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PORTICO 2006/3

University of Michigan Taubman College of Architecture + Urban Planning

Table of Contents

From the Dean........................................................................................1
College Update
Global Place: practice, politics, and the polis
TCAUP Centennial Conference #2......................................................4
<<PAUSE>> TCAUP@100......................................................................6
Centennial Conference #1.................................................................7
Student Blowout.................................................................................8
Centennial Gala Dinner.....................................................................9
Faculty Update.....................................................................................10
Honor Roll of Donors...........................................................................16
Alumni Giving by Class Year...............................................................22
GOLD Gifts (Grads of the Last Decade)............................................26
Monteith Society, Gifts in memory of, Gifts in honor of.................27
Campaign Update................................................................................27
Honor Roll of Volunteers.....................................................................28
Class Notes...........................................................................................31
Calendar of Events..................................................Inside Back Cover
From the Dean

Thank you!
Were half way through our hundredth year! Theres lots to talk about.

Lets start with the faculty, the backbone of any academic enterprise. We are in the final
phase of recruiting two stellar Centennial Professors, whom we will introduce to you
in the next issue. In addition, Chris Nelson, a nationally known scholar on land use and
real estate development, will join us in September 2007 as professor of urban planning

Photograph by Homeless Dave,

and co-director of the Real Estate Development Program. Amy and Perry Kulper joined
the architecture faculty earlier this year, as did Claire Zimmerman this fall. Our visiting
professors appointed this year are Aaron Betsky, Sulan Kolatan, Philip Enquist, Anne
Vernez-Moudon, Larry Scarpa, and Kelly Quinn, with more to come. Also, Larissa Larsen,
a landscape architect and urban planner, has joined the faculty on a full-time basis. And
a host of new lecturers and the Muschenheim, Sanders and Oberdick Fellows are off and
running. We are presently engaged in a national search for an architecture professor in
sustainable design.

The college faculty is immersed in a year-long strategic planning process, having

already completed four dinner meetings, a day-and-a-half retreat, and an in-house
centennial conference, during which faculty members presented papers and projects
to each other and students about their work, interests, and passions. In October, the Dean Kelbaugh being interviewed
20th annual UM/ULI Real Estate Forum, which we have hosted for the last seven years, for teeter-totter website.
focused on Detroit and attracted over 500 attendees who came to hear luminaries like
Sam Zell, Steve Ross, and Al Ratner. Next is a major international conference January
46, the academic highlight of the centennial. (See Global Place: Practice, Politics and
the Polis on page 4.) Please join us for this seminal event.

I am happy to report that we have received the go ahead from the administration to do
preliminary studies and conceptual design for a possible expansion of our facilities on
the roof to accommodate our larger enrollment and faculty. (photo on the following
page of program chairs and me, lunching alfresco with Provost Teresa Sullivan where
we hope to build on the roof.) The project to move the Lorch Column from its location
behind the former Art & Design building on Central Campus to a new home in front of our
building is proceeding apace, although construction is being delayed until classes end in
spring 2007. Were in the process of upgrading our classrooms and four student lounges,
waterproofing leaky foundation walls, and will be resurfacing the Art + Architecture
building courtyard. Over the last eight years, the college has spent $2.7 million upgrading
the building, plus another $1 million from the University. (As you can see, the college is
essentially a ship on its own bottom when it comes to capital expenditures, which is why
we will need to fundraise for the proposed addition.)

On the celebratory front, there are centennial banners, two films, a gala dinner, several
exhibits, and a pictorial booklet on the colleges history (which you should have received
in the mail by now. If youd like a dvd of the 20-minute history of the college narrated by
Cory Flintoff, please email The University is hooding Ada Louise
Huxtable, the countrys first and most decorated architectural journalist, with an honor-
ary doctoral degree this month. By the way, thank you to over 450 alumni from seven
decades, 36 states, and six continents who have submitted their 8.5 x 5.5 postcards for
the current exhibit. Come see all this work and other exhibits!

My thanks go out to the faculty and staff who have worked so hard to make this a special
year of remembering our past, celebrating the moment, and envisioning our future.

A long look in the mirror, taking stock, rethinking our structure, and staking out our goals is hard work. But its also
satisfying and exhilarating to reflect on our illustrious past, present strengths, and future possibilities.

I also want to acknowledge my immediate predecessors, Deans Emeriti Bob Metcalf and Bob Beckley, who between
them led the college for over a fifth of its first centuryyears 69 through 97. (This is, hard to believe, my ninth year as
dean.) They were honored at our gala dinner by the Alumni Board of Governors, who also deserve thanks for coming to
campus (at their own expense) twice a year to provide their professional perspectives and advice on architecture and
urban planning.

In this annual thank you issue of Portico, the biggest gratitude is reserved for our donorsthe thousand or more of you
who donate your wisdom, work, and wealth to the college. Annual giving broke the previous record, as well as top a
million dollars for the third straight year. This generosity, as always, makes a difference in both the everyday lives and long
term aspirations of our faculty and students. Alan and Cynthia Berkshires Centennial Travel Fund (see page 21 to learn
more about this fund and its centennial challenge) inspired me to help 63 of our undergraduate and graduate students visit
Venice and the trail-blazing show on architecture and the city at the 10th Architecture Biennale this fall. Gifts from Dan
Swartz, B.Arch.71 and Hank Ruifrok, B.S.A.A.38, as well as David and Connie Osler, have been instrumental in the Lorch
Column project. (Connie is Dean Lorchs daughter, and the lead designer Peter Osler, an associate professor of practice in
architecture, is his grandson!) We still need your financial assistance on this costly project to not only move the column to
North Campus but to restore it to its original 55 height, as shown on the previous page.

For the first time in 2005, scholarships bearing the names of Hoeltzel, Marans, Tobin, and White were awarded. Speaking
of financial aid to students, President Coleman has recently announced a one-to-one match for need-based undergradu-
ate scholarship gifts and endowments. You can establish an endowment in your (or someone elses) name for as little as
$25,000. Mitch Ketai, B.Arch.50, and Tower Pinkster Titus Associates have already taken advantage of this limited time
offer. The Presidents Challenge will also match dollar for dollar a gift of any size to undergraduate need-based financial
aid, an offer that may appeal to younger graduates who have been thinking about donating. Others of you contributed to
the College Enrichment Fund, which underwrites all manner of faculty and student initiatives and enhancements (such
as the college lecture series and symposia). Still others have given their time to various efforts within or on behalf of our
academic programs.

Over the last 100 years, the college has earned a reputation as one of the finest schools of architecture and urban
planning in the nation and the world. We were the first to conduct architectural research (the Architecture Research
Lab started in the 1940s), one of the first to have a
doctoral program in architecture (1969), and a pioneer
in many other areas of teaching, research, and service.
More than 100 peoplea remarkable one out of 75 of
our alumnihave established endowments supporting
students and programs. Year in and year out, some
1,000 people make annual donations to enrich curricular
Photograph by Peter Smith, Smith Photography.

offerings and support students. With this kind of abiding

faith and commitment, were here to stay. And to make a
difference in the world. Thank you all for your help!

Happy Holidays,

Left to right: Jean Wineman, Jonathan Levine, Tom Buresh,

Teresa Sullivan, and Doug Kelbaugh.

 Portico 2006/3

The Michigan Difference

The university has been inviting alumni/ae to share how Michigan has made
a difference in their lives. Here are a few stories from TCAUP alumni/ae.

Grant Hildebrand, B.Arch.57, M.Arch.64, Washington

Professor Emeritus, Architecture and Art History,
University of Washington

As for thanks, they are most properly from me to

the University, and not the reverse; my life in
any rewarding sense really began in those
Ann Arbor years. And there was a
pragmatic side too: my dad, whose only
income had been the WPA, died when
I was in the tenth grade, my mom took
in sewing to make ends meet, and we
Photograph courtesy U-M Bentley Historical Library.

didnt have a beanyet through my six

years of study, the University always
found some scholarship, some grant-
in-aid, to pay some last unpayable
fee, the last months dorm bill...Wally
Sanders was gracious not only in his
teaching but in his warmthI remem-
ber his house, then just-built, in Barton
Hillsan exciting white steel box kite
over a ravine, as light as the summer
air. One afternoon in grad school days,
God knows why, he let me tootle around in a
Porsche he had just bought. In my years at
Albert Kahn, he was a once-a-week design
consultant, and his kind guidance extended
to that part of my education as well. He
also taught me how to make a proper dry
martini. And then theres you two, Doug
and Mary Anne, who let me come back for
a cherished fallactually paid me to do
soeven got me tickets to the Notre Dame
gameTom Brady pitching! Im grateful for
all of it; unfortunately the annuity is entirely
too meager.

Grant wrote this in response to a thank-you

letter from the Doug Kelbaugh for a gift to
the Walter B. Sanders Endowment. He was
a visiting professor at the college during
the fall semester 1999.

Share how Michigan made a difference to you! Send your stories to

College Update


Global Place: practice, politics, and the polis, The following two days will focus on global politics and practice,
the University of Michigans Taubman College including presentations by Ken Yeang, Dan Solomon, Marilyn
of Architecture and Urban Plannings centen- Taylor, Bish Sanyal, Susan Fainstein, John Habraken, Arif Hasan,
nial conference, will bring together two-dozen Phillip Enquist, and Anne Vernez-Moudon. Other sessions will
renowned architects, urban planners, researchers focus on global cities and on sustainability and technological is-
and scholars from around the world. These lead- sues, with talks by David Orr, Ed Mazria, John Thackara, Anthony
ers will address questions and opportunities that Townsend, and Anne Spirn.
architecture and planning face in an increasingly
urbanized, media-driven, and commoditized world. This conference is of centennial significance, bringing together
some of the worlds leading design theorists and practitioners to
A century ago, the planet was primarily rural; today it is discuss what kind of architecture and urbanism is possible and
half urban; and in twenty-five years it will be predomi- desirable in this global century, says Douglas Kelbaugh FAIA,
nately urban. What does this mean for the design, culture, professor and dean of the college.
sustainability, and experience of our buildings and cities?
For the sense of community and place? Other topics of discussion include information technology, com-
munity and the city, and mega-cities, punctuated by case studies
The two-day interdisciplinary symposium kicks off on and panel discussions among guests and faculty respondents
January 4 with a high-octane panel of distinguished from other schools at the University of Michigan. Our conference
guests, including Homi Bhabha, Charles Correa, Kenneth title Global Place seeks to capture that paradoxthat is, the
Frampton, Liane LeFaivre, Saskia Sassen, and Michael challenge of creating place in a world dominated by the forces of
Sorkin at Rackham Auditorium on the University of placelessness, says Robert Fishman, professor of architecture
Michigan campus. and urban planning and one of the conference co-chairs.

More that 550 gathered at Cobo Center in Detroit, October 2627 for the 20th
NEXT Annual University of Michigan/Urban Land Institute Real Estate Forum themed
THE NEXT AMERICAN DREAM: Creating Walkable Urbanity. The event focused on
AMERICAN developing walkable environments in suburban and traditional downtowns using
the redevelopment of downtown Detroit as a case study.
This years forum featured a host of renowned real estate leaders from the public and private
DRAWS sector including Christopher Leinberger, professor of practice and director of the Graduate
Real Estate Development Certificate Program and a Brookings Institution Fellow, and Arthur
RECORD C. Nelson, who is professor and director of the Metropolitan Institute at Virginia Tech and will
be coming soon to the college as a full professor and co-director of the Graduate Real Estate
CROWD Program.

By Beverly Lyons At the forum, the market research that is the basis of a new strategic plan for the redevelop-
ment of downtown Detroits central business district was unveiled, and keynote speaker Paul
R. Levy, president of Philadelphias Center City District, talked about that citys successful
redevelopment and turnaround. Forum participants also embarked on guided walking tours

 Portico 2006/3
Photograph by Craig Scott.
Forces such as global technology and information flows, ethnic
diasporas, climate change, energy, shortages, transnational
corporations, religious fundamentalism, and the loss of
local cultural identity, and challenging designers, planners,
researchers, and scholars in many fields. As the college begins
its second century, this conference hopes to be a seminal
conversation in the international public discourse.

After the kick-off panel on Thursday evening at the auditorium in

the Rackham building, the following two days will be held in the
Pringle auditorium at the new Biomedical Science Research
Building (BSRB) at Huron and Glen Streets, with the main
entrance at Zina Pitcher and Ann Streets. BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE RESEARCH BUILDING (BSRB)

For more information, visit the website at www.tcaup.umich.

edu/100/globalplace, or contact the Taubman College of
Architecture + Urban Planning. For parking information visit Support for the conference is provided by the
Please send questions about the event to Guido A. Binda Lecture Fund and the Taubman Fund.

and participated in a variety of roundtable discussions on a host To mark its 20th year, the Forum also presented a special award
of interesting topics. to TCAUP faculty member Peter Allen, who started the U-M/ULI
Forum in 1986. The event concluded with the keynote address
Some of the countrys top real estate experts, including Stephen by Albert Ratner, of Forest City Enterprises and the 2005 ULI J.C.
Ross, chairman, CEO and founder of The Related Companies; Nichols Prize winner.
Robert Taubman, chairman, president and CEO of Taubman
Centers, Inc.; Robert Davis, partner in Arcadia Land Company; U-M graduate students in business, architecture, urban planning,
and Professor Peter Linneman, of Linneman & Associates and the public policy, law, natural resources, or engineering were eligible
Wharton School of Business, took part in a panel discussion of for one of five competitive $2,000 scholarships. Three TCAUP
key trends in mixed-use and walkable urbane real estate. graduate students were among the scholarship recipients.
Second year planning students Elizabeth Schuh and Kelly Drake
Highlights of the forum also included a lively discussion of the and dual architecture and planning student Austin Dingwall
international real estate industry delivered by Sam Zell, chairman wrote essays examining ways to improve the self-image of
of Equity Group Investments, and Peter Linneman, as well as a metropolitan Detroit.
reception and dinner at which Richard D. Baron, chairman and
CEO of McCormack Baron Salazar and winner of the 2004 ULI J.C.
Nichols Prize, addressed the group.

As part of the colleges centennial celebration, our first conference Rewind<<Pause>>Forward:
Taking Stock at 100, was held November 24 with a full house of faculty and students in the Art
+ Architecture Building auditorium. We marked this hundredth anniversary by pausing from our
breathless schedules to listen to each other tell who we are, what we believe, what were doing, and
why. The event followed several weeks on the heels of the first centennial event, a two day faculty
retreat off-site, in which we dissected and discussed the state of the college and its programs, as
well as strategies for its future, as we enter our second century.

<<Pause>> featured an opening panel on Thursday evening and four provocative, cross-disciplinary
sessions on Friday and Saturday. It showcased the personal reflections of twenty-seven faculty
members, who presented and discussed their scholarly, research and professional work. The
sessions brought together faculty who might not ordinarily share a podium; we discovered some
overlaps, uncovered some oppositions, and built some bridges.

To moderate these sessions we invited four leading scholarsMichael Benedikt from the University
of Texas, Hema Dandekar from Arizona State University, Sheila Kennedy from Boston, and Lars
Lerup from Rice University. They have all taught at the college either as visiting or permanent faculty
and were nimble moderators and counterpointselaborating, probing, humoring, confronting, and
extending our discussion.

We spoke about the quality of the environments we create; about issues of equity and sustainability;
about technology, beauty, space, place, and culture; about imagining futures and confronting future

To paraphrase Sheila Kennedy: the event completely exhausted our ability to document it or com-
prehend itwe are at the end of our sketch book. By looking inwards, we looked outwards. The
event was considered by attendees to have been a successful attempt to get to know each other
and each others work, an exchange that can not be taken for granted in our increasingly fast-paced
academic culture. We now have an opportunity to open up a new space of collaboration.

 Portico 2006/3
STUDENT Sophia Psarra

Amy Kulper and Perry Kulper M.U.P. student Caitlyn Clauson poses a question
to the panel.


Left to right: Sheila Kennedy, Malcolm McCullogh,

Harry Giles, and Karl Daubmann

Peter von Blow

Left to right: Margaret Dewar, Joe Grengs, and Caroline Constant

Hemalata Dandekar

Andrew Herscher

Left to right: Sheila Kennedy, Lars Lerup, Jean

Wineman, Jonathan Levine, and Hema Dandekar

Photos on this page taken from <<PAUSE>>

streaming video, available on demand at


The Thursday evening <<Pause>> kick-off panel was followed by a blow-out party of centennial
proportions on the third floor of the Art & Architecture Building. Organized by students, the festivities
included music and dancing, a fountain of chocolate, international cuisine, dcor created by the U-M
Ice Carving Team, and 10,000 helium balloons that supported a temporary ceiling in the CMYK Gallery.

 Portico 2006/3
U-M Provost
Teresa Sullivan
with Dean Kelbaugh

Gerry Chaffers, Derek Howard, B.S.78, M.Arch.79,

Susan Howard, and Professor Jim Chaffers

Deans Emeriti Metcalf and Beckley

Bob Swanson, B.Arch.52,
Bob Metcalf, B.Arch.50,
Jan Swanson, David and
Connie Osler

Assistant Professor Fernando

Lara, Leticia Marteletto,
Associate Professor
Rahul Mehrotra, and Lecturer GALA DINNER
Nondita Correa-Mehrotra

Cynthia Berkshire, A.B.83

and Lisa Payne

Kathy Scott, Sandra Ipek, Chigozie Ozor, and Mika Larrison

Anne Morgenthal,
Frank Piatkowski,
M.Arch.70 and
Eliza Wojtaszek

Tim Casai, B.S.73,

Jan Casai, Tom
Mathison, B.S.73,
M.Arch.75, Jen Harmon, M.Arch.05, and
and Dee Mathison Assistant Professor Mireille Roddier

Faculty Update

Building Indoor But not all buildings are designed with this ap-
Environments That proach, and sometimes improvements must come
Make Sense(s) after the fact. We know about the importance of
efficient lighting, good acoustics, and healthy air
Associate Professor Mojtaba (Moji) quality, states Professor Navvab. Equally impor-
Navvabs building technology (BT) tant, or perhaps more important, however, is our
research is carried out in the realm ability to reach out and engage those lead design-
of the sensessight, sound, and ers, firms, and architects active in current design
breathing to be exact. Research theory and process issues. Without this collabora-
studies carried out during Navvabs tive effort, it is much harder to educate, and apply
recent sabbatical, both on and off the findings we have learned from our research.
the U-M campus, have provided data
further supporting the feasibility of This process requires analytical tools that optimize
what has been characterized as energy performance; a life cycle cost approach that
sustainable design. The common reduces the total costs of ownership; and a commis-
denominator of Navvabs lighting, sioning process that ensures the facility/building will
acoustics, and indoor air quality operate in a manner consistent with design intent.
research is to help architects Using a proactive design approach will eliminate the
arrive at well-designed need for greenwashing, or retrofitting buildings with
buildings that promote energy saving technology.
health, comfort, and
productivity for their users LIGHT
and are efficient to build, Navvab recently received a grant from Full
operate, and maintain for Spectrum Solutions, Inc. of Jackson, Michigan,
their owners. to establish and operate the Enhanced Spectrum
Laboratory (ESL). Its mission is to advance the
application of efficient lighting technologies through
By partnering research, education, and outreach. Since lighting
accounts for nearly a fourth of the nations electrical
with industry, the ESL energy consumption, more efficient fixtures have a
tremendous potential for reducing consumption.
ensures a hands-on
Much of my previous research has been con-
Full-scale HVAC system for IJV practical approach to the ducted on-site, in settings that are often beyond our
control, explains Navvab. The ESL, however, is a
creation of energy-efficient great opportunity to establish a facility and infra-
structure to design and demonstrate the efficient
lighting system that is also use of light sources such as fluorescent and LED
for various residential, commercial and industrial
appealing to consumers, applications and test efficient lighting technologies
in a controlled laboratory setting. The lab allows
Navvab says. for the accurate measuring of lighting systems in
terms of power and light output, as well as providing
excellent technical support to lighting designers.

Research at the lab will identify and develop new,

more effective and more efficient lighting technolo-
gies that address most architectural applications,
and promote market awareness and acceptance in
concert with the lighting industry.

