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12 Problems
Example 1.1:

The following dimensions are given for a Shelby tube sampler:

External diameter = 51mm

Internal diameter = 48mm

Determine the area ratio.


The area ratio Ar is

= = 0.129 = 12.9%

Example 1.2:

75 mm is the external diameter of a sampling tube. If the area ratio required is 27%, determine
thethickness of the sampling tube. In what type of clay would such a high area ratio be required?


0.27 =

Solving for ,

The wall thickness =

= = 4.224 mm

When samples are to be taken in very stiff to hard clay soils mixed with stones, samplingtubes
with high area ratios are required.

Example 1.3:

The observed standard penetration test value in a deposit of fully submerged sand was 45 at a
depthof 8 m. The average effective unit weight of the soil is 9.69 kN/m3. The other data given
(a)hammer efficiency = 0.8,
(b) drill rod length correction factor = 0.9and,
(c) borehole correctionfactor = 1.05.
Determine the corrected SPT value for standard energy (a) Res= 60 % and (b)Res = 70%


where, N = observed SPT value

=overburden correction

where = effective overburden pressure

= 8.0 x 9.69 = 77.52 kN/m2
Substituting for ,

= 1.111

Substituting the known values, the corrected N60 is

N60 = 1.111 x 45 x 0.8 x 0.9 x 1.05 = 38
For 70 % standard energy

N70 = 38


Example 1.4:

If a deposit at a site happens to be a saturated overconsolidated clay with a value of qc = 10.1

MN/m2, determine the unconfirmed compressive strength of clay given p0 = 113 kN/m2


Assume Nk = 20.
Substituting the known values and simplifying

= 998.7kN/m2
If we neglect the overburden pressure p0

= 1010kN/m2
It is clear that, the value of quis little affected by neglecting the overburden pressure.

Example 1.5:
Given that a uniform soil deposit exists at a site for which the effective overburden pressures and
values are as given below for four tests. Determine the corrected N values.
Test 'v (kPa)

1 49 23

2 102 31

3 148 33

4 220 42

Fig Ex.1.5Chart for correction on N-values in sand for influence of overburden pressure

1.30 30

1.00 31

0.89 29

0.72 30

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