofmaterialsand VenkatachalaSharma. verses and drawings in [1] and [2]
their making in the text do not are quite puzzling, especially when
seem to make much sense from 5. Theodore von Karmen, The oneconsidersthefactthat[3]was
thepointofviewofmakingthemin Aerodynamics, McGraw Hill supposedly available when [1] and
actualpractice. Company,1963. [2]werecompiled.

Be this as it may, the text raises 6. Editors comment In this ERRATUM
some peripheral questions. One of context, it must be pointed out IntheSanskritversegiven
them concerns the kind of units that Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati underSubsection2.2c(column1,
used. The basic text uses vitasti (MDS) in his commentary on the page9)mPillr shouldreadas
forlength,linkforspeed,kaksha Rigveda (reference 3 above, mPillr.
forheat,&linkagainforelectrical published first in 1878 or earlier),
force. The units of speed and has also something to say on the
temperature are new and, to the subjectofmovementofaircraftin
bestofourknowledge,donothave differentdirections.
any easily decipherable meaning. In his comments (on the verses
Some effort was made to given in Subsection 1.2 of this
determine the internal consistency article)MDSsays:
of these units, but this did not
provesuccessful. ..Oneofthemtohaltthecraft,
one to make it move forward, and
Also, no data have been given the third to make it move
about the weights of crafts and backwards. There be 60
their components. This is serious instruments, some working at one
sinceweight isfundamentaltothe timeandtheothersatothertimes.
flyingofheavierthanairmachines. .In other words, to lift the lane
Moreover, the unit of mass does up, the top openings for steam
not even appear anywhere is the must be closed and to bring the
text. craft down, steam should
appropriately be allowed to
REFERENCES exhaust from the top. Similarly, to
propel the aircraft eastward,
1. SwamiBramhamuniParivrajaka, eastward steam openings must be
Brihad Vimana Shastra, closedandwestwardonesopened:
Sarvadeshik Arya Pratinidhi Sabha. to take the plane in the westward
Dayanand Bhavan, New Delhi, direction, westward steam
1959. openings should be shut and

ScientificOpinion/12 1974

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