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For this prac I have been allocated to Baldivis Primary School and have a year 2 class.

speaking with my mentor teacher, I have learnt that the class I am to teach in consists of 18
students all of which are unique in their way of learning. The class also has a range of differing
abilities when it comes to the subject of english. For example, when it comes to spelling there
are 4 different spelling groups. Each of these groups has their own list words and only after
complete a set of 4 lots of x amount of words correctly will students then progress to the next

group. In this school they also use the Diana Rigg literacy programme for spelling.
On their first week back of school students will start with Recounts and recounting what they
have done in their holidays. This will then be followed by persuasive writing, which I have been
informed that they have only touched on this topic once before in year 1. This will also be in
preparation for their NAPLAN in year 3, where they have to write a persuasive piece of writing.

There are still multiple students in the class that struggle to make sentences and write out a full
piece of work such as a short imaginative text. There are also other students that can write a lot
and are really good at phonetics and forming sentences phonetically.

My mentor teacher has notified me that she will give me the literacy programs for terms 1, 2 and
3 on the first day back at school as there is a lot of things and they have already began their
holidays. Areas of strength in accordance with with my mentor teaching include spelling and
grammar. However, even in these areas the class is still average.

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