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BCI Membership Subscription Fees for 1 June 2017 - 31 May 2018

Payment can be made by the following options:

Payments can be made in UK, US$, Canadian$ or Australian$ by logging into your BCI
online account.

We are able to take payment via VISA/MasterCard/Switch or Delta; if paying in UK, US$ or

We are able to take payment via VISA or MasterCard, if paying in Canadian$.

We can only take payment by AMEX if paying in UK or US$.

Please telephone +44 (0) 118 947 8215 to make the necessary payment in UK, US$,
Canadian$ or Australian$.

We are able to take payment via VISA/MasterCard/Switch or Delta; if paying in UK, US$ or

We are able to take payment via VISA or MasterCard, if paying in Canadian$.

We can only take payment by AMEX if paying in UK or US$.

Payment can be made in GB, US$, Australian$, Canadian$ or Euros and all MUST be
referenced with the members name and/or membership number, on the reverse of the

Cheques in GB, Australian$, Canadian$, US$ and in Euros should be made payable to: The
BCI Forum Ltd and posted to: 10-11 Southview Park, Marsack Street, Caversham, RG4 5AF,

Bank Transfer/Wire

All direct payments MUST be referenced with members name and/or membership number.

Bank Transfer/Wire directly into five different currency bank accounts (GB, Canadian$,
US$, Australian$ and in Euros) BCI Bank details for all bank transfers are as follows:

Last updated 12 September 2017
BCI Membership Subscription Fees for 1 June 2017 - 31 May 2018

For members wishing to pay into a UK based account in GB, please use the following:

Lloyds Bank, 24 Broad Street, Reading, RG1 2BT, UK

Sort Code: 30-96-96
BCI Forum Account No: 03005329
IBAN: GB15 LOYD 3096 9603 0053 29

For members wishing to pay into a UK based account in US$, please use the following:

Lloyds Bank, 24 Broad Street, Reading, RG1 2BT, UK

Sort Code: 30-96-96
Account No. 11641573
IBAN: GB18LOYD 3096 9611 6415 73

For members wishing to pay into a UK based account in Euro, please use the following:

Lloyds Bank, 24 Broad Street, Reading, RG1 2BT, UK

Sort Code: 30-96-96
Account No: 86376391
IBAN: GB07 LOYD 3096 9686 3763 91

For members wishing to pay into a UK based account in Australian$, please use the

Lloyds Bank, 24 Broad Street, Reading, RG1 2BT, UK

Sort Code: 30-96-96
Account No: 40024543
IBAN: GB83 LOYD 3096 9640 0245 43

For members wishing to pay into a UK based account in Canadian$, please use the

Lloyds Bank, 24 Broad Street, Reading, RG1 2BT, UK

Sort Code: 30-96-96
Account No: 22025018
IBAN: GB89 LOYD 3096 9622 0250 18

NB all direct payments MUST be referenced with members name and/or membership

Last updated 12 September 2017
BCI Membership Subscription Fees for 1 June 2017 - 31 May 2018

Please contact to request an invoice. Please advise the full
home/company name and address, plus the Purchase Order Number that you want shown
on the invoice.

Please note that we do not raise invoices for; our annual Affiliate membership subscription
fees, our Application Assessing Fees, nor for orders under GB100.00.

Direct Debit
Only available to UK bank account holders - for further information please contact

Reduced Membership Rates

Members who are over 60 years of age, have permanently retired and are no longer in paid
employment as a business continuity practitioner are eligible to receive a 50% discount on
their membership fees. With this reduction, members still retain all member benefits
according to grade of membership held.

Members wishing to claim this discretionary reduction in fees should contact confirming their retired status.

Members who are currently not employed due to Redundancy, Long-Term Illness, Maternity
or Paternity leave, may be eligible to receive a reduction on their membership fees, so
should also contact confirming their current status.

Last updated 12 September 2017
BCI Membership Subscription Fees for 1 June 2017 - 31 May 2018

The membership fee rates below are based on where a member resides and works. The
income values are taken from the World Bank Income Group Definitions and may change
from time to time. A list of Income Group Definitions by country can be found below the
annual fee tables.

GB Sterling
All Application and Subscription renewal invoices will be issued in this currency and at these

Grade High Income Upper Middle Lower Middle Low Income

Country Country Country Country
100% fee 80% fee 60% fee 40% fee
payable payable payable payable
FBCI 168 134 101 67
AFBCI 148 118 89 59
MBCI 133 106 80 53

AMBCI 122 98 73 49
CBCI 120 96 72 48
Affiliate 82 66 49 33
Student 40 32 24 16
Application 50 50 50 50
Assessing Fee

US Dollars
Members who choose to pay in US $ may use the following rates:

Grade High Income Upper Middle Lower Middle Low Income

Country Country Country Country
100% fee 80% fee 60% fee 40% fee
payable payable payable payable
FBCI $242 $194 $145 $97
AFBCI $213 $170 $128 $85
MBCI $192 $154 $115 $77
AMBCI $176 $141 $106 $70
CBCI $173 $138 $104 $69
Affiliate $118 $94 $71 $47
Student $58 $46 $35 $23
Application $72 $72 $72 $72
Assessing Fee

Last updated 12 September 2017
BCI Membership Subscription Fees for 1 June 2017 - 31 May 2018

Other Currencies for High Income Groups

We accept cheques for payment in all of these currencies at these rates. We also accept
Canadian$, Australian$ and Euro by direct transfer into those currency accounts (see

Grade Canadian $ Australian $ Euros

FBCI $283 $314 216
AFBCI $249 $277 191
MBCI $224 $249 171
AMBCI $205 $228 157
CBCI $202 $224 154
Affiliate $138 $153 105
Student $67 $75 51
Application $84 $93 64
Assessing Fee

Members residing outside High Income Group Countries who wish to pay in a currency
other than as outlined above, please contact and we will be pleased to
advise you.

