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ABDM4044 PEOPLE & ORGANISATION August 16, 2010

Chapter 16: Leadership

 A process between a leader & followers.
 Involves social influence.
 It occurs at multiple levels in the organization.
 Individual-mentoring, coaching, inspiring and motivating, build teams, generate
cohesion, conflict resolution, and build culture.
 Focuses on goal accomplishments.

Leading vs. Managing

Managing- perform planning, investigating, organizing, and control.

Leading- inspires, provide emotional support, get employees to work and common goal, create
vision, and strategic planning.

Trait theory
Physical/ personality characteristic that can be used to differentiate leaders from followers.

Stogdillis & Mann’s Findings:

1. Intelligence
2. Dominance
3. Self-confidence
4. Level of energy & activity
5. Task-relevant knowledge

*But did not accurately predict which individuals become leaders in organization!

Implicit Leadership Theory (ILT)

 Based on the idea that people have beliefs about how leaders should behave and what they
should do for their followers.
 A mental representation of the traits and behaviors that people believe they have.
 Influenced by national cultural values.

Kouzes & Posner’s Research

 Open-ended questions to more than 20,000 people worldwide.
 4 traits → Honestly, Forward looking, Inspiring, and Competent.

Judge’s Research
 People wanted their leader to be:
 extroverts→ effectiveness
 Conscientiousness & openness to experience.

The Ohio state studies

 Consideration- crating mutual respect/ trust and focuses on a concern for group member’s needs
and desires.
ABDM4044 PEOPLE & ORGANISATION August 16, 2010

 Initiating structure- organizes and defines what group members should be doing to maximize

Uni of Michigan studies

Effective leaders are/ do:

1. Tend to have supportive/ employee-centered relationship with employees.

2. Use group rather than individual methods of supervision.
3. Be high performance goals

Situational Theories
The effectiveness of a particular style of leader behavior depends on the situation.

Fiedler’s contingency model

 A leader’s effectiveness depends on his styles and situation.
 Leader’s style is described as task-motivated, relationship motivation.

Situational control
 The amount of control and influence the leader has over his immediate work environment.
o Leader-member relationship- trust, loyalty, and support from followers.
o Task structure- amount of structure a task has.
o Position power- ability to reward, punish/ get compliance from employees.
 Leaders must learn to manipulate/ influence the leadership situation to create amaten between
their leadership style and amount of control with environment situation in hand.

Path-Goal Theory
 Expectancy theory (effort → performance→ outcome)
 Leader behavior is for future satisfaction and motivational
i. Reduce roadblocks that interfere with goal accomplishment.
ii. Provides the guidance and support needed by employees.
iii. Ties meaningful rewards to goal accomplishment.

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