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GUIDE TO AS/NZS 2312:2002 (amdt no.

1 2004)

Protection of steel substrates is a major part of the Australian construction scene. Avoidance of the many pit falls that exist
in achieving this goal is of considerable concern to designers, construction engineers and applicators alike.
AS/NZS 2312:2002 Guide to the Protection of Structural Steel Against Atmospheric Corrosion by the Use of Protective
Coatings offers detailed assistance for all of the important aspects of this difficult problem.
The Wattyl Industrial Coatings Guide to AS/NZS 2312 provides a summary of applicable coating systems with a guide to
durability in the particular exposure environments nominated. It is assumed that readers of this guide have a working
knowledge of AS/NZS 2312 and associated standards. For further assistance with system selection for a specific project
please contact your local Wattyl Industrial Coatings Sales Representative or contact Valspar Customer Service on 132 101.

ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENTS .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
ATMOSPHERIC CLASSIFICATIONS (APPLICABLE TO STEEL)................................................................................................................ 3
Category A: Very low....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Category B: Low .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Category C: Medium ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Category D: High ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Category E: Very high ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Category F: Inland Tropical ............................................................................................................................................ 4
OTHER ENVIRONMENTS............................................................................................................................................................................ 4
ADVICE ON ATMOSPHERIC CORROSION OF STEEL IN AUSTRALASIAN CLIMATES........................................................................... 4
PAINT SYSTEMS FOR STEEL ATMOSPHERIC EXPOSURE ................................................................................................................ 8
ACRYLIC LATEX, SINGLE PACK .................................................................................................................................................................... 8
ACRYLIC SOLVENT BORNE CATALYZED ACRYLIC, TWO PACK ........................................................................................................................... 9
ALKYD........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
CHLORINATED RUBBER .......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
EPOXY HIGH BUILD ................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
EPOXY ULTRA HIGH BUILD ........................................................................................................................................................................ 11
EPOXY PRIMER / FINISH GLOSS ................................................................................................................................................................ 12
EPOXY MASTIC SURFACE TOLERANT ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
INORGANIC ZINC SILICATE ..................................................................................................................................................................... 13
POLYURETHANE SOLVENT BORNE, TWO PACK .......................................................................................................................................... 13
PAINT SYSTEMS FOR BATCH GALVANISED COATINGS ATMOSPHERIC EXPOSURE ................................................................... 14
RECOMMENDED SYSTEMS FOR NON-ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENTS ......................................................................................... 15
POTABLE WATER IMMERSION ............................................................................................................................................................... 15
SEAWATER IMMERSION ......................................................................................................................................................................... 15
SEAWATER SPLASH ................................................................................................................................................................................ 15
BURIED IN SOIL ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
SEWERAGE ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
SEVERE INDUSTRIAL ALKALINE SPLASH ................................................................................................................................................ 16
SEVERE INDUSTRIAL SOLVENT IMMERSION ............................................................................................................................................ 16
HIGH TEMPERATURE ............................................................................................................................................................................... 17

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GUIDE TO AS/NZS 2312:2002 (amdt no.1 2004)



This section classifies atmospheric zones in Australia and New Zealand which affect the corrosion of steel and the life of a
coating system. When selecting an appropriate protective coating system, the overall atmospheric conditions in the location
of the intended structure require consideration. A structure situated in an aggressive environment will require a much higher
standard of corrosion protection than one in a benign environment. The environment can affect both the steel and the paint
system. Of prime importance is the effect the environment has on the corrosion of steel. The major factors affecting
atmospheric corrosion, and hence atmospheric corrosivity categories based on ISO 9223, are given in AS/NZS 2312:2002
Appendix B.

The effect the environment has on the life of the paint system is also important. It should be appreciated that corrosive
environments described do not necessarily affect coatings in the same way as they affect bare steel. Environments that
would not be considered to be particularly corrosive to steel, such as hot dry climates with a high amount of ultraviolet (UV)
radiation, can cause early breakdown of some coatings. Tropical environments, with high humidity, rainfall, and which
promote mould and fungal growth, are far more aggressive to organic coatings than the corrosion rate would suggest.
Furthermore, the colour of the paint may influence its performance in some environments. In addition to climatic effects, the
local environmental effects (or microclimate) produced by the erection of a structure or installation of equipment need to be
taken into account. Such on-site factors require additional consideration because a mildly corrosive atmosphere can be
converted into an aggressive environment by microclimatic effects. A significant acceleration of corrosion rate can occur in
the following circumstances:

a) at locations where the metal surface remains damp for an extended period, such as where surfaces are not
freely drained or shaded from sunlight, and
b) on unwashed surfaces, i.e. surfaces exposed to atmospheric contaminants, notably coastal salts, but protected
from cleansing rain.

Other microclimatic effects which may accelerate the corrosion of the substrate or the deterioration of its protective coating
include acidic or alkaline fallout, industrial chemicals and solvents, airborne fertilisers and chemicals, prevailing winds which
transport contamination, hot or cold surfaces exposed to abrasion and impact. These effects can outweigh those of the
microclimatic zones described in AS/NZS 2312:2002 Clause 2.2. As a result of microclimatic effects it is very difficult, if not
impossible, to predict accurately the aggressiveness of a given environment and a certain amount of educated judgement is
required to assess its influence on the coating life.

