A World of Difference in Teaching Math Hiebert 2004

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A Classrooms abroad provide lessons

in teaching math and science

world of

mproving classroom International Mathematics and
teaching is hard work. Science Study (TIMSS) 1999 Video
The literature is filled Study: Students need regular oppor-
with stories of good inten- tunities to explore mathematical rela-
tions to change teaching tionships to develop high levels of
followed by a disappoint- understanding, in addition to devel-
ing return to traditional oping skills. The reason this change is
methods of practice. needed begins with the fact that both
While learning how difficult it is for domestic and international assess-
teachers to change the way they ments of achievement show that U.S.
teach, educators also have learned students are learning less mathematics
that change is enabled when teachers than they could, and learning it less
have a clear target for change. deeply (Silver & Kenney, 2000;
Gonzales, et al., 2000). But why stu-
INTERNATIONAL COMPARISONS dents are underachieving is a matter
One target for change is suggest- of heated debate. One hypothesis is
ed by findings from the Third that classroom instruction underem-

JAMES HIEBERT is the Robert J. Barkley professor in the School of Education at the University
of Delaware. You can contact him at the School of Education, 107A Willard Hall Education
Building, Newark, DE 19716, (302) 831-1655, fax (302) 831-4110, e-mail: hiebert@udel.edu.

JAMES W. STIGLER is professor of psychology at UCLA, and founder and CEO of LessonLab.
You can contact him at UCLA Psychology Department, Franz Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90095-
1563, (310) 664-2301, e-mail: stigler@psych.ucla.edu.

The TIMSS 1999 Video
Study pinpoints key
similarities among high-
achieving countries such
as Hong Kong, Japan,
the Netherlands,
Switzerland, and Czech

phasizes basic skills. Another hypothe-

sis, from an opposite point of view, is
that instruction underemphasizes con-
ceptual understanding. The debate
between skills and understanding has
a long history in U.S. education and,
recently, has become a central issue in
the math wars (for example, see
Loveless, 2001; National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics, 2000;
Kilpatrick, Swafford, & Findell,
The TIMSS 1999
It was in the context of this
debate that we launched the Video Study is
TIMSS 1999 Video Study, the
the largest and
largest and most ambitious inter-
national comparison of teaching most ambitious
conducted to date. Random,
nationally representative samples international
of 8th-grade lessons in mathemat- comparison of
ics and science were videotaped in
a number of countries in Asia and teaching.
Europe that achieve well on interna-
tional comparisons. Results from the
mathematics sample in the video
study were released in 2003 (Hiebert,
et al., 2003a) and results from the sci-
ence sample are planned for release in
2004 (Roth, et al., in press). We stud-
ied a number of dimensions of teach-
ing, including the ways classrooms are
organized in the different countries,
the kinds of mathematics problems
presented to students, and the ways
problems are worked on during class-
room lessons. Can these analyses of

