The Problem and Its Background

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Most of the towns today are well look after to be a great town for people to live
and tourists and businessmen to visit. These towns usually have beautiful landmarks,
awesome scenery, timeless natural attractions, unique history, diverse culture,
centuries-old traditions, green landscapes, sandy beaches, rich underwater marine life,
rustic countryside, modern metropolis, tribes and terraces, music and entertainment,
malls and stalls, cuisine, fiestas/ festivals and hospitable, friendly, fun-loving people. But
because of different problems that are circulating everywhere, towns nowadays are
forlorn and perish. Thats why people, tourists and businessmen backs-out on living,
staring business and visiting those towns.

Binmaley is a first class municipality in the province of Pangasinan, Philippines.

According to the 2010 census, it has a population of 78,702 people. It is located along
the western coastland of Pangasinan facing the Lingayen Gulf, in between Lingayen
and Dagupan City.

Binmaley is known for its large bodies of water, its greatest natural resource and,
hence, the focal point of its economic development. Predominantly a fishing community,
the municipality is dubbed as the fishbowl of the province. Milkfish (Bangus) feeds
Binmaley folk, literally and figuratively. It is the municipality's primary product raised in
the ponds carved out of the swamps and natural pools that make up nearly of the
municipality's land area. Bangus has raised the economic status of Binmaley above par
compared to the other 46 municipality of Pangasinan, an achievement that once earned
the sobriquet "Bangus Queen of the Philippines". There are other stocks raise, however,
among which are siganin (malaga), prawn, and tilapia. These products are bought and
sold in markets as far as Tarlac, Bulacan, Manila and Baguio.

The town is famous for its bangus (milkfish) aqua-culture, due to the existence of
its numerous fishponds (pokok in the Pangasinan language). However, because of
constant siltation over the past several years from mine tailings upstream from Agno
River (due to mine operations in neighboring Benguet Province), and the overuse of
artificial fish feeds, the bangus industry has suffered from fishkill, fewer viable fishponds
and lower harvests. As a result, many formerly productive fishponds have been
converted into large commercial and residential lots. This phenomenon is beginning to
seriously threaten the unique Binmaley fishpond industry. Current Government action is
inadequate due to strong pressures from other competing commercial interests, not to
mention fishfeed producers.

With the given information, the documenters were encouraged to investigate on

the towns daily activity concerning science, environment and society. Because of the
fact that other activities within the town causes the towns deterioration.

The documenters will identify what are the causes of the problems and the
possible solutions and alternatives to help the town reform as better than before.


The documenters aimed to identify what are the causes of the problems and the
possible solutions and alternatives to help the town reform as better than before.
Specifically, it sought to answer the following question:

1. Are the ordinances enacted by the municipal authority are well implemented?
2. Does the municipal authority act on the problems of the town and towns people?
3. As an individual do you help for maintaining the sanitation and cleanliness of
your own surroundings?
4. Can you say that the municipal authority and towns people actions are good
enough to consider the town as safe and good place for everyone?
5. Can you do some alternatives to make your town more beautiful, clean,
organized, and safe?


Alternative Hypothesis

1. The ordinances enacted by the municipal authority are well implemented.

2. The municipal authority act on the problems of the town and towns people.
3. As an individual they help for maintaining the sanitation and cleanliness of their
own surroundings.
4. The municipal authority and towns people actions are good enough to consider
the town as safe and good place for everyone.
5. They can do some alternatives to make their town more beautiful, clean,
organized, and safe.

Null Hypothesis
1. The ordinances enacted by the municipal authority are not well implemented.
2. The municipal authority does not act on the problems of the town and towns
3. As an individual they do not help for maintaining the sanitation and cleanliness of
their own surroundings.
4. The municipal authority and towns people actions are not good enough to
consider the town as safe and good place for everyone.
5. They cannot do some alternatives to make their town more beautiful, clean,
organized, and safe.


This documentation aimed to identify what are the causes of the problems and
the possible solutions and alternatives to help the town reform as better than before.

Binmaley is a first class municipality in the province of Pangasinan, Philippines.

According to the 2010 census, it has a population of 78,702 people.

The town is famous for its bangus (milkfish) aqua-culture, due to the existence of
its numerous fishponds (pokok in the Pangasinan language). However, because of
constant siltation over the past several years from mine tailings upstream from Agno
River (due to mine operations in neighboring Benguet Province), and the overuse of
artificial fish feeds, the bangus industry has suffered from fishkill, fewer viable fishponds
and lower harvests. As a result, many formerly productive fishponds have been
converted into large commercial and residential lots. This phenomenon is beginning to
seriously threaten the unique Binmaley fishpond industry. Current Government action is
inadequate due to strong pressures from other competing commercial interests, not to
mention fishfeed producers.
This documentation aim to know what are the real problems and possible
solution for Binmaley in order to make it back in the run where it belong as one of the
well known towns in Pangasinan.
This documentary is significant to those municipal officials to help them to know
what are the things that they need to know in order to make Binmaley as better as the
former Binmaley.

The documenters believe that the results and gathered data will serve as
additional information to provide an alternative solution for the problems and crisis that
Binmaleys faces.

This documentation was focused on the environmental problems and possible

solutions; it has been conducted from January 13, 2016 to January 16, 2016, at the
range of the municipality of Binmaley, Pangasinan.

The documenters only observed the environment, behaviour and daily activities
of the towns people of Binmaley. They also conducted a short survey in order to know
the opinion of the towns people.

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