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The following is excerpted from pages 53-61 of the Ukrainian Rite prayerbook

My Divine Friend
by Rev. Michael Schudlo, CSSR.
Published 1959

(Imprimi Potest: Vladimir Malanchuk, CSSR. Vice-Provincial No. 596, May 25, 1958. Nihil Obstat:
Basil Makuch, STD, PhD. Censor Episcopalis. Imprimatur: Constantine Archbishop Metropolitan
Philadelphia, August 1, 1958 No. 767/52M.)

A Rule of Life

Let us serve God “in holiness and justice before Him” all our days. (Luke 1,75)

The Christian should spend his life for the greater glory of God because He made men to know,
to love and to serve Him on earth as the Angels are going in heaven. We must live with God and in His
presence all the days of our life, as the Lord commanded His servant Abraham: “Walk before Me and
be perfect!” (Gen. 17,1)

A rule of life is one of the best means to serve God and to reach that holiness to which all
Christians have been called by Christ: “Be perfect, even as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

He who adopts and follows a rule of life does not spend his time capriciously. He assigns to
each moment its proper duty. “Let all things be done decently and according to order,” says St. Paul (1
Cor. 14:40). Where there is no rule, there is no order. Man without a rule of life lives by caprice and
fancies. If he likes praying, he prays, if he does not feel like it, he won't pray for days. If he feels like
reading a good book, he will read it, but if he does not feel like it, he won't touch it, nor do anything
else, although his reason tells him to perform his religious and other duties, even though he does not
have any sensible pleasure in do doing.

In the life of a Christian each duty must have its proper time and be fulfilled when the time
comes, unless something occurs that renders its fulfillment impossible or imposes its delay. Nothing is
forgotten, nothing is done in haste or in a careless way, if a person follows a rule of life. All is well
done according to the previously established plan. All daily duties, all practices of piety are done with
exactitude. If there is no rule in one's life, he easily neglects his duties and often ends by omitting them

A proverb says: Order is heaven's first law. God is a God of order while Satan is a ruler of
confusion. “Method will teach you to win time. To him who does everything in its proper time, one
day is worth three.”

It is obvious that a strict rule of life cannot be followed by all Christians, but a certain order
may be prescribed for each day, for instance: begin each day with a prayer and end it with a prayer.
Regulate the time for your meals, for work and for your recreation.

There is much merit in the self-restraint and mortification resulting from a rule of life which
you have imposed upon yourself. Your life will be more pleasing to God and you will gain more merit
for paradise. Your eternal salvation will be guaranteed by a Christian rule of life.

1) Have a fixed hour for rising. Seven or eight hours of sleep are usually sufficient. Get out of
bed as soon as your alarm clock rings. Don't indulge in sloth. Let your first thought be of God.
If you delay in getting out of bed at the first ring of the clock, your whole day will be spoiled by
sloth and lack of energy in the fulfillment of your daily duties. Give thanks to Jesus and Mary
as soon as you wake up for having preserved you during the night in which thousands of people
have passed away.
2) After having dressed, kneel down and say your morning prayers, adding three “Bohorodytse
Divo” in honor of the Blessed Virgin, mother of Perpetual Help, for a happy death and eternal
salvation. The Blessed Virgin promised special blessings in life and eternal salvation of the soul
to all those who devoutly recite three “Bohorodytse Divo” in honor of her purity in the
morning and at night. This revelation was made to St. Mechtilde. End your morning prayers
with the morning offering of yourself and of all your works to God through the hands of the
Blessed Virgin.
3) Devote a certain time each day to meditation according to the method of St. Alphonsus and to
the reading of a book about the life of a Saint or Jesus Christ, and on Wednesdays read
something about the Blessed Virgin Mary. Remember, that God is speaking to your heart while
you are reading a good book. Read it slowly, do not hurry, reflect upon its contents and make
necessary conclusions from what you read, trying to imitate the Saint whose life you are
reading. Spiritual reading in this way is a sort of easy meditation.
4) If you can, assist at the Divine Liturgy every day. Unite yourself to Our Lord by means of a
spiritual or actual Holy Communion. Look at the altar, think of the meaning of the various
ceremonies, pray with the Blessed Virgin Mary for the conversion of the infidels, heretics and
sinners, especially those that belong or should belong to your parish. Pray also for the progress
of the Catholic Church, for religious and priestly vocations among our people, pray for the
peace of the world.

The time of the Mass is the best to secure from God all the graces you may need for yourself,
your family, your Church or country. St. Francis de Sales says: “You will not get grace at all, if
you cannot obtain it during the sacrifice of the Liturgy.” The saintly Pope Eugene adds: “The
Divine Liturgy obtains the forgiveness of the punishment of sin more efficaciously than the
prayers of the whole world.” Jesus Christ Himself assured St. Mechtilde: “There is not a
sinner, no matter how great he might be, whom I am not ready to forgive, if he asks me during
the Liturgy.” God cannot despise and reject your prayers during the Divine Liturgy because
Christ is praying with you by offering His unbloody sacrifice to His Father.