10 Portico 2006/3
Major claims on the benefit of full spec- Good examples of DV were
trum sources used in light therapy boxes implemented during
included improvements in mood, visual renovations of Hill
comfort, color perception, light therapy for Auditorium and in the
sleep disorders and treatment of seasonal new Biomedical
affective disorder (SAD). Recently, Navvab Science Research
and graduate architecture students Buildings large
Tanakorn Pokaratsiri and Thapana lecture hall.
Sakulisairyaporn designed a special por-
table fixture for SAD application currently A third strategy, im-
being used by 430 students as a task light pinging jet ventila-
in the third floor TCAUP design studio. A tion (IJV) combines
second prototype, a HI-Bay lighting system the advantages
for large industrial applications is being of both previous
produced by a Chinese manufacturer and systems, but by
will be market-ready this winter. tilting the supply
toward the floor with ap-
By partnering with the industry, the ESL propriate height, it makes
ensures a hands-on practical approach dehumidification occur Walled Lake High School Music practice room, Walled Lake, Michigan.
to the creation of energy-efficient lighting effectively. Since the
systems that are also appealing to supply velocity is reduced by the impinging SOUND
consumers, Navvab says. The use of surface (the floor), the low velocity makes Navvabs research in the area of archi-
LED lights with and without the use of the buoyancy effect sustained, and IAQ is tectural acoustics has set a new standard
solar power for exterior lighting is being thus improved. for acoustic excellence in an educational
tested for the campus and is already in environment. Navvab and his team carried
use in downtown Ann Arbor. Working with doctoral candidate, Jatuwat out on-site acoustic evaluation case stud-
Varodompun, Navvab identified spaces ies in Wayne State Universitys recording
AIR QUALITY within campus buildings that could benefit studio and control room, the practice
A full-scale HVAC simulation and systems from the findings of this study, such as rooms at Walled Lake High School, and a
monitoring research project is being con- museum galleries, libraries, large class- recording studio at the Detroit Symphony
ducted with support from the Architectural rooms, as well as computer and medical Orchestra Hall as well as the Orchestra
Engineering and Construction Office (AEC) laboratories. Hall stage itself.
and Utility Plant Engineering (UPE) at U-M.
This is part of energy reduction measures TCAUP-BT provides full support to HVAC Use of any sound system in an architectur-
at the university aimed at reducing energy engineering staff modifying selected al space is an acknowledgment of the lack
consumption by large HVAC zones. Indoor systems on campus for upgrades related of an architectural solution for the acoustic
air quality (IAQ), thermal comfort, and to energy reduction strategies, notes needs of the space by the design team,
humidity control are the key variables in Navvab. The team can also provide explains Navvab. In theory, with adequate
evaluation of HVAC strategies. The study workshops on energy efficiency and IAQ diffusion and appropriate reflection, you
found that mixing jet ventilation (MJV) is improvement in the buildings. can get a small listening room to sound
commonly used in campus buildings, but rather like a very good concert hall. All the
has major disadvantages for air quality. Our hope is that this research can play same basic ingredients will be therein-
Displacement ventilation (DV), which sup- a major role in establishing guidelines cluding smoothly decaying reverberation
plies slightly cooler than room temperature for building ventilation and contribute to that permeates the whole room.
air at the bottom of walls, successfully the improvements in air quality, human
utilizes the buoyancy effect to improve the comfort and health. [continued on next page]
room IAQ.

Assistant Professor Robert Adams organized a panel discussion Double Export at the
Inside and Out: Transnational America Studies ACSA Conference; Jason Young was also
a panelist. The China Academy of Art in Hangzhou, China invited Adams to participate in
design reviews and while in China he presented a lecture at Zhejiang University.

Assistant Professor Peter von Blow delivered two papers at the 2006 conference for
International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures in Beijing. Breeding Bridges:
Genetic Based Form Exploration and Following a Thread: A Tree Column for a Tree
Environments That Make Sense(s) House and at the 2006 International Workshop on Computational Morphogenesis he
[continued from previous page] presented Repair and Mutate: Special Operators for Topology Evolution of Trusses.

Newly developed sonic panels, called Professor Margaret Dewar and URP Ph.D. student David Epstein presented a paper at
sonic equalizer panels, were manu- the annual ACSP conference titled Planning for Megaregions in the United States,
factured by Golden Acoustic and used where she also organized and moderated a panel session Planning for Megaregions.
a special material (called polymerized Dewar presented Planning for Megaregions in the United States: Findings from Planning
gypsum) jointly developed with U.S. for the Great Lakes Megaregion at the World Planning Schools Congress in Mexico City.
Gypsum Corporation. The panels have Her article Selling Tax-Reverted Land: Lessons from Cleveland and Detroit appeared in
silvered, color-studded surfaces with an the Journal of American Planning Association (Spring 2006)
ordered array of half- and full-sized cones
(named tricons), which jut from every Assistant Professor Joe Grengs presented a paper at the annual ACSP conference
wall surface and the ceiling itself. These entitled Cars Not Geography: Job Accessibility and Reconceptualizing Spatial Mismatch
tricons redistribute sonic energy and in Detroit.
eliminate standing waves, flutter echo,
and other room anomalies, creating rich, Jonas Hauptmans collaborative project with Andrea Zittel, dubbed ReKit, was recently
smooth, and comfortable listening within included in an exhibition at the Whitney Museum of American Art entitled Andrea
the learning environment. Zittel: Small Liberties. The North Gate Library in Seattle, Washington has commissioned
Hauptmans reSeat Caf seats for its facility.
As a result of the research, U-M decided
to upgrade the acoustics in a 100-person Time Magazine featured BAGGING IT, Associate Professor Shaun Jacksons Higher
classroom. This is the first classroom Ground laptop bags which are light, compact, and configured to obviate the need for a
setting in the U.S. to receive this treat- desk. The cases are marketed to students but serve business travelers equally well.
ment. The results from this study, including
the users perception of the sound quality, The Provisional Institutions of Self-Government in Kosovo appointed Assistant Professor
will contribute to the design process for Andrew Herscher as an advisor to the Kosovo delegation to the United Nations, where
over 120 other classrooms on campus and he worked on preparing policy and taking part in negotiations on the definition, protec-
possible additions to classroom design tion, and management of cultural heritage in Kosovo. In September, Herscher was invited
specifications for acoustics by the building to The Hague on the occasion of the United Nations International Day of Peace to dis-
industry. cuss cultural heritage and peace-building in Kosovo. In October, he was a participant at
the Harvard Graduate School of Design symposium entitled The Politics and History of
Architecture. His recently published work includes American Urbicide, which appeared
in the Journal of Architectural Education, (September 2006); and Counter-Heritage and
Violence which appears in Future Anterior (December 2006).

Dean Douglas Kelbaugh served as a juror for the national AIA Gold Medal and Firm of
the Year awards, and the Preserve the Dunes Lake Michigan housing design competi-
tion, as well as the 2006 Places/EDRA awards. Kelbaugh was a panelist at the sprawl
debate hosted by the Chicago Architectural Foundation; a speaker and consultant at
the University of Texas School of Architectures annual faculty retreat; and served as a
consultant on bothGreat Communities for metropolitan Portland, Oregon, and Medway
New Town proposal for Medway, U.K. He was interviewed on National Public Radios

12 Portico 2006/3
Grengs Projects Driving Transportation Research AWARDS to TCAUP Sarah SchafbucH

Assistant Professor Joe System features that will be assessed in-

Grengs research portfolio on clude the use of LED (light emitting diode)
transportation planning and signs, electronic ticket machines, internet
urban development patterns has (to make reservations, purchase tickets
increased in recent months by and obtain schedule information), intercity
almost $400,000 thanks to two bus/intercity passenger rail transfers
new awards from the Michigan (at Battle Creek and Toledo), impact of
Department of Transportation higher speed rail service (now 95 mph and
(MDOT) and the Environmental possibly 110 mph by the time the survey
Protection Agency (EPA). work is conducted), and security mea- service people seek in transportation
sures instituted since September 11, 2001. systems. Once the framework of policy
The MDOT project seeks to investigate shifts its focus from mobility to accessibil-
ways to improve the operation of Grengs shares his second award with ity, sustainability will be fostered.
passenger services in Michigan. As Professor and Chair of Urban and
the principal investigator, Grengs was Regional Planning Jonathan Levine. They The outcomes will include a new method
awarded $78,000 to evaluate the use received $300,000 for an EPA-Star Grant of indicators that can be analyzed both
of intercity bus and passenger rail entitled Metropolitan Accessibility and within and between 1220 mid-to large-
services. The study will evaluate the Transportation Sustainability: Comparative sized metropolitan regions. Measures of
states entire system of buses (both Indicators for Policy Reform. accessibility will incorporate dimensions
private and public) and will measure of environment, economy, and equity.
service coordination and connectivity, Their proposal is fueled by the outdated
basic mobility, preservation, intermo- transportation policy which was formerly Grengs joined the college in 2003
dalism, aesthetics, strengthening the guided by improving and ensuring mobility. and coordinates the transportation
states economy, and safety/security. They argue that accessibility is the unmet concentration in urban planning.

All Things Considered in August. Oregon, Portland State University, Virginia a porcelain screen, a project derived
A subchapter for the Design Charrette Tech, Resources for the Future/Brookings from their summer 2005 collaboration at
Handbook was written by Kelbaugh and Institution, National Building Museum/EPA the European Ceramic Work Center, the
published by the American Planning and at the University of Maryland. He gave Netherlands as part of their Architecture
Association in fall 2006. a keynote address at the Conference of and Ceramics Fellowship program. They
NC73 Council of Planning, Charlotte, North will exhibit their project at the Hilversum
Assistant Professor Fernando Lara Carolina and was interviewed on NPR- Architecture Museum, the Netherlands
lectured at the CEFET (Federal Technology Affiliate Smart City Radio. The interview from November 24 to January 3, 2007. The
Center) in Ouro Preto, Brazil, on the can be heard online at http://smartcityra- project will then travel to Scripps College
housing challenges of the 21st century. Ceramic Annual Exhibition in California.
At the Universidad Francisco Marroquin 02-26-06SmartCity.mp3. In May 2007,
in Guatemala, Lara lectured on Brazilian Levine will give a keynote address for Robert W. Marans, emeritus professor
contemporary architecture and current the 18th Annual Research Conference, of architecture and urban planning and
pedagogical issues pertaining to design at the Center for Transportation Studies, research professor at the Institute for
and research. University of Minnesota. Social Research gave a keynote ad-
dress at the 7th bi-annual conference
Professor and Chair of Urban Planning Assistant Professor Steven Mankouche of the Environment-Behavior Research
Jonathan Levine, delivered lectures on and artist Abigail Murray participated Association in Dalian China in October.
his book, Zoned Out: Regulation, Markets, in Works in Material & Space a group Marans also gave lectures at the Xian
and Choices in Transportation and exhibition of area artists at Concordia University of Architecture and Technology
Metropolitan Land Use at the University of University. Steven and Abigail exhibited [continued on next page]

20062007 Michigan and in the planning program at the University of Beijing. Marans is leading a UM pilot
Architecture Fellows study dealing with the behavioral aspects of energy conservation and sustainability in four
Kathy Velikov buildings on campus.
Oberdick Fellow
Kathy Velikov is a partner in the Canadian
Architecture firm Velikov + Thn Building Assistant Professor Karen MCloskey and Lecturer Keith VanDerSys (PEG office of
Studio, established in 2000. Their award- landscape + architecture) received a 2006 American Institute of Architects Detroit Honor
winning work addresses issues that Award for the University of Michigan, Taubman College of Architecture + Urban Planning
span from landscape ecology to the
domestic realm, via emerging construction student lounges. This project was also chosen for the Architectural League of New Yorks
technologies, in the service of social and 1,000 Postcards competition.
cultural sustainability. Additionally, Velikov
has pursued archeological work, and spent
many summers involved in the excavations Associate Professor Rahul Mehrotra spoke at the Berlage Institute in Rotterdam in April
and reconstruction of the Roman Odeon 2006 and delivered the third Geoferry Bawa Memorial lecture in Colombo in July. He also
and Theatre Complex in Carthage, Tunisia. delivered a paper at the Scope conference on SITES and SUBJECTS, and at Narrating
She is a registered architect in Canada and
currently teaches at the University of Toronto. Heritage held in Vienna in September 2006. Mehrotra participated in the UDRI installation at
She received her professional degree in the Venice Biennalle and co-curated an exhibition titled Maximum Cityon contemporary
architecture from the University of Waterloo Indian Art at Lillle in Francethe exhibition will run through January 2007. Both exhibitions
School of Architecture, where she also
received the Royal Architectural Institute of had accompanying catalogs which he co-compiled. His latest book titled A City Icon: the
Canada Gold Medal upon graduation. Victoria Terminus Station was released in October 2006 in Mumbai.
Eric Olsen
Muschenheim Fellow The Michigan Association of Planning honored Assistant Professor Richard Norton with
Eric Olsen is a graduate of the Harvard GSD the associations Helen Willis Outstanding Volunteer Award. He was recognized for having
where he received his M.Arch. in 2001. conducted research, writing background information, and authoring the MAP policy for
He has taught as a GSI at Harvard and,
since 2002, at the University of Colorado Eminent Domain, Substantive Due Process, and Regulatory Takings as well as his work
in Denver. His professional experience as a volunteer on the Michigan Association of Planning Law Committee where he drafted
includes employment with Kennedy + Violich language for Planning and Zoning Enabling Acts of 2006.
Architecture and Preston Scott Cohen, both
in Boston. The work he has produced in
collaboration with these firms has received The School of Architecture and Technology University of Xian China, invited Associate
numerous awards including a PA Award, PA Professor Sophia Psarra to give three lectures and one seminar for faculty and students
Citation and has been widely exhibited and
publicized. Erics design work and teaching based on her research. She was invited to participate on an interdisciplinary research
has focused upon the creative application project funded by the University of Sheffield, U.K., the Arts and Humanities Research
of emerging fabrication technologies and Council, U.K. and the Gulbenkian Foundation. The project has artists and academics
their appropriation by the architectural
profession as both a vehicle for testing ideas working in collaboration to produce a performance space influenced by the work of Jorge
and an instrument for expanding the realm of Louis Borges.
construction possibilities.

Despina Stratigakos Assistant Professor Gavin Shatkin presented a paper titled The City and the Bottom
Sanders Fellow Line: Urban Megaprojects and the Privatization of Planning in Southeast Asia at the
Despina Stratigakos is currently a lecturer at International Planning History Society meeting in New Delhi, India
Harvard University with a joint appointment
at the Graduate School of Design and the
Program on Womens Studies. Her research Associate Professor Lydia Soo was an invited participant at the Yale Center for British Art
focuses on the significance of gender in symposium, entitled Histories of British Architecture: Where Next.
the production, use, and representation of
architectural and urban space. Her scholarly
work has been published in several edited Assistant Professor Will Glover has been invited to deliver a lecture titled, Is there such
volumes and journals. She received a B.A. a thing as Sikh architecture? at the Center for Sikh and Punjab Studies, the University of
in cultural anthropology and the history of
art at the University of Toronto, a M.A. in the California at Santa Barbara, in February 2007. In October, Glover was an invited commenta-
history of art from the University of California tor on the Space 2 panel at Trans: A Visual Culture Conference, held at the University
at Berkeley, and a Ph.D. in the history of art of Wisconsin-Madison as well as on the panel Visual culture and the urban imaginary
from Bryn Mawr. Before coming to Harvard,
she taught at the University of Iowa, Grinnell, in South Asia, at the 35th Annual South Asia Conference in Madison. In November, he
and Illinois State. responded to a paper by Professor Helmut Puff at the Institute for Historical Studies at the
University of Michigan, titled, The City in Ruins: Modeling German History. Professor
Glovers book, Making Lahore Modern: Constructing and Imagining a Colonial City, will be
published by the University of Minnesota Press in 2007.
14 Portico 2006/3
New + Visiting Faculty workshop international
Amy Kulper is an assistant professor of architecture teaching theory and design.
Professor Kulper has taught at institutions including Cambridge, the University of
Pennsylvania, UCLA, and Sci-ARC. In addition to her teaching, she has been the
recipient of numerous awards and grants, participated as a visiting critic, and
conducted research on a variety of topics. She holds masters degrees from both the
University of Pennsylvania and Cambridge and is presently pursuing her Ph.D. in the
history and philosophy of architecture from Cambridge.

Perry Kulper is an architect and associate professor of architecture at the

University of Michigan. Prior to his arrival at U-M, he was a member of the faculty at
SCI-Arc for 17 years as well as in visiting positions at the University of Pennsylvania
and Arizona State University. Subsequent to his studies at California Polytechnic
State University, San Luis Obispo, and Columbia University he worked in the offices
of Eisenman/ Robertson, Robert A.M. Stern and Venturi, Rauch and Scott Brown before Assistant Professor of Architecture Gretchen
moving to Los Angeles. His interests include the roles of representation and methodolo- Wilkins was invited to join an International
gies in the production of architecture and in broadening the conceptual range by which Architecture Workshop consisting of faculty and
students from five countries; USA, Japan, France,
architecture contributes to our cultural imagination. Australia, and Spain. The fall 2005 workshop
located in Sendai, Japan was led by architect
American author, curator, architect and the incoming director of the Cincinnati Art Hitoshi Abe. Students worked in international
teams to develop proposals for an industrial
Museum, Aaron Betsky is the fall 2006 Eliel Saarinen Visiting Professor, teaching a warehouse district (Oroshi-Machi) during the
graduate option studio with TCAUP faculty member Joel Schmidt. Mr. Betsky is the two-week workshop, which was followed by a
former director of the Netherlands Architecture Institute in Rotterdam as well as the cura- public symposium and a publication entitled City
of Innocence. This year the workshop will be
tor of architecture and design of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (19952001). He hosted by the cole dArchitecture de Languedoc
was granted both bachelor of arts (1979) and masters of architecture (1983) degrees from Rossillon in Montpellier, France, during which
Yale University. Betsky has published several books on architecture and design, including Michigan students will once again collaborate
international teams to explore the obsolete
Building Sex: Men, Women, Architecture and the Construction of Sexuality; Queer Space: industrial town of Villeneuvette.
The Spaces of Same Sex Desire (1997); Architecture Must Burn (2000); and Landscrapers:
Building with the Land (2006).

Sulan Kolatan is the fall 2006 Max Fisher Visiting Professor teaching a graduate option studio with KOL/MAC associate Robert
Cervellione. Born in Istanbul, Turkey, Kolatan received a Diplom Ingenieur degree from Rheinisch-Westfalische Technische Hochschule
Aachen, Germany and a master of science in architecture and building design from Columbia University. Kolatan teaches at Columbia
Universitys Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation. In 1988, she and William MacDonald founded KOL/MAC
Studio. KOL/MAC Studio examines groundbreaking changes in the relation between design and actual construction.

Hardy Cross American Engineer by Robert M. Darvas, professor emeritus of architecture, has
Leonard K. Eaton, Emil Lorch Professor authored Concrete Structures with Dr. Mehdi Setareh,
of Architecture Emeritus, has just been professor of architecture at Virginia Tech. Based on the
released by University of Illinois Press. In latest ACI Code, Concrete Structures takes a step-by-step
this book Eaton provides a close study of approach to exploring the design and analysis of reinforced
Hardy Cross, developer of the moment concrete structures and elements. It covers concrete
distribution method and one of Americas technology, analysis and design of reinforced concrete
most brilliant engineers. Although the beams, slabs, columns, footings, and walls. It also introduces
Cross method has been superseded by the different types of reinforced concrete floor systems
more powerful procedures such as the and the fundamentals of pre-stressed concrete structures.
finite element method, the moment The book includes a series of experiments readers can
distribution method made possible the conduct on their own to comprehend concretes structural
efficient and safe design of many reinforced concrete buildings significance and understand more about concrete as a building material. Emeritus
during an entire generation. Professor Darvas is principal of Robert Darvas Associates Consulting Structural
Engineers in Ann Arbor and has been recognized for his innovative and outstanding
structural designs in many different structural media; he has received numerous honor
and merit awards for designs executed in reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete,
steel and timber.

Honor Roll of Donors

The College gratefully acknowledges gifts received from the following alumni, friends, corporations, and
foundations between July 1, 2005 and June 30, 2006. Every effort has been made to insure the accuracy of this list.
If your name has been inadvertently misspelled, incorrectly listed, or omitted, please let us know so corrections
can be madeboth in future publications and for our records.