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GUIDE TO AS/NZS 2312:2002 (amdt no.1 2004)


Atmospheric environments are classified into the following five atmospheric corrosivity categories based on the corrosion
rates of mild steel given in ISO 9223, plus one tropical category which is not determined by corrosion rate.

Category A: Very low. Environments in this category are most commonly found inside heated or air conditioned buildings with
clean atmospheres, such as most commercial buildings. They may also be found in semi-sheltered locations remote from
marine or industrial influence and in heated or non-air conditioned buildings. The only external environments in Australia or
New Zealand are some alpine regions although, generally these environments will extend into Category B.

Category B: Low. Environments in this category include dry, rural areas as well as other regions remote from the coast or
sources of pollution. Most areas of Australia and New Zealand beyond at least 50 kilometres from the sea are in this
category, which can however, extend as close as 1 kilometre from seas that are relatively sheltered and quiet. Typical areas
occur in arid and rural inland regions, most inland cities and towns such as Canberra, Ballarat, Toowoomba, Alice Springs
and Hamilton (New Zealand) and suburbs of cities on sheltered bays, such as Melbourne, Hobart, Brisbane and Adelaide
(except areas within 3 to 6 kilometres of the coast near Adelaide). Unheated or non-air-conditioned buildings where some
condensation may occur, such as warehouses and sports halls, can be in this category. Proximity to the coast is an
important factor.

Category C: Medium. This category mainly covers coastal areas with low salinity. The extent of the effected area varies
significantly with factors such as wind, topography and vegetation. Around sheltered areas, such as Port Phillip Bay,
Category C extends beyond about 50 metres from the shoreline to a distance of about one kilometre inland. For a sheltered
bay or gulf, such as near Adelaide, this category extends from the shoreline to about 3 to 6 kilometres inland. Along ocean
front areas with breaking surf and significant salt spray, it extends from about 1 kilometre inland to between 10 to 50
kilometres inland, depending on the strength of prevailing winds and topography.

Much of the metropolitan areas of Wollongong, Sydney, Newcastle, the Gold Coast, Auckland and Wellington are in this

In South Australia, the whole of Yorke Peninsula falls within this or a more severe category, and in the south-east of the
state, from Victor Harbor to the Victorian border, this category extends between 30 and 70 kilometres inland. Such regions
are also found in urban and industrial areas with low pollution levels and although uncommon in Australia and New Zealand,
exist for several kilometres around major industries, such as smelters and steelworks, and in the geothermal areas of New

Micro-environmental effects, such as those resulting from proximity to airports and sewage treatment works, may also place
a site into this category. Interior environments with Category C corrosivity can occur in humid production rooms, such as
food-processing plants, laundries, breweries, printing works and dairies.

Category D: High. This category occurs mainly on the coast. Around sheltered bays, Category D extends up to 50 metres
inland from the shoreline. In areas with rough seas and surf, it extends from about several hundred metres inland to about 1
kilometre inland. As with Categories B and C, the extent depends on winds, wave action and topography. Industrial regions
with an aggressive atmosphere may also be in this category, but in Australia and New Zealand these are only likely to be
found within 1.5 kilometres of the plant. This category extends inside the plant where it is best considered as a micro-
environment. Damp, contaminated interior environments such as occur in swimming pool enclosures, dye works, paper
manufacturers, foundries, smelters and chemical processing plants may also extend into this category.

Category E: Very high. (E-I: Industrial E-M: Marine) This category is common offshore and on the beachfront in regions of
rough seas and surf beaches. The region can extend inland for several hundred metres. (In some areas of Newcastle, for
example, it extends more than half a kilometre from the coast). This category may also be found in aggressive industrial
areas, where the environment may be acidic. For this reason, Category E is divided into Marine and Industrial for purposes of
coating selection. Some of the damp and/or contaminated interior environments in Category D may occasionally extend into
this category.

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GUIDE TO AS/NZS 2312:2002 (amdt no.1 2004)

Category F: Inland Tropical. A tropical environment is found in coastal areas of north Queensland, Northern Territory, north-
west Western Australia, Papua-New Guinea and the Pacific Islands, except where affected by salinity. Corrosivity in inland
regions is generally low (similar to that of category B), but the aggressiveness of the environment to organic coatings means
that special protection is required.

If a site is considered to be in more than one category, for example an industry on the coast in a tropical region, then a
selected coating should, if possible, be capable of resisting each of the environments.

Steelwork may be immersed in water, buried in soil, or exposed to other environments not specifically defined in any of the
above listed categories. Structures in such environments are subject to corrosion problems often of a completely different
nature to atmospheric corrosion. Not only are different coating systems sometimes used, but a number of other corrosion
prevention options, such as cathodic protection or selection of different materials should be considered. The selection of
such prevention methods requires specialist advice.


There are a large number of factors which influence atmospheric corrosivity but the three most important are:

a) time of wetness
b) atmospheric chloride content, and
c) atmospheric sulphur dioxide content.

Time of wetness is the length of time during which the metal surface is covered by a film of water which renders atmospheric
corrosion possible. It is influenced by factors such as metal mass, orientation and pollution, and is quantified to sufficient
accuracy by the number of hours per year that the relative humidity is above 80% for temperatures above 0C. Airborne
salinity and sulfur dioxide content are both powerful stimulants of atmospheric corrosion and their deposition rate in non-
sheltered situations is directly proportional to their concentration in the atmosphere. Airborne salt has a major influence on
corrosion rates; however, sulfur dioxide has been found to play only a minor role in the corrosion of steel in Australia and New
Zealand and can be neglected except when occurring near recognised point sources.

