Twist and Shout

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C en ts
Vocabulary Features
• What’s your name?

1 hello, hi, goodbye, bye,

My name’s Emily.
• How old are you?
Song: Hello, Goodbye
Song: The Counting Song
Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 I’m seven. Story: Happy Birthday to
4 – 11 Value: Be a good friend.

2 book, eraser, pencil,

backpack, crayon,
• This is my eraser.
• It’s blue.
Song: Color by Numbers
Story: This Is My School
Pages pencil case, red, orange,
blue, green, pink, yellow Value: Take care of your
12 – 19 school supplies.

• What is it? It’s a ball.

3 ball, airplane, robot,
umbrella, doll, teddy It’s an umbrella.
• It isn’t red. It isn’t an
Song: Favorite Ted
Pages bear, white, black, purple,
gray, brown, beige airplane.
Story: It’s a Ball!
Value: Share your toys.
20 – 27

4 sister, grandpa, mom, • I have a brother.

• I have two sisters. Song: Crazy House
brother, dad, grandma,
• I don’t have a cat. Story: The Alien Family
Pages dog, cat, rabbit, hamster,
snake, bird
Value: Be proud of your
28 – 35 family.

pig, horse, cow, chicken, • Is it a pig? Yes, it is.
duck, sheep, zebra, No, it isn’t. Song: A Funny Animal
elephant, monkey, lion, • Is it black and white? Story: A Big, Big Egg
Pages panda, ostrich Value: Take care of
36 – 43 animals.

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Vocabulary Features
6 table, chair, sofa,
closet, TV, bed, hall,
• Where’s the dog? It’s
in/on/under/behind the
Song: Cat and Mouse
Story: Where’s Sammy?
Pages bedroom, kitchen, bed. Value: Clean your room.
44 – 51 bathroom, living room,
• It isn’t on the chair.

7 ears, eyes, nose, mouth,

• These are my eyes. This
is my nose.
Song: A Happy Face
Pages face, hair, long, short, • I have long hair and red
Story: Knock, Knock
Value: It’s good to be
52 – 59 dark, blond, glasses,
• I don’t have glasses or clean.

8 apple, banana, grape, • There’s one apple.

Song: Poor, Poor Teacher
Story: How Many
Pages orange, pear, lime, 11, 12, There are ten grapes.
Cupcakes Are There?
• How many oranges are
60 – 67 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Value: Be generous.

9 tree, flower, car, bicycle, • What are they? They’re

Song: Topsy Turvy Town
Pages bus, house, square,
circle, triangle, rectangle, • Are they flowers? Yes,
Story: What a Mess!
Value: Appreciate nature.
68 – 75 diamond, oval they are. No, they aren’t.
• They aren’t green or

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C en ts
Vocabulary • Stand up. Look at the

1 sit, open, close, read,

look, stand, A, B, C, D, E,
• Don’t sit down. Don’t
close your book. Song: The Letter Song
Pages F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P,
Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
• How do you spell your
Story: Cool School Rules!
Value: Obey school rules.
4 – 11
• Are you a clown? Yes, I

2 doctor, ballet dancer,

clown, police officer,
am. No, I’m not.
• That’s my jacket. Those
Song: I’m Me!
Story: Hey! That’s My Shirt!
Pages cowboy, firefighter, hat,
shoes, shirt, pants, jacket,
are my boots. Value: Thank people who
12 – 19 boots help you.

• She’s tall. She’s happy.

It’s small.
short, tall, sad, happy, big,
• He isn’t young.
small, beautiful, ugly, fat, Song: Everybody’s Different
• Is he tall? No, he isn’t.
Pages thin, old, young Story: Where’s Grandma?
Value: Have different friends.
20 – 27

hot, rainy, cloudy, sunny, • What’s the weather

4 cold, windy, Sunday,

Monday, Tuesday,
like? It’s cold and windy.
• What day is it? It’s Song: Rainy on Monday
Pages Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Story: Weekend Weather
28 – 35 Friday, Saturday Value: We need water.

soda, candy bar, cookie, • Do you have a cookie?

5 potato chips, peach,

sandwich, ruler, lunchbox,
Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
• He has a comic book. Song: Recess Is Fun!
Pages comic book, soccer ball,
notebook, jump rope
She has a jump rope. Story: Peter Pig’s Lunchbox
Value: Have a healthy
36 – 43 lunchbox.

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Vocabulary Features
6 kite, hula hoop, swing,
skateboard, scooter,
• Does he have a
scooter? Yes, he does.
Song: Watch Out! Here
Comes Grandpa
Pages trampoline, new, old, Does she have a hula Story: A Great Present
44 – 51 clean, dirty, fast, slow hoop? No, she doesn’t.
• He doesn’t have a
Value: Be happy with
what you have.

