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Centro de Aprendizagem e Formao Escolar de SAME

ENGLISH /8. Grade

Exercise _ Weather Vocabulary


Diana: It's a gorgeous day today! What do you say we take a picnic and go down to the park?

Doug: Sounds great! Should we pack some sandwiches or pick up something along the way?

Diana: Why don't we stop and get some fried chicken at KFC and head down to Murray Park? Let's
bring a few games, too.

Doug: Okay, I'll get the Frisbee and a softball so we can toss them around. And... what do you think?
Should we bring the dog?

Diana: Definitely. He'll love it down there.

Doug: I'll get his leash and dog dish. I'm grabbing a tablecloth, too, so we don't have to eat on a dirty
picnic table.

Diana: Good idea. I'll bring some napkins. I always get so dirty when I eat fried chicken.

Doug: Wait a minute...

Diana: What is it?

Doug: Did you hear that? I heard thunder. A storm is coming.

Diana: Oh no, you've got to be kidding...


gorgeous- beautiful
What do you say...- (slang) What do you think about...
to pack- make and take
to pick something up- buy
to head down- to go to
to toss around- to throw
leash- a rope or chain for holding an animal
dog dish- plate for dogs to eat out of
to grab- to get quickly, to take suddenly
tablecloth- fabric or material we put on a table to keep it clean
thunder- loud noise in the sky when a storm comes. The light in the sky is called lightning.
You've got to be kidding- It's hard to believe. Something you say when you are surprised.
Check Your Understanding

True or False (underline the correct one)

1. Diane and Doug want to go to the park because it's a beautiful day.


2. The couple will bring their dog.


3. They will make some fried chicken.


4. They will go fishing in the park.


5. Doug will take a tablecloth and some games.


6. Doug is joking about a storm coming.


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