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By Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo, 2017

This material is provided as a resource to teach basic words in TjiKalanga, particularly to
those Kalanga People who, due to various dynamics of the last two centuries, have not had
opportunity to learn their mother language.

The material is also freely provided for usage in teaching of TjiKalanga in Schools. The
material has been arranged according to thematic areas and alphabetically), and words are
given in English, and the TjiKalanga (sometimes also Nambya and Venda) equivalent given.

As you will note, you will find that many of the words are very similar to or exactly the same
words you will find in ChiNambya and Tshivenda. This of course owes to the historical fact
that these have been largely one people group for centuries, separating into independent
Ethnolinguistic Communities in recent times.


1. Adult = Nhu Whola (= man/woman)
2. Baby = Mwana (Bana)
3. Boy = Mbisana (Bayisana)
4. Brother = Nkulu (Bakulu)
5. Child = Mwana (Bana)
6. Daughter = Nkolokadzi (Bakolokadzi)
7. Family = Mhuli/Nha (Mhuli/Miha)
8. Father = Tate (BoTate)
9. Friend = Nkhwinya (Bakhwinya)
10. Gentleman = Nlumetate (Balumetate)
11. Girl = Nsikana (Basikana)
12. Grandfather = Batategulu (Bobatategulu)
13. Grandmother = Kuku (Bokuku) (note: Gogole now used a lot)
14. Human = Nhu (Banhu)
15. Husband = Nlume (Balume)
16. King = He (BoHe) (the common title Mambo used)
17. Lady = Nkadzimayi (Bakadzimayi)
18. Man = Nlume (Balume)

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19. Mother = Mme (plur. BoMme)
20. Neighbor = Mbakidzani (Babakidzani)
21. Parent = Nzwadzi/Nzwali (plur. Bazwadzi/Bazwali)
22. Person = Nhu (Banhu)
23. President = Ntungamili we Hango
24. Queen = Hekadzi (BoHekadzi)
25. Sister = Hazwadzi (Hazwadzi)
26. Son = Nkololo (Bakololo)
27. Wife = Nkadzi (Bakadzi)
28. Woman = Nkadzi (Bakadzi)
29. Young Adult = Mhandala (Female)
30. Young Adult = Nhhuhha (Male)


31. Actor = Nyedzeleli
32. Army = Masole
33. Author = Nkwali
34. Doctor = Ndlazwidiyo (Bandlizwidiyo) (as in Academic, PhD)
35. Doctor = Nganga (Nganga)
36. Lawyer = Mmilili (Bammilili)
37. Manager = Nyendisi weNhingo (Bayendisi)
38. Nurse = Nwongi (Bawongi)
39. Pastor = Ndiyi (Badiyi)
40. Patient = Ngwele (Bagwele)
41. Police = Pholisa (Mapholisa)
42. Priest = Mphirisiti (Baphirisiti) (traditional: Whosana)
43. Professor = Mbhataluzibo (BoMbhataluzibo)
44. Reporter = Ntoliwendebo (Batoli beNdebo)
45. Secretary = Nkwalili (Bakwalili)
46. Soldier = Sole (Masole)
47. Student = Ndiyiwa (Badiyiwa) (colloquial = Zwitjudini)
48. Teacher = Ndiyi (Badiyi) (Coloquial = Tjitjara/Matitjara)
49. Treasurer = Mbhatikwama (Babhatikwama)
50. Waiter = Mbhatshi (Babhatshi)


51. Ancestors = Midzimu
52. Attack = Thaselan
53. Ball = Bhola (Mapola)

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54. Constitution = Nlayo Nkulu weHango
55. Contract = Tjibvumilano (Zwibvumilano)
56. Court = Lubahhe Gwe Nlayo
57. Death = Lufu (Njifu)
58. Dollar = Dola
59. Drug = Lubisana
60. Economy = Ikhonomi
61. Election = Halulo/Shalulo (Dzihalulo/Dzishalulo)
62. Energy = Simba (Masimba)
63. Exercise = Ekisesayiza (colloquial)
64. Game = Nzano (Mizano)
65. God = Ndzimu/Mwali
66. Government = Hulumente
67. Gun = Thobolo (Dzithobolo)
68. Heaven = Kudzimu
69. Hell = Moto Unongunguma (Colloquial = Kumahhelo)
70. Home = Nzi (Mizi)
71. House = Ngumba
72. Law = Nlayo (Milayo)
73. Love = Ludo
74. Magazine = Magazini
75. Marriage = Ndobolo/Miha
76. Medicine = Ntii (Miti)
77. Money = Mari/Mali
78. Murder = Bulaya (also Lobesa)
79. New Testament = Ndebo Mbuya
80. Newspaper = Phephandebo (Maphephandebo)
81. Old Testament = Tjibvumilano Tjikulukugwi
82. Parliament = Palamente
83. Parliamentarian= Mpalamente (Bapalamente)
84. Peace = Mbakiso
85. Poison = Lubisana/Ntii (Miti)
86. Politics = Polotiki
87. Price = Ntengo (Mitengo)
88. Prison = Ngumba Ye Busungwa
89. Race (ethnicity)= Ludzi (Njudzi)
90. Race (sport) = Labuka
91. Religion = Bugalimoyo
92. Science = Sayensi
93. Sex (gender) = Bulume/Bukadzi
94. Sex (the act) = Walilana Nhobo/Thobo
95. Sign = Tjilakidzilo (Ndakidzilo)

