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SAP HR and Payroll Implementation

Version 1.0

4th Floor, PTI Building

4 Parliament Street
New Delhi 110 001
BHEL SAP HR/Payroll Implementation


Section 1 Absences ..................... 4

1.1 General Information ........................................................................................................4
1.1.1 Leave application through ESS ........................................................................................6 Applying for Casual Leave ............................................................................................10 Modifying Applied Casual Leave............................................................................14 Deleting Applied Casual Leave ...............................................................................18 Applying for Earned leave .............................................................................................21 Applying for Commuted Sick Leave .............................................................................25 Applying for Special Casual leave .................................................................................28 Applying for Compensatory Off ....................................................................................31
1.1.2 Approving Leave Requests ............................................................................................33
1.1.3 Tracking Leave Approval Process .................................................................................38

Section 2 Leave Encashment ................... 40

2.1 General Information ......................................................................................................40
2.1.1 Applying for Leave Encashment ....................................................................................40

Section 3 Manager Self Service .............. 46

3.1.1 Performing Time Related Activities in MSS .................................................................46

List of Figures
Figure 1: SAP Net Weaver Home page ........................................................................................................... 6
Figure 2: Overview screen ............................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 3: Working Time screen ....................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 4: Quota Overview screen .................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 5: Quota Overview screen (Absence Quotas from 01/08/2009) ........................................................... 7
Figure 6: Leave Request screen ....................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 7: Team calendar Overview .................................................................................................................. 8
Figure 8: Calendar Overview ........................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 9: Time Accounts(Absence Quota) Overview ...................................................................................... 9
Figure 10: Applied leaves Overview ............................................................................................................. 10
Figure 11: Leave Request (Casual Leave Display and Edit) screen ............................................................ 10
Figure 12: Leave Request (Casual Leave - Review and Send) screen ........................................................... 11
Figure 13: Leave Request (Casual Leave - Completed) screen ..................................................................... 12
Figure 14: Leave Request (Casual Leave Display and Edit) screen ............................................................ 12
Figure 15: Leave Request (Casual Leave Display and Edit) screen ............................................................ 13
Figure 16: Leave Request (Casual Leave Display and Edit) screen ............................................................ 13
Figure 17: Leave Request (Casual Leave Display and Edit) screen ............................................................ 14
Figure 18: Leave Request (Casual Leave Display and Edit) screen ............................................................ 14
Figure 19: Leave Request screen ................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 20: Leave Request (Overview of Leave) screen ................................................................................. 15
Figure 21: Leave Request (Casual Leave) screen .......................................................................................... 16
Figure 22: Leave Request (Casual Leave - Change) screen .......................................................................... 16

