Fabulae Latinae

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Ritchies Fabulae Faciles

Latin Text with Facing Vocabulary and Commentary

Tablet Edition 2013

Geoffrey Steadman

Beta Tablet Edition

This is an incomplete beta tablet edition of the paperback reformatted

for use on electronic devices. If you would like to recommend changes,
please contact me at geoffreysteadman@gmail.com.
Ritchies Fabulae Faciles
Latin Text with Facing Vocabulary and Commentary

First Edition

2012 by Geoffrey D. Steadman

All rights reserved. Subject to the exception immediately following, this book may
not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form (beyond that copying permitted by
Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law and except by reviewers for the
public press), without written permission from the publisher.

The author has made an online version of this work available (via email) under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The terms
of the license can be accessed at creativecommons.org.

Accordingly, you are free to copy, alter, and distribute this work freely under the
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ISBN-13: 978-0-9843065-5-8
ISBN-10: 0-9843065-5-2

Published by Geoffrey Steadman

Cover Design: David Steadman

Fonts: Times New Roman

Table of Contents

Introduction to Ritchies Fabulae Faciles..v-vi
How to Use This Commentaryvii
Running Core Vocabulary Listviii-x
Nouns, Pronouns, and Adjectives...116-117
Verb Synopses....118-124
Alphabetized Core Vocabulary List...125-128

Ritchies Fabulae Faciles

Tablet Edition

Perseus (sections 1-11).1-11

Heracles (sections 12-56)....12-56
Jason and the Argonauts (sections 57-80)..57-80
Ulysses (sections 81-100).81-100

Introduction to Ritchies Fabulae Faciles

This book should be on the bedstand of every intermediate Latin student. The volume
is a graded reader of Latin stories, which the modern author Francis Ritchie composed
in order to give students additional practice before reading Caesars Gallic War. The
book includes the myths of Perseus, Heracles, Jason and the Argonauts, and Ulysses;
and the entire text is divided into 100 sections of Latin which are roughly a paragraph
in length. Although Ritchie assumes that readers know all five declensions, pronouns,
and active and passive verbs from the first story about Perseus, he does not introduce
the subjunctive mood until the middle of the the account of Heracles or indirect
discourse and ablative absolutes until Jason and the Argonauts. Ritchies purpose is to
provide readers with an opportunity to master simple Latin grammar and morphology
before they encounter more complex constructions in the later stories, and he does so
while presenting students with an informative and thoroughly engaging storyline.
This Latin text was first published by Ritchie in 1884 in a volume called Fabulae
Faciles: A First Latin Reader. In 1903, John Kirtland published a revised edition
entitled Ritchies Fabulae Faciles: A First Latin Reader. Kirtland modified Ritchies
Latin text, added grammatical notes, and eliminated a section of drill exercises found
in the beginning the original volume. Kirtlands book remained the standard edition
until 1991, when another revised volume was prepared by Gilbert Lawall, Stanley
Iverson, and Allan Wooley, entitled Fabulae Graecae: A Revised Edition of Ritchies
Fabulae Faciles. While the first two books are no longer protected by copyright law
and can be downloaded for free, the Fabulae Graecae remains available in paperback.
The aim of this current edition is to make Ritchies myths even more accessible to
intermediate-level Latin readers. To accomplish this goal, I have decided to adopt the
best features of Clyde Pharrs Aeneid. Facing each page of the Latin text is a single
page of commentary divided into halves. The top half includes all of the
corresponding vocabulary that occur fourteen or fewer times in the work, arranged
alphabetically in two columns. The bottom half is devoted to grammatical notes,
which are organized according to line numbers and arranged in two columns. The
advantage of this format is that it allows me to include as much information as

possible on a single page and at the same time ensure that the commentary entries are
distinct and immediately accessible to readers.
To complement the vocabulary within the commentary, I have added a running
core word list at the beginning of this book that includes all words occurring fifteen or
more times. An alphabetized form of this same list can be found in the glossary.
Together, this book has been designed in such a way that, once readers have mastered
the running core list, they will be able to rely solely on the Latin text and facing notes
and not need to turn a page or consult outside dictionaries.
The greatest strength of this book, apart from captivating stories, is its ability to
expose readers to difficult constructions over and over again. As a rule, I prefer to
offer too much assistance in the grammatical notes rather than too little and, since
readers may begin anywhere in the book, I identify constructions consistently
throughout the commentaryoften multiple times on the same page. In the case of
Fabulae Faciles such support is appropriate. Even if readers rely on overly generous
notes the first time they encounter a difficult passage, Ritchie presents the same
constructions and same phrases so often that readers quickly become familiar with a
range of difficult clauses and therefore rely less and less on the notes as they progress.
By the time they encounter Ulysses, the constructions which readers have already
encountered are so dense and frequent that it is impossible to include the ample notes
found in earlier myths, and in most cases such notes are no longer necessary.
Although this volume may be used as a supplement in the classroom, I hope that
teachers will encourage students to keep a copy by their bedsides for casual reading
and rereading during the summer months and winter breaks. While there is no
substitute for meaningful classical and medieval Latin texts, most authentic Latin
prose still remains beyond the reach for intermediate-level students. This current
commentary is made in the hopes that the short sections of connected prose will help
readers of varying abilities develop reading proficiency and provide them with the
knowledge and confidence necessary to read authentic Latin authors.

Geoffrey Steadman, Ph.D.


How to Use this Commentary

Research shows that, as we learn how to read in a second language, a combination of

reading and direct vocabulary instruction is statistically superior to reading alone.
One of the purposes of this book is to encourage active acquisition of vocabulary.
1. Master the core vocabulary list as soon as possible.
Develop a daily regimen for memorizing vocabulary and forms before you
begin reading. Start with an intensive review of the running core list on the next
page. Although a substantial number of core vocabulary words come within the
first few lessons of the commentary, readers have encountered most of these
words in first-year Latin and should be able to master the list quickly. Once
readers have reviewed these words, I recommend that they consult and memorize
slightly less frequent words in Fabulae Faciles as they encounter them.

2. Read actively.
Read in Latin word order. Initially, readers have a tendency both (a) to scan
through the entire Latin sentence quickly to order to attain a sense of the
constructions and (b) to treat the sentence as a puzzle and jump around the
passage from subject to verb to object and so on. As you acquire more
vocabulary and your comfort with the Latin increases, make reading in Latin
word order your primary method. It is a lot of fun and with persistence very
satisfying as well.

Develop the habit of making educated guesses as you read. The purpose of the
graded reader to provide you with an opportunity to encounter difficult
constructions, particularly subjunctive clauses and indirect discourse, so
frequently that you cannot help but to develop proficiency identifying and
translating them. Make educated guests as you read. If you guess correctly, the
commentary will reaffirm your knowledge of the Latin. If you answer
incorrectly, you will become more aware of your weaknesses and therefore more
capable of correcting them.

3. Reread a passage immediately after you have completed it.

Repeated readings not only help you commit Latin to memory but also increase
your ability to read the Latin as Latin. Always read the words out loud (or at
least whisper them to yourself). While you may be inclined to translate the text
into English as you reread, develop the habit of reading Latin as Latin.

4. Reread the most recent passage immediately before you begin a new one.
This additional repetition will strengthen your ability to recognize vocabulary,
forms, and syntax quickly, bolster your confidence, and most importantly provide
you with much-needed context as you begin the next selection in the text.

Running Core Vocabulary

(Words 15 or More Times)
The following six pages include all words that occur fifteen or more times in the myths in a
running core vocabulary list. These words are not found within the vocabulary lists facing each
page of Latin. The number in the right column is the page number where the core vocabulary
word first occurs. Flashcards for this list are available online. For a single alphabetized list of
these core words, consult the glossary.

2 , ab, abs: (away) from, out of, 72
2 accipi: to receive, get, accept, 26
2 ad: to, toward; near, 188
2 annus, - m.: year, 18
2 at: but; mind you; but, you say, 27
2 atque: and, and also, and even, 21
2 autem: however, moreover, 81
2 brevis, -e: short, brief, 15
2 conici, -ere, -ic: throw together, throw, take oneself, 13
2 cnsilium, -i n.: plan, advice; council, assembly, 23
2 constitu, -ere, -u, -tus: decide, establish, resolve, 36
2 cum: with (+ abl.); when, since, although, 196
2 d: down from, from, about, concerning (+ abl.), 29
2 deus, - m.: god, divinity, deity, 19
2 dc, -ere, dx, dictus: say, speak, tell, call, name, 17
2 d, dare, ded, datum: give, put, make; grant, allow, 42
2 enim: for, indeed, in truth, 77
2 et: and, also, even, 287
2 faci, -ere, fc, fectum: make, do, 89
2 habit (1): to inhabit, live, 18
2 hic, haec, hoc: this, that; he, she, it, 222
2 ibi: there, in that place, 21
2 igitur: therefore, then, accordingly, 71
2 ille, illa, illud: that (famous); he, she, it, 84
2 in: in (+ abl.) , into (+ acc.), 272
2 insula, -ae f.: island, 20
2 ipse, ipsa, ipsum: -self; the very, 50
2 is, ea, id: this, that; he, she, it, 230
2 ltus, ltoris n.: shore, beach, 19
2 mgnopere: greatly, very much, 15
2 magnus, -a, -um: great, large, tall; mighty, important, 79
2 mare, maris n.: sea, 15
2 multus, -a, -um: much, many, abundant, 36
2 omnis, omne: every, all, 96
2 Perseus, - m.: Perseus, 26
2 post: after, behind (+ acc.); afterward, next, 32
2 postquam: after, when, 58
Running Core Vocabulary ix

2 puer, puer, m.: boy, 17

2 qudam, quaedam, quiddam: certain, a certain, 50
2 rx, rgis m.: king; adj. ruling, royal, 44
2 s: himself, herself, itself, themselves, 115
2 sum, esse, fu, futrum: to be, 422
2 suus, -a, -um: his, her, its, their (own), 84
2 tamen: nevertheless, however, 99
2 tantus, -a, -um: so great, so much, so large, 55
2 tempests, -ttis f.: weather; storm, 17
2 tempus, -poris n.: time, 31
2 tum: then, at that time, 73
2 vide, vidre, vd, vsum: to see, 50
2 vol, velle, volu: will, wish, be willing, 22
4 audi, audre, audv, audtum: to hear, listen to, 22
4 capi, capere, cp, captum: to take, capture, seize, 14
4 caput, capitis, n.: head; life, 20
4 causa, -ae f.: reason, cause; case, 31
4 dum: while, as long as, until, 35
4 , ex: out from, from, out of (+ abl.), 108
4 etiam: besides, also, even, 17
4 hom, -inis m./f.: man, mortal, human, 21
4 iam: now, already, soon, 29
4 locus, - m.: place, region, situation; opportunity, 51
4 manus, -s f.: hand, 16
4 modus, - m.: way, manner; modo (adv.) only 38
4 monstrum, - n.: monster, 26
4 per: through, over, across, 23
4 perveni, -re, -vn, -ventum: to come through, arrive 19
4 prmus -a -um: first, 16
4 quaer, -ere, quaesv, quaestum: to seek, ask, inquire, 21
4 qu, quae, quod (quis? quid?): who, which, that, 307
4 refer, -ferre, -tul, -ltum: report, bring back, 18
4 rs, re, f.: thing, matter, affair, business, 83
4 saxum, sax n.: rock, 15
4 species, -i f.: sight, look, appearance, aspect, 15
4 statim: immediately, on the spot, at once, 28
4 tandem: finally, at last, at length, in the end, 28
4 ubi: where, when, 56
4 nus, -a, -um: one, 14
4 veni, -re, vn, ventus: come, go, 72
6 animus, - m.: soul, spirit, breath, courage, pride, 18
6 dis, - m./f.: day, time, season, 46
6 dolor, -ris m.: pain, grief, anger, passion, 17
6 exspect (1): look out for, wait for, await, 15
6 flia, -iae f.: daughter, 20
x Running Core Vocabulary

6 ger, -ere, gess, gestus: carry (on), wage, 18

6 gravis, -e: heavy, serious, severe; venerable, 16
6 iube, iubre, iuss, iussum: to order, command, 17
6 mitt, -ere, -ms, missum: to send, let go, 18
6 par (1): prepare, make (ready), 21
6 perculum, - n.: risk, danger, peril, 31
6 subit: immediately, straightaway, 19
6 timor, -oris m.: fear, dread, anxiety, 15
6 trd, -dere, -did, -ditum: to give over, hand down, 20
8 confer, -ferre: bring together, collect, carry, 18
8 corpus, corporis, n.: body, 19
8 mox: soon, 19
8 nvis, nvis, f.: ship, boat, 63
8 neque: and not (nequeneque = neithernor), 27
8 pauc, -ae, -a: little, few, scanty, 22
8 regi, -nis f.: region, district, 18
8 regnum, - n.: (royal) power, kingdom, realm, 19
8 sals, -tis f.: safety, security, health, 15
8 sed: but, moreover, however, 31
8 senti, sentre, sns, snsum: to feel, perceive, 16
8 sine: without (abl.), 19
8 solv, -ere, solv, soltum: to loosen, release, 20
10 cognsc, -ere, -nv, -nitum: to learn, perf. know, 22
10 dmitt, -ere, -ms, -missus: send away, let go, 8
10 Hercules, -is m.: Hercules 121
10 pars, partis, f.: part, share, 23
10 rede, -re, -v: go back, return, come back, 19
10 urbs, urbis, f.: city, 19
12 habe, -re, habu, -itus: have, hold; consider, 34
12 interfici, -ere, -fc, -fectum: kill, slay, destroy, 15
12 iter, itineris n.: way, road, journey, 19
12 nn: not, by no means, not at all, 40
12 paulus, -a, -um: little, small, 16
12 vs, (vs), f.: force, power, violence; pl. vrs, strength, 23
12 vir, vir m.: man, male, 23
14 bs, bovis m. f.: cow, ox, bull (bobus-dat. abl.), 18
14 proficscor, -, -fectus: set out, depart, 19
16 Eurystheus, - m.: Eurystheus, 23
16 possum, posse, potu: be able, can, avail, 46
18 confici, -ere: to exhaust, finish, accomplish, 16
18 labor, -ris m.: labor, hardship, task, 22
18 nllus, -a, -um: none, no, no one, 24
20 auxilium, - n.: help, aid, assistance, 19
Running Core Vocabulary xi

20 coep, coepisse, coeptum: begin, 16

20 ingns (ingentis): huge, immense, vast, huge, 21
20 ita: so, thus, 25
22 progredior, -gred, progressus sum: advance, 17
22 reliquus, -a, um: remaining, left (over), 15
22 s: if (only), whether, in case that, 20
22 spelunca, -ae f.: cave, 30
22 summus, -a, -um: highest, greatest, top of, 29
22 vinum, vin n.: wine, 16
24 dem, eadem, idem: the same, 15
24 gredior, -, -gressus: go out, disembark, 18
26 flmen, -inis n.: river, stream, 15
26 ut: as, just as, when (+ ind.); (so) that, in order that, 112
28 terra, -ae f.: land, earth, 22
34 socius, - m.: ally, companion, comrade, 33
36 intelleg, -ere, -lx, -lctum: to realize, understand, 24
40 n: lest, that not, no, not, 22
58 Ison, -onis m.: Jason, 45
62 Argonautae, -rum m.: Argonauts, 18
70 Mda, -ae f.: Medea, 27
88 Ulixs, -is m.: Ulysses, 43
92 Polyphmus, - m.: Polyphemus, 19
104 Circ, -s f.: Circe, 15


abs. absolute impf. imperfect pl. plural

acc. accusative imper. impersonal plpf. pluperfect
act. active indic. indicative pred. predicate
adj. adjective i.o. indirect object prep. preposition
adv. adverb ind. indirect pres. present
app. appositive inf. infinitive pron. pronoun
comp. comparative inter. interrogative quest. question
dat. dative m. masculine reflex. reflexive
dep. deponent n. neuter rel. relative
d.o. direct object nom. nominative seq. sequence
f. feminine obj. object sg. singular
fut. future pple. participle subj. subject
gen. genitive pass passive superl. superlative
imp. imperative pf. perfect voc. vocative
To make the ancients speak, we must feed them with our own blood.

-von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff
Haec nrrantur pots d Perse. Perseus flius erat Ivis, maxim 1
derum; avus eius Acrisius appellbtur. Acrisius volbat Perseum
neptem suum necre; nam propter rculum puerum timbat.
Comprehendit igitur Perseum adhuc nfantem, et cum matre in arc
ligne inclsit. Tum arcam ipsam in mare conicit. Dana, Perse 5
mater, magnopere territa est; tempests enim magna mare turbbat.
Perseus autem in sin mtris dormibat.

Acrisius, -i m.: Acrisius, 4 mater, matris f.: mother, 9

adhuc: still, 5 maximus, -a, -um: greatest, 9
appell (1): call (by name), name, 12 nam: for, 6
arca, -ae f.; chest, box, ark, 4 narr (1): to narrate, relate, 7
avus, av m.: grandfather, 2 nec (1): to kill, slay, put to death, 9
comprehend, -ere, -d, -sum: grasp, seize, 3 neps, neptis m.: grandson, decendent, 2
Dana, -s f.: Danae, 5 rculum, - n.: oracle, 11
dormi, -re, -v: to sleep, 8 pota, -ae m.: poet, 4
flius, -i m.: son, 10 propter: on account of, because of, 6
incld, -ere, -s, -sum: close in, shut in, 7 sinus, -s m.: bosom, lap, 1
infns, -fantis m. f.: infant, 2 terre, -re, -u, territum: to terrify, scare, 5
Iuppiter, Iovis m.: Jupiter, 8 time, -re, -u: fear, dread, 6
lgnum, - n.: wood, 4 turb (1): to confuse, disturb, 2

1 haec: these (things); neut. pl. suum: his; reflexive possessive adj., use the
d: about; often when object is not a place subject (su as in subject!) to translate
Ivis: of Jupiter; the god Iuppiter declines 5 in mare: acc. place to which, neuter sg.
in the 3rd decl.: Iuppiter, Ivis, Iv, Ivem Dana: Greek nominative, the two dots
and Ive; Ivis is gen. sg. (German umlaut) indicate that the e is
2 eius: gen. sg. of is, ea, id pronounced separately from the a
Acrisius: pred. nom. of appellbtur, 6 tempests: nom. sg., fem. 3rd decl.
which behaves as a linking verb 7 sin: 4th decl. abl. sg.
Iuppiter tamen haec omnia vdit, et flium suum servre cnstituit. 1
Tranquillum igitur fcit mare, et arcam ad nsulam Seriphum
perdxit. Huius nsulae Polydects tum rex erat. Postquam arca ad
ltus appulsa est, Dana in harn quietem capibat. Post breve
tempus pisctore qudam reperta est, et ad domum rgis 5
Polydectis adducta est. Ille mtrem et puerum benign excpit, et
es sedem ttam in fnibus sus dedit. Dana hoc dnum libenter
accpit, et pr tant benefici rg gratis git.

addc, -ere, -x, -ctum: to lead to, bring, 8 libenter: gladly, willingly, 12
appell, -ere, -pul, -puls: drive to, 14 mater, matris f.: mother, 9
arca, -ae f.; chest, box, ark, 4 perdc, -ere, -x, -ctum: lead through, 4
beneficium, - n.: benefit, favor; kindness, 8 pisctor, pisctris m.: fisherman, 1
benignus, -a, -um: kind, 4 Polydects, -is m.: Polydectes, 7
Dana, -s f.: Danae, 5 pr: before, in front of, for, 9
domus, -s f.: house, home, dwelling, 11 quis, quitis f.: rest, repose, sleep, 5
dnum, - n.: gift, 6 reperi, -re, repper, repertum: find out, 9
excipi, ere, cp, ceptum: receive, welcome9 sdes, sdis f.: seat; abode, home, 5
fnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 Seriphus, - m.: Seriphos (an island) 1
grtia, -ae f.: graditude, favor, thanks, 10 serv (1): save, keep, preserve, 1
harna, -ae f.: sand, 1 tranquillus, -a, -um: calm, tranquil, 1
Iuppiter, Iovis m.: Jupiter, 8 tutus, -a, -um: safe, secure, 3

1 haec omnia: neuter acc. pl., add things declines but the first half of this indefinite
2 fcit: made (x) (y); tranquillum is an adj. adjective does and modifies pisctore (abl)
in the predicative position: not tranquil 6 benign: kindly; - indicates an adv.
sea but sea tranquil 7 es: dat. pl. is, ea, id; ind. obj. of dedit
3 huius nsulae: gen. sg. with rex; ius 8 pr: (in return) for
is a common gen. pronoun ending (hic) rg: dat. sg. 3rd decl. noun rex, rgis
4 quitam capibat: was taking a rest gratis git: gave thanks; common
5 qu-dam: a certain; the suffix -dam never idiom for gratis go, here pf.
Perseus igitur mults anns ibi habitbat, et cum mtre su vtam 1
betam agbat. At Polydects Danan magnopere ambat, atque
eam in mtrimnium ducere volbat. Hoc tamen cnsilium Perse
minim grtum erat. Polydectes igitur Perseum dimittere cnstituit.
Tum iuvenem ad s vocvit et haec dxit: "Turpe est hanc ignvam 5
vtam agere; iam ddum t adulscns es. Qu sque hc manbis?
Tempus est arma capere et virttem praestre. Hinc ab, et caput
Medsae mihi refer.

