Assignment 2 (Stik)

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Instruction : Please CIRCLE A, B, C or D.

1) ___________ is a collection of steps or procedures.

A. Instruction

B. Program

C. Data

D. Information

2) "Attributes of a system which have direct impact on the logical execution of a program".

The statement is referring to __________

A. computer organization

B. computer architecture

C. computer organization and architecture

D. none of above

3) Pascal machine was invented by _________ in 1670s.

A. Jon Von Neumann

B. Joseph Marie Jacquard

C. Charles Babbage

D. Gottfried Leibniz

4) Who was awarded as a father of modern computer inverter?

A. Jon Von Neumann

B. Charles Babbage

C. Gottfried Leibniz

D. Bill Gates
5) "A binary computer with automatic addition, subtraction, multiplication, programmed

division and automatic checking. This machine uses 6,000 vacuum tubes and 12,000


This statement is pointed to __________

A. Pascaline



D. Different Engine

6) Which of the following is NOT an input device?

A. Scanner

B. Plotter

C. Optical Magnetic Recognition

D. Bar Code Reader

7) Today's computer is developed by referring to ________________ model.

A. Onion

B. Neural Network

C. Von Neumann

D. Intel

8) __________ model projected that computer system is assumed to be equal to human


A. Onion

B. Von Neumann

C. Neural Network

D. Input/output
9) All the statements below are CORRECT about System Software EXCEPT

A. programs that have been written to perform a specific tasks

B. programs which help the user control and make best use of the hardware

C. intermediary between computer hardware and application programs

D. control and coordinates computer operation

10) This software type can be used in a wide variety of task and not specific.

What kind of software is defined above?

A. Parallel

B. Generic

C. Specific

D. Distributed

11) ___________ is very important as it measures whether to proceed the project or not.

A. Preliminary Study

B. Requirement Analysis

C. System Design

D. System Evaluation

12) Misunderstanding in _______________ will lead to major failure of software development.

A. preliminary study

B. requirement analysis

C. system analysis

D. system design

13) 1100112 is equivalent to ____.

A. 4910

B. 5110

C. 7310

D. None of above
14) 1011102 is equal to

A. 64+32+8+4+2

B. 64+16+4+2

C. 32+8+4+2

D. 32+16+4+1

15) Why in Sign-Magnitude, the process of adding positive to negative can lead to error?

A. It is because the sign is also involved in the addition.

B. It is because the sign has to be inverted before summation.

C. It is because the magnitude only involve in the addition.

D. It is because the magnitude has to be inverted before summation.

16) The overflow bit from addition operation in first complement arithmetic must be


A. inverted

B. added again to the total

C. dropped

D. added by one

17) What is the second complement representation of -910 using 7 bits data representation?

A. 00010012

B. 11101102

C. 11101112

D. 1111111.

18) What is 1.012 in base 10?

A. 0.125

B. 1.25

C. 1.025

D. 1.125
19) Computer can only understand ____________ language.

A. machine

B. assembly

C. high level

D. natural

20) Java is a ___________ programming language.

A. first generation

B. second generation

C. third generation

D. fourth generation

21) All the terms below refer to processing functions of machine language EXCEPT

A. Computation

B. Comparison

C. Data movement

D. Data processing

22) In programming process, pseudocode is a/an _________ like language that used for

planning a solution.

A. symbol

B. mnemonic

C. english

D. structure

23) __________ involves detecting, locating, and correcting bugs by running the program.

A. Interpreting

B. Translating

C. Desk-checking

D. Debugging
24) Assembly language uses ___________ to translate into machine language.

A. compiler

B. interpreter

C. translator

D. assembler

25) Semiconductor is ____________ .

A. similar to insulator

B. similar to conductor

C. either conductor or insulator

D. neither conductor nor insulator

26) The diagram below represents ___________ gate.


B. exclusive NOR

C. exclusive OR


27) ______ gate consists of one input and one output.





28) The central processing unit (CPU) contains a control unit that __________.

A. temporarily stores data and program instructions when they are being processed

B. executes the program instructions

C. stores instructions and data when they are not being used by the system unit

D. performs math and logic operations

29) Most computers contain one CPU that processes a single instruction at a time, beginning

execution of the next instruction when the current instruction is finished. This method is

known as __________ processing.

