eka-dhammo】 一法 (one thing)

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Eko dhammo (one thing)

eka-dhammo (one thing)

sappurisa-samsevo (associating with good persons)

sabbe satta ahara-tthitika (all beings are maintained
by nutriment)

Dve dhamma (two things)

dve dhamma (two things)

namam (name)
rupam (form)

avijja (ignorance)
bhava-tanha (craving for existence)

bhava-ditthi (the view of existence)

vibhava-ditthi (the view of non-existence)

hiri (f. moral shame)

ottappam (moral dread, to be afraid of evil)

sovacassata (suavity, gentleness) ()

kalyana-mittata (friendship) ()

sati () (mindfulness)
sampajabbam (clarity of consciousness; clear comprehension)

samatho (tranquillity)
vipassana (insight)

sila-visuddhi (the purification of morality)
ditthi-visuddhi (the purification of view)

Tayo dhamma (three things)

tayo addha (three times)

atito addha (past time)

anagato addha (future time)
paccuppanno addha (present time)

tayo asava (lit. influxes, cankers)

kamasavo (the canker of sense-desire)

bhavasavo (the canker of (desiring eternal) existence)
avijjasavo (the canker of ignorance)

tayo kusala-savkappa (three kinds of wholesome thought)

nekkhamma-savkappo (the thought of renunciation)

avyapada-savkappo (the thought of non-ill-will)
avihimsa-savkappo (the thought of harmlessness)

tini kammani (three actions)

kaya-kammam (action by body)

vaci-kammam (action by speech)
mano-kammam (action by mind)

tini akusala-mulani (three unwholesome roots)

lobho (greed)
doso (hatred,anger)
moho (delusion)

tini kusala-mulani (three wholesome roots)

alobho (greedlessness)
adoso (hatelessness)
amoho (non-delusion)

tini cakkhuni (three kinds of eyes)

mamsa-cakkhu (the physical eye)

dibba-cakkhu (the divine eye)
pabba-cakkhu (the eye of wisdom)

tini samyojanani (three fetters)

sakkaya-ditthi (personality-belief)
vicikiccha (sceptical doubt)
silabbata-paramaso (clinging to mere rules and ritual)

tisso dhatuyo (three world-elements)

kama-dhatu (f. sensuous world)

rupa-dhatu (fine-material world)
arupa-dhatu (immaterial world)

tisso vedana (three sensations or feelings)

sukha-vedana (agreeable feeling)

dukkha-vedana (disagreeable feeling)
adukkha-m-asukha vedana (indifferent or neutral feeling)
(= upekkha vedana )

tisso dukkhata (three kinds of suffering)

dukkha-dukkhata (the suffering as pain)

savkhara-dukkhata (the suffering inherent in the formations)
viparinama-dukkhata (the suffering as due to change)

tisso tanha (lit. thirst, three kinds of cravings)

kama-tanha (sensual craving)

bhava-tanha (craving for existence)
vibhava-tanha (craving for non-existence)

apara pi tisso tanha (three more kinds of cravings)

kama-tanha (craving for sensual existence)

rupa-tanha (craving for fine-material existence)
arupa-tanha (craving for immaterial existence)

tisso vidha (three forms of conceit or pride, = tayo mana)

seyyo ham asmkti vidha (the conceit of I am better than )

sadiso ham asmkti vidha (the conceit of I am equal to )
hino ham asmkti vidha (the conceit of I am worse than)

tisso sikkha (three kinds of training)

adhisila-sikkha (training in higher morality)

adhicitta-sikkha (training in higher mentality)
adhipabba-sikkha (training in higher wisdom)

tisso vijja (three supernormal knowledges)

pubbe-nivasqnussati-banam vijja (the supernormal knowledge

of remembering ones former existences)
sattanam cutgpapate banam vijja (the supernormal knowledge
of knowing the decease and rebirth of beings)
(= dibba-cakkhu divine eye)
asavanam khaye banam vijja (the supernormal knowledge
of realizing the extinction of all cankers)

Cattaro dhamma (four things)

cattaro ahara (four nutriments)

kabalivkaro aharo, olariko va sukhumo va ()