abe, -re, -i, -itus: go away, go off, depart, 6 iuvenis, -is m.: youth, young man, 4
adulscns, -entis: young (man), youth(ful), 3 mane, -re, mans, --: to stay, wait, 9
ag, agere, g, ctum: drive, lead, spend, 13 mater, matris f.: mother, 9
am (1): love, like, 1 matrimnium, -i n.: marriage, 6
arma, -rum n.: arms, equipment, tools, 6 Medsa, -ae f.: Medusa, 6
beatus, -a, -um: blessed, happy, 3 minim: least, by no means, not at all, 1
Dana, -s f.: Danae, 5 Polydects, -is m.: Polydectes, 7
dmitt, -ere, -ms, --: send away, let go, 8 praest, -stre, -stit: stand in front, show, 6
duc, -ere, dx, ductus: lead, draw, bring, 5 turpis, turpe: ugly, shameful, 1
ddum: a short time ago; just now, once, 2 usque: all the way to, up to, continuously, 2
grtus, -a, -um: pleasing, grateful, 1 virts, -tis f.: valor, manhood, excellence, 10
hinc: from this place, hence, 1 vta, -ae, f.: life, 9
ignavus, -a, -um: lazy, cowardly, 2 voc (1): call, summon, invoke, 2

1 mults anns: for; acc. duration qu (cnsili): for what purpose

2 agbat: was living/spending; common hc: note the long vowel indicates that
idiom for vtam ag; cf. line 18 this is the adverb here not the pronoun
Danan: Greek accusative ( n not m) 7 Tempus est: it is time; infinitives are subj.
3 Perse: dat. of reference with grtum hinc: from here; compare hc above
5 haec: neuter pl., supply things ab: sg. imperative abe
Turpe est: it is shameful to; the adj. turpis, 8 mihi: dat. sg. eg
turpe is neut. because an inf. is subject refer: sg. imperative, 3rd conj. refer
6 agere: to live; idiom, see p. 2, line 22 does not retain the final e. Consider
iam ddum: now for a long time; often the mnemonic: dc, dc, fac and fer
as one word should have an e but it isnt there.
es: 2nd sg. pres. sum
Perseus ubi haec audvit, ex nsul discessit, et postquam ad 1
continentem vnit, Medsam quaesvit. Di frustr quaerbat;
namque natram loc ignorbat. Tandem Apoll et Minerva viam
dmnstrvrunt. Prmum ad Graes, sorrs Medsae, pervnit.
Ab hs tlria et galeam magicam accpit. Apollo autem et 5
Minerva falcem et speculum dedrunt. Tum postquam tlria
pedibus induit, in ra ascendit. Di per ra volbat; tandem
tamen ad eum locum vnit ubi Medsa cum cters Gorgonibus
habitbat. Gorgons autem mnstra erant speci horribil; capita
enim erum anguibus omnin contcta erant. Mans etiam ex aere 10
factae erant.

r, aris n.: air, 7 Graeae, -rum f.: Graece, 1

aes, aeris n.: bronze, 1 horribis, -e: horrible, dreadful, 11
anguis, -is m. f.: serpents, snakes, 1 ignr (1): not know, be ignorant, 5
Apollo, -inis m.: Apollo, 7 indu, -ere, indu, indtum: put on, 8
ascend, -ere, -, -nsus: ascend, mount, 3 magicus, -a, -um: magic, 5
cter, -ae, -a: the other, remaining, 2 Medsa, -ae f.: Medusa, 6
conteg, -ere, -tx, -tctum: cover, 1 Minerva, -ae f.: Minerva, 4
contine, -re, -nu, -tentum: hold or keep namque: for, 2
together, 4 natra, -ae. f.: nature, 9
dmonstr (1): to show, demonstrate, 13 omnn: altogether, wholely, entirely, 11
discd, -ere, -cess, -cessum: to go away, ps, pedis m.: foot, 8
depart, 4 soror, sorris f.: sister, 1
di: a long time, long, 13 speculum, - n.: mirror, 3
falx falcis f.: sickle, 2 talria, -ium: winged shoes, 4
frustr: in vain, for nothing, 13 via, -ae, f.: way, road, 4
galea, -ae f.: helmet, 3 vol (1): to fly, 3
Gorg, -onis f.: Gorgon, 4

2 frustr: a common adverb verb (make prefix in- into a preposition)

4 Graes: these 3 sisters to the Gorgons had 9 speci horribil: of horrible appearance;
one eye, which they shared; Perseus stole abl. of quality with monstra, horribil is i-
the eye until they told him what he wanted stem 3rd decl. abl., speci is 5th decl. abl.
7 pedibus: on; dat. pl. with compound 10 aere: bronze; abl. of aes, not r
Rs difficillima erat caput Gorgonis abscdere; eius enim cnspect 1
homines in saxum vertbantur. Propter hanc causam Minerva
speculum Perse dederat. Ille igitur tergum vertit, et in speculum
inspicibat; hc mod ad locum vnit ubi Medsa dormibat. Tum
falce su caput eius n ict abscdit. Ceterae Gorgons statim 5
somn excitatae sunt, et ubi rem vdrunt, r commtae sunt.
Arma rapurunt, et Perseum occdere volbant. Ille autem dum
fgit, galeam magicam induit; et ubi hoc fcit, statim cnspect
erum vsit.

abscd, -ere, -cd, -csum: cut away or off, 5 ictus, -s m.: strike, blow, 4
arma, -rum n.: arms, equipment, tools, 6 indu, -ere, indu, indtum: put on, 8
cter, -ae, -a: the other, remaining, 2 inspici, -ere, -spx, -spectum: look upon, 1
commove, -re, -mv, -mtum: move, ra, rae f.: anger, 12
trouble, upset, 14 magicus, -a, -um: magic, 5
conspectus, -s m.: sight, view, 6 Medsa, -ae f.: Medusa, 6
difficilis, -e: hard, difficult, troublesome, 6 Minerva, -ae f.: Minerva, 4
dormi, -re, -v: to sleep, 8 occid, -ere, -cid, -csus: kill, cut down, 14
vad, -ere, vs, vsum: go out, escape, 9 propter: on account of, because of, 6
excit (1): excite, rouse, incite, 8 rapi, -ere, rapu, raptum: to seize, snatch, 5
falx falcis f.: sickle, 2 somnus, - m.: sleep, 14
fugi, fugere, fg, --: to flee, hurry away, 9 speculum, - n.: mirror, 3
galea, -ae f.: helmet, 3 tergum, - n.: back, 8
Gorg, -onis f.: Gorgon, 4 vert, -ere, vert, versum: to turn, 4

1 difficillima: superlative difficilis 6 r: by anger; abl. of cause or means

eiuscnspect: gen. sg. the Gorgons commtae sunt: were moved; they are
4 hc mod: in this way; abl. of manner moved emotionally, not physically
ubi: when; i.e. at this point in time/place
Post haec Perseus in fns Aethiopum vnit. Ibi Cpheus qudam 1
ill tempore regnbat. Hc Neptnum, maris deum, lim
offenderat; Neptnus autem mnstrum saevissimum mserat. Hoc
cotdi mar venibat et homins devorbat. Ob hanc causam
pavor anims omnium occupverat. Cpheus igitur rculum de 5
Hammnis cnsuluit, atque de iussus est fliam mnstr trdere.
Eius autem flia, nmine Andromeda, virg frmsissima erat.
Cpheus ubi haec audvit, magnum dolrem percpit. Volbat
tamen cvs sus tant percul extrahere, atque ob eam causam
imperta Hammnis facere cnstituit. 10

Aethiops, -um m.: Ethiopians, 2 Neptnus, - m.: Neptune, 4

Andromeda, -ae f.: Andromeda, 4 nmen, nminis, n.: name, 12
Cepheus, - m.: Cepheus, 5 ob: on account of (acc.), 13
cvis, -is m/f: citizen, fellow citizen, 5 occup (1): occupy, seize, 8
consul, consulere, consulu, consultum: to offend, -ere, offend, offnsum: offend, 1
consult, 3 lim: once, formerly, 10
cottdi: daily, 2 rculum, - n.: oracle, 11
dvor (1): swallow down, devour, 4 pavor, pavris m.: terror, panic, 1
extrah, -ere, -trax, -tractum: draw out, 2 percipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: receive,
fnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 perceive, get, 5
formsus, -a, -um: shapely, beautiful, 2 regn (1): to rule, reign, 3
Hammn, -nis m.: Hammon (Jupiter), 2 saevus, -a, -um: savage, fierce, 3
imper (1): order, command, 12 virg, virginis f.: maiden, 2

1 in fns: into the borders; usual meaning Jupiter/Zeus, sometimes spelled Ammon
2 ill tempore: at; abl. of time when 6 mnstr: dat. sg. ind. obj. of trdere
Hc: note that the distinguishes this 7 nmine: by name; abl. of respect
adverb from the pronoun hic, this one virg: nom. sg. predicate
3 savissimum: superlative adj. saevus 8 haec: these (things); neut. acc. pl.
Hoc: this one; neut. sg. subject; this volbat: impf. of vol, velle, to wish,
(monster), monstrum is neuter not from vol, volre, to fly
4 mar: abl. sg. 3rd decl. i-stem noun 9 ob eam causam: for this reason
5 omnium: gen. pl. 3rd decl. i-stem adj. 10 imperta: commands; things having
de Hammnis: of the god Hammon; a been commanded neuter acc. pl. PPP
north African god often identified with (pf. pass. pple) imper
Tum rx diem certam dxit et omnia parvit. Ubi ea dis vnit, 1
Andromeda ad ltus dducta est, et in cnspect omnium ad rpem
alligta est. Omns fatum eius deplrbant, nec lacrims tenbant.
At subit, dum mnstrum exspectant, Perseus accurrit; et ubi
lacrims vdit, causam dolris quaerit. Ill rem ttam expnunt et 5
puellam demnstrant. Dum haec geruntur, fremitus terribilis
audtur; simul mnstrum horribil speci procul cnspicitur. Eius
cnspectus timrem maximum omnibus inicit. Mnstrum magn
celeritte ad ltus contendit, iamque ad locum appropinqubat ubi
puella stbat. 10

accurr, -ere, -cucurr, -cursum: to run to, 2 horribis, -e: horrible, dreadful, 11
adlig (1): bind to, tie to, 2 inici, -ere, -ic, -iectum: throw in or upon, 2
Andromeda, -ae f.: Andromeda, 4 lacrima, -ae f.: tear, 10
appropinqu (1): come near, approach, 8 maximus, -a, -um: greatest, 9
celerits, -ttis f.: speed, quickness, 7 nec: and not, nor, 10
certus, -a, -um: fixed, sure, 11 procul: from afar, from a distance, 5
conspectus, -s m.: sight, view, 6 puella, -ae f.: girl, 8
contend, -ere, -, -tus: strive; hasten; fight 11 rps, rpis f.: rock, cliff, 6
ddc, -ere: lead or bring down, launch, 10 simul: at the same time; at once, together, 10
dmonstr (1): to show, demonstrate, 13 st (1): to stand, 8
deplor (1): lament, weep, 1 tene, tenre, tenu, tentum: to hold, keep 13
expn, -ere, -su, -situm: set out, explain 7 terribilis, -e: terrible, dreadful, 5
ftum, - n.: fate, ruin, death, 2 ttus -a, -um: whole, entire, 14
fremitus, -s m.: roaring, roar, 2

1 diem certam dxit: appointed aday expnunt: explain; set out (in detail)
omnia: neut pl. acc. 3rd decl. i-stem 7 horribil speci: of; see p. 5, line 14
ea: this; is, ea, id as an adj. is a eius: of this one; or of it, i.e. monstrum
demonstrative which can be translated 8 omnibus: upon all; dat. of compound verb
as this/these or that/those magn celeritte: with..; abl. manner
3 eius: her; gen. fem. sg. is, ea, id often cum missing when there is an adj.
At Perseus ubi haec vdit, gladium suum dxit, et postquam tlria 1
induit, in ra subltus est. Tum dsuper in mnstrum impetum
subit fcit, et gladi su collum eius graviter vulnervit.
Mnstrum ubi snsit vulnus, fremitum horribilem didit, et sine
mor ttum corpus in aquam mersit. Perseus dum circum ltus 5
volat, reditum eius exspectbat. Mare autem intere undique
sanguine nficitur. Post breve tempus belua rrsus caput sustulit;
mox tamen Perse ict gravire vulnerta est. Tum iterum s in
unds mersit, neque poste vsa est.

r, aris n.: air, 7 iterum: again, a second time, 3

aqua, -ae f.: water, 11 merg, mergere, mers, mersum: to sink, 3
belua, -ae f.: beast, brute, monster, 1 mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14
circum: around, about, at, near (acc.), 1 poste: after this, afterwards, 7
collum, - n.; neck, 6 reditus, -s m.: return, 5
dsuper: from above, 2 rursus: again, backward, back, 7
d, -ere, did, ditum: give out, put forth, 3 sanguis, sanguinis m.: blood, 6
dc, -ere, -dx, -ductum: lead out, draw, 3 talria, -ium: winged shoes, 4
fremitus, -s m.: roaring, roar, 2 toll, tolle, sustul, subltum: raise, lift up 10
gladius, - m.: sword, 10 ttus -a, -um: whole, entire, 14
horribis, -e: horrible, dreadful, 11 unda, -ae f.: wave, 1
ictus, -s m.: strike, blow, 4 undique: from everywhere, from all sides, 7
impetus, -s m.: attack, onset, assault, 9 vol (1): to fly, 3
indu, -ere, indu, indtum: put on, 8 vulner (1): wound, injure, 7
infici, -ere, -fc, -fectum: stain, dye, 4 vulnus, -eris n.: wound, blow, 6
intere: meanwhile, 7

2 subltus est: 3rd sg. pf. pass. toll vowels a and e often become I'
in mnstrum: against...; often in an attack 7 sustulit: pf. toll, belua is subject
impetumfcit: made an attack 8 gravire: graver; or more serious,
3 eius: his; of that one, gen. sg. abl. sg. comparative adj. gravis, -e
4 didit: /ex + dedit, in compound verbs
Perseus postquam ad ltus dscendit, prmum tlria exuit; tum ad 1
rpem vnit ubi Andromeda vincta erat. Ea autem omnem spem
saltis dposuerat, et ubi Perseus adiit, terrre paene exanimta
erat. Ille vincula statim solvit, et puellam patr reddidit. Cpheus ob
hanc rem maxim gaudi affectus est. Meritam grtiam pr tant 5
benefici Perse rettulit; praetere Andromedam ipsam e in
matrimnium dedit. Ille libenter hoc donum accpit et puellam
dxit. Paucs anns cum uxre su in e regine habitbat, et in
magn honre erat apud omns Aethiops. Magnopere tamen
mtrem suam rursus vidre cupibat. Tandem igitur cum uxre su 10
regn Cphe discessit.

ade, -re, -i(v): go to, approach, 4 mater, matris f.: mother, 9

Aethiops, -um m.: Ethiopians, 2 matrimnium, -i n.: marriage, 6
affici, -ere, -fc, fectum: influence, treat, 13 maximus, -a, -um: greatest, 9
Andromeda, -ae f.: Andromeda, 4 meritus, -a, -um: deserved, due, just, 4
apud: among, in the presence of (+ acc.), 9 ob: on account of (acc.), 13
beneficium, - n.: benefit, favor; kindness, 8 paene: almost, nearly, 8
Cepheus, - m.: Cepheus, 5 pater, patris, m.: father, 12
cupi, -ere, -v, -tum: desire, long for, 4 praetere: besides, moreover, 3
dpon, -ere, -su, -situm: put down or aside9 pr: before, in front of, for, 9
dscend, -ere, -nd, -nsum: descend, 4 puella, -ae f.: girl, 8
discd, -ere, -ss, -ssum: go away, depart, 4 redd, ere, -did, -dditum: give back, return 4
dnum, - n.: gift, 6 rps, rpis f.: rock, cliff, 6
duc, -ere, dx, ductus: lead, draw, bring, 5 rursus: again, backward, back, 7
exanim (1): to kill, exhaust, 9 sps, -e f.: hope, 15
exu, -ere, -u, -tum: take off, put off, 1 talria, -ium: winged shoes, 4
gaudium, -i n.: gladness, joy, 9 terror, terrris m.: terror, fright, 4
grtia, -ae f.: graditude, favor, thanks, 10 uxor, xris f.: wife, spouse, 10
honor, -ris m.: honor, glory; offering, 4 vinci, -re, vnx, vnctus: bind, tie, 4
libenter: gladly, willingly, 12 vinculum, - n.: bond, chain, 4

1 prmum: first (of all); adverbial acc. compare to red-it from red-e (go back)
3 saltis: for safety; objective gen., it is 5 maxim gaudi: with; abl. manner,
equivalent to the obj. of a verb hope without cum when modified by adj.
adiit: pf. ad-e pr: (in return) for
terrre: abl. of cause 6 rettulit: pf. refer with a dat. ind. obj.
4 patr: dat. ind. obj. of r + dedit e: dat. sg., is, ea, id
reddidit: red-dedit, pf. red-d (give back), 8 paucs anns: for; acc. of duration
Postquam Perseus ad nsulam nvem appulit, s ad locum contulit 1
ubi mater lim habitverat, sed domum invnit vacuam et omnn
dsertam. Trs dis per ttam nsulam mtrem quaerbat; tandem
quart di ad templum Dinae pervnit. Hc Dana refgerat, quod
Polydectem timbat. Perseus ubi haec cognvit, r magn 5
commtus est; ad rgiam Polydectis sine mor contendit, et ubi e
vnit, statim in trium irrpit. Polydects magn timre affectus est
et fugere volbat. Dum tamen ille fgit, Perseus caput Medsae
mnstrvit; ille autem simul atque hoc vdit, in saxum versus est.

affici, -ere, -fc, fectum: influence, treat, 13 Medsa, -ae f.: Medusa, 6
appell, -ere, -pul, -puls: drive to, 14 monstr (1): to show, demonstrate, 3
atrium, atri n.: atrium, 3 mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14
commove, -re, -mv, -mtum: move, lim: once, formerly, 10
trouble, upset, 14 omnn: altogether, wholely, entirely, 11
contend, -ere, -, -tus: strive; hasten; fight 11 Polydects, -is m.: Polydectes, 7
Dana, -s f.: Danae, 5 quartus, -a, -um: one-fourth, 3
dser, -ere, -u, -sertum: to desert, 2 refugi, -ere, -fg: flee back, 5
Dina, -ae f.: Diana, 1 rgia, -ae f.: palace, 4
domus, -s f.: house, home, dwelling, 11 simul: at the same time; at once, together, 10
fugi, fugere, fg, --: to flee, hurry away, 9 templum, - n.: temple, 3
hc: to this place, hither, 2 time, -re, -u: fear, dread, 6
inrump, -ere, -rp, -ruptum: burst in, 2 ttus -a, -um: whole, entire, 14
inveni, -re, -vn, -ventum: find, discover 8 trs, tria: three, 9
ra, rae f.: anger, 12 vacuus, -a, -um: empty, fear, vacant, 1
mater, matris f.: mother, 9 vert, -ere, vert, versum: to turn, 4

1 s contulit: carried himself; pf. cnfer, a rcommtus est: see p. 5, line 24

common expression for went, moved 6 contendit: hastened; common in Caesar
2 domum: fem. sg. modified by 2 adjectives e: (to) there; adv.; ibi is there, inde
3 trs dis: for; acc. of duration is from there, and e is to there
4 quart di: at; abl. time when 7 magn timre: abl. of means
hc: (to) here; see also hc and hinc 9 simul atque: as soon as; at the same time
5 haec: these (things); neut. substantive as
Post haec Perseus cum uxre su ad urbem Acris rediit. Ille autem 1
ubi Perseum vdit, magno terrre affectus est; nam propter
rculum istud neptem suum adhuc timbat. In Thessaliam igitur
ad urbem Larsam statim refgit, frustr tamen; neque enim ftum
suum vtvit. Post paucs anns rx Larsae luds magns fcit; 5
nuntis in omns parts dmserat et diem dixerat. Mult ex
omnibus urbibus Graeciae ad lds convnrunt. Ipse Perseus inter
alis certmen discrum iniit. At dum discum conicit, avum suum
cs occdit; Acrisius enim inter specttrs eius certminis forte
stbat. 10

Acrisius, -i m.: Acrisius, 4 inter: between, among (+ acc.), 10

adhuc: still, 5 iste, ista, istud: that or those (of yours), 7
affici, -ere, -fc, fectum: influence, treat, 13 Lrsa, -ae f.: Larisa, 2
alius, -a, -ud: other, another, else, 9 ldus, - m.: game, sport; school, 2
avus, av m.: grandfather, 2 nam: for, 6
csus, -s m.: misfortune, accident, event, 8 neps, neptis m.: grandson, decendent, 2
certmen, -minis n.: struggle, contest, 2 nuntius, -i m.: messenger, 12
conici, -ere, -ic: throw together, throw, take occid, -ere, -cid, -csus: kill, cut down, 14
oneself, 13 rculum, - n.: oracle, 11
conveni, -re, vn, ventum: come together 8 propter: on account of, because of, 6
dmitt, -ere, -ms, --: send away, let go, 8 refugi, -ere, -fg: flee back, 5
discus, - m.: discus, 2 specttor, -tris m.: spectator, observer, 1
dc, -ere, -dx, dictum: declare, proclaim, 4 st (1): to stand, 8
ftum, - n.: fate, ruin, death, 2 terror, terrris m.: terror, fright, 4
forte Thessalia, -ae f.: Thessaly, 4
frustr: in vain, for nothing, 13 time, -re, -u: fear, dread, 6
Graecia, -ae f.: Greece, 7 uxor, xris f.: wife, spouse, 10
ine, -re, -, -itum: go into, enter, 4 vt (1): to avoid, 2