$100,000$250,000 Albert Kahn Associates, Inc. Dykema Gossett Barry S. Murray

Dorothy Gondos Beers Estate Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates P.C. Irving and Shirley Fader Stephen Ellis Nash
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Linda Lou Kumin Nicholas and Kathleen Georgiou Thomas Scott Netzer
Joseph T. A. Lee Nancy Carnell Hoeltzel Mr. and Mrs. James P. Owens
$50,000$99,999 David and Carole Metzger Sheila Danko and David J. Kuckuk Bernard Petrie
Guido A. & Elizabeth H. Binda Mosaic Foundation Jeanne and Stephen Lewis Schostak Brothers & Co.
Foundation Sylvia and David Nelson Randal and Cynthia Lilly Susan and David Shipman
Marjorie S. Fisher SmithGroup Robert W. and Judith A. Marans Standard Federal Bank
Susan L. Johe Daniel B. Swartz Marshall Community Foundation Carol and James Stroop
John David Pfluke Margaret W. Winkelman Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mikon Mariclare and Marvin Suomi
Roger Winkelman Nuveen Investments* Michael Maloy and
$25,000$49,999 Jin Chul Park Karen Tarapata
John and Janice Boyd $2,500$4,999 Carl and Barb Roehling Don and Sharon Taylor
Judy and Douglas Etkin B. & B. Heartwoods Cece Smith and Ford Lacy Kevin Chang and Kwanwen Teng
Bluma and Leonard G. Siegal Norman E. Barnett, Jr. Tate Snyder Kimsey Architects Jose and Maria Teran
Herbert Strather Benjamin and Susan S. Baxt Trammell Crow Company Robert and Karin Utzinger
Cynthia and Alan Berkshire Urban Land Institute Linda Searl and Joseph M. Valerio
$15,000$24,000 DTE Energy P. K. VanderBeke Richard and Joann M. Von Luhrte
3M Company Dynabrade, Inc. Robert Klinesteker and Mr. and Mrs. William D. Waterston
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Leigh and William Gustafson Pamela White Sara Najjar-Wilson and
Elder and Mrs. Sang-Yong Nam Kathleen Nolan and Robert Wilson
David M. Strosberg Douglas Kelbaugh $1,000$1,499 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Yoo
Annelisa Polk and AIA Huron Valley Chapter
$10,000$14,999 J. Windom Kimsey Donald J. Bergsma $500$999
Attwood Foundation Susan and Loren Klevering Burton Share Management, Inc. Acoustiblok
Robin and Gordon R. Carrier Pieter and Richard Loring Chase Commercial Real Estate Nancy and Maurice B. Allen
Compuware Corporation Patricia and John Myefski Banking Alpine Electric
Larson Realty Group Julie Smith and Rick Richards Colliers International Associated Environmental Services
Constance L. and David W. Osler Douglas F. Schroeder Patricia and Duane Cote Doris E. Bassett
Pella Window & Door Company Signature Associates Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Dworsky Robert Hirshland and Rasa Bauza
Redico Gordon G. Strosberg Robert L. Fishman Big Georges Home
Robertson Brothers Co. Helen Tarapata Priscilla and Clinton Harris Appliance Mart
Sterling Bank & Trust Xantrex John E. Holt Mr. and Mrs. William R. Branyan
The Taubman Company Marlene Imirzian Sarah Schaeffer Brezavar and
The Victor Foundation $1,500$2,499 Violeta and Jeffrey Jacobson Floyd Brezavar
Walbridge Aldinger Company Applied Science & Technology Sharon and Matthew Jaimes Lisbeth and Mark Bulmash
Diane Wenger Wilson Mary and Gordon Buitendorp John W. Jickling Robert Woodhams and
Butzel Long Susan C. Keister Selma Calmes
$5,000$9,999 Geraldine and James A. Chaffers Lane H. Kendig Janis and Timothy Casai
Graham Foundation for Advanced Commercial Real Estate Women Cheryl Cunningham and Francis S. and Naomi Cheng
Studies in the Fine Arts Patricia and Charles Cook William C. Mathewson Conni and Randall Derifield
Detroit Edison Company David J. Kuckuk and Sheila Danko James W. McQuiston Glenn Nelson and Margaret Dewar
Harley Ellis Devereaux Detroit Area Commercial Board Robert and Bettie Metcalf Mary Anne Drew
Dana Buntrock and Leroy Howard of Realtors Moen Incorporated Peter James Dykema

*denotes matching gift

16 Portico 2006/3
Beth Glover Fader Joseph T. Blanchfield Kenyon International, Inc. Ellen M. Vanderslice
Craig Furuta Trudy Ketelhut and Joe Bologna Mitchell Ray Ketai Albert and Dorothy Vegter
Estate of Victor Gondos, Jr. Richard L. Bond Daniel and Allison Kirby Karen Zak and Gary Waymire
Malik R. Goodwin Larry J. Bongort Robert and Linda Kline Mr. and Mrs. Aldermann J. Weekes
Larry and Barbara Graves Suzanne Braley Marilyn and Charles Lamb Laura and Byron West
Gail P. and Stephen W. Handy Russell J. Braun Scott and Elizabeth Larson Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. Whitcraft
Riba Kelsey-Harris and Stephen A. Breinling David H. Lawrence Susan Wilkins
Raynal Harris Douglas G. Calo Jonathan and Andrea Lee Heather and Carol Williams
Janice and Randall Harvey Victor J. Cardona Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Lipa Gary Waymire and Karen Zak
Hayes Lemmerz International Lewis and Linda Clopton Thomas E. Lollini
Wesley R. Janz Charles W. Cole, Jr. Jan-Cheung L. Mak $100$249
Charles A. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Cosgrove Michael Kent Mallon Charles and Neyda Ahlstrom
Dennis and Nancy Kelly Leila Hartley and James Costlow Frank and Marilyn Martin Linda and E. Wayne Alderman
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard D. Kersey Carey and Jan Culbertson Kathleen Lowe Mele and William E. and Barbara A. Allan
Geraldine and Henry Kowalewski DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund* Dennis D. Mele Janet and Scott a Allen
Myra A. Larson Clark S. Davis James and Laura Moore Carol and Phineas Alpers
Gloria G. Lentz Sandra and Kenneth N. DeCorte Timothy Lee Mrozowski Walter and Eleanor Angoff
Corey and Joyce Leon Gary and Rosemary Desmond Jeffrey Genshaft and Regina Myer Vance Theodore Antoniou
William and Betty Lindhout Paul H. Dickinson Warren K. Owen Mark and Eloise Appel
Marc LItalien DTE Energy Foundation* Al and Cecilia Paas Denise R. Arnold
Phillip and Diane Lundwall Thomas Sherry and David A. Parent Lisa Noble and Jeffrey Arnold
Wm. Raymond Manning Jennifer Durham Mr. and Mrs. S. Glen Paulsen John and Victoria Asselin
Andrew and Jeanine McCloskey Darcy and David Dye John T. Radelet Daniel R. Atilano
John Taylor Moynihan Susan and Jeffery Eckert Grace J. Reese Estate Penelope and William Awodey
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Nelson Barbara J. Eichmuller Donald Frank Riha Laura Staniszewski Ayers and
David and Anne Neuman Mr. and Mrs. Lee Farren Steven Jay Riojas Mark Ayers
Randall William Ott David H. Ferguson William and Arleen Rockershousen Gregory M. Barnell
Jay S. Pettitt, Jr. Demetri and Derrick Foster Luis and Rebecca R. Salomon Mark T. Barnikow
Phytec America Jean and Robert Gaede SBC Foundation* Richard Freedman and
Thomas M. Pietryga General Motors Foundation* John and Christine Schade Barbara Barnow
Public Policy Associates, Inc. Jim and Chris Gilbert Susan Addison and Mr. and Mrs. James W. Bauer
Dorothy and Richard G. Snyder Donald Raymond Gordon Jefferson Schierbeek Brian A. Begg
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. St. Cyr Ellery C. Green Daniel and Molly Schmidt Karl A. and Nancy F. Berg
Steuer & Canvasser Construction Russell E. Hagen Robert M. Schneider Daniel R. Berman
Company Jennifer Rabiah and Scott L. Schneider Kevin and Martha Bessolo
Kevin M. Tamaki Daniel Harmon Charles and Mary C. Schrader Melinda Bieber
Taubman, Nadis & Neuman Janice and Jeffrey Hausman Robert E. Schwartz Gordon L. Binder
Leslie and Marion Tincknell Irene and William Henry Katherine Menke Scott Mark Joseph Blomquist
Donald J. and Cheryl A. Vitek Justin Henshell Elizabeth and Anthony Sensoli Anne and William Boersma
Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates* Thomas Michael Hindert Jennifer Durham and Frederick L. Bohl
Robert L. Ziegelman Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman Thomas Sherry Bonnie and David Bona
Steven and Barbara Hollar Harry Jacobson and Karen Siefert Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Bos
$250$499 Virginia Holtry Oren Morgan Simpson Charles S. Braun
Susan and Lawrence Aaron Gerri Mosley-Howard and Allan D. Smith Catherine Gibson Broh and
Wendy and Henry Abrams Derek Howard Keith H. Smith Jonathan Broh
Laura and Luis Agrait Larry Johnson Candace J. Sprout Gary M. and Roxanne M. Brown
Ross J. Altman Ross A. Jones Gregory and Keri D. Stack Gary and Shelley Bruder
Anonymous Elsbeth Jordi Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Stankiew William and Karen Brunner
Nancy Ruth Bartlett Ann and Donald Kelley Time Warner Foundation* Steven and Krystal Bulthuis
David and Nina Bisbee Richard Kent J. Scott Parker and Norman R. Burdick

*denotes matching gift

Lauren and William Burris Jonathan Broh and Catherine Thomas and Gail Kowalski Kimberly and W. Clifton Montague
Kurt Weigle and Caitlin Cain Gibson Broh Stephanie and KPMG Foundation* Ruth and Harry Montague
Beth J. Camilleri-Cowie Theodore Gilman Scott C. Kuehne Jennifer B. Morgenstern
Douglas Marshall Campbell Michael Shwartz and Edmund Kulikowski Rainer and Trudy Muhlbauer
Cannon Design Pamela Goodman Lisa C. Kulisek Jack H. Murchie
Bruce F. Carmichael Scott W. Goodsell Steven J. Kushner Auldin H. Nelson
Robert R. Celmer Sarah L. Goralewski Peter and Elaine Kuttner Dr. and Mrs. Duc Nguyen
Robert and Priscilla Chance William A. Gould Ronald and Polly Labonte Balraj Nijhon
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Chapla Frederick H. Graham Brice J. Lambrix Guy and Catherine Seavitt
Julianne and Kenneth Chard Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Graham Robert and Lisa Lamkin Nordenson
James A. Clough Terry and Anita Granger William C. Land, Jr. Kenneth Norrod
Stanley E. Cole Amy R. Graves Douglas L. and Debora Landry John and Therri Oberdick
Robert and Peggy M. Collins Lyn E. Graziani Daniel and Mary LaPan Bonnie and Dale Oliver
Comerica* Douglas C. Hanna Peter M. Larson Jeffrey B. Otero
David M. Connally Olga J. Hard Chan F. Lee John Victor Owen
Charles and Martha Connerly Stanford R. Harvey III Walter C. Leedy, Jr. Rosemary Papp
Sarah and Patrick Cooleybeck Erfan A. Hashem Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. LeFevre Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Pappas
Debra Ann and Michael Corby Samuel and Florence Havis Gary A. Levy Peter E. Paulos, Jr.
Laura Leszczynski-Costa and Kenneth and Paula Herbart Lynn Knodell and John and Nancy Pazdera
John Costa Eleanor A. Herr Kenneth Lewandowski Stan F. Pearson II
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Couture David and Shelley Herrington George E. and Linda M. Lilly Stephen G. Peppler
Jean and Richard J. Craig John D. Hilberry David and Billie K. Lindemulder Robert V. Perry
John E. and Carolyn W. Crouse Eric J. Hill Piet W. and Jane M. Lindhout J. Stuart and Debbie Pettitt
Charles and Nancy Cunov Xenia Psihas-Hilmer and Joshua A. Long Thomas and Mary Lou Piehl
Robert Warren Daverman Thomas Hilmer James C. and Nicole Lord Donald and Wannetah Pitz
John Lee Davids Gerald A. Hilton David J. Lubin Charles G. Poor
Mr. and Mrs. S.B. Davis Russell and Ruth Hinkle William W. Lyman Michael C. Poris
Timothy A. Davis Brian and Terese Hirami Kenneth L. MacIntosh Helen Strom Post
Roy and Heidi Deaver Timothy and Kristine Hoehn Malibu Bay Owners Association Ralph Urban Price
Deloitte Foundation* Craig A. Hoernschemeyer William and Marie Malvitz Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Pullar
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk H. Delzer Dawn M. Holtrop Mark and Elaine Mardirosian Raymond and Margaret Putnam
Carol A. S. and James F. Derks Wayne P. Hovey Colin A. Marshall Jacqueline N. Putt
Robert H. DeVries Fay H. Hsu Kingsbury and Marion Marzolf Sundaram and Umayal
Mary Davis and H. Scott Diels Nancy Hsu Glenn and Judith Mason Ramanathan
Richard K. Dozier Harry J. Hunderman Marla Matar Philip Gage and
Paul and Michelle Drayer Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hussey Elizabeth P. Mathew Wendy Rampson-Gage
Barbara and Dennis Dryer Steven and Edit Jacobson Lotus Moon McDermott and Sonia Randazzo
Beryl L. Edwards Stephen P. Janick, Jr. Martin McDermott Laura Rawlins-Blum
Ingrid Brit Eidnes David and Beth Jarl Robert S. McGraw Mr. and Mrs. Larry T. Raymond
John H. Eisenhart Frank Edward Jesse Patrick and Rebecca McKelvey Carl F. Reinholz
June Budden Farnham Daniel R. Johnson Joseph W. McManus Bernard Remer
Mary A and Robert F. Fisher Kelly and Mark Johnson Debra Ball McMillan James F. Renaud
Laurie Brenner and Paul M. Jordan Andrew and Betty McMullen Michael F. Rice
Dwight Flowers Kevin G. Kamradt Robert J. Mehall Lawrence and Lynda Robbins
Rhonda and George Flynn Warren R. Kark Daniel and Jeanette Melnik Katherine J. Robinson
Robert E. Fraley Mr. and Mrs. John S. Keelean Miriam and Sidney Metzger Donald Warfield Roe
Donald and Karen Fritz Karl E. Kinkema Jason T. Meyering George and Kimberly Rogers
GE Foundation* Jack and Beth Knol Andrew A. Michajlenko Mark J. Rogers
Eric L. Geiser Julie K. Kosik-Shick Van A. Miller David Freshwater and Krisia Rosa
Gary and Sally Gerber Andrew D. Kotchen Thomas W. Million Susan M. Rosenthal

*denotes matching gift

18 Portico 2006/3
Michael and Leslie Podolsky John F. Tschanz Linda Szempruch Aylward Gary Lee Cook
James and Teresa Ruiz Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Uhlman Clifton J. Balch Carl D. Cornilsen
Patrick J. Saavedra Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Valentine Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Baldwin Mirja Covarrubias
Jean Wineman and Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gary M. Baldwin Christopher A. Craig
Terrance Sargent VanSummern Theodore G. Baldyga Jonathan P. Crane
Eric and Rebecca Sassak Richard and Michele Vonk Donald and Bernadette Bauman Stacey M. Crowley
Kevin P. Schaeffer William and Linda Walcott Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Beebe James H. Cruthis
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Schiffelbein Angeline Sficos Walski Jeffrey and Yvonne Bennett Kay and Harold Cunningham
Gregory T. Schiller Glenn Johnson Ware Jon O. Bergstrom Nancy R. Cutter
Mr. and Dr. Lewis R. Schiller Jay A. Waronker Marjorie Davis and Hemalata C. Dandekar
John L. Seaborg Caitlin Cain and Kurt Weigle Anthony Bialecki Anthony Bialecki and
Lauren and Ronald Segal Wells Fargo Foundation* Lynn Bjorkman Marjorie Davis
Leonard and Rachel Segel Ann and Randall Wetzel Daniel and Anne M. Bollman Philip M. Davis
Barbara and Robert Self David Wayne Whiteford Max and Catherine Bonnefil Cariann Davitt Schartow
Stephen W. Serchuk David Scott Williams Mrs. Harvey Joel Booth Ruth and William Diefenbach
Malvika A. Shah Ryan A. Wilson Bonnie Gale Boren Deborah Newquist and
Robert and Pamela Sharrow Terrance Sargent and Thomas and Catherine Born Joseph DiMento
David and Robbin Sheasley Jean Wineman Mark E. Borys Russell Walter Dixon
Patricia VanLiere Shemberger Joyce and Michael Wolk Lynette K. Boswell Brian H. Dunbar
Aaron J. Shepard Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wortman William T. Bourassa, Jr. Jonathan M. Eggert
Pamela Goodman and Mr. and Mrs. Hofu Wu Sarah M. Bourgeois James B. Eichstedt
Michael Shwartz Sharon and Richard W. Howard and Carla Bradsher- Iloze and Aldis Ejups
Gary L. Skog Wuorenmaa Fredrick James David Elkins
Melissa J. Smiley Richard and Claire Yaffe R. Holland Brady, Jr. Bristol and Brenda Ellington
Robert Dwight Smith John M. Yantis, Jr. Estate Adrienne and John Brockwell Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Ellman
Eric P. Sobocinski Michelle and Richard Yaste C. Elizabeth Brown Jill and George Emmert
Robert and Margaret Soulen Clifford Fai Young Jeffrey A. Brown John W. Esterline III
Florence and George Sprau Chris and Marion Yuhn Patricia and Patrick Brown Elise Fader
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Stachowiak Robert Zabowski Douglas Clarke and Jason D. Federbush
Susan P. Stando Arthur P. and Bethany Zelinsky Catherine Brubaker-Clarke Leanne Star and Lee Feigon
Mark Ayers and Anne E. Zimmerman Jennifer Feldman and Paul T. Fenner
Laura Staniszewski Ayers Mark L. Buday Peter and Jan Fenner
Clark P. Stevens $1$99 Carolou Calissi Kelly M. Ferguson
Marcia and Thomas Stobie 3M Foundation* Frank T. Callis Grant K. Fisher
David and Carlin Stockson Jesse T. Adkins III Malcolm B. Campbell Douglas Michael Florance
Joseph and Winona Stout Laurence Childs and Richard Lee Canfield Lori and William Foley
Robert C. Stow Susan Affleck-Childs Gary S. Canner Anthony and Julie Foust
Ben Kim Suzuki Emad M. Afifi Michael Anthony Cannizzo Luigi S. Franceschina
Robert S. and Janet M. Swanson Susan and William Ahlstrom Mr. and Mrs. Lance E. Carlile Larry E. Frank
Bonnie E. Gil and Clyde G. Sydow Alan P. Akershoek Brie Carlson Peter B. Frantz
Janet and Richard Sygar Brian and Ren Akre Slade and Samantha Carlton Tom and Catherine Freeman
Heather H. Taylor Dana Loesche Amore Randy and Susan Case Mary Kalmes and
Tektronix Foundation* Norman N. Andersen Don Champney J. Lawrence Friedman
Harry A. and Jacqueline K. Terpstra Willis and Ruth Andrews Amanda R. Christianson Melora L. Furman
Eugene Terrill Marion Antoku Andrew J. Cocagne Stanley and Milagros Gerrick
David Frazier Thompson Andrew Martin Arnesen Marc M. Cohen Lisa and Robert Gittleman
Rita Carol Thompson Thomas M. and Susan O. Atkins Maurice C. Cohen James Glueck
Brian J. Tognetti James I. Aubuchon Stephen and Susan Cohen Jean and Kenneth Grabowski
Christopher E. Townsend Morris A. Autry Harvey I. Cohn Donald M. Grant
Jill E. Triani Donald and Janice Axon Malcolm L. Collins Mary Ordal and Joseph Grillo

