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eee wy oon tnegiaen a htt FL ALY Reinforced Concrete an N. Krishna Raju R.N. Pranesh Copyright ©2003, New Age Intemational (P) Ltd., Publishers Published by New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers First Edition : 2003 Reprint: 2008 Alll rights reserved. ‘No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by photostat, microfilm, xerography, or any other means, or incorporated into any information retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, without the written permission of the copyright owner. ISBN : 81-224-1460-5 Rs. 250.00 C-08-03-2345 5678910 Printed in India at Nagari Printers, Delhi. PUBLISHING FOR ONE WORLD NEWAGE INTERNATIONAL (P) LIMITED, PUBLISHERS 4835/24, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi - 110002 Visit us at The book is dedicated to The pioneers and research workers, Isaac Johnson, Thaddeus Hyatt, Koenen, Coignet Whitney, Emperger, Jenson, Chambaud, Hognestad Baker, Evans, Neville, Fintel, Johanssen, Wood, Jones, Regean, Bresler, Park, Paulay, Gerwick, Murashev, Collins, Taylor, Newmark and a host of others wio toiled incessantly for the development and widespread use of Reinforced Concrete Preface ‘The widespread use of reinforced concrete in a variety of structural mem- bers in the construction industry has necessitated a proper understanding of the design and detailing procédures adopted” by civil and structural engineers. The first Indian standard code of practice for plain and rein- forced concrete was published in 1953 and revised in 1964 with major emphasis on working stress design. The third revision published in 1978 incorporated the limit’state design in conjunction with the working stress design. In recent years valuable information regarding the various aspects of rein- forced concrete such as durability, fire resistance, type of concrete, quality assurance and limit state criteria, has been gathered and hence the recently revised fourth edition of the Indian standard code IS: 2000 incorporates the latest developments and design practices accumulated during the last three dccades and also based on the various national codes such as the British code BS: 8110, the American code ACI: 319, the German code DIN: 1045, the Buropean concrete committee (CEB-FIP) model code of 1990, the Canadian code CAN-A23.3 and the Australian code AS: 3800. This text book entitled "REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN (IS: 456-2000) is a modern comprehensive text meetirig the requirements of lergraduate students of civil engineering and as a reference book for civil engineering teachers and practicing structural engineers. The material covered in the book comprises the first course forming the foundation for the theory and design of reinforced concrete structures and is class tested over several years of teaching by the authors. ‘The book is spread over seventeen chapters covering the fundamental top- ics in reinforced concrete design generally taught in the first course of BE and B-Tech (Civil enginecring) curriculum in Indian universities to be covered in a time frame of 50 hours. . In the first Introductory chapter, the evolution of reinforced concrete as a structural material for domestic industrial, highway, marine, environmen- tal and storage structures is highlighted and prominent landmarks in the development of the material during the 20th century is examined in the light of continuous research by various investigators about the different properties of structural material. The second and third chapters present a comprehensive description of the various properties of concrete and types of reinforcement used in structural concrete along with the relevant Indian Standard code specifications. * Preface - Blastic Theory of Reinforced concrete sections in flexure is presented in Chapter-4 along with some numerical examples of analysis of structural elements. ‘The concepts of Limit State Method of design which includes the various limit states of collapse and serviceability such as deflections and cracking is presented in Chapter-5. In chapter-6, the ultimate strength of structural concrete members in flex- ure, shear, compression and torsion and their combinations followed by their serviceability requirements at working loads is presented in Chapter-7 The limit state method of designing, slabs, columns, footings, and retain- ing walls is presented in a logical sequence in Chapters 8 to 1. Typical Design examples are worked out using the Indian Standard Code: 456-2000 equations and also checked by the use of design aids such as SP: 16, generally used in design office to save time. ‘The limit state design of different types of staircases such as doglegged, open well, and tread-riser configurations are presented in Chapter-12 fol- lowed by the design of corbels and nibs in Chapter-13, The theory and design of pile and raft foundations are detailed in Chapter-14. The traditional working stress method of design extensively used in the first half of the 20th century is presented in Chapter-15 with some numer- ical design examples. Chapter-16 deals with detailing aspects of reinforcements in structural concrete members to be followed to achieve adequate strength and ser- viceability. A large number of figures are presented to illustrate the wrong and right methods of detailing of reinforcements in various structural concrete members. Chapter-17 deals with the Principles of earthquake resistant design. The Indian standard codal recommendations regarding the detailing of mem- bers in seismic zone is presented. Each chapter is fortified with a variety of worked numerical examples and a large number of practice examples are included at the end of each chapter (o help the students preparing for university and competitive examinations. In keeping with the spirit of ‘drawing is the language of the engineer’, numerous figures have been included which it is hoped will heip in a clearer understanding of the subject matter. S.I units have been adopted throughout the text for all design examples, Finally, the authors welcome constructive criticisms and useful sug- gestions, which will immensely help in updating and improving the con- tents of the book. N. Krishna Raju Bangalore. RUN. Pranesh January 2003 Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge the following societies, journals, associations, building standards of various countries and several authors for the reproduction of salient design data, charts, tables, figures and refer- ence material mentioned throughout the text, Bureau of Indian standards, American Concrete Institute, British Standards Institution, German Standards Institution, Canadian Standards Associ- ation, American Society of Civil Engineers, Australian Standards Associ- ation, National Building Code of Canada, European Concrete Committee, Institution of Engineers (ndia), Institution of Civil Engineers (London) Structural Engineer (London), Torstcel Research Foundation, Cement & Concrete Association (London), Structural Engineering Research Centre Roorke), Magazine of Concrete Research (London). John Wiley & Sons (New York), Mir Publishers (Moscow), McGraw Hill Publishers (New York), Prentice Hall of India (New Delhi), Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co (New Delhi), Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs (New Jersey), Narosa Publishing House (New Delhi), Pitman (Australia), Asia ~ Publishing House (New Delhi), C.B.S, Publishers & Distributors (New Delhi), Oxford & LB.H. Publishing Co (New Delhi), Khanna Publishers (New Delhi), Chatto and Windus (London). In addition to the above publishers, the authors are deeply indebted to the following research workers and professors for freely using their published work in compiling this book. Professors A.M. Neville, R.H.Evans, P.C. Verghese, R.H. Wood, L.L. Jones, R.E.Rowe, S.Unnikrishna Pillai, Devdas Menon, V. Murashev, MP. Collins, K.T.S. Iyengar, R.F.warner, B.V. Rangan, A.S.Hall, P.Purv- shothaman, K.W. Johansson, B. Bresler, R. Park, T.Paulay, M.R. Kalgal, K.S. Jayasimha, M.S. Sudarshan, N.M. New Mark, A.K. Jain, M. Fintel, ER. Khan and several other research workers. The complete details of the source material used for the preparation of the text matter are presented in the form of references at the end of the book. ‘The authors wish to record their gratitude to Pradeep for preliminary com- pilation of the master copy of the text on a computer floppy and Master B. Srikanth, for incorporating the various mathematical equations in the text viii Acknowledgements using the Microsoft Windows soft ware. Thanks are also due to V.B. Pra- sad for preparing the master tracings of the large number of figures pres- ented in the book. Finally, the authors also express their gratitude to their collegues, students, friends and family members for their kind encouragement, co-operation and timely help extended during the preparation of the text book. : List of Symbols Cross sectional area Lever arm Breadth of beam, or shorter dimension of a rectangular.colummn. Effective width of slab . Effective width of flange . Breadth of web or rib mo Overall depth of beam or slab or diameter of column; dimension Of a rectangular column in the direction under consideration Thickness of flange Dead toad Effective depth Depth of compression reinforcement from the highly compressed face Modulus of elasticity of concrete Barth qnake foad Modulus of elasticity of steel Eccentricity Resisting force Characteristic cube compressive strength of concrete : Modulus of rupture of concrete (Flexural strength of concrete) Split tensile strength of concrete Design strength Characteristic strength of stecl Gravity load or dead load Overall height of retaining wall Height of stem Second moment of area or moment of inertia Effective moment of inertia Moment of inertia of gross section excluding reinforcement Moment of inertia of cracked section a Bee lever arm factor os WL List of Symbols Stiffness of member Constant or coefficient or factor Development length Live load Length of a beam or column between adequate lateral restraints Or the unsupportediength of a column Effective span of beam or slab Length of shorter side of slab Length of longer side of slab Effective span length alongX-X axis Effective span length along Y-¥ axis Clear span face to face of supports Span in the direction in which moments are determined, c/c of supports Span transverse to L1, centre to centre of supports Distance between points of zero moments in a beam Bending moment | Moment of resistance Modular ratio Neutral axis depth Actual neutral axis depth Critical neutral axis depth Axial load on a compression member Safe bearing capacity of soil or intensity of pressure Percentage reinforcement in tension Percentage reinforcement in compression Live load Design coefficient Radius Spacings of stirrups Torsional moment Shear force Distributed load per unit area Total load or concentrated load Wind load Neutral axis depth Modulus of section ‘List of Symbols xi Displacement Partial safety factor for load Partial safety factor for material Coefficient of friction or coefficient of orthotropy Permissible stress in concrete in bending compression Permissible stress in concrete in direct compression Permissible stress in steel in compression Permissible stress in steel in tension Permissible tensile stress in shear reinforcement Design bond stress Shear stress in concrete Maximum shear stress in concrete with shear reinforcement Noninal shear stress Diameter of bar Shrinkage curvature Strain in concrete Strain in steel Creep coefficient Poisson's Ratio Angles or Ratio T-Tamie ARAGAN Contents Preface v Acknowledgements vit List of Symbols . ix 1, INTRODUCTION 1 1,1 Basic Concepts of Reinforced Concrete 1 1,2 Historical Development 1 1.3 Philosophy of Structural Design 3 1.4 Applications of Reinforced Concrete 4 1.5. Reinforced Concrete Structural Systems 5 1.6 Design Codes and Hand Books 10 1.7 Loading Standards 11 2. MATERIALS FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE 15 2.1 Concrete 15 2.2 Steel Reinforcement 25 REINFORCEMENT SPECIFICATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE MEMBERS 29 3. 3.1 Reinforcements in Slabs 29 3.2 Reinforcements in Beams 29 3.3 Reinforcements in Columns 30 4, ELASTIC THEORY OF REINFORCED CONCRETE SECTIONS IN FLEXURE 33 4,1 Blastic Theory of Reinforced Concrete Sections 33 4.2. Neutral Axis Depth and Moment of Resistance of Sections 33 4.3 Balanced, Under Reinforced and Over Reinforced Sections 37 44 Analysis Examples of R.C. Sections 46 4.5 Examples for Practice 52 Contents ‘5, LIMIT STATE METHOD OF DESIGN 54 5.1 Philosophy of Limit State Design 54 5.2 Limit State Design and Classical Reliability Theory 54 5.3 Limit States 55 5.4 Safety Factors 56 5.5 Characteristic and Design Strengths and Partial Safety Factors 56 5.6 Characteristic and Design Loads 57 ULTIMATE STRENGTH OF REINFORCED CONCRETE SECTIONS 60 6. 6.1 Introduction 60 6.2 Ultimate Flexural Strength of Rectangular Sections 60 6.3 Ultimate Flexural Strength of Flanged Sections 84 6.4 Ultimate Flexural Strength of Doubly Reinforced Concrete Sections 109 6.5 Ultimate Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Sections 126 6.6 Torsional Strength of Reinforced Concrete Sections 147 6.7 Bond and Anchorage in Reinforced Concrete Members 172 6.8 Examples for Practice 191 7, SERVICEABILITY REQUIREMENTS OF REINFORCED CONCRETE MEMBERS 195 ‘ 7.1 Introduction 195 1.2 Codified Deflection Limits 196 7.3 Deflection Control in Beams and Slabs (Empirical Method) 196 74 Deflection Computations (Theoretical Method) 201 7.5 Control.of Cracking in R.C. Members 203 7.6 Examples 209 7.7 Examples for Practice 218 8. LIMIT STATE DESIGN OF BEAMS 220 8.1 Introduction 220 8.2 Guidelines for Selection of Cross Sectional Dimensions and detailing of Reinforcements 220 8.3 Design of Singly Reinforced Rectangular Beams 221 Contents xv 8.4 Design of Doubly Reinforced Rectangular Beams 227 8.5 Design of Flanged Beams 233 8.6 Design of Cantilever Beams 246 8.7 Design of Continuous Beams 249 8.8 Examples for Practice 254 9. LIMIT STATE DESIGN OF SLABS 256 9.1 Introduction 256 9.2 Design of One Way Slabs 256 9.3 Design of Two Way Slabs 259 9.4 Design of Cantilever Slabs 272 9.5 Design of Continuous Slabs 275 9.6 Design of Flat Slabs 279, 9.7 Yield Line Analysis of Slabs 287 9.8 Examples for Practice 318 10. LIMIT-STATE DESIGN OF COLUMNS AND FOOTINGS 321 10.1 Introduction 321 10.2 Classification of Columns 321 10.3 Effective Length of Columns 323, 10.4 Design of Short Columns Under Axial Compression 330 10.5 Design of Short Columns Under Compression with Uniaxial Bending 336 10.6 Design of Short Columns Under Compression and Biaxial Bending 345 10.7 Design of Slender Columns 352 10.8 Design of Footings 361 10.9 Examples for Practice 382 11, LIMIT STATE DESIGN OF RETAINING WALLS 384 11.1 Introduction 384 11.2 Types of Retaining Walls 384 1L.3 Forces Acting on Retaining Walls 385 11.4 Stability Requirements 388 1L.5 Proportioning and Design of Retaining Walls 390 11.6 Design Examples 392 11.7 Examples for Practice 405 xvi Contents ~ 12, DESIGN OF STAIR CASES 12.1 Introduction 408 12:2 Types of Staircases 409 12.3 Loads on Staircases 414 12.4 Design Examples 420 12.5 Examples for Practice 428 13. DESIGN OF CORBELS (BRACKETS) AND NIBS 13.1 Introduction 430 13.2 Shear Span/Depth Ratio and Shear Resistance 431 13.3 Dimensioning of Corbels 431 13.4 Analysis of Forces in a Corbels. 432 13.5 Design Procedure of Corbels 434 ~ 13.6 Design of Nibs (Beam Shelves) 436 13.7 Design Examples 439 13.8 Examples for Practice 445 14, PILE AND RAFT FOUNDATIONS 14.1 Introduction 446 14.2 Design of Pile Foundations 447 14.3 Design of Pile Caps 448 14.4 Design Examples of Piles and Pile Caps 453 14.5 Design of Raft Foundations 463 14.6 Design Example 463 14.7 Examples for Practice 468 15, WORKING STRESS METHOD OF DESIGN 15.1 Introduction and Permissible Stresses. 470 15.2 Design of Slabs 473 15.3 Design of Beams 477 15.4 Design of Columns and Footings 483 15.5 Design of Retaining Walls 486 15.6 Design of Staircase 492 15.7 Design of Water Tanks 494 15.8 Examples for Practice $17 408 430 446 470 Contents — xvii 16, REINFORCEMENT DETAILING IN STRUCTURAL CONCRETE MEMBERS 521 16.1 Introduction 521 16.2 Structural Distress and Collapse 522 16.3, Common Shapes of Reinforcements in Slabs 522 16.4 Detailing of Reinforcements in Slabs 524 16.5 ng of Reinforcements in Beams 528 16.6 Detailing of Reinforcements in Columns 531 16,7 Detailing of Reinforcements in Foundations and Walls 533° 16.8 Detailing at Junctions 535 16.9 Detailing in Corbels 543 16.10 Lapping, Splicing and Welding of Reinforcements 545 16.11 Bundling of Reinforcing Bars 548 16.12 Cover to Reinforcement and Reinforcement supports 549 16.13 Expansion Joints in Concrete Structures 550 16.14 Do's and Dont’s in Detailing of reinforcements 553 17, EARTHQUAKE RESISTANT DESIGN AND DETAILING 567 17. Introduction 567 17.2 Earthquake Forces 568 17.3 Duetility of Reinforced Concrete Members “569 17.4 Design Principles and Code Provisions 576 17.5 Indian Standard Code Provisions for Earthquake Resistant Design 579 ; 17.6 Isolation Concepts in Barthquake resistant Design 588 REFERENCES 592 SUBJECT INDEX 603 AUTHOR INDEX 610 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BASIC CONCEPTS OF REINFORCED CONCRETE Reinforced-concrete is basically concrete in which steel bars of desirable magnitude, are introduced in the casting stage so that the resulting com- posite material resist the stresses developed due to the external loads. In flexural members ‘the steel reinforcement is generally provided near the tension face to resist the tensile stresses since the tensile Strength of con- crete is hardly one tenth Of its compressive strength, In the case of com- pression members, the.steel reinforcement is distributed uniformly in the cross section to resist the compressive stresses developed due to the external loads. 5 . : ‘The revolutionary engineering concept of reinforcing the weak tensile zone of conerete by steel reinforcement was developed in mid-nineteerith Century, The early 20th century witnessed significant improvements in the development and use of reinforced concrete mainly due to the production . of good quality concrete. with improved strength and improved quality of Steel with surface characteristics suitable to develop good bond ‘between concrete and steel. . : oe ‘The success of reinforced concrete as a revolutionary material for use in various types of structures is mainly due to the improved quality of Conerete and stcel over the years and also the improved bond characteris- tics between the two in, gredients, . 