1 rediit: pf. red-e dixerat: appointed

2 magn terrre: abl. of means 7 ad: for; ad often expresses purpose
3 istud: neut. sg. with rculum (cf. illud) 8 iniit: pf. in-e
4 frustr: adverb 9 cs: by chance; 4th decl. abl. of manner
5 fcit: produced; i.e. organized eius: of that; demon. adjective
6 parts: directions forte: by chance; abl. as adverb, frs
Herculs, Alcmnae flius, lim in Graeci habitbat. Hic omnium 1
hominum validissimus fuisse dcitur. At In, regna derum,
Alcmnam derat et Herculem adhuc nfantem necre voluit. Msit
igitur dus serpents saevissims; hae medi nocte in cubiculum
Alcmnae venrunt, ubi Herculs cum fratre su dormibat. Nec 5
tamen in cns, sed in sct magn cubbant. Serpents iam
appropinquverant et sctum movbant; itaque puer somn
excitt sunt.

adhuc: still, 5 In, -nis m.: Juno, 3

Alcmena, -ae f.: Alcmena, 4 medius, -a, -um: middle of, 10
appropinqu (1): come near, approach, 8 move, -re, mv, mtum: move, arouse, 3
cubiculum, - n.: bedroom, 1 nec: and not, nor, 10
cub (1): to lie down, recline, 1 nec (1): to kill, slay, put to death, 9
cnae, -rum f.: cradle, 1 nox, noctis, f.: night, 7
dormi, -re, -v: to sleep, 8 d, -isse: to hate, 1
duo, duae, duo: two, 10 lim: once, formerly, 10
excit (1): excite, rouse, incite, 8 regna, -ae f.: queen, 2
flius, -i m.: son, 10 saevus, -a, -um: savage, fierce, 3
frter, -tris m.: brother, 5 sctum, - n.: shield, 2
Graecia, -ae f.: Greece, 7 serpns, serpentis f.: serpent, 6
infns, -fantis m. f.: infant, 2 somnus, - m.: sleep, 14
itaque: and so, 8 validus, -a, -um: strong, 1

1 omnium hominum: of; partitive gen. 3 derat: plpf., simple past in sense
fuisse dcitur: is said to have been; pf. 4 hae (serpents): these; nom. subject
inf. sum; superlative validissimus as pred. medi nocte: in; abl. of time when
phicls, frter Herculis, magn vce exclmvit; sed Herculs ipse, 1
fortissimus puer, haudququam territus est. Parvs manibus
serpents statim prehendit, et colla erum magn v compressit.
Tl mod serpents puer interfectae sunt. Alcmna autem, mter
puerrum, clamrem audverat, et martum suum somn 5
excitverat. Ille lmen accendit et gladium suum rapuit; tum ad
puers properbat, sed ubi ad locum vnit, rem mram vdit,
Herculs enim rdbat et serpents mortus mnstrbat.

accend, -ere, -nd, -nsum: kindle, light, 2 mater, matris f.: mother, 9
Alcmena, -ae f.: Alcmena, 4 mrus, -a, -um: wonderful, amazing, 7
clmor, -ris m.: shout, roar, applause, 4 mortuus, -a, -um: dead, 7
collum, - n.; neck, 6 parvus, -a, -um: small, 3
comprim, -ere, -press: press together, 2 prehend, -ere, -hend, -hnsum: seize, 5
excit (1): excite, rouse, incite, 8 proper (1): to hasten, 1
exclm (1): cry out, 3 rapi, -ere, rapu, raptum: to seize, snatch, 5
fortis, -e: strong, brave, valiant, 5 ride, -re, rs, -rsum: to laugh, 1
frter, -tris m.: brother, 5 serpns, serpentis f.: serpent, 6
gladius, - m.: sword, 10 somnus, - m.: sleep, 14
haudququam: not at all, in no way, 2 tlis, -e: such, 6
phicls, -is m.: Iphicles, 1 terre, -re, -u, territum: to terrify, scare, 5
lmen, lminis n.: light, 3 vx, vcis, f.: voice, 9
maritus, - m.: husband, 3

1 magn vce: in a loud; abl. of manner, irreg. abl. sg. vs

loses prep. cum when there is an adj. 4 tl mod: in such a way; abl. of manner,
3 magn v: with great force; abl. of manner; abl. sg. 3rd decl. i-stem adj. tlis, -e
Herculs puer corpus suum diligenter exercbat; magnam 1
partem di in palaestr consumbat; didicit etiam arcum intendere
et tla conicere. Hs exercittinibus vrs eius confirmtae sunt. In
music etiam Lin centaur rudibatur (centaur autem equ
erant sed caput hominis habbant); huic tamen art minus dligenter 5
studbat. Hic Linus Herculem lim obiurgbat, quod nn studisus
erat; tum puer rtus citharam subit rapuit, et omnibus vribus
caput magistr nflcis percussit. Ille ict prostrtus est, et paul
post vt excessit, neque quisquam poste id officium suscipere
voluit. 10

arcus, -s m.; bow, 4 Linus, - m.: Linus, 2

ars, artis f.: skill, craft, art, 5 magister, magistr m.: teacher, 1
centaurus, - m.: centaur, 12 minus: less, 1
cithara, -ae f.: cithera, lyre, 1 msica, -ae f.: music, 1
confirm (1): make strong, strengthen, 5 obiurg (1): child, scold, reproach, 2
conici, -ere, -ic: throw together, throw, take officium, -i, n.: duty, 2
oneself, 13 lim: once, formerly, 10
consm, -ere, -mps, -mptum: take, spend 9 palaestra, -ae f.: wrestling-court, 1
diligenter: carefully, diligently, 3 percuti, -ere, -cuss, -cussum: strike, 2
disc, -ere, didic: to learn, come to know, 1 poste: after this, afterwards, 7
equus, - m.: horse, 7 prostern, -ere, -strv, -tum: to lay out, 3
rudi, -re, -v, -tum: instruct, 1 quisquam, quidquam: anyone, anything, 4
excd, -ere, -cess, -cessum: go out, depart, 2 rapi, -ere, rapu, raptum: to seize, snatch, 5
exerce, -re, -u, -ercitum: train, exercise. 1 stude, -re, -u: be eager, be enthusiastic, 1
exercitti, -tinis f.: training, exercise, 1 studisus, -a, -um: eager, diligent, studious, 1
ictus, -s m.: strike, blow, 4 suscipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: undertake, 14
inflx, -flcis: unhappy, unfortunate, 2 telum, - n.: weapon, arrow, spear, 3
intend, -ere, -nd, -ntum: stretch out, aim, 4 vta, -ae, f.: life, 9
rtus, -a, -um: angry, 5

1 puer: from boyhood minus: comp. adv. modifies dligenter

2 di: partitive gen. sg. 5th decl. dis 7 vribus: cf. line 14, abl. of means, note
didicit: pf. disc that this word is 3rd decl. while vir, vir
3 vrs: strength; fem. pl. of vs, which man is 2nd decl.
translates as force in the sg. 8 paul: (by) a little; abl. of degree of
eius: gen. sg., is, ea, id difference modifies adverbial post, later
5 huicart: dat. sg. ars, artis f.; obj. of 9 vt excessit: euphemism for dying
stude, be eager or enthusiastic for (dat.) id officium: this duty; demon. adj.
D Hercule haec etiam inter alia nrrantur. lim dum iter facit, in 1
fns Aegyptirum vnit. Ibi rx qudam, nmine Bsris, ill
tempore rgnbat; hic autem vir crdlissimus homins immolre
cnsuverat. Herculem igitur corripuit et in vincula conicit. Tum
nntis dmisit et diem sacrifici dxit. Mox ea dis appetbat, et 5
omnia rt parta sunt. Mans Herculis catns ferres vinctae sunt,
et mola salsa in caput eius inspersa est. Ms enim erat apud
antqus salem et far capitibus victimrum impnere. Iam victima
ad ram stbat; iam sacerds cultrum smpserat. Subit tamen
Herculs magn cnt vincula perrpit; tum ict sacerdtem 10
prostrvit; alter rgem ipsum occdit.

Aegypti, -rum m.: Egyptians, 1 impon, -ere, -posu, -positus: place on, 7
alius, -a, -ud: other, another, else, 9 insperg, -ere, -ers, -ersum: sprinkle upon, 1
alter, -era, -erum: other (of two), second, 7 inter: between, among (+ acc.), 10
antquus, -a, -um: ancient, 3 mola, -ae f.: meal, 1
appet, -ere, -v, -pettum: draw near, 3 ms, mris m.: custom, manner, law, 6
apud: among, in the presence of (+ acc.), 9 narr (1): to narrate, relate, 7
ra, -ae f.: altar, 2 nmen, nminis, n.: name, 12
Bsris, -idis m.: Busiris, 1 nuntius, -i m.: messenger, 12
catna, -ae f.: chain, 2 occid, -ere, -cid, -csus: kill, cut down, 14
contus, -s m.: attempt, effort, 7 lim: once, formerly, 10
conici, -ere, -ic: throw together, throw, take perrump, -ere, -rp, -ruptum: break
oneself, 13 through, 2
consuesc, -ere, -v, -sutum: to accustom, 3 prostern, -ere, -strv, -tum: to lay out, 3
corripi, -ere, -u, -reptus: snatch (up), 6 regn (1): to rule, reign, 3
crdlis, -e: cruel, bitter, bloody, 6 rt: duly, fitly, 1
culter, cultr m.: knife, 1 sacerds, -dtis m. f.: priest(ess), 2
dmitt, -ere, -ms, --: send away, let go, 8 sacrificium, -i n.: sacrifice, 5
dc, -ere, -dx, -dictum: declare, proclaim, sl, salis m.: salt, 1
4 salsus, -a, -um: salted, salty, 1
fr, farris n.: spelt (wheat), sacrifical meal, 1 st (1): to stand, 8
ferreus, -a, -um: of iron, iron, 1 sum, sumere, sumps, sumptum: to take, 3
fnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 victima, -ae f.: victim, 2
ictus, -s m.: strike, blow, 4 vinci, -re, vnx, vnctus: bind, tie, 4
immol, -re, -v, -tum: sacrifice, 1 vinculum, - n.: bond, chain, 4

1 D: about ea dis: this day; a demonstrative adj.

haec: these (things); neuter acc. pl. 7 Ms erat: it was the custom to; impersonal
2 nmine: by name; abl. of respect 8 capitibus: on; dat. of compound verb
ill tempore: at; abl. of time when 10 magn cnt: with; abl. of manner
5 sacrifici: for sacrifice; dat. of purpose 11 alter (ict): with another blow; abl.
dxit: appointed, proclaimed means
Herculs iam adulscns Thbs habitbat. Rx Thbrum, vir 1
ignvus, Cren appellbtur. Minyae, gns bellicsissima,
Thbns fnitim erant. Lgt autem Minys ad Thbns
quotanns mittbantur; h Thbs venibant et centum bovs
postulbant. Thbn enim lim Minys supert erant; tribta 5
igitur rg Minyrum quotanns pendbant. At Herculs cvs sus
hc stipendi lberre cnstituit; lgts igitur comprehendit, atque
aurs erum abscdit. Lgt autem apud omns gents snct

abscd, -ere, -cd, -csum: cut away or off, 5 lgtus, - m.: ambassador, legate, 3
adulscns, -entis: young (man), youth(ful), 3 liber (1): to set free, release, 6
appell (1): call (by name), name, 12 Minyae, -rum f.: Minyae, 5
apud: among, in the presence of (+ acc.), 9 lim: once, formerly, 10
auris, -is f.: ear, 1 pend, -ere, , pepend, pensum: pay, hang, 1
bellicsus, -a, -um: warlike, 2 postul (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11
centum: hundred, 3 quotanns: every year, yearly, 2
cvis, -is m/f: citizen, fellow citizen, 5 sanctus, -a, -um: sacred, holy, 1
comprehend, -ere, -d, -sum: grasp, seize, 3 stpendium, - n.: tax, tribute, 1
Creon, -ontis m.: Creon, 5 super (1): to overcome, defeat, 3
fnitimus, -a, -um: neighboring, bordering, 2 Thbae, -rum f.: Thebes, 4
gns, gentis f.: clan, race, nation, herd, 4 Thbn, -rum m.: Theban, 7
ignavus, -a, -um: lazy, cowardly, 2 tribtum, - n.: tribute, tax, contribution, 1

1 Thbs: in Thebes; locative (place where) 4 h: these; i.e. the lgt, envoys
2 Cren: nom. predicate Thbs: to Thebes; place to which, towns
bellicsissima: superlative adj. and cities do no require ad
3 Thbns: to Thebans; dat. with a special 6 pendbant: used to pay; iterative impf
adj. fnitim 7 hc stipendi: from; abl. separation
Ergnus, rx Minyrum, ob haec vehementer rtus statim cum 1
omnibus copis in fns Thbnrum contendit. Cren adventum
eius per explortrs cognvit. Ipse tamen pugnre nluit, nam
magn timre affectus erat; Thbn igitur Herculem impertorem
crevrunt. Ille nuntis in omns parts dmisit, et cpis cogit; 5
tum proxim di cum magn exercit profectus est. Locum
idneum dlgit et aciem nstrxit. Tum Thbn superire loc
impetum in hosts fcrunt. Ill autem impetum sustinre nn
poturunt; itaque acis hostium pulsa est atque in fgam conversa.

acis, - f.: sharp edge, battle line, army, 3 impertor, -ris m.: commander, 1
adventus, -s m.: arrival, approach, 3 impetus, -s m.: attack, onset, assault, 9
affici, -ere, -fc, fectum: influence, treat, 13 instru, -ere, -strx, -structum: equip, draw
cognsc, -ere, -nv, -nitum: to learn, perf. up, 6
know, 22 rtus, -a, -um: angry, 5
cg, cgere, -g, -ctum: collect, compel, 5 Itaque: and so, 8
contend, -ere, -, -ntus: strive; hasten; locus, - m.: place, region, situation;
compete, 11 opportunity, 51
convert, -ere, -, -rsus: turn (around), Minyae, -rum f.: Minyae, 5
reverse, 6 nam: for, 6
copia, -ae f.: abundance, supply; troops, 10 nl, nlle, nlu: notwish, be unwilling 12
cre (1): to create, 2 nuntius, -i m.: messenger, 12
Creon, -ontis m.: Creon, 5 ob: on account of (acc.), 13
dlig, -ere, -lg, -lectum: choose, select, 6 proximus, -a, -um: nearest, next, 5
dmitt, -ere, -ms, --: send away, let go, 8 pugn (1): to fight, 4
Ergnus, - m.: Erginus, 1 superior, -ius: higher, upper, 3
exercitus, -s m.: army, 2 sustine, -re, u, -tentum: hold up, bear up 7
explrtor, -ris m.: scout, spy, 1 Thbn, -rum m.: Theban, 7
fnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 vehementer: strongly, violently, ardently, 11
idneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12

2 copis: troops; as often in Caesar 8 in hosts: against; as often in battle

6 profectus est: set out; pf. dep. proficiscor 9 in fgam: to flight
Post hoc proelium Herculs cpis sus ad urbem redxit. Omns 1
Thbn propter victriam maxim gaudbant; Cren autem magns
honoribus Herculem decorvit, atque fliam suam e in
matrimnium dedit. Herculs cum uxre su betam vtam agbat;
sed post paucs anns subit in furrem incidit, atque libers sus 5
ipse su man occdit. Post breve tempus ad sanittem reductus est,
et propter hoc facinus magn dolre affectus est; mox ex urbe
effgit et in silvs s recpit. Nolbant enim cvs sermnem cum
e habre.

affici, -ere, -fc, fectum: influence, treat, 13 maxim: especially, very greatly, 5
ag, agere, g, ctum: drive, lead, spend, 13 nl, nlle, nlu: notwish, be unwilling 12
beatus, -a, -um: blessed, happy, 3 occid, -ere, -cid, -csus: kill, cut down, 14
cvis, -is m/f: citizen, fellow citizen, 5 proelium, -i n.: battle, 4
copia, -ae f.: abundance, supply; troops, 10 propter: on account of, because of, 6
Creon, -ontis m.: Creon, 5 recipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: accept, take
decor (1): to adorn, distinguish, 2 back, 8
effugi, -ere, -fg: flee away, escape, 1 redc, -ere, -x, -ctus: lead or bring back, 11
facinus, facinoris n.: bad deed, crime, 1 snits, -ttis f.: soundness, sanity, 1
furor, -ris m.: rage, fury, madness, 4 serm, sermnis m.: conversation, talk, 2
gaude, -re, gvsus sum: enjoy, rejoice, 4 silva, -ae f.: wood, forest, woodland, 7
honor, -ris m.: honor, glory; offering, 4 Thbn, -rum m.: Theban, 7
incid, -ere, -cid: fall into, fall upon, 3 uxor, xris f.: wife, spouse, 10
lber, -rum m.: children, 1 victria, -ae f.: victory, 1
matrimnium, -i n.: marriage, 6 vta, -ae, f.: life, 9

1 cpis: troops 7 affectus est: was afflicted

3 e: to him; dat. sg. ind. obj. is, ea, id 8 s recpit: retreated; s recipiere is a
4 agbat: lived; idiom with vtam common idiom for retreat
6 ipse: he himself; supply a subject
Herculs tantum scelus expire magnopere cupibat. Constituit 1
igitur ad rculum Delphicum re; hoc enim rculum erat omnium
celeberrimum. Ibi templum erat Apollinis plrims dnis orntum.
Hc in templ sedbat fmina quaedam, nmine Pythia, et
cnsilium dabat es qu ad rculum venibant. Haec autem femina 5
ab ips Apolline docbatur, et volunttem de hominibus
nuntibat. Herculs igitur, qu Apollinem praecipu colbat, hc
vnit. Tum rem ttam expsuit, neque scelus clvit.

Apollo, -inis m.: Apollo, 7 hc: to this place, hither, 2

celeber, -bris, -bre: frequented, celebrated, 2 nmen, nminis, n.: name, 12
cl (1): hide, conceal, 5 rculum, - n.: oracle, 11
col, -ere, colu, cultum: cultivate, cherish, 3 rn (1): to equip, adorn, 1
Delphicus, -a, -um: Delphic, 1 plrimus, -a, -um: most, very many, 3
doce, -re, -u, -ctus: teach, tell, 9 praecipu; especially, 2
dnum, - n.: gift, 6 Pthia, -ae f.: Pythia, 4
nunti (1): speak out, 1 scelus, sceleris n.: wickedness, crime, 4
expi (1): expiate, 2 sede, -re, sd, sessum: to sit, 6
expn, -ere, -su, -situm: set out, explain 7 templum, - n.: temple, 3
fmina, -ae f.: woman, 3 volunts, -ttis f.: will, wish, permission, 1

1 tantum scelus: neuter acc. sg. 5 es: dat. pl. ind. obj. with dabat
2 re: to go; inf. e 6 hominibus: dat. pl. ind. obj.
omnium: partitive gen. with superlative 7 colbat: used to worship; iterative
3 celeberrimum: predicate, superlative adj. hc: to here; place to which of hc
eratorntum: orntum erat, plpf. pass. scelus: neuter acc. sg.
Ubi Hercules fnem fcit, Pythia prm tacbat; tandem tamen iussit 1
eum ad urbem Tryntha re, et Eurysthe rgis omnia
imperta facere. Herculs ubi haec audvit, ad urbem illam
contendit, et Eurysthe rg s in servittem trdidit. Duodecim
anns crudelissim Eurysthe servibat, et duodecim labrs, qus 5
ille imperverat, cnfcit; hc enim n mod tantum scelus expir
potuit. D hs labribus plrima pots scripta sunt. Multa tamen
quae potae nrrant vix crdibilia sunt.

contend, -ere, -, -tus: strive; hasten; fight 11 pota, -ae m.: poet, 4
credibilis, -e: credible, 2 Pthia, -ae f.: Pythia, 4
crdlis, -e: cruel, bitter, bloody, 6 scelus, sceleris n.: wickedness, crime, 4
duodecim: twelve, 6 scrb, -ere, scrps, scrptum: write, 2
expi (1): expiate, 2 servi, -re, -v, -tum: to be slave to, serve, 1
fnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 servits, servittis, f.: servitude, 2
imper (1): order, command, 12 tace, -re, -u, -itum: be silent, 2
narr (1): to narrate, relate, 7 Tryns, Tirynthis f.: Tiryns, 1
plrimus, -a, -um: most, very many, 3 vix: with difficulty, with effort, scarcely, 5

1 prm: at first; adverb servibat: served; governs a dative object

re: to go; inf. e 6 hcn mod: in this one way; manner
2 Eurysthe rgis: gen. sg. scelus: nom. subj., neuter sg.
3 imperta: commands; things having been expir: passive inf. expi, expire
commanded neuter acc. pl. PPP (pf. pass. 7 plrima: very many (things); neuter pl.
pple) of imper subject, superlative of multus
4 Eurysthe rg: dat. ind. obj. multa: many things; subject
5 anns: for; acc. of duration
Prmum ab Eurysthe iussus est Herculs lenem occdere qu ill 1
tempore vallem Nemeaeam reddbat nfestam. In silvs igitur in quibus
le habitbat statim s contulit. Mox feram vdit, et arcum, quem scum
attulerat, intendit; eius tamen pellem, quae dnsissima erat, tricere non
potuit. Tum clv magn quam semper gerbat leonem percussit, frstr 5
tamen; neque enim hc mod eum occdere potuit. Tum dmum collum
mnstr bracchis sus complexus est et faucs eius omnibus vribus
compressit. Hc mod le brev tempore exanimatus est; nulla enim
resprand facults e dabtur. Tum Herculs cdaver ad oppidum in
umers rettulit; et pellem, quam dtrxerat, poste pr veste gerbat. 10
Omns autem qu eam reginem incolbant, ubi fmam d morte lenis
accprunt, vehementer gaudbant et Herculem magn honre habbant.