*denotes matching gift

James E. Grisolano Leila M. Kanar Charles H. Miller Jessica Rivera
Michelle and Terry Guitar Linda Susan Kaplan Debra and Kip Miller Christine Coleman and
Michael D. Gunter Ryu Kawai Katie M. Miller Raul Rodriguez
Margaret and Mahesh Gupta Carl F. Kemp Douglas and Linda M. Mills Steven and Jill Roethke
Gina and David Hakamaki Brittany F. Kennedy Kathryn Telingator and Irene and Donald Rogers
Jeffrey W. Hamilton Ann Hovey Kenyon Daniel Mitchell Ronald A. Rogers
Jon Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Kerner Obioma A. Mogbo Matthew Feit Rose
Bjorn and Lisa Hansen Colin T. Kerr Douglas and Mary Sue Mohnke Kenneth H. Ross
Geoffrey and Amy Harker Key Foundation* Carol and John Molloy Robert C. Ross
Lesley K. Harper Judith F. Kieffer Karin A. Morris Dru E. Ross-Frank
Alexander O. Harrow Marie E. Kimmey David O. Moses Richard and Kristen Roth
Todd Kenton Hart Khales and Leeanne Kizy Mary-Margaret Munski Elizabeth Celia Rothberg
Thomas K. Hartley Robert A. Klein Weston C. Munzel Gordon A. Rothoff
David and Diane Hartt Gary Lee Klompmaker Valerie A. Nagel Renee M. Russell
Eric H. Hartz David K. Kluge Tiffany L. Nash Douglas J. Ryan
Connie and George Heiden Jeffrey and Cynthia Klum Stefan M. Natzke Paul A. Ryckbost
Earl Hemmeke Yik-To Ko Lawrence P. Navin Lucy Pomales and
Darrell and Maureen Herbruck Alfred S. Kochanowski Kerry C. Norwalk William Santana-Font
William and Janice M. Heyd Andrea and Brian Korte James and M. Celeste Novak Jeffrey M. Scheinberg
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hinkley Susan N. Kramer Roberta Marie Oakley Brian K. Schermer
David A. Hobbs James W. Kressbach Jerome D. Olander Michael Hamilton Schirmer
Elizabeth and Donald Hodgins Teri A. Kriege J. Wesley and Winifred Olds Mark and Julie Ann Schmidtke
Mark W. Hoffman Shannon Sipperley and Martha S. Oleinick Carrie Schultz Fulp
Edward and Lynn Hoover Michael Krug Karl and Laurie Onopa Marilyn and Stephen Schultz
John F. Hopkins Jonathan D. Lachance Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Osborn Peter and Cheryl Scott
Kathleen Kline-Hudson and Glenn and Natalie Lapin Ronda L. Osga Emil and Elizabeth Sdao
Russell Hudson John and Julia A. Laporte Robert M. Overhiser David D. Sears
Nicholas and Brenda Hudyma Abhinand Lath Elizabeth L. Pachota Rebecca and Scott Selter
David P. Huizenga Virginia and Mark Laukka Thomas S. Pearson Robert J. Shanoski
Hillary B. Hunter Jeffrey M. Leahy Matthew R. Perrera Po Hu Shao
Ivan Iankov David H. and Nancy C. Lee David E. Peterson John W. Shaw
ING Community & Volunteer Donald E. and Judy M. Lee Robert C. Pierce Robert H. Shirkey
Program* Kenneth S. Lee Wendy and Thomas Pierce Kevin and Mary Shultis
Nancy Murphy Innes Lorrin L. Lee Craig and Monica Piotrowski Paul Silverberg
Ellwood Irish William Jinhyu Lee Barry James Polzin Lorri D. Sipes
Beth L. Jagnow David A. Leopold Barbara A. Potter Michael Krug and
Juliet Jakobowski Julianna Y. Lieu William Ora Prine Shannon Sipperley
Erik and Molly Jansson Paul Chu Lin Sherman C. Puckett Douglas Andrew Smith
William T. Jarratt Shuo-Wei Lin Christopher R. Purdy Douglas and Judith Smith
Elizabeth A. Jellema John and Rita Linn Larry E. and Nara R. Ramseyer Timothy W. Smith
Donald L. Johnson Robert W. Lockhart J. David Rasche William and Linda Sohl
Robert E. Johnson Suzanne and Edmund London Stefanie Ratliff Ethan G. Solomon
Robert E. and Carole Johnson Eleanor and Ivan Love Richard K. Raymer Scott and Abbe Spector
Ronald and Janet Johnson Jeffrey C. Luker Brian A. Rebain Michael Eugene St. Germain
Gregg Alan Jones Richard Lawrence Markel Glenda Haskell and Rick Reichman Donald Wesley Stolt
Marvin and Margaret Jordan Philip B. Matton Christine Chan and Matthew Reiskin Mark Stranahan
J. Lawrence Friedman and Philip and Suzanne McMullan Elizabeth A. Rettenmaier Audrey V. Stratton
Mary Kalmes Mr. and Mrs. Mark Melzer Jaeryung Rhee Rebecca M. Stroud
Carmen Ramos-Kalsow and Donald Jay Meneghini Paige A. Ridley Richard H. Stuckman
Wendall Kalsow John A. Merten Robert H. Ritterbush Richard A. Sucr

*denotes matching gift

20 Portico 2006/3
David and Mary Swanson
Patricia Takanashi
William and Gail Tennant
David and Jill Thacher 1 During this centennial year, Alan Berkshire, B.S.82
and his wife, Cynthia Reavis Berkshire, A.B.83 have 2 Presidential Challenge
In order to stimulate
Deborah Ann Thom pledged $100,000 to increase alumni/ae support for the College, giving to two of the greatest
Laura and Ronald Thomas particularly among recent graduates. They will match dollar for areas of need during the
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thomas dollar any gifts from new donors. They will also match increased The Michigan Difference
Thomas M. and giving by alumni/ae who are already supporters of the College. Campaign, U-M President
Eleanor H. Sedgwick To be eligible, gifts must be made to the Centennial Travel Fund Mary Sue Coleman has
Robert A. Thorburn newly established by the Berkshires, the Architecture Alumni/ae established a Presidential
Suzannah L. Tobin Scholarship Endowment, or the Urban Planning Alumni/ae Donor Challenge Fund. The
Christopher and Leslie Tons Scholarship Endowment. To qualify for the match, gifts must be Presidential Challenge Fund
Michelle S. Trombley made or pledged during the centennial celebration (September will provide a match for all
Paul and Mary Trudell 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007) and be a new or increased gift in giftslarge or small, annual
Paul and Joan Valliere response to the Berkshire Challenge. Pledges must be paid no or endowmentand pledges
Jeff J. Vanden Bosch later than December 31, 2007. from any donors to M-PACT
Elizabeth Vandermark and other undergraduate
Kristina M. Vanek Centennial Travel Fund need-based scholarship
Judeth Van Hamm This fund will be used to support study travel, both domestic accounts between October 1,
Sam and Amy Vansen and international, for students enrolled in any of the Colleges 2006 and December 31, 2007.
Anne M. Venezia programs. Buildings and cities are the laboratories for architects This fund will also provide
Claire C. Vlach and planners, and a meaningful understanding of them can a $500,000 match for up to
Mr. and Mrs. Dale T. Volkening require travel. Travel experiences can also provide benefits that twenty fully endowed profes-
Leon H. Waller go well beyond professional interests and provide insights to sorships, secured by gift
Patrick G. Walsh students about the diverse and global economy in which they agreements between October
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Walter will live and work. 1, 2006 and December 31,
Mona Langguth Walz 2007. For more details, please
Xiaoguang Wang Architecture Alumni Scholarship Endowment contact Don Taylor, director
Philip and Laurie Wargelin Fellowships and scholarships are awarded annually from the of development at dftaylor@
Monique and Darrell Washington Architecture Alumni/ae Scholarship Fund, a permanent endow- or (734)763-9707.
Thomas and Kristen Weber ment composed of memorials and other gifts from Architecture
Jonathan and Shelley Webster Program alumni/ae and friends.
Judy and Edwin Wier
Christopher and Kaye Wierda Urban and Regional Planning Alumni Scholarship Endowment
Nancy M. Wilks Modeled on the Architecture Alumni Scholarship Endowment,
James O. Willard this fund was established in 2000. It is designed as an omnibus
Stuart C. Williams account to receive contributions from urban planning alumni/ae
Cathleen and Thomas Wood in the form of annual gifts, memorial gifts, honorary gifts, and
Alexander Wu bequests. This type of account means that alumni/ae can pool
Robert P. Wu their collective resources and provide significant scholarship
Gloria and Bruce Wyckoff support for future generations of planning students.
Patricia Frank and
Mark Yagerlener
Athanasios A. Yiaslas
Charles G. Yoo
Kristine M. Youngblood
Stanley A. and Nancy C. Youtt
Michael and Monica Zaleski

Alumni Giving by Class Year
Alumni/ae are by far the most important source of external support for Taubman College of Architecture + Urban
Planning. Below is a listing of alumni/ae who have made gifts between July 1, 2005 and June 30, 2006, organized by
class year. Alumni/ae who have more than one degree from the College will be listed in each of their degree years.

1931 1950 John David Pfluke 1959 Joseph M. Stout, Jr.

James O. Willard Maurice B. Allen, Jr., FAIA Joseph L. St. Cyr Karl A. Berg, FAIA Richard W. Wuorenmaa
R. Holland Brady, Jr. Marion F. Yuhn, AIA Norman R. Burdick
1934 Duane K. Cote Donald W. Cosgrove 1963
Richard G. Snyder Daniel L. Dworsky, FAIA 1954 John E. Crouse Charles A. Ahlstrom
Mitchell Ray Ketai Mrs. Harvey Joel Booth James H. Cruthis Gordon M. Buitendorp
1937 Charles E. Lamb, FAIA James B. Eichstedt Russell C. Hinkle Robert H. DeVries
Frederick H. Graham David H. Lee Ralph Urban Price Susan N. Kramer George Emmert
William P. Lindhout Robert E. Schwartz Andrew McMullen Charles A. Johnston
1939 Robert C. Metcalf, FAIA Joseph L. St. Cyr James P. Owens, Jr. John S. Keelean
William W. Lyman, FAIA Arthur E. Nelson Carol L. Williams Raymond E. Putnam Donald E. Lee
George W. Sprau Donald F. Pitz Bernard Remer Paul Chu Lin
William Ora Prine 1955 Douglas F. Schroeder, FAIA Matthew R. Perrera
1941 Robert A. Pullar James W. Bauer Donald Frank Riha
Elizabeth Garry Hodgins Leonard G. Siegal Donald J. Bergsma 1960 Wayne L. Schiffelbein,
Ellwood Irish Robert W. Soulen Joseph T. A. Lee Donald P. Fritz AIA, ABA
Robert W. VanSummern John Victor Owen Christopher Hussey Floyd G. Brezavar
1942 Kenneth H. Ross Henry S. Kowalewski Phillip E. Lundwall, FAIA
Norman N. Andersen 1951 Tom J. Thomas William F. Rockershousen, RA Joseph W. McManus
J. Wesley Olds Phineas Alpers Charles F. Schrader, FAIA
Don Champney 1956 Robert E. Self 1964
1946 Harold C. Cunningham, Jr. Malcolm B. Campbell Philip B. Wargelin Richard J. Bos
Robert F. Fisher Donald M. Grant Robert W. Lockhart Floyd G. Brezavar
Diane Wenger Wilson Erfan A. Hashem Jose F. Teran, AIA 1961 Gary Lee Cook
Samuel P. Havis Byron L. West, AIA John W. Esterline III S.B. Lee Davis
1947 Robert E. Johnson Paul T. Fenner Judith F. Kieffer
Doris E. Bassett Leonard D. Kersey, AIA 1957 Thomas K. Hartley Phillip E. Lundwall, FAIA
Robert C. Gaede, FAIA Jay S. Pettitt, Jr., FAIA Willis W. Andrews Marie E. Kimmey, AIA Larry T. Raymond
Robert H. Ritterbush, Lyn E. Graziani, FAIA Kingsbury Marzolf Judeth Van Hamm
1948 AIA, PE John D. Hilberry Stephen W. Osborn Ronald G. Wortman
John W. Jickling, FAIA Ann Avery Kelley Lawrence A. Robbins
Charles H. Kerner 1952 Robert W. Marans Eugene Terrill 1965
A. Alfred Taubman Robert Myron Chance Carl F. Reinholz William O. Walcott Charles S. Braun, FAIA
Clifford Fai Young William A. Gould Ronald A. Rogers Philip B. Wargelin James E. Grisolano
Kingsbury Marzolf Donald J. Bergsma David B. Hartt
1949 J. David Rasche 1962 Ronald L. Johnson, AIA
Peter B. Frantz Richard K. Raymer 1958 Susan S. Aaron Warren R. Kark
Justin Henshell, FAIA Richard H. Stuckman Francis S. Cheng Charles A. Ahlstrom Loren Lee Klevering
Virginia Holtry Robert S. Swanson William C. Land, Jr. William L. Awodey Alfred S. Kochanowski
Donald L. Johnson Robert P. Wu Ruth Heald Montague Kenneth N. DeCorte David H. Lawrence
Auldin H. Nelson, AIA Robert A. Thorburn Dwight E. Flowers Walter C. Leedy, Jr.
Po Hu Shao 1953 Leslie D. Tincknell, FAIA Anthony A. Foust Daniel A. Melnik
Robert C. Uhlman Stanley E. Beebe Robert L. Ziegelman, FAIA Larry E. Frank Robert C. Pierce
Paul J. Valliere Ellery C. Green Jose F. Teran, AIA Lane H. Kendig Robert A. Valentine
Marvin Ray Jordan John L. Seaborg F. Jon Walter

22 Portico 2006/3
1966 Donald Jay Meneghini Jeffrey L. Bennett Jeffrey Klum David P. Stockson
Laura Cordero Agrait, AIA John T. Radelet Gordon L. Binder Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA Mona Langguth Walz
Brian J. Baldwin Robert C. Ross Joseph A. Bologna Linda M. Lilly William D. Waterston
Gary M. Baldwin Allan D. Smith William L. Diefenbach, AIA David J. Lindemulder Robert C. Wilson
Stephen A. Breinling Robert Dwight Smith Terry E. Granger James W. McQuiston Arthur P. Zelinsky
Gary L. Desmond, Sr., FAIA Robert C. Utzinger Clinton B. Harris III John Taylor Moynihan
Ildze Ejups Stuart C. Williams Earl Hemmeke Balraj Nijhon 1975
Mahesh C. Gupta John J. Hinkley Warren K. Owen Larry J. Bongort
William R. Gustafson, FAIA 1970 Nancy Hsu, AIA Rosemary Papp Howard R. Bradsher-Fredrick
David A. Hobbs Jeffrey L. Bennett Thomas Vincent Kowalski Thomas H. Piehl Russell J. Braun
Ronald L. Johnson, AIA Bruce F. Carmichael James W. Kressbach Carl D. Roehling, FAIA Patricia A. Brown
Ronald R. Labonte James A. Clough John A. LaPorte Mark J. Rogers Timothy A. Casai, FAIA
Stephen H. Lewis James L. Costlow Thomas E. Lollini, FAIA Terrance E. Sargent, AIA Randy L. Case, AIA
Arnold Mikon, FAIA Lee Farren Jan-Cheung L. Mak John Charles Schade Charles W. Cole, Jr.
Sang-Yong Nam Earl Hemmeke Thomas W. Million Gregory T. Schiller Malcolm L. Collins, AIA
Al W. Paas Stephen P. Janick, Jr. Mary-Margaret Munski Lewis R. Schiller Charles R. Cunov
Gordon A. Rothoff Lorrin L. Lee Rosemary Papp Oren Morgan Simpson Robert Warren Daverman, AIA
James E. Ruiz David J. Lubin Thomas S. Pearson John F. Tschanz Kirk H. Delzer
William O. Santana-Font William A. Malvitz J. Stuart Pettitt Dale Thomas Volkening Russell Walter Dixon
Peter J. Scott Douglas A. Mohnke Thomas M. Pietryga Jean Wineman Dennis D. Dryer
Albert J. Vegter, AIA David O. Moses Marilyn Spigel Schultz Peter James Dykema
David J. Neuman, FAIA Stephen W. Serchuk 1974 June Budden Farnham
1967 Robert M. Overhiser Gary L. Skog, FAIA Alan P. Akershoek Nicholas A. Georgiou
William E. Ahlstrom Michael F. Rice William I. Sohl, Jr. Scott B. Allen Darrell R. Herbruck
Benjamin Baxt Robert H. Shirkey Leon H. Waller Joseph A. Bologna Violeta D. Jacobson
Susan Schlesinger Baxt Michael H. Wolk William D. Waterston Randy L. Case, AIA Dennis M. Kelly
David B. Hartt Richard T. Yaste Robert C. Wilson Lewis P. Clopton Cynthia and Jeffrey Klum
Stephen H. Lewis Thomas R. Wood Malcolm L. Collins, AIA Jack E. Knol
Richard S. Sygar 1971 Richard John Craig John A. LaPorte
Paul Reed Trudell Gordon L. Binder 1973 H. Scott Diels Randal D. Lilly
Robert E. Fraley Alan P. Akershoek Joseph F. DiMento Thomas E. Lollini, FAIA
1968 William F. Heyd III Theodore G. Baldyga Dennis D. Dryer Richard Loring
Richard Lee Canfield Steven Carl Hollar Joseph T. Blanchfield David F. Dye Eleanor K. Love
James David Elkins, AIA Harry J. Hunderman, FAIA Frederick L. Bohl J. Lawrence Friedman Warren K. Owen
Larry L. Graves Robert A. Klein Gary M. Brown Terry E. Granger Thomas H. Piehl
Thomas H. Hilmer Thomas Vincent Kowalski William J. Burris Clinton B. Harris III Larry E. Ramseyer, AIA
Carl F. Kemp James W. McQuiston Frank T. Callis Gerald A. Hilton Renee M. Russell
Walter C. Leedy, Jr. Douglas A. Mohnke Timothy A. Casai, FAIA Harry J. Hunderman, FAIA Robert F. Sharrow, Jr.
David J. Metzger, FAIA Kerry C. Norwalk Charles W. Cole, Jr. Peter G. Kuttner, FAIA Michael Shwartz
Jack H. Murchie Stephen G. Peppler Duane K. Cote David J. Lindemulder Gregory Jon Stack
Kenneth Norrod Terrance E. Sargent, AIA Richard John Craig Michael Kent Mallon Susan P. Stando
Richard L. Von Luhrte, FAIA John Charles Schade David F. Dye Glenn E. Mason Leon H. Waller
Gary L. Skog, FAIA Howard S. Ellman Mary-Margaret Munski Bruce D. Wyckoff
1969 James H. Stroop June Budden Farnham Balraj Nijhon Arthur P. Zelinsky
Jeffrey G. Arnold Daniel B. Swartz David H. Ferguson Thomas S. Pearson
Max Bonnefil Richard T. Yaste Nicholas A. Georgiou Larry E. Ramseyer, AIA 1976
James A. Chaffers James Glueck Carl D. Roehling, FAIA E. Wayne Alderman
Paul Michael Couture 1972 Douglas C. Hanna Gregory T. Schiller Linda Szempruch Aylward
Hemalata C. Dandekar Barbara A. Allan Dennis M. Kelly William I. Sohl, Jr. William T. Bourassa, Jr.
Frank Z. Martin Scott B. Allen Robert A. Klein Candace J. Sprout