1.2 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT The present state of development in the field of reinforced concrete is due {0 the continuous research done by scientists and engineers in this field during the last 150 years. 1 Isane Johnson! first made the prototype of modern cement in 1845, by burning a mixture of clay and chalk until clinkering, so that reactions nec- - @ssary for the formation of strong cementatious compounds are complete. Early 20" century witnessed the development of mass production of good quality cement. At present Ordinary Portland cement of various strengths designated as C-33, C-43, and C-53 are available for use in different types Of structures. Different types of cements with specific properties have becn 2 Reinforced Concrete De ate in the cons uction of highways, marine structures, mul- und industrial uctures. jnforeed masonry during first century B.C, Lambot of France constructed a Fow boat 3.3m. long by nlastering Roque. fort cement on it keleton networ! ot iron and wire. Coignet? of France and his contemporul in England filed the first patents for the use of cre 5 seinforeed concret developed for use tistorey bul ding! Roman we around 1855. | in 1855, Wilkinson sec\ ed a patent in England for a concrete arch floor reinforeed with tie bar Many scientists around this time obtained son reinforced com rol different types of structures in various tent . an . boul In the Later part of 19" century, reinforced concrete passed through a pried! of patents fel by several specialists. during the early part of 20" century resulted Significant developments fe in improved quality of ‘concrete and steel. Cement was mass-produced with quality control and improved method of proportioning concrete mixes resulted 1) concrete of desired compressive strength ranging from 15 7 Némnv’ to 60 Némar. ; / Barly Investigntors worked on the theoretical basis to explain the structural behavior of reinforced concrete as early as the end of the nine- teenth century. . ° In 1877, ‘Phaddeus Hyatt, a0 American lawyer established tHe basis of analysis of stress in reinforced anerete by explaining the concept of bond $s LOnereles between steel ‘ads and GOncTe ; Later Koenen of Germany developed the design rules of analysis of reinforced concrele seetions in 1880. Coignet of France also published the principles ofelastic design ‘of reingewed concrete during the same period, rly 20" centucy wvimessed the end of patents in this field when the Prussian regulations ‘comprising 1 complete set of design rules of rein- forced eonerele appeared in 1907, While the French commission on rein- foreedd concrete Tact formulated the design rules in 1906, professional like the Ame! jenn, Conerete Institute (ACI) and the American Soviety of Civil Engineers casceY introduced the first joint code on rein- foreed concrete it 1909. ‘Tho first major appli mainly due 10 the economy’ method of desiga was TE “phe rebuilding: of brides sovivti ieation vf reinforced concrete was in bridges jn comparison with steel bridges. The elastic qaplished and widely used during this oe ih i buildings during the post war periods resulted in establishing reinfonees SONCTELE as an economical structural material for use in different typessestructures. Howoves, the inadequacy of the elastic or working load design in pre- Jonds af a SiAeue paved the way for the ultimate load dicting the ultimate eores and design daged On NIRTALE Toads computed by applying load factors to the working loads. Several Investigators’ like Emporger (1936) Whitney (1937) Jenson (1943), Chambaud (1949) and Hognestad (1951) developed the ultimate load theory based on different types of stress blocks. Reinforced concrete structures designed solely on the basis of ultimate load theory resulted fin. slender structural elements and their serviceability characteristics (deflec- tions and cracks) under working loads were not within the codified accept- able limits. The ultimate load method of design ensures the safety of the structures against the collapse limit state only and as-such does not give any infor- mation about the behaviour of the structure at service loads and the range between service and collapse loads, The inadequacy of the ultimate load method in not ensuring the serviceability of the structure resulted in the development of fimit State design. ° The philosophy of limit state dosign*** was first incorporated in the Russian code in’ 1955. Basically, limit state design is a method of design- ~ ing structures based on @ statistical concept of safety and the associated . statistical probability of failure. Limit state design is based on the concept of probability and comprises the application of the method of statistics to the variations that occur in practice in the loads acting on the structure and “the strength of the materials. The Limit state design overcomes the inadequacies of the working stress and ultimate load methods and ensures the safety of the structure against excessive deflections and cracking under service loads and also provides for the desirable load factor against failure. Hence, the British Code’, American Code®, Australian Code? and German Code" and the recently revised Indian Code!’ have adopted the limit State design con- cepts. 4.3 PHILOSOPHY OF STRUCTURAL DESIGN ‘The main objective of reinforced conerete structural design is to comply + with the following essential requirements. 1) Structures designed should satisfy the criterion,of desirable ultimate strength, in flexure, shear, compression, tension dnd torsion developed under a given system of loads and their combinations. In addition, the stresses developed in the structure under the given system of loads should be within the safe permissible limits under service loads. 2) The structure designed should satisfy the criterion of serviceability, which Jimits the deflections and cracking to be within acceptable lim- its. The structure shoutd also have adequate durability and imperme- ability, resistance to acids, corrosion, frost etc. 4 Reinforced Concrete Design 3) The structure should-have adequate stability against overturning, slid- ing, buckling, and vibration under the action of loads. A satisfactory stcuctural design should ensure the three basic criteria of strength, serviceability and stability. In addition, the structural designer should also consider aesthetics and economy. The structural designer and the architect should co ordinate so that the structure designed is not only aesthetically superior, but also strong enough to safely sustain the designed loads without any distress during the life time of the structure. 1.4 APPLICATIONS OF REINFORCED CONCRETE Reinforced concrete is well established, as an important construction imaterial often preferred to steel construction mainly due to its versatility, adaptability, and resistance to fire and corrosion resuiting in negligible maintenance costs. Development of better quality cements during the last decade has resulted in stronger and more durable concrete for use in dif- ferent types of structures. Reinforced concrete is ideally suited for the construction of floor and roof slabs, columns and beams in residential and commercial structures. ‘The present trend is to adopt reinforced concrete for bridges of small, medium and long spans resulting in aesthetically superior and economical structures in comparison with steel bridges. Typical use of reinforced concrete in earth retaining structures Includes abutments for bridges and retaining walls for éarthen embankments. Reinforced concrete is ideally suited for water retaining structures like ground and overhead tanks and hydraulic structures like gravity and arch dams. The material is widely used for the construction of large domes for water tanks and sports stadiums and conference halls. Reinforced concrete grid floors comprising beams and slabs are widely used for covering large areas like conference halls where column free space is an essential requirement. For aircraft hangers, reinforcement concrete shells comprising of thin circular slabs and deep edge beams provide an economical solution. Reinforced concrete folded plate construction has been used for indus- trial structures where large column free space is required under the roof. In coastal areas where corrosion is imminent due to humid environment, reinforced concrete is ideally suited for the construction of marine structures like wharfs, quay walls, watchtowers, and lighthouses. For warehouses in coastal areas, reinforced concrete trusses are preferred to steel trusses. a Keinforced concrete poles have almost replaced steel poles for power transmissions, Tall towers for T.V.transmission are invariably constructed using reinforced concrete. seen cgege ~ ‘Introduction. 5 Multistorey reinforced concrete buildings are routinely adopted for both residential and office complexes. For heavy-duty factories, reinforced concrete is ideally suited due to its resistance to wear and tear and improved durability. In atomic structures, reinforced concrete is preferred to steel for pres- sure vessel construction due to the superior radiation absorption character- istics of high strength and high density concrete. Reinforced concrete piles, both precast and cast in sites have been in use for foundations of structures of different types likes bridges and build- ings. Another novel application of reinforced concrete is in the construction of pavements for highways and airport runways. ‘The Twentieth century has witnessed reinforced concrete as a revolu- tionary material suitable for the construction of most simple to complex structures. With significant improvements in the quality of cement and steel, reinforced conerete will continue to find néw applications and wide- spread use in the 21st century. 1.5 REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS Any type of structure may be considered as an assemblage of various structural elements, which perform a predetermined function of resisting various types of forces. Basically a structure can be built up using struc- tural and non-structural elements", The structural elements (beams, stabs columns etc,) have the primary function of resisting the external loads, while the nonstructural elements (partitions, false ceiling, doors ete.) do not support the external loads. Basically, the structural elements can be classified as one-dimensional elements (Ex: beams, columns, arches etc) or two-dimensional elements (Ex: slabs, plates, shells ete.) and three-dimensional elements (thick pipes, walls of nuclear reactor vessels, domes etc.) Circular girders generally used in water tanks are subjected combined flexure, shear and torsion while the corner columns in a multistorey framed structure is subjected to biaxial bending, a) One Way Slab Systems Fig. 1.1(a) shows the floor system comprising ‘a one-way slab supported at the edges by walls or beains and supports dead and live loads. The slabs are subjected primarily to maximum flexure at centre of span along the shorter dircction and maximum shear at supports under gravity loads. Kemsforcea Concrete Design Fig 1.1(b) shows a cantilever slab generally used in chajjas Projecting from lintel beans. Fig 1.1(c) shows a continuous slab, supported on beams generally used ina building complex. Slab ‘Support (a) One Way Slab Walt Lintel beam (b) Cantitever Stab Slab (c) Continuous Slab Fig. 1.1 Types of Refnforced Concrete Slab System b) Two Way Slab floor Systems Fig 1.2. shows a typical two-way slab floor system commonly used in buildings. In this case the slab is supported at the edges and it is subjected to flexure in two principal directions while resisting gravity loads, ¢) Beam and Siab floor systems Fig 1.3 shows a typical beam and slab floor system generally used in resi- sential and commercial building structures. In this case the Sravity loads are resisted by flexure of slab and beams, Introduction 7 Section-yy ¥ lob Section- xx Fig-1.2 ‘Two Way Slab Floor System Section- Section- xx Fig. 1.3 Beam and Slab Floor System @) Flat Slab floor System Fig 1.4 shows a flat slab floor system in which the slab is supported on columns directly without any beams. This type of floor system is generally Preferred for large span office complexes, commercial buildings and garages, where headroom is less, ¢) Grid Floor system Fig 1,5 shows a typical grid floor system comprising beams spaced at short intervals running in perpendicular directions and supports a thin slab. This Section- yy Section-xx Column Fig. L4 Flat Slab Floor System {ype of roof is generally used for large conference halls and commercial buildings requiring coluzon free space. The grid floor is supported at the calyes on solid walls or columns at regular intervals. 1 Mallistorey Vertical Framing System Vig 1.6 shows the multistorey vertical frame-comprising columns beams and slabs forming three-dimensional structure. The gravity loads are trans- Mitted from slab to beams which in turn transfer the loads to columns and finally to the foundations. The rigid column and beam frame can resist lateral loads due to wind. Introduction Section-xx Fig. 1.5 Grid Floor System a column Fig. 1.6 Multistorey Vertical Freimiing System Section- 9. 10 Reinforced Concrete Design g) Slicar Wall System ‘This system consists of solid concrete walls covering the full height of the building. Generally the shear wail box is located at the liftstaircase regions. Sometimes the shear walls are located as exterior or interior walls placed along the transyerse direction of the tall building to resist lateral loads due to wind. A typical shear wall provided at-the core of a tall struc- ture is shown in Fig 1.7, RCC. Wall N 1 Wy [> Floor slabs Fig. 1,7 Shear Wall System 1.6 DESIGN CODES AND HAND BOOKS ‘) Objective of Codes Based on extensive research and practical knowledge, various countries have evolved their national codes, which serve as guidelinés for the design of structures. The main objectives of the codes are 1) To provide adequate structural safety by ensuring strength, service- ability and durability. . 2) To specify simple design procedures, design tables and formulae for easy computations. 3) To provide legal validity and to protect structural engineers form any liability due to failures of structures caused by inadequate design and improper materials and lack of proper supervision during construc- tion. 4) To provide a uniform set of design guide lines to be followed by vari- ous structural designers in the country. National building codes are periodically revised to reflect the improve- ments in the quality of materials and design procedures evolved as a result of comprehensive research investigations conducted. in the various institutions in the country-and abroad. Introduction 11 b) Design Codes and Handbooks All reinforced concrete structural design in our country should confotm to the recently revised Indian Standard Code 1S:456-2000 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete (Fourth Revision). The corresponding national codes of other countries, which are often referred to, are the Aunerican Concrete Institute Code ACI-318 and the British Code BS: 8110. The design examples presented in this book conform to the Indian standard code. The Bureau of Indian standards have released over the years several handbooks to facilitate reinforced concrete structural designers to design routine structural elements quickly by referring to the various tables and graphs presented in the handbooks. The following handbooks will serve as useful design aids for structural conerete designers. 1) SP: 16-1980". Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS: 456. 2) SP: 24-1983". Explanatory Handbook on IS: 456. o 3): SP: 34-1987'*- Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing. 4); SP: 23-1982". Hand book on Concrete Mixes (Based on Indian Stan- dards) 1,7, LOADING STANDARDS Reinforced concrete structures are clesigned to resist the following types of Toads: - a) Dead Loads These are loads that will not change with respect to time. The dead loads acting on the structure include the self-weight of the structural elements, partitions, and finishes, which depends upon the type of material used in the structure. The Indian standard code IS: 875(Part-1) - 1987'7 prescribes the unit weight of building materials and stored materials to be used in the design. Salient dead loads of most common materials used in structural elements are presented in Table 1.1 Table 1.1 Dead Louds of Materials H Erica Masonry 18.85 to 22 Plain Concrete 22,00 to 23.60 Beinforced concrete 22.75 to 26.60 Stone Masonry 21 1027 Tenber 60 10 (Contd...) 12:. - Reinforced Concrete Design ‘Table 1.4. Dead Loads of Materials (Contd...) Cement Mortar 20.4 Lime Mortar 15.7 to 18.50 Steel 785 Ftoor Finishes 0.6 to 1.2 Roo! Finishes 02012 ‘Stoel work for Rooting 0.16 10. 0.23 02 ‘Cement plaster - 10mm thick Concrete Tile flooring 25 mm thick 05 Terrazzo, 10mm thick 02 Brick Wall, 100mm thick 4.91 b) Live Loads ‘These are loads that change with respect to time. Live or imposed loads include the loads due to people occupying the floor and those duc to mate- rials stored or vehicles in garage floors, The imposed floor and roof loads for different occupancies are specified in IS 875 (Part-2) - 1987'*. Some of ive loads encountered in the design of buildings are compiled the common in Table 1.2 ‘Table 1.2 Live or Tesposed Loads : Loading Types of Floors Minimura Live Class. Load kN/im? 2 Floors in dwolling houses, tenements, hospital wards, 2 Bedrooms and private sitting coms in hostels and dormi- tories. 25 Office floors other than entrance hall lors of ight work 25-40 rooms. 3.0 | Floors of banking halls, office entrance halls and reading 30 rooms 5 ROOFS Live Load in plan Types of Root kN? 40 ‘Shop floors used for display and sale of merchandise, 4.0 floors of work rooms, floors of class rooms, restaurants, machinory halls power stations etc, where nol occupied by plant or equipment. 50 Floors of warehouses, workshops, factories and other ‘buildings of paris of building or similar category for light weight loads, office lloors for storage and filling purposes. 