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Marriage is a very important social institution.

It is varies according to different

cultures, last it is principally an institution in which interpersonal relationships usually

intimate and sexual, are acknowledged. People marry someone for many reasons,

including the legal, social, emotional, financial, spiritual, and religious status. Marriages

can be performed in a secular civil ceremony or in a religious setting. Every individual

desires a perfect love story, a perfect match, but the standard for choosing the partner

is different. In romantic marriage, individuals prefer to pick their lifetime partners on their

own while in case of arranged marriages individuals prefer a partners chosen by their

families or parents. Arranged marriages focused more on family union. Arranged

marriage is better than romantic marriages, why?because if you are under the arranged

marriage, you wont be bother on thinking about your future unlike on romantic

marriages, youre unsure about what will happen to you in the future. Okay lets say that

in arranged marriage, youll start as a strangers to each other, but love can grow

between the both of you but in romantic marriages, youll start as a lovers, but you cant

assure how long your partner will feel the same as yours.

Arrange marriage is not a contact between two individuals alone but a confluence

of two families. It is based on the understanding of the two families. Two families

involved in arranged marriages that know each other very well and compatible with

each other. So there are better chances of families getting along well. The couples are

guided by parents, experience they have complete support of families so they have

fewer burdens. Where as in romantic marriages, couple are unknown about the future

complexities in life and lack of knowledge about this experience. Arranged marriages

are usually happen between the similar backgrounds of people so there are fewer
chances of conflicts that could happen later in life of couple. Its not mandatory that

people cannot fall in love in case of arrange marriages because in our nation, arrange

marriage has huge success in ratio. Also, in arranged marriage the matchmaking is

fairly objective in terms of insuring that the bride and the groom are well matched in

economic and social standing security and stability seems to be the most valued things

in arranged marriage. Compromise and adjustments form the foundation of arrange

marriage largely because the married couples does not have any pre conceived or

expectations from one another. The compromise factors might work wonder in arrange

while in romantic, this might prove to be yet another cause for altercation. Dr. Robert

Epstein from Harvard has studied the subject of arranged marriages for eight years. He

has interviewed more than 100 couples in arranged marriages to assess their strength

of feeling and studied his findings. His work suggests that feeling of love in romantic

marriages/ matches begin to fade by as much as a half in 18 months whereas the love

in the arranged marriages tends to grow gradually.

In romantic marriages, both individual know each other already and mutually

decide to spend the whole life with each other so if the couple got a problem, they would

have to tackle all their crises on their own because they might have been separated

from their families. In romantic marriages there is one guarantee that person marrying

fall for each other at least one time. This is not based on rules of society but in romantic

marriages, you cant guarantee that the feeling of your partner towards you wont

change and if ever, that your partner loses his/her feelings for you, it might be lead to

annulment or divorce and you cant also assure your future when you use your heart

Nowadays, our country experiencing one of the highest rate of poverty so we

should secure our future and be practical. Using our brains over our hearts will lead us

to a safer and secure zone. Therefore, I conclude with enough basis and facts.

Arranged marriages are better than Romantic marriages.




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