affer, -ferre, attul, alltum: carry to bring 5 intend, -ere, -nd, -ntum: stretch out, aim, 4
arcus, -s m.; bow, 4 le, lenis m.: lion, 5
bracchium, - n.: arm, 2 mors, mortis, f.: death, 9
cadver, -eris n.: corpse, dead body, 3 Nemeaeus, -a, -um: of Nemea, 1
clva, -ae f.: club, 1 occid, -ere, -cid, -csus: kill, cut down, 14
collum, - n.; neck, 6 oppidum, - n.: town, 4
complector, -plect, -plexus sum: embrace, 3 pellis, -is f.: hide, skin, pelt, 2
comprim, -ere, -press: press together, 2 percuti, -ere, -cuss, -cussum: strike, 2
dmum: at length, finally, 3 poste: after this, afterwards, 7
densus, -a, -um: thick, 2 pr: before, in front of, for, 9
dtrah, -ere, -ax, -actum: draw away/off, 2 redd, -ere, did, dditum: give back, return 4
exanim (1): to kill, exhaust, 9 respr (1): to breathe back, breathe out, 2
facults, -ttis f.: ability, opportunity, 5 semper: always, ever, forever, 2
fma, -ae f.: fame, reputation, report, rumor 7 silva, -ae f.: wood, forest, woodland, 7
faucs, -ium f.: throat, 2 trici, -ere, -ic, -iectum: pierce, throw
fera, -ae f.: wild animal, beast, 1 across, 2
frustr: in vain, for nothing, 13 umerus, - m.: shoulder, 3
gaude, -re, gvsus sum: enjoy, rejoice, 4 vallis, -is f.: valley, vale, 2
honor, -ris m.: honor, glory; offering, 4 vehementer: strongly, violently, ardently, 11
incol, -ere, -u: inhabit, 4 vestis, -is f.: clothing, 12
infstus, -a, -um: unsafe, dangerous, 1

1 prmum: first (of all); adverbial acc. vribus: with strength; abl. of means,
ill tempore: at; abl. time when pl. of vs, force; 3rd declension endings
3 s contulit: carried himself; i.e. he went, distinguish it from vir, vir
pf. cnfer 8 brev tempore: at; abl. time when,
scum: cum s 3rd decl. i-stem abl. sg.
4 attulerat: plpf. affer 9 resprand: gen. sg. of the gerund (-ing)
5 gerbat: he was carrying modifying nom. sg. facults
frustr: in vain; adverb e: dat. sg. indirect object of is, ea, id
6 hc mod: in this way; abl. of manner 10 rettulit: pf. refer
7 complexus est: a deponent verb; translate 12 magn honre: in great honor
as a perfect active verb
Paul post iussus est ab Eurysthe Hydram necre. Hoc autem mnstrum 1
erat cui novem erant capita. Hercules igitur cum amc Iola profectus est
ad paldem Lernaeam, in qu Hydra habitbat. Mox mnstrum invnit, et
quamquam rs erat magni pericul, collum eius sinistr prehendit. Tum
dextr capita novem abscdere coepit; quotins tamen hoc fcerat, nova 5
capita exoribantur. Di frustr laborbat; tandem hc cnt dstitit.
Deinde arbors succdere et ignem accendere cnstituit. Hoc celeriter
fcit, et postquam ligna ignem comprehendrunt, face rdente colla
adssit, unde capita exoribantur. Nec tamen sine magn labre haec
fcit; vnit enim auxili Hydrae cancer ingns, qu, dum Herculs capita 10
abscdit, crra eius mordbat. Postquam mnstrum tal mod interfcit,
sagitts sus sanguine eius imbuit, itaque mortifers reddidit.

abscd, -ere, -cd, -csum: cut away or off, 5 itaque: and so, 8
accend, -ere, -nd, -nsum: kindle, light, 2 labr (1): work, toil, labor, strive, 2
adr, -rere, -ss, stum: set fire to, burn 1 Lernaeus, -a, -um: of Lerna, 1
arbor, -is f.: tree, 5 lgnum, - n.: wood, 4
arde, -re, ars, arsum: be on fire, burn, 3 morde, -ere, momord, morsum: bite, 1
cancer, -cancr m.: crab, 1 mortifer, -fera, -ferum: death-bearing, 2
celeriter: swiftly, quickly, 1 nec: and not, nor, 10
collum, - n.; neck, 6 nec (1): to kill, slay, put to death, 9
comprehend, -ere, -d, -sum: grasp, seize, 3 novem: nine, 3
contus, -s m.: attempt, effort, 7 novus, -a, -um: new, 4
crs, crris n.: leg, 1 pals, paldis f.: swamp, marsh, 3
deinde: then, thereupon, 8 prehend, -ere, -hend, -hnsum: seize, 5
dexter, -tra, -trum: right (hand); favorable, 1 quamquam: although, 4
di: a long time, long, 13 quotins: as often as, 2
exorior, -orr, -ortus sum: arise from, rise, 2 redd, ere, did, -dditum: give back, return, 4
fax, facis f.: torch, firebrand, 2 sagitta, -ae f.: arrow, 10
frustr: in vain, for nothing, 13 sanguis, sanguinis m.: blood, 6
Hydra, -ae f.: Hydra, 5 sinistra, -ae f.: left hand, 1
ignis, ignis, m.: fire, 9 succd, -ere, -cd, -csum: cut down or off, 1
imbu, -uere, -bu, -btum: wet, soak, 2 tlis, -e: such, 6
inveni, -re, -vn, -ventum: find, discover 8 unde: whence, from which source, 6
Iolus, - m.: Iolaus, 1

1 paul: a little; dat. of degree of difference frustr: in vain; adverb

2 cuierant: (the one) to whom there were; hc cnt: from; abl. of separation
i.e. who had or whosewere dat. of 7 ligna: nom. subject, neuter plural
possession is common with a form of sum face rdente: abl. abs.; pres. pple rde
profectus est: pf. dep. proficscor, 10 auxili Hydrae: as help for the Hydra;
translate as pf. active for help, double dative (dat. purpose and
4 magn percul: of great danger; genitive dat. of interest)
of description in the predicative position 11 eius: gen. sg. is, ea, id; i.e. Heracles
sinistr (man): with is left hand; abl. tal mod: in such a way; abl. of manner,
means; as often supply man 3rd decl. i-stem abl.
5 dextr (man): again, abl. of mean 12 mortifers reddidit: rendered (the
6 exoribantur: impf. deponent arrows) deadly; mortifers is acc. pred.
Postquam Eurysthe caeds Hydrae nuntita est, magnus timor 1
animum eius occupvit. Iussit igitur Herculem cervum quendam ad
s referre; nluit enim virum tantae audciae in urbe retinre. Hic
autem cervus, cuius cornua aurea fuisse trduntur, incrdibil fuit
celeritte. Herculs igitur prm vestigis eum in silv 5
persequbatur; deinde ubi cervum ipsum vdit, omnibus vribus
currere coepit. sque ad vesperum currbat, neque nocturnum
tempus sibi ad quitem relinqubat, frustr tamen; nll enim
mod cervum cnsequ poterat. Tandem postquam ttum annum
cucurrerat (ita trditur), cervum curs exanimtum cpit, et vvum 10
ad Eurystheum rettulit.

audcia, -ae f.: boldness, audacity, 2 nocturnus, -a, -um: nocturnal, 2

aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 nl, nlle, nlu: notwish, be unwilling 12
caeds, -is f.: slaughter, killing, 1 nunti (1): announce, 3
celerits, -ttis f.: speed, quickness, 7 occup (1): occupy, seize, 8
cervus, - m.: stag, 5 persequor, -sequ, -sectus: follow up, 1
consequor, -, sectus: follow after; pursue, 3 quis, quitis f.: rest, repose, sleep, 5
corn, -s n.: horn, 2 relinqu, -ere, -lqu, -lictum: leave behind, 9
curr, -ere, cucurr, cursus: run, rush, fly, 4 retine, -re, -u, -tentum: hold/keep back, 3
cursus, -s m.: course, running, haste, 10 silva, -ae f.: wood, forest, woodland, 7
deinde: then, thereupon, 8 usque: all the way to, up to, continuously, 2
exanim (1): to kill, exhaust, 9 vesper, vesper m.: evening, 4
frustr: in vain, for nothing, 13 vestgium, -i n.: track, foot-print, 4
Hydra, -ae f.: Hydra, 5 vvus, -a, -um: living, alive, 4
incrdibilis, -e: incredible, 2

3 referre: irreg. inf. of re-fer 5 prm: adverb

tantae audciae: of; gen. of description 6 persequbtur: impf. dep., translate act.
4 fuisse: pf. inf. sum 8 sibi: for him; dat. of interest
trduntur: are reported 9 cnsequ: to catch up with; dep. inf.
incrdibil celeritte: of; abl. of quality 10 ita trditur: thus it is reported
Tum vr iussus est Herculs aprum quendam capere qu ill 1
tempore agrs Erymanthis vstbat et incols huius reginis
magnopere terrbat. Herculs rem suscpit et in Arcadiam
profectus est. Postquam in silvam paulum prgressus est, apr
occurrit. Ille autem simul atque Herculem vdit, statim refgit; et 5
timre perterritus in altam fossam s proicit. Herculs igitur
laqueum quem attulerat inicit, et summ cum difficultte aprum
foss extrxit. Ille ets fortiter repugnbat, nll mod s liberre
potuit; et ab Hercule ad Eurystheum vvus reltus est.

ager, -gr m.: land, field, territory, 11 liber (1): to set free, release, 6
altus, -a, -um: high, lofty, tall, 2 occurr, -ere: run into, meet, attack, 2
aper, arp m.: wild boar, 3 perterre, -re: frighten, terrify, 5
Arcadia, -ae f.: Arcadia, 2 proici, -icere, -ic, -iectum: throw forth, 4
difficults, -ttis f.: difficulty, 7 refugi, -ere, -fg: flee back, 5
Erymanthius, -a, -um: of Erymanthus, 1 repugn (1): fight against, oppose, resist, 2
ets: even if, although, though, 13 silva, -ae f.: wood, forest, woodland, 7
extrah, -ere, -trax, -tractum: draw out, 2 simul: at the same time; at once, together, 10
fortiter: bravely, 2 suscipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: undertake, 14
fossa, -ae f.: ditch, trench, 3 terre, -re, -u, territum: to terrify, scare, 5
incola, -ae m.: inhabitant, 7 vast (1): lay waste, 2
inici, -ere, -ic, -iectum: throw in or upon, 2 vr: in truth, in fact, certainly, 5
laqueus, - m.: noose, 1 vvus, -a, -um: living, alive, 4

1 ill tempore: in; abl. of time when 5 simul atque: as soon as; the same time as
4 profectus est: pf. dep. proficiscor, translate 6 altam: deep
in the pf. active 7 attulerat: pf. affer
paulum: adverbial acc. 8 ets: although
progressus est: pf. dep. progredior nll mod: in no way; abl. of manner
apr: dat. obj. of a compound verb 9 reltus est: pf. pass. re-fer
D quart labre, quem supr narrvimus, haec etiam trduntur. 1
Herculs dum iter in Arcadiam facit, ad eam reginem vnit quam
centaur incolbant. Cum nox iam appeteret, ad spluncam dvertit
in qu centaurus qudam, nmine Pholus, habitbat.
Ille Herculem benign excpit et cnam parvit. At Herculs 5
postquam cenvit, vnum Phol postulvit. Erat autem in
spelunc magna amphora vn optim replta, quam centaur ibi
dposuerant. Pholus igitur hoc vnum dare nolbat, quod reliqus
centaurs timbat; nllum tamen vnum praeter hoc in spelunc
habbat. "Hoc vnum," inquit, "mihi commissum est. S igitur hoc 10
dab, centaur m interficient." Herculs tamen eum irrsit, et ipse
pculum vn d amphor hausit.

amphora, -ae f.: amphora, jar, 3 narr (1): to narrate, relate, 7

appet, -ere, -v, -pettum: draw near, 3 nl, nlle, nlu: notwish, be unwilling 12
Arcadia, -ae f.: Arcadia, 2 nmen, nminis, n.: name, 12
benignus, -a, -um: kind, 4 nox, noctis, f.: night, 7
cna, -ae f.: dinner, 5 optimus, -a, -um: best, noblest, finest, 1
cn (1): to dine, eat dinner, 2 Pholus, - m.: Pholus, 6
committ, -mittere, -ms: commit, entrust, 6 pculum, - n.: cup, 7
dpon, -ere, -su, -situm: put down or aside9 postul (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11
dvert, -ere, -vert: turn away, turn aside, 1 praeter: except, besides, 2
excipi, ere, cp, ceptum: receive, welcome9 quartus, -a, -um: one-fourth, 3
hauri, haurre, haus, -stum: drink, draw, 1 reple, -re, -plv, -pltum: fill again, fill, 4
incol, -ere, -u: inhabit, 4 supr: above, before, 6
inquam, inquis, inquit: to say, 6 time, -re, -u: fear, dread, 6
irrde, -re, -rs, -rsum: laugh at, mock, 1

1 d: about 7 replta: PPP (pf. pass. pple) reple

supr: above; i.e. earlier in the story 10 mihi: dat. ind. object
haec: neut. pl. nom. subject commissum est: was entrusted
trduntur: are reported Sdab, interficient: If I givewill
2 eam: that; demonstrative adj. kill; fut. more vivid condition (s, fut. ind.,
4 nmine: by name; abl. of respect fut. ind.), the protasis (dab) in English
5 benign: - ending forms an adverb translation is pres. in form but fut. in sense
6 Erat: there was
Simul atque amphora aperta est, odor icundissimus undique 1
diffsus est; vnum enim suvissimum erat. Centaur ntum
odorem snsrunt et omns ad locum convnrunt. Ubi ad
spluncam pervnrunt, magnopere rt erant quod Herculem
bibentem vdrunt. Tum arma rapurunt et Pholum interficere 5
volbant. Herculs tamen in adit spluncae cnstitit et impetum
erum fortissim sustinbat. Facs rdents in es conicit; mults
etiam sagitts sus vulnervit. Hae autem sagittae eaedem erant
quae sanguine Hydrae lim imbtae erant. Omns igitur qus ille
sagitts vulnerverat venn statim absmpt sunt; reliqu autem 10
ubi hoc vdrunt, terga vertrunt et fug saltem petirunt.

absum, -ere, -mps, -mptum: take away, 1 rtus, -a, -um: angry, 5
aditus, -s m.: approach, access, entrance, 2 icundus, -a, -um: pleasant, sweet, 1
amphora, -ae f.: amphora, jar, 3 ntus, -a, -um: known, familiar, 3
aperi, -re, -u, -ertus: open, disclose, 3 odor, odris m.: smell, odor, 2
arde, -re, ars, arsum: be on fire, burn, 3 lim: once, formerly, 10
arma, -rum n.: arms, equipment, tools, 6 pet, petere, petv, pettum: seek, aim at, 10
bib, -ere, bib: drink, 4 Pholus, - m.: Pholus, 6
conici, -ere, -ic: throw together, throw, take rapi, -ere, rapu, raptum: to seize, snatch, 5
oneself, 13 sagitta, -ae f.: arrow, 10
conveni, -re, vn, ventum: come together 8 sanguis, sanguinis m.: blood, 6
diffund, -ere, -fd, -fsum: pour out, 1 suvis, -e: sweet, pleasant, 1
fax, facis f.: torch, firebrand, 2 sustine, -re, u, -tentum: hold up, endure, 7
fortis, -e: strong, brave, valiant, 5 tergum, - n.: back, 8
fuga, -ae f.: flight, haste, exile, speed, 6 undique: from everywhere, from all sides, 7
Hydra, -ae f.: Hydra, 5 vennum, - n.: poison, 7
imbu, -uere, -bu, -btum: wet, soak, 2 vert, -ere, vert, versum: to turn, 4
impetus, -s m.: attack, onset, assault, 9 vulner (1): wound, injure, 7

1 Simul atque: as soon as; at the same time rdents: pres. pple rde
as in: at or against in context of fighting
4 rt: angered; predicate nominative 8 eaedem: the same; the suffix -dem does
5 bibentem: pres. pple bib not decline, but eae- modifies sagittae
7 fortissim: very; superlative adverb 10 reliqu: the remaining (centaurs)
sustinbat: was holding off 11 fug: in flight; abl. of mean
Facs: acc. pl. fax peti(v)runt: syncopated pf. pet
Postquam reliqu fgrunt, Pholus ex splunc gressus est, et 1
corpora spectbat erum qu sagitts interfect erant. Magnopere
autem mirtus est quod tam lev vulnere exanimti erant, et causam
eius re quaerbat. Adiit igitur locum ubi cdaver cuiusdam
centaur iacbat, et sagittam vulnere trxit. Haec tamen sve cs 5
sve cnsili derum manibus eius lapsa est, et pedem leviter
vulnervit. Ille extempl dolrem gravem per omnia membra
snsit, et post breve tempus v venn exanimtus est. Mox
Herculs, qu reliqus centaurs sectus erat, ad spluncam rediit,
et magn cum dolre Pholum mortuum vdit. Mults cum lacrims 10
corpus amic ad sepultram dedit; tum, postquam alterum pculum
vn exhausit, somn s dedit.

ade, -re, -i(v): go to, approach, 4 mortuus, -a, -um: dead, 7

alter, -era, -erum: other (of two), second, 7 ps, pedis m.: foot, 8
amcus, - m.: friend, 6 Pholus, - m.: Pholus, 6
cadver, -eris n.: corpse, dead body, 3 pculum, - n.: cup, 7
csus, -s m.: misfortune, accident, event, 8 sagitta, -ae f.: arrow, 10
exanim (1): to kill, exhaust, 9 sepeli, -re, -v, sepultum: to bury, 1
exhauri, -re, -aus, -austum: drink up, 1 sequor, -, sectus: follow, pursue, attend, 4
extempl: immediately, straightaway, 1 sve: or if, whether if, 6
fugi, fugere, fg, --: to flee, hurry away, 9 somnus, - m.: sleep, 14
iace, -re, -u: to lie, lie low, 3 spect (1): to watch, look at, 1
lbor, lb, lpsum sum: to slip, glide, 1 tam: so, so much, so very, such, 8
lacrima, -ae f.: tear, 10 trah, -ere, trx, tractum: to draw, drag, 6
levis, leve: light, slight, 2 vennum, - n.: poison, 7
leviter vulner (1): wound, injure, 7
membrum, - n.: limb, member, 10 vulnus, -eris n.: wound, blow, 6
mror, -r, -tus: to wonder, be amazed at, 7

1 reliqu: the remaining (centaurs) csus means misfortune

gressus est: pf. dep. gredior 6 cnsil: by the plan; abl. of cause
2 erum: of those; demonstrative in sense lpsa est: pf. deponent
3 lev vulnere: abl. of means; i-stem 3rd eius: gen. sg., i.e. Pholus
decl. adj. 7 extempl: adverb
4 eius re: of this matter; gen. sg. 8 v: abl. of means, vs
Adiit: pf. ad-e venn: gen. sg.
cuiusdam: gen. sg. qudam 9 sectus est: pf. dep. sequor, translate act.
5 iacbat: from iace, iacre, to lie rediit: pf. red-e
down not iaci, iacere, to throw 10 magn cum dolre, mults cum lacrims:
svesve: whetheror abl. of manner, adj. is emphasized
cs: by chance; abl. of cause, elsewhere
Deinde Eurystheus Hercul hunc labrem graviorem impsuit. 1
Augs qudam, qui ill tempore rgnum in lide obtinbat, tria
milia bom habbat. H in stabul ingentis magnitdinis
incldbantur. Stabulum autem inluvi ac squlre erat obsitum,
neque enim ad hoc tempus umquam purgtum erat. Hoc Hercules 5
intr spatium nus di purgre iussus est. Ille, ets rs erat multae
operae, negtium suscpit. Prmum magn labre fossam
duodvgint pedum dxit, per quam flminis aquam d montibus
ad murum stabul perdxit. Tum postquam mrum perrpit, aquam
in stabulum immsit et tl mod contr opninem omnium opus 10

ac: and, and also, 14 negtium, i n.: task, business, occupation, 13

aqua, -ae f.: water, 11 obsitus, -a, -um: overgrown or covered with 1
Augs, -ae m.: Augeas, 1 obtine, -re, -u, -tentum: hold, maintain, 9
contr: against (+ acc.), 7 opera, -ae f.: effort, work, 1
deinde: then, thereupon, 8 opni, -inis f.: opinion, reputation, 6
duc, -ere, dx, ductus: lead, draw, bring, 5 opus, -eris n.: work, deed, toil, 9
duo-de-viginti: eighteen, 1 perdc, -ere, -x, -ctum: lead through, 4
lis, -idis f.: Elis, 1 perrump, -ere, -rp, -ruptum: break
ets: even if, although, though, 13 through, 2
fossa, -ae f.: ditch, trench, 3 ps, pedis m.: foot, 8
immitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: send, et in, 2 purg (1): to cleanse, make clean, 2
impon, -ere, -posu, -positus: place on, 7 spatium, -i n.: space, span, extent, 6
incld, -ere, -s, -sum: close in, shut in, 7 squlor, -ris m.: dirt, filth, 1
inluvis, - f.: dirt, filth, 1 stabulum, - n.: stable, inclosure, 5
intr: within, among (+ acc.), 4 suscipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: undertake, 14
mlle (pl. mlia): thousand, 7 tlis, -e: such, 6
mons, montis m.: mountain, mount, 5 trs, tria: three, 9
mrus, - m.: (city) wall, rampart, 4 umquam: ever, 5

1 graviorem: comparative adjective predicate; gen. of 1st decl. opera, -ae f.