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Figure 23: Leave Request (Modify Casual Leave - Review and Send) screen .............................................. 17
Figure 24: Leave Request (Modify Casual Leave - Completed) screen ........................................................ 17
Figure 25: Leave Request screen ................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 26: Leave Request (Overview of Leave) screen ................................................................................. 19
Figure 27: Leave Request (Casual Leave) screen .......................................................................................... 19
Figure 28: Leave Request (Casual Leave - Delete) screen ............................................................................ 20
Figure 29: Leave Request (Delete Casual Leave - Review and Send) screen ............................................... 20
Figure 30: Leave Request (Delete Casual Leave - Completed) screen .......................................................... 21
Figure 31: Leave Request (Earned Leave Display and Edit) screen ........................................................... 22
Figure 32: Leave Request (Earned Leave - Review and Send) screen .......................................................... 23
Figure 33: Leave Request (Earned Leave - Completed) screen ..................................................................... 23
Figure 34: Leave Request (Earned Leave Display and Edit) screen ............................................................ 24
Figure 35: Leave Request (Earned Leave Display and Edit) screen ............................................................ 24
Figure 41: Leave Request (Commuted Sick Leave Display and Edit) screen ............................................ 25
Figure 42: Leave Request (Commuted Sick Leave - Review and Send) screen ............................................ 26
Figure 43: Leave Request (Commuted Sick Leave - Completed) screen ...................................................... 26
Figure 44: Leave Request (Commuted Sick Leave Display and Edit) screen ............................................ 27
Figure 45: Leave Request (Commuted Sick Leave Display and Edit) screen ............................................ 27
Figure 46: Leave Request (Special Casual Leave Display and Edit) screen ............................................... 28
Figure 47: Leave Request (Special Casual Leave - Review and Send) screen .............................................. 29
Figure 48: Leave Request (Special Casual Leave - Completed) screen ........................................................ 30
Figure 49: Leave Request (Special Casual Leave Display and Edit) screen .............................................. 30
Figure 62: Leave Request (Compensatory Off Display and Edit) screen ................................................... 31
Figure 63: Leave Request (Compensatory Off - Review and Send) screen................................................... 32
Figure 64: Leave Request (Compensatory Off - Completed) screen ............................................................. 32
Figure 65: Leave Request (Compensatory Off Display and Edit) screen ................................................... 33
Figure 66: SAP Net Weaver Home page with Universal Worklist for Approver .......................................... 34
Figure 67: Task screen ................................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 68: Leave Approval (Casual Leave Display and Edit) screen .......................................................... 35
Figure 69: Leave Approval (Casual Leave Display and Edit) screen .......................................................... 35
Figure 70: Leave Approval (Casual Leave Review and Send) screen ........................................................ 36
Figure 71: Leave Approval (Casual Leave Completed) screen ................................................................... 36
Figure 72: SAP Net Weaver Home page with Universal Worklist for Approver .......................................... 37
Figure 73: SAP Net Weaver Home page ....................................................................................................... 38
Figure 74: SAP Net Weaver Home page (Tracking tab) ............................................................................... 38
Figure 75: History details screen ................................................................................................................... 39
Figure 76: History details Overview screen ................................................................................................... 39
Figure 77: SAP Net Weaver Home page ....................................................................................................... 40
Figure 78: Overview screen ........................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 79: Benefits and Payment screen ........................................................................................................ 41
Figure 80: Leave Encashment Request screen ............................................................................................... 41
Figure 81: Time Accounts Overview screen.................................................................................................. 42
Figure 82: Applied leave encashment requests screen ................................................................................... 42
Figure 83: Change/Delete leave encashment request screen ......................................................................... 43
Figure 84: Leave encashment submit screen ................................................................................................. 43
Figure 85: Leave encashment (Review & Send) screen ................................................................................ 44
Figure 86: Leave encashment (Completed) screen ........................................................................................ 44
Figure 87: SAP Net Weaver Home page ....................................................................................................... 46
Figure 88: Service Map screen....................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 89: Work Overview screen ................................................................................................................. 47
Figure 90: Team Calendar ............................................................................................................................. 48
Figure 91: Absence days of the selected employee ....................................................................................... 48

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Section 1 Absences

1.1 General Information

This document specifies the features / applications of Time Management module in Enterprise
Portal. Employees having ESS/MSS logins can apply for various kinds of Absence
types(leaves) and Earned Leave Encashments. Employees having MSS logins can have
information pertaining to employees absences details.

Following absences types can be applied through Employee Self Service facility

Table 1: List of Absences to be Applied through ESS

Absence Types
Casual leave

Earned leave

Half Pay leave

Commuted sick leave

Special casual leave

Casual leave first half

Casual leave second half

Optional holiday

Compensatory Off

Workflow related to sanction or cancellation of leave is based upon position to

reporting position relationship. Taking into account of delegation of powers for
approval, the workflows for the above kind of leaves have been categorized into 3

Category 1: Casual leave,Optional Holiday,Casual leave first half,Casual leave second

These Leave types have only one level approval process i.e,
Approval process for leave application
Employee-> Controlling Employee
Approval process for leave modification (change in existing sanctioned
Employee-> Controlling Employee
Approval process for leave deletion (cancellation of an existing
sanctioned leave)
a) Employee->Controlling Employee ( in case Grade of 1st level reporting
Employee is in Executive grade) -> Time Admin

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b) Employee->Controlling Employee (in case Grade of 1st level reporting

Employee is not in Executive grade)-> Controlling Employee 1->Time

Note: Time administrators to cross-check offline before approving the deletion of

already sanctioned leave. On deletion the absence quota of the leaves are updated
in Infotype 2006 in R/3

Category 2: Earned leave, Half Pay Leave , Compensatory Off

These leave types follows two level approval process based on the Employee Group of
Controlling Employee. For cases where the immediate controlling employee belongs to
Employee group = Executive, the leave will be sanctioned and approved. For cases where the
immediate controlling employee does not belong to Employee Group = Executive, the
workflow will be routed to the 2nd level Controlling Employee. Irrespective of the Employee
Group of 2nd level controlling employee the workflow will terminate here for approval.
Approval process for leave application
a) Employee ->Controlling Employee (if first level sanctioning authority is in
Executive grade)
b)Employee->Controlling Employee ( if first level sanctioning authority is not in
Executive grade)->Controlling Employee1 (sanctioned by next level reporting

Approval process for leave modification

a) Employee ->Controlling Employee(If Executive)

Approval process for leave deletion

a) Employee->Controlling Employee(Executive)-> Time Admin
b) Employee->Controlling Employee(Non-Executive)-> Controlling Employee 1-
>Time Admin

