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MOL UAV ANDRA NS 11 Workin pairs. Look atthe photos. akeitin 4 Workin pairs. Choose a question to discuss ‘urns to describe them. 1 Have you evr had to go into hospital fora few days? Describe what happened. 2. Have you ever vsted a patient in hospital? Tak about your visic EXAM TRAINING Dobieranie zdar do luk w tekécie 5. Read the exam tip. Then read the sentences. Underline the linking words ‘hat might help you fit them into a text. Ignore the highlighted words. {A For instance, La Clinic specializes in plastic surgery and provides consultations with some ofthe top plastic surgeons in the word. 8 Thisis partly because its a country of excreme natural beauty is che perfect place to recuperate from an illness In spe ofthis, some people prefer to avoid alternative forms of treatment such as massage and hypnosis. D Moreover they have acces to luxury five-star facilities that include state-of the-art gyms frness centres, swimming pools and saunas. However chese places are now becoming more popular with a wider range of people 6 Now read the article. Choose the best sentence A-E from exercise 5to complete gaps 1~4, There is one extra sentence which you de not need rouse. VOCABULARY Medical care 2. Work in pars. Decide who is most likely to do these things: a doctor, nurse or a patient. 1 workon the ward A nurre works on the ward 4 Te ee + PD he rich and famous have always enjoyed golng to spas and clinics for different health and beauty treatments In fact, for many of them a stay in a medical centre is more lke a holiday! They pay for the luxury + accommodation and the beautiful surroundings as much 2 treat somebody for something : 3 operate on somebody 4 recover from an illness 5 eointo hospital 6 take somebod)’s temperature 7 8 ° have an X-ray Some of the most famous spas and clinics are in be discharged Switzerland. "Many clinis are located in, or near oan examination to, the beautiful city of Montreux, wich ison the shore of 10 take medication ve Lake Geneva, Can you think of other jobs people working. im hospitals have? What do they do? The clinics provide all kinds of treatments. ’_ The Blotonus Clinic offers a wide range of medical services as ‘well as treatment for suess and The Clinic La Prairie offers 3. Use the phrases from exercise 2n the correct expensive anti-ageing injection therapies fr its patents, form to complete sentences 1-6. 1 {had tobe in hospital fora week, but then the As well as specific teatments, visitors can have access to doctor decided | was well so! «a range of different services including counselling, dietary 21 and they could se tha my leg was ‘advice and personal fimess programmes. “___ ll of. rola ‘this makes these clinics ideal places to recover from an '3 The doctor ___and decided there was lness, or simply to unwind from the stresses of daily lie. nothing wrong with me 4 Thenurse because she thought had fever 5 Acthe moment! three times a day 61. exe week or an operation on my ne. EM) zprowie 2 VOCABUI 7 EEDSEESSS Proecayes pony tekst, zktrego wunigt sei xda Dobiers do uk dana ‘eznaczone literami A~G tak, aby powstal spéjny i logiczny tekst. Wpisz odpowiednie tery wluki 1-6. Jedno zdanie zostato podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do zadnej luki. FAMOUS HEART SURGEONS + In 1967, the first human heart transplant ‘was performed by a South Afriean Surgeon called Dr Christiaan N. Barnard in Cape Town. Unfortunately, the patient only survived for + eighteen days. One of these surgeons was Magdi Yacoub. ‘Yacoub was born in 1935 in Egypt, and became ‘one of the most famous heart surgeons in the world. His father was a surgeon and Magdi was brought up in the world of hospitals and health care. After this, Yacoub worked to Britain, and in 1973 became a consultant cardiothoracic surgeon at Harefield Hospital. ‘ Itwas in 1980 that Yacoub’s career really took off when he led a transplant programme at the hospital [Not all of them were successful, but as time went on, there was an increase in survival rate and also a reduction in = recovery periods. [A Alternatively, the tam (including surgeons, cardiologists, anaesthetss, nurses and physiotherapists) voluncer to give Up ther holiday and travel re che poverty-stricken countries themselves. 