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Jalan Raya Bandung-Sumedang Km.21 Jatinangor, Jawa Barat 45363 Tlp/Fax: 022-7796545
R. MAKO; Dekat Parkiran Gedung 2 FTG UNPAD. Email :

Jenis Soal : SmartCom (PE) Hari,Tanggal : Minggu, 12 Maret 2017

Waktu Pengerjaan : 120 menit Jumlah Soal : 100

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1. There are 4 analysys that has to be done for anlyzing the depositional environment of a
Rock, Mention 4 of them!

2. Name 3 types of drive mechanisms for petroleum reservoirs and rank them in terms of
average recovery factor from highest to lowest
3. Mention 3 equipments which have function to separate oil and water?
4. Mention 2 way, how can we get porosity of the rock?
5. While hydrocarbons by definition are compounds containing only hydrogen and carbon,
motor fuels consist of saturated hydrocarbons, also known as alkanes. What is the lightest
straight chain alkane that exists as a liquid at standard conditions?
6. What is an unusual process in which water and natural gas combine to form a solid at
temperatures above the freezing point of water called?
7. The composition of the magma affects the style of eruption. Basaltic magmas tend to
form volcanoesthat produce large volumes of lava, but small amounts of volcanic ash.
Volcanoes with more silicic magma are much more explosive, with large amounts of the
molten rock being ejected from the volcano as particulate matter. The particles ejected
are known as material
Jalan Raya Bandung-Sumedang Km.21 Jatinangor, Jawa Barat 45363 Tlp/Fax: 022-7796545
R. MAKO; Dekat Parkiran Gedung 2 FTG UNPAD. Email :

8. A black oil reservoir fluid consists of a series of laboratory procedures designed to provide
values of the physical properties required in the calculation method known as.......
9. If over two-thirds of a rock is solid organic matter it may be called a coal. Most economic
coals have less than 10% non-organic, non-combustible material that is often referred to
10. a sedimentary rock with grains in the size range 63 mm to 2mm is called..
11. What is terminology for volume of gas required in reservoir condition to produce one
standar cubic foot of gas in standard condition? What is its unit?
12. Mention 3 basis mechanism process in MEOR?
13. Tell us about difference between solution, production and separator Gas oil Ratio?

14. A wet gas produces through a separator at 300 psia and 73F. The separator produces
0.679 specific gravity gas at 69.551 scf/STB and the stock tank vents 1.283 specific gas at
366 scf/STB. The stock tank liquid gravity is 55.9API. Calculate the specific gravity of the
15. What is the type of grain package in original porosity of sandstone and limestone?
16. What is method that commonly use to get total permeability?
17. In drilling operations, the density of mud that we use is 10 ppg, in 100 ft of the depth. So,
calculate the value of mud hydrostatic pressure?
18. Calculate the annular bottomhole pressure in vertical well, caused by cement fulfilled in
annulus which has slurry density equal to 15 ppg, TVD equal to 10,000 ft!

19. In geothermal area, that contain a high number of temperature and gas contain, what a
drilling method that can be used?
20. Mention 3 factors that important in fracture porosity calculation!
21. A black oil reservoir fluid consists of a series of laboratory procedures designed to provide
values of the physical properties required in the calculation method known as.......
Jalan Raya Bandung-Sumedang Km.21 Jatinangor, Jawa Barat 45363 Tlp/Fax: 022-7796545
R. MAKO; Dekat Parkiran Gedung 2 FTG UNPAD. Email :