Gary Alan Bruder Nancy Murphy Innes Barry James Polzin Leslie Leydorf Tons Jonathan F. Webster
Charles E. Connerly, Ph.D. Violeta D. Jacobson Charles G. Poor Aldermann J. Weekes David Scott Williams, AIA
Clark S. Davis, FAIA Mr. Robert E. Johnson Krisia M. Rosa Pamela Ruth White Mark Yagerlener
Philip M. Davis Paul M. Jordan Scott L. Schneider Christopher J. Wierda
H. Scott Diels Wendall Kalsow Aaron J. Shepard, AIA Robert Zabowski 1981
Russell Walter Dixon Linda Susan Kaplan Lorri D. Sipes, FAIA Vance Theodore Antoniou
Peter James Dykema Jack E. Knol Douglas Andrew Smith 1980 Andrew Martin Arnesen
James Glueck David J. Kuckuk Timothy W. Smith John L. Asselin, Jr. Jon O. Bergstrom
Joseph M. Grillo Michael Alan LeFevre, AIA Susan P. Stando Thomas M. Atkins Kevin J. Bessolo
Gail Pashos Handy Randal D. Lilly Michael Eugene Barbara Barnow Anthony C. Bialecki
Darrell R. Herbruck Richard Loring St. Germain Donald R. Bauman Melinda Bieber
Gerald A. Hilton Stephen Ellis Nash Donald Wesley Stolt Rasa Joana Bauza David Whitman Bisbee
Paul M. Jordan Charles G. Poor Harry A. Terpstra, AIA Mark E. Borys Mark Joseph Blomquist
Michael Alan LeFevre, AIA Krisia M. Rosa Christopher Egons Tons William R. Branyan Gary S. Canner
Jan-Cheung L. Mak Karen Louise Siefert Jonathan F. Webster Douglas Marshall Gordon R. Carrier
William R. Manning, AIA Paul Silverberg Bethany L. Zelinsky Campbell Robert R. Celmer
Van A. Miller, AIA Timothy W. Smith Michael Anthony Cannizzo John Lee Davids
Timothy Lee Mrozowski Paul A. Stachowiak 1979 Carol Ann Smoes Derks Marjorie L. Davis
Barry James Polzin David P. Stockson Andrew Martin Arnesen Beryl L. Edwards James F. Derks, AIA, LEED
Laura Rawlins-Blum David L. Swanson Mark T. Barnikow Ingrid Brit Eidnes Brian H. Dunbar
Renee M. Russell Glenn Johnson Ware Mark Joseph Blomquist Peter Metcalfe Fenner Derrick A. Foster
Robert F. Sharrow, Jr. Monique Washington William H. Brunner George Martin Flynn Donald Raymond Gordon
Paul A. Stachowiak Jean Wineman Gordon R. Carrier Jon Hammond Richard Scott Graham
Gregory Jon Stack Anne E. Zimmerman Jan K. Culbertson, AIA Todd Kenton Hart Thomas Michael Hindert
David M. Strosberg Nancy R. Cutter Irene Jackson Henry John A. Hoffman
Laurie Lee Wargelin 1978 Philip M. Davis Kristine Lynn Hoehn Edward J. Hoover
David Wayne Whiteford E. Wayne Alderman James F. Derks, AIA, LEED Timothy A. Hoehn Wayne P. Hovey
Bruce D. Wyckoff Ross J. Altman Brian H. Dunbar Marlene Imirzian, AIA Gregg Alan Jones
Mark E. Borys Grant K. Fisher David G. Jarl Edmund Kulikowski
1977 William T. Bourassa, Jr. Douglas Michael Florance Richard Kent Robert W. Lamkin
Susan Esther Affleck- William R. Branyan Derrick A. Foster Gary Lee Klompmaker Kenneth S. Lee
Childs Russell J. Braun John A. Hoffman David J. Kuckuk Kenneth A. Lewandowski
Clifton J. Balch Gary S. Canner Derek Wayne Howard Brice J. Lambrix Richard Lawrence Markel
Mark T. Barnikow Robert L. Collins Kenneth A. Lewandowski Daniel J. LaPan Robert S. McGraw
Suzanne Braley Sheila Danko John J. Linn Glenn Charles Lapin Patrick M. McKelvey, AIA
William H. Brunner Jeffery S. Eckert Larry D. Lipa Debra Ball McMillan Daniel D. Mitchell
Frank T. Callis Gary Russell Gerber Kenneth L. MacIntosh Mark H. Melzer, AIA J. Bradley Moore
Victor J. Cardona Donald Raymond Gordon Richard Lawrence Markel Barry S. Murray Stan F. Pearson II
Frederick John Chapla Thomas Michael Hindert Robert S. McGraw Stephen Ellis Nash Christine A. Rodriguez
Maurice C. Cohen Derek Wayne Howard Patrick M. McKelvey, AIA Thomas Scott Netzer Donald Warfield Roe
Jan K. Culbertson, AIA Nancy Murphy Innes Dennis D. Mele Roberta Marie Oakley Elizabeth Celia Rothberg
Charles R. Cunov Frank Edward Jesse, AIA Lawrence P. Navin, Randall William Ott Scott L. Schneider
Robert Warren Daverman, William C. Mathewson CCM, AIA Theodore G. Pappas, AIA Leonard T. Segel
AIA Van A. Miller, AIA Kevin P. Schaeffer Steven Jay Riojas Patricia VanLiere
Randall S. Derifield Timothy Lee Mrozowski Leonard T. Segel Matthew Feit Rose Shemberger
Jeffery S. Eckert Lawrence P. Navin, Kevin Duane Shultis Luis Salomon Aaron J. Shepard, AIA
Tom A. Freeman CCM, AIA Karen Louise Siefert Keith H. Smith Kevin Duane Shultis
Pamela Goodman Roberta Marie Oakley Paul Silverberg Kevin M. Tamaki Douglas Andrew Smith
Kristine Lynn Hoehn Theodore G. Pappas, AIA Kenneth J. Stankiewicz Harry A. Terpstra, AIA Kenneth J. Stankiewicz
Timothy A. Hoehn Stan F. Pearson II David L. Swanson Ronald L. Thomas, Jr. Michael Eugene
St. Germain
24 Portico 2006/3
Donald Wesley Stolt Brian B. Hirami Colin A. Marshall Kenneth R. Herbart David A. Sheasley
David Frazier Thompson John E. Holt, AIA John W. Myefski Dawn M. Holtrop Eric P. Sobocinski
Rita Carol Thompson Marlene Imirzian, AIA Regina Myer Steven G. Jacobson Audrey V. Stratton
Christopher Egons Tons Juliet Jakobowski M. Celeste Novak, AIA Kevin G. Kamradt Hofu Wu, FAIA
Leslie Leydorf Tons David G. Jarl Jerome D. Olander Karl E. Kinkema Brian S. Yoo
Ellen M. Vanderslice Daniel R. Johnson Robert V. Perry Robert J. Kline
Steven Turner Whitcraft Gregg Alan Jones Wendy Sider Pierce Virginia M. Laukka 1989
Pamela Ruth White J. Windom Kimsey, FAIA Irene T. Rogers Jeffrey C. Luker Denise R. Arnold
Robert Zabowski Karl E. Kinkema George A. Rogers, Jr. John W. Myefski Thomas A. Born
Brice J. Lambrix Dru E. Ross-Frank Jeffrey B. Otero Stefan M. Natzke
1982 Robert W. Lamkin Jeffrey M. Scheinberg Christopher R. Purdy Leslie Podolsky
Alan G. Berkshire Gary A. Levy Jefferson J. Schierbeek Elizabeth Millar Sensoli Juliet Jakobowski
Jeffrey A. Brown John J. Linn David Frazier Thompson David A. Sheasley John H. Eisenhart
Mark G. Bulmash Robert J. Mehall Suzannah L. Tobin Kwanwen Teng Andrew J. Cocagne
Stephen M. Cohen, AIA Mark H. Melzer, AIA Bethany L. Zelinsky Patrick J. Cooleybeck
Michael C. Corby Daniel D. Mitchell 1987 John K. Costa
Carol Ann Smoes Derks Carol B. Molloy 1985 Charles Cook Jeffrey W. Hamilton
Paul H. Dickinson J. Bradley Moore James I. Aubuchon John K. Costa Alexander O. Harrow
Ingrid Brit Eidnes Valerie A. Nagel Harvey I. Cohn John F. Hopkins Kelly Waymire Johnson
Douglas Michael Florance Jeffrey B. Otero John H. Eisenhart David K. Kluge Julie K. Kosik-Shick
Eric L. Geiser Katherine J. Robinson James A. Gilbert Julie K. Kosik-Shick Kimberly N. Montague, AIA
Irene Jackson Henry Daniel J. Schmidt Lesley K. Harper, AIA Kimberly N. Montague, AIA Stefanie Ratliff
Gary Lee Klompmaker Elizabeth Millar Sensoli Brian B. Hirami Karl W. Onopa Patrick J. Saavedra
Daniel J. LaPan Patricia VanLiere John E. Holt, AIA Rick Reichman Eric R. Sassak, AIA, LEED
James C. Lord II Shemberger J. Windom Kimsey, FAIA Douglas P. Smith Rebecca A. Selter
Debra Ball McMillan Ronald L. Thomas, Jr. David K. Kluge Mark Stranahan Marcia Kay Stobie
M. Celeste Novak, AIA Ellen M. Vanderslice James C. Lord II Deborah Ann Thom Richard M. Yaffe
Bonnie L. Oliver Michele R. Z. Vonk Robert J. Mehall P. K. VanderBeke Karen S. Zak
Robert V. Perry Steven Turner Whitcraft Rainer A. Muhlbauer, AIA Donald J. Vitek
Wendy Sider Pierce Edwin R. Wier Bonnie L. Oliver Jay A. Waronker 1990
George A. Rogers, Jr. John S. Pazdera III, AIA Gary L. Waymire Brian A. Begg
Jefferson J. Schierbeek 1984 Michael C. Poris Richard M. Yaffe Richard K. Dozier
Emil R. Sdao Morris A. Autry Jefferson J. Schierbeek Stephanie Kane Gilman
Keith H. Smith C. Elizabeth Brown Douglas P. Smith 1988 Scott C. Kuehne
Ben Kim Suzuki Jeffrey A. Brown Scott E. Spector Gregory M. Barnell William Jinhyu Lee
David Scott Williams, AIA Catherine Brubaker-Clarke Clark P. Stevens Brian A. Begg Jonathan P. Lee
Charles Cook C. Gary Sydow Daniel R. Berman John A. Merten
1983 Michael C. Corby P. K. VanderBeke Daniel E. Bollman Jennifer B. Morgenstern
Dana Loesche Amore Jonathan P. Crane Michele R. Z. Vonk Col. Richard L. Bond, RA Weston C. Munzel
James I. Aubuchon John Lee Davids Gary L. Waymire Sarah M. Bourgeois Barbara A. Potter
Jon O. Bergstrom Paul H. Dickinson Edwin R. Wier Jason D. Federbush Wendy L. Rampson-Gage
Kevin J. Bessolo Melora L. Furman Nancy M. Wilks Kenneth R. Herbart Patrick J. Saavedra
David Whitman Bisbee Eric L. Geiser Dawn M. Holtrop John W. Shaw
Nina N. Bisbee William T. Jarratt 1986 Douglas L. Landry Heather H. Taylor, AIA
Beth J. Camilleri-Cowie Ross A. Jones Dana Loesche Amore Peter M. Larson Deborah Ann Thom
Lance Ruiz Carlile Kevin G. Kamradt Daniel R. Atilano Scott C. Larson Patrick G. Walsh
Robert R. Celmer Robert J. Kline Bonnie Scheffler Bona Jonathan P. Lee Kurt M. Weigle
Richard Scott Graham Edmund Kulikowski C. Elizabeth Brown John S. Pazdera III, AIA
Lesley K. Harper, AIA Marc LItalien Bristol S. Ellington, AICP Barbara A. Potter
Todd Kenton Hart Jeffrey C. Luker Jason D. Federbush Robert J. Shanoski

1991 Debra Hartsig Miller Philip S. McMullan Lisa C. Kulisek Andrew A. Michajlenko
Denise R. Arnold Catherine Seavitt John A. Merten Charles H. Miller Tiffany L. Nash
Daniel R. Berman Nordenson Andrew A. Michajlenko Thomas J. Sherry Matthew A. Reiskin
Thomas A. Born Ronda L. Osga Karl W. Onopa Michelle S. Trombley David Thacher
Carolou Calissi Eric R. Sassak, AIA, LEED Lauren Iser Segal Charles G. Yoo
Julianne E. Chard Rebecca A. Selter Marcia Kay Stobie 1994
Jennifer A. Durham Thomas J. Sherry Michelle S. Trombley Jesse T. Adkins III 1995
Amy R. Graves Amy M. Vansen Patrick G. Walsh Emad M. Afifi Anne L. Boersma
Daniel P. Harmon Karen S. Zak Mark E. Ayers Marc M. Cohen
Alexander O. Harrow 1993 Adrienne N. Brockwell Paul F. Drayer
Stanford R. Harvey III 1992 Lynn Bjorkman Stanley E. Cole Kelly M. Ferguson
Craig A. Hoernschemeyer Sarah M. Bourgeois Catherine Gibson Broh Stacey M. Crowley Carrie Schultz Fulp
Russell G. Hudson Mark L. Buday Steven Dale Bulthuis Luigi S. Franceschina Craig A. Hoernschemeyer
Steven G. Jacobson Patrick J. Cooleybeck Douglas G. Calo Scott W. Goodsell Mark W. Hoffman
Matthew C. Jaimes Stephanie Kane Gilman Jennifer A. Durham Raynal S. Harris, Jr. Erik K. Jansson
Kelly Waymire Johnson David P. Huizenga Amy R. Graves Fay H. Hsu Wesley R. Janz, AIA
Daniel L. Kirby Daniel L. Kirby Russell E. Hagen David P. Huizenga Ann Hovey Kenyon
Philip B. Matton Chan F. Lee Daniel P. Harmon Andrea K. Korte Shannon B. Sipperley
Christopher E. Townsend

GOLD Gifts (Grads of the Last Decade)

Given the many demands on your resources as you work to establish yourselves professionally and finish paying off
student loans, we are especially appreciative of your partnership with the College.

1996 1998 2000 Andrew C. McCloskey Jacqueline N. Putt

Mark E. Ayers Samantha R. Carlton Eric H. Hartz Peter E. Paulos, Jr. Ethan G. Solomon
Heidi E. Deaver Cariann Davitt Schartow Nicholas J. Hudyma Brian A. Rebain Kristina M. Vanek
Andrea K. Korte Heidi E. Deaver Elizabeth P. Mathew Brian K. Schermer Ryan A. Wilson
Andrew D. Kotchen Scott W. Goodsell Elizabeth L. Pachota Rebecca M. Stroud
Craig R. Piotrowski Geoffrey R. Harker Richard A. Sucr Athanasios A. Yiaslas 2005
Steven M. Roethke Jeffrey M. Leahy Alexander Wu Amanda R. Christianson
Douglas J. Ryan Brian A. Rebain 2003 Carl D. Cornilsen
Brian K. Schermer Jaeryung Rhee 2001 Amanda R. Christianson Michael D. Gunter
Jill E. Triani Jessica Rivera Daniel E. Bollman Leila M. Kanar Elizabeth A. Jellema
David D. Sears Caitlin L. Cain Yik-To Ko David A. Leopold
1997 Mark Stranahan David M. Connally Abhinand Lath Julianna Y. Lieu
Craig Furuta Brian J. Tognetti Bjorn E. Hansen Jason T. Meyering Joshua A. Long
Malik R. Goodwin Jeff J. Vanden Bosch Fay H. Hsu Katie M. Miller Jason T. Meyering
Ryu Kawai Steven J. Kushner Kristine M. Youngblood David E. Peterson
Ann Hovey Kenyon 1999 David A. Parent Paul A. Ryckbost
Teri A. Kriege Ryu Kawai Elizabeth A. Rettenmaier 2004 Robert M. Schneider
Obioma A. Mogbo Steven J. Kushner Malvika A. Shah Lynette K. Boswell Xiaoguang Wang
Mary-Margaret Munski Shuo-Wei Lin Michael A. Zaleski Brie Carlson
James F. Renaud Karin A. Morris Barbara J. Eichmuller 2006
Paige A. Ridley Mary-Margaret Munski 2002 Sarah L. Goralewski Timothy A. Davis
Shannon B. Sipperley Anne M. Venezia Ren C. B. Akre Beth L. Jagnow Melissa J. Smiley
Laura Staniszewski Ayers Christopher A. Craig Brittany F. Kennedy Claire C. Vlach
Elizabeth Vandermark Jonathan M. Eggert Colin T. Kerr
Thomas C. Weber Malik R. Goodwin Jonathan D. Lachance

26 Portico 2006/3
Monteith Society Gifts in memory of Virginia Laffer Frances Tarter
The John Monteith Legacy Charles W. Attwood, B.S.Arc.17 C. Theodore Larson Nate Trivax
Society, created in 1990, Edward Charles Chuck Marilyn and Nathan Levine, Emmanuel-George Vakal, Ph.D.85
recognizes donors who include Bassett, B.Arch.A.49 B.A.A.E.51, D.Arch.77 Seymour Victor
the University with an estate Regina Becker Emil Lorch Raoul Wallenberg, B.Arch.35
plan gift. We thank those Guido A. Binda, B.S.Arch.A.31 James McQuiston Robert R. Williams
whose foresight and generos- Doris Boschan George Mekras Stanley Winkelman
ity will support University John Dinkeloo, B.Arch.A.E.42 William Muschenheim Raymond Zimmerman
of Michigan programs and Robert Docks Lois Linden Nelsen
students in years to come. Harold Edelson Willard Oberdick, B.A.A.E.47
Alex J. Etkin Michael Pekar Gifts in honor of
Pamela Baldwin, B.S.Des.67 Lester Fader, B.Arch.A.50 Sylvia Pierce James W. Angoff, B.S.92
Frank Lee Cochran, B.S.Arch.A.38 J. Frank Fitzgibbons, B.Arch.66 Sylvia Robins Conner William Charny
Livingstone Elder, B.S.Arch.26 Christopher R. Hard, B.Arch.71 Saul Sakwa Spencer Jack Goldberg
William R. Fritz, B.Arch.81 Sid Hiller Walter B. Sanders Steven Avery Kelley, B.S.79,
Michael J. Gordon, B.S.82, Harvey F. Hoeltzel, B.Arch.67, William J. Scott, B.Arch.61, M.Arch.81
M.Arch.87 M.Arch.68 M.Arch.65 Marlow Hunter and Susan Longo
Lyn E. Graziani, B.Arch.57 Herbert W. Johe James J. Sficos, B.Arch.62 Ethel Lynn
Marcia Stone and Wesley R. Janz, Hal Kantor Grace and Linn Smith, B.S.A.A.42 David Metzger, B.Arch.68
Ph.D.95 Jonathan P. Kumin, B.S.70, Bessie Spector Tom Purther
Professor Emeritus Herbert W. M.Arch.72 Louis Stober
and Susan Johe Allan Laffer Charlotte Strosberg
Kathleen Nolan and
Douglas Kelbaugh
Helen S. and James A. Kilgore, THE MICHIGAN DIFFERENCE
Robert W. Kindig, M.Arch.62 With a little over two years remaining in the campaign, $2.2 billion in gifts and pledges (90% of
Susan C. Longo, B.B.A.68 goal) have been received toward the universitys overall $2.5 billion goal. Taubman College has
Carole Metzger, B.S. (LSA)67 and received over $36 million in gifts and pledges toward our goal of $40 million.
David J. Metzger, B.Arch.68
Jean Louise Misner, B.Arch.A.44
Patricia and John W. Myefski, $1,400,000
B.S.84, M.Arch.86
Moon-Sook and Elder Sang $1,200,000
Yong Nam, M.C.P.66
Mrs. Clarence (Ruth) Roy $1,000,000
Dorothy and Richard G. Snyder,
B.S.Arch.A.34 $800,000
Daniel B. Swartz, B.Arch.71,
M.B.A.73 $600,000
Mrs. Peter (Helen) Tarapata
David L. Teerman, B.Arch.69 $400,000
Joseph M. Valerio, B.Arch.70
Laura West, A.B.(LSA)54, $200,000
M.S.W.56 and Byron West,
2003 2004 2005 2006
Giving during the public phase (excluding Taubman gift, which adds $5 million per year for 20032006).

Honor roll of volunteers 20052006 Taubman College Alumni/ae
We gratefully acknowledge those who have donated their time as studio critics, and Society Board of Governors convenes
visiting lecturers, who have hosted students at their place of business or who have pro- in Ann Arbor twice each year. They come
vided special resources to the college and its students. We thank them for their efforts. from around the country at their own
expense, dedicating several days each
year to learn about current issues at the
Marlene Berkoff, FAIA, B.S.72, M.Arch.72 David Metzger, B.Arch.68 and school and provide real world perspective.
Douglas Bernia, B.S.E.M.E.70 Carole Metzger, B.S. (LSA)67 They involve themselves in activities at
Cannon Design, with special thanks to Douglas McIntosh, B.S.84 and Scotty James the College and interact with our students,
Lala Matties, M.Arch.90 Rose Miller, M.S.W.77 helping them to prepare for jobs in the
Ronald Chong, Ph.D.98 Randall Ott, B.S.80 professions. In addition, three board schol-
Michael Cummins, M.B.A.83 Marshall Purnell, B.S.72, M.Arch.73 arships are offered each year through the
Cunningham + Quill, special thanks to Quinn Evans Architects, special thanks to generosity of this board.
Scott Matties, B.S.88, M.Arch.90, Mike Quinn, M.Arch.74 and Larry Barr,
Bonnie Dailey, A.B.(LSA)70 B.S.80, M.Arch.82 Ben Baxt, B.Arch.67, New York City
Ann Dilcher, Quinn Evans Architects Joel Rash, Flint Local 432 Randall Derifield, M.U.P.77, Park Ridge, Illinois
Einhorn Yaffee Prescott, special thanks to Michelle Rinehart, M.S.96 Craig Furuta, M.U.P.97, Washington, D.C.
Andrea Righi , B.S.02, M.Arch.04 Sandy Rovner A.B.(LSA)49 Malik Goodwin, B.S.97, M.Arch./M.U.P.02,
Arden Freeman Laura Rubin, Executive Director, Detroit, Michigan
Craig Furuta, M.U.P.97 Huron River Watershed Council, Ann Arbor Gloria J. Jeff, B.S.E.C.E.74, M.S.E.76, M.U.P.76,
Cory Gallo, M.U.D.03, JJR Wayne Schiffelbein, B.Arch.63 Los Angeles, California
Gensler, with special thanks to Bowie Gridley Architects Craig Hamilton, B.S.75, M.Arch.77,
Jacqueline Chavis, B.S.02, M.Arch.04 Ed Scutchfield Los Angeles, California
Megan Gibb, M.U.P.96, Portland (Oregon) SmithGroup, special thanks to Marlene Imirzian, B.S.80, M.Arch.83,
Development Commissions Hal Davis Phoenix, Arizona
Lou Glazer, M.U.P.74, Michigan Future SOM, with special thanks to Wesley R. Janz, Ph.D.95, Indianapolis, Indiana
Michael Guthrie, M.Arch.98 Susana Arisso, B.S.96 J. Windom Kimsey, FAIA, B.S.83, M.Arch.85,
HSMM, with special thanks to Robert Sullivan (U-M alumn) Henderson, Nevada
Jonathan Hopwood, B.S.90 Don Taylor LSA A.B.66 Steve Langworthy, M.U.P.79,
Frank Johnson, B.S.75, M.Arch.76, M.U.P.77, Sean Taylor Grand Rapids, Michigan
Robertson Morrison Joseph Valerio, B.Arch.70 Thomas Lollini, FAIA, B.S.72, M.Arch.75,
Lori Kaplan, M.U.P./M.S.(SNRE)95 Mike Waring, A.B.(LSA)74 Merced, California
Michelle Laboy, M.Arch.04/M.U.P.05 U-M Washington Office Phillip E. Lundwall, FAIA, PCP, B.Arch.63,
Graham Lanz, A.B.(LSA)01 Ridgway White, Charles Stewart M.Arch.64, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Alland Leandre, M.B.A.02 Mott Foundation John Myefski, B.S.84, M.Arch.86,
Chris & Lisa Leinberger Rafael Yee, M.Arch.04 Glencoe, Illinois
Regina Myer, A.B.(LSAR) 82, M.U.P.84,
Brooklyn, New York
David Neuman, FAIA, B.Arch.70,
Charlottesville, Virginia
Catherine Seavitt Nordenson, B.S.87,
New York City
Michael Quinn, FAIA, B.S.69, M.Arch.74,
Ann Arbor
Donald J. Vitek, B.S.87,
Benton Harbor, Michigan

28 Portico 2006/3
Shen Milsom Wilke Endowment Fund

The Shen Milsom Wilke Endowment Fund has been established in celebration of the firms 20th anniversary.
This endowment will support faculty or student research in building technologies.