Please note that due to banking restrictions, it may not be possible to accept cheques below
the GB sterling equivalent of 50.00.

Last updated 12 September 2017
BCI Membership Subscription Fees for 1 June 2017 - 31 May 2018

Low-Income Economies (32)

Afghanistan Gambia, The Nepal

Benin Guinea Niger

Burkina Faso Guinea-Bisau Rwanda

Burundi Haiti Sierra Leone

Cambodia India Somalia

Central African Republic Korea, Dem. People's Rep. South Sudan

Chad Liberia Tanzania

Comoros Madagascar Togo

Congo, Dem. Rep Malawi Uganda

Eritrea Mali Zimbabwe

Ethiopia Mozambique

Last updated 12 September 2017
BCI Membership Subscription Fees for 1 June 2017 - 31 May 2018

Lower-Middle-Income Economies (50)

Armenia Indonesia Samoa

Bangladesh Kenya So Tom and Principe

Bhutan Kiribati Senegal

Bolivia Kosovo Solomon Islands

Cabo Verde Kyrgyz Republic Sri Lanka

Cameroon Lao PDR Sudan

Congo, Rep. Lesotho Swaziland

Cte d'Ivoire Mauritania Syrian Arab Republic

Djibouti Micronesia, Fed. Sts. Tajikistan

Egypt, Arab Rep. Moldova Timor-Leste

El Salvador Morocco Ukraine

Georgia Myanmar Uzbekistan

Ghana Nicaragua Vanuatu

Guatemala Nigeria Vietnam

Guyana Pakistan West Bank and Gaza

Honduras Papua New Guinea Yemen, Rep.

Philippines Zambia

Last updated 12 September 2017
BCI Membership Subscription Fees for 1 June 2017 - 31 May 2018

Upper-Middle-Income Economies (53)

Albania Fiji Namibia

Algeria Gabon Palau

American Samoa Grenada Panama

Angola Iran, Islamic Rep. Paraguay

Azerbaijan Iraq Peru

Belarus Jamaica Romania

Belize Jordan Serbia

Bosnia and Herzegovina Kazakhstan South Africa

Botswana Lebanon St. Lucia

St. Vincent and the

Brazil Libya

Bulgaria Macedonia, FYR Suriname

China Malaysia Thailand

Colombia Maldives Tonga

Costa Rica Marshall Islands Tunisia

Cuba Mauritius Turkey

Dominica Mexico Turkmenistan

Dominican Republic Mongolia Tuvalu

Ecuador Montenegro

Last updated 12 September 2017
BCI Membership Subscription Fees for 1 June 2017 - 31 May 2018

High-Income Economies (80)

Andorra Germany Poland

Antigua and Barbuda Greece Portugal

Argentina Greenland Puerto Rico

Aruba Guam Qatar

Australia Hong Kong SAR, China Russian Federation

Austria Hungary San Marino

Bahamas, The Iceland Saudi Arabia

Bahrain Ireland Seychelles

Barbados Isle of Man Singapore

Belgium Israel Saint Maarten

Bermuda Italy Slovak Republic

Brunei Darussalam Japan Slovenia

Canada Korea, Rep. Spain

Cayman Islands Kuwait St. Kitts and Nevis

Channel Islands Latvia St. Martin

Chile Liechtenstein Sweden

Croatia Lithuania Switzerland

Curaao Luxembourg Taiwan, China

Cyprus Macao SAR, China Trinidad and Tobago

Czech Republic Malta Turks and Caicos Islands

Denmark Monaco United Arab Emirates

Estonia Netherlands United Kingdom

Equatorial Guinea New Caledonia United States

Faroe Islands New Zealand Uruguay

Last updated 12 September 2017
BCI Membership Subscription Fees for 1 June 2017 - 31 May 2018

Finland Northern Mariana Islands Venezuela, RB

France Norway Virgin Islands (U.S.)

French Polynesia Oman

Policy Regarding Refunds of Membership Application Assessing Fees and Annual

Membership Subscription Fees

Please note that the BCI is not able to offer refunds on membership application assessing or
annual membership subscription fees, as outlined in the BCI By-Laws: Upon termination of
membership a member is not entitled to any refund of annual subscription or fees.

Please also note that the BCI is a not for profit organisation, so all fees received are given
back to all members via the benefits of membership.

The Business Continuity Institute.

Registered Office Address:

10-11 Southview Park
Marsack Street

Telephone Number: +44 (0) 118 947 8215

The BCI Forum Limited VAT Number: 918 4462 09

The BCI Forum Limited Company Registration Number: 03320173

Last updated 12 September 2017

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