22. An equation that describe about relationship between reservoir pressure as a function of
time and distance can be solve from what equation ?
23. What fluid is commonly used in carbonate reservoir simulation?
24. What is the most common type of cement, in general use around the world because it is
a basic ingredient of concrete, mortar, stucco and non-specialty grout?
25. Arrange the following minerals in order from densest to lease dense: quartz, dolomite,
26. Turbidite deposits would most likely be found in which systems tract of the classic
sequence stratigraphic model?
27. What type of petroleum reservoir is easily identified by the occurrence of retrograde
28. What is the type of grain package in original porosity of sandstone and limestone?
29. In non-compositional simulation what is the most common fluid model used?
30. What is method that commonly use to get total permeability?
31. This is a type of sedimentary rock similar to limestone but rich in magnesium carbonate.
It can also be a reservoir rock for petroleum sources.
32. Mention 3 surface components of ESP!
33. What are the 3 data transmission methods used for MWD?
34. What kind of cement composition that using while drilling with the biggest strength ?
35. What is the terminology of main component of drill string, exist in different grade and
weight, connect drilling bit and drill collars ?
36. What is the terminology system that consist of rig (drilling tower), crown block and hook?
37. What kind of directional well with inclination less than 3o ?
38. A fluid flow process in which the saturation of the wetting phase increases and the
nonwetting phase saturation decrease is known as what?
39. What are the 3 types of structural traps?

40. What kind mineral that will be form after antracite ?

Jalan Raya Bandung-Sumedang Km.21 Jatinangor, Jawa Barat 45363 Tlp/Fax: 022-7796545
R. MAKO; Dekat Parkiran Gedung 2 FTG UNPAD. Email :

41. Name the 6 types of reservoirs by the type of fluid produced!

42. Mention 2 kind of gas injection that using in ECBM !

43. Mention the technique that using in water, chemicals, and sand are pumped into the well
to unlock the hydrocarbons trapped in shale formations by opening cracks in the rock and
allowing natural gas to flow from shale into the well !

44. Mention another material are used in mud drilling besides oil and water !

45. What is the terminology of reduction water in coal ?

46. Why gas production in commercial quantities of shale gas requires fractures ?

47. Mention 3 kind of decline curve !

48. What is the famous formula in material balance method to calculate of oil reserve ?
49. Mention 2 factors that should pay attention to calculate acoustic impedance !
50. Turbidite deposits would most likely be found in which systems tract of the classic
sequence stratigraphic model?
51. Sedimentary layers (strata) and lava flows were originally deposited as relatively
horizontal sheets. This principle is known as...
52. This petrologist showed that, as magmas cool, two different series of silicate minerals
(SiO4) crystallize in predictable sequences. One series is the continuous crystallization of
plagoiclase feldspar. The other series is the discontinuous crystallization of various
ferromagnesian silicate minerals. Who is he?
53. Look at the picture!
Jalan Raya Bandung-Sumedang Km.21 Jatinangor, Jawa Barat 45363 Tlp/Fax: 022-7796545
R. MAKO; Dekat Parkiran Gedung 2 FTG UNPAD. Email :

What kind of oil reservoir is that?

54. Crude oil is a mixture of various different compounds called hydrocarbons. These
different hydrocarbons need to be separated in a column by which process?
55. Environmental regulations dictate that a refinery has to remove certain pollutants from
the products before they leave the plant. What contributor to acid rain is removed in
the refining process?
56. What form of water is the most prevalent in oil refinery processing?

57. What is flash point?

58. What is meant by cloud point?
59. A Hydrocarbon which in a gas phase at the reservoir pressure and temperature but in a
liquid phase at the surface is called?
60. The following are the parameters used to determine the electrical characteristics of rocks,
Saturation Exponent
Cementation Factor
Formation Factor

61. Calculation which used to calibrate the porosity calculation from log or as alternative data
which is taken from literature is the function of what measure?
Jalan Raya Bandung-Sumedang Km.21 Jatinangor, Jawa Barat 45363 Tlp/Fax: 022-7796545
R. MAKO; Dekat Parkiran Gedung 2 FTG UNPAD. Email :

62. To get to the highest recovery possible. At the end of production, the value of residual oil
saturation should be?

63. What the function of retarder?

64. To make a foamed cement, what kind of gas that we injected?
65. Mention the technique that using in water, chemicals, and sand are pumped into the well
to unlock the hydrocarbons trapped in shale formations by opening cracks in the rock and
allowing natural gas to flow from shale into the well?
66. Calculate the annular bottomhole pressure in vertical well, caused by cement fulfilled in
annulus which has slurry density equal to 15 ppg, TVD equal to 10,000 ft?

