Yeh Chiahean (QUIZ TEKNO 100)

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yeh chiahean 82% (82/100)

#1 (1 point)
B.F Skinner is one of the psychologist that introduce behaviourisme theory.

Response: True --- Correct

#2 (1 point)

JEAN PIAGET is the psychologist thats investigate about the learning of cognitive building process and
intoroduce zone proximal development.

Response: False --- Correct

#3 (1 point)
Shared vision is one of the conditions for technology integration.

Response: True --- Correct

#4 (1 point)
Hands on, integration emphasis, training over time, modelling, mentoring and coaching and also post-
training access are criteria for trained personnel as an essential conditions for technology integration.

Response: True --- Correct

#5 (1 point)
________________ is a technical assistant in an essential condition for technology integration.

Response: Appropriate teaching approach. --- Correct

#6 (1 point)
The following items are the essential conditions for Effective Technology Integration EXCEPT

Response: Emphasize teacher training --- Correct

#7 (1 point)
1. The following are some characteristics of word processing EXCEPT ____________________.

Response: Video --- Correct

#8 (1 point)
1. The following items are some characteristics of spreadsheets EXCEPT _____________________.

Response: Reports --- Correct

#9 (1 point)
We use software tools for improving productivity.

Response: True --- Correct

#10 (1 point)
Keyboarding skills and impact on assessment are the issues of word processing.

Response: True --- Correct

#11 (1 point)
Spreadsheets is a program designed to organize and manipulate numerical data.

Response: False --- Incorrect


#12 (1 point)
Database is program that allow users to analyse, calculate and store information when needed.

Response: True --- Incorrect


#13 (1 point)
1. Three Basic Productivity Tools are Word Processing, Databases and Spreadsheets.

Response: True --- Correct

#14 (1 point)
Some of the educational impact of teachers by using word processing are the following EXCEPT

Response: saves time --- Incorrect


#15 (1 point)
1. Standards and Curriculum Support is one of essential conditions for Technology Intergration.
Response: True --- Correct
#16 (1 point)
1. What are Implications of New Technologies?

i. Flexible learning environments;

ii. Adaptable assesment options;

iii. Reliance on distance learning;

iv. Support for people with disabilities;

Response: All of the above. --- Correct

#17 (1 point)
1. What are the issues in Education and Technology?

i. Societal

ii. Cultural

iii. Legal

iv. Educational

Response: All of the above. --- Correct

#18 (1 point)
1. Why use technology in schools?

i. Influence student academic performance

ii. Develop higher order thinking and probelm solving

iii. Improve student motivation, attitude and interest in learning

iv. Help to prepare students for the workforce

Response: All of the above --- Correct

#19 (1 point)
1. What is the rationale for technology use?

i. Motivates students;

ii. Supports new instructional approaches;

iii. Increase teachers' productivity;

iv. Provides unique instructional capabilities;

Response: All of the above --- Correct

#20 (1 point)


Response: Many media such as stills, sound, video, animation and text. --- Correct

#21 (1 point)
1. What authoring tools consist of?

I. Presentation software;

II. Video production and editing;

III. Hypermedia authoring;

IV. Browser;

Response: I, II and IIII --- Correct

#22 (1 point)
1. What is the impact of teaching with multimedia and hypermedia tools for future?

Response: Increase in motivation. --- Incorrect

Flexible learning modes.
#23 (1 point)
1. Commercial hypermedia contains of ________________.

I. Instruction software;

II. Interactive books;

III. Reference materials;

Response: I, II and III. --- Correct

#24 (1 point)
1. All of the answer below are strategies for presentation software except ____________________:

Response: Video portfolios--- Correct
#25 (1 point)
1. Training is specific skills that are acquired and can be used almost immediately.


Response: True --- Incorrect

#26 (1 point)
Zone of proximal development is a gap between adult and a child or a teacher and his/her student or
parent and chilren

Response: True --- Correct

#27 (1 point)
The lowest level in Kirkpatrick's level of evaluation is __________________________.

Response: learning --- Incorrect

#28 (1 point)
The highest level in Kirkpatrick's level of evaluation is __________________________.

Response: performance --- Correct

#29 (1 point)
9 events of instruction are as folllow:

Response: 1 gain students' attention, 2 state objectives to learners, 3 stimulate prior learning, 4
present content, 5 provide learning guidance, 6 elicit student performance, 7 provide feedback, 8 assess
student performance, 9 enhance retention and transfer of learning --- Correct
#30 (1 point)
Respect and High expectations are important principles of effective teaching.

