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Social Studies

I. Answer These Questions Correctly

1. What is historical heritages ?

* Historical Heritages are archaeological remains that have historical and cultural values in
humans life.
2. Mention 4 kind of Historical Heritages !
* Temple Museum
Monument Historic Site
3. Mention 3 ways to preserved and protect historical heritages !
* Keep the cleanliness of the historical heritages
Remind those who want to ruin the historical heritages
Obey the rules in each historical place
4. What is a hero ?
* A person admired for bravery that risks his or her life to save the lives of others.
5. Mention 3 heroes from East Java !
* Ir. Soekarno Dr. Setiabudi
Dr. Sutomo
6. Why we have to preserve and protect our historical heritages ?
* Because historical heritages encourage our tourism and can be used as sources for finding
out about the history.
7. What is patriotism ?
* The love of the country and willingness to depend it.
8. What will be happened if there is no hero to fight against colonizer in Indonesia ?
9. Mention 3 examples of patriotism that can be done in our life !
* Being a good friend for others
Living in a harmony with each other
Bounding in honor of our family
10. Why we have to appreciate and remind our heroes ?
* Because they who risk their life to battle for Indonesia

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