(material food, gross or subtle)
phasso dutiyo () ((sensory or mental) contact as second)
mano-sabcetana tatiya () (mental volition as third)
vibbanam catuttham () (consciousness as fourth)

cattaro samgaha-vatthani (four ways of showing favour or four

bases of sympathy)

danam (generosity)
peyyavajjam (pleasing speach)
attha-cariya (beneficial conduct)
samanattata (imparciality)

cattari upadanani (four kinds of clinging)

kamgpadanam (sensuous clinging)

ditthgpadanam (clinging to views)
silabbatgpadanam (clinging to mere rules and ritual)
attavadgpadanam (clinging to the personality-belief)

cattaro ogha (four floods ) (= cattaro asava four cankers)

kamogho (flood of sense-desire) (= kamasavo )

bhavogho (flood of (desiring eternal) existence) (= bhavasavo )
ditthogho (flood of (wrong) views) (= ditthasavo )
avijjogho (flood of ignorance) (= avijjasavo )

cattaro anariya-vohara (four ignoble modes of speech)

musa-vado (lying)

pisuna-vaca (slandering, mischief-making, alienation)
pharusa-vaca (rude speech)
samphappalapo (foolish babble)

apare pi cattaro anariya-vohara (four more un-Ariyan

modes of speech)

aditthe dittha-vadita (claiming to have seen what one has not seen)
assute suta-vadita (claiming to have heard what one has not heard)
amute muta-vadita (claiming to have sensed what one has not sensed)
avibbate vibbata-vadita (claiming to have known what one has not known)

cattari ariya-saccani (for noble truths)

dukkham (suffering)
dukkha-samudayo (origin of suffering)
dukkha-nirodho (cessation of suffering) cessation of suffering)
dukkha-nirodha-gamini patipada (the way leading to the G

cattari padhanani (four efforts)

samvara-padhanam (the effort to avoid (unwholesome states))

pahana-padhanam (the effort to overcome (unwholesome states))
bhavana-padhanam (the effort to develop (wholesome states))
anurakkhana-padhanam (the effort to maintain (wholesome states))

cattari sotapattiyavgani (four (preliminary) conditions to Stream-entry)

sappurisa-samsevo (companionship with good persons)

saddhamma-savanam (hearing the Good Law)
yoniso-manasikaro (wise reflection)
dhammqnudhamma-patipatti (living in conformity with the Law)
cattari sotapannassa avgani / (four characteristic
qualities of a Stream-winner)

buddhe avecca-ppasadena samannagato hoti

(endowed with
the unshakable faith towards the Enlightened One)

dhamme avecca-ppasadena samannagato hoti (endowed with
the unshakable faith towards the Doctrine)
savghe avecca-ppasadena samannagato hoti
(endowed with
the unshakable faith towards the Order)
ariya-kantehi silehi samannagato hoti [ ] (endowed with the
perfect morality or the morality dear to the Noble Ones)

cattari samabba-phalani (four fruits of monkhood)

sotapatti-phalam (the fruit of Stream-entrance)

sakadagami-phalam (the fruit of Once-return)
anagami-phalam (the fruit of Non-return)
arahatta-phalam (the fruit of Perfect Holiness)

catasso dhatuyo (four physical elements)

pathavi-dhatu (earth or solid-element)

apo-dhatu (water or fluidity-element)
tejo-dhatu (fire or heat-element)
vayo-dhatu (wind or motion-element)
= cattaro maha-bhuta (four primary elements)

catasso yoniyo (four modes of generation) cf. M.12

andaja-yoni (generation from the egg)

jalabuja-yoni (generation from the mothers womb)
samsedaja-yoni (generation from moisture)
opapatika-yoni (spontaneous rebirth (in heaven, hell, etc.))

catasso appamabbayo () (four boundless states (of mind))

metta (loving-kindness)
karuna (compassion)
mudita (appreciative joy)
upekkha (equanimity) (not apathy or indifference)
(= cattaro brahma-vihara four sublime or divine abodes)

cattaro satipatthana / (four foundations of mindfulness)

kaye kayanupassi viharati (

) (with reference to the body, he lives
observing the body) (or he abides contemplating the body)

vedanasu vedananupassi viharati () (with

reference to the feelings, he lives observing the feelings)

citte cittanupassi viharati () (with

reference to the mind, he lives observing the mind)

dhammesu dhammanupassi viharati ()

(with reference to the mind-objects, he lives observing the mind-objects)

cattaro pabha-vyakarana / (four ways of answering questions)

((9 1-51b) )

ekamsa-vyakaraniyo pabho (
) (there are questions requiring a direct answer)
vibhajja-vyakaraniyo pabho (
) (there are questions requiring
an explanation)

patipuccha-vyakaraniyo pabho (
) (there are questions to be
answered by counter-questions)

thapaniyo-vyakaraniyo pabho (
) (there are questions to
be set aside)

cattari dhamma-samadanani (four ways of undertaking dhamma)