7 park, swimming
pool, school, restaurant, • The library is across Song: The New Toy Store
Pages library, supermarket, from/next to/between the Story: Where Are You?
Value: Stay with Mom or
52 – 59 bank, movie theater,
beauty salon, toy store,
school and the hospital.
• Where are you? I’m at Dad.
hospital, police station the police station.

8 hippo, giraffe, tiger,

• They have a swimming
Song: I Love Monkeys
Story: At the Zoo
Pages dolphin, parrot, alligator,
head, neck, tail, leg, fin, pool. Value: People like
60 – 67 wing • They don’t have fins. different things.

9 paints, computer, desk,

CD player, scissors, • We have paints but we
Song: I Love Art
Pages markers, science, don’t have markers.
Story: Hooray! It’s Friday!
Value: Be ready for
68 – 75 math, history, art, P.E.,
• I like history. I don’t like

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ox. Pages
76 – 79

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C en ts
Vocabulary Features
January, February, March, • When’s your birthday? It’s
April, May, June, July, August, in July.
1 September, October, November, • When’s his/her birthday?
December, Halloween,
Christmas, Valentine’s Day,
Song: Today’s a Special Day
Story: Happy Mother’s Day
Value: Greetings on special
Pages Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s days.
4 – 11 Day

• What’s he/she wearing?

T-shirt, coat, sweater, socks, skirt, He’s/She’s wearing blue

2 dress, jeans, sneakers, pajamas,

slippers, sweatshirt, shorts,
• He/She isn’t wearing
Song: What Are You Wearing?
Pages sandals, cap
• What are you wearing?
Story: Nice Uniform!
Value: Talking about clothes
12 – 19 I’m wearing a white T-shirt. and appearance.

• What are you doing? I’m

3 laugh, cry, eat, drink, talk, sleep,

play, make, cut, glue, draw,
• What’s he/she doing?
He’s/She’s sleeping.
Song: A Multicolored Robot
Pages fold, color, write
• He/She isn’t drawing.
Story: Look! He’s Laughing!
Value: Sympathizing.
20 – 27
• Is he/she watching TV?
walk, swim, run, jump, wave,

Yes, he/she is.
throw, climb, dance, clean your No, he/she isn’t.
room, watch TV, listen to music, • He’s riding his bicycle. Song: Hey! It’s the Weekend
do your homework, talk on the Story: Perfect Children!
Pages phone, ride your bicycle
She’s riding her bicycle.
I’m riding my bicycle. Value: Talking on the phone.
28 – 35

5 soccer, basketball, baseball,

tennis, volleyball, hockey, golf,
football, win, lose, score, kick,
• What are they doing?
They’re playing soccer.
• They aren’t playing tennis.
Song: We Love The Dolphins
Story: A Goal for the Blue
Pages shout, clap Value: Congratulating and
36 – 43 commiserating.

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Vocabulary Features
6 go to school, have lunch, have
dinner, take a shower, go to • Are you taking a shower?
Song: What Time Is It?
Story: Late for School.
Pages bed, have breakfast, get up,
go home, morning, noon,
Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
• I’m not going to bed.
Value: Greetings at different
times of day.
44 – 51 afternoon, evening, night,
• What time is it?
It’s 8 o’clock in the morning.

7 cake, salad, pizza, ice cream, • Are they eating cake? Song: It’s My Party Today!
Pages jello, popcorn, juice, lemonade,
boys, girls, gifts, balloons, cards,
Yes, they are. / No, they
Story: A Big Messy Cake!
Value: Inviting, accepting
52 – 59 party hats and refusing.

8 • Who’s he/she? Song: Turtle Ted

Pages parents, aunt, uncle, cousin,
husband, wife, son, daughter,
He’s/She’s my husband/wife.
• Who are they?
Story: It’s Not Fair!
Value: Introducing people.
60 – 67 numbers: 20 –100 They’re my cousins.
• How old is he?
He’s 100.

9 Song: We’re on Vacation

Pages beach, crab, shell, ocean,
wave, sand castle, net, pail, • We’re making sand castles.
Story: We’re Waving!
Value: Holiday wishes.
68 – 75 first, second, third, fourth, fifth,
• We aren’t eating jello.