8 Asa result he secup a chart called Chain of Hope which rovides fee heat transplants for children from poor counries. After ten years, his team had performed an amazing one thousand transplants. D Allofche hears transplants wenc well and he received world wide fame. However the operation attracted world-wide incerest and more land more surgeons sarted to perform the operation themselves. F Consequenty, he ao studied medicine, at Cairo Universiy, and Qualified as a doctor in 1957. G This includes the hospital afamily ro look after the child, and ‘the surgeons themselves. = +» While Yacoub was working in Britain, however, he remained concerned for the hundreds of young people around the world who were not receiving any treatment for their heart sccaattine Ro = they even reached the age of eighteen. When Yacoub oan ee of sinty-five, he continued brought to Britain. © become the final link in the el free tickets for the journeys. VOCABULARY Build your vocabulary 8 Match the highlighted words in the two texts with definitions a-g below. Then use them in sentences of your own. searca business organization er. become successful the process of becoming welagain after an injury getbecer Took afer 3 child untl they ae an adut sing the most moder methods relax usually ater lot of sess 9. What are hospitals like in Poland? Make notes about ‘the aspects below. Then, share your ideas with the class. + Buldings: are they old or modern? + Equipment: are the hospitals well-equipped? + Staff are chey well paid Is there asuffciene numberof purses and doctors? 2 zpRowle EW WA2 ARY AND READING <=—— GRAMMAR AND SPEAKING VOCABULARY Modern addictions 11 Workin pairs. Which of the activities below are che most addictive? Put them in order starting from the most addictive (1) Checking bank accounts Viking socal neeworking websites (eg. Facebook) Eating chocolate Using beauy products Smoking cigareres Drinking coffee 2. Compare your results wth the results ofa survey done among young Brits on page 278. Are you surprised? GRAMMAR Present perfect and past simple 3. Tick V the sentences which are grammatically correct. Then check with the rules below. 1 Tye drunk ive cups of offe today. 2 venever taken any drags 3 didnt eat chocolate since yesterday. ‘4 When my dad was a university he smoked fora year 5 | gave up playing computer games. | EEA zpRowlz 2 4. Use the verbs in brackets in the past simple or present perfect. Kate | recent, Jennifer Really? What stn to) a very inceresting le (ie/ be) aboue? Kate Profesor Jenkins from Oxford University (talk) about shopaholsm He’ (present) some unusual ways of fighting and (Give) alot of practical advice. (hear) chat Jennifer Professor Jenkins chink name.’——(he / publish) anything? Kate Hi (write) afew books about modern addiction so far and hs latest book ~ Don’ shop until you drop (be) published rwo years agai (Ge) quite popular ever since Jennifer Oh yes" (read) it. But (not find) ie very practical. |"°_—_ (wen oy) 2 few of his tips but chey "(not work) for me. Would you believe chat this week (spend) more than ever inthe shops? I think you" (always be) 2 spender. Me too! Kate 5 Use the prompts to write questions in the past simple or present perfect. Interview your partner. Do you think he/she leads a heathy life? 1. you ever drink / more than three cups of coffee a day? 2. how long / use / the interner this week? 3. how much / you spend / inthe shops last week? ‘4 how many hours / you watch TV yesterday? you drink / any drinks with caffeine since this morning? ‘Whar /you drink? 6 how many text messages / you send / as Saturday? r AM TRAINING .owa na podstawie materiatu stymulujacego 6 Read the exam task and lookat the photos. Which sentences below a,b or c would you choose to start your 2. ke the picture on the right mor. Is more suggestive than the other one. | think chac the bes picrure fora brochure about smoking would be pictur € Inmy opinion he picture onthe right / picture 1s scarier than picture 2c presents 7. Look at photo 2 from exercise 6 and try to guess the missing words. ie (the picture) shows a ___which looks scary and ominous. The sticking out ofthe mouth f3 warning hat smoking can” If you smoke, you look ld and uy, So having this image onthe cover will make ‘verybody who smokes consider quiting Personally | believe is pictures extremely suggestve 8 (Pm Listen toa student coing the task and write down the answers. Are her anewerssimilar to yours? 