67. This cycle developed by a French engineer demonstrates the most efficient cycle for
converting thermal energy into work, or extracting the most work from a given flow of
heat between two temperature baths
68. This well log makes a record of the borehole diameter, which is usually constantly
69. What is hydrogenation?
70. What type of petroleum reservoir is easily identified by the occurrence of retrograde
71. What is commonly the first step in producing a coal-bed methane field?
72. A naturally occurring mixture of hundreds of different hydrocarbon compounds trapped
in subsurface rock is?
73. What kind type of platform that have legs of sufcient buoyancy to cause the structure
to oat, but of sufcient weight to keep the structure upright?
74. FPSO stands for?
Jalan Raya Bandung-Sumedang Km.21 Jatinangor, Jawa Barat 45363 Tlp/Fax: 022-7796545
R. MAKO; Dekat Parkiran Gedung 2 FTG UNPAD. Email :

75. The main classication scheme used broadly separates the mud into 3
categories based on the main component that makes up the mud, mention them!
76. A method of secondary recovery in which water is injected into the formation to displace
residual oil is often called as
77. An operator is producing from a gas reservoir. Suspicious of unusually high pressure
losses, he discovers that liquid is dropping out in the tubing, though he observes only gas
at the wellhead. What type of petroleum fluid is this well producing?
78. What is quantity that shows ability of the fluid to flow?
79. Mention 3 types of rig systems ?
80. The ability of mud to hold or float the cutting is..

81. Answers below which is not one of the characteristics of mud rheology is..
a. App. Viscosity
b. Plastic Viscosity
c. Yield Point
d. Viscosity

82. How is the minimum jet velocity to keep a strong flow to the bottom of the well without
wrecking the wellbore?
83. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is an intergovernmental
organization founded at the Baghdad Conference in September 1960, by 5 countries.
Name the five countries that created OPEC!
84. What kind of clay mineral thay using in oil base mud?
85. What kind of material that can make low resistivity ?
86. Mention a kind of isolated porosity !
87. Mention 4 kerogen forms which has hydrocarbon potential to make oil.
Jalan Raya Bandung-Sumedang Km.21 Jatinangor, Jawa Barat 45363 Tlp/Fax: 022-7796545
R. MAKO; Dekat Parkiran Gedung 2 FTG UNPAD. Email :

88. This type of oil has initial producing gas-oil ratios of 2000-3000 scf/STB. The stock tank
gravity is usually 40API or higher. The critical temperature is generally greater than the
reservoir temperature. Name this type of oil!
89. Mention 3 surface components of ESP!
90. A mixture of naturally occurring hydrocarbons which may exist in the solid, liquid, or
gaseous stats depending upon the conditions of pressure and temperature to which it is
subjected is the definition of...
91. Soluble organic compound that concentrates on the surface boundary between two
dissimilar substances and diminishes the surface tension between them
92. Gravity driven turbid mixtures of sediment temporarily suspended in water are called
93. What is the primary and most widely used bottom-supported marine vessel for oilwell
94. This platform is the small platform that the derrickman stands on when tripping pipe.
What is this platform called?
95. What casing that is used to prevent drilling mud contamination and isolate the loss
circulation zone and the blow out zone?
96. A type of log used to measure electrical characteristics of formation is called?
97. In petroleum exploration and development, what method is used to determine the ability
of a borehole to produce petroleum?
98. In formation evaluation, what does LWD stand for?
99. What is the name of phenomena when the pump stop pumping, liquid is accumulated in
the annulus, increasing the pressure and unblocking the pump?

100. What is the term commonly used to refer to the act of deviating a well bore to
head in the direction desired?

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