50 ‘Assembly floor space without fixed saating, public rooms in hotels, dance halls and waiting halts. (Contd.) ; yess, Introduction «13 ‘Table 1.2 Live or Imposed Loails, (Contd...) : 75 Floors of warehouses, workshops, factories and ‘other buildings or paris of buildings of similar category for 75 heavy weight loads, floors of bookstores and iibrarie 10.0 Floors of ware houses, work shops, factorias and other buildings of parts of buildings of similar catogory for 10.0 heavy woight loads, floors of book stores and libraries Garages (light) Floors used for garagos for vehicles not exceading 25 kN Sigs Be gross walght, Slabs 4.0 Bea 25 ms. __| Garages (Heavy) ° Floors used for garages for vehictes not exceoding 40 KN 75 ‘gross weight, Staircases Stairs, landings and corridors for class 2 but not liabto to 3.0 over crowding, Balcony Balconies not liable to over-crowding for class 2 loading Loading for other classes 3.0 Balconies liable to over crowding 5.0 5.0 Flat, Stoping or Curved roof with slopes up to and includ ing to degrees. ja) “Access provided. 15 0.75 b) Accass not provided, except for maintenance. Sloping rool with slope grealer than 10°:- 0.75 kN/mn? Ic) ess 0.001 kNim? for ovory increase in slope over 10 degrees up to and including 20° and 0.002 kN/m* for ‘every degree increase in slope over 20° Seas Bai ¢) Wind Loads Wind loads have to be considered in the design of multistorey buildings, towers and poles. Wind loads depend upon the intensity of wind prevailing in the locality of the structure. 1S: 875(Part-3) -1987" prescribes basic Wind speeds in various zones by dividing the country into 6 zones. The . design wind pressure is computed as p,=0.6¥2 Where _p, = design wind pressure in N/mm? at a height Z and V, = design wind velocity in m/s at a height Z. Wind Load ‘F acting ina direction normal to the individual structural element or cladding unit is commputed as, Fa(G-G)Ary 14 Reinforced Concrete Design ~ Where +-C,, = external pressure coefficient. Cy = inteinal pressure coefficient. A. = surface area of structural clement or cladding unit and Pa = design wind pressure. ‘The values of external and internal pressure coefficients depend upon the type of Structure and are presented in a tabular form in IS 875 (Part-3) - 1987. ‘ d) Snow Loads and Local Combinations Structures subjected to snow loads'have to be designed suitably by consid- ering the snow loads prevailing in the region and also the various load combinations, ‘These are specified in IS 875 (Part-4) and (Part-5) - 1987"° ~respectively. e) Earth Quake Loads Seismic or earthquake forces have to be considered in the design of struc- tures located in seismic zones according to 1$:1893-84". The horizontal seismic force (F,.) is computed as, Fg? (@BAG] Where & = Horizontal seismic coefficient depending on location with values of 0.08, 0.05, 0,04, 0.02, and 0.01 for Zones V, IV, HL, 11, and I. B = A coefficient depending on soil-foundation system ranging from 1.0 to1.5 4 = A coefficient depending upon the importance of the struc- ture varying from 1.5 to!.0 G = Dead load above the section considered. Structures located in Zone Y to IU (Severe earthquake zone) should be designed for seismic forces. CHAPTER 2 Materials For Reinforced Concrete 2,1 CONCRETE Plain Concrete is a composite material composing of cement, aggregate and water, in suitable proportions. Cement reacts‘in thie presence of water to produce complex compounds which gradually harden and bonds the aggregate comprising sand and coarse aggregate into a solid mass with — time. Fresh concrete exhibits plasticity and flowability so that it can be placed irito the moulds of required shape and compacted to form a dense mass. The compacted and hardened concrete is cured in the presence of water so that it gains most of its strength within four weeks, after which the external loads can be applied. 2.1.1 Cement Various types of cements have been developed for use in different types of structures. For a detailed study of the type and properties of different types of cements, the reader may refer to the treatise on properties of concrete authored by Neville. According to IS: 456-2000, the types of cements and their suitability for a specific situation are outlined in Table.2.1. 2.1.2 Aggregates In concrete, aggregate volume is nearly 75 percent of the total volume. Hence, the structural behavior of concrete is significantly influenced by the type of aggregates used. Fine aggicgate comprises of sand dug out from tiverbeds and pits having particle sizes from 0.075 mm to 4.75 mm. Crushed rock and gravel are generally used as coarse aggregates with maximum size of 10 mm, 20 and 40 mm. For reinforced concrete work 10 and 20 mm are commonly used. For mass concrete works like dams, larger Sizes of aggregates upto 150 mm are used. The nominal maximum size of Coarse aggregate should be as large as possible but it should be limited:to one fourth of the minimum thickness of the member. Lightweight and heavy weight aggregates are also used in specific works. The various “116: : Reinforced Concrete Design ‘Table 2.1 ‘Types of Cements und their use [No | Type of Cement 1S:Codo ‘Where used 1 ‘Ordinary Portland Gement ¢-33 Grade Is; 260 All General Concrating works. | C43 Grado 1g: 8112 Multistorey structures. C53 Grade Is: 12269 Bridges-Tall structures “ Prestressed concrete work, 2 Rapid Hardening Portland 1S: 8041 Road works and Repairs. Cement 3 | LowHoat Portland Comant | IS: 12600 ‘Mass Concrete Dams 4 Portland Slag Cement’ 18: 455 ‘Marine Structures. 3 1 portand Pozzolana Cement | IS: 1489 | Mass Concrete = ‘Marine Structure : _|___and General building Works, Marine Structures foundations In ‘Sulphate bearing soils. | Sulphate Resisting Périand -| -1S: 12890 ‘Cement T Hydrophobic Cement 1S: 6043 | Swimming Pools floors of food Pro- cessing plants, 8 High Alumina Cement 18: 6452 Marine Structures, 3 ‘Supersulphated Cement 16:6909 | Marine Structures construction of sewers. s of aggregates like specific gravity, strength, toughness, hard- properties 1g) should comply with the ness, soundness, particle size distribution (gradin; Indian Standard Code: IS: 383-1979”. i Crushed rock and gravel aggregates with specific gravity in the range of 2.5 to 2.7 yields concrete with a density in the range of 23 to 24 kN/mi However special concretes like light weight and high density required for, specific applications can be produced by using suitable aggregates. : Light weight aggregates” generally used to produce structural light’ weight concrete having a density in thy range of 10 to 18 kN/m’, widely used in U.K., U.S.A and Enrope belong to the category of and slates produced in a rotary kiln (Leca, a) Expanded shales, clays, Kermazite) ° b) Expanded shales or clay produced on a sintering grate (Aglite, Aglo- porite) ¢) Slags expanded mechanically or by water jet process (Foamed Slag) 4d) Sintered pulverized fuel ash aggregate (Lytag) Lightweight concrete is now a firmly established building material having extensive applications in most of the developing and developed countries. Light Weight concrete is used in the block making industry and also in reinforced and prestressed concrete constructions.” High density concrete with a density, in the range of 30 10 40 kN/m’ required for the construction of biological shields for atomic reactors Materials For Reinforced Concrete 17 made by, using heavy aggregates like Magnetite, Hematite, Limonite and Barytes™, Steel punchings” and shots have been successfully used for producing concrete with a density in the range of 50 to 60 KN/n?, 2.1.3 Concrete Mix Proportions The main objective of eqnerete mix design is to select the optimum pro- portion of the varions ingredients of concrete, which will yield fresh con- crete of desirable workabllity and hardened concrete. possessing the specified: characteristic compressive strength and durability. The mix Propottions should also satisfy the additional requirement of the use of minimum possible cement content so that the maximum economy is achieved in the unit cost of concrete according to the author”. a) Nominal Mix Concrete The Revised indian Standard Code IS: 456-2000, prescribes the propor- tons of ingredients of concrete for nominal mixes of conerete grades lower M-20 which are used for ordinary and small works, as shown in Table ‘Table 2,2 Proportions for Nominal Mix Concrete (Table-9 oF IS: 456-2000) Total Quantity of Dry Aggre- gatos by mass por 50 kg of Proportions of Fine Grace | Cement, to be taken as the sum Aggregate to coarso Quantity of water rele of the individual masses of Fine —--Aggrogale par 50 kg of” and Coarse Aggregates (kg) (By Mass) Cemont (Max) Max litres) 1 2 3 4 ae, 800 Generally 1: 2 but 60 Mrs 625 | subject to an upper 45 Mag 480 Limit of 4:1'% and a 34 20 399 lower limit of 1:24, sa 250 30 b) Design Mix Concrete ror aimporiant works involving large quantities of concrete, it is prefer- to use design mix, which results in considerable economy ensuring the required strength. The design mix uses the following parameters:- 1) Type of cement 2) Aggregate size and grading 3) Water / Cement ratio 4) Aggregate / Cement ratio 18 Reinforced Concrete Design «5) Workability of concrete 6): Relation between mean and maximum strength and standard deviation 7) Grade of concrete Over the years, several mix design methods have been developed based ‘on the above parameters, The most prominent, well-established and widely used methods are, 1) The American Conérete Institute Method”, 2) The British Method, developed by Teychenne, Franktin and Erntroy"® 3) The Indian Standard Method”. ‘The above methods are based on extensive experimental investigations in their respective countries. A critical review of the Indian, British and American methods of concrete mix design has been reported by Krishna Reddy” and the author. The salient experimental observations being that the American and British methods resulted in conerete having compressive strength nearly equal to the desired characteristic strength while the Indian Standard method yields significantly higher compressive strength than the desired characteristic strength. Also the concrete mixes designed by’ the Indian Standard Code method utilized the highest cement content for unit volume of concrete in comparison with the American and British methods, For exhaustive information regarding the format of design of. concrete mixes of various types and computer aided design of mixes, the reader may refer to the treatise on ‘Design of Concrete Mixes’ recently revised by the author”. ¢) Properties of Concrete i) Compressive strength The Characteristics strength is defined as the strength of material below which not more than 5 percent of the test results are expected to fall. The concrete mix should be designed for the target strength computed as, Target Strength = (Characteristic Strength) + (1.65 time the Standard deviation) The Indian Standard Code IS: 456-2000 specifies the characteristic compressive strength of 150 mm cubes at the age of 28days as Grades of concrete varying from 15 to 50 N/mm? designated as M-15 to M-50. For Reinforced concrete, the minimum grade of concrete to be used is M-20. ii) Tensile Strength The flexural strength of| concrete generally referred to as Tensile strength is Materials bor Kenijoreeu Conerere ay required to compute the on set of visible cracks in a concrete structure under flexure. For computation of load factor against cracking, knowledge of the flexural strength is required, According to IS: 456-2000, the tensile strength of concrete can be computed from the compressive strength using the empirical relation given by Flexural strength f.= 0.7 Wf, Némm? Where fy = Characteristic cube compressive strength of concrete «Nimm’) iii) Modulus of Elasticity Modulus of elasticity of concrete which is significantly influenced by the type of the aggregates used, type of cement and mix proportions is an important property required for the computations of deflections of struc- tural concrete members which forms an important limit state in the design of concrete members. In the absence of test data, the modulus of elasticity of concrete is normally related to the compressive strength and is com- puted by the empirical relation recommended by IS: 456-2000 code and is expressed as, _ : E,= 5000 Vf, Where E, is the short-term static modulus of elasticity of concrete expressed in N/min*. fa is the characteristic compressive strength of concrete expressed in N/mm? : iv) Shriukage of Concrete The ingredients of concrete and environmental conditions like temperature and humidity influence the total shrinkage of concrete. Water content in concrete significantly affects the shrinkage. The IS: Code 456-2000 rec- ommends the total shrinkage strain as 0.0003 in the absence of test data. Drying shrinkage in plain concrete may result in surface cracks. Shrinkage of concrete also influences the deflections of reinforced concrete members. y) Creep of concrete The inelastic time dependent strain developed in a concrete member under sustained loading is referred to as creep of concrete: Creep of concrete is influenced by cement content, W/C ratio, A/C fe io, temperature and humidity, size, of the structural element, type of loading and’ period of loading. .f 36°’ Reinforced Conérete Design In the absence of reliable experimental data, the creep coefficient is expressed as the ratio of ultimate creep strain / elastic strain at various ages of loading as recommended by IS: 456-2000 are given in Table 23. Table 2.3 Creep coefficient (IS: 456-2000) ‘Age at Loading Creep coofficiont 7 days 22 28 days 16 year 4A Creep of concrete significantly affects the deflections of reinforced concrete flexural members. Higher creep coefficient results in larger deflections, The value of creep coefficient is useful in the computation of time dependent deflections in reinforced concrete members. vi) Coefficient of Thermal Expansion “The coefficient of thermal expansion of conerete, influenced mainly by the type of aggregate used in concrete is required for the design of structures like chimneys, water ianks, silos ctc. ‘The values recommended in IS: 456-2000 are compiled in Table 2.4. ‘Table 2.4’ Coefficient of Thermal Expansion for Concrete Type of Aggregate Coafiiciont of Thermal expansion for concrete /’C Quartzite 4.210 1.310 ‘Sand stono 0.9 to 1.2.x 10% Granite 0.7 to 95x 10° Basalt 0.8 to 0.95 x 10% Lima stone 0.6 to 0.9 x 107 - vii) Durability of Concrete ~ a) General Features Concrete is durable if it performs satisfactorily without deterioration when exposed to different types of exposure conditions during its service life. ‘The main factors influencing durability ate, the type of environment, the ‘type of quality of concrete, cement content, water/cement ratio, workman- ship, cover to the embedded reinforcement, the shape and size of the structural member. IS: 456-2000 categorizes the exposure conditions into six types designated as a) mild b) moderate, ¢) severe d) very severe ¢) extreme f) abrasive. The Indian code prescribes the miim cement and maximum water- cement ratios to be used in concrete for different exposure conditions to 4 > whaterials’ For Reinforced Concrete 21 ensure the durability of concrete. ‘The values of cement content, water/cement ratio and minimum grade of concrete-for normal weight aggregates of 20mm nominal maximum size are compiled in Table 2.5 and the adjustments required for cement content when other sizes of aggregates used aré shown in Table 2.6. ‘Table 2.5 Minimum Cement Contents, Maximum W/C Ratio, and Minimum Grade of concrete for different exposure condition with normal weight aggregates of 20mm ‘Nominal maximum size, (Table,5 of IS: 486-2000) Exposure Plain Concrete Reinforced concrete | Minimum Grade of . Concrete Minimum | Maximum | Minimim ] Maximum cement can-| Free WIC |coment con-| Free WIC, | P.0.C. | R.C.C tent (kg/m?) Ratio tent {kg/th} Ratio Mild 220 0.60 300 0.55 M20 Moderate 240 0.60 300 0.50 Mets | M25 Severo 250 -|- 0.80 320 0.45 M20 | M30 Very severe 260 0.45 340 0.45 M20, | M35 Extreme 280 0.40, 360 40]. 25 | M40 ‘Table 2.6 Adjustments to Minimum Cement contents for Aggregates other than 20 ‘mim nominal maximum size. (Table -6 of IS: 456-2000) ‘Adjustments to Minimum Cement Contents Nominal Maximum Aggregate size (mm) In Table 2.4-(kg/m*) 10 +40 20 0 40 - 30 b) Freezing and thawing ‘Under severe exposure conditions where concrete is subjected to freezing and thawing, it is. preferable to use air-entrained concrete for grades less than M-50, Air entrained concrete obtained-by using air entraining admix- tures is ideatly suited to resist the destructive effects of freezing and thaw- ing conditions,-The IS; 456-2000 code recommends the percentages of entrained air for nominal maximum size of aggregates of 20 and 40 mm as shown in Table 2,7. t Table 2.7 Air Entrained Conerete Nominal Maximum size of Aggregate (mm) | __Entrained alr (percentage by volume) 20 541% 40 441% 6 ANGULO Cutter ere aroun Notes: 1) Minimum Cement Content prescribed in the Table is irrespective of grgdes of cement and it is inclisive of supplementary cementatious materials such as fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag or silica fume. 2) . Minimum grade for PCC under mild exposure conditions not speci- *. fied. . . ‘ ¢) Exposure to sulphate attack Concrete used in marine structures is subjected to extreme exposure con- ditions due to the sulphate bearing waters of the sea. Depending upon the concentration of sulphate expressed as SO, ,different types of cements are preferred to resist the destructive effects of sulphate bearing waters in marirfe environment. 1S: 456-2000 recommends different types of coments from ordinary Portland to sulphate resulting Portland depending upon the sulphate con- tents, The minimum cement content and the corresponding maximum free water/cement ratios are compiled in Table 2.8. 4) Fire resistance, Corrosion and Cover requirements for R.C.C. members The alkaline environment of Portland cement concrete generally protects embedded steel reinforcement, against corrosion from various environ- mental agencies. However, the carbonation of hydrated cement gradually progresses from the surface to the interior of conerete, thus reducing the effective protection provided by the concrete against rusting of steel rein- ~ forcement. Many codes have provided for minimum cover requirements in - this regard, It is important to note the thickness of clear cover and the density of concrete in the protection to steel against corrosion and fire resistance. Notes: I) Cement content given in Table 2.7 for ordinary Portland cement is irrespective of grades of cement. 