Response: True --- Correct

#31 (1 point)
Chickering and Gamson introduce 7 principles of effective reaching.

Response: True --- Correct

#32 (1 point)
Constructivism is the earliest theory of learning.

Response: True --- Incorrect

#33 (1 point)
The A in ASSURE model refers to:

Response: Analyze learners; --- Correct

#34 (1 point)
The first S in ASSURE model refers to:

Response: select method, media and materials. --- Incorrect

state objectives.
#35 (1 point)
The letter 'R' in ASSURE model refers to:

Response: require learners' participation --- Correct

#36 (1 point)
The letter 'E' in ASSURE model refers to:

Response: evaluate and revise --- Correct

#37 (1 point)
ARCS is an ID motivational model.

Response: True --- Correct

#38 (1 point)
C in ARCS model refers to ______________________.

Response: capability --- Incorrect

#39 (1 point)
R in ARCS model refers to ______________________.

Response: required skills --- Incorrect

#40 (1 point)
S in ARCS model refers to ______________________.

Response: satisfaction --- Correct

#41 (1 point)
Only when we get our students _____________________, we can help transfer information from Short-
Term memory to Long-Term Memory.

Response: Attention --- Correct

#42 (1 point)
1. Instructional software is a program developed specifically to deliver or assist with instruction on a

Response: True --- Correct

#43 (1 point)
1. What are the instructional software classifications?

I. Tutorial
II. Simulation

III. Problem development

IV. Instructional games

Response: I,II and IV --- Correct

#44 (1 point)
1. There are many benefits for drill and practice EXCEPT

Response: Saves money --- Correct

#45 (1 point)
1. Linear tutorials and Brunching tutorials are the types of tutorials.

Response: False --- Correct

#46 (1 point)
1. Specific to content area and general content free skills are the types of problem solving..

Response: True --- Correct

#47 (1 point)
1. Which are the types of simulations?

I. Procedural

II. Iterative

III. Physical

IV. Mental
Response: I, II and III --- Correct
#48 (1 point)
1. Which of the following is NOT the characteristics of Integrated Learning System (ILS)?

Response: Operation management system --- Correct

#49 (1 point)
1. Which are the ways to use Integrated Learning System (ILS)?

I. Resource rich environments

II. Mainframe delivery system

III. Remediation

Response: I and III --- Correct

#50 (1 point)
1. Authoring tools is one of types of system which contains ______________________.

Response: Presentation software --- Correct

#51 (1 point)
Storyboard is the first step of authoring procedures.

Response: False --- Correct

#52 (1 point)
The impact of research is _______________________.

Response: Greater comprehension and retention --- Correct

#53 (1 point)
1. The type of Distance Learning Activities are Student Research, Online Classroom Materials Web-
Based Lessons, Virtual Courses and Programs.

Response: True --- Correct

#54 (1 point)
1. Email, blogs and chatrooms are parts of Internet Communication Resources.

Response: True --- Correct

#55 (1 point)
1. The acquisition of knowledge and skills through mediated information and instruction,
encompassing all technologies and other forms of ________________________ .

Response: learning at a distance --- Correct

#56 (1 point)
1. These are Internet Search Engines EXCEPT __________________.

Response: blog --- Correct

#57 (1 point)
1. What is one of Virtual schooling issues?

Response: teacher certification --- Correct

#58 (1 point)
1. Some of the types of Internet Troubleshooting are Site connection failures and Features on site not

Response: True --- Correct

#59 (1 point)
Digitizing music is one of the elements of graphic tools.

Response: False --- Incorrect

#60 (1 point)
1. What are the function of school information systems?

i. Handling the admissions process;

ii. Enrolling new students and storing teaching option choices;

iii. Maintaining discipline records;

iv. Helps teachers and students produce instructional materials;

Response: i, ii and iv --- Incorrect

i, ii and iii
#61 (1 point)
1. Choose the right answers for type of software support tools.

i. materials generators;

ii. planning and organizing tools;

iii. research and reference tools;

iv. PDA tools;

Response: i, ii and iii --- Correct

#62 (1 point)
Logo is used to teach problem solving through programming.

Response: True --- Correct

#63 (1 point)
It is easy to classify is a problem in identifying types of software.

Response: True --- Incorrect

#64 (1 point)
There are 6 types of instructional software classifications.

