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ART. 1773
Whether or not there was a valid donation of proper nuptias that
will vest the plaintiff a legal title to the part of donated land
1. G.R. No. 27939, October 30, 1928 assigned to her in the original donation?

No. The Court held that Article 1279 of the Civil Code, relating to
Facts: contracts, is not applicable to the present case. Donation propter
The spouses Juan Lambino and Maria A. Barroso begot three nuptias, which, according to article 1328 of the Civil Code, must
children named Alejo, Eugenia and Marciana Lambino. On June be governed by the rules on donations of the Civil Code. Article
2, 1919 said spouses made a donation of propter nuptias of the 633 provides that in order that a donation of real property may be
lands described in the complaint in favor of their son Alejo valid, it must be made in a public instrument. This is the article
Lambino and Fortunata Solis in a private document in applicable to donation propter nuptias in so far as its formal
consideration of the marriage which the latter were about to enter validity is concerned.
into. One of the conditions of this donation is that in case of the The donation propter nuptias in this case is not valid and did not
donees, one-half of these lands thus donated would revert to the create any right, since it was not made in a public instrument, and
donors while the surviving donee would retain the other half. hence, article 1279 of the Civil Code which the lower court applied
On the 8th of the said month of June 1919, Alejo Lambino and is not applicable thereto. The latter article provides that, should
Fortunata Solis were married and immediately thereafter the the law require the execution of an instrument or any other special
donors delivered the possession of the donated lands to them. On form in order to make the obligations of a contract effective, the
August 3,1919 donee Alejo Lambino died. In the same year donor contracting parties may compel each other to comply with such
Juan Lambino also died. After the latter's death, his wife, Maxima formality from the moment that consent has been given, and the
Barroso recovered possession the donated lands. other requirements for the validity of the contract exist.

The surviving donee Fortunata Solis filed the action against the Donations for valuable consideration, as may be inferred from
surviving donor Maxima Barroso and Eugenia And Marcelina Article 619 of the Civil Code, are such as compensate services
Lambino, heirs of the deceased donor Juan Lambino, with their which constitute debts recoverable from the donor, or which
respective husbands, demanding of the defendants the execution impose a charge equal to the amount of the donation upon the
of the proper deed of donation according to law, transferring one- donee, neither of which exists in the present donation, which was
half of the donated property, and moreover, to "proceed to the made only in consideration of marriage.
partition of the donated property and its fruits. The marriage is really a consideration but not in the sense of
Issue: being necessary to give birth to the obligation. This may be clearly
inferred from Article 1333, which makes the fact that the marriage
did not take place a cause for the revocation of such donations,
ART. 1773
thus taking it for granted that there may be a valid donation secure the Lapu Lapu City Councils approval of the project which
propter nuptias, even without marriage, since a thing that has not he advertised in a local newspaper, develop the roads, the curbs
existed cannot be revoked. Such valid donation would be forever and the gutters of the subdivision and enter into a contract to
valid, even if the marriage never took place. This is because the construct low-cost housing units on the property.
marriage in a donation propter nuptias is rather a resolutory Manuel Torres claimed that the subdivision project failed
condition which, as such, presupposes the existence of the because Antonia Torres and Emeteria Baring and their relatives
obligation which may be resolved or revoked, and it is not a had separately caused the annotations of adverse claims on the
condition necessary for the birth of the obligation. title to the land, which eventually scared away prospective
buyers. Despite his requests, petitioners refused to cause the
clearing of the claims, thereby forcing him to give up on the
2. Torres vs. Court of Appeals Subsequently, Antonia Torres and Emeteria Baring filed a
320 SCRA 428 | December 9, 1999 case for estafa against Manuel Torres and his wife, who were
Ponente: PANGANIBAN,J. however acquitted. Thereafter, they filed a civil case which was
FACTS: later dismissed by the trial court and affirmed by the CA. The
Court of Appeals held that the parties had formed a partnership
Petitioners Antonia Torres and Emeteria Baring entered into a for the development of the subdivision and invoked Article 1797 of
"joint venture agreement" with Respondent Manuel Torres for the the Civil Cod. Thus, they must bear the loss suffered by the
development of a parcel of land into a subdivision.Pursuant to the partnership in the same proportion as their share in the profits
contract, they executed a Deed of Sale covering the said parcel of stipulated in the contract
land in favor of Manuel Torres, who then had it registered in his
name and obtained from Equitable Bank a loan ofP40,000 which Hence, this Petition.
was to be used for the development of the subdivision. All three of
them also agreed to share the proceeds from the sale of the
subdivided lots. ISSUES:

The project did not push through, and the land was 1) Whether or not the transaction between the petitioners
subsequently foreclosed by the bank. Antonia Torres and Emeteria Baring and respondent Manuel
Torres was that of a joint venture/partnership?
According to Antonia Torres and Emeteria Baring, the project
failed because of Manuel Torres lack of funds or means and skills 2) Whether or not the Petitioners contention that the Joint
and that Manuel Torres used the loan in furtherance of his own Venture Agreement is void under Article 1773 of the Civil Code
company. is correct?

On the other hand, Manuel Torres alleged that he used the

loan to implement the Agreement.For a total expense ofP85,000, RULING:
he was able to effect the survey and the subdivision of the lots,
ART. 1773
1.) The transaction between the petitioners Antonia Torres and partnership is void, whenever immovable property is contributed
Emeteria Baring and respondent Manuel Torres was that of a thereto, if an inventory of said property is not made, signed by the
partnership. parties, and attached to the public instrument. This was intended
primarily to protect third persons. Arturo M. Tolentino states that
A reading of the terms embodied in the Agreement
under the aforecited provision which is a complement of Article
indubitably shows the existence of a partnership pursuant to
1771, the execution of a public instrument would be useless if
Article 1767 of the Civil Code, which provides By the contract of
there is no inventory of the property contributed, because without
partnership two or more persons bind themselves to contribute
its designation and description, they cannot be subject to
money, property, or industry to a common fund, with the intention
inscription in the Registry of Property, and their contribution
of dividing the profits among themselves.
cannot prejudice third persons. This will result in fraud to those
Under the Agreement, Antonia Torres and Emeteria Baring who contract with the partnership in the belief [in] the efficacy of
would contribute property to the partnership in the form of land the guaranty in which the immovables may consist. Thus, the
which was to be developed into a subdivision; while Manuel contract is declared void by the law when no such inventory is
Torres would give, in addition to his industry, the amount needed made.
for general expenses and other costs. Furthermore, the income
The case at bar does not involve third parties who may be
from the said project would be divided according to the stipulated
percentage. Clearly, the contract manifested the intention of the
parties to form a partnership.
It should be stressed that the parties implemented the
contract. Thus, Antonia Torres and Emeteria Baring transferred
the title to the land to facilitate its use in the name of the Manuel
Torres.On the other hand, Manuel Torres caused the subject land
to be mortgaged, the proceeds of which were used for the survey
and the subdivision of the land.As noted earlier, he developed the
roads, the curbs and the gutters of the subdivision and entered
into a contract to construct low-cost housing units on the property.
Manuel Torres actions clearly belie Antonia Torres and
Emeteria Baring contention that he made no contribution to the
partnership. Under Article 1767 of the Civil Code, a partner may
contribute not only money or property, but also industry.

2.) No. The Petitioners contention that the Joint Venture

Agreement is void under Article 1773 of the Civil Code is not
correct. Under Article 1773 of the Civil Code, a contract of

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