3 bo(v)m: of cattle; gen. pl. bs 7 prmum: adverb
ingentis magnitdinis: gen. of description 8 pedum: gen. pl. of measure after fossam
5 ad hoc tempus: up to., until dxit: drew up a ditch; i.e. dig or build
6 nus di: of one day; gen. sg., nus has 10 tl mod: in such a way; abl. of manner
-us in the gen. sg. and - in dat. sg. opninem: expectation; with contr
multae operae: of; gen. description as opus: neuter acc. sg. direct object
Post paucs dis Herculs ad oppidum Stymphlum iter fcit; 1
imperverat enim e Eurystheus ut avs Stymphalids necret. Hae avs
rostra anea habbant et carne hominum vscbantur. Ille postquam ad
locum pervnit, lacum vdit; in hc autem lac, qu non procul erat ab
oppid, avs habitbant. Nlla tamen dabtur appropinquand facults; 5
lacus enim nn ex aqu sed lm cnstitit. Herculs igitur neque
pedibus neque lintre prgred potuit.
Ille cum magnam partem di frustr cnsumpsisset, hc cnt dstitit
et ad Volcnum s contulit, ut auxilium ab e peteret. Volcnus (qu ab
fabrs maxim colbtur) crepundia quae ipse ex are fabrictus erat 10
Hercul dedit. Hs Herculs tam acrem crepitum fcit ut avs perterritae
volrent. Ille autem, dum volant, magnum numerum erum sagitts

acer, acris, acre: sharp; fierce, keen, 1 imper (1): order, command, 12
aneus, -a, -um: of bronze, 3 lacus, -s m.: lake, 3
r, aris n.: air, 7 lmus, - m.: mud, 1
appropinqu (1): come near, approach, 8 linter, lintris f.: boat, skiff, 3
aqua, -ae f.: water, 11 maxim: especially, very greatly, 5
avis, avis f.: bird, 4 nec (1): to kill, slay, put to death, 9
vol (1): to fly away, 2 numerus, - m.: number, multitude, 7
car, carnis f.: flesh, meat, 4 oppidum, - n.: town, 4
col, -ere, colu, cultum: cultivate, cherish, 3 perterre, -re: frighten, terrify, 5
contus, -s m.: attempt, effort, 7 ps, pedis m.: foot, 8
const, -stre, -stit, -stitum: stand together, pet, petere, petv, pettum: seek, aim at, 10
it is agreed, 6 procul: from afar, from a distance, 5
consm, -ere, -mps, -mptum: take, spend 9 rostrum, - n.: beak, 1
crepitus, -s m.: rattle, clatter, 1 sagitta, -ae f.: arrow, 10
crepundia, -rum n.: rattle, 1 Stymphalis, -idis: of Stymphalus, 1
dsist, -ere, -stit, -stitum: desist, stop, 5 tam: so, so much, so very, such, 8
faber, fabr m.: smith, engineer, 2 trnsfg, -fgere, -fx, -fxum: pierce, 4
fabricor, -r, -tus sum: make, fashion, 1 vescor, vesc: to feed on, eat (+ abl.) 3
facults, -ttis f.: ability, opportunity, 5 Volcnus, - m.: Vulcan, 13
frustr: in vain, for nothing, 13

2 imperverat: had ordered (dat) that an active inf.

e: dat. ind. obj. is, ea, id 8 cumcnsumpsisset: whenhad spent;
utnecret: that; ind. command, impf. cum + plpf. subjunctive, translate in plpf.
subj. in secondary seq. (main verb is in the tense
past); you may translate this construction hc cnt: from; abl. of separation
that he kill or often as an inf. to kill s contulit: carried himself; pf. cnfer
3 vscbantur: governs an abl. obj. 9 utpeteret: so thathe might seek;
5 appropinquand: of approaching; a purpose clause, impf. subjunctive
gen. sg. gerund modifying facults 11 hs: for these (birds); dat. of interest
6 nequeneque: neithernor utvolrent: that..flew away; result
7 prgred: dep. inf. prgredior, translate as clause, impf. subj. in secondary seq.
Tum Eurystheus Hercul impervit ut taurum quendam fercissimum ex 1
nsul Crt vvum referret. Ille igitur nvem cnscendit, et cum ventus
idneus esset, statim solvit. Cum tamen nsulae iam appropinquret, tanta
tempests subit corta est ut nvis cursum tenre non posset. Tantus
autem timor anims nautrum occupvit ut paene omnem spem saltis 5
dpnerent. Herculs tamen, ets navigand impertus erat, haudququam
territus est.
Post breve tempus summa tranquillits cnsecta est, et nautae, qu s
ex timre iam recperant, nvem incolumem ad terram appulrunt.
Herculs nv gressus est, et cum ad regem Crtae vnisset, causam 10
veniend docuit. Deinde, postquam omnia parta sunt, ad eam reginem
contendit quam taurus vstbat. Mox taurum vdit, et quamquam rs erat
magn pericul, cornua eius prehendit. Tum, cum ingent labre mnstrum
ad nvem trxisset, cum praed in Graeciam rediit.

appell, -ere, -pul, -puls: drive to, 14 imper (1): order, command, 12
appropinqu (1): come near, approach, 8 incolumis, -e: inscathed, uninjured, safe, 7
conscend, -ere, -nd, -nsum: climb aboard, 6 nauta, -ae f.: sailor, 3
consequor, -, sectus: follow after; pursue, 3 navig (1): to sail, 5
contend, -ere, -, -tus: strive; hasten; fight 11 occup (1): occupy, seize, 8
corior, -orr, -ortus sum: to arise, 4 paene: almost, nearly, 8
corn, -s n.: horn, 2 praeda, -ae f.: plunder, spoils, 2
Crta, -ae f.: Crete, 3 prehend, -ere, -hend, -hnsum: seize, 5
cursus, -s m.: course, running, haste, 10 quamquam: although, 4
deinde: then, thereupon, 8 recipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: take back, 8
dpon, -ere, -su, -situm: put down or aside9 taurus, - m.: bull, 7
doce, -re, -u, -ctus: teach, tell, 9 tene, tenre, tenu, tentum: to hold, keep 13
ets: even if, although, though, 13 terre, -re, -u, territum: to terrify, scare, 5
ferx, -cis: fierce, savage, 1 trah, -ere, trx, tractum: to draw, drag, 6
Graecia, -ae f.: Greece, 7 tranquillits, -ttis f.: calm, tranquility, 2
haudququam: not at all, in no way, 2 vast (1): lay waste, 2
idneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12 ventus, - m.: wind, 10
impertus, -a, -um: inexperienced, 1 vvus, -a, -um: living, alive, 4

1 Hercul: Hercules; dat. obj. of impervit modifies impertus

utreferret: that; ind. command with 8 srecperant: had retreated; idiom
impf. subj. refer (secondary seq.) may be 10 cumvnisset: when; plpf. subj.
translated as inf. to carry back of veni, translate as plpf. indicative
2 cumesset: when; impf. subj. of sum, 11 veniend: for coming; gen. sg. gerund here
translate just as impf. indicative a objective genitive
3 appropinquret: impf. subj., see line 4 13 magn pericul: of great danger; gen.
utposset: that..was able; result clause, of description as predicate
impf. subj. possum (secondary seq.) ingent labre: with; abl. of means
5 utdpneret: thatcarried off; result or manner; i-stem 3rd decl. adj.
clause, impf. subj. (secondary seq) 14 trxisset: plpf. subj. trah, see line 13
6 navigand: of sailing; gen. sg. gerund rediit: pf. red-e
Postquam ex nsul Crt rediit, Herculs ab Eurysthe in Thraciam 1
missus est, ut equs Diomdis redceret. H equ carne hominum
vscbantur; Diomds autem, vir crudlissimus, ills obicibat
peregrins omns qu in eam reginem vnerant. Herculs igitur magn
celeritte in Thraciam contendit et ab Diomde postulvit ut equ sibi 5
trderentur. Cum tamen ille hoc facere nllet, Herculs r commtus
rgem interfcit et cdaver eius equs obic iussit.
Ita mra rerum commutti facta est; is enim qu ante mults cum
crucit necverat ipse edem supplici nectus est. Cum haec nuntita
essent, omns qu eam reginem incolbant maxim laetiti affecti sunt et 10
Hercul meritam grtiam referbant. Nn mod maxims honribus et
praemis eum dcorvrunt sed orbant etiam ut rgnum ipse susciperet.
Ille tamen hoc facere nlbat, et cum ad mare rediisset, nvem occupvit.
Ubi omnia ad navigandum parta sunt, equs in nv collocvit; deinde,
cum idneam tempesttem nactus esset, sine mor port solvit, et paul 15
post equs in ltus Argolicum exposuit.

affici, -ere, -fc, -: influence, affect 13 laetitia, -ae f.: joy, happiness, 3
antea: before, earlier, formerly, previously, 7 maximus, -a, -um: greatest, 9
Argolicus, -a, -um: of Argolis, 1 meritus, -a, -um: deserved, due, just, 4
cadver, -eris n.: corpse, dead body, 3 mrus, -a, -um: wonderful, amazing, 7
car, carnis f.: flesh, meat, 4 mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14
celerits, -ttis f.: speed, quickness, 7 nanciscor, nancisc, nactus: attain, meet, 7
commttio, -tinis f.: change, 2 navig (1): to sail, 5
conloc (1): place together, 1 nec (1): to kill, slay, put to death, 9
contend, -ere, -, -tus: strive; hasten; fight 11 nl, nlle, nlu: notwish, be unwilling 12
Crta, -ae f.: Crete, 3 nunti (1): announce, 3
crucitus, -s m.: torture, 2 obici, -ere, -ic, -iectum: throw or cast at, 3
crdlis, -e: cruel, bitter, bloody, 6 occup (1): occupy, seize, 8
decor (1): to adorn, distinguish, 2 r (1): pray (for), entreat, beseech, 5
deinde: then, thereupon, 8 peregrnus, - m.: stranger, foreigner, 1
Dimds, -is m.: Diomedes, 3 portus, -s m.: harbort, port, 3
equus, - m.: horse, 7 postul (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11
expn, -ere, -su, -situm: set out, explain 7 praemium, i n.: reward, 5
grtia, -ae f.: graditude, favor, thanks, 10 redc, -ere, -x, -ctus: lead or bring back, 11
honor, -ris m.: honor, glory; offering, 4 supplicium, -i n.; punishment, supplication, 5
idneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12 suscipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: undertake, 14
incol, -ere, -u: inhabit, 4 Thrcia, -ae f.: Thrace, 3
ra, rae f.: anger, 12 vescor, vesc: to feed on, eat (+ abl.) 3

2 utredceret: in order thatmight; 4 magn celeritte: with; abl. of manner

purpose clause, impf. subj. can be 5 uttrderentur: that..be handed over;
translated in order that or so that or as ind. command, impf. subj.
infinitives expressing purpose 6 cumnllet: when; impf. subj. nl
3 vscbantur: dep. governs abl. object (inf. nlle)
ills: at them; dat. of compound verb 7 cdaver: neuter acc. direct object
equs: to; dat. of compound verb 12 utsusciperet: thatundertake; impf.
obic: pres. pass. inf. ob-ici subj. in ind. command can alternatively be
8 isqu: for he who translated as an inf. to undertake
cum crucit: abl. of manner 13 cumrediisset: plpf. subj. red-e,
9 nuntita essent: when; plpf. pass. subj. translate as plpf. indicative
in a cum-clause, translate as as you would a ad: for; ad + acc. gerund (-ing)
plpf. pass. indicative expresses purpose
10 eam: this; demonstrative adj. 14 in nv: 3rd decl. i-stem abl.
11 Hercul: to Hercules; dat. ind. object 15 nactus esset: plpf. deponent subj.,
Nn modsedetiam: not only translate as a plpf. active indicative
but also solvit: set sail;
honribus, praemis: abl. of means paul: little; abl. of degree of difference
Gns Amzonum dicitur omnn ex mulieribus cnstitisse. Hae 1
summam scientiam re mlitris habbant, et tantam virttem
adhibbant ut cum virs proelium committere audrent. Hippolyt,
Amzonum rgna, balteum habuit celeberrimum quem Mars e
dederat. Admt autem, Eurysthe flia, fmam d hc balte 5
accperat et eum possidre vehementer cupibat. Eurystheus igitur
Hercul mandvit ut cpis cgeret et bellum Amzonibus nferret.
Ille nuntis in omns parts dmisit, et cum magna multitud
convnisset, es dlegit qu maximum sum in r militr
habbant. 10

adhibe, -re, -u, -itum: to apply, hold to, 4 gns, gentis f.: clan, race, nation, herd, 4
Admta, -ae f.: Admeta, 1 Hippolyt, -s f.: Hippolyte, 4
Amzons, -um f.: Amazon, 7 infer, -ferre, -tul, -ltus: bring on, wage, 3
aude, -re, ausus sum: to dare, 1 mand (1): to entrust, give, commit, 2
balteus, -e m.: belt, girdle, 5 Mars, Martis m.: Mars, 1
bellum, -, n.: war, 6 maximus, -a, -um: greatest, 9
celeber, -bris, -bre: frequented, celebrated, 2 mlitris, -e: military, warlike, 3
cg, cgere, -g, -ctum: collect, compel, 5 mulier, mulieris f.: woman, 3
committ, -mittere, -ms: commit, entrust, 6 multitd, -tdinis f.: multitude, 2
const, -stre, -stit, -stitum: stand together, nuntius, -i m.: messenger, 12
it is agreed, 6 omnn: altogether, wholely, entirely, 11
conveni, -re, vn, ventum: come together 8 posside, -re, possd, possessum: possess 1
copia, -ae f.: abundance, supply; troops, 10 regna, -ae f.: queen, 2
cupi, -ere, -v, -tum: desire, long for, 4 scientia, -ae f.: knowledge, wisdom, 6
dlig, -ere, -lg, -lectum: choose, select, 6 sus, ss m.: use, employment, 3
dmitt, -ere, -ms, -missus: send away, vehementer: strongly, violently, ardently, 11
let go, 8 virts, -tis f.: valor, manhood, excellence, 10
flia, -iae f.: daughter, 20

1 cnstitisse: to have consisted; pf. inf. 7 Hercul: dat. ind. obj.

2 re mlitris: of military affairs; gen. sg. ut..cgeretnferret: thatforce; impf.
3 utaudret: so that; impf. subj. of subj. ind. command
aude, audre in a result clause Amzonibus: on; dat. of compound
proelium committere: begin battle; idiom verb
4 celeberrimum: superlative with balteum 8 parts: directions
e: dat. ind. obj. is, ea, id 9 r militr: military affairs
Hs virs Herculs persusit, postquam causam itineris exposuit, ut 1
scum iter facerent. Tum cum es quibus persuserat nvem
cnscendit, et cum ventus idneus esset, post paucs dis ad
stium flminis Thermdontis appulit. Postquam in fns
Amazonum vnit, nntium ad Hippolytam msit, qu causam 5
veniend doceret et balteum posceret. Ipsa Hippolyt balteum
trdere volbat, quod d Herculis virtte fmam accperat; reliquae
tamen Amzons e persusrunt ut negret. At Herculs, cum haec
nuntita essent, bell fortnam temptre cnstituit.
Proxim igitur di cum cpis dxisset, locum idneum dlegit 10
et hosts ad pugnam vocvit. Amzons quoque cpis sus ex
castrs dxrunt et non magn intervll ab Hercule aciem

acis, - f.: sharp edge, battle line, army, 3 hostis, -is m./f.: stranger, enemy, foe, 5
Amzons, -um f.: Amazon, 7 idneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12
appell, -ere, -pul, -puls: drive to, 14 instru, -ere, -x, -uctum: equip, draw up, 6
balteus, -e m.: belt, girdle, 5 intervallum, - n.: interval, distance, 2
bellum, -, n.: war, 6 neg (1): to deny, say thatnot, 3
castra, -rum n.: camp, 1 nunti (1): announce, 3
conscend, -ere, -nd, -nsum: climb aboard, 6 nuntius, -i m.: messenger, 12
copia, -ae f.: abundance, supply; troops, 10 stium, -i n.: mouth, entrance, 3
dlig, -ere, -lg, -lectum: choose, select, 6 persude, -re, -sus, -susum: persuade, 9
doce, -re, -u, -ctus: teach, tell, 9 posc, -ere, popsc: ask, demand, 1
dc, -ere, -dx, -ductum: lead out, draw, 3 proximus, -a, -um: nearest, next, 5
voc (1): call out, challenge, 1 pugna, -ae f.: fight, 2
expn, -ere, -su, -situm: set out, explain 7 quoque: also, 1
fma, -ae f.: fame, reputation, report, rumor 7 tempt (1): to attempt; attack; test, probe, 1
fnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 Thermdn, -dontis m.: Thermodon, 1
fortna, -ae f.: fortune, chance, luck, 3 virts, -tis f.: valor, manhood, excellence, 10
Hippolyt, -s f.: Hippolyte, 4

1 persusit: governs dat + ind. command 8 persusrunt: persuaded (dat) that;

2 quibus: whom he had persuaded governs ind. command (ut); impf. subj.
3 esset: impf. subj. sum, translate impf. 9 nuntita essent: plpf. subj. translate
5 qudoceretposceret: who would... just as plpf. pass. indicative
and would; relative clause of purpose; impf. 10 Proxim di: on; abl. of time when
subj. dxisset: plpf. subj. dc
6 veniend: gen. sg. gerund (-ing) 12 magn intervll: at a great interval
Hippolyt: fem. nom. sg.
Plus erat nn magna inter dus exercits; neutr tamen initium 1
trnseund facere volbant. Tandem Herculs signum dedit, et ubi
paldem trnsiit, proelium commsit.
Amzons impetum virrum fortissim sustinurunt, et contr
opninem omnium tantam virttem praestitrunt ut mults erum 5
occderint, mults etiam in fugam conicerint. Vir enim nov
genere pugnae perturbbantur nec magnam virttem praestbant.
Herculs autem cum haec vidret, de sus fortuns desperre coepit.
Milits igitur vehementer cohorttus est ut prstinae virttis
memoriam retinrent neu tantum ddecus admitterent, hostiumque 10
impetum fortiter sustinrent; quibus verbs anims omnium ita
rxit ut mult etiam qu vulneribus confect essent proelium sine
mor redintegrrent.

admitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: admit, allow, 1 nec: and not, nor, 10
Amzons, -um f.: Amazon, 7 neu: nor, and not, 1
cohortor, -hortr, -horttus: encourage, 2 neuter, neutra, neutrum: neither, 1
committ, -mittere, -ms: commit, entrust, 6 novus, -a, -um: new, 4
contr: against (+ acc.), 7 occid, -ere, -cid, -csus: kill, cut down, 14
ddecus, ddecoris n.: dishonor, disgrace, 1 opni, -inis f.: opinion, reputation, 6
dspr (1): to despair, give up, 4 plus, - m.: stake, 2
duo, duae, duo: two, 10 perturb (1): to trouble, greatly disturb, 2
rig, -ere, -rx, -rectum: raise up, lift, 1 praest, -stre, -stit: stand in front, show, 6
exercitus, -s m.: army, 2 prstinus, -a, -um: former, 1
fortis, -e: strong, brave, valiant, 5 proelium, -i n.: battle, 4
fortiter: bravely, 2 pugna, -ae f.: fight, 2
fortna, -ae f.: fortune, chance, luck, 3 redintegr (1): make whole again, renew, 1
fuga, -ae f.: flight, haste, exile, speed, 6 retine, -re, -u, -tentum: hold/keep back, 3
genus, -eris n.: birth, race; kind, family, 2 signum, - n.: sign, signal, 2
hostis, -is m./f.: stranger, enemy, foe, 5 sustine, -re, u, -tentum: hold up, endure, 7
impetus, -s m.: attack, onset, assault, 9 trnse, -re, -i (v), itus: pass (by), 10
initium, - n.: beginning, entrance, 1 vehementer: strongly, violently, ardently, 11
inter: between, among (+ acc.), 10 verbum, - n.: word, speech, 4
memoria, -ae f.: memory, 4 virts, -tis f.: valor, manhood, excellence, 10
mls, mlitis m.: soldier, 2 vulnus, -eris n.: wound, blow, 6
mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14

