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Social Studies

1. Archaeological remain which have historical and cultural values in humans life is called ...
a. Historian c. Historical heritages
b. Historical events d. Archaeologist
2. I was made of stone and used for worshipping gods of Hindu or Buddhist. What was I ?
a. Museum c. Historic Site
b. Temple d. Swimming Pool
3. An example of monument that can be found in East Java is ...
a. Heroes Monument c. Youth Monument Semarang
d. National Monument Jakarta
b. Palagan Ambarawa
4. What can be found in historic site ?
a. ancient furniture c. library
b. sofa d. food and beverage
5. Jago Temple is located in ...
a. Mojokerto c. Malang
b. Blitar d. Pasuruan
6. Which one of these are not historical heritages ?
a. monument c. historic site
b. swimming pool d. temple
7. If we want to appreciate and remind our heroes, we can do it by ...
a. Disobeying rules c. Studying hard and being discipline
b. Being arrogant and lazy d. Studying if there is worksheet only
8. A building in which obejcts of art, history, and science are shown is called ...
a. temple c. historic site
b. monument d. museum
9. A patriot is ...
a. someone who loves and defends his or her homeland
b. someone who defends another country
c. someone who is not pround with his or her homeland
d. someone who just take advantage of his or her homeland
10. Who is Dr. Sutomo ?
a. a governor c. one of the proclamator
b. a doctor in a hospital d. the founder of Budi Utomo
11. Historical heritages are used not only for knowing history about the ancestors life, but also
for being ...
a. rest area c. playground
b. hotel d. tourism object
12. One of Indonesian heroes which became the first governor of East Java was ...
a. Ir. Soekarno c. Dr. Sutomo
b. Gubernur Surjo d. Dr. Setiabudi
13. Someone can be called as a hero if ...
a. he or she disobeys rules
b. he or she is easy to give up
c. he or she has bravery, good qualities, and willing to save others life
d. he or she does not want to help those who are in trouble
14. Some of the patriotism that can be our precedent is ...
a. forgiving, lazy, working c. honest, modest, and dare to confess mistakes
d. willing to sacrifice, helpful, impatient
b. selfish, high minded,
15. What should you do while attending flag ceremony ?
a. sitting down and singing loudly c. making vouice and standing up messily
b. walking around and talking with friends d. being quiet and standing up straight
16. Who is Ir. Soekarno ?
a. first president c. governor
b. hero of Independence d. second president
17. The love of the country and willingness to defend it, called ...
a. patriot c. hero
b. patriotism d. nationalism
18. Where is Tikus Temple ?
a. Mojokerto c. Blitar
b. Malang d. Pasuruan
19. These are some ways to preserve and protect our historical heritages, except ...
a. Keep the cleanliness of the historical heritages
b. Give donation for maintaning the historical heritages
c. Remind those who want to ruin the historical heritages
d. Disobey the rules in each historical place
20. A building or place with important value is called ...
a. Museum c. Monument
b. Historic site d. Temple
Museum in Surabaya East Javas governor
Bung Tomo Penataran Temple
Dr. Sutomo Situs Trowulan
Temple in Mojokerto Douwes Dekker
Monument in Surabaya Candi Sumberawan
Dr. Setiabudi Museum Bank Indonesia
Temple in Malang Founder of Budi Utomo
Historic site in Mojokerto Sutomo
Ir. Soekarno Tugu Pahlawan
Jawi Temple Candi Brahu
Raden Mas Tumenggung Ario Soerjo Temple in Pasuruan
Temple in Blitar proclamator

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