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Comparative and Superlative

A. Fill in the Blanks! (Comparative)

1. Her cook is (spicy) than my mother cook.
2. The building is . (high) than his company.
3. Ronys design is . (bad) than other designs.
4. Living in London is . (expensive) than New York.
5. She couldnt be (thrilled) to work with him.
6. Do you have a . (sharp) knife than this?
7. The harvest this month is . (little) than zero.
8. What is .. (important) than family?
9. The banana flaky is . (crunchy) than cassava flaky.
10. The patient needs .. (much) support after the accident.
11. Rita can walk (far) than you think.
12. I want to get a job (good) than before.
13. My sister play a music (slow) than last night.
14. My sister always gets a winner in the class. She is (dilligent)
than my brother.
15. His performance is (bright) than other stars.
16. Claras hair is . (curly) than Sophias.
17. I was . (embarrassed) than Alex about the test scores.
18. The spring garden was . (lovely) than the fall display of flowers.
19. Rio is a kind person but he is (compassionate) than Tio.
20. She looks . (fresh) than last week.

B. Fill in the Blanks! (Superlative)

1. Rios class is the .. (near) to the library.
2. My sister and I are spend our weekend the .. (often) in the beach.
3. We played the football badly but they played the (badly) than us.
4. My sister study the .. (hard) in the final examination next month.
5. She tells to me the . (seriously) problem in her life.
6. It is the . (quickly) built a Supermarket in Indonesia.
7. He writes the . (well) in the International Essay Competition.
8. It was the . (beautifully) painting in the Sarahs exhibition in this year.
9. The Adrians room is the . (dirty) room in this apartment.
10. The .. (lazy) worker will be given a punishment.
11. The headmaster gave the scholarship to Alan because he is the .
(smart) student in the school.
12. She works the . (diligent) than other workers in this company
13. The boy draws the (creative) in the event.
14. My father was the . (disappointed) to me because I did not take the
15. You looked the . (bright) with your beautiful dress tonight.
16. Her last performance is the .. (entertain) the audience.
17. This restaurant is the . (famous) in this city.
18. The novel is the . (interesting) to read in my traveling.
19. My brother created the . (wonderful) song to the film.
20. He is the .. (gently) in the campus.

C. Complete the Sentences Below!

1. Mount Everest is the ______________ (high) mountain in the world.
2. This grammar topic is _________________ (easy) than the last one.
3. Yesterday was the _______________ (cold) day of the year so far.
4. This computer is ________________ (good) than that one.
5. Shes ________________ (strong) at chess than I am. Her parents proud of her.
6. Its ____________ (cool) today than it was yesterday.
7. I find science ______________________ (difficult) than mathematics.
8. My sister is _______________ (tall) than me.
9. Some people think that Russian is the ____________________ (difficult)
10. Albert Einstein was the _______________________ (intelegent) person in history.

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