((174 1-711b) )

atth avuso dhamma-samadanam paccuppannam dukkham, ayatib ca

dukkha-vipakam. (there is the way that

is painful in the present and brings painful future results)

atth avuso dhamma-samadanam paccuppannam dukkham, ayatib ca

sukha-vipakam. (there is the way that
is painful in the present and brings pleasant future results)

atth avuso dhamma-samadanam paccuppannam sukham, ayatib ca

dukkha-vipakam. (there is the way that
is pleasant in the present and brings painful future results)

atth avuso dhamma-samadanam paccuppannam sukham, ayatib ca

sukha-vipakam. (there is the way that
is pleasant in the present and brings pleasant future results)
(9 1-50c)

Pabca dhamma (five things)

pabca-kkhandha (five aggregates or groups)

rupa-kkhandho (the corporeality-group)

vedana-kkhandho (the feeling-group)
sabba-kkhandho (the perception-group)
savkhara-kkhandho (the mental-formation-group)
vibbana-kkhandho (the consciousness-group)

pabcgpadana-kkhandha (five aggregates of clinging or grasping)

rupgpadana-kkhandho (the corporeality-group of clinging)

vedangpadana-kkhandho (the feeling-group of clinging)
sabbgpadana-kkhandho (the perception-group of clinging)
savkhargpadana-kkhandho (the mental-formation-group of clinging)
vibbangpadana-kkhandho (the consciousness-group of clinging)

pabca gatiyo (lit. going, five courses of existence or five destinies)

nirayo (hell)
tiracchana-yoni (the realm of animals or the brute creation)
petti-visayo (ghost realm, the world of hungry ghosts)
manissa (human world)
deva (heavenly world)

pabca nivaranani (five hindrances)

kamacchanda-nivaranam (sensuous desire)

vyapada-nivaranam (ill-will)
thina-middha-nivaranam (sloth and torpor)
uddhacca-kukkucca-nivaranam (restlessness and scruples)
vicikiccha-nivaranam (sceptical doubt)
pabca sikkhapadani (five steps of training, five moral rules)

panatipata veramani (abstaining from killing living beings)

adinnadana veramani (abstaining from taking what is not given)
kamesu micchacara veramani (abstaining from misconduct in
sensual pleasures)
musavada veramani (abstaining from lying or false speech)
sura-meraya-majja-pamadatthana veramani --
(abstaining from wine, liquor,and intoxicants, which are the basis of negligence)

pabc oram-bhagiyani samyojanani (five low fetters)

sakkaya-ditthi (personality-belief)
vicikiccha (sceptical doubt)
silabbata-paramaso (clinging to mere rules and ritual)
kamacchando / kama-rago (sensuous desire or sensuous craving)
vyapado (ill-will)

pabc uddham-bhagiyani samyojanani (five higher fetters)

rupa-rago (craving for fine-material existence)

arupa-rago (craving for immaterial existence)
mano (conceit)
uddhaccam (restlessness)
avijja (ignorance)

pabc indriyani (five faculties)

sukhindriyam (the faculty of bodily pleasant feeling)

dukkhindriyam (the faculty of bodily pain)
somanassindriyam (the faculty of gladness)
domanassindriyam (the faculty of sadness)
upekhindriyam (the faculty of indifference)

aparani pi pabc indriyani (five more faculties)

saddhindriyam (the faculty of faith)

viriyindriyam (the faculty of energy)
satindriyam (the faculty of mindfulness)
samadhindriyam (the faculty of concentration)
pabbindriyam (the faculty of wisdom)

pabca vimutti-paripacaniya sabba (five perceptions making

for maturity of liberation)

anicca-sabba (the perception of impermanence)

anicce dukkha-sabba (the perception of suffering in impermanence)
dukkhe anatta-sabba (the perception of impersonality in suffering)
pahana-sabba (the perception of abandoning)
viraga-sabba (the perception of dispassion or detachment)

ti-lakkhanam (three characteristics of existence)