2) Use of supersulphated cement is generally resteicted wheré the pre- vailing temperature is above 40°C. 3) Supersulphated cement gives an acceptable life provided that the con- crete is dense and prepared with a water/ceinent ratio of 0.4 or tess, In mineral acids, down to pH 3.5. Materials For Reinforced Concrete 3 Table 2.8 Requirements for Concrete Exposed to Sulphate Attack (Table-4 of IS: 456-2000) Class Concentration of Sulphate expressed as SO, Type of cement Requirements for dense fully com. pacted concrete mado with Aggregates com. plying with 1g; 383-1970 In Soit In ground Min. | Max. water (g/l) coment] Free content) waters (Kg/m*) | coment ratio Total SO, | SO, in 2:1 th (percent) | water soll oxtract (gi!) 1 | Traces | Less than | Less than] Ordinary portland ~ Less.than 41.0 ‘| 03 |cementor porttand 0.2 slagcementor | 280 | 0,55 ‘ - portland pozzo- ‘ lona cement. 22 | 0.21005 | 1.0101.9 [03to 1.2] Ordinary portland | 330 |” 0.50 or portland slag or portland pozzo- lona cement: Supersulphated | 310 | 0.50 ‘cement or sul- phate resisting portland cement 3 | 0.51010 [ 1.9t03.1 | 1.21025) Super sulphated coment or sul- phate resisting portiand cement. Portland pozzo- | 350 | 0.45 Jona or portland slag cement 4 | 1.01020 |'3.1t05.0 [281050] Supersilphated | 370 | o.45 or suiphate resisting portland cement — 5 | More than | More than [More than! Sulphate resisting | 400 | 0.40 2.0 5.0 5.0 _ |portiand cement or; super sulphated cament with pro- fective coatings 4°" Reinforced Concrete'Design ~~ >. 4) Thie cement contents given in class 2 are the minimum recommended. For SO} contents néar the upper limit of class 2, cement contents © above these minimums are advised. 5) | For severe conditions such as thin sections under hydrostatic pressure on one side only and sections partly immersed, considerations should be given toa flurther reduction of water/cement ratio. 6) Portland slag-cement conforming to IS: 455-1989 with slag content more than 50 percent exhibits better sulphate resisting properties. 7) Where chloride is also encountered along with sulphate in soil or ground water, ordinary Portland cement with C,A content from 5to8 percent shall be desirable to be used in concrete, instead of sulphate resisting cement. Alternatively, a blend of ordinary Portland cement and slag may also be used provided sufficient information is available on performance of such blended cements in these conditions. The Indian Standard Code IS: 456-2000 provides for separate nominal cover requirements to meet durability and fire resistance requirements. The cover requirements varying from 20 to 75 mm for durability requirements depend upon the type of exposure conditions as outlined in Table 2.9. ‘These covers may be used for reinforcements in beams and slabs. In the case of longitudinal reinforcements in columns, the code prescribes a minimum nominal cover of not less than 40mm or Jess than the diameter of the bars, In the case.of columns having minimum dimension of 200mm or under and where reinforcing bars do not exceed 12 mm, a cover of 23mm may be used. Por footings of columns where the footing stab is in contact with soil, the minimum cover shall be 50 mm. The minimunh nominal‘ cover requirements to be provided to all rein- forcement including links embedded in normal aggregate concrete to meet specified periods of fire resistance varying from 0.5 to 4 hours is compiled in Table 2.10. The cover requirements depend upon the type of Structural element such as, beam, floor, ribs and columns as well as the support con- dition’, which include simply supported or continuous members, These specifeation| are based on the British Code BS: 8110” recommendations for fire resistance. Table 2.9 Nominal Cover to meet Durability Requirements (Table-16 of 1S: 456-2000) Nominal Concrete cover in (mim) not less ‘Exposure than Mild 20 Moderate 30 Sovere 45 Very Severe 50 Extreme 75 . Materials For Reinforced Concrete | 25 Notes: 1) Por main reinforcement up to 12mm diameter bar, for mild'exposure, the nominal cover may be reduced by Smm. 2) Unless specified otherwise, actual concrete cover should not deviate from the required nominal cover by +10mm. 3) For exposure conditions ‘severe’ and ‘very severe’, reduction of 5mm. may be made, where concrete grade is M-35 and above. Table 2.40 Nominal covers to all Reinforcement to mect specified perlods of Fire resistance (Table-16A of IS: 46-2000) rote “_Neminal Cover Beams | Floors Ribs Column Simply | Gonie | Simply ] Cont | Simply | Cont [Supported] nuous Supported] nuous Supported] nuous Hours [mm [mm fmm | mm | mm | mm | mm Os 20 20 20 20 20. 20 40 10 20 | 20 2 20 | 20 20 40 15 20 | 20 25 | 20 | 96 20 40 2.0 40 30 35 25 45 35 40 30 eo | 40 46 35 | 66 45 |__40 740 70 | 50 65 | 45 | 65 3 | 40 2.1.4 Progress in Concrete Strength and its use in Buildings Over the ‘years, phenomenal progress has been achieved to produce con- crete of higher compressive strength through continuous research resulting in the production of cements of superior quality. In 1950, concrete grades of M-15 to M-40 were commonly used. The dawri of 21st century has wit- nessed concrete grades ranging from M-30 toM-100. Table 2.11 shows the, progress in concrete strength from 1959. to 1990, Recent developments in the technology of cement production in Japan indicates that it is possible to achieve conerete grades exceeding M-100 by using Ultra High strength cements, Fig 2.1 shows ‘the various types of reinforced concrete buildings in which concrete of different grades and sfcel reinforcement of different | strengths find extensive applications, 21" century will herald in a big way the use of high strength concrete and steel in the construction industry. 2.2 Steel Reinforcement feel bars are primarily used to reinforce concrete in the tension zone of jexural members td compensate for the low tensile strength of concrete 26 — Reinforced Concrete Design x 1200) £ E s Zz 3 4 = 800 z L__J} ——___] 2g i > 2 1 2 & 400 % & 2 & GH 30 60 36 720 Strength of conerete (N/mm?) A - Low rise buildings in common B - High rise bultdings of last decade 1 = High strength concrete and reinforcement 2~ High strength concrete (ultra) and high strength reinforcement 3 High strength concrete and ultra high strength reinforcement 4 - Ultra high strength conerete and reinforcement Fig, 2.1 ‘Types of R.C. Buildings and Materials a 0 Table 2.11 Progress in Concrete Strength Year Place: Building Height Concrete (m) Grade (N/mm?) 1959 Chicago Executive House 160 34 1962 Chicago Marino 200 34 1964 Montreal Placo Diviston 200 41 1964 Chicago 1000 Lake store Drive 212 Lake Point Tower 220 4t +968 Chicago ‘Ono Shofl Plaza, 230 51 1970 Houston Watch Tower Palace 267 51 1975 Chicago 41 South Walker Drive 62 1989 Chicago Tower 320 83 1990 Seattle Pacific First Centra - 96.5(124 in 56 days) and in compression members to increase the load carrying capacity. Steel reinforcement generally used comprises the following types of bars Materials For Reinforced Concrete 27 a) Mild steel and Medium tensile steel bars conforming to IS: 432 (Part. * b) High strength deformed steel bars conforming to IS; 1786", ) Hard-drawn steel wire fabric conforming to 1S: 1566, d) . Structural steel conforming to Grade A of IS: 2062” which covers various types of rolled steel sections, The typical stress-strain curves of different grades of steel bars are shown in Fig, 2.2. 600 Bow 8s Stress (N/mm?) 8 200 Es = 2x 10° N/mm? (for all steels) 100 : cy & 12 16 20 Strain (percent) Fig. 2.2 Typical Stréss-Strain Curves for Reinforcing Steels Reinforcements used in reinforced concrete work should be free from loose mill scale, loose rust, oil, mud and any other substance, which reduces bond between steel and concrete which is vital for composite actions, The modulus of elasticity of steel of all grades is taken- as 200 -kN/mm’, The characteristic yield strength of different types of steels shall be assumed as the minimum yield or 0.2 percent proof stress. ‘The norninal diameters presently available in India are 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25, 28, 32, 36, 40, 45 and 50mm. The most commonly used type of reinforcement is the high strength deformed bars with a specified yield strength of 415 N/mm’, since the surface characteristics with pro- truding ribs result in increased bond between concrete and steel in com- parison with mild steel bars with plain surface. “8° Reinforced Concreté’ Design ‘The stress-strain curve shown in Fig. 2.2 indicates that all steets exhibit increase in strength beyond the yield point due to strain hardening. How- ever, for design purposes this increase in sfrength ‘beyond. yield point is generally neglected. In general, the design codes recommended the use of idealized elasto-plastic stress-strain curve witl an initial linear clastic line up to yield followed by a line at constant stress, denoting post-yield beha- viour. CHAPTER 3 Reinforcement Specifications For Structural Concrete Members 3.1 REINFORCEMENTS IN SLABS In-concrete slabs, the minimum reinforcements to be provided in either direction together with details of reinforcement spacing and cover require- ments are shown in Fig, 3.1 : R.C, Slab d=Effective depth Overall depth= D Distribution Main reinforcement teinforcement IS: 456-2000 Specifications 1) Minimum Reinforcement : * 0-15 % of the total cross sectional area for mild steel and 0-12% when HYSD bars are used 2) Spacing:’ a) Main Steel - + 36 or 300mm whichever is smaller b) Distribution- +56 or 450 mm whichever Steel is smaller 3) Maximum Diameter of Bars: + VD 4) Cover: +20 mm nor < diameter of bar whichever is higher Fig. 3.1 Relnforeement Specifications in R.C. Slabs (IS: 456-2000) 3.2 REINFORCEMENTS IN BEAMS + Generally, beams are provided with main reinforcement on the tension side ‘or flexure and transverse reinforcement for shear and torsion. a) Tension Reinforcement ‘The minimum area of tension reinforcement shall be not less than that given by the relation, 30 Reinforced Concrete Design A,= (0.85 bdify Where A, = Minimum area of tension reinforcement, b =breadth of beam or breadth of web of flanged sections. d_ =effective depth and J, = characteristic strength of reinforcement expressed in N/mm’. D =overall depth of the member The maximum area of tension reinforcement shall not exceed 0.04 bD b) Compression Reinforcement The maximum area of compression. reinforcement shall not exceed’ 0.04 BD. The compression reinforcement in beams shall be enclosed by stirrups for effective lateral restraint as shown in Fig. 3.2, ¢) Side Face Reinforcement When the depth of web or rib in a beam exceeds 780 mm, side face rein- forcement of cross segtional area not less than 0.1 percent of the web area is to be provided and distributed equally on two faces and the spacing of the bars not to exceed 300mm or web thickness whichever is smaller. . d) Transverse or Shear Reinforcement Minimum or nominal area of shear reinforcement provided in the form of stirrups is computed by the relation, 30405, ~ O87 f, Where A,, = total cross sectional area of stirrup legs in shear S, pacing of stirrups along the length of the member 6 = breadth of beam (or web ina flanged member) f, = characteristic strength of stirrup reinforcement in N/mm? which shall not exceed 415 N/mm? The maximum spacing of shear reinforcement should not exceed ‘0,75’ for vertical stirrups and ‘a’ for inclined stirrups at 450 where ‘d’ is the effective depth. The maximum spacing is restricted to 300mm. The specifications of reinforcements in beams are illustrated in Fig. 3.2. 3.3 REINFORCEMENTS IN COLUMNS Reinforced concrete columns are generally’ of square, Tectangular, or Reinforcement Specifications For Structural Concrete Members 41 et Overall Effective depth sD depth=d Tension Teinforcement Agt ‘over 1S: 456-2000, specifications 1) Minimum Relnforcement: Agt = (2650, or Ast # 0-34 % for mild steet (fy #250 N/mm?) \ "£0.20 for HYSQ bars \ (fy=418 N/mme} 1 2) Maximum Reinforcement: + 0:04 bD for both tenston and compression reinforcement 13) Spacing Between Bars: + diameter of larger, bar nor fess * than the maximum size of coarse aggregate + § mm, whichever Is greater 4) Cover: 25mm nor lass than the diameter of bar 5) Curtailment: Refer clause 26-2-3 of 1S: 456-2000 Fig. 3.2 Relnforcement Specifications in R.C. Beams (1S: 456-2000) circular cross section. Columns are Provided with main longitudinal rein- forcements and lateral ties to prevent buckling of the main bars. The mini- mum and maximum limits of reinforcements, minimum number of bars and their size, cover requirements and the diameter and spacing of lateral ties are illustrated in Fig. 3.3, Jn R.C.Columns with helical ties, at teat six main longitudinal rein- forcements have to be provided within the helical reinforcement, The Spacing of longitudinal bars measured along the periphery of the column Shall not exceed 300 min. The pitch of helical reinforcement is limited to a maximum value of 75 mm and a minimum of 25 mm, Helically reinforced columns have marginally higher load carrying capacity than those wilh ordinary lateral ties due to higher degree of confinement of concrete int the core, ‘ ' einforced Concrete Design, Square Circular Lateral. Main ties Rectangular Teinforcement +—Cover 1S: 456-2000 Specifications 1) Maximum Reinforcement: > 6:0 % 2) Minimum Reinforcement: + 0-8 % 3) Minimum Number of Bars: 4 in rectangular and 6 in circular colurnns 4) Diameter of Bors: 12 mm 5) Minimum Cover; 40mm nor diameter of bar whichever is greater 6) Lateral Ties Diameter: ¢ 14, diameter of largest longitudinal-bar nor less than 5mm Pitch Than: a} Least lateral dimension of member b) 16 times the smaller diameter of longitudinal reinforcement c) 48 times the diameter of transverse reinforcement d) For effective arrangement of lateral ties refer Fig. 8,9, 10 and 1% of 1S: 456-2000 Fig. 3.3. Reinforcement Specifications in R.C. Columns (IS: 456-2000) Let Ogg CHAPTER 4 Elastic Theory of Reinforced Concrete Sections in Flexure 4.1 ELASTIC THEORY OF REINFORCED CONCRETE SECTIONS The working stress method of design’ of reinforced concrete structures developed during the beginning of 20th centuiy is based on the elastic theory of reinforced concrete sections. The working stress method is based on the assumptions that the structural materials behave in a linear elastic manner and the required safety is ensured by restricting the stresses in the materials under service or working loads, The permissible stresses in con- crete and steel are obtained by dividing the characteristic strength of the material by the factor of safety to restrict the working stress in the material under service loads to be well within the linear elastic phase of the materi- als. . 4.2, NEUTRAL AXIS DEPTH AND MOMENT OF RESISTANCE OF SECTIONS Consider 4 rectangular section shown in Fig. 4.1 subjected to a moment 'M’ under working loads, compressive stress developed in Concrete. tensile stress developed in steel. area of tension reinforcement. effective depth. ' width of member, neutral axis depth, neutral axis depth factor. modular ratio. = (280/3 044.) compressive force in concrete. tensile force in Steel. moment of Resistance of the section. Euler en 4 34 Reinforced Concrete Design Fig. 4.1 Stress Distributton In Rectangular Section In the cracked section, concrete below the neutral axis is negiected in Below the neutral axis, the steel area is converted into an equivalent area of concrete by multiplying the stecl area by modular ratio and this area contributes to the tensile force for equilibrium of the section. From the stress distribution diagram shown in Fig. 4.1 we have the relation, Sexe a _ oym} \a From the above relation we get / em( "Vo, 0, =m |=] One Further when the section is subjected to external loading, resisting moment is developed duc to compression in conerete and tension in steel. computations, Moment of Resistance of the section is given by the relation. M=C (d-nI3)=0.5 Og, -b.n(d —n/3) k M=0504,-8 sa(«-M4) 05 Sete bea (1 -4) The factor (i - ‘) is termed as lever arm factor and is represented by ‘j’ . Hence, we have M205 Ogeb kj-d? ro) THUS EREUTY Up KEL YUTLEU CONLEELG aeurrare For any given section with known values of 8, d, Guy Gac and Ay we can evaluate the neutral axis depth by equating the first moment of areas - above and below the neutral axis. “ 0.5b.n? = m.Ay(d 2) @ By solving Eq, (2), the value of ‘n” and ‘k” can be determined In equation (1) substituting, Q = 0.5 64, kf Wehave’. a= iia — Q Equation (3) is generally used to check the adequacy of the depth of sec- tion assumed to resist the'given momentM. ‘The Moment of resistance of the section computed from the tension side is given by. M = Ag Gy (« -4) Ag: Sq (« tt) = Ag Oy (: +4) = Aj Syl) M 4u(<) ® Equation (4) is generally used to compute the arca of tension reinforcement in the section to resist the given moment. Neutral axis depth factor The neutral axis depth factor ‘k’ depends only on the permissible stresses in concrete and steel o, and 6, and modular ratio ‘mi’. The value of ‘k’ can be evaluated by the following equations. . Sire kd From Fig. 4.1, o5-(s) ji 1 Solving, ‘lee + esdmnai 5] ©) oe aio (rs) Substituting (77. G4.) = (280/3) and Solving, 280 (ms + al o Reinforced Concrete Design ~ Equation (5) ot (6) can be used to evaluate ‘#. In the analysis of reinforced concrete sections, it is often necessary to evaluate the neutral axis depth factor k using Equation (5) or (6), Equation (3) and (4) is generally used in the design of reinforced concrete sections, The values of the design coefficients k, j, and Q depend only on the permissible stresses 6,,., 64 and the modular ratio nm. The permissible stresses in steel and concrete according to IS: 456-2000 are shown in Table 4,1 and 4.2 respectively. The values shown Table 4.1 Permissible stresses in Stee] Reinforcement (IS: 456-2000) (Pable-22 of IS: 456-2000) Permissible stresses in Nim? ‘Type of Stress in Steel Rem. | Mild Medium Tensile bars | HYSD forcement Steel Is: 432 bars S.No. Bars 11768 IS: 432 Grade Fe-415 (a) (2) (3) (4) - (5) (i) | Tension (a, oF o,,) Half the guaranteed yield }@) Up to and including: 20mm 140 |stress subject to a maximum} 230 1b) Over 20mm. 130 of 190 230 (ii) |Compresston in Column 130 190 190 [Bars (04) : (ii) | Compression in bars in beam or | The catculatod compressive stress in the sur- slab when the compressive | rounding concrete multiplied by 1.5 times the ros{stanco of tha concrete ia ‘modular ratio or o,, whichever is lowor taken into account (| Compression in bare in a beam ‘or slab whors the compressive Half the guaranteed yield resistance of the concrete is not stress subject to a maximum taken into account. of 190 }a) Up to and including 20mm 140 190 b) Over 20mm, 130 190 Notes: 1) For high yield strength deformed bars of Grade Fe-500, the permissi- ble stress in direct tension and flexural tension shall be 0.55 f,. The permissible stresses for shear and compression reinforcement shall be as for Grade Fe-415. 