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Civilization and Its Discontents

Author(s): Bruce Bower

Source: Science News, Vol. 137, No. 9 (Mar. 3, 1990), pp. 136-137+139
Published by: Society for Science & the Public
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Accessed: 21-09-2017 07:44 UTC

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Civilization and Its Discontent
Why did the world's first civilization
cut a swath across the Near East?


I nvestigators from the German Archa- before the first dynasty of pharaohs ap- that closely resembles clay decorations
eological Institute in Cairo, Egypt, peared," says project director Thomas placed in wall niches inside Mesopota-
make an annual slog through the Nile von der Way. Excavations show that dur- mian temples.
Delta to the waterlogged site of Buto, the ing the final stages of the predynastic era
legendary ancient capital of Lower Egypt. at Buto, local methods of pottery and
Strategically located near the Mediterra- stone-blade production were replaced by Scientists have long argued over
nean Sea, Buto was a major port during more advanced techniques that origi- ancient Egypt's relationship to
the 4th millennium B.C. -a poorly under- nated in Upper Egypt, which lay farther early Mesopotamia. Much of the
stood period of Egyptian history preced- to the south. Apparently, Upper Egyptian debate centers on Mesopotamian-style
ing the emergence of the pharaohs invaders had conquered this prominent artifacts, such as cylinder seals and flint
around 3100 B.C. city and port, von der Way says. knife handles, found in 4th-millennium-
During four field seasons that began in Some of the Upper-Egyptian-style pot- B.C. graves situated on slopes above the
1983, the German researchers repeatedly tery is poorly made and probably repre- Nile Valley near Buto. Traders who reg-
drilled through the mud, sand and water- sents the handiwork of Buto residents ularly traveled through Mesopotamia
saturated soil covering Buto until they who were allowed to stay on and adapt to and Syria may have brought those arti-
reached pottery fragments and other the new regime, he maintains. Those facts to Egypt, says David O'Connor of the
ancient debris. Since 1987, the inves- individuals were most likely commoners, University of Pennsylvania in Phila-
tigators have siphoned off groundwater at von der Way says, adding, "Buto's ruling delphia.
the spot with diesel-driven pumps and class and its followers might in fact have At Buto, however, Egyptians may have
then carefully dug into Buto's muddy been wiped out." copied temple decorations shown to
remains. Their dirty work is yielding Even more intriguing is evidence of them by Sumerians more than 5,000 years
important evidence not only about Lower close contact between Buto's Egyptian ago, suggesting "direct and complex in-
Egypt's early days but also about the residents and the Sumerians of southern fluences at work" between the two so-
world's first civilization, which began Mesopotamia (now southern Iraq), who cieties, O'Connor observes.
developing in Mesopotamia around 5,400 fashioned the world's first full-fledged "It's not possible to trade architecture,"
years ago. civilization and state institutions during von der Way asserts. "Direct personal
"We've found the first archaeological the last half of the 4th millennium B.C. contact between people from Lower
evidence of cultural unification in Egypt Not only does pottery at Buto display Egypt and Mesopotamia led to the
at the end of the 4th millennium B.C., Mesopotamian features, but clay nails adoption of foreign architecture at Buto."
uncovered at the delta site are nearly Buto fuels the growing recognition
identical to those used to decorate tem- among archaeologists that early Meso-
ples at sites such as Uruk - the largest potamian civilization experienced an un-
Sumerian settlement and the world's first precedented expansion between 3400
city In Mesopotamia, workers inserted and 3100 B.C. The expansion occurred
the nails into temple walls and painted during the latter part of a phase called the
their heads to form mosaics. The re- Uruk period (named after the major city
searchers also found a clay cone at Buto of the time), which began around 3600
B.C. Excavations conducted over the past

Limestone cylinder seal from southern 15 years indicate that southern Meso-
ax Mesopotamia (top), circa 3500 to 3100 potamian city-states, each consisting of
B.C., and a modern clay impression one or two cities serving as political hubs
taken from the ancient seal. and providing goods and services to
thousands of people living in nearby
farming villages, established outposts in
neighboring territories lying within mod-
.E ern-day Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey Even
artifacts recovered at sites in the Trans-
caucasus of the Soviet Union show signs
of Sumerian influence.
(U Such discoveries leave investigators
pondering what made the Sumerians

such hard-chargers in a world largely
made up of subsistence farmers.
Many subscribe to the view of Robert
McCormick Adams of the Smithsonian
Institution in Washington, D.C., who calls
I the Uruk expansion "the first urban revo-