high-achieving countries yield clues
that might be relevant to the U.S. Two teaching approaches to one concept
debate between skills and understand-
ing? Imagine the following problem:
Results from the study showed Find a pattern for the sum of the interior angles of a polygon.
that high-achieving countries (Czech This is a common problem in many 8th-grade curricula, and the
Republic, Hong Kong, Japan, intent is for students to explore the relationships among the measures of
Netherlands, Switzerland) teach 8th- angles in figures with different numbers of sides and detect a pattern in
grade mathematics in different ways the ways that the sums can be calculated.
(Hiebert, et al., 2003a). No single
method of teaching appears to be nec- Method 1
essary for high mathematics achieve- Teachers could implement the problem by asking students to measure
ment. As one example, we saw a great the angles in various triangles, quadrilaterals, and pentagons, finding the
deal of variation in the relative results of 180 degrees, 360 degrees, and 540 degrees, respectively. Then
emphasis given in each country to they might ask students what patterns they see, whether they could pre-
problems designed to teach skills vs. dict the sum of the interior angles of six-sided figures, and, eventually,
problems designed to teach conceptu- whether they could develop a rule for the sum of angles if one knew the
al understanding that is, problems number of sides.
that gave students opportunities to
connect mathematical facts, ideas, and Method 2
Compared with strategies. All countries spent Alternatively, teachers could simply say, There is an easy way to cal-
some time on each type of prob- culate the sum of the interior angles of a polygon just count the num-
their lem, but the relative emphasis on ber of sides, subtract two, and multiply by 180: Sum = 180(n-2).
conceptual problems varied from
a high of 54% of the problems in
peers, 8th Japan to a low of 13% in Hong
Kong. (The U.S. fell in between ably from each other in how many about the nature of mathematics
graders in the
these two, with 17%.) Japan and problems of this kind they presented, teaching in this country (Fey, 1979).
United States Hong Kong were the highest but when such problems were pre- Teaching in the typical classroom has
achievers in our sample, yet they sented, they implemented a similar not changed much. The debate about
almost never got
were at opposite ends of the spec- percentage of problems (about 50%) how much emphasis to place on skills
the chance (less trum on this dimension. in such a way that students studied vs. understanding has not created
A closer look revealed, how- the connections or relationships opportunities for students in typical
than 1% of the
ever, that beneath the variability, embedded in the problems. U.S. classrooms to develop both skills
time) to explore there was a fascinating similarity Compared with their international and understanding. We share the view
among the high-achieving coun- peers, 8th graders in the United States with others (Kilpatrick, Swafford, &
and discuss tries, one that distinguished them almost never got the chance (less than Findell, 2001) that both skills and
mathematical from the United States (Hiebert, 1% of the time) to explore and dis- understanding are critical. If educa-
et al., 2003b; Stigler & Hiebert, cuss mathematical relationships while tors agree that a balance is important,
relationships 2004). Although teachers in the solving these problems. (See example and if they take seriously the results
while solving United States presented problems in the box above.) from the TIMSS Video Study, then
of both types (practicing skills vs. Teachers in high-achieving coun- efforts to improve should focus on
these problems. making connections), they did tries implemented at least some of ensuring that students have some
something different than their these problems in the first way rather opportunities to solve challenging
international colleagues when work- than the second way; teachers in the problems that require them to con-
ing on the conceptual problems with United States almost never did. struct mathematical relationships
students. For these problems, they The significance of this finding to develop conceptual understanding.
almost always stepped in and did the cannot be overestimated. It says, first, Currently, students in typical 8th-
work for the students or ignored the that U.S. students (at least in 8th grade mathematics classrooms are
conceptual aspect of the problem grade) are spending almost all of their working only on skills.
when discussing it. Teachers in high- time practicing skills. This is consis- A second consequence of this
achieving countries differed consider- tent with many reports from the past finding is that curriculum reform is

not enough. The percentage of math- (Gallimore, 1996). That is, most of change, these phases of teaching


ematics problems presented in U.S. teachers learn to teach by growing up must be slowed down and examined
classrooms that aimed to engage stu- in a culture, watching their own more carefully. Teachers must find
dents in more ambitious and creative teachers teach, and then adapting ways to spend a little more time each
conceptual activity was similar to sev- these methods for their own practice. week planning how to implement a
eral other high-achieving countries. Changing teaching means changing few mathematics problems to engage
The difference lay in how teachers the culture of teaching, not distribut- students in thinking about key mathe-
implemented the problems with stu- ing more recommendations or hold- matical relationships suggested by the
dents. This is an issue of teaching. ing more workshops. problem. And they must reflect, in
This is not changed by rewriting the Teaching can only change the way more detail, on how students
curriculum. cultures change: gradually, steadily, responded to these opportunities so
In summary, the findings of the over time as small changes are made they can improve the effectiveness
TIMSS 1999 Video Study show that in the daily and weekly routines of with which such problems can be
different high-achieving countries teaching. Consider the daily routines implemented the following day or
have chosen different levels of empha- of most teachers. Lessons are planned week. Over time, these kinds of small,
sis with regard to skills vs. under- (sometimes quickly, by identifying a targeted changes in teachers weekly
standing. These results suggest that sequence of activities), then imple- routines change the culture of teach-
the exact amount of time spent on mented, then assessed (sometimes by ing for the individual teacher, for
these learning goals is not the critical watching students reactions during the group of teachers who engage
Educators often
factor. Rather, the results suggest that the lesson, listening to students and in this kind of work together,
some time should be devoted to prac- questioning them informally, and col- and, eventually, for the school. underestimate
ticing skills and some time devoted to lecting student work), and then Of course, changing a culture
how much
developing understanding. U.S. teach- reflected on (sometimes quickly, by is not simple or easy. How do
ers already provide practice on skills. making mental notes of what worked teachers go about the business of learning is
This now needs to be balanced with well and what didnt, who acted up, changing their weekly or daily
required to teach
solving challenging problems and dis- and so on). By studying how many routines, and what, exactly, do
cussing the relationships that can be teachers changed their teaching, we they do when they study teach- in a different way
constructed among the mathematical have learned that to begin the process ing? We offer three suggestions.
and how much
facts, procedures, and ideas. When First, finding time in the
working on these problems, teachers daily or weekly schedule is a key time this takes.
must learn how to avoid stepping in How to change teaching enabler. Educators often underes-
and giving the answers, and instead timate how much learning is required
provide students with opportunities Three tips to change teach- to teach in a different way (Cohen &
to think more deeply about mathe- ing to improve student achieve- Barnes, 1993) and how much time
matical concepts and then discuss ment: this takes. But for teachers, extra time
these concepts or relationships with 1. Shift priorities to spend is hard to find. A solution often is
the students. How can teachers be some time daily or weekly reallocating existing time rather than
supported to make this change? studying teaching practices; trying to find new time. Time spent
focus on planning lessons in department meetings, grade-level
LESSONS FROM RESEARCH and then reflecting on their meetings, and one-time workshops
Just as educators are learning effectiveness. can be reallocated to time for study-
more about the features of teaching 2. Provide teachers vivid ing and improving teaching in a sys-
that should be targeted for improve- examples of alternative tematic and continuing way. This
ment, and just as they are learning teaching methods. shift will require changing priorities
more about why teaching is so diffi- 3. Have teachers learn to ana- and creative scheduling, but it is the
cult to change, they also are learning lyze students work and kind of commitment essential for
more about professional development understand their thinking instituting the regular, weekly collabo-
strategies that can support change. to see how to adjust and rative study needed to improve teach-
For starters, it is helpful to think improve their teaching ing in a lasting way.
about teaching as a cultural activity methods. Second, teachers must be provid-
rather than as something one learns to ed with vivid examples that illustrate
do by studying it in school alternative ways of teaching. If the