2) For welded wire fabric conforming to 1S:1566, the permissible value in tension is 230 N/mm. 3) For the purposes of this standard, the yicld stress of steels for which there is no clearly defined yield point should be taken to be 0.2 percent proof stress, Elastic Theory of Reinforced Concrete Sections in Flexure . 37 4) When mild steel conforming to Grade II of IS: 432(Part-1) is used, the’ permissible stresses in col.3, or if the design details have already been worked out on the basis of mild steel conforming to Grade I of IS: 432 (Part-1), the area of reinforcement shall be increased by 10% of that required for Grade I steel. Table 4.2 Permissible stresses in concrete (IS: 456-2000) {Table-21 of IS: 456-2000) All values in Nim? Parmissible sireas Grade of Permissitile stress in comprosston | In bond (Avg.) for conerete plain bars in tension, (og) Bending (a) Direct (00) - mio [so | 26 ‘| M15 50 40 06 M-20 70, 50 8 M25 85 60 09 M-30) 10.0 80 4.0 M98 115 9.0 44 M40 13.0 10.0 42 in Table 4.2 are obtained by applying a factor of safety of 3 to characteris- tic strength of concrete. Accordingly the permissible valucs of stresses in steel are obtained by applying a factor of safety of 1.78. In the design of reinforced concrete members, the most commonly used grades of concrete are M-20 and M-25. The revised Indian standard code IS: 456-2000 prescribes M-20 as the minimum grade of concrete for reinforced concrete while M-15 and M-10 may be used for plain concrete constructions. For Design office use, it is convenient to use the values of design coef- ficients ‘j’ and ‘Q” to check the depth of the section and to compute the area of reinforcements required to resist the working moment ‘M’ using equations (3) and (4). The valties of design coefficients are compiled in Table 4.3, for the most commonly used grades of concrete. 4.3 BALANCED, UNDER REINFORCED AND OVER REINFORCED SECTIONS In reinforced concrete sections, the depth of neutral axis generally deter- mines the type of section. The analysis of reinforced concrete sections 38 Reinforced Concrete Design ~ Table 4.3 Design CoefMiclents Oe uM , k i fo} (N/mm?) (Nim?) 7 13.33 140 0.400 0.87 1.22 230 0,288 0.80 0.91 280 0.250 0.92 0.80 85 a ido | (0.400 0.87 1.48 230 0.288 0.90 1.40 260 0.250 0.92 0.98 10 9.83 140 (0.400 0.87 1.74 230 0.268 0.90 1.30 ' }- 280 0.250 0.92 1.48 include the determination of ‘critical neutral axis’ which depends only on the permissible stresses in concrete and stecl and modular ratio and the actual neutral axis, which is influenced by the sectional properties and the quantity of reinforcement used in the section, . Referring to the Fig. 4.2 Let b= width of section d effective. depth. n, = critical néutral axis depth. A, = Area of tension reinforcement. 0, = Permissible Tensile stress in steel. Gcue_ = Permissible Compressive stress in concrete. mt = modular ratio = (280/30...) tee“ riticat neutral ‘axis. “HERE Fig. 4.2 Depth of Critical Neutral Axis From the stress distribution diagram ess -[ (o,/m) Solving, the critical neutral axis depth is computed by the relation If M, = Moment of Resistance. Elastic Theory of Reinforced Concrete Sections in Flexure 39 1 T+ (@,Jmoq). Reforring to the Fig. 4.3 to ot | POcbet am | 4st) Fig, 4.3 Depth of Actual Neutral Axis Actual neutral “xis : Leta, = actual neutral axis depth. By equating the first moment of areas above and below the neutral axis, we have : 0.5 bi2=m A, (d~A,) Solving this quadratic equation, the actual neutral axis depth can be determined. Case-1 Under reinforced section If n, < ng the section is under reinforced. The moment of resistance is computed from tension side with steel reaching the maximum permissible stress 6, and the moment of resistance is computed from Fig. 4.4. “Ocbe Permissible stress (G5t)u (40) or «2A0)- Fig. 44 Under Relnforeed Section 0. - Reinforced Concrete Design M,=T.(d-nf3) M,=0,4, (4-nJ3) Where 9, = 140 N/mm’ for Grade-I, Mild steel. = 230 N/mm? for HYSD bars, Case-2 Over reinforced Section If n, > n, the section is overreinforced (more reinforcement used) and the moment of resistance is computed from the compression side since the concrete in the extreme fibres reach the permissible stress Oe first; hence the moment of resistance is computed from Fig, 4.5. Gcbe= Permissible stress b+ iT (St) < dQ) or < (220) Fig. 4.8 Over Reinforced Section If M, = moment of resistance. M,=05 og.:n,+b (d~n,/3) Where 64. 7 N/mm? for M-20 grade concrete, Case-3 Balanced Section Ifn, =n, =n, then the section is balanced, In this case, the stcel and cons crete reach their maximum permissible stresses siinultanéously “and the moment of resistance can be computed either from the compression or tension side. From Fig. 4.6 My, = 0,-A,(d ~n/3)=0.5 o4.n.b.(d~n/3) Where M, = resisting moment of balanced section. Oche = Permissible ee ctress Os (58h) = AQ) or (220) Wig. 4.6 Balanced Section Also. C=05 oy, kdb. TaoyAy Equating Car 0.5 Ong bud. b. = 04 Ay Hence percentage steel reinforcement in the balanced section is given ‘by 1004] _ Gree ref ba ps0 2] . o Also, My = 0.5 Oy, bk (« - 4) My =05 Oy oae(i - *) My $0.5 Oy. bd? ij Q) My 2, {2 fa} =05 a(t -4) 205 kj Hence, Equations (1) and (2) can be conveniently used to compute the Percentage reinforcement and moment of redistance of balanced sections in Which steel and concrete reach the permissible stresses simultaneously and the section is economical since optimal utilization of materials is achieved in balanced sections. Typical values of the design constants p,, and Q, for different grades of concrete and steel most commonly used in structural concrete are compiled in Table 4.4, 42. Reinforced Conerete Design Elastic Theory of Reinforced Concrete Sections in Flexure 43 Table 4.4 Design Constants for Balanced Sections oe 3 exe 8 4 2 8 2 8 z q g 8 g 3 5 3 5 Grado of stool Fotis Fe-500 @ Sess sruse ENSES BEBSR ‘k= Neutral Axis depth factor 0.288 0.253, . Tver arm facior= J 0.804 Oat6 yeg8eta Guage en eae egces Porcontage 20 0.435 0.522 | Serhs SPERS SSSHH gezes Reinforcements M25. 0.533 0.391 4 = oor Ss 8 8 2 |. gonsBe Z205h KBSRR Boss Be wo oer 0460 elses £9985 Gkess seth O4= (Mo! Gach ose oe agg h8h 28558 BRERB Regge BSL28 RSSIF BRSBR Ksass In practice, it is advisable to design R.C. sections as balanced or under j g Ngglh§s FBFHS FFAS RYLHS reinforced since there will be clear warning of impending failure of the | . § SONE2e ASSES FEIBE SEBRE tember in the form. of larger deflections and well distributed cracks with wore nN eevee simaller quantities of reinforcement. Over reinforced sections are not pre- 8 Ele zag RR Be a 8 = 8 23 3 S 8 5 3 8 g ferredsince they require large quantities of reinforcement and the members z : ger wr anno eowee < under over loads fail suddenly with explosive failures and with negligible : 2} 8/2 ase ER SaBRt SBSst Tkgagy deflections and very few cracks. a auree SSRN SSHBS FE9RR Typical failure patterns of under reinforced and over reinfofced beams Ss nk o -eaotm no are shown in Fig, 4.7 and 4.8 tively. 3 Ssygx8 BS8ge =seee Leaga are shown in Fig, 4.7 and 4.8 respecine i 8888s sissg ARMds ASSES < + _ B38 8S5RB gre z| iF 38838 5a8e 22229 gases 4 ao be ro 4 & 29 eg gas PHSSR BANRSY | . . 29898 8aas2 sdive sogag Sone < R8eR Reese Reinfore SES) ABT oss sez ggg sos see x ¥ ; Z : eee nt ot Se Ea Ob 12428 ong 6zS Sr BBs woz 2 20 a . OL 828 202 eS ath Pe gti a { LES pb hy BbLt Po6 ore 16S SSP * toe ae ve oe , : ; eee lez el ego ve6L «pest SELL 286 Sez 879 aby ; = * be ese ore a x an got : £91, 2v0L ere 029 8S ne age eo 080 oe eee feat . oeet go oe be eS 06's WZ GLb 260 62 ‘ ; FL OSS Or 082 62 y ieee gher Bor! POLL ere ork ‘ “ cot a ‘ ; ‘ OLS 6hy 16Z Ost aves 888l - 29y1 -gZL exe LL 26 ; . éo e i : : " zs sey zoe OE | Sore soe, Ocst 2g21 stor 408 O89 Zoho 102 at oz 82 $2 a 4 aL OL th ZL OL 8 9 wa a}aWieIg 18g wosedg (PIN09) op aIgeL (“piwog) bE 99st yS'0e reSl 60'EL OOO! 8's bro Le 2v& GOT Blt Po Lee L£L93 VEILS eS 9FEL SOL vL8 699 eb Wwe Se eal e2 98°96. 6622 LETS BTLL Br 25 bb v6 oo ves 45€ 8 8oL 2 ogee ze6e Lees Olel O96 ZZ 26 eed ses pee 6 6GES SEL LZ Lor BLOE rs re 1O6L 12St 2271 soot O44 sos eee Ise Leh Oz eer twee pase Looe esol 6EEL eSOk OFB SBS Ebr Sot EYL 6h ‘89 rr hope LeLe SELZ Srl Pr PL AVEL SS® 929 oer 622 LS) Bh ley ee9e Le ee 9822 Sr8l Ler e811 S06 so9 wr 9S OOL db 24g0S 8r8E BOE LEZ ENGL OG'SL Li 296 402 I6h Phe LL ot aes SO SLE vesz p60Z 9691 Ovel SZOL PSL eS SEE Bel sh ores BEE 90'SE See pres BL aL geri OO LL Boe igs 6Se 20% bE 9819 ZEly OLE yeez dbz LS'6L 2psk yelt O48 409 Ze ave eb Od ELS 16 Or BFS BOs LAI S29 E82. cr6 rs 6le g96e a bed BESS Z'rr OS re gsez2 eee See. 66EL S8ZOl Pll Lohr L897 Ak ey08 2919 60°6r Ose erLe Sse 10%. GESL Leth SeZ 0's ese a 98°68 rsa PSPS veer Were Leet vez OLL 49% EL BSS ple 6 es00! 6OL ELD ely 268 IIe else pe6h Phyl 286 829 ese 8 6e rE 9628 Zod OES Berry SegE 228% 661 GLO! Ski BLL OP zZ ‘y0'PE B9'20l IBLE 9e'E9 GETS iPr. ise g99'SZ S8'8l GOEL 8b iL 9 SOL SEZ AV86 s0'9d e829 680s Or 6L0E e92%% 1251 soo sag s ee 8 st a 0g Bb aL vb ae OL 8 9g Un ‘sa}8WRIG IEG wooeds URpIAA 10 Jad uD ur sanje, sBupedg uoaty ry sIRg Jo seOIy 9° aIGEL, 46 — Reinforced Concrete Design > ‘These tables are very useful in design computatiois of reinforcements in structural concrete members like slabs, beams and columns. 4.4 ANALYSIS OF EXAMPLES OF, R.C. SECTIONS 4.4.1 Example / e A singly reinforced concrete beam with an effective span of 4m has a rect- angular section with a width of 250 mm and an overall depth of 550 mm. The beam is teinforced with 3 bars of 10 mm diameter Fe-415 HYSD bars at an effective depth of 500 mm. The self-weight of beam together with the dead load is 4 kKN/m. Calculate the maximum permissible live load on the beam. Assume M-20 gtade concrete. a) Data Effective Span = 4 m Width of beam = 250 mm Effective depth = 500 mm Overall depth = 550 mm Tension stecl (A,,) = (3 x 78.5) = 235.5 mar. Materials: M-20 Grade concrete and Fe-415 HYSD bars. b) Permissible Stresses Gey, = 7 Nita? m = 13.33 64=230N/mm? —n, = 0.288d c¢) Loads and Moment =4kN/m. Self-weight and dead load =.g M, = (0.125 x4x4)=8 KN d) Actual Neutral Axis Depth If n, = depth of actual neutral axis. O5Sb nr=mA, (dA) (0.5.x 250 x12) = 13 235.5-(500—n,) Elastic Theory of Reinforced Concrete Sections in Flexure 47 Solving n, = 100.2 mm., e) Critical Neutral Axis Depth If n. = Critical neutral axis depth. 1 - ot ae a \| a -| Er | so = 144.3 mm. I+ Oot it 1333x7, Since x, 1, the section is over reinforced. <. Moment of Resistance is computed as M2 05.0y¢b., (d-9,B) = (0.57300 295.16(600~295.16/3)} = (155.46 109) = 155.46 kN.m. 4.4.3 Example The cross section of an R.C.C beam of rectangular section is to be designed to resist a bending moment of 65, Assuming the width of beam as half the effective depth, determine the dimensions of the beam and the area of tension reinforcement-for the- balanced section. Adopt M-20 Grade concrete and Fe-415 Grade HYSD bars. Elastic Theory of Reinforced Concrete Sections in Flexure 49 a) Data Moment of Resistance = M, = 65 kN.m Width of beam = 5 Effective depth = d. Materials: M-20 Grade Concrete. Fe-415 Grade HYSD bars. b) Permissible Stresses Sete = 7 N/mm? oy = 230 N/mm? m = 13.33 ©) Cross Sectional Dimensions M,= Q.b.d° 65 x 109 = (0.91 x0.5xdxd) Solving d= 522,8mm 2 b= (0.5 x $22.8) = 261.4 mm Cover = 40 mm, Adopt a section 265 mm by 570 mm, Provided, d= (570 - 40) = 530 mm. d) Reinforcements Area of tension Reinforcement is ( 65x 10° 5x10) 2 mags) 593mm A reinforced concrete beam of rectangular section is required to resist a service moment of 120 KN.m. Design suitable dimensions and reinforce- Ments for the balanced section of the beam assumin. 1g M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 grade HYSD bars. 9) Data Moment of Resistance of the balanced section = " My = 120 kKN.m Width of beam = b 50 Reinforced Concrete Design ive depth = 7 Sao Grade concrete and Fe-415 Grade HYSD bars. b) Permissible stresses ae = N/mm? __ Assume b = (d/2) Oy = 2390Nimm? m = 13.33 ©) Cross Sectional Dimensions For the balanced section {Table 4.4) Me 2.) =0,=0.1301 (sa 2 120x 10° a |= 0,=0.1301 (=e) % solving d= 641 mm, a Effective depth =d=641 mm Cover = 39 min. Aduptoverall depth, D = 680 mm, Width of section b = 0.5 d= 321 mm. d) Reinforcements Reinforvement in balanced section is computed from Table 4.4 as 100A, = = 0.438 Po ( ba ) 0. (oss vd) {e x321x641 101.23 mm? 100 100 Adopt 3 bars of 20mm (Ay.= 942mm?) 4.45 Reample Compute the moment of resistance of the reinforced concrete section . 4.9. The beam section is reinforced with tension and com- yin Fig. 4.9. “eaten -cinforoement, Adopt M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 HYSD bars. . -, Elastic Theory of Reinforced Conerete Sections in Flexure 51 t— 300 fhe N/mm? N/mm? Ost /m) ae 2820 & 2422 . Fig. 4.9 Reinforced Concrete Sectiion a) Data Area of tension steel (A, |) = 2 bars of 20 mm diameter and 2 bars of 22 mm diameter, 2 Ag= 1388 mm? Area of compression steel (A,,) = 2 bars of 16 mm diameter = = 402 mm? ‘Cover to compression steel = d, = 50 mm Width of beam = 6 = 300 mz * Effective depth = d= 850 mm Materials: M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 HYSD bars. ‘b) Permissible Stresses y= TNinm? = m=13 and m,= 1.5m - ' 6,=230 Ninn? n= 0.288 d c) Depth of Neutral Axis Let n, = actual depth of neutral axis : First moment of the areas above and below the neutral axis yields the following relation. 0.56.12 4 (15m - 1)A,.(0,-4,) = mA,(d-n,) (0.5 x 3002) + [(1.5 x 13) - 1]402(7,— 50) = (13 x 1388) (850-n,) Solving, ny=250mm . ‘Critical neutral axis depth is given by the relation ! nl . oly ee Jefiz j|ts0= 028s xt80.e2i14mm woe. ta, 152. Reinforced Concrete Design Elastic Theory of Reinforced Concrete Sections in Flexure 53 cover of 50 mm. Using M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 HYSD bars, compute a) the actual neutral axis. b) the critical neutral axis and c) the safe moment of resistance of the section. 7) A reinforced concrete beam of rectangular section 300 mm wide by 600 mm overall depth is reinforced with 3 bars of 36 mm diameter at an effective depth of 550 mm. The section is also reinforced with 2 bars of 25 mm diameter on.the compression side at an effective cover Since n, > he the section is over reinforced, Moment of resistance of the section is computed from ‘the compression side as My =0.5 Ogpehy-b (d — nf) + (1.5 — NAO eld 4) = (0.5% 7.x 250 x 300) [850 ~ (250/3)] + {(1.5 x 13) - 11402 5.6(850~ 50) = (234,56 x 10°) Nu i (234.56 %105) Nm of 50 mm.: Adopting M-15 grade concrete and Fe-250 grade steel, = 234.56kN.m calculate a) the stresses developed in concrete and steel corresponding toa service load moment of 175 KN.m. b) Determine the safe moment of resistance of the section. 8) A reinforced concrete rectangular section 300 mm wide by 600 mm overall depth is reinforced with 4 bars of 25 mm diameter at an effec- tive cover of 50 mm on the tension side. Assuming M-20 grade con- crete and Fe-415 HYSD bars, determine the allowable bending moment and the stresses in steel:and concrete corresponding to this moment. 4.5 EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE 1) Assingly reinforced simply supported beam 200 mm wide by 550 mm overall depth is reinforced with 4 bars of 12 mm diameter at an effec- tive depth of 500 mm. The self weight of the beam together with the dead load is 3.5 KN/m. Adopting M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 HYSD bats estimate.the maximum permissible live load on-the beam. 2) A reinforced concrete beam of rectangular section 300 mm wide. by 650 mm deep is reinforced with 4 bars of 25 mm diameter at an effec~ tive depth of 600 mm. Calculate the neutral axis depth and estimate the safe moment of resistance of the section adopting M-25 grade concrete and Fe-415 HYSD bars. -3) A reinforcéd concréte beam of rectangular section 250. mm wide by 550 mm deep is reinforced with 4 bars of 32 mm diameter at an effec- ° tive depth of 500 mm. Using M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 HYSD bars, calculate the safe moment of resistance of the beam. 4) A reinforced concrete beam of rectangular section 350. mm wide by 750 mm overall depth is reinforced with 3 bars of 20 mm diameter at an effective depth ef 700 mm. Adopting M-30 grade concrete.and Fe- 500 grade steel reinforcement, calculate the safe moment of resistance of the section. If the beam spans over 5 m, estimate. the safe permissible livé load on the beam. 5) A reinforced concrete beam of rectangular section is to be designed to resist a service load moment of 200 kKN.m. Assuming the width of the beam as half the effective depth, calculate the dimensions of the beam adopting M-20 grade eoncrete and Fe-415 HYSD bars. 6) A einforced concrete beam of rectangular section having a width of 400 mm and overall depth 850 mm is reinforced with 4 bars of 25 mm diameter both on the compression and tension sides effective CHAPTER 5 Limit State Method of Design 5.1, PHILOSOPHY OF LIMIT STATE DESIGN The inadequacies of the elastic and ultimate load methods of. design paved the way for the limit state method of design with a semi-probabilistic approach, Limit state design is a method of designing structures based ona statistical concept of safety and the associated statistical probability of failure. Structures designed should satisfy the dual criterion of a) Safety and b) Serviceability. tae Safety may be defined as an acceptable degree of security against complete collapse or failure, which in concrete structures can occur by various modes such as compression, tension, flexure, shear, torsion, fatigue or their combinations. Serviceability requirement means that thé member or structure should not in its intended lifetime deteriorate to sich an extent that it fails to fulfil its function for which it is designed. In concrete structures, this state may be reached due to excessive deflection, cracking, vibration, corrosion of rein- forcement etc. Limit state design philosophy 39.40 uses the concept of probability and is based on the application of the method of statistics to the variations that occur in practice in the Joads acting on the structure and the strengths of the materials. The evolution of limit State method of design over the years is presented in Fig. 5.1. 