Rainfall also influences corrosion rates and has the effect of either stimulating or reducing corrosion, depending on the
environment. In polluted atmospheres, the washing effect of the rain reduces corrosion, while in less polluted sites the
situation is reversed and the corrosive action of rain is more important. Temperature can also have contradictory effects.
Increasing temperature increases the rate of the corrosion reactions but, on the other hand, leads to more rapid evaporation,
shortening the time of wetness and decreasing the corrosion rate. Unless specific corrosive chemicals are present, time of
wetness, chloride and sulfur dioxide deposition are the most important factors influencing corrosion rates. If details of these
factors are known, atmospheric corrosiveness can be estimated from the information in ISO 9223. However, there is some
doubt as to whether such calculations can give an acceptable figure for corrosivity, especially in Australian and New Zealand.
Furthermore, ISO 9223 allows estimation of corrosivity zone based on corrosion rates of other metals such as zinc.

Evidence suggests that the corrosion rates of steel and zinc cannot be reliably related as suggested by ISO 9223, and as a
result, zinc corrosion rates have not been used to define zones in AS/NZS 2312:2002. Only actual corrosion rate
measurements of steel carried out in Australia and New Zealand have been used to define the corrosivity zones,
extrapolating such results to other areas with similar climates and geography. Therefore, corrosivity zones described in
AS/NZS 2312:2002 are not identical to ISO 9223, but they are closely based on them.

The accurate measurement of corrosion rate with acceptable reproducibility is not easy. Because the factors which influence
corrosion rate are variable from one year to the next, measurements made over different time periods can vary considerably.
The month in which the panels are first exposed is important, as panels initially exposed in winter generally show higher
corrosion rates than those initially exposed in summer. However, climatic factors, especially rainfall, can influence this
significantly. The time over which the tests are taken is critical, as rates tend to drop off with time due to the protective
nature of the rust which builds up. Panels exposed at an angle corrode at a different rate to panels exposed vertically, and
panels made from copper-containing steel corrode at a slightly lower rate to panels made from ordinary mild steel. The total
effect of these factors is that corrosion rate experiments carried out in different parts of the world, over different time
periods, using different panels, cannot be compared unless all conditions are the same. The ISO 9223 system of dividing
corrosivity into five categories simplifies matters somewhat, although lines between categories are, naturally, rather

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GUIDE TO AS/NZS 2312:2002 (amdt no.1 2004)

Table 1 shows the corrosivity zones used in AS/NZS 2312:2002, their ISO 9223 equivalent, and the expected one-year
corrosion rates of steel within each category.


Corrosivity ISO 9223 Corrosion rate for steel - Typical exterior Examples of interior
categories Category m/year environment environments
A: Very low C1 <1.3 Few alpine areas Offices, shops
Warehouses, sports
B: Low C2 1.3 to 25 Arid/rural/urban
Food processing plants,
C: Medium C3 25 to 50 Coastal
breweries, dairies
Swimming pools,
D: High C4 50 to 80 Sea-shore (calm)
livestock, buildings
Plating shops, chemical
E: Very High C5 80 to 190 Sea-shore (surf)/offshore
F: Inland Tropical - - Non-coastal tropics -

NOTE: To convert corrosion rates expressed in grams per square metre per year to microns per year, divide by 7.9 (the
density of steel in g/cm2).

Table 2 lists one-year corrosion rates for mild steel for a number of sites. Where exposure times were other than one year, or
copper steel was used rather than mild steel, corrections have been made to convert the results to one year, mild steel rates.
Where a number of figures are available for a given site, an average result has been quoted. It should be possible using this
information to estimate the atmospheric classification of other sites.

It is to be recognised that corrosion rates near the coast drop off rapidly with distance inland and a given suburb or town can
be in one, two or even three corrosion zones depending on its proximity to the ocean. Furthermore, the effect of the sea
varies according to locality. Around a sheltered bay, such as Port Phillip Bay, the marine influence (ISO Category 3) extends
about 0.5 km inland, while along the New South Wales coast, for example, it may extend inland 20 km or more. Figure 1,
based on work carried out by the CSIRO in Newcastle (New South Wales), Melbourne (Victoria) and Victor Harbor (South
Australia), illustrates the impact of distance from the coast and particular locale on the corrosion rate of steel.

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GUIDE TO AS/NZS 2312:2002 (amdt no.1 2004)


Atmospheric classification Test site Corrosion rate - m/yr

A: Very low Mt Buller (Vic) 1
B: Low Arthurs Pass (NZ) 6
Dubbo (NSW) 4
Newman (WA) 3
Toowoomba (Qld) 9
Adelaide: Woodville (SA) 15
Auckland: Parnell (NZ) 21
Brisbane: Hamilton (Qld) 22
Canberra: (ACT) 14
Hobart: City (Tas) 11
Melbourne: Clayton (Vic) 18
Perth: Bentley (WA) 19
Sydney: Ryde (NSW) 22
Wellington: Judgeford (NZ) 19
Whyalla (SA) 13
C: Medium Auckland: Harbour Bridge (NZ) 49
Geelong: North Shore (Vic) 27
Melbourne: Altone Beach (Vic) 35
Newcastle: City (NSW) 35
New Plymouth: Airport (NZ) 31
Perth: Kwinana (WA) 29
Port Kembla: Jetty (NSW) 45
Sydney: City (NSW) 32
D: High Greymouth (NZ) 64
Melbourne: Seaford Beach (Vic) 68
Newcastle: Boolaroo (NSW) 63
Port Pirie (SA) 74
E-M: Very high (marine) Cowley Beach (Qld) 142
Newcastle Beach (NSW) 194
F: Inland Tropical Goroka (P.N.G.) 4
Innisfail (Qld) - sheltered 17
- open 25
Port Moresby (PNG) 17
Rabaul (PNG) 13
Townsville (Qld) 15
Tully (Qld) 20

NOTE: 1. These corrosion rate figures do not take into account micro- or macro- environmental regions which may occur
within each location.
NOTE: 2. For further information on corrosion rates, contact CSIRO Division of Building, Construction and Engineering
(Highett) in Australia, and BRANZ (Wellington) in New Zealand.

