Lesson Plan/ Rancangan Mengajar: Pautan Merentas Kurikulum: Art

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Lesson Plan/ Rancangan Mengajar

Subject: Theme: World of Self Class: 2 IK Date: 2.5.2017 - Tuesday

Mata Pelajaran: English Tema: Kelas: Tarikh
Topic: When I Grow Up
Tajuk: - Reading
Learning Standard Code: Moral Value: Cross Curricular Links:
Kod Standard Nilai Murni: Pautan Merentas Kurikulum: Art
Pembelajaran: 2.1.2 Love the future

Student Aspirations/ Aspirasi Murid

Knowledge Thinking Leadership Bilingual Ethics & National
Pengetahuan Skills Skills Proficiency Spirituality Identity
Kemahiran Kemahiran Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
berfikir memimpin dwibahasa kerohanian nasional
Learning Objectives: Success Criteria:
Objektif Pembelajaran: I am learning Kriteria Kejayaan: I can identify one phonem.
to know the phonemes.

Key Concepts/ Key Vocabulary: Resources:

Konsep / Perbendahaaan Kata Utama: Sumber: Text book, white board
Phonemes, phonic song

Impact/ Reflection
Lesson Outline/ Rangka Pengajaran
Impak/ Refleksi
Starter/ Set Induksi

3 minutes Teacher asks the pupils to sing phonic song together.

Main Activities/ Aktiviti


1.Teacher introduces the phonemes.

2.Pupils copy the notes.

Plenary/ Penutup

Teacher asks pupils about the topic that they had learnt today.

Students to follow-up Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment

Tindakan susulan murid Pemulihan Pengukuhan Pengayaan

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