Category 3: Commuted sick leave, Special casual leave

Sanction for these leave types require supporting documents. Hence the workflow related to
these leave types after approval of sanctioning authority will be routed to Unit Time
Administrator. After submission of leave application in ESS, employee has to obtain a printout
of the leave application and alongwith the documents submit the same to Unit HR
Approval process for leave application
a) Employee->Controlling Employee(Executive)-> Time Admin
b) Employee->Controlling Employee(Non-Executive)-> Controlling Employee 1-
>Time Admin

Approval process for leave modification

a) Employee->Controlling Employee(Executive)-> Time Admin
b) Employee->Controlling Employee(Non-Executive)-> Controlling Employee 1-
>Time Admin

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Approval process for leave deletion

a) Employee->Controlling Employee(Executive)-> Time Admin
b) Employee->Controlling Employee(Non-Executive)-> Controlling Employee 1-
>Time Admin

1.1.1 Leave application through ESS

1. Login to the SAP Net Weaver portal.

The SAP Net Weaver Home page appears.

Figure 1: SAP Net Weaver Home page

2. Select Employee Self-Service .

The Overview screen appears.

Figure 2: Overview screen

3. Select Working Time.

The Working Time screen appears.

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Figure 3: Working Time screen

4. Select Quota Overview.

The Quota Overview screen appears. The screen displays the details of absence quotas of
the employee like Deductible from, Deductible to, Entitlement, etc.

Figure 4: Quota Overview screen

Except for EL & HPL Casual Leave, Optional Holiday & Family Station leave will have annual
validity period. Family Station Leave will be displayed for all such employees only who are
entitled to.

The On Key Date field specifies the date from which the quota overview is to be displayed.
For example, if you enter the date as 01/08/2009 in the On Key Date field and you click the
Display button the screen displays details of absence quotas from 01/08/2009.

Figure 5: Quota Overview screen (Absence Quotas from 01/08/2009)

5. Select Leave Request from the Working Time screen.

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The Leave Request screen appears.

Figure 6: Leave Request screen

An employee can apply for leaves by using the Leave Request screen.

General information about this screen:

Show Team Calendar: It provides employees with a overview of the absences of

employees in the team. The Team Calendar comprises a calendar that displays an
overview of employee absences for the team. The team herein means the particular
Organization Unit wherein the employees data has been maintained.
On clicking the Show Team calendar link, following section appears:

Figure 7: Team calendar Overview

Display Data for: Period for which the calendar is to be viewed can be specified.

Absent - It indicates the Full-day absences that have been approved through all the EL, HPL etc

Multiple Entries - Several half day or full day absences can exist for one day. So,
this indicates the posted absences and requested leaves.

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Sent - This indicates the leave requests that have not yet been approved. This
includes new requests and requests for changes to be made.

Deletion Requested - This indicates the requests for those absences are to
be deleted. This includes absences that have already been approved that an employee would
like to cancel.

* Note : The absences processed through R/3 also are also indicated in this display.
Show Calendar: It displays the calendar of a year. But, at a time displays the
calendar for 3 months.

On clicking the Show Calendar link, the following section appears

Figure 8: Calendar Overview

Show Time Accounts:. This enables employees to an summary of the Leave accrued
vis--vis leave availed.

On clicking the Show Time Accounts link, the following section appears:

Figure 9: Time Accounts(Absence Quota) Overview

Show Overview of Leave: This gives the employees an overview of all of their
applied absences with the period and status.

On clicking the Show Overview of Leave link, following section


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Figure 10: Applied leaves Overview

Leave Since: Period from which the leaves are to be viewed can be specified. Applying for Casual Leave

The employee can apply for a Casual leave by using the Leave Request screen.

1. From the Home page of SAP Net Weaver portal, choose Employee Self-Service Working
Time Leave Request.
The Leave Request screen appears. A sample screenshot in the process of applying for
Casual leave is displayed below.

Figure 11: Leave Request (Casual Leave Display and Edit) screen

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2. Enter details, as described in the following table:

Field Name Description
Type of Leave From the dropdown list, select Casual
Date Enter the period for which you wish to apply for
Casual leave. You can also select the date by
clicking the Calendar icon. (Mandatory)
Reason Select a reason for applying for the leave from the
drop down list.(Mandatory)
Address during Enter the address including street, city and
Leave state.(Mandatory)
Contact No. Enter your contact number.
Approver Displays the name of the approver who will approve
the Casual leave.
Note for Approver Enter a note for the Casual leave approver.

3. Click the Review and Send or Review button.

The Casual Leave - Review and Send) screen appears.