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GUIDE TO AS/NZS 2312:2002 (amdt no.1 2004)


NOTE: 1. For south east Melbourne the distance is from Port Phillip Bay.

NOTE: 2. The Panels used to carry out the tests were exposed vertically.

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GUIDE TO AS/NZS 2312:2002 (amdt no.1 2004)

Paint Systems for Steel Atmospheric Exposure

Coating Specification Durability guide (as per AS/NZS 2312)
AS/NZS Exposure Environment
2312 1ST Coat 2ND Coat 3RD Coat
(as per AS/NZS 2312)
System & Total
Preparation Nom Nom Nom DFT
Wattyl Product DFT Wattyl Product DFT Wattyl Product DFT (m) A B C D E-I E-M F
System (m) (m) (m)

ACRYLIC Latex, single pack

ACL1 St2 All Purpose Primer 40 Wattyl Sunfast 40 Wattyl Sunfast 40 120 15-25 5-15 2-5 2-5 - - 2-5

ACL2 Sa2 Galvit EP100 75 Wattyl Sunfast 40 Wattyl Sunfast 40 155 25+ 15-25 10-15 5-10 2-5 2-5 10-15

ACL2 Sa2 Galvit ES600 75 Wattyl Sunfast 40 Wattyl Sunfast 40 155 25+ 15-25 10-15 5-10 2-5 2-5 10-15

ACL3 Sa2 Galvit EP100 75 Epinamel DTM985 150 Wattyl Sunfast^ 40 265 * 25+ 15-25 10-15 5-10 5-10 15-25

ACL3 Sa2 Galvit ES600 75 Epinamel DTM985 150 Wattyl Sunfast^ 40 265 * 25+ 15-25 10-15 5-10 5-10 15-25

Exposure Environment: A-Very Low, B- Low, C- Medium, D- High, E-I- Very High Industrial, E-M- Very High Marine, F- Inland Tropical
^ Some colours may require multiple coats to achieve opacity, - Not applicable, * Suitable for this category but not economical. Refer to AS 1627.1, AS1627.2, AS1627.4 and AS1627.9
Products nominated in the above systems comply with the minimum performance levels nominated by AS2312 but may not carry APAS approval. Refer to product technical data sheet for approvals.
Durability years nominated are a guide defined by AS2312 and do not constitute a Valspar warranty.

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GUIDE TO AS/NZS 2312:2002 (amdt no.1 2004)

Paint Systems for Steel Atmospheric Exposure (continued)

Coating Specification Durability guide (as per AS/NZS 2312)
AS/NZS Exposure Environment
2312 1ST Coat 2ND Coat 3RD Coat
(as per AS/NZS 2312)
System & Total
Preparation Nom Nom Nom DFT
Wattyl Product DFT Wattyl Product DFT Wattyl Product DFT (m) A B C D E-I E-M F
System (m) (m) (m)

ACRYLIC Solvent borne catalyzed acrylic, two pack

ACC1 St2 Epinamel DTM985 150 Paracryl IF540^ 50 - - 200 25+ 10-25 5-10 2-5 - - 5-10

ACC2 Sa2 Epinamel PR250 75 Paracryl IF540^ 50 - - 125 25+ 15-25 10-15 5-10 2-5 2-5 10-15

ACC3 Sa2 Galvit EP100 75 Paracryl IF540^ 50 - - 125 25+ 15-25 10-15 5-10 2-5 2-5 10-15

ACC3 Sa2 Galvit ES600 75 Paracryl IF540^ 50 - - 125 25+ 15-25 10-15 5-10 2-5 2-5 10-15

ACC4 Sa2 Epinamel PR250 75 Epinamel DTM985 150 Paracryl IF540^ 50 275 * 25+ 15-25 10-15 5-10 5-10 15-25

ACC5 Sa2 Galvit EP100 75 Epinamel DTM985 150 Paracryl IF540^ 50 275 * 25+ 15-25 10-15 2-5 5-10 15-25

ACC5 Sa2 Galvit ES600 75 Epinamel DTM985 150 Paracryl IF540^ 50 275 * 25+ 15-25 10-15 2-5 5-10 15-25

ACC6 Sa2 Galvit EP100 75 Epinamel DTM985 200 Paracryl IF540^ 50 325 * 25+ 25+ 15-25 5-10 10-15 25+

ACC6 Sa2 Galvit ES600 75 Epinamel DTM985 200 Paracryl IF540^ 50 325 * 25+ 25+ 15-25 5-10 10-15 25+

Exposure Environment: A-Very Low, B- Low, C- Medium, D- High, E-I- Very High Industrial, E-M- Very High Marine, F- Inland Tropical
^ Some colours may require multiple coats to achieve opacity, - Not applicable, * Suitable for this category but not economical. Refer to AS 1627.1, AS1627.2, AS1627.4 and AS1627.9
Products nominated in the above systems comply with the minimum performance levels nominated by AS2312 but may not carry APAS approval. Refer to product technical data sheet for approvals.
Durability years nominated are a guide defined by AS2312 and do not constitute a Valspar warranty.