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96. Sport = Nzano (Mizano)
97. Team = Pani (Zwipani) (col: Thimu)
98. Technology = Thekinoloji
99. War = Ngwa (Dzingwa)
100. Wedding = Nzano weBukwe

101. Beer = Busukwa
102. Coffee = Kofi
103. Juice = Jusi
104. Milk = Nkaka
105. Tea = Tii (Colloquial = Ntii wa Peswa)
106. Water = Vula
107. Wine = Wayini

108. Apple = Apula (Ma apula)
109. Banana = Bhanana (Ma bhanana)
110. Beef = Nyamba Ye Ngombe
111. Bottle = Butili (col. Bhodlela)
112. Bread = Tjiwunga (col. Tjinkwa)
113. Breakfast = Zwodliwa Zwemangwanana
114. Cake = Khekhe (Makhekhe)
115. Cheese = Mahwe (col. Tjizi)
116. Chicken = Whuku (meat = Nyama Ye Whuku)
117. Corn (maize) = Maize
118. Corn (Millet) = Zembgwe
119. Corn (Rapoko)= Lukwehha
120. Cup = Kopi (col. Komitji)
121. Dinner = Tjilayilo/Zwodliwa Zwemadekwane
122. Egg = Bumbulu (Mabumbulu)
123. Fork = Foroko
124. Knife = Mpanga (Mipanga)
125. Lemon = Lemoni (Malemoni)
126. Lunch = Zwodliwa Zwemasikati
127. Oil = Mafuta
128. Orange = Orenji (Ma orenji)
129. Plate = Ndilo
130. Pork = Nyama Ye Ngulube

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131. Rice = Rayisi
132. Salt = Munyu
133. Seed = Mbewu
134. Soup = Sopo/Supu
135. Spoon = Lugwana (Njigwana)
136. Sugar = Tjukela

137. Bag = Kwama (Zwikwama)
138. Bathroom = Ngumba Yo Ngulila
139. Bed = Bulalo/Bulawo
140. Bedroom = Ngumba Yebuyizelo
141. Book = Lukwalo (Whalo)
142. Box = Bhokisi (Mabhokisi)
143. Card = Karata (Makarata; col. Khadi)
144. Ceiling = Denga (Matenga)
145. Cellphone = Nhalalusengo
146. Chair = Tulo (Zwitulo)
147. Door = Nkoba (Mikoba; as in Entrance)
148. Door = Dendele (Matendele; the door itself)
149. Dream = Woloto (Mawoloto)
150. Floor = Lutombo
151. Garden = Minda
152. Gift = Tjipo (Zwipo)
153. Key = Khii (Makhii)
154. Kitchen = Jarada (col. Khitji, also Tjiwodo)
155. Letter = Lukwalo (Whalo)
156. Lock = Khii (Makhii)
157. Needle = Nariti
158. Note = Nkwalo
159. Page = Gwaba (col. Pheji)
160. Paint = Penda
161. Paper = Phepha (Maphepha)
162. Pen = Lusiba (penseli)
163. Pencil = Lusiba (col. Penseli)
164. Photograph = Tjifaniso (Zwifaniso)
165. Pool = Dziba (Matsiba)
166. Ring = Ndalama (col. Ringi)
167. Roof = Denga (Matenga)
168. Soap = Sepa (Zwisepa)
169. Table = Tafula (Dzitafula)
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170. Telephone = Nhala (Mihala)
171. Tool = Tjihingiswa (Zwihingiswa)
172. Wall = Guma (Makuma)
173. Weapon = Thumo (Mathumo)
174. Window = Whindi (Mawhindi)
175. Yard = Bhakasa


176. Camera = Mtjina Unotola Zwifaniso
177. Cellphone = Nhalalusengo
178. Clock = Watji
179. Computer = Khompuyuthara
180. Fan = Feni
181. Internet = Inthanethi
182. Lamp = Luvone
183. Laptop = Leputhopu
184. Network = Nethiwekhi
185. Program = Ndongoloso (Computer Program)
186. Program = Ndongoloso
187. Radio = Rediyo
188. Screen = Tjiboni
189. Television = Tjiboniboni
190. Website = Webhusayithi