9 Pxea Look at photo 1 andlisten to the student saying Wy she would not choose it ior the brochure. What are her arguments? 10 Workin pairs. Do you agree with the student? Which Photo would you choose and why? GRAMMAR AND WZ 11 EEXEIEEESY Do the exam task in pairs. Use the phrases from the REMEMBER! box below. Then swap roles and do the task again Pytania dla egzaminujacego: Student A 11 Which addiction do you thinks more dangerous than shopaholism? Why? 2 What’ the bese way to teach teenagers about addictions? Seudene 8 1 Some experts say that shopaholsm isa very serious illness. Do you agree? Why / Why not? 2. Why is itimporzant ro teach people bout addictions? 2 zprowie KEW 11 Workin pairs. Look a the photos at the bottom of the page. What do you think it would be lke to have these kinds of disabilities? What kind of things do you think you could and could not do? VOCABULARY The disabled 2. Workin pairs. Make alist of words you connect with disabilities, 3. Which ofthe phrases refer to problems disabled people face and which refer to things that can help? ‘Write (P) for problems or (5) for solutions. 4 riding a mobility scooter — climbing stars — reading Braille using public transport walking long ci beingin an electric wheelchair —_ being on crutches — using ramps — driving a specially adapred car having disabled parkrg — wearing a hearing aid geting though narrow doors im inscaling a stairife — 1 reaing small print — ©. hearing what people sy 4. Workin pairs. Takeitinturns to describe the photos. DROWIE 2 3XAM TRAINING Zadanie wielokrotnego wyboru 5. Read the exam tip. Then read the questions and decide whether they are asking for specific information (SI) o gist (C) 1 Ben searted swimming because a he enjoyed physical exercise 2. Ben increased his swimming hours when [A he became interested in competing B he sarted competing this cho C hewn an important competion. 3 Ben stopped swimming because Ak he starced to do badly in competitions. B hedecided todo a different sport he wanted todo other things. too, 44 Whats Ben mainly eaking abo A His ife as a writer. 8 His swimming career His disbiicy 6 @PaxED Now listen to the interview and for questions 1-4 from exercise 5, choose the correct answer A, B or C. 7 SEE Pham wysiuchaj fragmenta audyci 8 Prepare chree-minute presentation on the issue of radiowe) i odpowieds na pytania 1-5. Zakrellterg A,B disabled people in modern society. In your presentation include answers co the questions below. ub C. 1 Why did Maya learn Braille schoo! 1 What are he facies like for people with disabilities in your AA Printed books made her fe il mn? Think about: BB There were no large printbooks + public transport The prnced books were to easy. {shops and cinemas 2. Whac happened when she was a school? + sporting venues AA She was happy and succesful 2. How do you think these facies could be improved? B She worked harder han everybody ese. 3 How do you chink disabled people are created in sociewy? She had very few people wo talk to. How could this change 3 What happened when she started applying fr jobs? {A She found ic impossible to get one B_She discovered she had tc try harder than other people. She was only ever employed fora short time. 44 How does Maya think that young blind people can help themselves? [A They should leam about new technology. They should avoid joining organizations for the bind They should stop relying on craitional methods of help. 5 Whats Maya talking about in this interview? A Coping with everyday preblems. B Finding the right medical reatment. Being succesful with her life. CULTURE 9) Workin pairs. Read the text. What i the most important way in which health care for British people has changed since the 1940s? 1m Britain people take the National Health Service (NS) for granted, but not so many Years ago health care was very different. Patents generally had to pay for :betr treatment, which meare thet poor people aften went ‘without, of relied instead on dubious and sometimes dangerous home remecies Free Heatment was sometimes available in teaching hospitals and charity hospitals, suc as the Royal ree Hosptal, but generally the poor had to fend for themselves. Ten in 194, the health secretary of the Labour Party, Aneurin Bevan, launched his new idea Park Hospital in Manchester. For the fist time hospitals, octors, nurses, pharmacists, opticians and dentists were brought together under one umbrella organization to Dlofidela fro health service that was available all. and ‘was financed aurely fom taxation The NHS was born (Over the yoars the NHSIhas struggled to maintain its position and has introduced measures such as prescription charges to hep ts maanive costs. Despite thus. amploye ‘approximately 1.3 milion staff and provides an enormous range of services to over 57 malion people. 