Figure 12: Leave Request (Casual Leave - Review and Send) screen

4. Check and verify the Casual leave details and then click the Send button.
The Leave Request (Casual Leave - Completed) screen appears. The screen displays the
following message: The leave request has been sent.

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Figure 13: Leave Request (Casual Leave - Completed) screen

After being sent to the approver, the leave request has to go through an approval workflow.
On completion of the approval process, the leave requestor gets a notification email in his
BHEL mail id.

In case of Casual leave, the leave request has to go through one level of approval.
The levels of approval is shown in the following workflow:
I. When an employee applies for a leave, the request goes to the Controlling
Employee,and the Controlling Employee can approve/reject it. In this case, the
approval process gets terminated here.

Conditional checks for Casual leave:

1. Date: If an employee enters the start date or end date as Holiday/Off day:
An error message appears on the Leave Request (Casual Leave Display and Edit)
screen as displayed below.

Figure 14: Leave Request (Casual Leave Display and Edit) screen

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2. When an employee wants to avail casual leave during the transition period i.e. moving
from a validity period to another:
Example: If an employee applies for Casual leave for the period 29.06.2009 to
An error message appears on the Leave Request (Casual Leave Display and Edit) screen
as displayed below.

Figure 15: Leave Request (Casual Leave Display and Edit) screen
In this case, the employee has to contact the Time administrator offline, so that the Time
administrator can create quota for few days in next block for the employee.

3. Start: If an employee enters the start date in continuation with Earned leave:
An error message appears on the Leave Request (Casual Leave Display and Edit)
screen as displayed below.

Figure 16: Leave Request (Casual Leave Display and Edit) screen

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4. Start: If an employee enters the start date in continuation with Half Pay leave:
An error message appears on the Leave Request (Casual Leave Display and Edit)
screen as displayed below.

Figure 17: Leave Request (Casual Leave Display and Edit) screen

5. Start: If an employee enters the start date in continuation with Commuted sick leave:
An error message appears on the Leave Request (Casual Leave Display and Edit)
screen as displayed below.

Figure 18: Leave Request (Casual Leave Display and Edit) screen Modifying Applied Casual Leave

The employee can modify the applied Casual leave by using the Leave Request screen. This
leave has not yet been approved by the Controlling Employee.

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1. From the Home page of SAP Net Weaver portal, choose Employee Self-Service Working
Time Leave Request.
The Leave Request screen appears

Figure 19: Leave Request screen

2. Click the Show Overview of Leave link.

The Leave Request (Overview of Leave) screen appears

Figure 20: Leave Request (Overview of Leave) screen

3. The already approved leave is selected which is required to be changed (in this case,
Casual Leave).
The Leave Request (Casual Leave) screen appears

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Figure 21: Leave Request (Casual Leave) screen

4. Click the Change button.

The Leave Request (Casual Leave - Change) screen appears.

Figure 22: Leave Request (Casual Leave - Change) screen

5. After making the necessary changes, click the Review button.

The Leave Request (Modify Casual Leave - Review and Send) screen appears.

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Figure 23: Leave Request (Modify Casual Leave - Review and Send) screen

6. Check and verify the details of leave, then click the Send button.
The Leave Request (Modify Casual Leave - Completed) screen appears. The screen
displays the following message: The leave request has been sent.

Figure 24: Leave Request (Modify Casual Leave - Completed) screen

Whenever a change is done, the leave change request will undergo a workflow which is same
as the leave application approval workflow of Casual leave.
On getting approved by the final level, the changes get done. On completion of the approval
process, the leave modifier gets a notification email in his BHEL id.

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The changes and deletion in the already applied leave can be done by the
requestor only after receiving the confirmation email regarding approval of
the earlier applied leave notification. Deleting Applied Casual Leave

The employee can delete applied Casual leave by using the Leave Request screen.

1. From the Home page of SAP Net Weaver portal, choose Employee Self-Service Working
Time Leave Request.
The Leave Request screen appears

Figure 25: Leave Request screen

2. Click the Show Overview of Leave link.

The Leave Request (Overview of Leave) screen appears

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Figure 26: Leave Request (Overview of Leave) screen

3. The already approved leave is selected which is to be deleted (in this case, Casual Leave).
The Leave Request screen appears

Figure 27: Leave Request (Casual Leave) screen

4. Click the Delete button.

The Leave Request (Casual Leave - Delete) screen appears

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Figure 28: Leave Request (Casual Leave - Delete) screen

5. Click the Review button.

The Leave Request (Delete Casual Leave - Review and Send) screen appears

Figure 29: Leave Request (Delete Casual Leave - Review and Send) screen

6. In case the leave request has to be deleted, finally click the Delete button.
The Leave Request (Delete Casual Leave - Completed) screen appears. The screen
displays the following message: The leave request has been deleted

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Figure 30: Leave Request (Delete Casual Leave - Completed) screen

Whenever a deletion is done, the leave delete request will undergo a workflow; the request
will go through the following levels of approval:
Employee Controlling Employee (If controlling employee is in Executive grade) Time
Employee Controlling Employee (If controlling employee is not in Executive grade)
Controlling Employee 1 Time Admin
On getting approved by the final level, the leave request gets deleted. On completion of the
approval process, the leave requestor gets a notification email.