1 neutr: neither; nom. pl. subj. neuter 6 nov genere: by the new type
2 trnseund: gen. sg. gerund (-ing), 9 utsustinrent: ind. command
trns-e 11 quibus verbs: with these words; which
3 trnsiit: pf. trns-e 12 utredintegrrent: that; result clause,
4 fortissim: superlative adv. impf. subj.
sustinrunt: held off confect essent: plpf. pass. subj. in a
5 utoccderint: that; pf. subj. in a result rel. clause of characteristic
clause, translate as pf. indicative
Di et acriter pugntum est; tandem tamen ad slis occsum tanta 1
commutti rrum facta est ut muliers terga verterent et fug
saltem peterent. Multae autem vulneribus defssae dum fugiunt
captae sunt, in qu numer ipsa erat Hippolyt. Herculs summam
clementiam praestitit, et postquam balteum accpit, liberttem 5
omnibus captvs dedit. Tum vr socis ad mare rdxit, et quod
nn multum aesttis supererat, in Graeciam proficsc maturvit.
Nvem igitur cnscendit, et tempesttem idneam nactus statim
solvit; antequam tamen in Graeciam pervnit, ad urbem Troiam
nvem appellere cnstituit, frmentum enim quod scum habbat 10
iam dficere coeperat.

acriter: sharply, fiercely, 2 idneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12

aests, aesttis f.: summer, 1 lberts, -ttis f.: freedom, liberty, 1
antequam: before, 9 matur (1): to hasten, ripen, 7
appell, -ere, -pul, -puls: drive to, 14 mulier, mulieris f.: woman, 3
balteus, -e m.: belt, girdle, 5 nanciscor, nancisc, nactus: attain, meet, 7
captvus, -a, -um: prisoner, 2 occsus, -s m.: fall, destruction, 4
clementia, -ae f.: mercy, kindness, 1 pet, petere, petv, pettum: seek, aim at, 10
commtti, -tinis f.: change, 2 praest, -stre, -stit: stand in front, show, 6
conscend, -ere, -nd, -nsum: climb aboard, 6 pugn (1): to fight, 4
dfessus, -a, -um: wearied, exhausted, 1 redc, -ere, -x, -ctus: lead or bring back, 11
dfici, -ere, -fc, -fectum: fail, 3 sl, slis m.: sun, 10
di: a long time, long, 13 super (1): to overcome, defeat, 3
frmentum, - n.: grain, 4 tergum, - n.: back, 8
fuga, -ae f.: flight, haste, exile, speed, 6 Troia, -ae f.: Troy, 9
fugi, fugere, fg, --: to flee, hurry away, 9 vr: in truth, in fact, certainly, 5
Graecia, -ae f.: Greece, 7 vert, -ere, vert, versum: to turn, 4
Hippolyt, -s f.: Hippolyte, 4 vulnus, -eris n.: wound, blow, 6

1 pugntum est: they fought; it was fought, 4 Hippolyt: Greek 1st decl. nominative sg.
an impersonal passive is often translated in 6 vr: in fact; adverb
the active in English, supply a subject 7 multum aesttis: much of the summer;
ad: near partitive gen.
2 utpeterent: that; result, impf. subj. supererat: remained; impf. supersum
fug: in flight; abl. means proficisc: dep. inf. proficiscor
3 Multae: many (Amazons) 8 nactus: having obtained; dep. nancscor
vulneribus: abl. means 9 solvit: set sail
Lamedon qudam ill tempore rgnum Troiae obtinbat. Ad hunc 1
Neptnus et Apoll ann superire vnerant, et cum Troia nndum
moenia habret, ad hoc opus auxilium obtulerant. Postquam tamen
hrum auxili moenia cnfecta sunt, nlbat Lomedn praemium
quod prposuerat persolvere. 5
Neptnus igitur et Apoll ob hanc causam rt mnstrum
quoddam mserunt speci horribil, quod cotdie mar venibat et
homins pecudsque vorbat. Troin autem timre perterrit in
urbe continbantur, et pecora omnia ex agrs intr murs
compulerant. Lomedn hs rbus commtus rculum cnsuluit, 10
ac deus e praecpit ut fliam Hsinen mnstr obiceret.

ac: and, and also, 14 ob: on account of (acc.), 13

ager, -gr m.: land, field, territory, 11 obici, -ere, -ic, -iectum: throw or cast at, 3
Apollo, -inis m.: Apollo, 7 obtine, -re, -u, -tentum: hold, maintain, 9
compell, -ere, -pul: drive together, 3 offer, -ferre, -tul, -ltum: offer, present 5
consul, consulere, -lu, -ltum: to consult, 3 opus, -eris n.: work, deed, toil, 9
contine, -re, -nu: hold or keep together, 4 rculum, - n.: oracle, 11
cottdi: daily, 2 pecus, pecoris n.: herd, flock, 4
Hsion, -s f.: Hesione, 1 pecus, pecudis f.: herd of cattle, 1
horribilis, -e: horrible, dreadful, 11 persolv, -ere, -solv, -soltum: to pay up, 1
intr: within, among (+ acc.), 4 perterre, -re: frighten, terrify, 5
rtus, -a, -um: angry, 5 praecipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: order, take, 6
Lamedon, -ontis m.: Laomedon, 5 praemium, i n.: reward, 5
moenia, -rum n.: walls, 2 propn, -ere, -su, -situm: put or set forth, 4
mrus, - m.: (city) wall, rampart, 4 superior, -ius: higher, upper, 3
Neptnus, - m.: Neptune, 4 Troia, -ae f.: Troy, 9
nl, nlle, nlu: notwish, be unwilling 12 Troin, -rum m.: Trojans, 1
nondum: not yet, 4 vor (1): to devour, 1

1 ill tempore: at; abl. time when 3rd decl. i-stem abl. adjective
2 ann superire: in the previous year 10 commtus: upset; troubled, PPP, as
cumhabret: since; causal in sense often, to move emotionally, not physically
3 ad: for; expressing purpose 11 e praecpit: instructed him; ordered
7 speci horribil: of; abl. of quality, utobiceret: ind. command, impf.
Lamedn, cum hoc respnsum renntitum esset, magnum dolrem 1
percpit; sed tamen, ut cvs sus tant percul lberret, rcul parre
constituit et diem sacrifici dxit. Sed sve cs sve cnsili derum
Herculs tempore opportnissim Troiam attigit; ips enim temporis
pnct qu puella catns vncta ad ltus dducbtur ille nvem appulit. 5
Herculs nv gressus d rbus quae gerbantur certior factus est; tum
r commtus ad regem s contulit et auxilium suum obtulit. Cum rx
libenter e concessisset ut, s posset, puellam liberret, Herculs
mnstrum interfcit; et puellam, quae iam omnem spem saltis
dposuerat, incolumem ad patrem redxit. Lomedn magn cum gaudi 10
fliam suam accpit, et Hercul pr tant benefici meritam grtiam

appell, -ere, -pul, -puls: drive to, 14 meritus, -a, -um: deserved, due, just, 4
atting, -ere, -tig, -tctum: touch at, reach, 3 offer, -ferre, -tul, -ltum: offer, present 5
beneficium, - n.: benefit, favor; kindness, 8 opportnus, -a, -um: suitable, convenient, 2
csus, -s m.: misfortune, accident, event, 8 rculum, - n.: oracle, 11
catna, -ae f.: chain, 2 pare, -re, paru: obey, 3
certus, -a, -um: fixed, sure, 11 pater, patris, m.: father, 12
cvis, -is m/f: citizen, fellow citizen, 5 percipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: feel perceive 5
concd, -ere; go away, withdraw, yield, 1 pr: before, in front of, for, 9
ddc, -ere: lead or bring down, launch, 10 puella, -ae f.: girl, 8
dpon, -ere, -su, -situm: put down or aside9 punctum, - n.: point, instant, moment, 1
gaudium, -i n.: gladness, joy, 9 redc, -ere, -x, -ctus: lead or bring back, 11
grtia, -ae f.: graditude, favor, thanks, 10 renunti, (1): report, announce, 2
incolumis, -e: inscathed, uninjured, safe, 7 responde, -re, -d, -nsus: to answer, 13
ra, rae f.: anger, 12 sve: or if, whether if, 6
Lamedon, -ontis m.: Laomedon, 5 Troia, -ae f.: Troy, 9
libenter: gladly, willingly, 12 vinci, -re, vnx, vnctus: bind, tie, 4
liber (1): to set free, release, 6

1 cumrennittum esset: plpf. pass. subj., 6 gressus: having stepped out; i.e. having
translates as a plpf. indicative disembarked dep. pf.
2 utlberret: so that; purpose quae gerbantur: which were being
tant percul: from; abl. of separation carried out; the antecedent is rbus
with impf. subj. of liber certior factus est: were made more certain;
parre: to obey; governs a dat. object i.e. were informed; commom idiom in
3 diemdxit: appointed the day Caesar; certior is a pred. adj. in the
sacrifici: for; dat. of purpose comparative degree
svesve: whetheror 7 s contulit: carried himself; pf. confer
cs: by chance; abl. of cause 8 concessisset: had yielded to him
cnsil: by the plan; abl. of cause utliberret: so that he might free;
4 opportnissim: most opportune; i.e. purpose
most timely, abl. time when s posset: if he should be able; impf.
ips pnct: at that very point; at the subj. possum; fut. less vivid condition in
point itself, abl. of time when secondary sequence
5 qu: at which (time); abl. time when 11 pr: for; i.g. in return for
vncta: PPP (pf. pass. pple) vinci 12 rettulit: pf. re-fer
Tum vr missus est Herculs ad nsulam Erytham, ut bovs 1
Gryonis arcesseret. Rs erat summae difficulttis, quod bovs
qudam Eurytine et cane bicipite custdibantur. Ipse autem
Gryon speciem horribilem praebbat; tria enim corpora inter s
coniuncta habbat. Herculs tamen ets intellegbat quantum 5
perculum esset, negtium suscpit; ac postquam per mults terrs
iter fcit, ad eam partem Libyae pervnit quae Eurpae proxima
est. Ibi in utrque litore fret quod Eurpam Liby dvidit
columns cnstituit, quae poste Herculis Columnae appellbantur.

ac: and, and also, 14 Gryon, -onis m.: Geryon, 4

appell (1): call (by name), name, 12 horribilis, -e: horrible, dreadful, 11
arcess, -ere, -v, -itum: summon, invite, 2 inter: between, among (+ acc.), 10
biceps, bicipitis: two-headed, 1 Libya, -ae f.: Libya, 3
canis, -is m. f.: dog, 3 negtium, i n.: task, business, occupation, 13
columna, -ae f.: column, pillar, 2 poste: after this, afterwards, 7
coniung, -ere, -nx, -nctum: join together, 2 praebe, -re, -u, -itum: to present, give, 7
custodi, -re, -v, -tum: to guard, 4 proximus, -a, -um: nearest, next, 5
difficults, -ttis f.: difficulty, 7 quantus, -a, -um: how much, how great, 4
dvid, -ere, -vs, -vsum: divide, separate, 3 suscipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: undertake, 14
Erytha, -ae f.: Erythia, 1 trs, tria: three, 9
Europa, -ae f.: Europe, 2 uterque, utraque, utrumque: each (of two) 1
Eurytin, -nis m.: Eurytion, 2 vr: in truth, in fact, certainly, 5
fretum, n.: strait, 1

1 utarcesseret: so thatmight; purpose 7 Eurpae: to; dat. with special adj.

6 esset: was; ind. question, impf. subj. sum
Dum hic mortur, Herculs magnum incommodum ex calre slis 1
accipibat; tandem igitur r commtus arcum suum intendit et
slem sagitts petiit. Sl tamen audciam vir tantum admirtus est
ut lintrem auream e dederit. Herculs hoc dnum libentissim
accpit, nllam enim nvem in hs reginibus invenre potuerat. 5
Tum lintrem ddxit, et ventum nactus idneum post breve tempus
ad nsulam pervnit. Ubi ex incols cognvit qu in loc bovs
essent, in eam partem statim profectus est et rge Gryone
postulvit ut bovs sibi trderentur. Cum tamen ille hoc facere
nllet, Herculs et rgem ipsum et Eurytinem, qu erat ingent 10
magnitdine corporis, interfcit.

admror, -r, tus sum: admire, wonder at, 1 ra, rae f.: anger, 12
arcus, -s m.; bow, 4 libenter: gladly, willingly, 12
audcia, -ae f.: boldness, audacity, 2 linter, lintris f.: boat, skiff, 3
aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 mgnitd, -tdinis f.: size, greatness, 13
calor, -ris m.: heat, 1 moror, -r, -tus sum: delay, linger, 3
ddc, -ere: lead or bring down, launch, 10 nanciscor, nancisc, nactus: attain, meet, 7
Eurytin, -nis m.: Eurytion, 2 nl, nlle, nlu: notwish, be unwilling 12
Gryon, -onis m.: Geryon, 4 pet, petere, petv, pettum: seek, aim at, 10
idneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12 postul (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11
incola, -ae m.: inhabitant, 7 que: and, 14
incommodum, - n.: inconvenience, 2 sagitta, -ae f.: arrow, 10
intend, -ere, -nd, -ntum: stretch out, aim, 4 sl, slis m.: sun, 10
inveni, -re, -vn, -ventum: find, discover 8

1 mortur: is lingering; pres. deponent 7 qu in loc: in which place; in qu loc

3 petiit: attacked; i.e. chased syncopated pf. 8 profectus est: pf. dep. proficiscor
peti(v)it 9 uttrderentur: thatbe handed over;
Sl: the god Sun; here personified impf. pass. in an ind. command
4 utdederit: pf. subj. in a result clause, 10 nllet: impf. subj. of nl (inf. nlle)
translate as a pf. indicative; d, dare in a cum-clause
e: dat. sg. ind. obj. is, ea, id ingent magnitdine: of; abl. of quality
libentissim: superlative adverb as the predicate of erat
6 nactus: having attained; pple nancscor
Tum Herculs bovs per Hispniam et Liguriam compellere 1
cnstituit; postquam igitur omnia parta sunt, bovs ex nsul ad
continentem transportvit. Ligurs autem, gns bellicsissima, dum
ille per fns erum iter facit, magns cpis cogrunt atque eum
longius progred prohibbant. Herculs magnam difficulttem 5
habbat, barbar enim in locs superiribus cnstiterant et saxa
telaque in eum conicibant. Ille qudem paene omnem spem saltis
dposuerat, sed tempore opportnissim Iuppiter imbrem lapidum
ingentium cael dmsit. H tant v cecidrunt ut magnum
numerum Ligurum occiderint; ipse tamen Herculs (ut in tlibus 10
rbus accidere cnsuvit) nihil incommod cpit.

accid, -ere, accid: to happen, fall (on)to, 8 imber, imbris m.: rain, 1
barbarus, -a, -um: foreign, savage, 1 incommodum, - n.: inconvenience, 2
bellicsus, -a, -um: warlike, 2 Iuppiter, Iovis m.: Jupiter, 8
cad, -ere, cecid, csum: to fall, 1 lapis, -idis m.: stone, 1
caelum, - n.: sky, 4 Liguria, -ae f.: Liguria, 1
cg, cgere, -g, -ctum: collect, compel, 5 long: far, far and wide, 6
compell, -ere, -pul: drive together, 3 nihil: nothing, 14
conici, -ere, -ic: throw together, throw, take numerus, - m.: number, multitude, 7
oneself, 13 occid, -ere, -cid, -csus: kill, cut down, 14
consuesc, -ere, -v, -sutum: to accustom, 3 opportnus, -a, -um: suitable, convenient, 2
contine, -re, -nu: hold or keep together, 4 paene: almost, nearly, 8
copia, -ae f.: abundance, supply; troops, 10 prohibe, -re, -hibu: hold back, hinder, 2
dmitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: to drop, 3 quidem: indeed, in fact, assuredly, certainly, 8
dpon, -ere, -su, -situm: put down or aside9 superior, -ius: higher, upper, 3
difficults, -ttis f.: difficulty, 7 tlis, -e: such, 6
fnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 telum, - n.: weapon, arrow, spear, 3
gns, gentis f.: clan, race, nation, herd, 4 transport (1): carry over or across, 2
Hispnia, -ae f.: Spain, 1

3 continentem: the continent lapidum ingentium: gen. pl. 3rd decl.

4 fns: borders; or territory 9 H: these (rocks); supply lapids
cpis: troops v: irregular abl. sg. vs
cogrunt: pf. cg (co-ag) means cecidrunt: pf. cad
drive, compel or, as here, gather utocciderint: that; pf. subj. in a result
5 longius: farther, comparative adv. clause, translate as a pf. indicative
progred: dep. inf. progredior 10 ut: as; ut + ind., translate as as or
6 barbar: for the; dat. of interest when
8 dposuerat: had put aside; i.e. lost 11 nihil incommod: no harm; nothing
tempore: at; abl. of time when of inconvenience, partitive gen.
Postquam Ligurs hc mod supert sunt, Herculs quam 1
celerrim progressus est et post paucs dis ad Alps pervnit.
Necesse erat hs transre, ut in Italiam bovs ageret; rs tamen
summae erat difficulttis. H enim monts, qu ulterirem
citerire Galliam dvidunt, nive perenn sunt tect; quam ob causam 5
neque frmentum neque pbulum in hs reginibus invenr potest.
Herculs igitur antequam ascendere coepit, magnam cpiam
frment et pbul comparvit et hc commet bovs onervit.
Postquam in hs rbus trs dis cnsumpserat, quart di profectus
est, et contr omnium opninem bovs incolums in Italiam 10

ag, agere, g, ctum: drive, lead, spend, 13 talia, -ae f.: Italy, 2
Alps, -ium f.: Alps, 1 Ligurs, -um m.: Ligurians, 3
antequam: before, 9 mons, montis m.: mountain, mount, 5
ascend, -ere, -, -nsus: ascend, mount, 3 necesse: necessary, 2
celer, -eris, -ere: swift, quick, 12 nix, nivis f.: snow, 1
citerior, -ius: on this side, on the near side, 1 ob: on account of (acc.), 13
commetus, -s m.: supplies, provisions, 1 oner (1): to load, burden, 2
compar (1): prepare, collect, 4 opni, -inis f.: opinion, reputation, 6
consum, -ere, -mps, -mptum: take, spend 9 pabulum, - n.: food, fodder, pasture, 2
contr: against (+ acc.), 7 perennis, -e: perennial, perpetual, 1
copia, -ae f.: abundance, supply; troops, 10 quartus, -a, -um: one-fourth, 3
difficults, -ttis f.: difficulty, 7 super (1): to overcome, defeat, 3
dvid, -ere, -vs, -vsum: divide, separate, 3 tectum, - n.: roof, house, 1
frmentum, - n.: grain, 4 trdc, -ere, -x, -ctum: lead or bring over, 1
Gallia, -ae f.: Gaul, 1 trnse, -re, -i (v), itus: pass (by), 10
incolumis, -e: inscathed, uninjured, safe, 7 trs, tria: three, 9
inveni, -re, -vn, -ventum: find, discover 8 lterior, -ius: farther, 3

1 hc mod: in; abl. manner nearer-side Gaul (northern Italy) from

quam celerrim: quam + superlative: as X farther-side Gaul (France)
as possible, here with a superlative adverb 5 nive perenn: abl. sg. of nix, nivis
3 Necesse erat: it was necessary sunt tect: tect sunt, pf. pass. teg
hs: i.e. the Alps, Alps is fem. pl. quam ob causam: for which reason
ageret: purpose clause, impf. subj. ag 6 nequeneque: neithernor
4 summae difficulttis: of; gen. of invenr: pass. inf. inveni
description as predicate of erat 9 quart di: on; abl. time when
ulteriremGalliam: farther-side Gaul 10 omnium: gen. pl. i-stem adj.
from nearer-side (Gaul); the Alps divided opninem: expectation; obj. of contr
Brev tempore ad flmen Tiberim vnit. Tum tamen nlla erat urbs 1
in e loc, Roma enim nndum condita erat. Herculs itinere
fessus cnstituit ibi paucs dis morr, ut s ex labribus recreret.
Haud procul valle ubi bovs pascbantur splunca erat, in qu
Ccus, horribile mnstrum, tum habitbat. Hic speciem terribilem 5
praebbat, nn mod quod ingent magnitdine corporis erat, sed
quod ignem ex ore exspirbat. Ccus autem d advent Herculis
fmam accperat; noct igitur vnit, et dum Herculs dormit,
quattuor pulcherrimrum bom abripuit. Hs cauds in spluncam
trxit, n Herculs vestigis cognoscere posset qu in loc clt 10

abripi, -ere, -ripu, -reptum: snatch away 2 noct: at night, by night, 2

adventus, -s m.: arrival, approach, 3 nondum: not yet, 4
Ccus, - m.: Cacus, 4 s, ris n.: face, mouth 3
cauda, -ae f.: tail, 2 pascor, -, pstum: feed, 1
cl (1): hide, conceal, 5 praebe, -re, -u, -itum: to present, give, 7
cond, -ere, condid, -ditum: found, store procul: from afar, from a distance, 5
away, hide, 2 pulcher, -chra, -chrum: beautiful, pretty, 2
dormi, -re, -v: to sleep, 8 quattuor: four, 1
exspir (1): breathe out, 1 recre (1): to make anew, renew, 1
fma, -ae f.: fame, reputation, report, rumor 7 Roma, -ae f.: Rome, 1
fessus, -a, -um: wearied, exhausted, 2 terribilis, -e: terrible, dreadful, 5
haud: by no means, not at all, 4 Tiberis, is m.: Tiber, 1
horribilis, -e: horrible, dreadful, 11 trah, -ere, trx, tractum: to draw, drag, 6
ignis, ignis, m.: fire, 9 vallis, -is f.: valley, vale, 2
mgnitd, -tdinis f.: size, greatness, 13 vestgium, -i n.: track, foot-print, 4
moror, -r, -tus sum: delay, linger, 3