5.2. LIMIT STATE DESIGN AND CLASSICAL RELIABILITY THEORY In Limit state design, probabilistic concepts are explicitly incorporated for the first time. Applications of classical reliability theory" to structural design require comprehensive statistical data regarding loads and strengths and their exact shapes of normal distribution curves. At present the proba- bilities of failure that are socially acceptable must be kept very low (lina million). At such low levels, the probability of failure is very sensitive to the exact shape of the normal distribution curves. To determine exact‘ shapes of normal distributton curves, we require very large numbers of Limit State Method of Design 55 Factor of safety applied to the yield or ultimate stress to get permissible stress Structure designed to support working or service joads without exceeding the permissble strosses in concrete and steel Inadequacy of the method —— Actual safely ‘against ultimate loads’ not known = 1900-1930} Working or permissible stress method ———— en Load factors applied to working loads to estimate ultimate loads Safety factors apptied to the ultimate strength of materials S Ultimat toad/strength }/3 Structure designed to support the design Ultimate loads Inadequacy of the method — Serviceability | aspects such as deflection and cracking at service toads are not’ considered method -—————— Structure designed tosatistyall the limit states such as 1960 to date Limit state a) Strength = Collapse : method b) Serviceability ~~ Deflection and cracking % Statistical probability concepts incorporated Limit state "]] tor toads and strengths method 3 Characteristic loads’ and characteristic strengths incorporated obtained by ‘applying partial safety factors in various for load and materi in various | .|| for load and material ‘strengths This method overcomes the inadequacies of {L working stress and ultimate toad methods Fig. 5.1 Evolution of Limit State Design Method statistical data and such comprehensive data is not yet available. In partic- ular, sufficient numbers of extreme values of the strengths. of Complete structures (to define accurately the shapes of the tails of the normal distribution curves) may. never be available. In.a simple example, only one type of load and one-strength variables are used, For a real structure, there willin general be many types of loads and many modes of failure, normnally with complex correlations between themi‘making it very difficult to calculate the probability of failure’, Hence in the Jimit state design, our engineering experience and judgement have béen used to modify and to remedy the inadequacies.of earlier design methods and partly use the probabilistic concepts. Hence, it is appropriate to designate the limit. state design method uirtently practiced as Semi probabilistic approach to structural design. 5.3 LIMIT. STATES “A structure may become unfit for its intended purpose in a number of ways in terms of either Safoty or Serviceability. The prominent limit states are d Concrete Design _ on Atof sy “ g) Ultimate or Failure Limit State The structure may collapse due to rupture of one or more critical sections, as a result of static, sustained, pulsating or dynamic loading or loss of overall stability, disintegration due to fire or frost. b) Serviceability Limit State ‘The structure may exhibit excessive deflections or displacements adversely. affecting the finishes causing discomfort to the users. Also the structure may suffer excessive local damage resulting in cracking or spalling of concrete which impairs the efficiency or appearance of the structure. 5.4 SAFETY FACTORS Safety is expressed in terms of the probability that the structure will not become unfit for its intended function during its usefiil life that is the structure will not reach a limit state. The initial idea of referring to a single failure criterion has been replaced by the comprehensive concept of multi- ple limit states, With this concept the local or the overall behaviour in all stages—clastic, cracked, inelastic and ultimate—are considered. In the limit. | state approach, a structure-is considered as well designed if it could be shown that the probability of any limit state being attained is substantially * constant for all the component members and for the structure as a whole and that consequently, the latter posses adequate and uniform structural safety. Due to the number of variables involved, a rational determination of the safety of a structure, based on probability theory is not yet practical in the design office. Partial safety factors are therefore introduced for each limit state and these consist of Y, » teduction factor for characteristic strength of materials and y, , enhancement factors for characteristic loads on the structure. 5.5. CHARACTERISTIC AND DESIGN STRENGTHS AND PARTIAL SAFETY FACTORS ‘ ‘The variation in the properties of concrete and steel are expressed as char- acteristic values related to the mean values and standard variation. Characteristic Strength (f) = [Mean strength — kx Standard Deviation} Where ‘k? is a factor chosen to ensure that the probability of the character- istic strength not being exceeded is small. Many of the national odes including the Indian standard code IS: 456 - 2000 have recommended a value of 1.65 for & so that only 5 percent of the test results could have a _Limit State ‘Method of Design =o t strength less than the-characteristic strength. *- ts In the absence of statistical data, the characteristic strength of concrete and steel may be taken as the works cube strength and minimum proof or yield strength respectively as recommended in the current codes. Since the materials in the structure are’ likely to differ in quality from those tested, design strengths are obtained by dividing the characteristic strength by Yq) the appropriate partial safety factor for the Limit State being considered. The proposed values for the partial safety factors are as given in Table 5.1, a ; In contrast the ACI Code“ provides for these variations in material strengths and workmanship in the form of capacity reduction factors. Hence we have ‘ = Characteristic, Sirens) Design Strength ( Partial Safery Factor ‘Table 5.1 Partial safety Factors for Material Strengths Wn) US; 456-2000) : Limit Stato Material | Collapse Dotlection | Local Damage Steel 4.18 4,00 1.00 Concrete, 1.50 “1.00 1,00°0F 1:30 5,6 CHARACTERISTIC AND DESIGN LOADS AND PARTIAL SAFETY FACTORS The Characteristic loads are expressed as Characteristic Load (F) = [Mean Load + & x Standard Deviation] Where k is a factor; which ensures that the probability of the characteristic load being exceeded is small. For the immediate future, the characteristic loads can not be assessed in this way'due to lack of statistical information about the nature of loads and it is necessary to assume that the characteris- tic loads are equivalent to the values of loads currently recommended in the loading standards IS: 875". The revised code 1S: 456-2000 distinguishes between three types of loading in traditional use which are dead, imposed or live and wind Joad, In addition, loads resulting from the effects of creep, shrinkage or temperature ate also considered if their effect is judged to be significant. ‘The characteristic loads do not allow calculation and inadequacies in the metho: As such the design Joads arc obtained by en for lack of precision in design ds of analysis and construction. hancing the characteristic loads 58 Reinforced Concrete Design by suitable partial safety factors for the various limit states as given in Table 5.2. Hence we have, Design Load = (Characteristic load) x (Partial safety factor) ‘Table 5.2 Partial Safety Factors for Londs (y,) (Table-18 Of IS: 456-2000) Load Limit Safe of Collapse Limit state of Serviceability | Combination of We OL i WL Dusit | 15 = 1.0 1.0 = DL + WL 15o0r0.9" [ 15 10 = 1.0 DL+UL+ WL 12 1.0 oe [08 Note 1) While considering earthquake effects, substitute EL for WL 2) For the Limit states of serviceability, the values of ; given in this Table are applicable for short-term effects. While assessing the Long- * term effects due to creep, the dead load and that part of the Live Load likely to he permanent may only be considered. * This value is to be considered when stability against overturning or stress reversal is critical. ‘ The interaction between load effects and strength is shown in Fig. $:2 where the normal distribution curves for loads and_material’ strength are superposed, Effect of loads Strength of concrete or steel Characteristic Strength Load i Probability density Fm F fox tm Load & strength variobles in limit state design im + 1-65.0°] For good im - 1650 ] design . Fig: 5.2 Classical Rellability Model for Strength Design Limit State Method of Design 59 The characteristic loads and strengths are expressed in terms of the standard deviation, mean stréngth, and the probability factor as, FHh, +1650 Sy 1.05.6 characteristic load F,, = mean load characteristic strength = mean strength © = standard deviation. Ultimate Strength of Reinforced Concrete Sections 61 1) Plane sections normal to the axis cémain plane after bending. . 2) The maximum. strain in concreté at the extreme compression, fibre és assumed as 0.003 in flexure. 3) The relationship between the compressive stress distribution in con- crete and the strain in concrete may be assumed to-be-rectangle, trap- ezoid, parabola or any other shape which results iri prediction of strength in substantial agreement with the test results. The recommended stress-strain curve is shown in Fig. 6.1,-which shows the characteristic and design strength curves. . CHAPTER 6 / Ultimate Strength of Reinforced Concrete Sections 6.1 INTRODUCTION The most common types of structural concrete elements comprise, slabs, beams and columns, which are used extensively in buildings of all types. Reinforced concrete slabs are primarily subjected to flexure and shear while beams have to be designed to resist flexure and shear and also tor- bination of these forces in some cases. Coluinns are primatily s for compression and bending, action of steel Characteristic curve sion or a com| designed for compression but in some case: which develops in edge or comer columns. The composite aivd concrete is mainly due to bond and anchorage. This Chapter deals with the theoretical concepts involved in devetop- ing the strength computations of reinforced concrete sections under differ- ent states of stress and the basis of the various formulae given in IS: 456-2000, Section-S. Structural Design (Limit State Method) and Annexure-G-containing various formulae for the computation of flexural : strength of rectangular and flanged reinforced conerete sections. Struetural designers and students should be familiar with the deri ations to have a better insight into the design process. However practical ‘ designers may use the formulae given in the codes or the tables and charts of "Design Aids to 1S:456" published as special publication SP:16", by the Bureau of Indian Standards. Designers may also refer to the Manual for limit state design of Reinforced concrete members authored by Varyani and Radhaji*’ which contains exhaustive design tables and charts to facili. tate faster design of Structural concrete members. 0 0-001 9-002 0-003 0-0035 strain cu) Fig. 6.1 Characteristics and Design Strength Curves for Concrete in Flexural Compression * Characteristic Strength = fy etfa| fo? fe Ye 1 ‘The stress block parameters are shown in Fig. 6.2. Design Strength =| ] =045f, : Area of stress block is the sum of rectangular and parabolic portion and is computed as A= (0.45 fig 0.42.4) + (2/3 X 0.45 fy X0.58.2,) = 0.36 fos Where’ x, = depth of Neutral Axis. fu = Characteristic Compressive Strength. 6.2. ULTIMATE FLEXURAL STRENGTH OF RECTANGULAR SECTIONS 6.2.1 Assumptions Position of centre of compression from extreme compression fibre =0.42.x, 4) The tensile strength of concrete is ignored. The following assumptions are relevant in the computations of ultimate flexural strength of reinforced concrete sections as specified in IS: 456- 2000 Clause 38.1, 62 | Reinforced Concrete Design . poet $.0-0035- $045 few + stew Fe sJO58 fe xu: {6-042 xy) - Ts Ast 087 fy ¥G+ Section Strain Stress Fig. 6.2 Stress Block Parameters 5) The stresses in the reinforcemet are obtained from the stress-strain curves shown in Fig, 6.3. For design purposes the partial safety factor ‘Ym equal to 1.15 is applied to compute the design strength, 6) The maximum strain in the tension reinforcement in the section at the collapse limit state shall be not less than [rfgromm| [924 oo] Where f, = characteristic strength of steel. E, = modulus of elasticity of steel. 6.2.2. Balanced, Under reinforced and Over reinforced Sections Reinforced concrete sections in flexure reach the failure stage when the compressive strain in concrete reaches a value of 0.0035 as shown in Fig. 6.2, When the sections are reinforced in such a way that the tension steel reaches the yield strain of 8, = [(0.87f) / E, + 0.002] and simultaneously the concrete strain is €, = 0,0035, then the section is termed as Balanced. In Under reinforced sections, the tension steel reaches yield strain at loads lower than the load at which concrete reaches the failure strain. When the steel yields earlier than concrete, there will be excessive deflections and cracking with a clear indication of impending failure, Hence it is preferable to design beams as underreinforced since failure will take place after yielding of steel with clear warning signals like excessive deflections and cracking before the ultimate failure, - Let Ultimate Strength of Reinforced Concrete Sections 63 Characteristic curve _Design curve Stress (N/mm) ® 3 8 100) 0 9-002 0004 0-006 9008 Strain thy, 6.3 Characteristic and Design Stress-Strain Curves for Fe 415 Grade Steel Over reinforced sections are those in which concrete reaches the yield strain earlier than that of steel. Over reinforced beams fail by compression failure of concrete without much warning and with very few cracks and negligible deflections, Over reinforced concrete beams are not preferred since they require large quantities of steel and they fail suddenly with explosive failures without any warning. 6.2.3 Depth of Neutral Axis Consider a rectangular beam section shown in Fig. 6.2. 6 = width of section. Effective depth. A, = Area of tension reinforcement, x, = depth of neutral Axis. For equilibrium of forces at the limit state of collapse, Total tension (7) = Total compression (C) (Ay D.87 £) = 0.36 fyb, %e (a8 | a) (036f, ba. 64. Reinforced Concrete Design Limiting values of (x, /d) to avoid brittle failure is determiried from the condition that the stee] strain €,, at failure should be not less than the value given by ou [ 24 09] Assuming E, = 2 x 10° N/mm’, the yield strain for design purposes for dif- ferent grades of stecl are given in Table 6.1. From proportionality of strains, we have the relation, n)_[ &_]_f 0.0035 d} Leute,} 10.0035 +e, Substituting the various values of €,, for different grades of steel, the max- imum limiting values of (x/d) for different grades of steel are also shown in Table 6.1. (6.2) Table 6.1 Limiting values of (Xu / d) Grade of Concrete 4 Yield strain ax! O) . Mau) Fo- 250 Mild Steal 250 0.0031 0.53 HYSD bars Fo-418 | 415 | 0.0038 0.48 HYSDbarsFe-500 | 600 | 0.0042 0.46 6.2.4 Moment of Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Sections The moment of resistance of rectangular reinforéed concrete sections can be computed by using the stress diagram assumed at the limit state of collapse shown in Fig. 6.2. Taking moments about the centre of compres- sion, M,=T (d-0.42x,) Substituting x,= [9are4u) from Eq. (6.1) and T=(0.87A,f,) | ~ Hence M,=0.87 Af, [d - 0.42 (0.87 f, A,/0.36 fi, 6) Simplifying and rearranging, +(6.3) M,=087A,f,d ip - Ultimate Strength of Reinforced Concrete Sections 65 Eq (6.3) can be used for estimating the flexural strength of sections in- which (,/d) is tess than the limiting valuc given in Table-6.1. This equa- tion is specified in ANNEX-G of IS: 456-2000. Expressing the area of steel as a percentage of the effective area, we have -{ésJar ‘au Where p is the percentage of steel, Substituting for (A, / bd) from the above expression in Eq, (6.3),'we get (65) 2a [2] -om 4 sal-(2z For a given value of (M,/bd’], f, and f,, the value of ‘p’ can be computed. This is presented in 1.S,Publication SP: 16 as design tables. In these tables, the percentage of tension steel in the beam corresponds to the yield stress in steel when the beam fails by yielding of steel as in under reinforced sections. The design tables 1 to 4 in SP: 16 are very useful for structural designers to compute the percentage of tensile steel for known values of Gt fod’) and different grades of steel and concrete. The moment of M, = 0.87 f, fy (64) resistance of a concrete section can also be determined in terms of concrete - Strength by taking the moment of compression force about the tension force in steel, which yields the relation, M,= 0.36 fy ba(d 04x) = 0.36 fy ll 1-042 (3)! ba? Bu) fame) pec cca ge age I (3) -( “) which is the limiting value as given in Table-6.1, fren the limiting values of the moment of resistance of the section is given Ys i My-tm = 0.36 (24) ~o4a{%x)] bd? =K bd? here K = A constant. " different grades of steel, the expression for M, for different grades of +(6.5) . SWel are compiled in Table- 6.2, 5 66 Reinforced Concrete Design Table 6.2 Moment of Reslstance for Limiting Valies of (x, na. /d} for different Grades of Steel Grade of Stoe! Same Expression for M, ody Fe-250 0.83 0.149 ba? Fe- 415 i 048 0.188 fy ba? Fa- 600 0.48 0.195 fy, 0 a? 6.2.5 Expression for Steel Area for Balanced Singly Reinforced Section Equating the compressive force in concrete and tensile force in steel (Fig. 6.2) we have. 0.87 fy Ay = 0-36 fa 2 Rearranging the terms, Ay) _ (036%) (fx) _ 4) (*:)-(Sin5)(f)-coomolf Since (x,/d) is constant for a given value of f, If p, = Limiting percentage of tension steel. 100A, n=l a The Reinforcement Index can be expressed as 6.6) For different grades of steel, the reinforcement index and the limiting moment of resistance for singly reinforced rectangular sections are com- piled in Table 6.3. ‘Table 6.3 Limlting moment of Resistance and Reinforcement Index for Singly | Reinforced Rectangutar Sections (Table-C of SP: 16} % (Nien) 260 | 418 | 500 (5) ota | 0.138 | 0.133 abd | 19.82 | 18.87 So (28) 21.97 Ultinate Strength of Reinforced Concrete Sections 67 Balanced percentage of steel, p; jin evaluated for different grades of con- crete and steel are shown in Table 6.4. 4 Table 6.4 Batanced Percentage of Stecl, p, ne for Singly Reinforeed Rectangular Sections (Table -F of SP: 16) fs (Nimm*) 4 (Némm*) 260 415, 500 15 1.32 0.72 0.57 20 1,76 0.98 0,76 25. 