For all the absence types, the leave deletion request will follow the same workflow. But
whenever a new leave request is applied then the request will follow the workflow
specific to the absence type.
The changes and deletion of already applied leave can be done by the leave requestor
only after receiving the email notification for leave approval. Applying for Earned leave

The employee can apply for an Earned leave by using the Leave Request screen.

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1. From the Home page of SAP Net Weaver portal, choose Employee Self-Service Working
Time Leave Request.
The Leave Request screen appears. A sample screenshot in the process of applying for
Earned leave is displayed below

Figure 31: Leave Request (Earned Leave Display and Edit) screen

2. Enter details, as described in the following table:

Field Name Description
Type of Leave From the dropdown list, select Earned Leave.
Date Enter the period for which you wish to apply for
Earned leave. You can also select the date by
clicking the Calendar icon.(Mandatory)
Reason Select a reason for applying for the leave from the
drop down list.(Mandatory)
Address during Enter the address including street, city and
Leave state.(Mandatory)
Contact No. Enter your contact number.
Approver Displays the name of the approver who will approve
the Earned leave.
Note for Approver Enter a note for the Earned leave approver.

3. Click the Review and Send or Review button.

The Leave Request (Earned Leave - Review and Send) screen appears.

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Figure 32: Leave Request (Earned Leave - Review and Send) screen

4. Check and verify the Earned leave details and then click the Send button.
The Leave Request (Earned Leave - Completed) screen appears. The screen displays the
following message: The leave request has been sent

Figure 33: Leave Request (Earned Leave - Completed) screen

After being sent to the approver, the leave request has to go through an approval workflow.
On completion of the approval process, the leave requestor gets a notification email.

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In case of Earned leave, the leave request has to go through the following two levels of
Employee Controlling Employee (Executive)
Employee Controlling Employee (Non-Executive) Controlling Employee1

Conditional checks for Earned leave:

1. Date: If an employee enters the start date or end date as Holiday/Off day:
An error message appears on the Leave Request (Earned Leave Display and Edit)
screen as displayed below

Figure 34: Leave Request (Earned Leave Display and Edit) screen

2. Start: If an employee enters the start date in continuation with Casual leave:
An error message appears on the Leave Request (Earned Leave Display and Edit)
screen as displayed below

Figure 35: Leave Request (Earned Leave Display and Edit) screen

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For steps to be followed for Deletion/Modification of Earned leave requests, refer to sections and respectively.
Whenever a change is done, the leave change request will undergo a workflow which is same
as the leave application approval workflow of Earned leave.
On getting approved by the final level, the changes get done. On completion of the approval
process, the leave modifier gets a notification email in his BHEL id. Applying for Commuted Sick Leave

The employee can apply for a Commuted Sick leave, by using the Leave Request screen.

1. From the Home page of SAP Net Weaver portal, choose Employee Self-Service Working
Time Leave Request.
The Leave Request screen appears. A sample screenshot in the process of applying for
Commuted Sick leave is displayed below.

Figure 36: Leave Request (Commuted Sick Leave Display and Edit) screen
2. Enter details, as described in the following table:
Field Name Description
Type of Leave From the dropdown list, select Commuted sick
Leave. (Mandatory)
Date Enter the period for which you wish to apply for
Commuted sick leave. You can also select the date
by clicking the Calendar icon.(Mandatory)
Reason Select the reason for applying leave from the
dropdown list.(Mandatory)
Address during Enter the address including street, city and
Leave state.(Mandatory)
Contact No. Enter your contact number.

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Approver Displays the name of the approver who will approve

the Commuted sick leave.
Note for Approver Enter a note for the Commuted sick leave approver.

3. Click the Review and Send or Review button.

The Leave Request (Commuted Sick Leave - Review and Send) screen appears.

Figure 37: Leave Request (Commuted Sick Leave - Review and Send) screen

4. Check and verify the Commuted Sick leave details, and then click the Send button.
The Leave Request (Commuted Sick Leave - Completed) screen appears. The screen
displays the following message: The leave request has been sent.

Figure 38: Leave Request (Commuted Sick Leave - Completed) screen

After being sent to the approver, the leave request has to go through an approval workflow.
And on completion of the approval process, the leave requestor gets a notification email.