Founded in 1986 by Denis Milsom and Fred T. Shen, BSEAS66, and expanded shortly thereafter with the addition of Hubert Wilke,
the firm currently has 140 employees with 11 offices worldwide. It provides consulting, design, and technical expertise in the
following disciplines: multimedia/audiovisual; information technology and telecommunications; building security; and acoustics.
Working with architects of international distinction, the firms expertise in convergence, the intersections between data applica-
tions and telecommunication systems, is recognized worldwide.

The firm recognizes that select architecture faculty and students can advance the field, and that students need to understand
the important role that advanced technologies are playing in the design of all building types. In identifying projects for support,
priority will be given to research on the inclusion and integration of telecommunications, information technology, media, security
and systems controls in buildings. In addition to providing support for students or faculty, the income may also be used to
purchase equipment, hardware or software that will support the education of architecture students as it relates to the integration
of technology within buildings.

Campaign Advisory Committee is composed Real Estate Advisory Committee convenes from time to time to discuss
of individuals of varied backgrounds and experience and render advice on the Real Estate Initiatives new certificate program for
who all share one thing in commondedication and M.U.P., M.Arch., M.B.A., and J.D. students in our college, the Ross School of
commitment to the College in providing excellence Business and the Law School.
in public education. The group has demonstrated a
willingness to provide not only financial support, but James Becker, B.G.S.(LSA)84, Jones Lang LaSalle, Detroit
to give their time and expertise to help the College John Boyd, B.S.(SNRE)78, M.B.A.84, Signature Associates, Southfield, Michigan
reach its goals. These volunteers helped shape The Matthew Cullen, A.B.(LSA)78, General Motors, Detroit
Michigan Difference Campaign Case Statement Peter Cummings, Peter D. Cummings + Associates, Detroit
and establish the goals. Robert Davis, Arcadia Land Company, San Francisco, California
Louis Dubin, The Athena Group LLC, New York City
Peter Allen, M.B.A.73, Ann Arbor Douglas Etkin, Etkin Equities, Southfield, Michigan
Susan C. Longo, B.B.A.68, Evanston, Illinois Robert Gibbs, M.L.A.84, Gibbs Planning Group, Birmingham, Michigan
Sharon Madison-Polk, M.U.P.94, Detroit Bernie Glieberman, Crosswinds Communities, Novi, Michigan
Robert W. Marans, B.Arch.57, Ph.D.71, Ann Arbor William J. Hartman, B.S.80, M.Arch.82, Gensler, Detroit
David J. Metzger, FAIA, B.Arch.68, Sean McCourt, Ford Motor Land Development, Dearborn, Michigan
Chevy Chase, Maryland Marilyn Melkonian, Telesis Corporation, Washington, D.C.
Arnold Mikon, FAIA, B.Arch.66, M.B.A.69, Gilbert Buzz Silverman, Silverman Companies, Bingham Farms, Michigan
Huntington Woods, Michigan Herb Strather, Strather & Associates, Detroit
John Myefski, B.S.84, M.Arch.86, Glencoe, Illinois Marvin Suomi, A.B.(LSA)70, KUD International LLC, Santa Monica, California
Howard F. Sims, FAIA, B.Arch.63, M.Arch.66, Daniel Swartz, B.Arch.71, M.B.A.73, Houk Development Group, Los Angeles, California
Southfield, Michigan Robert Taubman, The Taubman Company, Inc., Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Herbert J. Strather, Detroit Michael Tobin, B.S.74, M.Arch.75, Northern Realty Group LTD, Chicago, Illinois
Marvin J. Suomi, A.B.70, Beverly Hills, California William Watch, B.B.A.75, M.B.A.81, First Commercial Realty, Southfield, Mich.
William S. Taubman, Birmingham, Michigan
Joseph M. Valerio, FAIA, B.Arch.70, Chicago, Illinois

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30 Portico 2006/3
Class Notes

1950s welcome the birth of Connor Brian Fuente 1970s

to Kimber Fuente (B.A.92, M.B.A.98) and
Robert Frasca, FAIA enjoy their new title as grandparents.
a partner in the Portland, Oregon office Michael Bednar
of Zimmer Gunsul Frasca (ZGF), has been B.Arch.64
named the 2006 Belluschi Professor is the author of a new book, LEnfants
at the University of Oregon. The Pietro Legacy. Michael examines LEnfants 1791
Belluschi Distinguished Visiting Professor plan for Washington, D.C. and explores
in Architectural Design is an endowed ways in which the plan represents
professorship within the Department of and even creates democracy, both in
Architecture. Belluschi professors are freedoms and in traditions. He discusses
prominent architects and architectural the context in which the citys public
educators who bring true distinction and spaces, as affected by the surrounding
unique opportunities to the University of architecture, play a significant role in
Oregon. daily life, among other related topics.
Michael has practiced architecture with I.
1960s M. Pei and Partners and Geddes Brecher Douglas Mohnke, AIA
Qualls and Cunningham. He also has his B.S.70, M.Arch.71
Keith Sipperley own practice in Charlottesville, Bednar is a founding partner of LCM Architects.
B.Arch.60 Lawson Architects, and has designed and Located in Chicago with a staff of 20,
as a mostly retired architect, has constructed over fifty residential, com- LCM recently celebrated its 10-year
provided services to the community mercial, and institutional projects. He is anniversary. LCM is a full-service archi-
where he resides in his self-designed associate professor of architecture at the tectural firm that includes a department
Trails End home in Levering, Michigan. University of Virginia. that specializes in accessibility consulting
He updated a 50-year-old drawing of the and universal design.
Munro Township Cemetery. The old draw- Gary Desmond, FAIA
ing showed plot locations and original B.Arch.66
plot owners, while the new drawing also was named Architect of the Year by
incorporates a 212-plot extension to the the Denver chapter of the AIA. Gary
original 1,000-plot site. Sipperleys obser- is a principal in AR7 Hoover Desmond
vations of the names on grave markers, Architects. He has volunteered countless
which did not always match the names of hours of his time to the Downtown Denver
the plot owners, inspired him to inventory, Partnership and served as co-chair of the
with the help of his wife, Pat, all of the Central Platte Valley Development Council.
names and dates on the graves. He then As CPV co-chair, he led the development
developed a reference grid of columns and process for the master plan of Denvers
rows and provided Munro Township with Union Station. Desmond has been a
detailed lists showing names, dates, and Denver AIA board member for more than
marker types, cross-referencing original 10 years. He has also been chair of the AIA
owners with actual occupants. Since Denver Practice Management Committee,
Robert S. Wilson House
producing the new drawing, Keith has and played an integral role in developing
proposed adding trees to the cemetery an office policy manual. Gary teaches a Ilene Tyler, FAIA [image]
extension and had his request to double practice seminar at the Graduate School B.Arch.70
the landscape budget approved by the at the University of Colorado College of and her husband
Munro Township Board. Additional Architecture and Planning, as well as Norm Tyler
volunteer work includes a thorough review conducting workshops at various K12 B.Arch.70, D.Arch.87
of the townships land division ordinance, schools and technical schools to help won the 2006 Preservation Project of the
writing proposed revisions and proofread- students learn about the profession and Year award from the Ann Arbor Historic
ing final copies. Finally, Keith and Pat their potential for a career in architecture. District Commission for the restoration of

the 171-year-old Robert S. Wilson House. Stay in Touch
The Greek Revival Mansion has been an
Class Notes is a regular feature in Portico.
ongoing restoration project full of ups Please take a few minutes to tell us about
and downs, from failing foundations to the latest news in your life. Your friends and
falling columns. The walls, which are three classmates will be pleased to hear about you!
bricks thick, keep out the street noise and Mail Taubman College Class Notes
provide some insulation. There is no space The University of Michigan
between the bricks and the plaster walls 2000 Bonisteel Boulevard, Rm. 2150
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2069
for electrical wires, so the new wiring was
run from the basement and in one case Fax (734) 763-2322
up door molding. The couple was happy
Online Send an email to
to celebrate this achievement with a first or visit the TCAUP website at
summer without contractors underfoot-
Marshall Purnell, FAIA classnotes.html.
B.S.72, M.Arch.73 Send a
was elected 2008 AIA President, the first Picture Mail a snapshot or email an
African American president in AIA history. electronic file of yourself or your
work. For best results, digital image
Purnell is an AIA regional director from the resolution should be 200300 dpi.
Mid-Atlantic region and a design principal
Mark Boisclair Photography, Inc.

of Devrouax + Purnell Architects and

Planners in Washington, D.C. His election Michael Quinn, FAIA
capped off an exciting week where his M.Arch.74
firm won an AIA Institute Honor Award for and
its role in the design of the Washington Elisabeth Knibbe, AIA
Convention Center. B.S.76, M.Arch./M.U.P.78
Arizona State Universitys Biodesign Institute. were featured speakers in October at
Cynthia Hayward, AIA the Michigan Architectural Foundations
Terry Sargent B.S.73, M.Arch.76 conference on educational facility
B.Arch.71, M.U.P.73 recently published Healthcare Facility planning. Their presentation focused on
is principal in the firm Lord, Aeck & Planning: Thinking Strategically for preservation and adaptive use of historic
Sargent (LAS). The Atlanta office of LAS, in the American College of Healthcare schools. They both work at the Ann Arbor
collaboration with Gould Evans, designed Executives (ACHE) Management Series. office of Quinn Evans
the Biodesign Institute at Arizona State She has also developed a new Self-Study
University. This facility was awarded Course for ACHE titled Preparing a Clark Davis, FAIA
the 2006 Laboratory of the Year by R&D Long-Range Facility Investment Strategy. M. Arch.76
Magazine. This is an international compe- In addition, she has recently published was inducted into the Design Futures
tition that recognizes innovative laboratory the Second Edition of SpaceMedTMA Council as a senior fellow. Senior fellow-
design that creates a superior working Space Planning Guide for Healthcare ship in the DFC is an honor presented
environment and supports research excel- Facilities ( Cynthia for significant contributions toward the
lence. Considered the leading international is principal and founder of Hayward & understanding of changing trends, new
design competition for research labora- Associates LLC in Ann Arbor, a national research, and applied knowledge leading
tories, this annual competition includes consulting firm specializing in pre-design to innovative design models that improve
industrial, government, and academic planning for healthcare facilities. She has the built environment and the human
laboratories across the U.S. and abroad. assisted hundreds of diverse healthcare condition. This honor was presented
The Biodesign Institute is Arizonas largest organizations over the past 25 years to at the DFC 2006 Leadership Summit on
single investment in research infrastruc- economically and efficiently plan their Sustainable Design in Santa Fe, New
ture. It is master planned as four intercon- capital investments. For 20 years, she was Mexico, in October. Clark is vice chairman
nected buildings that can be constructed a partner with a healthcare management of HOK in St. Louis. He is an internationally
in phases. The first two buildings are consulting firm (The Chi Group) until she recognized leader of organizational design
complete, comprising 350,000 square feet. founded Hayward & Associates. and growth.

32 Portico 2006/3
William J. V. Neill the company. Marc is based in Phoenix,
M.U.P.78 Arizona and is currently managing the
has been appointed to the chair in spatial expansion of the METRO light rail program
planning at the University of Aberdeen, in Phoenix and developing a modern
Scotland. His latest book is entitled streetcar project in Tucson. Marc contin-
Migration and Cultural Inclusion in the ues to assist other transportation planning
European City, edited with Hanns Uve projects for HDR nationwide.
Schwedler. He worked for many years with
the Michigan Department of Commerce 1980s
and most recently as a reader in urban
planning, Queens University Belfast. Larry Barr, AIA
B.S.80, M.Arch.82
Steven Schwartz was recently appointed to serve on the
M.U.P.78 Arlington County Public Schools Facility Dan Mitchell
has been appointed chair of the zoning Advisory Council in Arlington, Virginia. B.S.81, M.Arch.83
board of appeals for the city of Farmington Larry is vice president and principal of the has been promoted from principal to
Hills, Michigan. He is managing member Washington, D.C. office of Quinn Evans. studio leader of the Health + Science
of Steven H. Schwartz & Associates, a law studio of the Chicago office of SmithGroup.
firm. He has over eighteen years of labor Doug Farr Dan, a 25-year veteran architect, joined
and employment law experience. He is a B.S.80 SmithGroup in 2005, after spending 15
mediator for both the Wayne and Oakland with his firm, Farr Associates in Chicago, years as a project director/senior vice
County Mediation Tribunals, as well as a designed two of the 23 buildings on the president at VOA Associates in Chicago.
labor relations arbitrator for the American planet that have received the U.S. Green Prior to his time at VOA, Mitchell was
Arbitration Association.Prior to becoming Building Councils LEED platinum designa- a project designer and then a project
an attorney, Steven was the assistant city tionthe highest availableand is the manager with HOK International in
manager/personnel director for the city of only firm with more than one platinum London, England.
Birmingham. During this time he attended building to its name. He was recently
Wayne State University Law School, featured in design: e2, a Brad Pitt-narrated Eric Geiser, AIA
graduating sixth in his class. He also was PBS series on the green-building revolu- B.S.82, M.Arch.84
a member and associate editor of the tion, and his firmwhose mission is to has been promoted to vice president of
Wayne Law Review. design sustainable human environments TMP Associates in Bloomfield Hills, MI.
at the urban neighborhood levelis near- He joined TMP in 1985 after working for
ing completion of Sustainable Urbanism: the University of Michigan Engineering
Urban Design With Nature, a cutting-edge Services Department. His experience with
book that proposes leadership standards TMP includes roles as bond specialist,
for governments and lawmakers. project manager, and project designer.
He lives in Ann Arbor.
Piet Lindhout
B.S.81, M.Arch.83 James Vander
Soronson Arizona transportation project. created a sculpture of a trio of geese, Molen, AIA
entitled Hot Landing at Mill Pond in B.S.82, M.Arch.84
Marc Soronson Brighton, as part of the Brighton Biennial after 17 years at
M.U.P.79 art show. The sculpture is part of the citys a leading Grand
announces the merger of S.R. Beard & effort to add splashes of culture downtown Rapids architec-
Associates, where he is partner, and HDR and increase walking traffic. ture/engineering
Engineering, Inc. HDR is a full service firm for which he
engineering company based in Omaha, served as senior
Nebraska. Marc will serve as a vice architect and studio
president and continue his responsibilities leader, has opened a new architectural
to advance transportation planning for studio, j vandermolen | architect inc., also

in Grand Rapids. The firm will focus on Jeffrey Luker, AIA of office and retail space as well as a new
design and consulting for worship environ- B.S.84, M.Arch.86 school, park, and variety of neighborhood
ments, single- and multi-family residential, has recently become LEED-certified. He is amenities.
and light commercial projects. principal in the Washington, D.C. office of
Quinn Evans. Clark Stevens, AIA, APA
J. Windom Kimsey, FAIA B.S.85
B.S.83, M.Arch.85 Regina Myer was recently featured in Mens Vogue in
is principal of Tate Snyder Kimsey in Las M.U.P.84 the article Arresting Development: Can
Vegas, Nevada. The firms project Regional left her position in New Yorks Department one L.A. Architect Save the American
Animal Campus for the Las Vegas Valley of City Planning Brooklyn office to join the West? by David Hay. The article dis-
was named by the American Institute of Hudson Yards Development Corporation cusses his role as founder of New West
Architects (AIA) and its Committee on the as senior vice president for planning and Land out of Topanga, California, and his
Environment (COTE) as one of the top ten design. She will lead HYDCs planning desire to create conservation develop-
examples of sustainable architecture and work for the Eastern and Western Rail ment. This new company prefers to place
green design solutions that protect and Yards (the site of the proposed Olympic/ development within the context of nature,
enhance the environment. The Regional Jets Stadium) pursuant to the recently evoking distant views while creating
Animal Campus for the Las Vegas Valley completed agreement between the city housing development in the west. Clark is
is intended to serve the animal sheltering of New York and MTA, as well as for the a principal in the L.A. firm RoTo.
and adoption needs for the cities of Las Mid-Block Park and Boulevard that is a
Vegas, North Las Vegas, and surrounding centerpiece of the Hudson Yards project. David Brandt
Clark County. Driven by a need to expand M.U.P.87
its operations, the Animal Foundation Peter Baldwin was recently appointed assistant city
plans to create a regional animal campus. B.S.85, M.Arch.88 manager of the city of Alameda (California)
The goals for the projects first phase, and his wife after serving as a deputy and assistant
the dog adoption park, were to create a Michelle (B.S.85, M.Arch.87) announce city attorney there for nine years. He is
memorable and dignified way of present- the arrival of another family member, responsible for the redevelopment of the
ing animals to the adopting public and to James Allan Baldwin. James was born former Alameda Naval Air Station and
use sustainable strategies in the design of in February, 2006. His siblings include other projects along the citys northern
this complex, with the intention of achiev- Joseph (16), Rachel-Marie (14), Michael waterfront.
ing LEED platinum certification. A healthy, (13), Nicole-Claire (10), Anna-Lise (8) and
pleasant, and comfortable environment Emelia-Grace (6). Peter is president of
is important to visitor attitudes about adop- AMDG architects in Grand Rapids.
tion and the mood and health of sheltered
animals. The costs of maintaining this Jay Juergensen
environment, however, are exceptionally B.S.85, M.Arch./M.B.A.88
high and directly impact the scale of the after nearly 20 years living and working
Animal Foundations operations. The goal on Detroits eastside, has moved to
of the design team was to minimize facility Washington, D.C. to work for the deputy Catalytic
costs without affecting the quality of the mayor of planning & economic develop- Formations.
adoption experience. Given southern ment. He will be involved in a program
Nevadas climate, reducing the dog called the New Communities Initiative, Ali Rahim
bungalows cooling load and water use which is targeting neighborhoods with B.S.87
were identified as the two major areas distressed affordable housing develop- is director of graduate design research
of focus for facility efficiency. The jury ments. The first project represents over studios in the Department of Architecture
described the project as a radically $550 million in investment and sits on at University of Pennsylvania and principal
different solution. This kind of program about 40 acres just east of Chinatown and of Contemporary Architecture Practice,
is usually relegated to strip mall site and currently contains about 500 units. The New York City. His monograph, Catalytic
status. They really elevated the project specific project site and some adjacent Formations: Digital Design in Architecture,
type and you can envision this place really parcels will be transformed into over 1,500 was published in the spring. This book is
attracting people. units with nearly half a million square feet the first of its kind to thoroughly explore