Response: False --- Correct

#65 (1 point)
All of the following are the tutorial benefits EXCEPT __________________?

Response: Help students in their study --- Correct

#66 (1 point)
What is the benefit of instructional games?
Response: High interest --- Correct
#67 (1 point)
What is the simulation limitation and problem?

Response: Accuracy of models --- Correct

#68 (1 point)
Those are types of distance learning activities EXCEPT ________________.

Response: Inappropriate materials --- Correct

#69 (1 point)
Funding is one of the virtual schooling issues in distance learning.

Response: True --- Correct

#70 (1 point)
Internet skills are including the URL (Uniform Resources Locator), types, parts, copyright and plagiarism.

Response: False --- Correct

#71 (1 point)
Content and design are two important factors to consider when evaluating internet sites.

Response: True --- Correct

#72 (1 point)
One of the characteristics of effective distance courses is ___________________.

Response: Collaborative activities --- Correct

#73 (1 point)
All statements below are true about web course development and tools EXCEPT _______________.

Response: One-drive --- Correct

#74 (1 point)
1. Scaffolding theory is about teaching as a cognitive building process.

Response: True --- Incorrect

#75 (1 point)
1. Child development theory is introduced by Jerome Bruner.

Response: False --- Correct

#76 (1 point)
1. Who developed Multiple Intelligence Theory?
Response: Howard Gardner --- Correct
#77 (1 point)
1. Arrange the phases (from the beginning) in Technology Integration Planning(TIP).

Response: 1 Determine relative advantage., 2 Decide objectives and assessments., 3 Design

integration strategies., 4 Prepare the instructional environment., 5 Evaluate and revise integration
strategies. --- Correct
#78 (1 point)
1. Which is not the element of essential conditions for technology integration?

Response: Assessment --- Correct

#79 (1 point)
Zone of proximal development was introduced by Lev Vygotsky.

Response: False --- Incorrect

#80 (1 point)
Rehearsal, organization, meaningful learning, elaboration and imagery are activities that can help move
information from Sensory Register to a Short Term Memory.

Response: True --- Incorrect

#81 (1 point)
Cognitive information- processing theory is about how a human mind works or functions.
Response: True --- Correct
#82 (1 point)
1. Trained personnel is about having fully equipped staff or skilled staff in an organisation.

Response: True --- Correct

#83 (1 point)
Jean Piaget introduced children's cognitive development.

Response: True --- Correct

#84 (1 point)
Constructivism is about developing knowledge through cooperative learning.

Response: True --- Correct

#85 (1 point)
AECT, ITEA and ISTE are some examples of associations dealing with educational technology.
Response: True --- Correct
#86 (1 point)
1. All of these terms are instuctional software EXCEPT __________________.

Response: instructional practice --- Correct

#87 (1 point)
1. Types of drill and practice activities are flashcard activity, extensive feedback activity

Response: branching drill --- Correct

#88 (1 point)
1. Alternative learning strategy is the use of________________.

Response: tutorial --- Correct

#89 (1 point)
1. Instructional games have 3 games types as listed below EXCEPT ______________________.

Response: instruction --- Correct

#90 (1 point)
1. Which of these is the characteristics of problem solvin?

Response: environment that challenges student to create the solutions --- Correct
#91 (1 point)
1. Drill and practice and tutorials have same benefits which are listed below EXCEPT

Response: high interest --- Correct

#92 (1 point)
Flashcard activity is the type of drill and practice.

Response: True --- Correct

#93 (1 point)
One of ways to use the tutorials is to supplement or replace worksheets.

Response: True --- Incorrect

#94 (1 point)
Instructional software is also known as tutorial.
Response: True --- Incorrect
#95 (1 point)
Harmony, symmmetry and white balance are also some principles of visual design.

Response: True --- Correct

#96 (1 point)
Information kept in sensory register will be lost if one does not pay attention to the information.

Response: True --- Correct

#97 (1 point)
Instructional technology = Instructional design + instructional materials

Response: False --- Correct

#98 (1 point)
1. Which of the following is not the characteristics of Integrated Learning System (ILS)?

Response: Operation management system --- Correct

#99 (1 point)
1. Which are the ways to use Integrated Learning System (ILS)?

I. Resource rich environments

II. Mainframe delivery system

III. Remediation

Response: I and III --- Correct

#100 (1 point)
1. Which are the types of simulations?

I. Procedural

II. Iterative
III. Physical

IV. Mental

Response: I, II and III --- Correct

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