191. Anus = Pato (col. Ngale)
192. Arm = Luboko (Maboko)
193. Back = Whumbu
194. Beard = Ndebvu
195. Blood = Lopa (Malopa)
196. Bone = Fupa (Mafupa)
197. Brain = Bulubi
198. Breast = Hhambu (Mahhamu)
199. Buttocks = Mapato (col. Mapuna)
200. Disease = Bugwele (Dzingwele/Njigwele/Magwele)
201. Ear = Zebe
202. Eye = Hhiho (Meho)
203. Face = Buso (Njiso)
204. Finger = Tjinyala (Zwinyala)

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205. Foot = Gumbo (Makumbo)
206. Hair = Mavudzi
207. Hand = Luboko (Maboko)
208. Head = Nholo (Miholo)
209. Heart = Moyo (Mimoyo)
210. Knee = Tjibvi (Zwibvi)
211. Leg = Mpimbila (Mipimbila)
212. Lip = Milomo
213. Mouth = Nlomo (Milomo)
214. Neck = Ntshibha (Mitshibha)
215. Nose = Tjimilo (Zwimilo)
216. Shoulder = Pfudzi (Mapfudzi)
217. Skin = Ganda (Human); Gukuta (animal)
218. Sweat = Dukuta (Matukuta)
219. Tear (drop) = Nhodzi (Mihodzi)
220. Testicles = Maswinya (col. Matjende)
221. Toe = Tjinyala (Zwinyala)
222. Tongue = Lulimi
223. Tooth = Hhino (Meno)
224. Vagina = Suba (col. Mbumbu, Bhundu)
225. Voice = Whii (Mawhii)


226. Air = Meya
227. Beach = Mhili
228. Earth = Hango
229. Fire = Moto (Mimoto)
230. Flower = Luba (Maluba)
231. Forest = Dunhu (Matunhu)
232. Grass = Buhwa/Bushwa
233. Heat = Pisa
234. Hill = Tombgwana (Zwitombgwana)
235. Ice = Bgwevula
236. Island = Tjilambanyika
237. Lake = Gangwa (Makangwa)
238. Leaf = Hhani/Zhani (Mahhani/Mazhani)
239. Moon = Mwedzi (Mimwedzi)
240. Mountain = Dombo (Matombo)
241. Ocean = Gungwa (Makungwa)
242. Plant = Ntii (Miti)
243. Rain = Vula
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244. River = Gwizi (Njizi)
245. Root = Ndzi (Midzi)
246. Sand = Nsetje
247. Sea = Gwahhe
248. Sky = Gole
249. Snow = Makaa
250. Soil/earth = Mavu
251. Star = Nyenyedzi
252. Sun = Hhuba
253. Tree = Ntii (Miti)
254. Valley = Nkuku (Mikuku)
255. Wave = Matsiba (from Dziba)
256. Wind = Mhepo (Phepo)
257. World = Hango

258. Clay = Ntapkhwe (Mitapkhwe)
259. Copper = Khopa/Msina
260. Diamond = Deyimana/Ndalama
261. Dust = Whuluba
262. Glass = Halasi/Gilazi
263. Gold = Golide/Ndalama
264. Iron = Mhangula
265. Metal = Tshipi
266. Plastic = Pulasitiki (Mapulasitiki)
267. Silver = Siliva/Siliveri
268. Stone = Bgwe (Mabgwe)
269. Wood = Whuni (firewood); Ntii (Wood in general)

270. Centimeter = Sentimitha
271. Circle = Ntendeleko (col. Sekili)
272. Corner = Thewuko
273. Date = Hhuba (Mahhuba)
274. Half = Lubabi (Mbabi)
275. Inch = Intji
276. Kilogram = Khilogiramu
277. Kilometer = Khilomitha (Dzikhilomitha/Makhilomitha)
278. Meter = Mitha (Mamitha)

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279. Pound = Pondo
280. Square = Mbumbiki Thewuko Nna (Four Corner Shape)
281. Temperature= Thempuritja (Pisa, Tonhola)
282. Weight = Nsindo (or Lema)

283. Back = Hule
284. Bottom = Kusi
285. Down = Pasi
286. East = Bhehhuba
287. Front = Mbeli
288. Heavens = Hhuhhugwi (incl. Cosmos)
289. Inside = Mukati
290. Left = Kulumehwe
291. North = Bunanzwa
292. Outside = Kuhhe
293. Right = Kuludli
294. Side = Ntome
295. South = Bhembe/Tjipembe/Borwa
296. Straight = Tambunuka
297. Top = Pehhugwi
298. Up = Pehhugwi
299. West = Mabilila/Kunohwahhuba

300. One = Kungompela
301. Two = Kubili
302. Three = Kutatu
303. Four = Kunna
304. Five = Kuhanu
305. Six = Kutanhatu
306. Seven = Kunotendeka
307. Eight = Kuhhanakadzi
308. Nine = Kuhhanalume
309. Ten = Gumi
310. Hundred = Hhana/Zhana
311. Thousand = Tjiwulu
312. Million = Zwiwuluwulu
313. Billion = Zwiwuluwulu Zwiwulu

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