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GUIDE TO AS/NZS 2312:2002 (amdt no.1 2004)

Paint Systems for Steel Atmospheric Exposure (continued)

Coating Specification Durability guide (as per AS/NZS 2312)
AS/NZS Exposure Environment
2312 1ST Coat 2ND Coat 3RD Coat
(as per AS/NZS 2312)
System & Total
Preparation Nom Nom Nom DFT
Wattyl Product DFT Wattyl Product DFT Wattyl Product DFT (m) A B C D E-I E-M F
System (m) (m) (m)

ALK1 St2 All Purpose Primer 40 - - - - 40 10+ 0-5 - - - - -

ALK2 Sa2 Duranamel PR9 75 - - - - 75 15+ 5-15 2-5 - - - 2-5


ALK3 St2 Duranamel PR9 75 Duranamel BR22^ 40 - - 115 15+ 5-15 2-5 - - - 2-5

ALK4 Sa2 Duranamel PR9 75 Duranamel BR22^ 40 - - 115 25+ 10-25 5-10 2-5 - - 5-10

ALK5 St2 All Purpose Primer 40 Duranamel BR22 40 Duranamel BR22 40 120 15+ 5-15 2-5 - - - 2-5

CLR2 Sa2 Epinamel PR250 75 Chem-Tuff 50 Chem-Tuff 50 175 * 15-25 10-15 5-10 5-10 2-5 10-15

Exposure Environment: A-Very Low, B- Low, C- Medium, D- High, E-I- Very High Industrial, E-M- Very High Marine, F- Inland Tropical
^ Some colours may require multiple coats to achieve opacity, - Not applicable, * Suitable for this category but not economical. Refer to AS 1627.1, AS1627.2, AS1627.4 and AS1627.9
Products nominated in the above systems comply with the minimum performance levels nominated by AS2312 but may not carry APAS approval. Refer to product technical data sheet for approvals.
Durability years nominated are a guide defined by AS2312 and do not constitute a Valspar warranty.

Version 10, September 2014 Page 10 of 17

GUIDE TO AS/NZS 2312:2002 (amdt no.1 2004)

Paint Systems for Steel Atmospheric Exposure (continued)

Coating Specification Durability guide (as per AS/NZS 2312)
1ST Coat 2ND Coat 3RD Coat Exposure Environment (as per AS/NZS 2312)
System & Total
Wattyl Nom Nom Nom
Preparation DFT
Wattyl Product DFT Wattyl Product DFT Wattyl Product DFT (m) A B C D E-I E-M F
System (m) (m) (m)

EPOXY High Build (DFT:125m to 500m per coat)

EHB1 Sa2 Epinamel DTM985 250 - - - 250 25+ 15-25 10-15 5-10 2-5 2-5 10-15

EHB2 Sa2 Epinamel DTM985 400 - - - - 400 * 25+ 15-25 10-15 5-15 5-15 10-15

EHB3 Sa2 Epinamel PR250 75 Epinamel DTM985 200 - - 275 * 25+ 15-25 10-15 5-15 5-15 10-15

EHB4 Sa2 Galvit EP100 75 Epinamel DTM985 200 - - 275 * 25+ 15-25 10-15 5-10 10-15 10-15

EHB4 Sa2 Galvit ES600 75 Epinamel DTM985 200 - - 275 * 25+ 15-25 10-15 5-10 10-15 10-15

EHB5 Sa2 Epinamel PR250 75 Epinamel DTM985MIO 150 Epinamel DTM985MIO 150 375 * 25+ 15-25 10-15 10-15 10-15 15-25

EHB6 Sa2 Galvit EP100 75 Epinamel DTM985MIO 150 Epinamel DTM985MIO 150 375 * 25+ 25+ 10-25 10-15 10-15 10-25

EHB6 Sa2 Galvit ES600 75 Epinamel DTM985MIO 150 Epinamel DTM985MIO 150 375 * 25+ 25+ 10-25 10-15 10-15 10-25

EPOXY Ultra High Build

EUH1 Sa2 Epinamel UHB1000 1500 - - - 1500 * * * 25+ 15-25 15-25 *

Exposure Environment: A-Very Low, B- Low, C- Medium, D- High, E-I- Very High Industrial, E-M- Very High Marine, F- Inland Tropical
^ Some colours may require multiple coats to achieve opacity, - Not applicable, * Suitable for this category but not economical. Refer to AS 1627.1, AS1627.2, AS1627.4 and AS1627.9
Products nominated in the above systems comply with the minimum performance levels nominated by AS2312 but may not carry APAS approval. Refer to product technical data sheet for approvals.
Durability years nominated are a guide defined by AS2312 and do not constitute a Valspar warranty.