34 Portico 2006/3
the ideas and products of the digital revo- Donald was interviewed on a local Fox 1990s
lution in architectural design. It clarifies radio talk show discussing residential ar-
for the first time the ideas and concepts chitecture. He has just completed a major Jennifer Durham
that drive digital-based architecture, and renovation for the Washington home of B.S.91, M.Arch.93, M.S.Eng.93
reflects on what distinguishes these forms Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and former recently accepted a position at DSA
from other architectural forms. Catalytic President Bill Clinton. Donald won a 2006 Architects, a member of SHW Group
Formations also explores the complex re- Washington Chapter AIA/Washingtonian in Berkley, Michigan. As senior project
lationships between process, architectural award which was featured in the June manager, Jen will lead project teams in
forms and their experiential influences. 2006 issue of Washingtonian magazine. the design of higher education projects
Works by several contemporary techno- He has also won two 2006 awards from throughout Michigan. Jens recent
logical practices have been selected to the Northern Virginia Chapter of the AIA, projects include several schools for the
illustrate key concepts, including projects with one of these awards singled out as an Detroit Public Schools. The new 300,000
by Zaha Hadid, Greg Lynn, and Sulan excellence award. square foot Renaissance High School and
Kolatan. Practices that innovatively use Jerry L. White Center is a unique project
techniques that access the potential of Maggie McInnis, AIA combining one of DPSs best magnate
technologies of their time, such as Charles B.S.89, M.Arch.92 schools with their first building designed
and Ray Eames and Verner Panton, are recently co-authored an article with Ilene specifically for the vocational needs of
also discussed. Methods for the practice Tyler, FAIA (B.Arch.70) on sustainable special education students. The project
and design of architecture that promote design and historic preservation, pub- was featured at the 2006 AIA Michigan
innovation are presented in five chapters lished in APT Bulletin. Design retreat and has been submitted
that offer qualitative assessments of for LEED certification. Jen also recently
crucial themes, which students, profes- completed the first phase of Davenport
sional and cultural readers alike will find of Universitys new Grand Rapids campus
great value. which consisted of three new sustainable
buildings for academics and student
Kathleen Jordan housing. Jen and her husband Tom Sherry,
B.S.88 B.S.91, M.Arch.93, are rediscovering
joined Gensler in 1997 with nine years of the joy of Legos and crayons with their
retail architecture and interiors experi- 15-month-old son Ian Thomas.
ence. She was promoted to associate
in 1998, to senior associate in 1999, and
was recently promoted to principal in
December 2005. She is the studio director
for Genslers retail group, Studio 585, in the Edward Pocock, AIA
New York office. B.S.89, M.Arch.91
has joined Hobbs & Black as vice-
Kenneth Crutcher president and senior project manager in
B.S.89, M.Arch.92 the firms expanding healthcare studio.
began his own design studio, Crutcher Pocock previously worked for Albert Kahn
Studio, Inc., to provide services in Associates. Ed is currently managing
architectural and graphic design. In 2007, building programs at William Beaumont Ian Thomas Sherry.
the firm will celebrate its ninth year of Hospital. He is a registered architect as
practice. He is also an adjunct lecturer in well as a member of the American Institute Tom Sherry
architecture at Lawrence Technological of Architects. In addition, he serves on the B.S.91, M.Arch.93
University in Southfield, Michigan. Building Codes and Regulations Committee is vice president of design at Hamilton
for AIA Detroit. Anderson Associates (HAA) in down-
Donald Lococo town Detroit. In 2005, he completed
M. Arch.89 the Detroit School of Arts. The 6-story,
is principal of Donald Lococo Architects, 300,000 square foot magnet high school
LLC in Washington, D.C. This past April, is part of the Orchestra Place district in

Detroits cultural center and has received Jon Bulthuis semester. Sri Lankans and Ball State
significant recognition including AIA M.U.P.93 students and faculty worked together to
Michigan and Detroit Honor Awards and will be the new transit division director rebuild a devastated village. Their work
a National Honor Award from NOMA. The for Santa Fe Trails Transit System in Santa was reported by Architectural Record. By
school will be featured at the 2007 Prague Fe, New Mexico. Jon previously was the beginning of spring semester 2006, the
Quadrennial, Architecture & Technology service development director at Santa Fe village housing was finished, and Wes and
Exhibition and in the Architectural Trails and principal planner for Santa Fe his students were working on the design of
Record/Edutopia joint publication Metropolitan Planning Organization. the villages community building.
focused on encouraging innovation in
schools. More recently, Tom has led the Wes Janz Stephanie Rankin
design effort on behalf of the Hamilton Ph.D.95 B.S.95
Anderson/SmithGroup joint venture for had his work selected is working full-time as a test analyst
the new MGM Grand Hotel and Casino in for inclusion in the in Blue Care Networks Information
downtown Detroit. The 1 million square Contemporary Art Technology Department. She has been
foot development will occupy over 20 Institute of Detroit slowly but surely working on a second
acres of previously underutilized surface [CAID] Shelter degree in computer science at Oakland
parking lots, while adding 400 new hotel Exhibition. The intent University in Rochester, Michigan. She has
rooms, dining establishments, and retail of the exhibit was to gather people work- a strong interest in architecture and real
to the under-serviced Detroit hospitality ing in a variety of disciplines to explore dif- estate, has been investing in real estate,
market. Tom and several members of ferent aspects of shelter. Juror Hugh Timlin and obtained a real estate license. Her
HAAs studio have participated actively said of the exhibit, In the face of current license is with Real Estate One (Clinton
in Craig Wilkins high school and grad natural disasters we have witnessed a Township, Michigan office). If you are
school design studios at the new U-M deficiency in conventional approaches to interested in selling or buying property in
Design Center in Detroit, and he continues providing shelter in emergency situations. the metro Detroit area, visit her website at
to support the centers mission of cultivat- There are also chronic shelter needs rang- or email her at
ing young urban design talent. Tom and his ing from the experience of homelessness
wife, Jennifer Durham, B.S.91, M.Arch.93, in our urban centers to inadequate shelter
recently celebrated the first birthday of for the impoverished worldwide. Wes
their first child, Ian, whose recent projects was one of eight faculty members who
include rambling through pumpkin patches received the Outstanding Teaching Award
and pointing at airplanes. at Ball State University where he is an
associate professor of architecture. Wes
Patrick Roach was honored for outstanding contributions
B.S.92, M.Arch.96 to students and to the university. Since
has been hired as senior project staff at his arrival at Ball State in 1995, Wes has
Quinn Evans Architects in Ann Arbor. demonstrated creative and innovative
teaching. In fall 2004, he brought in
Rob Saxon two practitioners from I-Beam Design
M.Arch.93, M.U.P.93 architects in New York to help construct Michael Krug
and Shannon
has joined A3C [Ann Arbor Architects experimental architecture using wooden Sipperley
Collaborative] as senior project architect. pallets. The structure occupied the field Krug.
His background combines engineering, north of the college and was constructed
urban planning and architecture. His previ- over a weekend. This project had implica- Shannon Sipperley Krug
ous project leadership includes working tions well beyond Muncie because it B.S.95, M. Arch.97
with non-profit organizations and govern- recycled waste pallets into viable shelters. began working at Lohan Anderson in
ment housing agencies, designing housing This was recognized by the Wall Street February 2005. In January 2006, she was
prototypes, and leading urban revitaliza- Journal Online as it covered the tsunami- named an associate and worked on the
tion and historic renovation efforts. ravaged region of southern Asia. Wes and Ravinia Food Service Building as a project
two colleagues continued an experiential architect. On April 9, 2005, Shannon mar-
learning project in Sri Lanka the following ried Michael P. Krug (B.S.98, M.Arch.00)

36 Portico 2006/3
in an old opera house in Grand Ledge, multi-purpose, mixed-use site, York. Andrs started his own company
Michigan. Their ceremony was attended will not only provide much needed, rapidly focusing on design build projects. He
by a number of alumni, and Shannon deployable, environmentally sustainable recently married Sarrah Khan, an architect
was proud to have her father, Keith M. housing, it will help to revitalize the Holy and structural engineer.
Sipperley (B.Arch.60) walk her down the Cross neighborhood of New Orleans and
aisle. Shannon and Michael just had their put it at the forefront of the greening of the Matt Stark
first child on September 14, a redheaded Gulf Coast. According to Global Green, if B.S.97, M.Arch.03
girl named Trilian Keith Krug. 50,000 homes in the Gulf Coast were rebuilt is living in East Lansing and recently
according to the energy cost reduction earned his juris doctor, magna cum laude,
Sih-Young Jeon that will achieve, residents from Thomas M. Cooley Law School in
M.Arch.96 would save $38 million to $56 million every Lansing. He also took, and passed, the
has been promoted to associate vice year. Each sustainably designed home Michigan Bar Exam.
president and share holder of Wimberly would also reduce carbon and greenhouse
Allison Tong & Goo (WATG) and works out gas emissions by approximately 11 tons Caleb Clauset
of their Honolulu, Hawaii office. He has per household per year, the equivalent B.S.98
participated in projects all over the world, of taking 100,000 cars off the road. A with his wife Andrea, proudly announce
including Seocho Dong Tower in Seoul, groundbreaking ceremony for the building the birth of their daughter, Ashling Sarah
The Palace Tower at Caesars Palace, of their design is planned for January 2007. Clauset, born on May 28, 2006.
Las Vegas and Outrigger Wailea Resorts
renovation on Maui. Gary Wang Kevin M. Holland, AIA
B.S.96, M.Arch.98 M.Arch.98
won the Social Responsibility Award recently moved to Indianapolis, Indiana
from Benjamin Moore paints for his work from Columbus, Ohio to assume the
that helped bring hope to the children of position of director of Indianapolis opera-
Cabrini Green, a public housing project in tions for Moody*Nolan, Inc., the largest
Chicago. Serving as the architect for Kids African-American owned architecture
Club, a non-profit after-school program for firm in the United States. Moody*Nolans
high-risk inner-city youth, he transformed primary markets are student-focused-
deteriorating neighborhood spaces into university facilities, university recreation
dynamic and vibrant places. He did this facilities, education K12, healthcare,
using donated and economical building interior design, and civil engineering.
materials plus a large amount of design Having been with the firm since 1998,
innovation and ingenuity. Wang has since Kevins responsibilities have evolved from
moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts, daily architectural design and detailing
where he joined Chan Krieger Sieniewicz to project management. He is currently
workshop/apds in 2005, an architectural firm with a com- responsible for daily operations, person-
mitment to bettering the community and its nel, and business development. Kevin
Andrew Kotchen urban fabric through architectural design. served as the project architect for the
M.Arch.96 Among his projects are a private terminal $14.5 million Hampton, Virginia University
with his colleagues from workshop/apd for Logan International Airport, the Greater Student Center and the $22.0 million
in New York City, was named the winner Boston Food Bank, and currently, The Park Akron, Ohio University Student Recreation
of the Sustainable Design Competition School in Brookline. Center. Kevins email address is kholland@
for New Orleans, co-sponsored by
Brad Pitt and Global Green USA. Their Andrs Corts
entry, Permaculture and the B.S.97 Philip Lee
Rebuilding of Life and Verdancy in Holy served as a teaching assistant to Ken B.S.98
Cross, originates with a comprehensive Frampton while at Columbia University. He won the Van Alen Institute Dinkeloo
understanding of sustainability and graduated from Columbia GSAPP in 2002. Design Research Fellowship last summer.
extends from community redevelopment He was awarded a Kinne Fellowship for The competition called for the applicants
to specific material choices. By creating a travel and is a registered architect in New to focus on design and recreation, and to

consider the spatial and social implica- 2000s
tions of leisure in contemporary society.
He was in residence at the American Anahita Anandam
Academy in Rome early in 2006, and trav- M.Arch.00
eled to Beijing to study the South to North recently started working at Moshe
Water Diversion Project. While in Beijing, Safdie and Associates, Inc. in Somerville,
he had the pleasure of teaching a group Massachusetts.
of U-M architecture students with Robert
Mangurian and Mary-Ann Ray at BASE.
He attended a Michigan alumni event in
Beijing and was impressed with the quality
of the discussion as well as the number of
alumni there. Philip was recently married
at Cranbrook surrounded by some of his
closest colleagues from U-M. He is now
living in New York City.

Daimian Hines
B.S.99, M.Arch.01
of HOK Chicago, with a team that included Vicaris Sunhome.
Daniel West (B.S.99, M.Arch.01) were A glimpse of Bodziaks Edge as Center entry.
the winners of an AIA design competition Tonino Vicari
for the new headquarters for the Chicago B.S.99, M.Arch.01, M.S.03 Gerald Bodziak
chapter of the American Institute of works for Kraemer Design Group in Detroit B.S.00
Architects. The 5,000 square foot space and as a principal in Tectonic Design. He was a member of a team from New York
is on the second floor of 35 East Wacker, is engaged to Renee Florence of Carleton, submitting the winning entry in the Boston
an eclectic 1926 office building originally Michigan and they are planning a 2008 Society of Architects Edge as Center
known as the Jewelers Building. wedding. His design of the SunHome for International Design Ideas Competition
Tom McMurtiethe recycling coordinator for the redevelopment of the Brickbottom
Josh Keough for the city of Ann Arborand his wife, district in the Boston suburb of Somerville,
M.Arch.99 graphic designer Genia Service, was Massachusetts. Their team suggested
after seven great years as an associate featured in the January 2006 issue of making the highway a sculpture park lined
with Gensler, has left professional practice Dwell magazine. This home was designed with energy-generating windmills.
to assist his familys metal heat treating and built with careful attention to energy
business with their international expansion usage. Ann Brooks
plans. He and his wife Carrie are M.U.P.00
currently residing in Suzhou, Jiangsu Dan West lives and works just north of Dallas,
Province, China, approximately 75 km west B.S.99, M.Arch.01 Texas. She recently received a promotion
of downtown Shanghai. One of the biggest has accepted an offer as a senior project with T-Mobile, as the senior manager for
parts of his job is coordinating the renova- designer at KEO, an international practice external affairs for the south region. She is
tion of a leased factory space. When it in the Middle East. He has relocated from responsible for supporting site permitting
comes to construction practices in the Chicago where he worked for HOK, to Abu specialists in community and government
Middle Kingdom, his new motto is; China: Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. He is cur- relations relative to facility siting efforts.
13 hours ahead, 50 years behind... He rently working on projects throughout the Her fianc Charlie McDonald and she are
is surviving on oversized meals, Chinese Arabian Gulf regionAbu Dhabi, Bahrain, planning their April 2007 wedding.
hospitality, and an iPod full of beach music and Doha.
and podcasts from home. If anybody who Alex Ng
knows Josh plans to be anywhere near M.Arch.00
the Shanghai area, drop him a line at was employed by NBBJ in Columbus, Ohio and worked there in the healthcare studio

38 Portico 2006/3
for four years. He was promoted to as- (SOx, for example) with renewables, to de- Eric Migrin
sociate/designer in 2003. He has recently termine whether an increase in renewable B.S.02, M.Arch.05
relocated to the Los Angeles NBBJ office, electricity generation reduces regulated and
where he is joining the commercial/retail emissions or not, and by how much. Tracy (Klingenmaier) Migrin
studio. During his time in Columbus, he B.S.02, M.Arch.05
participated in both local and international Eric Sheneman have moved to Kenosha, Wisconsin. Eric
projects, including Hamad Medical Center M.U.P.01 works as a project architect for a com-
in Doha, Qatar; Shawnee Mission Medical joined Southern Corporations in late 2005 mercial firm in Kenosha called Partners In
Center in Kansas City, Kansas; the VA as a commercial real estate agent/com- Design, and Tracy works as an architec-
Outpatient Clinic in Columbus, Ohio; and mercial appraiser. Eric now works from his tural designer for Genesis Architecture, a
the new heart center of The Cleveland home in Miami Beach, Florida, reducing residential firm in Racine, Wisconsin.
Clinic Foundation in Cleveland, Ohio. He his daily commute from 80 miles to zero.
was married in July 2006 to Sharon, whom Kai Orion
he met in high school in Toronto. Marcy Giannunzio B.S.02
B.S.02, M.Arch.04 is in his second year of graduate studies in
Libby Pachota worked as an intern for one year with film at New York University, Tisch School
M.U.P.00 Dimension IV, a full service design firm in of the Arts, Kanbar Institute of Film.
recently left the Jefferson East Business Madison, Wisconsin. Currently Marcy is
Association to join the Community working for Wnuk Spurlock Architecture Mike Schmidt
Foundation for Southeastern Michigan in Washington, D.C. where she recently M.Arch.02
as program officer and director, Detroit became a LEED accredited professional. moved back to Germany in November
Neighborhood Program. Libby will head up Wnuk Spurlock specializes in a variety of 2004 after living in Las Vegas for two and
a three-year, $15 million initiative aimed at projects including residential, commercial, a half years. During his time in Nevada, he
revitalizing Detroits near eastside neigh- institutional, educational, and cultural worked for Tate Snyder Kimsey and taught
borhoods. It is an exciting opportunity to facilities. Since moving to Washington, first and second year studios at University
build upon the momentum of development D.C., Marcy also completed her first of Nevada Las Vegas. After returning to
along the riverfront, downtown, and marathonthe 30th Annual Marine Corp Germany, he joined his fathers office,
midtown and to work with local residents Marathon. Schmidt_Architekten, and one year ago
to revitalize this richly diverse community. became partner. He says they have lots of
work and things are going very well. He
Geoffrey Lewis married Brenda Ceja Valdez this summer
M.S.01, Ph.D.06 in Cologne.
has accepted a two-year appointment
as an Alcoa Foundation research fellow Stacie (Shephard) Hadeed
in conservation and sustainability, at B.S.02, M.Arch.05
the University of Michigans Center for married Brian Hadeed (D.D.S.04) in May
Sustainable Systems. Under this fellow- 2005. They now live in Grand Haven,
ship, he is investigating variations in the Michigan and she is working for Hooker
wind resources in Michigan, and how DeJong Architects & Engineers in
these variations are correlated in both Trevor Howie Muskegon, Michigan.
space and time with variations in the M.Arch.02
value of electricity. Variations in the value has been hired as an Architect II, for Donald Gray
of electricity arise due to high demand the Science and Technology Studio of M.Arch.03
and transmission constraints. The goal SmithGroup in Detroit. Previously, Trevor is now working for DAG Architects in their
of this work is identifying the areas in served as a project manager and project Tallahassee, Florida office. He and his wife
Michigan that have the highest value, in designer at Biddison Architecture + Shayla are the proud parents of a 2-year-
both economic and environmental terms, Design, Farmington Hills, Michigan and be- old daughter Naomi and her 2-month-old
for siting wind power projects. Another fore that, was an intern at RoTo Architects, little brother, Don Benjamin.
part of this project is an exploration of the Los Angeles, California. Trevor resides in
interaction of regulated emissions markets LaSalle, Ontario.

Richard Hess Paula Roy of the 20th century. He continues his
M.Arch.03 M.U.P.03 work as a doctoral student in the historic
has been hired as senior project staff at formerly with the New York Economic preservation program at Tulane University
Quinn Evans Architects in Ann Arbor. Development Corporation, joined CPC in New Orleans, where he is studying the
Resources, a subsidiary of the Community preservation of historic Jewish sites and
Heather Judge Preservation Corporation, in New York City Jewish urban history. His studies were
M.Arch.03 in September. CPCR develops affordable interrupted by Hurricane Katrina, but he is
has been promoted to associate at Hobbs housing in underserved communities now back on my own two feet.
+ Black Associates in Ann Arbor. She throughout New York and New Jersey.
joined the office in 2003 and has worked It often partners with local developers, Mark Weston
on several mixed-use projects, including non-profits, and community groups on new M.Arch.03
Liberty Lofts in Ann Arbor and the 325 N. or renovation projects. is working at Bowen Architects in
Old Woodward Building in Birmingham. Sarasota, Florida. With firm principal
Kathryn Slattery James Bowen, Mark submitted an entry
Katie Miller M.Arch.03 to an ideas competition put on by the
B.S.03 has recently become LEED-certified. Katie AIA Committee on Design and the AIA
is a project manager for Northwest works for the Washington, D.C. office of Committee on the Environment. The
Detroit Neighborhood Development Corp. Quinn Evans. competition was entitled, A House for
NDND was part of the team responsible an Ecologist and was published in the
for securing $1.8 million for 13 CDCs from Barry Stiefel July 2006 issue of Metropolis. The entry
the Wayne County Development Corp. in M.U.P.03 was 150 square feet, which was ten times
pre-development grants. The NDND is is working with a firm in Los Angeles smaller that what was called for. They
using these grants to begin the process called ASM Affiliates as a senior architec- also rejected the pristine wooded site in
on their Hope Park Estates project in the tural historian. Barry recently published favor of hanging a little pod under an exist-
Brightmoor neighborhood of northwest his first book, The Jewish Community ing pedestrian bridge on the campus. Their
Detroit. Eleven homes are scheduled to be of Metro Detroit: 19452005, a pictorial entry placed the Eskin House underneath
built for this project, with more anticipated history of the Detroit Jewish communitys an existing bridge structure to reduce its
in the future. These pre-development transition from the city to the suburbs out- environmental impact. One of the jurors,
grants play a crucial role in creating side of Detroit. His familys Jewish roots in Susan Szenasy commented that the
affordable housing. the Detroit area date to the second decade entry was revolutionary; it rethought the
program and proposed an entirely fresh
idea of building by placing the ecologist in
a pod, like a high-tech tree parasite, on the
underside of an existing bridge.