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C en ts
Vocabulary Features
1 ham, cheese, rice, chicken, • Do you like fish?
Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Song: Pass Me the Ketchup!
eggs, French fries, hamburgers, Story: What’s for Dinner?
fish, avocados, carrots, beans, He/She likes carrots.
Pages peas, tomatoes, corn He/She doesn’t like carrots. Value: Being polite at the
4 – 11
wash your face, brush your teeth,
comb your hair, get dressed, • What do you do in the

2 take the bus, kiss your mom,

meet your friends, go by car,
morning? I brush my teeth.
He takes the bus on Monday.
He doesn’t get up at eight.
Song: He Gets Up at Eight
Story: Princess Eliza
Pages read a story, get undressed, say
“goodnight”, go to sleep, turn off
Value: Saying the right thing
when you’re late.
12 – 19 the light, put on your pajamas

make your bed, clean your shoes,

• Do you wash the dishes?
feed the pets, wash the dishes, set
Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

the table, sweep the floor, water
the plants, clear the table, iron • Does he wash the dishes?
Yes, he does. / No, he Song: Fanella the Fabulous Fairy
the clothes, buy the groceries,
Story: Set the Table, Please!
Pages mop the floor, wash the clothes,
clean the windows, take out the
Value: Offering or requesting
20 – 27 garbage help.

cough, cold, fever, sore throat, • What’s wrong?

4 headache, toothache, broken

arm, stomach ache, hand,
elbow, shoulder, ankle, knee,
I have a stomach ache.
He/She has a headache.
His neck hurts.
Song: What’s Wrong?
Story: I Have a Broken Arm
Pages foot Value: Talking about health.

28 – 35
• What does he/she do?
cleaner, taxi driver, office

He’s/She’s a taxi driver.
worker, dentist, carpenter, • What does he/she wear? Song: What Does Your Dad Do?
nurse, pilot, chef, uniform, He/She wears a helmet. Story: A Pilot’s Day
gloves, tie, helmet, overalls, suit
Pages Value: Talking to people with
different professions.
36 – 43

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Vocabulary Features
6 butterfly, frog, beetle, spider, • What do frogs eat? They eat
Song: What Do They Eat?
Pages lizard, caterpillar, insects, snail,
desert, river, coral reef, forest,
Text: Tarantulas
Value: Showing interest.
• They live in the sea. They
44 – 51 mountains, jungle don’t live in the jungle.

7 go shopping/go to the mall, go

to the movies, visit family, stay
Song: We Love the Weekend
Pages home, stay up late, eat out, sleep
late, do chores, use computers, • We eat out.
Story: We Love Babysitters!
Value: Making suggestions.
52 – 59 play computer games, learn/
study English, watch DVDs, use
• We don’t get up early.
calculators, take exams

8 whistle, dive, play the piano,

speak Japanese, touch your
• Can you skate?
Song: Why, Oh, Why Can’t I?
Pages toes, skate, play the guitar, do
a headstand, second, minute, Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
Text: Whales and Dolphins
Value: Encouraging people.
60 – 67 hour, centimeter, meter,
He/She can do a headstand.
He/She can’t do a headstand.

9 Japan, Japanese, Russia,

Russian, Peru, Peruvian, Spain,
Spanish, the United Kingdom, • Where do they come from?
Song: Our Funny Language
Pages British, the United States, They come from Peru. They’re
Text: Space Facts
Value: Asking about
68 – 75 American, Mexico, Mexican,
China, Chinese, island, country,
people’s nationalities.

continent, Earth, sun, moon

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C en ts
Vocabulary Features
• Whose cellphone is it?
It’s mine / his / hers.

cellphone, bracelets, belt,
watch, hair band, sunglasses, It’s Lisa’s.
MP3 player, necklace, wall, • Whose bracelets are they? Song: Let’s Clean up Today!
Pages remote control, lights, push a
button, blinds, turn on, oven
They’re Marie’s. Text: Smart Houses
Value: Be healthy.
4 – 11

2 kind, mean, cute, fierce, rich,

poor, messy, neat, important,
• A dog is fiercer than a lion.
• How are you today? Song: How Are You Today?
Pages smarter, noisier, quieter,
cheaper, wag, bark
I’m tired. Text: Debbie’s Dogs
Value: Take care of your pets.
12 – 19
intelligent, dangerous,

• Parrots are more colorful
powerful, colorful, frightening,
than chickens.
unusual, endangered, Song: Who Am I?
• Caterpillars aren’t as
expensive, Australia, koala, Interview: Ozzie’s Animals
Pages kangaroo, popular, platypus,
beautiful as butterflies.
Value: Think about animals.
20 – 27 beak, amazing

pet store, sports store, clothing • I’m going to buy a fish at
store, Internet café, stationery the pet store.
store, music store, shoe store, • I’m not going to take the Song: When I’m Grown up
Pages bookstore, lottery, winner,
spend, money, save, massage,
bus. Text: Dog Wins Lottery!
Value: Help children in need.
28 – 35 charity

• She’s going to take a tent.

fishing pole, tent, sleeping bag,
She isn’t going to take a
flashlight, map, water bottle,
teddy bear.
compass, camera, planning, Song: A Vacation to the Moon
• Is he going to go to Brazil?
Pages trip, forwards, backwards,
meet, stop
Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.
Text: An Unusual Trip
Value: Take your garbage
36 – 43 home.