Version 10, September 2014 Page 11 of 17

GUIDE TO AS/NZS 2312:2002 (amdt no.1 2004)

Paint Systems for Steel Atmospheric Exposure (continued)

Coating Specification Durability guide (as per AS/NZS 2312)
1ST Coat 2ND Coat 3RD Coat Exposure Environment (as per AS/NZS 2312)
System & Total
Wattyl Nom Nom Nom
Preparation DFT
Wattyl Product DFT Wattyl Product DFT Wattyl Product DFT (m) A B C D E-I E-M F
System (m) (m) (m)
EPOXY Primer / finish gloss
EPF1 Sa2 Epinamel PR250 75 Epinamel DTM985 150 Epinamel CF602 50 275 * 25+ 15-25 10-15 5-15 5-15 10-15

EPOXY MASTIC Surface tolerant

EPM1 St2 Epinamel DTM985 200 - - - - 200 25+ 10-25 5-10 2-5 - - 5-10

EPM3 Sa2 Epinamel DTM985 200 Epinamel DTM985 200 - - 400 * 15-25 10-15 5-10 2-5 2-5 10-15

Exposure Environment: A-Very Low, B- Low, C- Medium, D- High, E-I- Very High Industrial, E-M- Very High Marine, F- Inland Tropical
^ Some colours may require multiple coats to achieve opacity, - Not applicable, * Suitable for this category but not economical. Refer to AS 1627.1, AS1627.2, AS1627.4 and AS1627.9
Products nominated in the above systems comply with the minimum performance levels nominated by AS2312 but may not carry APAS approval. Refer to product technical data sheet for approvals.
Durability years nominated are a guide defined by AS2312 and do not constitute a Valspar warranty.

Version 10, September 2014 Page 12 of 17

GUIDE TO AS/NZS 2312:2002 (amdt no.1 2004)

Paint Systems for Steel Atmospheric Exposure (continued)

Coating Specification Durability guide (as per AS/NZS 2312)
AS/NZS Exposure Environment
2312 1ST Coat 2ND Coat 3RD Coat
(as per AS/NZS 2312)
System &
Surface Total
Preparation Nom Nom Nom DFT
Wattyl Product DFT Wattyl Product DFT Wattyl Product DFT (m) A B C D E-I E-M F
System (m) (m) (m)


IZS1 Sa2 Galvit ES600 75 - - - - 75 25+ 15-25 10-15 5-10 2-5 2-10 10-15

POLYURETHANE Solvent borne, two pack

PUR1 St2 Epinamel DTM985 150 Poly U400^ 50 - - 200 * 10-15 5-10 2-5 - - 5-15

PUR2 Sa2 Epinamel PR250 75 Poly U400^ 50 - - 125 * 15-25 10-15 5-10 2-5 2-5 10-15

PUR3 Sa2 Epinamel PR250 75 Epinamel DTM985 150 Poly U400^ 50 275 * 25+ 15-25 10-15 5-10 5-10 15-25

PUR4 Sa2 Galvit EP100 75 Epinamel DTM985 150 Poly U400^ 50 275 * 25+ 15-25 10-15 5-10 5-10 15-25

PUR4 Sa2 Galvit ES600 75 Epinamel DTM985 150 Poly U400^ 50 275 * 25+ 15-25 10-15 5-10 5-10 15-25

PUR5 Sa2 Galvit EP100 75 Epinamel DTM985 200 Poly U400^ 50 325 * 25+ 25+ 15-25 10-15 10-15 25+

PUR5 Sa2 Galvit ES600 75 Epinamel DTM985 200 Poly U400^ 50 325 * 25+ 25+ 15-25 10-15 10-15 25+

PUR6 St2 Epinamel PR250 75 Epinamel PR250 75 Poly U750^ 75 225 * 10-15 5-10 2-5 - - 5-15

PUR7 Sa2 Galvit EP100 75 Epinamel PR250 75 Poly U750^ 75 225 * 15-25 10-15 5-10 2-5 2-5 10-15

Exposure Environment: A-Very Low, B- Low, C- Medium, D- High, E-I- Very High Industrial, E-M- Very High Marine, F- Inland Tropical
^ Some colours may require multiple coats to achieve opacity, - Not applicable, * Suitable for this category but not economical. Refer to AS 1627.1, AS1627.2, AS1627.4 and AS1627.9
Products nominated in the above systems comply with the minimum performance levels nominated by AS2312 but may not carry APAS approval. Refer to product technical data sheet for approvals.
Durability years nominated are a guide defined by AS2312 and do not constitute a Valspar warranty.

Version 10, September 2014 Page 13 of 17

GUIDE TO AS/NZS 2312: 2002 (amdt no.1 2004)

Paint Systems for Batch Galvanised Coatings Atmospheric Exposure

Coating Specification Durability guide (as per AS/NZS 2312)
AS/NZS 2312 Exposure Environment
1ST Coat 2ND Coat
System & (as per AS/NZS 2312)
Wattyl Total
Industrial Surface Preparation Nom Nom DFT
Coating Wattyl Product DFT Wattyl Product DFT (m) A B C D E-I E-M F
System (m) (m)

HDG600P1 Degrease, wash and

Wattyl Sunfast 40 Wattyl Sunfast 40 80 25+ 25+ 25+ 15-25 2-5 5-15 25+
9043 dry
HDG600P2 Degrease, wash and
AquaPrep Galvanised Iron Primer 40 Wattyl Sunfast^ 40 80 25+ 25+ 25+ 15-25 2-5 5-15 25+
9044 dry
HDG600P3 Sweep abrasive blast Epinamel DTM985 150 - - 150 * 25+ 25+

HDG600P3 Sweep abrasive blast Epinamel DTM985 150 Epinamel DTM985 150 300 25+ 5-15 15-25 25+