Cha dhamma (six things)

cha ajjhattikani ayatanani (six internal / personal bases or sources)

cakkhqyatanam (the base of eye or visual organ)

sotqyatanam (the base of ear or auditory organ)
ghanqyatanam (the base of nose or olfactory organ)
jivhqyatanam (the base of tongue or gustatory organ)
kayqyatanam (the base of body or tactile organ)
manqyatanam (the base of mind or consciousness)

cha bahirani ayatanani (six external bases or sources)

rupqyatanam (the base of visible object)

saddqyatanam (the base of sound or audible object)
gandhqyatanam (the base of odour or olfactive object)
rasqyatanam (the base of taste or gustative object)
photthabbayqyatanam (the base of body-impression or tangible object)
dhammqyatanam (the base of mind-object)

cha anussati-tthanani (six objects of recollection)

buddhqnussati () (the recollection of the Buddha)

dhammqnussati () (the recollection of the Doctrine)
savghqnussati () (the recollection of the Community of noble disciples)
silqnussati () (the recollection of morality)
cagqnussati () (the recollection of liberality or renunciation)
devatqnussati () (the recollection of the heavenly beings)

ti-ratanam (Three Jewels or Three Gems)

ti-saranam (Threefold Refuge)

Satta dhamma (seven things)

satta ariya-dhanani (seven treasures of the Noble)

saddha-dhanam (the treasure of faith)
sila-dhanam (the treasure of morality)
hiri-dhanam (the treasure of moral shame)
ottappa-dhanam (the treasure of moral dread)
suta-dhanam (the treasure of learing)
caga-dhanam (the treasure of liberality or renunciation)
pabba-dhanam (the treasure of wisdom)

satta sambojjhavga (the seven factors of enlightenment)

sati-sambojjhavgo (the enlightenment-factor of mindfulness)

dhamma-vicaya-sambojjhavgo ( of investigation of the law or
of (bodily and mental) phenomena)
viriya-sambojjhavgo ( of energy)
piti-sambojjhavgo ( of rapture)
passaddhi-sambojjhavgo ( of tranquillity)
samadhi-sambojjhavgo ( of concentration)
upekha-sambojjhavgo ( of equanimity)

satta sappurisa-dhamma (seven qualities of the true man)

dhammabbu (knowing the doctrine)

atthabbu (knowing the meaning)
attabbu (knowing self)
mattabbu (knowing moderation)
kalabbu (knowing the right time)
parisabbu (knowing groups)
puggalabbu (knowing persons)

satta balani (seven powers)

saddha-balam (the power of faith)

viriya-balam (the power of energy)
hiri-balam (the power of moral shame)
ottappa-balam (the power of moral dread)

sati-balam (the power of mindfulness)
samadhi-balam (the power of concentration)
pabba-balam (the power of wisdom)

Attha dhamma (eight things)

attha sammatta (eight rightnesses)

samma-ditthi (right view)

samma-savkappo (right thought)
samma-vaca (right speech)
samma-kammanto (right bodily action)
samma-ajivo (right livelihood)
samma-vayamo (right effort)
samma-sati (right mindfulness)
samma-samadhi (right concentration)
= ariyo atthavgiko maggo (Noble Eightfold Path)

attha micchatta (eight wrongnesses)

miccha-ditthi (wrong view)

attha puggala-dakkhineyya (eight persons worthy of offerings)

sotqpanno (the Stream-Winner)

sotqpatti-phala-sacchikiriyaya patipanno (one who has practised
to realize the fruition of Stream-Entry)
sakad-agami (the Once-Returner)
sakad-agami-phala-sacchikiriyaya patipanno (one who has practised
to realize the fruition of Once-Return)
anagami (the Non-Returner)
anagami-phala-sacchikiriyaya patipanno (one who has practised
to realize the fruition of Non-Return)
araha (the Arahant or the Holy One)

arahattaya patipanno (one who has practised to realize the
fruition of Arahantship or Holiness)

attha parisa (eight assemblies)

khattiya-parisa (the assembly of Khattiyas)

brahmana-parisa (the assembly of Brahmins)
gahapati-parisa (the assembly of householders)
samana-parisa (the assembly of ascetics)
catummaharajika-parisa () (the assembly of devas of the Realm
of the Four Great Kings)
tavatimsa-parisa (the assembly of the Thirty-Three Gods)
mara-parisa (the assembly of Maras)
brahma-parisa (the assembly of Brahmas)

attha loka-dhamma (eight worldly conditions)

labho () (gain)
alabho () (loss)
yaso (honour or fame)
ayaso (dishonour or shame)
ninda (blame)
pasamsa (praise)
sukham (happiness)
dukkham (misery)