10 What i healthcare like in Poland? Write a text (about 120-150 words). Answer the questions below. Structure: Who controls heath care? How is i organized? Seale: How many people are employed? Funding: How sit funded? Performance: s the system of health care efficent? Are people generally satisfied with it? 2 ZDROWIE EE GRAMMAR AND SPEAKING GRAMMAR Present perfect and present perfect continuous 1. Choose the correct words to complete the dialogue. Then check with the rules below. Mixed tenses 3. Use the verbs in brackets in the present simple, present perfect simple and continuous or past simple. Doctor Whae (be) the matte? Patient ___ (eel) awful (chow up) al morning and |*___ (lose) my appetice Doctor What \ (you / eat) roday? Patient Not much ¢_———— (on have) aight breakfast and 2 bet eat ac Tuncheme Doctor What exacty’ (jou have? Patient Wel hae) wo ed eggs the sausages nds coffee or break lowed by x sal rset, forluneh "(no ea) anything since hen an (eins much pain Doctor You cl his noc much” No wonder you be) suggest you sea cian 2. Usethe verbs in backs inthe presnt perfec simple or Patient Sul (ready se er she ‘continuous. a am a 3_ (tell) me to take berter care of my body so! in) to flow her adic 1 Doctor Holmes (examine) seven patents this morning 2 Granny (take) these pls fora yea thik she 4 Work in pairs. Rob (Gwalow) a few hundred of them. Studene A 3 The surgeons. operate) since this morning and chey Youare a patient. You think you are very ill and you don ike ie (perform) thee operations. when doctors donot treat you serous). Thisis che third doctor 4 Leant get this medicine anywhere, (be)r0 three you have seen this week. chemist + Say what your problem is and how long you haved i. 5. My grandfather (not et) meat fora very longtime. + Tell the doctor whae you have done so far. 6 Maggie (praise) yoga for along time. She feacenel (cake) alo of yoga courses. i a Youare a doctor. You know this patient as he/she ofen comes, 7 The children —_ (never ail wich fa to see you with made-up problems. You are bie tired of him 81 sneee) aot recent | think is hay fever. her Fed out 9 Fred (ceri all atemoon. He hundred push-ups sofa! (do) + why the patent has come to see you + what medicines he/she ha caken so far on) Tay my hai we A zorowie 2 L EXAM TRAINING Rozmowa z odgrywaniem rol ramietajo tym, 2e rozmowa wstgpna ma poméc egeaminem, wige wjkorzystaj ten + Zur6é wwage na to ktoroxpeczyna roemowe, Jeli jest fegeaminulacy, poccela, a zacznie rozmowe + Twoja odpowiedé ma byé dalogiem a zatem odpowiada} na jego pytania. 5. In pairs, take in turns to answer the questions. 1 How often do you vs the doctor? 2. Doyou mind visting the denise? Why / Why not? 3. Areyouafrad of injections! Why / Why noc {How many hours do you sleep each night? Why? 6 Read the exam task below. Write down words that you think may be useful foreach topic. ‘achorowales/achorowalat w czasie pobytu 2a granica. “Tested zwzyta u angielskiego lekarza. W rozmowie sgzaminulacym porusz nastepulace catery kwestie: » objawy choroby, > jejpreebieg, je] wphyw na twoje dalsze plany, » sasywanie lek (Roemowe repoczyna epzaminiiay) 1 Symptoms 2 History of your illness 3. How the illness may influence your plans 4 Taking medicine 7 Pha Liscen to two students doing the task and answer questions 1-3 below. Compare your answers with a partner. Rosmowa 1 Rormowa? 1 The student lee the examiner start the conversation Yes/No Yes/No 2. The sudent covered all four topics. Yes/No Yes/No 3. The student answered all the ‘questions the examiner asked him. Yes/No Yes/No WA GRAMMAR AND SPEAKING ——— 8 ‘Do the exam task in pairs. Use the model given. Then swap roles and do the cask again. Podezas pobyes 2a granicg zatrues se/zatruia sig jedzeniem. Udajesz sig 2 wizytg do lekarca. W rormovie aminujacym poruse nastepulace catery kweste: + objamy zatruca, + jego prosbieg, + vakazania dietetyeane, * sasywanie lekow. (Rozmowe rozpoczyna egeaminsiae)) EXAMINER Good morning. What 10 be the problem? sTupenr what your symptons =— at eas 0 see How long has thi spingon? —_— — Did you eat anything tha vas for parca soya) Well you must be ven careful with what yous — | think you must cue ‘on meat / oft de 9 Write down the seudents role in the exam task. 2 zpRowle ERM EE zprow VOCABULARY Healthy lifestyle 1. Take icin urns to describe the photos. Which lifestyle is most similar to yours? 