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(Section B: Grammar & Writing)

Q.3. Your School has decided to celebrate Golden Jubilee of KVS, by

arranging a day long programme. Students are urged to
participate actively of co-operate in making the celebrations a
groom success. You are Monisha/Manoj, cultural Secretary of
your school write a notice in this regard in not more them so
words to be put up on the school notice board. (4)


You are Ashish/Arti of Hyderabad You write out an advertisement

to be published in the classified columns of a newspaper in about
50 words.

Q.4. You are Akshita/Akshay staying at 15, Agra road Kanpur. Write a
letter to the editor of a newspaper highlighting the necessity of
having better facilities for pedestrians by improving the condition
of the footpaths in your city. (6)

Q.5. You are Naina/Nayam. Write an article in about 200 words on the
importance of a forestation and maintaining a green cover in the
country to prevent pollution and global warming. (10)


Media has a Strong hold on Society Write a speech in 150-200

words on how media influences public opinion to be delivered in
the social assembly.
Q.6. The following passage has not been edited: There is an error in
each line. Find the error and write the correct word in your
answer sheet as given below. Remember to underline the word
that you have supplied. (4)

The poet relates an incident who changed eg. Who Which his life.

It was the season where the leaves .

Turned yellow. He reached a place when the road forked

into two. For he was a single traveler he could not.

Travel on both. His difficulty was wheather it was.

not easy to decide whose road he should take ....

It was a dilemma and he to choose on of .......

them when he wanted to have both. Then .........

he took the one who he considered the better of the two ...

Q.7. Do as directed : (4)

I. Mohan Said, I have decided to change my job. (Change the

II. The President has declared extra rebate for the poor Section.
(Change of Voice)
III. She Said to me, I have informed the Police about the theft in our
have. (Change the Narration)
IV. The are Counting the Votes. (Change the Voice)
Q.8. Reordering of Sentences (3)

Rearrange them to form meaningful Sentences

I. We/ live/ eat/ we/ may/ that

II. You/ hard/ Fail/ lest/ work/ should
III. We / I/ Succeed/ am/ will/ Sure

Section-C (Literature)
Q.9. Read the given extract and answer the following questions. (4)

The Cardboard Show me how it was when the two girl cousins
went padding,
Each one holding one of my mothers hands,
And She the bir girl-some twelve years or so.
I. What Does the Word Cardboard Suggest ?
II. Where did the girls go? When?
III. What was the position of Poets mother here?
IV. What feelings are aroused in these lines?

Q.10. Answer the following questions briefly: 3*3=9

a) What preparation did the author and his wife make for their round to
the world sea voyage?
b) The way in which the sparrows expressed their sorrow when the the
authors grandmother died?
c) Give a brief account of the narrators street. What impression do you
form of Mrs. Dorling from it?
Q.11. The earths vital sign reveal a patient in declining health what
remedies would you suggest for The Ailing Planet? Answer in about 120-
150 words. (6)


What were Ranges Ideas about marriage? Do you Find any Change in them
during the course of the story?

Q.12. Describe the First Encounter of the Ghost with the otis family (Answe
in about 150 Words) (6)

Q.13. What impression do you form of the ghost in the novel? (6)

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