2.20 1.19 0.94 20 2.64 1.43 1.13 6.2.6 Use of Design Charts and Tables of SP: 16 for Singly Reinforced beams and slabs . The Indian Standards Institution's special Publication SP: 16, Design Aids for Reinforced concrete to IS: 456(1978) or (2000) contains a number of charts and tables for design of reinforced concrete members. Based on - Equations (6.3) and (6.6), the various charts and tables have been evolved. The following are the data presented in SP: 16 for design and analysis of beams and slabs of singly reinforced concrete sections, 1) Tables 1 to 4 give the percentage steel required for Various values of (M,Jbd’) and f, for concrete grades f,, = 15, 20, 25, and 30. Three typ- ical tables for féy = 20, 25 and 30 are presented in Tables 6.5, 6.6 and 6.7 in the text. 2) Tables 5 to 44 give the moment of resistance per metre width for var- ious thicknesses of slabs (¢ = 10 to 25 cm) for different bar diameters and spacing for various values of f, and fu. 3) Charts 1 to 18 present the moment of resistance per metre width for varying depths (5 to 80 cm) and varying percentage of steel and for two toncrete grades of f,, = 15 and 20 using steel grades of f, = 250, 415 and 500. The SP: 16 design tables and charts are. very useful for structural designers, since the designs of beams and slabs can be quickly worked out and checked without using the detailed procedure ‘of using the design equations. 6.2.7 Analysis Examples 1) A singly reinforced concrete beam having a width of 250 mm is rein- forced with stecl bars of area 3600 mm? at an effective depth of 69 (Cp1uog) oIgt e89t 08% | HPO ELKO seS0 6060 LyE0 SLE boot = 299 BLS Ovr'O esrO «(OFS G48 GOOLE ss60 SoS} 199 oe Sco SrrO |= ZIS‘O | OseO SS SeeO 960 O4Sb SEO PLT ObvO 2zvO | 0p6h'O) Lee SSB. ONE 4860 SSS OL eL2 | 960 BHO LO zEL0 Sze'O 8260 OPS =pOor ©=oLe | zeeo Z8eO OsyO DLO Sexo _, ¥6L0 G6I6O Ses} sBSl soz | LIE Ese erro SELO S90 SPT sszo0 820 0160 Osi exst 99% | EGeO B90 oZKO 40L0 9E'0 OFT 8r2'0 60 1060 6Séy, OSS) pO'T 6880 SEO 600 6490 400 SEL OPO 1420 «6680 SH: ark zoe zo 680 «626EO0 «SID LOO fe20 p90 E880 99F1 -zzSl O9% | ZIEO szeO geo Pe90 09" ; " 4 j 90 Sth gez0 9820 P80 ISyL 6ZIgh «6 sSz | e670 LIEO 66seO | LOS zeg'0 oe} 6120 BrZ'0 . ogo devil l6hL 695% | sEz0 46z0 «SHE'D OSD pBS'O SEL 10 bre'0 “ ds8'0 Ezy zeyL oyST | Zez'O «SeTO LZEOCeyS'O «9950 OL ZO veLO 8r80 BOFL seri zsz| esz0 e970 1160 ZISO 9650 sot Ultimate Strength of Reinforced Conerete Sections 00S Oke Sie seve ooS Osh Sie osez. bez \ nN , ! uy aun 4 Paw wun 4 pan PMUUN OC =f Cpimea) £9 araeL (prod) O° Sef0 OveO peel zwrL Ose gyz0 . SSTO0 S67. 0670 $10 OO" ceo 6LZ0 «FeO ORE} EL BHT wezO | theo ogzo vev'0 cero S60 eec'o liz «ezaO «GUELPH | GIz'O sez ATO BEF O gsr'o 080 uso POLO «piso «SEL BOF «vyz | GOTO ~SIZO erTO EVO cero 980 6990 «2690. 9080 «BES L «PEEL Ce. e6ro zo eezo ARO «EOF (080 a9" “0 860 «pee: «COREL «COZ | FeVO esto “ez. 19e0 © 9ze'0 SLO ee90 eso oszo «(FER SOE BES gore S40 £070 eco ose'o 020 2 gpeo S290 «180 | «LOZ E CAGE. GET | GSO IO. Lavo FEO HEED 390 Zyg0 9990 eZzo Bet LOL VET erro | 6rkO eLV0 gezo 89-8670 090 geyo 1990 SOLO Oe EEL ES revo «gero) | BSh'O 290 zz0 06SS0 zo rego «sco |e ooet «ces | SiO “eweo «erko zeco Ape os = x ( ( | LO 8z10 e170 wee0 svo So: ye9'0 Z¥90 6rL0 ere th séak ere goro ot : ‘ rt “ 3 = §ig0 0r9'0 dpi ofa hb 18th 9s 600 © 860°0 PLEO 88h 0 96 £0 ovo a B09'0 | SE9'0 eez0 giz £974 vee 2200 «9800 660°0 + bo Ld! vo seo Bs -zoyo 2290 SLO OTL FETE wT] OLD ELD se70 OPO sPLO OED = ° Boos ose SHS W 00s eh SSbSCSZCsCOHE gs ae SO 3 | {OWN 1 - guun : = wu 4 Paw 2owN Pan ~§ . ei weynoz =f (OT dS 50 Z-PEQEL) suopsas paazoyurey A[Burg og 'd ‘eBeyuaorg yuomeuosurey—aanxeL £9 AAPL 71 Ultinate Strength of ‘Reinforced Concrete Sections Reinforced Concrete Design 70 (piue) 2:60 560 bord egy 18° 80 sas gy G68'°0 860 za01 96s 870 880 urd sen oes'o 4160 190"L O9L) bz0 cero ispo. 06'0 £980 8680 Geo, sayy orz0 B0r0 gern geo she'O Oes'o BOL 069") £120 eco 66E°0 o8'o S280 2980 4660 egy S170 BS eo gg L bo yee0 £460 leon L0Z0 eeeo £60 oc F6l0 2280 oe6'0 sper 80 GEO ize gu 2LL0 S080 E60 pss, 12i0, ‘82:0 962°0 ogo 0920 2620 360 oes, 9Si-o oszo 1420, sso veLO $220 968'0 28h} rho 970 x 220 8sL0 9280 ssp y 4210 Liza core 0 thZ'0 LeZo £580 eer gto 88t'0 S610 oro aie FeO aee:0 ge” fe00 F810 eo geo 629'0 8020 8180 Sserp ‘¥20°0 Opto Srbo deo 00S 8 sip ge Sle sz ope ! ZU | ” : a UU Pow aUWyN pain PUWIN sz SF ot Snopes parm Kame or dS ¢-aquz)_. : ea 'd eeu aaz04 “Gage 925) aBewuaciod wowsaioyuro ajqysseupeur ayeorput syuetg—s10N $650 Oeg0 4120 OBL Gee ore 8850 8190 60L0 Lat geet ae z8s0 9090 toz0 ror ete" + 9 Be Sés'0 66S'0-— g69'0 tShh 664" v he 6950 8650 sgo’o seh sere ae BS0 9850 eL90 sata oe j : i ‘ KL est gow + eet pez | oso eze0 ous'o zn . erat glet 962 | oss ego 2090 S601 Sri soz BLL 66 962 | SrS'0 ges'0 sc90 0b zee 90% LS | Zeah ee 48S'0 6850 Zp9'9 20°. oleh 20 | 4 i i ; O's 90 CO sot ert age | tesco eso oreo 290" : % 7 eat 6r.'L Bez SISO zeso0 beorq ogo £201 Set e994 eel ose 00S'0 . 1zs'0 2090 900" bork oot Zol sizt pez | bep0 | coco reso 6960 soo". se eel oot zee | Garo Gero 6s9s0 Gee ba 00g Osh Sly ose Ove 00S O8y Ske ose Ore : auwyy auUyN f ay 4 Pan | UN Pan SUN OG = "Ff CPIU0D) 9 2192 z, 73 “M92, 205) aBejuaced AWoueaOsUIO TqISSREpEUT seOIpUY SHEL —ON £990 1690 66L0 Zzed cee 8r9'0 S490 Iez0geztt ose} ore 2690 -6rB0 | zOL'0 4190 er9'0 ehz'0 eee . ste 90 2290 sero wsek ee 4850 LtS'0 zozo L . . eiS0 .965°0 6890 ier cee. » "Ce we | Lss0 oso 190 ost 6 SEZ S6b% Lez CLE | zeS'O sos0 Esa0 “6214 “ S42 ze ove | seco eps0 ceoro 660"L soe ez esez age eso ves0 ¢ y ; 8190 = 920} 7 tere pea aoe wee SISO 1090 66'0. mot Set vOSO £850 8960 B00 2 Su@Z cove zoe | ozpo 68r'0 x Set ‘ 99S'0 x 660% sez oge 9sr0 SérO eso tie a0 ore Ultimate Strength of Reinforced Concrete Sections om 660 OB. oar sip ose Ove 00s 8p Sip ose ore I aun i uN Palin aA zane AWN oz =P (CPII0D) 9°9 aqe1, ceo OLbe BSE erro 6O9r0 = ees ERB Ok SL 40% ese 9cF ezv0 orrO «SISO 609SBO NERO OLE woe Lere Pe riyO «l€rO «6 66P0 08S eB SOL 90%. «OCs = =aSE oor «430 680 «ORD ERO CONTE ozoz vore ose | eto s0r0 seP0 e420 SOxO sot eeoe Bre | LEO 880 ErrO Sr20 2420 OSL 20 «= FE 6se0 «péeO 6ctrO 66IZ0 GPL SL 68h b 90% Pre SEO OO8FO LIyO ENO L220 (FL 8th owoe are eee0 Leo 10v0 9990 e690 sel LZbE sz0~ Ore Ozeo see0 seeo 6GESO 6990 «(ORL & zrL 626 G00z Bee | GeO BIEO 69D C190 sE90 sZt = esl pel E88 98 | “ETO MEO eseO ESO 1190 OzL &. 6860 PPL L 668") ele b vee Osz0 «260 BELO SO 6850) SEL 2 2rs0 = 1860 Sek yesh z96 1 ee 4970 6420 EO ses0 6 Zsg0 Olt 5 St6OELEO oz BOBL ©«HEL «Ose | SszO SezO OPO «BOSD OES SOL = 8 00S by Ste «see 00S OS «= Sth 8 —_ Tn I, £ 1. aun | 2, = UN Paw uy Paw IWIN Se =F (Cpam0D) 9°9 age 75 (pio) Ultimate Strength of Reinforced Concrete Sections MUN Og = 8 (PMD) 19 a1gez SEE Sena oe (pmeg) 9280 S160 Sool e522 SeBb Ste Orzo OSz0 «6870 «GLFO BBO OO 0980 9680 GEOL = OZZL HLL OTE | Leto «Lez «bezO PSY ELv'O S60 preo 866480 = LIOR LOGE BSL SLE siz0 vez0| «6 6S70BZVO Ler O60 8z8'0 2980 ZEB. OSE |= SALE COLE fF «<2OzO «110 wHZO SPD ee SBD 2180 SPO 8460 Pel «ETE «= SOE || «0610 BGNO GzzO BED SEED ODO 9620 6280 6560 Zest ESI} O'S ) BZI0 Salo vIzZO sGe'0 «OLeO (G40 1220 E180 Ov6O igsl 9691 SEZ] 9910 210 COW Iee'O sw'O CLO go20 L6Z0 2260 OfSt | ESL O62 | ES1'0 OSF0 serO 40e'0 OzE'O S90 oszo 1820 e060 Gert zs -sez | IvihO “pO O40 eBeTO EO 090 pezo sol0 see'O «GSH CORSE OOR'e’ | SzbO SELO SSO 6 aSz0 B90 SSO 610 GrLO «9980 «BERL BBR IL «SZZ | LEO. ZzvO PhO SEZ wTO OSD yor0 £20 8r80 BOP Z8rb «OZ | SOLO OLLO 4zkO «LizZO «—GIZO SO 6s90 elZ0 «(OBO BAHL SEMEL «6S9Z ) 600 4600 ElO «LBL «SEL OO z “EB pig0 00 ZI! arEL POE «CV | BBO SA BEOT BLO ALLO SEO Q ecg «2890 F6L'0 sleek pel Soe ozoo §=€200 e200 Orl'o sro 6 0e0 ¥ 8 00s ogee. Cn: 1 a 8 z | Abw/N I uu 2 quwyN Porn WN" Pal $ S = AWN OF =F (91 tS JO bE L) suoyDag paarojuiay surg dog 'd“aBequagieg WoUPDO]UOY-BMXI]Y 19 AGES, 74 “G6.” ‘Reinforced Concrete Design Table 6.7 (Contd.) fy = 25 Nim? 8 3 Ll) a BP ggggg 9833 ‘ BE agagg S2888 T4558 Note-Blanks indicate inadmissible reinforcement percentage (see Table E). Ultimate Strength of Reinforced Conerete Sections 77 400 mm. If M-20 Grade Concrete and Fe-415 HYSD bars are used, compute the ultimate flexural strength of the section, Method-1 (Using IS: 456-2000, Code Equations). a) Data b= 250mm 400 mm Ag = 3600 mm? b) Material Properties f,,= 20 Nim? Sf, = 415 Ninm? c) Depth of Neutral Axis:- If.x, = depth of neutral Axis. From Annexure G (IS: 456- 2000) Clause G- 1.1. Gea) me] d 0.36 fy, b.d | ~ L036 20 x 250 x 400, 1.805 Limiting value «(®) for Fe- 415-grade steel is 0.48 Since (3) = 1,805 > 0.48, section is over reinforced. d) Moment of Resistance Referring to Table 6.2, Limiting value of moment of resistance is com- uted as Hyp = 0.138 fib. = (0.138 «20x 250 400") = 110.4x 10° N.mim. = 110.4 kN.m 78 — Reinforced Concrete Design Method-2 (Using SP: 16 Design Aids.) 100.Ay) _(100%3600) _, ba } \ 250x400 J For Fe-415 grade steel and fy, ¢ 20 N/mm?. Referring to Table 6.4-(Table E of SP: 16), maximum percentage of tensile reinforcement yun for singly reinforced rectangular sections is 0.96. Hence the section is over reinforced. M4, = My, = 0.138 fyb. Percentage of steel = Hence, = (0.138 x 20 x 250 x 400”) = 110.4 10°, = 1104 kN, 2) A rectangular reinforced conerete section having a breadth of 350 mm is reinforced with 2 bars of 28 mm and 2 bars of 25 mm diameter at an effective depth of 700 mm. Adopting M-20 grade conerete and Pe-415 HYSD bars determine the ultimate moment of resistance of the sec- tion, Method - 1(Using IS: 456 - 2000 Code Equations) a) Data b =-350 mm 700 mm, ; Ay = 21491 + 616] = 2214 mm’ st b) Material Properties f= 20Ninm’, f,=415 Nim’, c) Depth of Neutral Axis:- Let x, = Depth of neutral Axis. i =| cee =| Sees | 0450 <8, (3)-[ aes =| 036x230 x 350x700, Hence, the section is under reinforced, Ultimate Strength of Reinforced Concrete Sections 719 d) Moment of Resistance ‘ Ly May = 0.87 x415%2214% 700] 1 at 2214x415 J] M, =0.87 fA af 350x700 x 20, = (454.6 x10°) Nnm. = 454.6 kKN.m Method-2 (Using SP: 16 Design Aids.) Percentage reinforcement in the section. 1004,) (100% 2214) _ ( ba. ) -( Some} -090 Refer Table 6.5 (Table-2 of SP: 16), and read out the value of (M,/ba*) corresponding to f, = 415 Némm? and fy, = 20 N/mm? - a M,=(2.64%350x700) - = (452.7 x 10) Numm =452.7kKN.m 3) A reinforced concrete slab 150mm thick is reinforced with 10mm diameter bars at 200mm centres, located at an effective depth of 125mm, If M- 20 grade concrete and Fe- 415 grade HYSD bars are used, estimate the ultimate moment of resistance of the section. Method-1 (using IS: 456- 2000 code equations) a) Data 6 = 1000 mm d= 125 mn . Ay -| 1000(n x 10%) = 2 300 | = 393 mm’ =20Nimm’, f= 415 Nim. A i, 80° | Reinforced Concrete Design ~b) Depth of Neutral Axis Let x, = Depth of Neutral axis. x,)_[ 087s -| 0.87 x 415 x 393 ] a) (0.36 f,-b.d |” 10.36 20x 1000 x 125 Hence, the section is under reinforced. 0.157 < 0.48 c). Moment of Resistance fet] M, = 0.87 fAy ali bal fy 393x415 = (0.87 x 415x393 «x rs[i-( exes = (16.58 10) Nmm = 16.58 Method-2 (Using SP: 16 Design Aids) Percentage reinforcement in the Section 100Ay) _ (100x393 ) _ « nn ( OAs) (peas) =0314 Refer Table-2 of SP: 16 and read out the value of (M,/bd") corresponding to values of p, = 0.314, f, = 415 N/mm? and f, = 20 Némm’. Interpolating the value, we have 06 (M/ba?) MM, = (1.06% 10x 125%) = (16.56 10°) = 16.56 kN.m/m, 4) A reinforced concrete beam of rectangular section 300mm wide by 600mm deep is reinforced with 4 bars of 25mm diameter at ati effec- tive depth of 550mm, The effective span of the beam is 7m, If f, = 415 Nimm? and fy, = 20 N/mm’, find the uniformly distributed ultimate “ load on the beam. ‘Method-1 (Using IS: 456-2000 Code equations) a) Data ' b=300 mm PD = 600 mm Ultimate Strength of Reinforced Concrete Sections. 81 @= 550mm Ag= (4% 491) = 1964 min? Sx = 20 Nimm? and f, = 415 Nim’, b) Neutral Axis Depth ] [ 0.87% 415 x 1964 =| 036%20 | =0596> 0.48 Hence, the Section is over reinforced. ¢) Moment of Resistance Referring to Table 6.2, Limiting value of moment of resistance is My i, = 0.138 fy.b.d? = (0,138 x 20 x 300 x 550°) = 250% 10° =250kN.m Method-2 (Using SP: 16 Design Aids) Percentage of steel = 7 iy = ( ‘o) -( 100% 2) =119 bd) \ 300x550 For Fe-415 grade stéel and f, = 20 N/mm? Referring to Table 6.4 (Table-E of SP: 16) Maximum percentage of tensile reinforcement Pitim for singly reinforced rectangular sections is 0.96. Hence the section is over reinforced M,= My, = 0.138f,,0" = (0.138 x 20 x 300 x 550") = (250x 109 Numm = 250 kN.m 5 * fw, = uniformly distributed ultimate load, 8M,)_(8x250 ”, (4) ( 7 }- 40.81 KN/n 2 Reinforced Concrete Design 6.2.8 Design Examples 1) Determine the area of reinforcement required for a singly reinforced concrete section having a breadth of 675 mm to support a factored moment of 185 kNm. Adopt M- 20 grade concrete and Fe-415 Grade HYSD bars. Method-1 (Using IS: 456 - 2000 Code Formulae) a) Data . b= 300mm fy = 20. N/mm? d=67smm fy = 415 N/mm? I M,.= 185 kNm b) Limiting Moment of Resistance For Fe-415 HYSD bars, M, = 0.138 fy bd? = (0.138 x 20x 300 x 675*)10% = 377 KN.m > M,= 185 kKN.m Hence, the beam is under reinforced. ¢) Area of Tensile Rejnforcement:+ M, =0.87 fAyd (I-Ag, ffbd fx) 15 | 5x20 A, (185 x 10°) woarxais cd, x675[1 (ate Solving A, = 830 mm’, Mcthod-2 (Using SP: 16 Design Tables) a) Design Parameters M,\_{ 185% 10° bd?) “(300 x 675°, Ultimate Strength of Reinforced Concreie Sections 83 b) Area of Reinforcement Refer Table=2 of SP: 16 (Table 6.5 of text) corresponding to fy, = 20 N/mm? and f, = 415 N/mm? read out the percentage reinforcement p, for the required parameter. ‘ My aa)” 1.35 and the corresponding value of p,= 0.409 percent. p,bd\ [0.409 x 300x675 > aunt) 205) att The area of reinforcement obtained by both the methods are same, 2) Design the minimum effective depth required and the arca of rein- forcement for a rectangular bean having a width of 300mm to resist an ultimate moment of 200kNm, using M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 HYSD bars. Method-1 (Using IS: 456 - 2000 Code Formulae) a) Data b= 300mm fx = 20 Nimm? M, = 200 kNm fy 2415 Nimin* b) Minimum Effective depth For Fe-415 HYSD bars, limiting moment of resistance is given by My im = 0-138 fyb? aaa tee = of 0138 fb T3820 «300° 492 c) Area of Reinforcement Aub | M,=0. . fi O87 ped bit aon 1h = 087 415314, %492{ L~ AAs 300%492 x20 Solving, [a2-7114A, +8 109 =0 84. Reinforced Concrete Design Ag= 1400 mm’. Method--2 (Using SP: 16 Design Tables) ‘ Referring to Table—D of SP: 16 for f, = 20 N/mm? and f, = 415 N/mm’, [fi 200 10" 4=N 76> > V ar6x3007 9?" Referring to Table-2 of SP: 16 (Table 6.5 of text), read out the value of, percentage reinforcement p, corresponding to the pant is)- 2.76 = 0.955 eb. (Fai) 6.3 ULTIMATE FLEXURAL STRENGTH OF FLANGED SECTIONS ‘The flexural strength of flanged beams (Tee and L-beams) depends upon the position of neutral axis, The Indian Standard Code 1S: 456-2000 pre- scribes a method for computing the ultimate moment of resistance of flanged sections for different cases as detailed below: - 6.3.1 Neutral Axis within flange _ Referring to Fig. 6.4 Let b, = width of compression flange. width of rib, = Effective depth. Depth of flange. Area of Tension Reinforcement. x = Depth of Neutral Axis. When neutral axis falls within the flange, the moment of resistance of the section can be calculated by the same procedure as that of rectangular sec- tions. Hence when x, < D, the moment of Resistance of the section can be coin- puted by the relation, = 1410 mm, - Ultimate Strength of Reinforced Concrete Sections 85 +—— ——+ $045 felt a rt r “pan . f Xu 20-36 fokbF-Xu d (d-0-42 xu) {Ast = OB7Ast ly Fw Fig. 6.4 Stress Block Parameters for Tee Beam (x, < D,) (67) M,= 0.87 fA [: - 6.3.2 Neutral Axis falls outside the Flange (Dj/d + 0.2) When the neutral axis falls outside the flange and the ratio (D/d) } 0.2, the Inoment of resistance can be computed using the stress block parameters shown in Fig. 6.5, The stress blocks are separately shown for the rectangu- lar portion and the flange portion, The moment of resistance of the section of the Tee Section is computed by the relation, by ————# fO65tee ne tH AE TT + ‘u, max! Th Foyt ' Fig. 6.5 Stress Block Parameters for Tee Beam (x, > D)) M,=C(d- a Cfd-0.5D) Where. © = 0.36 fo Maina 4 86 Reinforced Concreie Design - AS fj-Dylby-b,). For (Dyx,) < 0.43 te Mi £0.36 far%y mae by (d ~ 0.42%, pug) +45 fog (b,~ by) Dd 0.5 D)) ‘This equation can be recast as that given IS: 456-2000 (ANNEX-G), in the form, acas(ipl-el pln + O.45fg(by— b,)Dfd = 0.5 Dy) (6.8) Note: For D;/ x, > 0.43, D; to be replaced by y, 6.3.3 Neutral Axis falls outside the Flange (D,/ d > 0.2) When the neutral axis falls outside the flange and the ratio (D; / d) > 0.2, we cannot assume that the flange is uniformly stressed as in case (2). Hence the expression for case (2) is modified by substituting y, for D, in Eq. (6.8) where yy = (0.15 x, +0.65 D,) but y, should be not greater than D;. Hence, the expression for moment of resistance is given by the relation, acne ot + 0.45 f,(b,~ b,)¥{d ~0.5 y) +-(6.9) Where y, = (0.15 x, + 0.65 D,) but not greater than D,, The equation y; = (0.15 x, + 0.65 D;) is based on the Whitney's stress block shown in Fig. 6.6. Let x, = Depth of Neutral Axis. = Depth of flange. Let MF ANB D, (6.10) ‘The constants A and B are solved by specifying the following two condi- tions to be satisfied by this equation. 1) When Dy = 0.43 xy. y= 0.43 x, 2) When D; =x, ye= 0.80 x, Substituting these conditions in Eq. (6.10) the constants A and B are eval- uated as Ultimate Strength of Reinforced Concrete Sections 87 TOS fe POA hake It . (a) 1S: 456+99 _, _{b) Whitney Fig. 6.6. Equivalent Stress Blocks A=0.15 and B=0.65, Hence, yee (0.15 x, + 0.65 D) The Indian Standard code further stipulates that for X,max > %, > Dy , the moment of resistance may be calculated by the equations (6:8), when (D/x,) does not exceed 0.43 and when (D¢x,) exceeds 0.43, the moment of ¥esistance is computed by the equation (6.9) by substituting r,,, by x. 6.3.4 Computation of Tension Reinforcement in Tee beam Sections Case=1 (x, Dp (2) $0.2 and (2) > oas} For a given value of M,, evaluate x, by using Eq.6.9 and replacing Xm BY: xy. Referring to stress block parameters shown in Fig. 6.6 in which the: depth of stress block is y= (0.15 x, + 0.65 D,) but not greater than Dy. Force Equilibrium yields the following Equations:- = =o (Agu 087 f) = 0.36 fog be - 0.36 faba | ow > LOT, Also . T,=C; (A087) = O45 fa (by Ba) _ [04s fated) 0.87 f, Ag= AawtAud Ultimate Strength of Reinforced Concrete Sections 89 Case-4 [soa and (2)}>o9] Similar to ese (3) 6.3.5 Use of Design Aids (SP: 16) for Design of Flanged Beams In most eases of tee beams used in buildings, the neutral axis falls within the flange and the computation of steel area can be made as in the design of rectangular teams using Tables | to 4 of SP: 16. In the case of tee beams in which the neutral axis falls in the rib, design Tables provided in LS. Spe- cial publication SP: 24" (Explanatory Hand Book on IS: 456) are very useful in computing the area of reinforcement for a given tee beam to resist a specified bending moment. SP: 16 designs Tables 57 to 59 are also useful to compute the limiting moment of resistance factor (Myjim / by, » « fx) for singly reinforced Tee beams. The tables cover different grades of steel (250, 415 and 500) and ratios of (yd) varying from 0.06 to 0.45 and ratios of (b/b,.) varying from 1 to 10. These tables are presented as Tables 6.8, 6.9 covering Fe-415 and 500 grade steels in the text. 6.3.6 Analysis Examples 1) Determine the Ultimate flexural strength of the T-beam having the following section properties; Width of flange = 800 mm Depth ef flange = 150 inm Widiaof rib = 300 may Effective depth = 420 mm * Anaofsteel = 1470 mm? M-25 Grade voncrete and Fe-415 Grade HYSD bars. Method-t (Using IS: 456-2000 formula) a) Data & = 800mm Ay = 1470 mm? D, = 150mm fg = 25. Nimm* d= 420mm f, = 415: N/mm? 4, = 300mm 91 ‘vor 4220 8e1'0. sro Bet Zeb SsOk be60 EBL 299'0 46S" 00r'O 6920 810 vr log -2zhL POF NBO veLO SSID eS eed. «BELO vO pez 9st 6Z0'r 2060 = S4z0 Lv eS CeBETD TO BELO ah azt Wet 910'L_ 0680) S8Z0 PDI BETO ceo CsELO'O. ore" gzi'L ZOOL 6480 SLO E90 soso 0 S80 e970 8E1'0 oro cert Olt §=66860 = 4980 OHLO ‘290 £050 $850 092'0 sero 6e'0 vigt peor S260 sseo 920 9190 Z6r0 «=O aszOOCkeHO sO 96h L 6201 1960 er80 szZ0 8090 l6ro0 9 e260 9sz"0 Bebo 20 LiL e901 4r6O e800 009°0 ger'0 9e'0 vsco BELO 9e'0 OorL = SOL ESO GLB'O 90L0 «ESD GLH SED azO ‘ ayiL | O80'l 6160 4080 9690 P8500 4h0. 