goal is to learn how to work on math- Notice that the suggestions we by saying that teaching should have
ematics problems so students can offer for changing the culture of an experiment built in (Hiebert,
make connections to understand con- teaching to enable targeted changes in Morris, & Glass, 2003). Planning to
cepts and procedures, then teachers teaching practice assume many of the learn from teaching means setting
need images of what this kind of features recommended numerous clear learning goals (for the students
teaching looks like. Analyzing videos times in the professional development and for the teacher), planning instruc-
of teaching in detail and focusing literature (Darling-Hammond & tional activities hypothesized to
intensely on the ways different teach- Sykes, 1999; Sparks & Loucks- achieve the learning goals for stu-
ers implement these kinds of prob- Horsley, 1990): situated in teachers dents, collecting data from students
lems can be rich learning opportuni- practice, connected to the curriculum, about how well the goals were
ties. Studying the ways teachers pres- focused on clear student learning achieved, and interpreting the data to
ent problems to students, asking stu- goals and student thinking, and con- revise the hypotheses and improve the
dents to develop problem-solving tinuing over time. There is growing lesson next time. These processes sim-
methods, comparing solution meth- evidence that these features are criti- ulate experiments conducted in other
ods, looking for patterns, and com- cal. But, to change cultures, educators settings and represent systematic, con-
paring one problem to others provides need to appreciate the importance of tinuing, and increasingly rich profes-
a range of techniques that teachers examining the routines of teaching, sional development activities for
can consider as they plan their own slowing them down, and changing teachers.
lessons. Finding useful videos is a them, even a little. Developing a rou- The payoff for teachers is the
challenge. The set of public-use videos tine of planning for teaching and knowledge they acquire to guide
collected as part of the TIMSS Video reflecting on teaching, with a particu- improvements in their own practice.
Study is one source. Samples of teach- lar learning goal in mind, can gradu- When teachers recognize that knowl-
When teachers ing do not need to show exem- ally but steadily change the culture of edge for improvement is something
plary practice to be useful (Stigler teaching. they can generate, rather than some-
recognize that
& Hiebert, 1999). Examining thing that must be handed to them by
knowledge for everyday teaching, with its CONCLUDING THOUGHTS so-called experts, they are on a new
missed opportunities, also can be Everyone, including teachers, professional trajectory (Franke,
improvement is an important learning activity. learns from everyday experiences, but Carpenter, Fennema, Ansell, &
something they Eventually, teachers can analyze usually this learning is haphazard and Behrend, 1998). They are on the way
videos of their own teaching, an fleeting. Professional developers and to building a true profession of teach-
can generate, essential experience for improv- teachers can do better than this. They ing, a profession in which members
rather than ing their practice. can learn from carefully planned expe- take responsibility for steady and last-
Third, teachers must have riences. By planning to learn, teachers ing improvement. They are building a
something that opportunities to study students maximize the benefits they reap from new culture of teaching.
must be handed
responses to the changes teachers studying their practice. This is exactly
make in the classroom. If the the kind of cultural change we envi- REFERENCES
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