HDG600P5 Sweep abrasive blast Epinamel PR250 (Olive Green) 75 Epinamel DTM985 150 225 * 25+ 25+ 25+ 5-15 15-25 25+

HDG600P5 Sweep abrasive blast Epinamel PR360ZPS 75 Epinamel DTM985 150 225 * 25+ 25+ 25+ 5-15 15-25 25+

HDG600P6 Sweep abrasive blast Epinamel PR250 (Olive Green) 75 Paracryl IF540^ 75 150 * 25+ 25+ 25+ 5-15 15-25 25+

HDG600P6 Sweep abrasive blast Epinamel PR360ZPS 75 Paracryl IF540^ 75 150 * 25+ 25+ 25+ 5-15 15-25 25+

HDG600P7 Sweep abrasive blast Epinamel PR250 (Olive Green) 75 Poly U750^ 75 150 * 25+ 25+ 25+ 5-15 15-25 25+

HDG600P7 Sweep abrasive blast Epinamel PR360ZPS 75 Poly U750^ 75 150 * 25+ 25+ 25+ 5-15 15-25 25+

HDG600P7 Sweep abrasive blast Epinamel PR250 (Olive Green) 75 Poly U400^ 75 150 * 25+ 25+ 25+ 5-15 15-25 25+

HDG600P7 Sweep abrasive blast Epinamel PR360ZPS 75 Poly U400^ 75 150 * 25+ 25+ 25+ 5-15 15-25 25+

Exposure Environment: A-Very Low, B- Low, C- Medium, D- High, E-I- Very High Industrial, E-M- Very High Marine, F- Inland Tropical
^ Some colours may require multiple coats to achieve opacity, - Not applicable, * Suitable for this category but not economical. Refer to AS 1627.1, AS1627.2, AS1627.4 and AS1627.9
Products nominated in the above systems comply with the minimum performance levels nominated by AS2312 but may not carry APAS approval. Refer to product technical data sheet for approvals.
Durability years nominated are a guide defined by AS2312 and do not constitute a Valspar warranty.

Version 10, September 2014 Page 14 of 17

GUIDE TO AS/NZS 2312: 2002 (amdt no.1 2004)

Recommended Systems for Non-Atmospheric Environments

Coating Specification
AS/NZS 2312 1ST Coat 2ND Coat 3RD Coat
System & Wattyl Surface Surface Profile Total DFT
Industrial Coating Preparation (m) Nom DFT Nom DFT Nom DFT (m)
System Number
Wattyl Product Wattyl Product Wattyl Product
(m) (m) (m)

POTABLE WATER IMMERSION (refer to notes 1,2)

EUH1 Sa3 75 - 100 Epinamel TL770SF 500 Epinamel TL770SF 500 - 1000
EHB7 Sa2 50 - 75 Epinamel TL710 150 Epinamel TL710 150 - - 300
EHB8 Sa3 50 - 75 Epinamel TL710 250 Epinamel TL710 250 - - 500

SEAWATER IMMERSION (refer to notes 1,2)

EUH2 Sa2 75-100 Epinamel UHB1000 1500 Epinamel UHB1000 1500 - - 3000
EHB7 Sa2 50 - 75 Epinamel TL710 150 Epinamel TL710 150 - - 300
EHB7 Sa2 50 - 75 Epinamel DTM985 250 Epinamel DTM985 250 - - 500
EHB7 Sa2 50 - 75 Epinamel MF920 250 Epinamel MF920 250 - - 500

SEAWATER SPLASH (refer to notes 1,2)

EUH3 Sa2 75 - 100 Epinamel UHB1000 1000 - - 1000
EHB7a Sa2 50 - 75 Epinamel DTM985 250 Epinamel DTM985 250 - - 500
EHB7a Sa2 50 - 75 Epinamel MF920 250 Epinamel MF920 250 - - 500
EHB7a Sa2 50 - 75 Epinamel TL710 250 Epinamel TL710 250 - - 500
EHB9 Sa2 30 - 50 Epinamel PR250 100 Epinamel DTM985 250 Epinamel DTM985 250 600
EHB9 Sa2 30 - 50 Epinamel PR250 100 Epinamel TL710 250 Epinamel TL710 250 600

Notes: 1. All sharp edges, welds, corners, bolts, nuts holes etc shall be stripe coated by brush with each coat prior to full coat application. 2. Where coating in under immersion and/or buried, testing for holidays/pinholes in accordance with AS3894.1 is
required. 4. To prevent coating damage, clean up all spills immediately. 5. Refer to Wattyl Industrial Coatings document I-19 Tank Lining Resistance Guide for suitable cargoes.
^ Some colours may require multiple coats to achieve desired film build and opacity, - Not applicable, * Suitable for this category but not economical Refer to AS 1627.1, AS1627.2, AS1627.4 and AS1627.9
Products nominated in the above systems comply with the minimum performance levels nominated by AS2312 but may not carry APAS approval. Refer to product technical data sheet for approvals. Only factory manufactured colours may be used in
immersion applications. Durability years nominated are a guide defined by AS2312 and do not constitute a Valspar warranty.