1980 _ OSzO ee 1 9 SZi't — PLO'L = POG’ SBL'D SBIO SO PPO ESE seeO EKO gO voll = L660 B80 BLO’ S490 SUSO SHO SED She'0 e020 S80} 0860 «= S480 420 990 6ss'0 sro 6re'0 reo sero eo 9007 £960 o980 4sz0 S90 ISSO ahh. «rE LO i 4vOL = 960 GVO wHLO EPI eeSO shore sGEZO sro a0 820"t 6260 Ocs'o «= fez) aeg'o reso sero 9ee'o 2ee'0 BELO 870 800"4 z160 6SisO 8lZ0. 290 -Szs'°0 ‘82P'0 Lee0 sez'0 sero 270 686'0 v6s'0 «60080 SOLO sdLL GO o1S0 cerO 2260 eec0 EO 970 oo 006 os OL o9 os OP. oe 0% oF Ultimate Strength of Reinforced Concrete Sections “an pa amu Sty =f (Pied) 89 A146, (pmog) 6960 9480 = p8L'0 ~. 2690 ~. 0090 20s'0 stro eze0 oez'0 Beh 0 $70 6y6'0 eseo0 68940 «8290 BBO 86r0 g0r'0 seo 82e'0 BELO 20 eze0 6=sbp8'O SS S99D SOs «BHO OKO ve = See BELO EO 8060 zeo 4ez0 8 61S90 = 9950 osr'0 g6e°0 60E0 vez0 BELO 220 zee0 voed «lzz0 «(Beg SSO See) SUED stezO BELO be 19e0 0820 00Z0«0z9'0-—«OOPSD «ss BGH'O GLE BZ «BIZ. BELO OO e280 zs20 S490 8650 250 Sho ese - 1670 siz'O BELO 6ro 9620 ezz0 «6 6r9'0s SO SOSO OeP'O 2g€'0 vez'0 110 BELO sro 290 «e690 eDD-«HSSO «SBYO LO ee. LeZO OO ENOL O 6220 e990 «68650 = eS (9940 Lovo seeo 6920 0z'0 sero gro $69'0 geo «ZS 60S. Bzh'0 98c'0 bee0 2970 0020 810 sh0 1990 £090 «SPS LBP «8240 oLe"0 ZEO ¥sz'0 9610 BELO PEO gzvo 2250 e190 eor0 G0r0 . SEO 1080 Zpz0 = 6K BELO SLO 1650 1S «O60 «= OBETO-C«wSES'O EZ GETO BBO BELO zh sss'0 60s'0 6 cov. SbP'O «OLED v2e0 220 lezo y8t'O sero to 61S‘ Lyd. .Ser'O zee". OSE'O. B0E'0 s9z'0 e2eG ost'O BELO oro Eero SrrO 90r'0 «6890 OFEO 16z°0 €SZ'0 sizo 92b0 gel'0 600 Or0 «z1rO «BLEO RECO Suz ew LTO zLH'0 BELO 800 60r0 «6620 ByETD GEO GZ GST ez BELO «B90 EKO 200 ze0 «= SPETDsCZETO EZ «ITO APTN ITO OSLO PO BEKO 900 oor 006 oe OL o9 os oF oe o@ OL I pra “ara Reinforced Concrete Design oun sty =f (9K dS 40 g5-2198L) UMN “SeBEDG-], PIsOFUIY AYSuIS 104 Pf BaP ‘soe y DUES JO JUAMOW SUMUTT-LINxALY $°9 IEE, 90 93 Ozel «= BBL ESOL S260 BL; i990 BESO LEO GzN SEL SO voeL Pil EPO E160 e840 E590 EzFO S660 S970 ECO rrO Leet estt Of0l coed riz org BIO 686'0 19z'0 BELO ero OLe rib 2tOb 6680) = pL 8E9'0 aso 9860 6S7'°0 elo : oro seb ezbt POOL E480 ~Ss40-. OF90 9050 ee 4870 ee10 io sez ZV 0660 B90 SPL'0 €29'0 oos'o e2Ze°0 gsz0 0 gth0 Oro 260% 9260 9580 E20 sig0 v6r0 vL'0 vsz0 SEb'0° 6e0 6611 1801 Z960 prBO Dy Hence the assumption that x, < D; is not correct.-Neutral Axis falls outside the flange. D,) _( 100) _ (2) (3) = 0,166 < 0.2 The neutral axis depth can be determined by refersing to Fig. 6.5 and by compatibility of forces as shown below. [C,+C] = (7, +7) =T Assuming (3) <0.43 C, 20.36 fyb = (0.36 X 20 x 325 Xx,) = 2340.3, N C= O45 f(0,— IDs = (0.45. 2M) (1300 ~ 325)100 = 877500 N. 96. Reinforced Concrete Design Ultimate Strength of Reinforced Concrete Sections. 97 T=087f,Ay @ = 565mm b, = 250mm = (0.87 «415 x 4000) Ay = 1256.6 mm? = 14442000 N. a) Depth of N is 2340 x, + 877500 = 1444200 ) Depth of Neutral Axis Assuming neutral axis to fall within the flange, the depth of neutral axis is computed. ( af 2816 40) _ a) (O36,.b.4 ( (0.16 x 565) = 90.4mm > 80 mm x,= 242.18 mm, D, 100 (2) -(ate) = 0.413 <0.43 Kamm = 0.48 d = (0.48 X 600) = 288mm; Hence according to clause G-2.3 of 1,8 456-2000, the moment of resistance is computed by repjacing x, by X,max in Eqn.6.8. y,=026(5)f1- oan(% ala d?+0.45f(b,— b,)D{d - 0.5D)) =O. 26x( 23) [: -01n( 22 2 (20x 325 x 600") Hence, the assumption that x, < D, is not correct, The Neutral axis falls outside the flange. Py 20.14 <0.2 a)” 55 <0 Neutral axis depth is determined by referring to Fig. 6.5 and by compati- bility of forces as shown'in figure we have [G+] =17,4+T]=7. 600, +10.45 x 20(1300 ~ 325)100(600 — 0.5 x 100)) = (764.84 10°} Numm = 764,84 KN.m, D; Assuming | —|<0.43 My, Method-2 (Using SP: 16 Design Tables) Cy = 0.36 fy, by x, = (0.36 * 15 x 250 x x,) = 1350 x. Cy = 0.45 fu, bp - b) Dy .45 x 15) (950-250) 80 Tables 57, 58 and 59 of SP-16 give the values of (My sim / by df) for sin- gly reinforced T-beams. These tables can be used when 2X, = Xynee in which case the limiting moment of resistance can be computed. In the present = 378000 N. example X, < Xymox and hence the tables cannot be used for computing the : T=0.87f,A, moment of resistance as the section js under reinforced section, = (0.87 X415 x 1256 8 = 453695.43 N. 3) A singly reinforced T- beams has a flange width of 950 mm,thickness of flange 80mm, width of rib = 250 mm. Effective depth 565mm. Area of tensile reinforcement 1256.6mm’. If M-15 concrete and Fe; 415 HYSD bars are used, estimate the ultimate flexural strength of the section using IS; 456-2000 code provisions. "Hence we have (1350 x, + 378000) = 453695.43 5,=56.07 mm <80mm. Therefore the assumption that ' ‘ S(D, es (De D a ( caus incon ana 2! wt o> 048 As such value of C, will Method-1 (Using 1S: 456-2000 code provisions} . a) Data change. b, = 950mm fe = 15 Nimm*. f, =415 Nimm?* 98 Reinforced Concrete Design Cy = OAS fox br ~ bu) Ye 0.15 x, + 0.65 Dp = (0.15.4, + 52) 0.45 x 15 (950-250) (O15 xu + 52} (708.75 x, + 245700) [1350 x, + 708.75 4 + 245700) = 453695.43. x, = 101.03 mm > 80 mm. (2\-( *0 jJ=oa0>04 Xe. 101.03 Fc am = OABd = (0.48 x 565) = 271.2 mm. Ky S Ko nume Hence, according to Clause- G.2.3 of 18.456-2000 the moment of resistance of Tee-section is computed by replacing nx by x, in Eq(6.9). “y= 036 (3) [: ~042 (= face? +OASfalb-bvdd-059) 18 and y,=(0.15x,+0.652) y= (O.1Sx 101.03) + (0.65% 80)] = 67.15mm < dD. M, = 0.36 (0.18) (10.42 x 0.18] (15 x 250 x 565) 40.45 x 15 (950-250) 67.15 (565~0.5 x 67.15) = (240.03 x 10°) = 240.03 kKN.m Method 2 (using SP: 16 Design aids) In the present example, Xy < Xuma and hence-SP: 16 Design tables 57,58,59 cannot be.used to compute the moment of resistance. 4) Asingly reinforced T-beam has a flange width of 900mm, thickness of Flange is 150mm. width of rib = 300mm, Effective depth = 650mm. ‘Area of tensile reinforcement = 4000 mm’, M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 HYSD bars are used. Estimate the ultimate flexural strength of the section using 18: 456-2000 code provisions. Ultimate Strength of Reinforced Concrete Sections 99 Method--1 (Using IS: 456-2000.code provisions) a) Data . : b, = 900mm 150 mm fa =20Ninm? 650 mm f= 415 Nim? 300 mm ‘Ay, = 4000 mm? b) Depth of Neutral Axis Assuming neutral axis to fall within the flange, the depth of neutral axis is computed. ay) _{ 087fAa )_(_087%415x4000_) _ 9 44 2) (O.36f, bod} 0.36 20x 900 x 650, 7“ 4, = (0.36650) = 221. mm > D, Hence the assumptign that x, < Dy is not correct. The neutral axis falls out- side the flange. D,\_( 150) _ (3) (2) =0.23>0.2 Neutral axis depth is determined by referring to Fig. 6.5 and by compati- bility of forces as shown below. ' [¢+C) (+7) =7 C= 0.36fby%, = (0.36% 20x 300%x,) = 2160 x, y= OASL (MED) y= O15 x, +0,65 Dy = 0.15x, + (0.65 x 150) = (0.15x,+97.5) C, = (0.45 x 20) (900 - 300) (0.152, +97.5)] = [810x, + 526500) T= O.87f,.A,) = (0.87 x415 x4000) = 1444200 N (2160x, +810x, +526500) = 1444206 100 Reinforced Concrete Design x, = 309mm > Dy « = 048d = 312mm Hunn My S Xu, ma Hence, according resistance of tee-section is computed by replacing Xymox M,=036 (3) [: 0.42, (5) fasbyil? +048 f(b, b,) Kd - 0.59) by x, in Eq. 6.9 4.) _ (309 %| (22) = = (0. 6: (5) (3) 0.475 and y= (0.15x,+0.65D) Ie (On13 % 309) + (0,65 x 150) = 143.85mm D Hence, the assumption that x, < Dy is not correct. Compute the neutral axis depth by force compatibility Refer Fig. 6.5 and by equating the compressive and tensile forces, we have the relation (C.-Q)=(T, tT) =T C= 0.36fabam / = (0.36 x 20x 300 xx,) = 2160x, Cy = 0.45 f(0,— by)De = 0.45 x 20(1200~ 300)150 = 1215000 N T=OB7f.Ay T= (0.87x415x« 5520) = 1992996 N {2leds,. 1215000] = 1992996 ,=360mm > D, For Fe-415 HYSD bars. X,,in = 0.48 d= (0,48 x 750) = 360 mm. D)_(150 [2a == and (2) (35s) 02 “ F.= Momo > Dr = Xu tim The moment of resistance is computed by using Eq. (6.8) van = 360mm & (3) = 0.48 2d? 40.45 flO .— By Dkd -0.5D)) =o36( xy M,=0.36 (3) [: -0.42 (2 : 102. Reinforced Concrete Design * = 0.36 * 0.48[1 —0,42(0.48)]20 x 300. 750" 40.45 x 20(1200 ~ 300)150(750 ~ 0.5 x 150) = (1285 109) Nunm = 1285 KN.m ‘ Method-2 (Using SP: 16 Design Tables) Refer Table-58 of SP: 16 [Table 6.7 of text] Corresponding to the ratios of ‘D,\ _(150 by) _{ 3200) _ (2) -(#2)-02 ‘And (i 00 4 and Fe- 415 N/mm? and read out the value of ratio. Mai : [Ae]-0-" = 0,379 x 300* 160° x 20] = (1279 109] = 1279 kN.m_ ance of the tee beam having M,, Jim 6) Determine the ultimate moment of resist the following section properties:~ ‘Width of Flange = 900 mm Thickness of Flange = 150 mm Width of rib = 300 mm Effective depth = 600 min Area of Tension Reinforcement = 3966 mm? M-20 Grade Conerete and Fe-415 HYSD bars. Method-1 (Using IS 456-2000 Code Provisions) a) Data b, =900 mm = 3966 mm? D, = 150mm 20 N/mm? b, = 300mm = 415 Nimm? d =600mm b) Depth of Neutral Axis Assuming neutral axis to fal! within the flange thickness, we have, Ultimate Strength of Reinforced Concrete Sections 103 2) (08% Au) _( 087x415 x3966_ 4) "(036 fda} “\6.36x20% 900 606) = 978 2, = (0.368 x 600) = 220.8 mm > Dy Hence, the assimption that x, < Dz is not correct. Compute the neutral axis depth by force compatibility of the section. Dy) _ (150) _ (3}-Ces)-0 Refer Fig. 6.5 and by equating the compressive and tensile forces, we have the relation {C+C] =(T, +7) =7 C= 036 = (0.36 x20 x 300 xx, =2160x, ‘ C= 0.45 fll b,)D = 0.45 x 20900 — 300)150 = 810000 N T=087f,Ast = (0.87 x415X 3966) = 14,31,924N (2160x,,810,000) = 19, 92,996 X,=288 mm > D, For Fe-415 HYSD bars, ‘the limiting depth of the neutral axis is given by the expression, jg = 0-48 d = (0.48 x 600) = 288 mm. Dy 150 and Pe) _( 150) _ ie (2) (3 0.52 > 0.43 Dy 150 al Dr) _( 150). sO (3) (=) 0.25> 0.2 Hence according to Clause G.2.3 of IS: 456-2000, the moment of resistance is computed by the Bq. (6.9) M,= 0.36 (=) [: -0.42 eal Luby? +045 fb By vd -OSy) 104: "Reinforced Concrete Design oh y= (0.15x, +0.65D,) = (0.15 x 288) + (0.65 x 150) = 140.7mm < D,= 150mm M, = (0.36 x 0.48) [1 ~ (0:42 x 0.48)] (20 x 300 x 600") +(0.45 x 20)(900 ~ 300)140.7[600 - (0.5 x 150)] = (700 x 10° =.700kN.m Method-2 (Using SP: 16 Design Tables) Refer Table-58 of SP: 16 [Table 6.7 of text] Dy) _ (150 by (2)-(2)-02s And (z = = 0.323 bd? Mati Read out tev of. = 2 Muy (0.323 % 300 x 600? x 20] = (698 105N.mmn = 698 kN.m 6.3.7 Design Examples 1) Determine the area of tensile reinforcement required in a flanged beam having the following sectional dimensions to support a factored moment of 300 KN.m Width of Flange (6, =750 mm Width of rib (6,) = 300 mm Thickness of Flange (D,) =120 mm Effective Depth (d) = 600 mm . M-20 Grade Concrete and Fe-415 HYSD bars Method~1 (Using IS: 456-2000 Code Provisions) a) Data b, = 750mm fy #20 Nim? 15 N/mm? D, b) Limiting moment of Resistance (2) -(# Ultimate Strength of Reinforced Concrete Sections 105 Mim = (0138642. + O.45f(b,~ b, Dd — 0.5D)) = ((0.138 x 20 x 300 x 6002) +0.45 x 20(750 - 300)120(600 - 0.5 x 1203} = (654% Since M, = (300 x 10°) 0.2, of text] can be used only for determining the limiting moment of resistance (Mim) for known value of parameters (Dd) and (b/b,) and f,. 20.36 (4) [t -0.42 (] fo dyd? + 0.45f, (,- b,ydd -05¥) : P Di ef fy : , 64 ULTIMATE FLEXURAL STRENGTH OF DOUBLY Where = (0.15x, + 0.650,)but not sceater than D, REINFORCED CONCRETE SECTIONS yg = [0.15 x 360) + (0.65 x 200)] 641 Design principles = 184mm M, = 1600 kN.m ¢) Determination of Neutral Axis:- For the known value of M,, compute x, by replacing X,ax by Xin the moment equation, . (1600 x 109) = os6(5)[t -02a( 2] anxxtox720) + (0.45 x20) (1500-300) [0.15x, + 130] x[750~0,5(0.15x, +130) Simplifying we have {aj — 2500 x, + 620700) =0 an sider the doubly reinforced conerete section split into two parts as ‘shown in Fig. 6.7. 2. . Let M, = moment of resistance of the doubly reinforced section. the limiting or the maximum moment capacity of the singly reinforced section [Eq. 6.5]. 0.73>043 ~ v4 Xy . x,=273 mm, and... vs (% d) Area of tensile reinforcement ve Ane Woy Aad : My = moment capacity of the steel beam neglecting the effect é, f concrete . 0.45 f(b; ~ b,,) (0.15x, + 0.65D, ol A=| athe *)4[ Ha RY O15 | _ preonerte hy JIG Reinforced Cuucrere woogie too tt d = + (d-d') tL sty, |e.» Aste My Muti © Muy (tseAse) (dd) = Mup Fig. 6,7 Doubly Reinforced Section where f,, = the stress in the compression steel corresponding to the strain reached by it when the extreme concrete fibre reaches a strain of 0.0035. Hence, we have the relation, My= Maint fe @-€) Where, Ay, = area of compression reinforcement effective depth to tension steel ; d= depth of compression reinforcement from compression face Aj = atea of tensile reinforcement for a singly reinforced sec- tion. | Ag = area of tensile reinforcement required to balance the compression reinforcement. Ag = (Ayy + Aca) = total tensile steel, of stress in the compression reinforcement ( f.) depends upon soe aa a the ade of steel as shown in Table 6.10 based on SP:16. : | ; For values of (d’/d) up to 0.2, the stress in concrete in the extreme fibre is equal to 0.45 fy, and for mild steel reinforcement f,, would be equal to the design yield stiess having a value of 0.87 f,, When the reinforcement is cold worked bars, the design stress in compression reinforcement f. for different values of (d’/d) is shown in Table 6.10, based on SP: 16. ; The reinforcements Ay, Agr and A,, in the doubly reinforced section is computed using the following steps. - 1) Equating tensile force in steel and compressive force in concrete, we have Ultimate Strength of Reinforced Conerete Sections 1. Table 6.10 Stress in Compression Reinforcement (. ) in Doubly reinforced Beams . with Cold Worked Bars(Table-F of SP:16) 4, (Nim) (d'idy 0.05, 0.10 0.15 0.20 AS 355, 353 342 329 500 424 412 395 370 TC, gn X0.87f,) = (0.36 LP % sind Hence, we have, Ay = [0.36 fu, b Xyunl/(0.87f,) Where 7, and C, are the tensile and compressive force capacity of balanced singly reinforced section, 2) May = (My ~ Main) = fe Aue (d~ a’) Hence we have, Ay =(Mu/f.. (4 - 2’) . 3) T,=C,. Hence, we have (0.87 f, Ag) = (Sie Ase) Therefore Ay = [(fe Ase )/0.87f,) ‘Where. and C, are the additional, tensile and compressive force carrying capacity of section. 6.4.3 Analysis of doubly Reinforced Sections Method-~1 (Using IS. Code Formula) J) Asa first trial, assume x, = X,in and calculate strain in concrete at the level of Compression steel (€,,) computed as 6,5 0.0035 Pian Vin 2) For mild steel bars, if ¢,, < 0.00125, where 0.00125 is the yield strain of mild steel. We have the stress in mild steel as, Soe = OBTE, &,,) = (0.872 10°E,,) - If. €,,> 0.00125, then f, = 0.87 f For HYSD bars, obtain the value of f,, from the stress-strain curve shown in Fig. 6.3. (Fig. 3 of SP: 16-1980). 3) Calculate the value of Ay using the relation: Aga = (foe Asc) 0.87 A] ) Obtain the value of Ay; = (Ag ~ Asa) 5) Calculate the value of x, using the relation, = (0.87 f, Aw (0.36 fs 6) Ultimate Strength of Reinforced Concrete Sections 113 112 Reinforced Concrete Design 6). Considering this value of x, , repeat the steps ‘I to 5 to obtain constant ie oe value of x, . 7) Comparing this value fx, with %,sine calculate the value of M, 8) IF xy<2,jine COMpute the value of the moment capacity of section as- M,= OST Ag LALA a0 9) IF x, > Xj Compute the valuc of the moment capacity of section as M, = [0.36 fig Xin B (d ~ 0.42 atin) Sc Ase @ ~ AD] This method of computing the moment of resistance is referred to as the strain compatibility method or force equilibrium method and it gives a correct value of the moment of resistance of the section. 6.4.4 Use of Design Aids (SP: 16) for design of Doubly reinforced Sections The tables and charts of SP: 16 are v i i i : ery useful seaaabls amd chars of 'y useful in the analysis and design of The moment of resistance of a d i i : joubl a epee of ly reinforced section can be 1M, = (Mug + PabdO.87f)(d ~ Hence, we have Pp, = (Ditin-+ Pa) P. = percentage of compression reinforcement = (100 A, bd) sr 16 design tables 45 to 56 present the percentage of tension and com pression forcements (p, and p.) for different ratios of (d’/d) varying ‘om 0.05 to 0.20 ahd for various grades of concrete (f, = 15 10 30 Nim?) and different grades of steel ( f, = 250, 415 and 500 N/mm?) covering the moment of resistance factor (M,/bd°) varying from 2.24 to 8.30. Some of the salient tables covering M-20, M-25 and M-30 grades of - concrete and Fe-415 grade steel are reproduced in Tables 6.11, 6.12 and 6.13 of the text. : . , ion side, 6.4.5 Analysis Examples 1) Determine the ultimate moment of resistance of a doubly reinforced eam of Rectangular section having a width of 300 mm and reinforced with 5 bars of 25 mm diameter at an effective depth of 600 mm. The compression steel is made up of 2 bars of 25 mm diameter at an effective cover of 60 mm, Adopt M-20 grade concrete and fe-415 HYSD bars, lis tt ~ v6oL 6srz est oe Sov" Eze 6leL eee oe 2 soo, vee -S6P's seers Ezek x4 68z't cere 002 Ss 919 F 68ee 6sr"h soee Ore cere eset ore 069 g ust soez ver eee B0E"L 6Ere see'L verze o8'9 a ses ozs 6ge"L ores 9ee'b eore 26s sore 029 3 66y'L Seze week L0z% epe'b Bere Z9eL szoz 099 3 O9p't bezre Bie seve aL 200. 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