2. Match verbs 1-8 with the phrases a-h to make collocations connected with a healthy lifestyle. ‘More than one answer may be possible. 1 say enough sleep 2~ b fc 3 avoid «healthily 4% keep 4 jogsing 5 workout fe inshape 6 ee weight 7 lose 8 sess 8 ax h inthegym 3 Read the leaflet. Then match the highlighted phrasal verbs with definitions a-d below. Lehi) rt Everybody Is there a natural way to look slim and feel healthy? With our new programme you will never put (on weight again! You don't have to give.up eating. With our help you can eat as much as you want! All you have todo is cut dow of fatty foods. The other important thing to do i to take up some kind of exercise eed for FREE information and advice about diet pecs pee 2 sata new hobby have less of something € sop doing something grow fatter 2 + Reduce calories and ss mach low-fat food as possible: chicken, fh and yoghurt are good for you + smoking - every cigarette shortens | —o— | | + Ifyou are overweight tryt0 + Keep ft and stay in shape why not” DON’T + Don't go to bed late: i you don't", you wil lack energy and age faster + Don't get ritated: keep calm and" school and werk. athome, + Dont est between meals i he fastest way to + Don't be a Sines fanatic! Youneed to remember to keep a balanced lfestyle 5 Inpairs, discuss the questions. 1 Does your lifestyle match the advice in che leaflet n exercise 4? 2 Doyou think the advice is practical? Why / Why not? 3 Ifyou decided to follow ic which point would be mos dificult for EXAM TRAINING 9 tao preiacania wseysthich informaci { podatelentu lista na alapity. apisaniu list, sprawde ge, 6 Read the openings and closings of letters. Decide which are formal and which are informal. Complete the chart. ear Sir/Madam Yours faihflly Dear Fred Dear Mr Kinley Take care Lots oflove allthe best Yours sincerely HiSusan 7. Read the exam task. Which ofthe phrases from ‘exercise 6 can be used in the etter? Znalartes/Znalactas w gazece cekawe ogioszenie dorycaqce migdzynarodowego obozu dla entuzjastow 2drowego sty sycia (health freaks camp) i planujess waiaé w nim udzal. Napisz do kolegi = Nowe) Zelandi list, w ktérym: + napiszese, caego dotyery cgloszenie{gzie je ‘znalazles/znalaatas (), + poinformujesz goo tym, to organizuje obé2 {aka jest odptatnosé (2), + przedstawisz program zajeé sportowych Froarpwkowyeh @), + zachecise kolege do waieca udziahaw tym obozie i obiecasz pomoc wzalatwieni formalnota (4) 10 " 8 Decide which sentence aor b, would be more suitable inthe letter. Opening 2 | am writing with regard to our holiday plans. 'b How re your | hope you'e well and looking, forward t0 our holiday. Closing {Lam looking forward ro hearng from you. > Write soon. NWZ vatTING ‘Write the missing information in the letter. Remember to cover all the points 1~6 in the cask (opening) —— 1 Tean't wait until school is Over: Pve been reading some travel recently. In one of them I found a very interesting advertisement for. and I immediately thought that we could take part in it. 2. The campis organized by ____. The fee includes =e 3. Tvehad a good look at the programme and it looks like we could have lots o f fun. We will also be able to stay in shape. 4 Treally tiak-you I promise I will help you. Find the four elements below in your leter. Underline them. 1 2wrotgraecanosciowy roxpoczyraacy li, typowy da is Prywatnego Dear Kate 2 Weep How are you? /Nice te hear from you. 3 Roawinigcie Lean'twait until 4 Zakosicrenie Please write back and let me know. FEES po the exam as, Uccestniceyles/Uczestniczylas ostatnio w pogadance na temat dvowego odzywiania sie. W icie do znajomych ze Stangw Zjednocaonych napise: » o jakim aapekcie drowego odeywiania byl ta pogadanka ito japrowadail, » laczego waigles/wailaé w ne) udzialtkogo tam poznaled/ omnaias, + akichporad i preestog udzelalaoscba prowadizaca, ‘ay mase 2amiar ktéraé 2 nich Pamigea a zachowaniu odpowiatniejformy i wtaciwego styl lieu [Nie umiesaczaj sadmych adres. Pope sia jako XYZ. Dugas lists owinna wynasi od 120 do 150 sw 2 ZDROWIE EE

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