Eskin House Golnar Adili

has been offered a two-month residency
fellowship with the MacDowell Colony.
The MacDowell Colony is a world-class
artist residency located on 450 acres in
the Monadnock region of New Hampshire.
Founded in 1907, it offers a creative
environment in a rustic setting to facilitate
and inspire working composers, writers,
visual artists, photographers, printmak-
ers, filmmakers, and architects. The
colony has 32 private cabin-turned-studios
spread out across 450 acres of wooded
New Hampshire heaven. There are no

40 Portico 2006/3
telephones, and lunch is delivered quietly receive her masters degree in architec-
to the studio in picnic boxes, so theres ture in 2007.
nothing to distract the artists from the
work at hand: making their art. Jennifer Maigret
Sai Balakrishnan has recently moved to Missouri and joined
M.U.D.04 the faculty at Washington University in
worked for RNL Design in Denver from St. Louis as one of two inaugural Cynthia
the time she graduated until a recent Weese teaching fellows. Her initial
move to Boston. She was accepted with education and professional experience
a fully funded scholarship at MIT to study within the field of biology informs her
planning in developing countries. She will current interests in exploring architecture stop_Motion
also be on the faculty there. Sai is pleased as a component of broader environmental
to pursue her passion for developing coun- and social ecologies. She taught in the un- Kristen Hogue
tries, so that at some point she may be dergraduate program here at TCAUP and Mark Mangapora
able to make an impact in her homeland, worked previously with Ply Architecture Jason Roberts
India. where she was extensively involved in a B.S.05
number of nationally and internationally reported that their entry entitled stop_
Geoff Dickinson recognized projects including the Mies Motion was a winner in the You, Me,
M.U.P.04 Van Der Rohe Plazain Detroitand the and the Bus competitionan Athens,
and his wife Julies daughter Natalie Elise Robbins Elementary School Competition in Georgia design competition for four unique
was born on September 12, 2006. Geoff Trenton, N.J. bus-shelter units to be installed along a
is an associate project manager with major transportation artery of Athens. The
S.B. Friedman & Company in Chicago. He Elsa Pereira competition wassponsored by the Athens
works on a variety of projects including M.U.P.04 Area Arts Council.
corridor studies, market feasibility studies, was working in Pittsburgh and Annapolis
development incentive feasibility, and deal as an urban economist for Hunter Bonnie Lo
structuring. Interests, Inc. Early this year she accepted M.Arch.05
a position at AKRF, a New York-based is currently working for Aedas
Kate (Mitchell) Hewitt urban planning, environmental, and international firm based in Hong Kong. She
B.S.04 engineering consulting firm. She works in was assigned to the design team. The firm
was married in November 2004 and moved AKRFs Washington, D.C. metro area office, has been commissioned by the govern-
to Minnesota. A year ago, she began and lives in Annapolis, Maryland. ment to design a new extension for the
working for Gander Mountain, the outdoor Chek Lap Kok airport, originally designed
sports retailer. At Gander, she is in charge Sheena Garcia by Norman Foster. Following graduation,
of new store design and construction. She B.S.05 she traveled for a couple of months and
also works closely at the development/site after spending the year following gradua- finally settled back at home. She misses
planning stages and with the merchandis- tion living and working in Austin, Texas, is all the people from TCAUP, and would be
ing group. She has designed over 18 new currently studying at Princeton University happy to hear from other alums living in
stores and multiple remodels. She says in the master of architecture program. Hong Kong. Her email is manlo_1999@
that it is such great experience to work
with the architects and site supervisors Helen
every day. Kate and her husband bought B.S.05 Will Marquez
their first house and moved in this summer. following graduation lived and worked in M.Arch.05
Phoenix, Arizona. Last year, she moved is an architectural designer for A2SO4
Brittany Kennedy home to Jakarta, and has recently moved Architecture in Indianapolis. Some of
B.S.04 to Singapore where she is working for DP his computerized fabrication work was
is attending Lawrence Tech University Architects. She is planning to return to the recently featured in the exhibition Future
in Southfield, Michigan and expects to U.S. for graduate school next fall. Tense at the Harrison Center for the Arts.

Jessica Zgobis
[This is a reprint of a class note from
Portico 2006/1, with sincere apologies to
Jessica for incorrectly listing her name as
Jennifer.] Jessica accepted a position
at the Cook County (Chicago) Assessors
Office, where she is working on affordable
housing issues from the property assess- Panjiyars Madurai Airport Terminal design.
ment perspective. A major responsibility
of her position is designing valuation Nishant Panjiyar
Janene Sobotka procedures for affordably-priced owner- M.U.D.06
B.S.05 occupied housing. Jennifer writes that her is living and working in India. He is
and legal and real estate classes have gone currently involved in a large project for
Nick Cowan a long way as she takes courses to gain an airport in Madurai, a temple town in
M.Arch.06 certification as a property appraiser. south India. It is part of modernization and
spent two weeks this summer in Ethiopia improvement plans for airports all over
as part of an expedition sponsored by Jenifer Huestis the country. Airports Authority of India
Ascend Alliance. They helped build a M.U.P.06 invited a design proposal for development
humanitarian outreach complex in the recently began her tenure as a capital of an Integrated Passenger Terminal with
village of Arsi Negelle, three hours south city fellow; her first position is with the support facilities at Madurai Airport from
of the capital, Addis Ababa. The complex Department of Consumer and Regulatory firms short-listed for the purpose. Nishant
contained a training/educational facility, a Affairs. Fellows are rotated through four worked with Behal Joshi and Associates
medical center, and volunteer housing. To different positions over a two-year tenure as an associate architect developing the
demonstrate cohesiveness within the site, in Washington, D.C.s municipal govern- scheme which was selected for execu-
a module was designed and all of the build- ment. This program, implemented under tion. His role was to design the terminal
ings were constructed from local materials the outgoing mayor, Anthony Williams, is building.
including adobe brick, eucalyptus trees, designed to help smart, young profession-
and corrugated steel. Each module focused als launch their careers in public service. Hans Papke
on protection from heat, water collection, B.S.06
and ventilation. The outreach complex will Kee Lew was awarded a DAAD Scholarship for
be used to educate the local communi- B.S.06 study in Germany. The German Academic
ties about sanitation, nutrition, and HIV joined Studio Daniel Libeskinds New York Exchange Service awarded Hans a
prevention as well as provide medical care. office in early June as an intern architect. graduate scholarship for a year of study in
The construction of this project helped to He is living in Astoria, Queens and is Berlin. Hans will be investigating the role
rebuild the community and members of enthusiastic about his job and living in the of public spaces in urban centers through
the community developed skills that they Big Apple. the study of memorials and monuments in
could use to enhance the living conditions Berlin. (DAAD is an acronym for Deutscher
of both their homes and the village. While Kirsten Olsen Akademischer Austausch Dienst, which
there, they stayed in tents in a school B.S.06 in English is German Academic Exchange
yard with no electricity or plumbing. Pete has been hired at Williams Osler Works Service.)
Paulos, M.Arch.02, has been involved in Inc., an Ann Arbor architecture and
this project throughout (see Portico 2006/1). landscape design firm. She is working on a Katie Westrick
Nick is now working for Group A Architects tennis facility for the Cranbrook Educational B.S.06
and Janene works for Eckenhoff Saunders, Community and the Touchstone Co-housing was hired as an architect I by the Detroit
both in Chicago. Common House. office of SmithGroup. She is part of
SmithGroups Science and Technology

42 Portico 2006/3

Jean Louise Misner, B.A.A.44 Dr. Walter Charles Leedy, Jr., B.Arch.65, M.Arch.68,
March 16, 2006, North Versailles, Pennsylvania. November 8, 2006, Cleveland, Ohio.
Jean worked for thirty-one years with Deeter Ritchey Sippel in Walter was a professor of art at Cleveland State University. In ad-
Pittsburgh and was involved with additions to St. Francis Hospital, dition to his two architecture degrees from UM, he also studied at
the University of Pittsburgh Dental School and Three Rivers University of California/Santa Barbara and the Courtauld Institute
Stadium. She was recognized by the AIA as a member emeritus of Art of the University of London, where he received his Ph.D.
for her longtime commitment to Deeter Ritchey Sippel, and for in the History of European Art. He was a specialist in medieval
being a role model to young women entering the profession. fan vaulting and published a book entitled Fan Vaulting: A Study
of Form, Technology and Meaning, and has authored numerous
Livingstone Hunter Elder, B.S.Arch.28 articles on medieval architecture.
July 8, 2006, Jacksonville, Florida.
Livingstone passed away at his home in Florida at the age of Tivadar Balogh, AIA, B.Arch.52,
100. He worked in the New York office of James Gamble Rogers December 1, 2006, Plymouth, Michigan from complications
and the Works Project Administration in the 1930s. In 1955, he of Parkinsons disease. He was 79 years old. He taught at the
established his own architectural practice that became Elder, University of Michigan Taubman College of Architecture and
Angel and Lange, one of the top residential offices in the New Urban Planning from 1956 until 1996. He was a beloved teacher
York area. After retirement in 1972 he continued working until and mentor to hundreds of students and, in 1973, received the Sol
1992. Livingstone married decorator Ruth Higby in 1941 who King Award for Excellence in Teaching. Tiv won several design
predeceased him in 2000. awards including two Progressive Architecture awards, one for
his own residence in 1958 and the other for the Plymouth Tennis
Douglas McIntosh, B.S.84 Club in 1972. He also won the Governors Award for Excellence of
July 11, 2006, Detroit, Michigan. Design in Michigan for Mercy College of Detroit Library Addition
Doug was a principal at McIntosh Poris Associates and president in 1977. Tiv was an active member of the AIA including a term as
of Preservation Wayne. He was an advocate for saving many of president of the Huron Valley Chapter from which he received a
Detroits historic treasures. Doug and his firm were involved in Lifetime Service Award in 1998. Later that year, he also received
many adaptive reuse and master plan projects throughout the city the AIA Presidents Award for his outstanding contributions to
of Detroit, including Broadway District Master Plan, Park Shelton the profession and his service to the community through educa-
Building, and the Michigan Opera Theater. He died suddenly from tion. He will be remembered best for his artistic gifts, kindness,
a pulmonary embolism at the age of 44. integrity, intellect, and wonderful sense of humor.

Seymour S. Goldstein, B.A.A.50 Henry W. Ruifrok, B.Arch.A.38,

July 15, 2006. Chicago, Illinois. December 2, 2006, Grosse Pointe, Michigan.

Michael Joseph Service, B.Arch.51,

July 30, 2006, Meadows of Dan, Virginia.

James Charles Roberts, B.S.AAE.41

September 23, 2006, Stuart, Florida.

ON THE COVER Thank you to the following alumni/ae who contributed to the TCAUP Centennial 8.5 x 5.5 exhibition.
[The cards are displayed chronologically starting from the upper left corner of the front cover, reading left-to-right, and down,
and continue onto the back cover in a similar fashion.]
Beth Adams-Zelinsky Megan Connor Michael Guthrie Daniel Kirby Mark Melchi Jason Reiffer Brandon Sundberg
Bill Ahlstrom AIA Bill Cook Dana Habel Christopher Knapp Neil Meredith James Renaud Robert Swanson
Yoonsoo Ahn Charles Cook Larry Hackenberg Elisabeth Knibbe Maurice Merlau Jim Renne AIA Liz Swanson
Jason Albers Lindsay Cooper Vanessa Haight Bryan Koehn David Metzger FAIA David B. Richards Don Swift
E. Wayne Alderman Lindsay Cooper Jeff Haines John D. Kohler FCSI David Richardson Richard Tanaka, Jr.,
George Ananich Laura Cordero Agrait Norman Hamann Jr. Andrew Kotchen Andrew Michajlenko Matt Riegler AIA
Yumiko Aoki-Nelson Richard Craig Norman Hamann Sr. Komal Kotwal Eric Migrin Donald Riha AIA Tom Taylor
Andrew Arnesen AIA Brian Craig AIA LEED Don Hammond Karl Kowalske Tracy Migrin Pamela Riley Lary Rene Tercilla
Omar Bagdahdi Jim Cripps AIA Gerald Harburn Thomas Kowalski Susan K. Miller AIA CSI James Tomblinson
Tivadar Balogh Jeana DAgostino Ripple Anthony Harrington Timothy Kraft Dick Millman Robert Ritterbush Richard Tracy
Russell Baltimore Thom Danckaert LEED Raynal Harris Kay Kuhne Rowland Mitchell AIA, PE Jim Turner
Larry Barr Hemalata Dandekar Clinton B. Harris III Justin Kwok Mark Mitchell Deborah Rivers Michael Tweed
John Bauer Paul Danna William Hartman Douglas La Ferle AIA Dorian Moore Jason Roberts Irene Tyler
Neale Bauman Paul Darling AIA LEED AP Fernando Lara Kevin Morgan William F. Norman Tyler
Donald R. Bauman Joe Datema Steven Hassevoort Sarah LaVigne Jennifer Morgenstern Rockerhousen Torphong
AIA CSI Robert Daverman AIA Jeff Hausman AIA Jessie Lawrence John Moses Carl Roehling Uaprayoonvong
Benjamin Baxt Daryl Dean Felipe Hazard Donald Lee Wes Munzel Ronald Rogers Christian Unversagt
Michael Bednar FAIA Wesley Del Prete Jennifer Henricksen In-Ho Lee Eric Murrell Mark Rogers Megha Vadula
Bob Begle Bill Demiene Shelley Herrington Anderson Lee Tim Mustert Irene Rogers Joe Valerio
Dennis Bekken Elisabeth DeRonne Andrew Hetletvedt Harvey Leibin John Myefski Nicole Rogers John Van Houten AIA
Anne Belleau-Mills Lisa DeShano James Hetley Chia Chia Lin Arthur Nelson Terrence Ross Evert Timothy Vande
Jeffrey Bennett Michael Devine Grant Hildebrand William Lindhout Christie Nelson Matt Rossetti AIA Zande
David Bennett Anson Dible Daimian Hines Piet Lindhout David Neuman Stephen Rudner Steven VandenBussche
Roger Berent William Diefenbach AIA Russell Hinkle Marc LItalien Richard Neumann Toby Russell Elizabeth Vandermark
Wayne E. Bickel Jim Diego Mark Hoffman Kristen Little Alexandra Neyman Marjorie Sakyi Amy Vansen
Emily Bidegain Glenn Dik AIA Michael Hofman AIA Robert Lockhart David Nichols Terry Sargent Harutun Vaporciyan
Gordon Binder Derek W. Dinkeloo Jackie Hoist Toni Loiacano Jim Nicolow Mark Sassak Slobodan (Bob) Varga
Daniel Bode Agnieszka Drelich Dawn Holtrop Bruce Looney Catherine Seavitt Eric Sassak AIA Aaron Vermeulen
Gerald Bodziak Tara Earnest Gene Hopkins William Bruce Looney Nordenson Michele Savaglio- Scott Vyn
Gary Bottomley Shannon Easter Jon Howder James Lord Celeste Novak Turner Lee Waldrep
Thomas Bowe Jeffery Eckert Sun Chien Hsiao Carl Lorenz Jason Novotny Greg Schiller Gary Wang
Floyd Brezavar Jonathan Eggert Laurie Hughet Amy Lovell-Odone Dan OBrien Elisa Schleef-Dennis Gregory Wattier
Sarah Brezavar James Elkins David Huizenga Carl Luckenbach Terrence OConnor Susan Schlesinger Gary Waymire
Ann Brooks Howard S. Ellman Kyle Hulewat Phillip Lundwall FAIA Speranza Octavia Baxt Kelly Waymire-Johnson
Ryan Brouwer Mark English Yu-Cheng Hung PCP Kelly ODoherty Joel T. Schmidt Kelly Weger
David Brown Fred Eurich Sarah Huskins Ruth Hall Phillips Lusher Robert Olson Douglas Schroeder Keith F. Weiland
Bruce Browning Ryan Faist Richard Iler Mary Ellen Lynch- Jason OMara John R. Schroeder AIAE
Barney Burke John Farley Marlene Imirzian Comisso Kevin Osterhart Mary Severino Daniel West
Tamara Burns Bob Farr Keith Janda Lorissa MacAllister Warren Owen David Shaffer Ray White
Michael Byrd John Fleming Stephen Janick Jr. Sharon Madison Polk Hilary Padget Stuart Shayman Sena Wijesinha
Bradley Cambridge Lyn Forster David Jarl Jen Maigret Lois Palguta Shana Shevitz Thomas Williams
Anselmo Canfora Elizabeth Foster Kent Johnson Nadir Makhlouf Sophia Paraskevopoulos Thaddeus Siemasko Charles Williams
Victor Cardona Daniel Fowler Raymond Johnson Lawrence Malek Sun Park AIA Kristina Winegar
Gordon Carrier Frank Fraga Gregory Jones Sadashiv Mallya Lyman Parks AIA Jack Silverstein Thomsen
Robert Carroll Luigi Franceschina Gregg Jones Wm. Raymond Manning CSI LEED James Simeo Serene F. Wise
Timothy Casai Steve Fridsma Patrick Jones AIA Jesse Pedersen Kevin Simpson Tony Wolf
James Chaffers AIA LEED Steven C. Jones Elizabeth Mathew Linda Olson Pehlke Donald J. Skinner Michael Wolk
David Chamness Richard Fry FAIA Paul Jordan Thomas Mathison Donn Perez Terry Slonaker James P. Wong
Rick Chapla George C. Fu Adrianna Jordan Brian Mattei Michael Perry AIA Robert B. Smith Winnie Wong
Julianne Chard Melora Furman Kevin Kamradt Scott Matties LEED Stephen Smith Seung Hyun Woo
Jacqueline Chavis Cory Gallo Patrick Kanary Lala Matties Stuart Pettitt Frank Sorise Richard Wordell
Pei-Yu Chen Charles Garcia Mark Kastner AIA Christopher May David Pezda Gregory Stack Stuart Wright
Tom Cherry Eric Geiser Karen Keating Patricia Mayle Gary Polak Tod Stevens Jordan Wyatt
Chia Chia Lin Marcy Giannunzio Ann Kelly Bruce McCarty Joseph Polowczuk Jon Stevens Robert Keng-Po Yeh
Lina Chiu Benjamin Glowiak Michael Kennedy Scott McElrath Robert Powell Leigh Stewart-Chu Arthur Yohannan
Chang-Yeon Cho William Gould Joshua Keough Maggie McInnis Robert Pullar Jerald Stone Simon Yu
Hackjong Choi Ken Grabowski AIA Sunchai Keuysuvan Patrick McKelvey Suzan Pultorak AIA Joseph Stout Karen Zak
Leigh Christy Tom Grace, Jr. So Hui Kim Thomas McKercher Christopher Purdy Audrey Stratton Art Zelinsky
Adam Clark LEED Laurie Grimmelsman Robert King Ar. Mohd Nazam Kaleena Quinn David Strosberg Iannis Zissis
Shelley Clark-Glidewell Patricia Gruits Dennis King Md Kassim Michael L. Quinn FAIA Mike Styczynski Roger Zucchet
Steven Comisso Terry Guitar Lorraine King Thomas Medendorp John T. Radelet AIA William Suk Jim Zwolensky

44 Portico 2006/3

Events Exhibitions

Global Place: practice, TCAUP Career Fair January/February

politics, and the polis Thursday, March 8 A Half Century of Publications
Centennial Conference #2 Friday, March 9
Annual Architecture
Thursday, January 4 University Graduate Exercises Student Show
5:00 p.m. Saturday, April 28 Monday, February 5
Rackham Auditorium Sunday, February 11
University Commencement
Friday, January 5 Sunday, April 29 March/April
Saturday, January 6, 90 x 360 582 Student
9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m. College Commencement Centennial Exhibition
Biomedical Science Research Monday, April 30
Building Pringle Auditorium
AIA National Convention
3D: Detroit Downtown San Antonio
Design Workshop Thursday, May 3
Friday January 26 Saturday, May 5
Monday, January 29
Michigan Reception at the
Presentation AIA National Convention
Monday, January 29 Thursday, May 3
6:007:30 pm
Winter Recess Begins Hotel Contessa
Friday, February 23 on the Riverwalk
306 W. Market Street
Classes Resume San Antonio, TX 78205
Monday, March 5

PORTICO Douglas S. Kelbaugh FAIA Don F. Taylor

A. Alfred Taubman College of Dean Director of Development
Architecture + Urban Planning
The University of Michigan Tom J. Buresh Mary Anne Drew
2000 Bonisteel Boulevard Chair, Architecture Program Janice Harvey (editor)
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2069 Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Development and Alumni Relations

Phone: (734) 764-1300 Jonathan Levine Ken Arbogast-Wilson

Fax: (734) 763-2322 Chair, Urban + Regional Planning Program Editor/Designer
Website: Jean Wineman The Regents of the
Chair, Doctoral Program in Architecture University of Michigan
Portico is published three times Associate Dean for Research David A. Brandon, Ann Arbor
annuallyspring, fall, and winterfor Laurence B. Deitch, Bingham Farms
alumni and friends of Taubman College. Roy J. Strickland Olivia P. Maynard, Goodrich
Alumni news, letters, and comments Director, Master of Urban Design Program Rebecca McGowan, Ann Arbor
are always welcome, and may be Andrea Fischer Newman, Ann Arbor
submitted to Christopher B. Leinberger Andrew C. Richner, Grosse Pointe Park
Director, Real Estate Development Program S. Martin Taylor, Grosse Pointe Farms
Katherine E. White, Ann Arbor
2006 The Regents of the University of Michigan 1206 8.5M P20063 INDDCS2 45
Portico is printed in the U.S. Mary Sue Coleman (ex officio)
The University of Michigan Presorted
A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture + Urban Planning First-Class Mail
2000 Bonisteel Boulevard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2069 US Postage

46 Portico 2006/3

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