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Vocabulary Features
6 museum, tour guide,
dinosaur, elevator, gift shop,
• We’re going to see the
dinosaurs. Song: The Class Trip
Pages restrooms, cafeteria, report, • We aren’t going to buy gifts Letter: A Visit to the Aquarium
Value: Visit your museum.
in the gift shop.
44 – 51 tomorrow, aquarium, notes,
give, free, School Principal • They’re going to be noisy.
They aren’t going to be quiet.

7 singer, artist, writer,

soccer player, plumber,
Song: I Like Singing in the
Pages vet, mechanic, hairdresser,
• I like taking care of people.
I want to be a doctor.
Interview: Pop Idol
52 – 59 idol, terrified, biting,
fingernails, competition, • I don’t like singing.
Value: It’s good to dream.

dream, silly, famous He doesn’t like singing.

8 office, gym, auditorium,

coatroom, computer room,
Song: When We Were Small
Story: Our P.E. Teacher Was
Pages staff room, playground,
classroom, custodian,
• Where were you? an Alien!
Value: Be kind at school.
60 – 67 strange, bright light,
I was at home.
• He was tall. We were small.
spaceship, silver, aliens

9 king, queen, princess,

composer, movie producer, • Was Shakespeare a writer? Song: Grandpa Greg’s Song
Pages astronaut, inventor, explorer, Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t. /
I don’t know.
Text: Freddy Fact’s Fun Firsts
Value: History is fun.
68 – 75 silent, alive, wooden,
comfortable, safe, heavy • They were slow. We weren’t

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C en ts
Vocabulary Features
lived, played, worked,

watched, talked, danced, • He lived in a big house.
kissed, married, France, body, • Did he study science? Song: Are You a Genius?
machines, genius, Poland, Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t. Text: Freddy Fact’s Geniuses
Pages Germany, deaf, died Value: Everybody is different.

4 – 11

2 melon, hieroglyphics, donkey, • The Ancient Egyptians

roof, bread, boat, jewelry, ate melons.
• Where did they live? Song: Just Ask Me
makeup, built, pyramids,
Pages pharaohs, found, mummy They lived in Mexico. Text: Ancient Egypt
Value: Learn about your past.
12 – 19
• He didn’t marry Elizabeth.

3 sword, pirate, ship, captain,

treasure, deck, sailors, storm,
• go – went, speak – spoke,
eat – ate, say – said,
see – saw, meet – met,
Song: North, South, East, West
Pages across, Atlantic, alone,
decided, weblog, sharks
take – took
Text: A Young Sailor
Value: Learn about the world.
20 – 27

• Julie is the tallest.
high, low, far, close, heavy, • Other cleaners are good,
light, narrow, wide, farthest, but Zingy Zest is the best. Song: Zingy Zest Is the Best
Pages hard, weighed, kilograms,
Text: Freddy Fact’s Fun Facts
Value: Try your best.
28 – 35
handsome, romantic, • Ice cream is the most

5 successful, magical, terrifying, delicious food.

exciting, enormous, delicious, • Who’s the most famous Song: The Most Famous Spy
spy?James Bond is the most Letter: My Hero
Pages hero, plays, characters,
chocolate, plot, editor, regular, famous spy. Value: Work hard. Be successful.

36 – 43 actress, wizard

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Vocabulary Features
6 five after, ten after, a quarter
after, twenty after, twenty-five • He got up at a quarter
Song: The Sleepover
Text: So Embarrassed!
Pages after, thirty, twenty-five to, twenty
to, a quarter to, ten to, five to,
to eight.
• What time did you get up?
Value: Don’t be late.
44 – 51 o’clock, last, garbage, knocked,
hear, embarrassed, sang
We got up at ten to nine.

7 hurricane, earthquake, flood,

tornado, snowstorm, heat
• What happened in North
Song: After the Storm
Text: The Hippo and the
Pages wave, drought, tsunami,
America? There was a
snowstorm. Before the snowstorm,
Tortoise – a Park Ranger’s
True Story
52 – 59 rangers, deep, safe, saved,
moved, giant tortoise,
there was a big black cloud.
After the snowstorm, we made
Value: We can save
the Earth.
followed, together
a snowman.

8 leopard, fur, meat, rhino, horns, • Why do hunters kill

Song: Why do Leopards
Have Spots?
Pages tusks, skin, hunter, endangered,
adopt, ice, melting, polluted,
leopards? Because they want
their fur.
Text: Fuzzy’s Fun Page
for Kids
60 – 67 rugs, souvenirs, medicines • Why do leopards have
Value: Help endangered
spots? I don’t know.

9 keyboard, drums, saxophone,

guitar, cymbals, tambourine,
Song: Let’s Put Some
Music on!
Pages microphone, costumes, lyrics, • Who plays the guitar?
voices, both, couples, divorced, Danny does.
Text: Abba
Value: Listen to music.
68 – 75 split up, discotheques • Which singer do you like

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