In case of Commuted Sick Leave, the leave request has to go through the following levels of

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Employee Controlling Employee (Executive) Time Admin

Employee Controlling Employee (Non-Executive) Controlling Employee 1 Time

Conditional checks for Commuted Sick Leave:

1. Date: If an employee enters the start date or end date as Holiday/Off day:
An error message appears on the Leave Request (Commuted Sick Leave Display
and Edit) screen as displayed below.

Figure 39: Leave Request (Commuted Sick Leave Display and Edit) screen

2. Start: If an employee enters the start date in continuation with Casual leave:
An error message appears on the Leave Request (Commuted Sick Leave Display
and Edit) screen as displayed below.

Figure 40: Leave Request (Commuted Sick Leave Display and Edit) screen

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For steps to be followed for Deletion/Modification of Commuted sick leave requests, refer to
sections and respectively.
Whenever a change is done, the leave change request will undergo a workflow which is same
as the leave application approval workflow of Commuted sick leave.
On getting approved by the final level, the changes get done. On completion of the approval
process, the leave modifier gets a notification email in his BHEL id. Applying for Special Casual leave

The employee can apply for a Special Casual leave by using the Leave Request screen.

1. From the Home page of SAP Net Weaver portal, choose Employee Self-Service Working
Time Leave Request.
The Leave Request screen appears. A sample screenshot in the process of applying for
Special Casual leave is displayed below.

Figure 41: Leave Request (Special Casual Leave Display and Edit) screen

2. Enter details as described in the following table:

Field Name Description
Type of Leave From the dropdown list, select Special casual Leave.
Date Enter the period for which you wish to apply for
Special casual leave. You can also select the date
by clicking the Calendar icon.(Mandatory)
Reason Select the reason for applying leave from the

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dropdown list.(Mandatory)
Address during Enter the address including street, city and
Leave state.(Mandatory)
Contact No. Enter your contact number.
Approver Displays the name of the approver who will approve
the Special casual leave.
Note for Approver Enter a note for the Special casual leave approver.

3. Click the Review and Send or Review button.

The Leave Request (Special Casual Leave - Review and Send) screen appears.

Figure 42: Leave Request (Special Casual Leave - Review and Send) screen

4. Check and verify the Special Casual leave details and then click the Send button.
The Leave Request (Special Casual Leave - Completed) screen appears. The screen
displays the following message: The leave request has been sent.

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Figure 43: Leave Request (Special Casual Leave - Completed) screen

After being sent to the approver, the leave request has to go through an approval workflow.
On completion of the approval process, the leave requestor gets a notification email.

In case, of Special Casual leave, the leave request has to go through the following two levels
of approval:
Employee Controlling Employee (Executive) Time Admin
Employee Controlling Employee (Non-Executive) Controlling Employee 1 Time

Conditional checks for Special Casual Leave:

1. Date: If an employee enters the start date or end date as Holiday/Off day:
An error message appears on the Leave Request (Special Casual Leave Display and
Edit) screen as displayed below.

Figure 44: Leave Request (Special Casual Leave Display and Edit) screen


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For steps to be followed for Deletion/Modification of Special casual leave requests, refer to
sections and respectively.
Whenever a change is done, the leave change request will undergo a workflow which is same
as the leave application approval workflow of Special casual leave.
On getting approved by the final level, the changes get done. On completion of the approval
process, the leave modifier gets a notification email in his BHEL id. Applying for Compensatory Off

The employee can apply for a Compensatory Off by using the Leave Request screen.
Compensatory Off absence type as per Personnel Manual clause No11 sub-section E1 of Vol
Employee will be able to apply for Compensatory Off only if the a quota for the same has
been created by Unit Time Administrator.

1. From the Home page of SAP Net Weaver portal, choose Employee Self-Service Working
Time Leave Request.
The Leave Request screen appears. A sample screenshot in the process of applying for
Compensatory Off is displayed below.

Figure 45: Leave Request (Compensatory Off Display and Edit) screen
2. Enter details, as described in the following table:
Field Name Description
Type of Leave From the dropdown list, select Compensatory off.
Date Enter the period for which you wish to apply for
Compensatory off. You can also select the date by
clicking the Calendar icon.(Mandatory)
Reason Select the reason for applying leave from the
dropdown list.(Mandatory)
Address during Enter the address including street, city and
Leave state.(Mandatory)
Contact No. Enter your contact number.

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Approver Displays the name of the approver who will approve

the Compensatory off.
Note for Approver Enter a note for the compensatory off approver.

3. Click the Review and Send or Review button.

The Leave Request (Compensatory Off - Review and Send) screen appears.