1 Brev tempore: abl. time when; 3rd 6 nn modsed: not onlybut

decl. i-stem adj. ingent magnitdine: of; abl. of quality
2 condita erat: had been established 9 bom: of the cattle; partitive gen.
itinere: abl. of means, iter 10 nposset: neg. purpose clause, impf.
3 paucs dis: for; acc. duration of time subj. possum
morr: to linger; dep. inf. quo in locclt essent: in qu loc;
utrecreret: so thatmight; purpose plpf. subj. in ind. question
Poster di simul atque somn excittus est, Herculs furtum 1
animadvertit et bovs misss omnibus locs quaerbat. Hs tamen
nusquam reperre poterat, nn mod quod loc natram ignorbat,
sed quod vestigis falss deceptus est. Tandem cum magnam
partem di frustr cnsumpsisset, cum reliqus bbus progred 5
cnstituit. At dum proficisc parat, nus bbus qus scum habuit
mugre coepit. Subit e qu in splunc inclus erant mugitum
reddidrunt, et hc mod Herculem certirem fcerunt qu in loc
clt essent. Ille vehementer rtus ad spluncam quam celerrim
s cntulit, ut praedam reciperet. At Ccus saxum ingens ita 10
dicerat ut adtus spluncae omnn obstruertur.

aditus, -s m.: approach, access, entrance, 2 mgi, -re, -v: moo, bellow, 2
mitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: lose, let go, 8 natra, -ae. f.: nature, 9
animadvert, -ere: turn mind to, notice, 6 nsquam: nowhere, 1
Ccus, - m.: Cacus, 4 obstru, -ere, -x, -ctum: block, close off 4
celer, -eris, -ere: swift, quick, 12 omnn: altogether, wholely, entirely, 11
cl (1): hide, conceal, 5 posterus, -a, -um: following, next, 2
certus, -a, -um: fixed, sure, 11 praeda, -ae f.: plunder, spoils, 2
consum, -ere, -mps, -mptum: take, spend 9 recipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: accept, take
decipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: catch, deceive 1 back, 8
dici, -ere, -ic, -iectum: throw/cast down 2 redd, -ere, did, dditum: give back, return, 4
excit (1): excite, rouse, incite, 8 reperi, -re, repper, repertum: find out, 9
fall, -ere, fefell, falsum: deceive, 3 simul: at the same time; at once, together, 10
frustr: in vain, for nothing, 13 somnus, - m.: sleep, 14
furtum, - n.: theft, 1 vehementer: strongly, violently, ardently, 11
incld, -ere, -s, -sum: close in, shut in, 7 vestgium, -i n.: track, foot-print, 4
rtus, -a, -um: angry, 5

1 poster di: on; abl. time when 8 hc mod: in; abl. of manner
simul atque: as soon as; as the same certirem fcrunt: mademore certain;
time as i.e. informed, a double acc., comparative
2 misss: lost; PPP (pf. pass. pple) mitt adj. is is an acc. predicate
locs: in; abl. place where qu in loc clt essent: in qu loc;
3 nn modsed: not onlybut plpf. pass. subj., ind. question
quod: because 9 quam celerrim: quam + superlative: as
5 di: of the day; partitive gen., 5th decl. X as possible, here a superlative adverb
bbus: irreg. abl. pl. bs, bovis 10 s contulit: carried himself; pf confer
progred: dep. inf. progredior utreciperet: so thatmight; purpose
6 proficisc: dep. inf. proficiscor 11 utobstruertur: purpose
bbus: irreg. abl. pl. bs, bovis posset: impf. subj. possum (inf. posse)
7 e qu: those who; nom. pl. demonstrative
Herculs cum nllum alium introitum reperre posset, hoc saxum 1
movre cntus est, sed propter eius magnitdinem rs erat
difficillima. Di frustr laborbat neque quicquam efficere poterat;
tandem tamen magn cnt saxum movit et speluncam patefcit.
Ibi misss bovs magn cum gaudi conspxit; sed Ccum ipsum 5
vix cernere potuit, quod splunca replta erat fm quem ille mre
su vombat. Herculs insitt specie turbtus breve tempus
haesitbat; mox tamen in spluncam irrpit et collum mnstr
bracchis complexus est. Ille ets multum repugnvit, nll mod
s lberre potuit, et cum nlla facults resprand dartur, mox 10
exanimtus est.

alius, -a, -ud: other, another, else, 9 gaudium, -i n.: gladness, joy, 9
mitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: lose, let go, 8 haere, -re, haes: stick, hesitate, linger, 3
move, -re, -mv, -mtum: move away, 5 inrump, -ere, -rp, -ruptum: burst in, 2
bracchium, - n.: arm, 2 introitus, -s m.: entrance, 6
Ccus, - m.: Cacus, 4 insittus, -a, -um: unusual, 1
cern, -ere, crv, crtus: discern, decide, 1 labr (1): work, toil, labor, strive, 2
collum, - n.; neck, 6 liber (1): to set free, release, 6
complector, -plect, -plexus sum: embrace, 3 mgnitd, -tdinis f.: size, greatness, 13
contus, -s m.: attempt, effort, 7 ms, mris m.: custom, manner, law, 6
conspici, -ere, -x, -ectum: catch sight of, 3 patefaci, -ere, -fc, -factum: to lay open, 2
difficilis, -e: hard, difficult, troublesome, 6 propter: on account of, because of, 6
di: a long time, long, 13 quisquam, quidquam: anyone, anything, 4
effici, -ere, -fc, -fectus: make, form, 3 reperi, -re, repper, repertum: find out, 9
ets: even if, although, though, 13 reple, -re, -plv, -pltum: fill again, fill, 4
vom, -ere, -u, -vomitum: vomit forth, 1 repugn (1): fight against, oppose, resist, 2
exanim (1): to kill, exhaust, 9 respr (1): to breathe back, breathe out, 2
facults, -ttis f.: ability, opportunity, 5 turb (1): to confuse, disturb, 2
frustr: in vain, for nothing, 13 vix: with difficulty, with effort, scarcely, 5
fmus, - m.: smoke, 2

2 cntus est: pf. deponent, translate in act. 5 misss: see line 3

3 difficillima: superlative, stems ending 6 mre su: by its custom; from its custom
in r and l duplicate instead of -issimus 9 multum: much; adverbial acc.
quicquam: quidquam, acc. direct obj. 10 resprand: gen. gerund (-ing)
4 magn cnt: with; abl. manner
Eurystheus postquam bovs Gryonis accpit, labrem ndecimum 1
Hercul impsuit, gravirem quam qus supr narrvimus. Mandvit
enim e ut aurea pma ex hort Hesperidum auferret. Hesperids autem
nymphae erant quaedam form praestantissim, quae in terr longinqu
habitbant, et quibus aurea quaedam pma Iunne commissa erant. 5
Mult homins, aur cupiditte induct, haec pma auferre iam ante
cnt erant. Rs tamen difficillima erat, namque hortus in qu pma
erant mur ingent undique circumdtus erat; praetere drac qudam cui
centum erant capita portam hort diligenter custodibat. Opus igitur quod
Eurystheus Hercul imperverat erat summae difficulttis, nn mod ob 10
causs qus memorvimus, sed etiam quod Herculs omnn ignorbat
qu in loc hortus ille situs esset.

antea: before, earlier, formerly, previously, 7 indc, -ere, -x, -ctum: induce, lead in, 2
aufer, -ferre, abstul, -ltum: carry away 11 In, -nis m.: Juno, 3
aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 longinquus, -a, -um: distant, remote, far off, 1
aurum, - n.: gold, 3 mand (1): to entrust, give, commit, 2
centum: hundred, 3 memor (1): to recall, mention, 1
circumd, -are, -ded, -datus: to surround, 1 mrus, - m.: wall, rampart, 4
committ, -mittere, -ms: commit, entrust, 6 namque: for, 2
cnor, cnr, cntus sum: to try, attempt, 7 narr (1): to narrate, relate, 7
cupidits, -ttis f.: desire, passion, 5 nympha, -ae f.: nymph, 2
custodi, -re, -v, -tum: to guard, 4 ob: on account of (acc.), 13
difficilis, -e: hard, difficult, troublesome, 6 omnn: altogether, wholely, entirely, 11
difficults, -ttis f.: difficulty, 7 opus, -eris n.: work, deed, toil, 9
diligenter: carefully, diligently, 3 pmum, - n.: fruit, apple, 9
drac, -nis m.: dragon, serpent, 7 porta, -ae f.: gate, 7
forma, -ae, f.: beauty, shape, form, 3 praest, -stre, -stit: stand in front, show, 6
Gryon, -onis m.: Geryon, 4 praetere: besides, moreover, 3
Hesperids, -um f.: Hesperides, 5 situs, -a, -um: situated, place, 2
hortus, - m.: garden, 7 supr: above, before, 6
ignr (1): not know, be ignorant, 5 undecimum: eleven, 1
imper (1): order, command, 12 undique: from everywhere, from all sides, 7
impon, -ere, -posu, -positus: place on, 7

2 gravirem: comparative adj. 6 aur: for gold; object genitive

quam (labrs) qus: than (the labors) induct: drawn; PPP indc
which; supply labrs auferre: inf. aufer
supr: above; i.e. in previous discussion 8 ingent: i-stem 3rd decl. abl. with mur
mandvit: ordered; else entrusted cuierant: to whom there were; i.e. who
3 e: dat. ind. object had, or whosewere, dat. of possession
utauferret: that; impf. subj. au-fer 10 summae difficulttis: of; gen. of
(irreg. inf. ferre), ind. command description as a predicate of erant
4 form praestantissim: of; abl. of nn modsed etiam: not onlybut also
quality as the predicate of erant 12 qu in loc: in qu loc
praestantissim: most outstandiing esset: impf. subj., ind. question
5 quibus: to whom; dat. ind. object
Herculs, quamquam quitem vehementer cupibat, tamen 1
Eurysthe parre cnstituit, et simul ac iussa eius accpit,
proficisc matrvit. mults merctoribus quaesverat qu in loc
Hesperids habitrent, nihil tamen certum reperre potuerat. Frustr
per mults terrs iter fcit et multa percula subiit; tandem, cum in 5
hs itineribus ttum annum cnsumpsisset, ad extrmam partem
orbis terrrum, quae proxima est cean, pervnit. Hic stbat vir
qudam, nmine Atlas, ingent magnitdine corporis, qu caelum
(ita trditum est) umers sus sustinbat, n in terram dcideret.
Herculs tants vrs magnopere mirtus statim in colloquium cum 10
Atlante vnit, et cum causam itineris docuisset, auxilium ab e

ac: and, and also, 14 nihil: nothing, 14

Atls, -antis m.: Atlas, 8 nmen, nminis, n.: name, 12
caelum, - n.: sky, 4 ceanus, - m.: Oceanus, 1
certus, -a, -um: fixed, sure, 11 orbis, -is m.: sphere; + terrrum, world, 1
conloquium, -i n.: conversation, 1 pare, -re, paru: obey, 3
consum, -ere, -mps, -mptum: take, spend 9 pet, petere, petv, pettum: seek, aim at, 10
cupi, -ere, -v, -tum: desire, long for, 4 proximus, -a, -um: nearest, next, 5
dcid, -ere, -cid: to fall down, 1 quamquam: although, 4
doce, -re, -u, -ctus: teach, tell, 9 quis, quitis f.: rest, repose, sleep, 5
extrmus, -a, -um: outermost, farthest, last, 2 reperi, -re, repper, repertum: find out, 9
frustr: in vain, for nothing, 13 simul: at the same time; at once, together, 10
Hesperids, -um f.: Hesperides, 5 st (1): to stand, 8
mgnitd, -tdinis f.: size, greatness, 13 sube, -re, -i: to undergo, go up (to), 5
matur (1): to hasten, ripen, 7 sustine, -re, u, -tentum: hold up, endure, 7
merctor, -ris m.: trader, merchant, 3 umerus, - m.: shoulder, 3
mror, -r, -tus: to wonder, be amazed at, 7 vehementer: strongly, violently, ardently, 11

2 parre to obey; governs a dat. obj. 9 ita trditum est: so it has been reported
simul ac: as soon as ndcideret: neg. purpose clause
7 orbis terrrum: of the world; sphere of 10 vrs: acc. pl. vs
lands a very common phrase for earth mirtus: having marveled at; dep. PPP
8 nmine: by name; abl. of respect 11 docuisset: plpf. subj. cum-clause
ingent magnitdine: of; abl. of quality
Atls autem Hercul maxim prdesse potuit; ille enim cum ipse 1
esset pater Hesperidum, cert scvit qu in loc esset hortus.
Postquam igitur audvit quam ob causam Herculs vnisset, "Ipse,"
inquit, "ad hortum b et filibus mes persuadb ut pma su
sponte trdant." Herculs cum haec audret, magnopere gvsus est; 5
vim enim adhibere nluit, s rs aliter fier posset. Cnstituit igitur
obltum auxilium accipere. Atls tamen postulvit ut, dum ipse
abesset, Herculs caelum umers sustinret. Hoc autem negtium
Hercules libenter suscpit, et quamquam rs erat summ labris,
totum pondus cael continus complurs dis solus sustinbat. 10

absum, -esse, fu: to be away, be absent, 7 negtium, i n.: task, business, occupation, 13
adhibe, -re, -u, -itum: to apply, hold to, 4 nl, nlle, nlu: notwish, be unwilling 12
aliter: otherwise, in another way, 3 ob: on account of (acc.), 13
Atls, -antis m.: Atlas, 8 offer, -ferre, -tul, -ltum: offer, present 5
caelum, - n.: sky, 4 pater, patris, m.: father, 12
certus, -a, -um: fixed, sure, 11 persude, -re, -sus, -susum: persuade, 9
complrs, -plra: several, many, 1 pmum, - n.: fruit, apple, 9
continuus, -a, -um: continuous, successive, 2 postul (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11
e, re, i (v), itrus: go, 3 prsum, prdesse, prfu: profit, benefit, 6
gaude, -re, gvsus sum: enjoy, rejoice, 4 quamquam: although, 4
Hesperids, -um f.: Hesperides, 5 sponte: of ones own will, voluntarily, 2
hortus, - m.: garden, 7 suscipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: undertake, 14
inquam, inquis, inquit: to say, 6 sustine, -re, u, -tentum: hold up, endure, 7
libenter: gladly, willingly, 12 umerus, - m.: shoulder, 3
maxim: especially, very greatly, 5

1 prdesse: inf. prsum, governs a dat. obj. su sponte: by their own will
cumesset: since; causal in sense, impf. 5 gvsus est: rejoiced; pf. dep.; gaude is
subj. semi-deponent (deponent in pf. tenses)
2 cert: for sure, in fact; adverb 6 vim: acc. sg. vs
qu in loc: in qu loc fier: to be done; inf. fi which can be
esset: impf. subj. sum, ind. question employed as the passive of faci
3 quam ob causam: for what reason 7 obltum: offered; PPP of-fer
vnisset: plpf. subj., ind. question ut...sustinret: ind. command
4 b: 1st sg. fut. e, re 8 abesset: impf. subj. ab-sum
filibus: irreg. dat. pl. obj. ind. obj. 9 summ labris: of; gen. of desciption
uttrdant: ind. command governed by 10 continusdis: for; acc. of duration
persuadb; pres. subj trd
Atls intere abierat et ad hortum Hesperidum, qu pauca milia 1
passuum aberat, s quam celerrim contulerat. E cum vnisset,
causam veniend expsuit et flis sus vehementer horttus est ut
pma trderent. Illae di haerbant; nlbant enim hoc facere,
quod ab ips Iunone (ita ut ante dictum est) hoc mnus accpissent. 5
Atls tamen aliquando es persusit ut sibi parrent, et pma ad
Herculem rettulit. Herculs intere cum plrs dis exspectvisset
neque llam fmam d redit Atlantis accpisset, hc mor graviter
commtus est. Tandem quint di Atlantem vdit redeuntem, et
mox magn cum gaudi pma accpit; tum, postquam grtis pr 10
tant benefici git, ad Graeciam proficisc maturvit.

abe, -re, -i, -itus: go away, go off, depart, 6 In, -nis m.: Juno, 3
absum, -esse, fu: to be away, be absent, 7 matur (1): to hasten, ripen, 7
aliquand: sometimes, at some time, 1 mlle (pl. mlia): thousand, 7
ante: before, in front of (acc.); adv. before, 5 mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14
Atls, -antis m.: Atlas, 8 mnus, mneris n.: service, gift, duty, 1
beneficium, - n.: benefit, favor; kindness, 8 nl, nlle, nlu: notwish, be unwilling 12
celer, -eris, -ere: swift, quick, 12 pare, -re, paru: obey, 3
expn, -ere, -su, -situm: set out, explain 7 passus, -s: pace, 7
fma, -ae f.: fame, reputation, report, rumor 7 persude, -re, -sus, -susum: persuade, 9
gaudium, -i n.: gladness, joy, 9 pls, plris: more, many, 1
Graecia, -ae f.: Greece, 7 pmum, - n.: fruit, apple, 9
grtia, -ae f.: graditude, favor, thanks, 10 pr: before, in front of, for, 9
haere, -re, haes, haesrum: stick, cling, 3 quintus, -a, -um: fifth, 1
Hesperids, -um f.: Hesperides, 5 reditus, -s m.: return, 5
hortor, -r, -tus sum: to encourage, urge, 4 llus, -a, -um: any, 3
hortus, - m.: garden, 7 vehementer: strongly, violently, ardently, 11
intere: meanwhile, 7

1 abierat: impf. ab-e 5 quodaccpissent: becausehad

milia passum: miles; thousands of received; plpf. subj. of alleged cause
paces; acc. of extent of space ita ut: thus as...; ut + indicative is as
2 s contulerat: had carried himself; i.e. 7 rettulit: pf. re-fer
had gone plrs dis: for; acc. duration of time
quam celerrim: quam + superlative 9 quint di: on; abl. time when
often is translated as X as possible, redeuntem: acc. pred. pple. red-e
E: to there; ibi is there; inde (ibi + 10 grtisgit: gave thanks; common
de) is from there; and e to there idiom, grtis ag in the pf.
3 veniend: gen. sg. gerund (-ing) pr: (in return) for
ut: that..; ind. command after dep. hortor 11 proficisc: pres. dep. inf.
Postquam aurea pma ad Eurystheum relta sunt, nus mod 1
relinqubtur duodecim labribus qus Pythia Hercul
praecperat. Eurystheus autem cum Herculem magnopere timret,
eum in aliquem locum mittere volbat unde numquam redre
posset. Negtium igitur e dedit ut canem Cerberum ex Orc in 5
lcem trheret. Hoc opus omnium difficillimum erat, nm enim
umquam ex Orc redierat. Praetere Cerberus iste mnstrum erat
horribil speci, cui tria erant capita serpentibus saevs cncta.
Antequam tamen d hc labore narrmus, non alinum vidtur,
quoniam d Orc mentinem fcimus, pauca d e regine 10

alienus, -a, -um: of another, foreign, 1 numquam: never, at no time, 4

aliqu, -qua, -quod: some, any, definite, 3 opus, -eris n.: work, deed, toil, 9
antequam: before, 9 Orcus, - m.: Orcus, underworld, 11
aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 pmum, - n.: fruit, apple, 9
canis, -is m. f.: dog, 3 praecipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: order, take, 6
Cerberus, - m.: Cerberus, 6 praetere: besides, moreover, 3
cing, -ere, cinx, cinctum: surround, gird, 1. propn, -ere, -su, -situm: put or set forth, 4
difficilis, -e: hard, difficult, troublesome, 6 Pthia, -ae f.: Pythia, 4
duodecim: twelve, 6 quoniam: since now, seeing that, 1
horribilis, -e: horrible, dreadful, 11 relinqu, -ere, -lqu, -lictum: leave behind, 9
iste, ista, istud: that or those (of yours), 7 saevus, -a, -um: savage, fierce, 3
lx, lcis m.: light, 6 serpns, serpentis f.: serpent, 6
menti, -tinis f.: mention, 2 time, -re, -u: fear, dread, 6
narr (1): to narrate, relate, 7 trs, tria: three, 9
negtium, i n.: task, business, occupation, 13 umquam: ever, 5
nm, nllus, nmin, nminem, unde: whence, from which source, 6
nll/nll: no one, 6

1 mod: just; or only; an adverb which is 7 redierat: plpf. red-e

often confused with the noun modus, - iste: that; commonly thatof yours, is
2 Hercul: dat. ind. obj. an alternative for ille that often expresses
3 cum: since; causal in sense + impf. subj. contempt
4 undeposset: from where; impf. subj. 8 horribil speci: of; abl. quality
in a rel. clause of characteristic cuierant: to whom there were; who
5 negtiumut: task, (namely) that; had, dat. of possession
an indirect command in apposition 9 vidtur: it seems; is seen, the subject is
6 omnium: partitive gen. i-stem adj. with the inf. prpnere below; alinum is a
the following superlative difficilimum predicate nominative
D Orc, qu dem Hds appellbtur, haec trduntur. Ut quisque 1
d vt dcesserat, mns eius ad Orcum, sdem morturum, de
Mercurio ddcbantur. Huius reginis, quae sub terr fuisse
dcitur, rx erat Plt, cui uxor erat Prserpina, Iovis et Cereris
flia. Mns igitur Mercuri dduct prmum ad rpam venibant 5
Stygis flminis, qu rgnum Pltnis contintur. Hoc transre
necesse erat antequam in Orcum venre possent. Cum tamen in hc
flmine nllus pns factus esset, mns trnsvhbantur
Charonte qudam, qu cum parv scaph ad rpam exspectbat.
Charn pr hc offici mercdem postulbat, neque quemquam, 10
nisi hoc praemium prius dedisset, trnsvehere volbat. Quam ob
causam ms erat apud antiqus nmmum in ore mortu pnere e
cnsili, ut, cum ad Stygem vnisset, pretium trictus solvere
posset. E autem qu post mortem in terr nn sepult erant Stygem
trnsre nn poturunt, sed in rp per centum anns errre coct 15
sunt; tum dmum Orcum intrre licbat.