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lution." Adams says the economic de- Map shows modern-day Baghdad and
mands of burgeoning Mesopotamian several 4th-millennium B.C. Uruk sites in
cities led to a great transregional civiliza- Mesopotamia and nearby regions.
tion in the Near East.
Others, such as Henry T Wright of the 0 ~~~~~0
University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Uruk-period cities and smaller settle-
contend the term "urban revolution" ments also popped up farther to the
masks the fundamental significance of north, especially where east-west trade
the Uruk expansion - the introduction, routes intersected with the Tigris and .t Baghdad
for the first time anywhere, of political Euphrates rivers, Algaze argues. A good
states with a hierarchy of social classes example is the Uruk city of Habuba
and bureaucratic institutions that served Kabira, which lies along the upper Eu-
powerful kings. phrates in what is now Syria. Habuba Susa

Uruk 0
"Whatever the case, it was a revolution- Kabira once encompassed at least 450 Chogha Mish
ary time, a moment of extraordinary acres, according to estimates based on
innovations in art, technology and social Algaze's assessment of the site. Cultural
systems," Adams says. For instance, in remains in its metropolitan core and in
- Gulf
the late 4th millennium B.C., Mesopo- clusters of sites outside its huge defensive
tamia witnessed the emergence of mass- wall are identical to those found in south-
produced pottery, sculpture as an art ern Mesopotamia. With its neatly "The Sumerians wanted to become
form and the harnessing of skilled crafts- planned residential, industrial and ad- middlemen in international trade net-
men and pools of laborers by an adminis- ministrative quarters, Habuba Kabira works and reap big profits," he says.
trative class to produce monumental was well situated to control the flow of "They weren't forced to expand because
buildings. The world's earliest clay tab- trade goods through the region, Algaze of internal growth."
lets, portraying simple labels and lists of says. In Steinkeller's scenario, Uruk migrants
goods with pictographic symbols, also Although Sumerians produced surplus did not colonize new territories. Instead,
appeared, foreshadowing the birth of grain, leather products, dried fish, dates they forged intricate trade agreements
fully expressive writing around 3000 B.C. and textiles for export, they most likely with foreign communities to divvy up
The Mesopotamian revolution paved took more from colonized areas and local and imported goods.
the way for modern societies and politi- northern traders than they gave in re- Both colonization and commerce are
cal states, Wright observes. "A number of turn, Algaze maintains. The influx of difficult to pin down through archae-
competing formulations of what was driv- imports, he says, added new layers of ological research, observes Adams of the
ing the Uruk expansion have been pro- complexity to Mesopotamia's urban cen- Smithsonian Institution. "There's no evi-
posed and must be tested with new ters as fresh legions of administrators dence for goods moving in a private-
archaeological studies," he says. scurried to coordinate distribution of the enterprise sense during the Late Uruk
bounty. period," Adams asserts. At most, he says,
Sumerian city-states, of which there valuable items may have been exchanged
erhaps the most controversial of were at least five, almost certainly en- between distant royal palaces or religious
P these theories, proposed by gaged in fierce competition and warfare temples.
Guillermo Algaze of the University for imported goods, Algaze says. Cylinder "Today we tend to treat economics as a
of Chicago's Oriental Institute, holds that seals from various southern Mesopota- separate domain," he says. "But in Uruk
advanced societies in southern Mesopo- mian sites, depicting military scenes and times, the economy probablywasn't sepa-
tamia were forced to expand northward, the taking of prisoners, reflect these rated from politics and religion."
beginning around 5,400 years ago, to rivalries. Indeed, says Carl C. Lamberg-Karlov-
obtain scarce resources desired by Cylinder seals are engraved stone cyl- sky of Harvard University, religious be-
powerful administrators and social elites. inders that were used to roll an impres- liefs may have exerted an important
These northern regions held items sion onto clay seals for documents and influence on the Uruk expansion. South-
crucial to the growth of the incipient bales of commodities. A variety of ern Mesopotamians believed their tem-
civilization, including slaves, timber, sil- scenes, often including domestic ani- ple gods owned the land and humans
ver, gold, copper, limestone, lead and mals, grain, deities and temples, are were its stewards. Thus, Uruk city-states
bitumen (an asphalt used as a cement and found on the seals. may have pursued a type of "manifest
mortar), Algaze argues in the December destiny," he suggests, claiming nearby
1989 CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY. To guaran- lands in the name of their deities.
tee a reliable flow of imports, Sumerian A lgaze's assertion that the Uruk Harvey Weiss of Yale University down-
settlers colonized the plains of south- expansion was primarily fueled plays religious factors. He contends that
western Iran and established outposts at by an urgent need for resources the emergence of social classes - partic-
key points along trade routes traversing available only in foreign lands is receiv- ularly elite groups seeking exotic items to
northern Mesopotamia, he suggests. ing much attention, and a good deal of signify their elevated status - may lie at
Excavations at a number of ancient criticism, in the archaeological commu- the heart of the Uruk expansion.
villages in southwestern Iran indicate the nity Weiss says archaeologists lack sub-
area was "part and parcel of the Mesopo- Piotr Steinkeller of Harvard University stantial evidence for extensive imports
tamian world" by the end of the Uruk contends that, contrary to Algaze's argu- during the Uruk period, with the excep-
period, Algaze notes. Cultural remains, ment, southern Mesopotamians did not tion of copper and the semiprecious
such as ceramic pottery, record-keeping need to establish such a far-flung network stone lapis lazuli.
tablets, engraved depictions of religious of settlements to obtain such resources, "It's a good bet the Sumerians were
offerings and architectural styles, are which were available in the foothills of acquiring foreign materials that weren't
strikingly similar at sites in the Iranian the nearby Zagros mountains. The Uruk necessary for their survival," he says.
plains and southern Mesopotamia, he expansion was purely a commercial ven- "Newly emerging social elites defined
says. Apparently, Sumerians colonized "a ture aimed at making a profit, Steinkeller what types of exotica were imported."
fertile and productive area that was only asserted at December's annual meeting of However, he adds, it is far from clear
lightly settled and could surely mount the American Institute of Archaeology in
only minimal resistance." Boston. Continued on p. 139