Figure 46: Leave Request (Compensatory Off - Review and Send) screen

4. Check and verify the Compensatory Off details and then click the Send button.
The Leave Request (Compensatory Off - Completed) screen appears. The screen displays
the following message: The leave request has been sent.

Figure 47: Leave Request (Compensatory Off - Completed) screen

After being sent to the approver,the leave request has to go through an approval workflow.
On completion of the approval process, the leave requestor gets a notification email.

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In case, of Compensatory off the leave request has to go through the following two levels of
Employee Controlling Employee(Executive)
Employee Controlling Employee(Non-Executive) Controlling Employee1

Conditional checks for Compensatory Off:

1. Date: If an employee enters the start date or end date as Holiday/Off day:
An error message appears on the Leave Request (Compensatory Off Display and
Edit) screen as displayed below.

Figure 48: Leave Request (Compensatory Off Display and Edit) screen

For steps to be followed for Deletion/Modification of Compensatory off requests, refer to
sections and respectively.
Whenever a change is done, the leave change request will undergo a workflow which is same
as the leave application approval workflow of Compensatory off.
On getting approved by the final level, the changes get done. On completion of the approval
process, the leave modifier gets a notification email in his BHEL id.

1.1.2 Approving Leave Requests

This section describes the steps through which the approver can approve or reject leave
requests by employees.

1. Login to the SAP Net Weaver portal as an approver.

The SAP Net Weaver Home page appears with Universal Worklist.

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Figure 49: SAP Net Weaver Home page with Universal Worklist for Approver
The recently applied leaves by employees appear in the work list of the approver after 1
minute duration.
2. In case recently applied leaves by employees does not appear in the list, click Refresh as
shown in the screenshot above.
The leave request appears in the list.
3. Select the leave request to be approved by clicking on its left side.
Once selected, its colour changes as shown in the following screen.

Figure 50: Task screen

4. Click the Launch WebDynpro button.

The Leave Approval (Casual Leave Display and Edit) screen appears.

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Figure 51: Leave Approval (Casual Leave Display and Edit) screen

5. Based on whether the leave request is to be approved or rejected, choose the Approve or
Reject buttons accordingly. To approve the leave, click the Approve button.
The following screen appears.

Figure 52: Leave Approval (Casual Leave Display and Edit) screen

6. Click the Review button.

The Leave Approval (Casual Leave Review and Send) screen appears.

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Figure 53: Leave Approval (Casual Leave Review and Send) screen

7. Click the Approve Request button.

The Leave Approval (Casual Leave Completed) screen appears with the approved leave
details. The screen displays the following message: You have approved the leave request.

Figure 54: Leave Approval (Casual Leave Completed) screen

8. Close the Leave Approval (Casual Leave Completed) screen.

You return to the Home page with Universal Worklist.

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9. Click Refresh as shown, then the approved leave request will disappear from the list as
shown in the following screen:

Figure 55: SAP Net Weaver Home page with Universal Worklist for Approver

This shows that the leave request approval process has been completed.
Approver has also the option to view the quota entitlements of the requester.
Approver is also able to view the history of the sanctioned leaves of the requester.

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1.1.3 Tracking Leave Approval Process

This section describes how after applying for a leave, the leave requestor can track the
approval process of the leave request.

1. Login to the SAP Net Weaver portal.

The SAP Net Weaver Home page appears.

Figure 56: SAP Net Weaver Home page

2. Click the Tracking tab.
The SAP Net Weaver Home page (Tracking tab) appears. All the leave requests applied by
the employee are displayed in the list. The status of the applied leave is displayed in the
Status column.

Figure 57: SAP Net Weaver Home page (Tracking tab)

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3. Select the leave request for which you wish to track approval process.
Once selected its colour changes,
4. Click the selected request.
The following screen appears.

Figure 58: History details screen

5. Click the View history details button.
The following screen appears.

Figure 59: History details Overview screen

This screen displays the workflow of the leave request i.e. the details, such as:
Processed By: Displays all the approvers involved in the workflow
Executed At: Displays when the request was processed by the approver
Action: Displays all the actions involved in the approval process.

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Section 2 Leave Encashment

2.1 General Information

This section describes how an employee can apply for EEL leave encashment.
Employees can apply for encashment of Earned Leave through ESS application. Encashment
of Earned Leave is admissible only once in a Financial year. System also checks the current
block details of Earned Leave which is not admissible for encashment.

2.1.1 Applying for Leave Encashment

1. Login to the SAP Net Weaver portal.

The SAP Net Weaver Home page appears.

Figure 60: SAP Net Weaver Home page

2. Select Employee Self-Service .

The Overview screen appears.