A. logical

B. massive

C. parallel

D. serial

30) The statements below are CORRECT if the Instruction Set has fewer Addresses EXCEPT

A. Instructions are shorter in length

B. More total instructions in a program

C. Longer but less complex programs

D. Longer execution times

31) Which one of the following Label Field/Name is not available as a correct syntax for the

assembly language?

A. SynTax

B. 123ABC

C. $2500


32) Faster access to data, smaller address fields in the instruction word

The statement above refers to _____________ addressing mode.

A. Direct

B. Immediate

C. Indirect

D. Register-based
33) Which of the following statement refer to Direct Addressing Mode?

A. Data is a constant at run time

B. The operand is contained within the instruction itself

C. Address is a constant at run time but data itself can be changed during program


D. No additional memory references are required after the fetch of the instruction itself

34) The diagram below is possibly representing the ___________ processing type.

A. Nested Interrupt

B. Sequential Interrupt

C. Serial Interrupt

D. Parallel Interrupt

35) A bus that connects the CPU, memory and I/O is called _______________.

A. internal bus

B. expansion bus

C. local bus

D. system bus

36) The lines of system bus can be divided into 3 functional groups EXCEPT

A. address lines

B. control lines

C. interrupt line

D. data lines

37) Which of the following statements is NOT describing a system bus?

A. Consist of multiple communication pathways

B. Provide a path for moving data between system modules

C. It is a shared transmission medium

D. A main connection between computer and users

38) Some computers improve their processing efficiency by using a limited amount of highspeed

RAM memory called __________ between the CPU and main memory.

A. cache memory

B. flash RAM

C. ROM memory

D. dynamic RAM

39) The advantage of writing a program in machine language is __________.

A. the programmer can control the computer directly and accomplish exactly what
needs to be done

B. it takes little time to write and is easy to review if the programmer is trying to find an

C. it does not use the instruction set of a particular processor, so the program will run
on any computer

D. all of the above

40) Because they are developed for specific processors, machine languages are also called

__________ languages.

A. nonprocedural

B. event-driven

C. low-level

D. high-level

41) Consider the following assembly language codes:

MOV AL, 100


What is the final value stored in AL?

A. 115
B. 90
C. 79H
D. 121H
42) Both assembly languages and machine languages __________.

A. use abbreviations called mnemonics or symbolic operation code

B. usually allow symbolic addressing, meaning a specific memory location can be

referenced by a name or symbol

C. include macroinstructions that generate more than one instruction

D. are considered low-level languages because they are so closely tied to the specific

design of a computer

43) Computer commands are one type of input used by a computer __________.

A. referring to the raw facts that a computer receives during the input operation and

processes to produce information

B. are instructions that direct the computer to perform the necessary operations to

process data into information

C. are key words and phrases that the user inputs to direct the computer to perform

certain activities

D. referring to the data that a user inputs to respond to a question or message from the


44) Both the control unit and the ALU contain __________, which are temporary storage

locations for specific types of data.

A. buses

B. slots

C. registers

D. bays

45) The number that indicates the location in memory is called a memory __________.

A. port
B. address
C. microcode
D. card
46) Read Only Memory (ROM) is described as non-volatile because __________.

A. it can be read and used but it cannot be altered

B. data and programs can be transferred into and out of ROM

C. the programs and data stored in ROM are erased when the power to the computer is

turned off

D. it retains its contents even when the power is turned off

47) The speed of memory is measured in __________, which is one billionth of a second.

A. nanoseconds

B. milliseconds

C. megaseconds

D. billiseconds

48) An expansion __________ carries the data to and from expansion slots.

A. slot

B. bus

C. connector

D. port

49) To show color on a screen, each pixel must have three dots; these dots are the primary

additive colors __________.

A. blue, yellow, and red

B. red, blue, and green

C. green, blue, and yellow

D. yellow, green, and red

50) The Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) is a set of __________.

A. tests to make sure the equipment is working correctly

B. commands that tell the computer what devices you are using
C. operations performed each time a multitasking operating system switches to a

different application

D. instructions that provides the interface between the operating system and the

hardware devices

Submission date: 25 June 2015

You need to sign the submission list at my room (InterNetWorks Research Lab, 10am,


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