Version 10, September 2014 Page 15 of 17

GUIDE TO AS/NZS 2312: 2002 (amdt no.1 2004)

Recommended Systems for Non-Atmospheric Environments (continued)

Coating Specification
AS/NZS 2312 1ST Coat 2ND Coat 3RD Coat
System & Wattyl Surface Surface Profile Nom
Nom DFT Nom DFT Total DFT (m)
Industrial Coating Preparation (m) Wattyl Product Wattyl Product Wattyl Product DFT
System Number (m) (m)
BURIED IN SOIL (refer to notes 1,2)
EUH4 Sa2 75 - 100 Epinamel UHB1000 1200 Epinamel UHB1000 1200 2400

- Sa2 50 - 75 Epinamel DTM985 400 Epinamel DTM985 400 - - 800


SEWERAGE (refer to notes 1,2)

EUH8a Sa2 50 - 75 Epinamel DTM985 250 Epinamel DTM985 250 - - 500

SEVERE INDUSTRIAL Alkaline Splash (refer to notes 1,4)

EUH5 Sa2 75 - 100 Epinamel UHB1000 1500 1500

EHB9 Sa2 30 50 Epinamel PR250 (Off White) 75 Epinamel TL710 250 Epinamel TL710 250 575

SEVERE INDUSTRIAL Solvent Immersion (refer to notes 1,2,5; IZS1 exempt from notes 1,2)
IZS1 Sa2 30 50 Galvit ES600 75 - - - - 75

ETL1 Sa2 30 50 Epinamel TL710 200 Epinamel TL710 200 - - 400


Notes: 1. All sharp edges, welds, corners, bolts, nuts holes etc shall be stripe coated by brush with each coat prior to full coat application. 2. Where coating in under immersion and/or buried, testing for holidays/pinholes in accordance with AS3894.1 is
required. 4. To prevent coating damage, clean up all spills immediately. 5. Refer to Wattyl Industrial Coatings document I-19 Tank Lining Resistance Guide for suitable cargoes.
^ Some colours may require multiple coats to achieve desired film build and opacity, - Not applicable, * Suitable for this category but not economical Refer to AS 1627.1, AS1627.2, AS1627.4 and AS1627.9
Products nominated in the above systems comply with the minimum performance levels nominated by AS2312 but may not carry APAS approval. Refer to product technical data sheet for approvals. Only factory manufactured colours may be used in
immersion applications. Durability years nominated are a guide defined by AS2312 and do not constitute a Valspar warranty.

Version 10, September 2014 Page 16 of 17

GUIDE TO AS/NZS 2312: 2002 (amdt no.1 2004)

Recommended Systems for Non-Atmospheric Environments (continued)

Coating Specification
AS/NZS 2312
System &
1ST Coat 2ND Coat 3RD Coat
Wattyl Maximum
Surface Total DFT
Nom DFT heat
Coating Preparation Wattyl Product Nom DFT (m) Wattyl Product Nom DFT (m) Wattyl Product (m)
(m) resistance C

HR3 Sa2 Galvit ES600 75 - - - - 75 400

Notes: 1. All sharp edges, welds, corners, bolts, nuts holes etc shall be stripe coated by brush with each coat prior to full coat application. 2. Where coating in under immersion and/or buried, testing for holidays/pinholes in accordance with AS3894.1 is
required. 4. To prevent coating damage, clean up all spills immediately. 5. Refer to Wattyl Industrial Coatings document I-19 Tank Lining Resistance Guide for suitable cargoes.
^ Some colours may require multiple coats to achieve desired film build and opacity, - Not applicable, * Suitable for this category but not economical Refer to AS 1627.1, AS1627.2, AS1627.4 and AS1627.9
Products nominated in the above systems comply with the minimum performance levels nominated by AS2312 but may not carry APAS approval. Refer to product technical data sheet for approvals. Only factory manufactured colours may be used in
immersion applications. Durability years nominated are a guide defined by AS2312 and do not constitute a Valspar warranty.

For the most up to date information contact Valspar Customer Service Hotline or visit the Wattyl Website.
Australia New Zealand
CUSTOMER SERVICE HOTLINE 132 101 0800 735 551
Trademarks are the property of Valspar Paint (Australia) Pty Ltd.
1. This information, provided by Valspar Paint (Australia) Pty Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Valspar), is important to ensure that the listed product(s) perform according to the stated application and uses and must be followed to meet Valspars
warranties express and implied. Valspar advises that you (a) review the Technical Data Sheets (TDS) and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) before you use or handle the product; (b) ensure that the product be used only in accordance with the
information provided by Valspar and the product(s) be transported, stored and handled in accordance with the information on the MSDS and relevant TDS; and (c) thoroughly test the product, using the recommended application method on a
sample of intended substrate, before using the product. 2. The information in this TDS was prepared using information gathered during product development. While Valspar endeavours to update this information and maintain the accuracy and
currency of its contents, Valspar does not warrant that the information provided is current when the product is used or is wholly comprehensive. 3. For all product and non-product related information, Valspar recommends that you conduct such
additional investigations as may be necessary to satisfy yourself of the accuracy, currency and comprehensiveness of the information on which you rely in using and handling the product. If you require further information please contact your
nearest Valspar office before using the product(s). 4. To the full extent permitted by law, Valspars liability for breach of a condition or warranty implied into the contract for sale between Valspar and you by law is limited at Valspars election to:
(a) the replacement of the product; or (b) payment of the cost of replacing the product. If coating rectification is required Valspar Technical Services shall be contacted prior to commencement. VALSPAR PAINT (AUSTRALIA) PTY LTD (ABN 40 000
035 914)

Version 10, September 2014 Page 17 of 17

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