MARCH 3,1990 137

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Continued from p. 137 "Why were Uruk outposts established "buffer zone" between two large Late
in distant areas fully equipped with Uruk communities known as Susa and
what types of social classes charac- household utensils, administrative para- Chogha Mish. What once had been a
terized Sumerian civilization and why phernalia, husbands, wives, children, single state in its formative stages was
they emerged at that time. sundry relatives, animals, architects, ar- thus sliced in half, Johnson says. The
Knowledge about Sumerian settle- tisans - all the comforts of home? Per- buffer zone probably became the site of
ments built before 3400 B.C. is similarly haps things at home were not that com- intense warfare between administrative
scant, observes Wright of the University fortable," he suggests. elites from the two sides, who wrestled
of Michigan. "The Uruk expansion must If, as Algaze argues, traders founded for control of rural labor and agriculture
have started earlier and been more com- communities such as Habuba Kabira, on the plain. Some Sumerian cylinder
plex than Algaze assumes," he argues. they could easily have adapted to local seals portray political conflicts of this
While Algaze proposes that long-dis- ways of life without taking with them type rather than economic rivalries, he
tance trade resulted in the explosive everything but the kitchen hearth, asserts. Susa gained the upper hand and
growth of Sumerian city-states, Wright Johnson points out. Refugees, however, remained an urban center into the 3rd
argues just the opposite. As he sees it, are more likely to recreate the lives they millennium B.C., while Chogha Mish be-
competitive city-states attempted to con- were forced to leave behind. came a ghost town.
trol ever-larger territories, and trade was And masses of Mesopotamians indeed Johnson says competing political fac-
an outgrowth of their political jousting. left their lives behind. Populations de- tions undoubtedly plagued other nascent
clined sharply in many southern Meso- states, creating a reservoir of disgruntled
potamian cities and their surrounding Sumerians with plenty of incentive to
In a fundamental challenge to this villages at the end of the 4th millennium haul their belongings to distant greener
already-diverse collection of views, B.C. Surveys conducted by Johnson and pastures.
Gregory A. Johnson of the City Uni- others indicate the abandonment of
versity of New York, Hunter College, nearly 450 acres of occupied areas repre-
questions the whole notion of a strong, senting as many as 60,000 people. F urther archaeological work, par-
expanding Sumerian civilization in Uruk The populations of inhabited areas of ticularly in areas remote from the
times. Instead, he contends, the period seven major Sumerian cities dropped by intensively surveyed river sites,
was one of political collapse and fragmen- an average of 51 percent in the last few may clarify some of the controversy
tation. centuries of the Uruk period, Johnson surroundig the rise and rapid fall of the
Johnson says the Sumerian colonists notes. Only at the city of Uruk have world's first civilization. But a consensus
described by Algaze were most likely a archaeologists documented significant will be difficult to dig out of the ground.
group of refugees, initially consisting of expansion during that time. "Quite frankly, no one has come up with
administrative elites who had been de- Moreover, widespread abandonment a good explanation for the Uruk expan-
feated in the political power struggles of settlements on Iran's Susiana plain sion," concedes Weiss. "It remains a great
that flared up in budding city-states. created an uninhabited, 9-mile-wide mysterys"

MARCH 3,1990 139

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