Hans LaRondelle - Assurance of Salvation (1999) PDF

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(LM I as io yy Dav Jame (Cover ded by Dearie Corer Cor une Conve Gisap Copyright ©1999 by Taste Pres Pablahing Association ALRigh Reowved ‘Ts accray ofthe quatetions isthe sponsibiy ofthe kr, les obrwise atl Soepuequctiions ee ee om the New laren tinal een Leonel, Hie K. ‘Aerarincecfaten | Hans K. LaRondalls om Ishvowienin127 1 Astarace (Teco) aching, 2 Satine ich ine I Tile = ar Contents Introduction oe oe oS 1. Ths Foundation of Assurance At ell 2. The Person of Christ: Our Assurance 16 3. The Work of Christ Our Assurance. 2 4. Christ Assurance of Justification eoncoennnnnnnin Mt 5, Paul's Assurance of SANAUOD cco 4s 6 Peters Expetience of Salvation ss 7 John’s Assurance of Salvation sexes sone 8 Full Assurance of Faith inthe Leter io the Hebrews 9, Surrounded hy a Hast of Witnesses 1, Assurance en the Final Judgment. eons 11 Gols Assasin Baptism andthe Loe Supe 102 12, Witmessing With Assurance m 13, Blessed Assurances inthe Book of Revelation... (20 Introduction ‘The quest fr certainty pays.an indispensabie roe in Christian ‘ith and reigin, Twas the search for assurance of salvation that gave sige fo the Prostant Reformation in the sixteen century. In ‘reaction, he Council of Treat decrced in 1547 tut 20 Christian “can now with the ceraiy of fd, which cannot be subject © exo, that he hes obtained the grace of Gad” except by “2 special evela= tion fom God” ‘Atthe foundation ofthe Protestant fi es de Delivers usin God Sassurince tat Nehas accepted them The begining the Hee bong Cetochism of 1563 exprsses his uth inpossivly har ts your only comfort inte and in death? ‘A. That lbelong body anc soul, n fe andin death— not to myselbut tomy faithful Savior, Jesus Christ, who at the cos: of his ove blood has fly paid for all my sins and ‘as completly freed me fem the darminion af the devi Thetofoe, by his Holy Sprit, ke also assarce me of cternal life, and makes me wholcheartedy will and ready from owen ive fr hin Ever facing the possibility of petsccaton, believers would not Ihavebeen ableo san the testa faith they had doubts aboue Fests snd ther relation to Him, Here we see the essential difererce be= ‘veer Roman Catholic fsith and ister Protestant faith —the fem assurance of personal salvation here aud cow! Unfortunately, sevententh-contary Proesantscholasticien largely lost this personal ‘assurance; trust in Belief systms replaced persoral faith in Jesu. But certainty of dogmatic culhs won't suffice for Chustans. They need also the certainty of salvation. thin tho promises God has given inthe gospel brings its 4m ‘eraiat. This assurance comes not as some special revelation's ~

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