Figure 61: Overview screen

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3. Select Benefits and Payment.

The Benefits and Payment screen appears.

Figure 62: Benefits and Payment screen

4. Select Leave Encashment Request.
The Leave Encashment Request screen appears.

Figure 63: Leave Encashment Request screen

5. To view Time Account details, click the Show Time Accounts link.
The following screen appears. The screen displays details of the quota that the employee is
entitled to avail. Time account details indicates the block wise EL quota has been credited
and subsequently used up on account of either by availing or encashment.

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Figure 64: Time Accounts Overview screen

6. Click Hide Time Accounts link to hide the time account overview section from the screen.
7. To view Leave Encashment details, click the Show Leave Encashments link.
The following screen appears. The screen displays the leave encashment requests applied
by the employee and also the details of the request like Status, Days to be encashed, etc.

Figure 65: Applied leave encashment requests screen

8. Click the View link in the Notes column.
The show the details as shown

When the request gets approved, the Approver id also appears on the screen.

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9. Click the Leave Encashment Request present on the Leave encashment overview screen.
. The following screen appears.

Figure 66: Change/Delete leave encashment request screen

10. To change or delete the already applied leave encashment request, click the Change
or Delete buttons accordingly.

11. To apply for a leave encashment, click Submit New Request

The following screen appears.

Figure 67: Leave encashment submit screen

12. Enter details as described in the following table:
Field Name Description
Time Account From the dropdown list, select the time account
Leave Encashment From the dropdown list, select the leave
Method encashment method
Days to be Enter the number of days to be encashed
Off- cycle payment Mark the checkbox(in case,offcycle) if payment will
be done in the middle of the month and if the

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checkbox is not selected, then the payment will be

done after the payroll run i.e. at the end of the
payroll period(regular).
Note for Approver Enter a note for the leave encashment approver

13. Click the Review button.

The following screen appears.

Figure 68: Leave encashment (Review & Send) screen

14. Click the Send button.

The following screen appears. This screen displays the following message: Your request
has been sent successfully.

Figure 69: Leave encashment (Completed) screen

After being sent to the approver,the leave encashment request has to go through an approval
workflow. On completion of the approval process, the requestor gets a notification email.

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In case of Leave encashment, the request has to go through following two levels of approval:
Employee Payroll Administrator
For steps to be followed to approve and track leave encashment request, refer to sections
1.1.2 and 1.1.3 respectively.

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Section 3 Manager Self Service

3.1.1 Performing Time Related Activities in MSS

1. Login to the SAP Net Weaver portal as Manager.

The SAP Net Weaver Home page appears.

Figure 70: SAP Net Weaver Home page

2. Select Manager Self Service .

The Service Map screen appears.

Figure 71: Service Map screen

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3. Select the Overview tab.

The Work Overview screen appears.

Figure 72: Work Overview screen

This screen displays the overview of Absence & Attendance through a Graphical

- This sector of Pie chart displays the approved absences.

- This sector of Pie chart displays the attendance that has been maintained.

- This sector of Pie chart displays the half day absences maintained.

- This sector of Pie chart displays the absences that are in Sent status and are
neither approved nor rejected.

In the Employee list dropdown list, the option:

Directly Subordinate Employees means that the Head of an Organizational unit can view
the details of the employees who are under him only in his organizational unit & sub units.
All Employees means that the Head of an organizational unit can view the details of all the
employees in his organization units & sub units who are under him and also under other
heads of his sub units.
4. Click the Show Overview button.
The Percentage details also become visible as shown below

This shows the working status of an employee.

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5. Click the Hide Graphic button.

The pie chart disappears from the screen.
6. Click the Team option present under the Detailed Navigation
The following screen appears

Figure 73: Team Calendar

The screen displays the calendar for all the employees present in the managers
organizational unit, if the option Directly Subordinate Employees is being selected.

Different colors in the calendar signify different conditions.

The Orange color indicates the current date.
Absent - It indicates the Full-day absences that have been approved through all the
Multiple Entries - Several half day or full day absences can exist for one day. So,
this indicates the posted absences and requested leaves.

Sent - This indicates the leave requests that have not yet been approved. This
includes new requests and requests for changes to be made.

Deletion Requested - This indicates requests for absences to be deleted.

This includes absences that have already been approved that an employee would like to

The period for which the calendar is to be viewed can also be selected.

On selecting the General Information under Employee Information the following screen

Figure 74: Absence days of the selected employee

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The calendar displays the absence days of an employee, since the employee is on study leave
so the period appears in Yellow color. The period of absence is also specified in the Period

The period for which the leave details need to be displayed can be selected from Personalize
In this case, 2 years have been selected.

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