5) Use your missal while you are following Mass. Do not forget your daily Rosary. Try to say it
with your family. God loves those who pray to Him. Remember that “the family that prays
together stays together.” The Holy Rosary is very pleasing to the great Mother of God for
which she will reward you in this life and hereafter.
6) Make a daily visit to the Blessed Sacrament. Do not forget your Divine Friend Who is
expecting you in your church to bless and console you. Use the visits composed by St.
Alphonsus de Ligouri, the great Doctor and moralist of the Catholic Church.
7) Do not let your day pass without doing some penance for you own sins and for the sins of the
world. The life of a Christian should be a continual act of penance. Here are some suggestions:
mortify your curiosity or inclination to do something which is useless, watch over your eyes, do
not let them wander and look at everything. Do not watch your television every day especially
on Wednesdays and Fridays in honor of the Blessed Virgin and Jesus Crucified. Do not wound
your neighbors with harsh words, do not tease them too much, refrain sometimes through a
spirit of penance even from permitted pleasures, for example, eating fruit, candies, drinking,
etc. Moderate your tongue. Do not speak to o much and never murmur or complain. Be
courteous and kind to persons for whom you feel any antipathy. Bear your cross and pains with
resignation, offering them to Jesus and Mary.
8) Fulfill your duties energetically and with a pure intention to please God and make yourself
useful to your neighbor; direct all your actions and occupations, even those that are indifferent,
to God according to the advice given to all Christians by St. Paul, “In eating, in drinking, in all
that you do, do everything for God's glory.” (1 Cor. 10,31)

The Blessed Virgin made various requests during her apparitions at Fatima. Her principal
request, however, was “the faithful fulfillment of one's daily duties.” Other pious practices “are
important only in their relation to her one main request- sanctification of our daily lives,” said
the Mother of God.

Thus all your actions and occupations will become meritorious and precious in the eyes of God
for which He will reward you in the next life.

Before you undertake or start any work, say with St. Alphonsus de Ligouri: “I do it for Jesus
and Mary.” Raise your mind and heart to God, repeat some short ejaculatory prayer during your
work at least from time to time so that you may not be too much absorbed by earthly

9) Do not eat at random but have a time for your meals. Pray and bless yourself before you
take your meal even when you are in company, in a restaurant or on a train. Always do
some little act of mortification at your meals in honor of Jesus and Mary.
10) Go to bed at a fixed time as far as possible. Make your examination of conscience, thank
God if you were good during the day, and ask His forgiveness if you were bad. Make an act
of contrition for the sins you might have committed and promise to be better the next day.
Make a spiritual Communion and offer it to Jesus Christ in reparation for all offenses that
He has received from sinners and bad Christians during the day. Commend to Jesus and
Mary all the poor souls in purgatory and the dying sinners.
11) Go to confession every week or at least every two weeks. By going to confession once a
week you may approach Holy Communion every day, even when you have some venial sin
on your soul. Make an act of contrition and go to Holy Communion which you should
receive at least after every confession, or a few times a week, eventually every day, if your
spiritual director advices you to do so. Do not omit preparation and thanksgiving which are
very important.
12) Be kind and cheerful with the members of your family and with all people with whom you
are in contact. Avoid little jealousies, criticism, tale-bearing, and caprices which discredit
piety in the eyes of the world. Show by your behavior that Christian piety makes a person
good, understanding and cheerful, and not sad. St. Francis de Sales rightly said: “Sad Saints
are not really Saints”, that is , they are not true Saints because true piety which unites the
soul with God makes it content and joyful.

Avoid both levity and repellant austerity. Be simple, modest, and considerate in your social
dealings with others. On the other hand, be inflexible in regard to dangerous books,
indecent plays and in movies, bad conversation and immoral jokes. Do not hesitate to protest
when Christian faith or morals are offended., when the Pope, the Bishops and the priests are
derided. Always give good example because pagans and non-Catholics observe you in your
doings. A young man was in the company of his Protestant friends. He ate meat with them on
Friday. They were scandalized and asked him, “Since when are Catholics permitted to eat meat
on Fridays?” Defend the Catholic Church and the Eastern Rite if they are attacked.

13) Be frugal in your meals and honest in your expenses. Do not get too attached to earthly
things. Imitate the poverty of your Crucified Redeemer. Try to support the church, school,
and other good institutions of your parish or diocese with the money you can save.
14) Select one day a month to prepare yourself for death. Go to confession and receive Holy
Communion. Recite the prayer for a happy death (p. 140).
15) A true devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary is regarded
as a certain mark of salvation. Saint Andrew of Crete says: “God grants devotion to the
Blessed Virgin Mary to those whom he wishes to save.” Pray to St. Joseph, to the Holy
Trinity, to your guardian Angel, to your Patron Saint and to your Name-Saint.

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