Nava dhamma (nine things)

nava anupubba-nirodha (nine successive cessations or extinctions)

pathama-jjhanam samapannassa kama-sabba niruddha honti

(in him who has entered the first jhana or absorption, the sensuous
perceptions are extinguished)

dutiya-jjhanam samapannassa vitakka-vicara niruddha honti
(having entered the second jhana, thought-conception and discursive
thinking are extinguished)

tatiya-jjhanam samapannassa piti niruddha honti (having

entered the third jhana, rapture is extinguished)

catuttha-jjhanam samapannassa assasa-passasa niruddha honti

(having entered the fourth jhana, in-and-out breathing are

akasqnabcqyatanam samapannas

Pali Chinese
atical English Definition
Word Definition

aha V. said

anicca Adj. impermanent

arahant N.m. Arahant, Arhat

Assaji N.m. Assaji (Personal name)

atha Adv. then

attan N.m. Self

ayasmant Adj. Venerable (a title of respect for senior


bhagavan Adj. Blessed One (a title used for the

t Buddha)

bhasati V. says, speaks

buddho N.m. Buddha

ca conj. and

cittaj N.n. mind

dhammo N.m. doctrine, nature, truth, the Norm,

morality, good conduct

devo N.m. 1. a deity; 2. the sky; 3. a rain cloud; 4.

a king

danaj N.n. gift, charity, alms, alms-giving

dukkhaj N.n. suffering, pain, misery, discomfort

eta(d) Demonst that, this

rative Pron.

evaj Adv. thus, in this way, (in replay:) yes

gatha N.f. a verse, stanza, a line of poetry

gacchati V. to go, to move, to walk

hetu N.m. cause, reason, condition

ima(j) Demonst that, this

rative Pron.

indo N.m. lord, king, the Vedic god Indra, the

king of devas

janati/jina V. to conquer, to subdue


kusala Adj. clever; good action, merit, virtue ,

khayo N.m. waste, destruction, decay, ,


karanaj N.n. 1. doing, making; 2. production

kho Ind. indeed, really, surely ( )

lakkhanaj N.n. a sign, mark, characteristic, a ,,

prognosticative mark, a quality

maha- Adj. (mahant, becomes maha in compound),


maggo N.m. path, road, way

nirujjhati V. to cease, to dissolve, to vanish

nibbindat V. to get wearied of, to be disgusted with

nirodho N.m. cessation, the final truth ,

namo Ind. be my adoration to, homage,


parinibbu Adj. completely calmed, at peace, at rest ,,


pabba N.f. wisdom, knowledge, insight ,

pariyoda N.f. purification


pariyoda N.n. purification


parinibba N.n. final release from transmigration, death ,,

naj after the last lifespan of an Arahant

pabhavo N.m. origin, source

passati V. to see, to find, to understand

papaj N.n. sin, evil, wrong action; bad, sinful,


pariyayo N.m. order, course, quality, method,

figurative language, a synonym, a turn

paribbaja N.m. wandering religious mendicant ,,


raso N.m. taste, juice, flavour ()

rati N.f. pleasure, love, attachment, liking for


sabba Adj. everything, all

saha Ind. with,together,accompanied by ,

saranaj N.n. protection, help, refuge, shelter ,

Sariputto N.m. (Personal Name) Sariputta (one of the (),

foremost disciples of the Buddha)

sasanaj N.n. teaching, order, message, doctrine, a


savkharo N.m. essential condition, a thing conditioned, ()

mental coefficients

samano N.m. a recluse

sa- Pref. (= sva in Sk.) one's own

sabba Adj. all, every, whole, entire

savgho N.m. multitude, an assemblage, the Buddhist ,


sammasaj N.m. the perfectly Enlightened One ,


sukhaj N.n. happiness,comfort

sakko N.m. the king of devas

ti Ind. (quotation mark), thus ()

ta(d) Demonst that, this

rative Pron.

tathagato N.m. thus-gone, one who has gone so, the

Enlightened One

tanha N.f. craving, thirst, lust, attachment

upasamp N.f. taking, undertaking, acquisition, higher ,,

ada ordination of a Buddhist monk ,

uppajjati V. to be born, to arise

uppado N.m. rising, coming into existence, birth

visuddhi N.f. purity, holiness, splendour, excellency

vadin N.m. one who disputes or preaches some


vupasam N.m. relief, calmness, cessation

vayo N.m. age, loss, decay, expenditure ,

vata Ind. surely, certainly, indeed, alas ()

yada Adv. whenever, when

ya rel. Pron. which, what, whatever ()



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