antequam: before, 9 officium, -i, n.: duty, 2

antquus, -a, -um: ancient, 3 Orcus, - m.: Orcus, underworld, 11
appell (1): call (by name), name, 12 s, ris n.: face, mouth 3
apud: among, in the presence of (+ acc.), 9 parvus, -a, -um: small, 3
centum: hundred, 3 Plt, Pltnis m.: Pluto, 6
Cers, Cereris f.: Ceres, 1 pon, ponere, posu, positum: to place, put, 5
Charn, -ontis m.: Charon, 5 pns, pontis m.: bridge, 2
cg, cgere, -g, -ctum: collect, compel, 5 postul (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11
contine, -re, -nu: hold or keep together, 4 praemium, i n.: reward, 5
dcd, -ere, -cess, -cessum: depart; die, 2 pretium, i n.: price, charge, 1
ddc, -ere: lead or bring down, launch, 10 prius: before, 3
dmum: at length, finally, 3 pr: before, in front of, for, 9
Hds, -ae m.: Hades, 1 Proserpina, -ae f.: Proserpina, 2
intr (1): go into, enter, 7 quisquam, quidquam: anyone, anything, 4
Iuppiter, Iovis m.: Jupiter, 8 quisque, quidque: each one, each person, 3
licet, -re, -uit: is allowed, permitted, 5 rpa, -ae f.: bank, shore, 7
mns, -ium m.: spirit, shade, 4 scapha, -ae f.: boat, skiff, 4
mercs, mercdis f.: pay, wages, 1 sdes, sdis f.: seat; abode, home, 5
Mercurius, - m.: Mercury, 8 sepeli, -re, -v, sepultum: to bury, 1
morior, mor, mortuus sum: to die, 4 Styx, Stygis f.: Styx, 6
mors, mortis, f.: death, 9 sub: under, 4
mortuus, -a, -um: dead, 7 trah, -ere, trx, tractum: to draw, drag, 6
ms, mris m.: custom, manner, law, 6 trici, -ere, -ic, -iectum: pierce, throw, 2
necesse: necessary, 2 trnse, -re, -i (v), itus: pass (by), 10
nisi: if not, unless, 2 trnsveh, -ere, -vex: to carry across, 2
nummus, - m.: coin; cash, 1 uxor, xris f.: wife, spouse, 10
ob: on account of (acc.), 13 vta, -ae, f.: life, 9

1 trduntur: are reported; pres. pass. originally pf. ind., made plpf. subj.
Ut: when; as often with indicative volbat: was (Charon) willing
3 Huius reginis: gen. sg. with rex quam ob causam: for which reason
4 cui: whose; dat. of possession 12 ms erat: it was the customto
6 qu: by which; abl. of means e cnsili, ut: with this purpose
7 necesse erat: it was necessary; impersonal (namely) that; purpose clause
possent: were able; subj. of ideal limit 13 triectus: (when) sent across; PPP
9 ad: near, at 14 Equ: those who
10 pr: (in return) for 16 licbat: it would be allowed; iterative
11 nisidedisset: if he had not given; or customary impf.
protasis in a simple past condition,
Ut autem mns Stygem hc mod trnsierant, ad alterum 1
venibant flmen, quod Lth appellbtur. Ex hc flmine aquam
bibere cogbantur; quod cum fcissent, rs omns in vt gests
memori dponbant. Denique ad sedem ipsus Pltnis venibant,
cuius introitus cane Cerber custdibatur. Ibi Plt nigr vestt 5
indtus cum uxre Proserpin in soli sdbat. Stbant etiam nn
procul ab e loc tria alia slia, in quibus sdbant Mns,
Rhadamanthus, Aeacusque, idics apud nfers. H mortus is
dicbant et praemia poensque cnstitubant. Bon enim in
Camps Elysis, sdem betrum, venibant; improb autem in 10
Tartarum mittbantur ac mults et varis supplicis ibi

ac: and, and also, 14 Lth, -s f.: Lethe (river), 1

Aeacus, - m.: Aeacus, 1 mns, -ium m.: spirit, shade, 4
alius, -a, -ud: other, another, else, 9 Mns, Mns m.: Minos, 1
alter, -era, -erum: other (of two), second, 7 mortuus, -a, -um: dead, 7
appell (1): call (by name), name, 12 niger, nigra, nigrum: black, 1
apud: among, in the presence of (+ acc.), 9 Plt, Pltnis m.: Pluto, 6
aqua, -ae f.: water, 11 poena, poenae, f.: punishment, 3
beatus, -a, -um: blessed, happy, 3 praemium, i n.: reward, 5
bib, -ere, bib: drink, 4 procul: from afar, from a distance, 5
campus, - m.: plain, field, 1 Proserpina, -ae f.: Proserpina, 2
canis, -is m. f.: dog, 3 Rhadamanthus, - m.: Rhadamanthus, 1
Cerberus, - m.: Cerberus, 6 sdes, sdis f.: seat; abode, home, 5
cg, cgere, -g, -ctum: collect, compel, 5 solium, - n.: throne, seat, 2
custodi, -re, -v, -tum: to guard, 4 st (1): to stand, 8
denique: lastly, finally, 1 Styx, Stygis f.: Styx, 6
dpon, -ere, -su, -situm: put down or aside9 supplicium, -i n.; punishment, supplication, 5
lysius, -a, -um: Elysian, 1 Tartarus, - m.: Tartarus, 1
excruci (1): torture, 1 trnse, -re, -i (v), itus: pass (by), 10
improbus, -a, -um: wicked, 1 trs, tria: three, 9
indu, -ere, indu, indtum: put on, 8 uxor, xris f.: wife, spouse, 10
infer, -rum m.: the dead, the shades, 1 varius, -a, -um: various, 2
introitus, -s m.: entrance, 6 vesttus, -s m.: clothing, 1
idex, idicis m.: judge, 1 vta, -ae, f.: life, 9
is, iris n.: justice, law, right, 4

1 Ut: When; ut + indicative, transe 6 stbant: subj. is neuter pl. tria slia
3 rsgests: all matters carried out 8 is dicbant: dispensed justice
5 cuius: of which; gen. qu, quae, quod 10 Camps Elysis: Elysian Fields
Herculs postquam imperia Eurysthe accpit, in Lacniam ad 1
Taenarum statim s contulit; ibi enim splunca erat ingent
magnitdine, per quam, ut trdbtur, homins ad Orcum
dscendbant. E cum vnisset, ex incols quaesvit qu in loc
splunca illa sita esset; quod cum cognvisset, sine mor 5
dscendere cnstituit. Nec tamen slus hoc iter facibat, Mercrius
enim et Minerva s e socis adiunxerant. Ubi ad rpam Stygis
vnit, Herculs scapham Charontis cnscendit, ut ad ulterirem
rpam trnsret. Cum tamen Herculs vir esset ingent magnitdine
corporis, Charn solvere nlbat; magnopere enim verbtur n 10
scapha sua tant pondere onerta in medi flmine mergertur.
Tandem tamen, mins Herculis territus, Charn scapham solvit, et
eum incolumem ad ulterirem rpam perdxit.

adiung, -ere, -iunx, -iunctum: join to, 2 nl, nlle, nlu: notwish, be unwilling 12
Charn, -ontis m.: Charon, 5 oner (1): to load, burden, 2
conscend, -ere, -nd, -nsum: climb aboard, 6 Orcus, - m.: Orcus, underworld, 11
dscend, -ere, -nd, -nsum: descend, 4 perdc, -ere, -x, -ctum: lead through, 4
imperium, -i n.: power to command, rule, 2 pondus, ponderis n.: weight, 2
incola, -ae m.: inhabitant, 7 rpa, -ae f.: bank, shore, 7
incolumis, -e: inscathed, uninjured, safe, 7 scapha, -ae f.: boat, skiff, 4
Lacnia, -ae f.: Laconia, Sparta, 1 situs, -a, -um: situated, place, 2
mgnitd, -tdinis f.: size, greatness, 13 slus, -a, -um: alone, only, lone, sole, 6
medius, -a, -um: middle of, 10 Styx, Stygis f.: Styx, 6
Mercurius, - m.: Mercury, 8 Taenarus, - m.: Taenarus, 1
merg, mergere, mers, mersum: to sink, 3 terre, -re, -u, territum: to terrify, scare, 5
minae, -rum f.: threads, 1 trnse, -re, -i (v), itus: pass (by), 10
Minerva, -ae f.: Minerva, 4 lterior, -ius: farther, 3
mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14 vereor, -r, -itus: be afraid, fear; revere, 5
nec: and not, nor, 10

2 s contulit: carried themselves; i.e. quod cum: which when; relative clause
betook himself, pf. confer 7 e: to him; dat. of compound verb
ingent magnitdine: of; abl. of quality; socis: as comrades; predicative
3rd decl. i-stem abl. 8 uttrnsret: so thatmight; impf. subj.
3 ut: as; ut + indicative trnse in a purpose clause
4 E: to there; ibi is there; inde is from 10 solvere: to set sail
there; and e to there verbtur: impf. dep. vereor
qu in loc: in qu loc nmergertur: thatmight sink; clause
5 esset: impf. subj. sum, ind. question of fearing, translate positively
Postquam flmen Stygem hc mod trnsiit, Herculs in sdem ipsus 1
Pltnis vnit; et postquam causam veniend docuit, ab e petivit ut
Cerberum auferre sibi licret. Plt, qu d Hercule fmam acceperat,
eum benign excpit, et faculttem quam ille petbat libenter dedit.
Postulvit tamen ut Herculs ipse, cum imperta Eurysthe fcisset, 5
Cerberum in Orcum rrsus redceret. Herculs hoc pollicitus est, et
Cerberum, quem nn sine magn pericul manibus prehenderat, summ
cum labre ex Orc in lcem et ad urbem Eurysthe trxit. E cum
vnisset, tantus timor animum Eurysthe occupvit ut ex tri statim
refgerit; cum autem paulum s ex timre recpisset, mults cum lacrims 10
obsecrvit Herculem ut mnstrum sine mor in Orcum redceret. Sc
contr omnium opninem duodecim ill labrs qus Pythia praecperat
intr duodecim anns confect sunt; quae cum ita essent, Herculs
servitte tandem libertus magn cum gaudi Thbs rediit.

atrium, atri n.: atrium, 3 opni, -inis f.: opinion, reputation, 6

aufer, -ferre, abstul, -ltum: carry away 11 Orcus, - m.: Orcus, underworld, 11
benignus, -a, -um: kind, 4 pet, petere, petv, pettum: seek, aim at, 10
Cerberus, - m.: Cerberus, 6 Plt, Pltnis m.: Pluto, 6
contr: against (+ acc.), 7 polliceor, -cr, -citus: promise, proffer, 2
duodecim: twelve, 6 praecipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: order, take, 6
excipi, ere, cp, ceptum: take out, receive 9 prehend, -ere, -hend, -hnsum: seize, 5
facults, -ttis f.: ability, opportunity, 5 Pthia, -ae f.: Pythia, 4
fma, -ae f.: fame, reputation, report, rumor 7 recipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: accept, take
gaudium, -i n.: gladness, joy, 9 back, 8
imper (1): order, command, 12 redc, -ere, -x, -ctus: lead or bring back, 11
intr: within, among (+ acc.), 4 refugi, -ere, -fg: flee back, 5
lacrima, -ae f.: tear, 10 rursus: again, backward, back, 7
libenter: gladly, willingly, 12 sdes, sdis f.: seat; abode, home, 5
liber (1): to set free, release, 6 servits, servittis, f.: servitude, 2
licet, -re, -uit: is allowed, permitted, 5 sc: thus, in this way, 2
lx, lcis m.: light, 6 Styx, Stygis f.: Styx, 6
mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14 Thbae, -rum f.: Thebes, 4
obsecr (1): beseech, implore, entreat, 5 trah, -ere, trx, tractum: to draw, drag, 6
occup (1): occupy, seize, 8 trnse, -re, -i (v), itus: pass (by), 10

1 hc mod: in this way; abl. manner 9 utrefgerit: that; result; unusual with
trnsiit: pf. trnse pf. subj., translate in the perfect tense
2 veniend: gen. sg. gerund (-ing) 10 paulum: a little; adverbial acc.
petivit ut: asked that; ind. command s recpisset: had retreated; idiom
3 licret: it be allowed; impersonal impf. 11 utredceret: ind. command
4 excpit: welcomed 12 praecperat: had instructed
5 utredceret: thatlead back; ind. 13 quae cum...essent: Since these things
command; impf. subjunctive were so; i.e. as a result,
6 pollicitus est: promised; pf. dep. 14 servitte: from; abl. of separation
8 E: to there Thbs: to Thebes
rediit: pf. red-e
Poste Herculs multa alia praeclara perfcit, quae nunc perscribere 1
longum est. Tandem iam aette prvectus Dianram, Oene fliam, in
matrimnium dxit; post tamen trs anns accidit ut puerum quendam,
cui nmen erat Eunomus, cs occderit. Cum autem ms esset, ut s quis
hominem cs occdisset, in exsilium ret, Herculs cum uxre sua 5
fnibus eius civittis exre matrvit. Dum tamen iter faciunt, ad flmen
quoddam pervnrunt in qu nllus pns erat; et dum quaerunt qunam
mod flmen trnseant, accurrit centaurus Nessus, qu vitribus
auxilium obtulit. Herculs igitur uxrem suam in tergum Ness impsuit;
tum ipse flmen trnvit. Nessus autem paulum in aquam prgressus ad 10
rpam subit revertbtur et Deanram auferre conbtur. Quod cum
animadvertisset Herculs, ira graviter commtus arcum intendit et pectus
Ness sagitt trnsfxit.

accid, -ere, accid: to happen, fall (on)to, 8 Nessus, - m.: Nessus, 7

accurr, -ere, -cucurr, -cursum: to run to, 2 nmen, nminis, n.: name, 12
aets, aettis f.: age, lifetime, time, 4 nunc: now, at present, 4
alius, -a, -ud: other, another, else, 9 occid, -ere, -cid, -csus: kill, cut down, 14
animadvert, -ere: turn mind to, notice, 6 Oeneus, - m.: Oeneus, 1
aqua, -ae f.: water, 11 offer, -ferre, -tul, -ltum: offer, present 5
arcus, -s m.; bow, 4 pectus, pectoris n.: breast, chest, heart, 3
aufer, -ferre, abstul, -ltum: carry away 11 perfici, -ere, -fc, -fectum: accomplish, 3
csus, -s m.: misfortune, accident, event, 8 perscrb, -ere, -scrps, scrptum: write
cvits. cvittis f.: citizenship, state, 1 through, 3
cnor, cnr, cntus sum: to try, attempt, 7 pns, pontis m.: bridge, 2
Dianra, -ae f.: Deianira, 5 poste: after this, afterwards, 7
duc, -ere, dx, ductus: lead, draw, bring, 5 praeclrus, -a, -um: bright, very famous, 2
e, re, i (v), itrus: go, 3 proveh, -ere, -vex, -vectum: carry forth, 3
Eunomus, - m.: Eunomus, 1 qunam
exe, -re, -i, -itus: go out, 5 revert, -ere, revers: turn back, return, 2
exsilium, -i n.: exile, 2 rpa, -ae f.: bank, shore, 7
fnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 sagitta, -ae f.: arrow, 10
impon, -ere, -posu, -positus: place on, 7 tergum, - n.: back, 8
intend, -ere, -nd, -ntum: stretch out, aim, 4 trn (1): to swim across,1
ra, rae f.: anger, 12 trnse, -re, -i (v), itus: pass (by), 10
longus, -a, -um: long, 4 trnsfg, -fgere, -fx, -fxum: pierce, 4
matrimnium, -i n.: marriage, 6 trs, tria: three, 9
matur (1): to hasten, ripen, 7 uxor, xris f.: wife, spouse, 10
ms, mris m.: custom, manner, law, 6 vitor, -tris m.: traveler, 1

1 praeclara: famous (things); neuter pl. was, dat. of possession

2 aette prvectus: having advanced in s quis: if anyone had killed, he would go
age; abl. of respect; PPP prvehor 7 qunamtrnseant: in what way...; abl.
3 trs anns: for; acc. of duration of time manner; ind. question, pres. subj. trns-e
accidit ut: it happened that; noun result 11 Quod: this; which, English prefers a
clause with pf. subjunctive demonstrative in transitions
4 cui: to whom was; who had, or whose
Nessus igitur sagitt Herculis trnsfxus morins hum iacbat; at n 1
occsinem su ulcscend dmitteret, ita loctus est: T, Deanra, verba
morientis aud. S amrem marit tu cnservre vs, hunc sanguinem, qu
nunc pectore me effunditur, sume ac repne; tum, s umquam in
suspicinem tibi vnerit, vestem marit hc sanguine inficis. Haec 5
loctus, Nessus animam efflvit; Deanra autem nihil mal suspicta
imperta fcit. Paul post Herculs bellum contr Eurytum, rgem
Oechaliae, suscpit; et cum rgem ipsum cum flis interfcisset, Ioln
eius fliam captvam scum redxit. Antequam tamen domum vnit,
nvem ad Cnaeum promuntrium appulit, et in terram gressus ram 10
cnstituit, ut Iov sacrificret. Dum tamen sacrificium parat, Licham
comitem suum domum msit, qu vestem albam rferret; ms enim erat
apud antqus, dum sacrificia facerent, albam vestem gerere. At Deanra
verita n Herculs amrem erg Ioln habret, vestem priusquam Lichae
dedit, sanguine Ness infcit. 15

ac: and, and also, 14 malus, -a, -um: bad, 3

albus, -a, -um: white, 2 maritus, - m.: husband, 3
amor, -ris m.: love, desire, passion, 3 meus, -a, -um: my, mine, 2
antequam: before, 9 morior, mor, mortuus sum: to die, 4
antquus, -a, -um: ancient, 3 ms, mris m.: custom, manner, law, 6
appell, -ere, -pul, -puls: drive to, 14 Nessus, - m.: Nessus, 7
apud: among, in the presence of (+ acc.), 9 nihil: nothing, 14
ra, -ae f.: altar, 2 nunc: now, at present, 4
bellum, -, n.: war, 6 occsi, -inis f.: chance, opportunity, 6
captvus, -a, -um: prisoner, 2 Oechalia, -ae f.: Oechalia, 1
Cnaeum, - n.: Cenaeum (in Euboea), 1 pectus, pectoris n.: breast, chest, heart, 3
comes, -it is m. f.: companion, 3 priusquam: before than, sooner than, 2
conserv (1): preserve, keep, 1 promunturium, -i n.: promontory, 1
contr: against (+ acc.), 7 redc, -ere, -x, -ctus: lead or bring back, 11
Dianra, -ae f.: Deianira, 5 repon, -ere, -posu, -positum: put back, 2
dmitt, -ere, -ms, --: send away, let go, 8 sacrificium, -i n.: sacrifice, 5
domus, -s f.: house, home, dwelling, 11 sacrific (1): to sacrifice, 1
effl (1): breath out, 1 sagitta, -ae f.: arrow, 10
effund, -ere, -fd, -fsum: pour out, 1 sanguis, sanguinis m.: blood, 6
erg: toward, for (+ acc.), 1 sum, sumere, sumps, sumptum: to take, 3
Eurytus, - m.: Eurytus, 1 suscipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: undertake, 14
hum: on the ground, 2 suspici, -inis f.: suspicion, look askance, 1
iace, -re, -u: to lie, lie low, 3 suspic, -re, -v, -tum: suspect, mistrust, 7
imper (1): order, command, 12 trnsfg, -fgere, -fx, -fxum: pierce, 4
infici, -ere, -fc, -fectum: stain, dye, 4 tu: you, 10
Iol, -s f.: Iole, 2 tuus, -a, -um: your, yours, 3
Iuppiter, Iovis m.: Jupiter, 8 ulcscor, ulcsc, ultus sum: to avenge, 2
Lichs, -ae m.: Lichas, 3 vereor, -r, -itus: be afraid, fear; revere, 5
loquor, loqu, loctus sum: speak, address, 9 vestis, -is f.: clothing, 12

1 morins: dying; pres. pple. morior infect; a future-more-vivid condition (fut.

hum: on the ground; locative pf., fut.); in English, the protasis is present
ndmitteret: so thatnot; neg. purpose but future in sense
clause 6 nihil mal: nothing (of) bad; partitive
2 su ulcscend: of avenging themselves; 7 paul: little later; abl. degree of difference
noun + gerundive: employ a gerundive- 9 scum: cum s
gerund flip and translate as gerund + obj. 11 utsacrificret: so that; purpose
3 aud: sg. imperative, audi Iov: to Jupiter; dat. of interest
vs: 2nd sg. pres. vol, velle 12 domum: to home; place to which
4 sume, repne: sg. imperatives rferret: would bring; rel. of purpose
5 vnerit, inficis: ifcomes, you will 14 verita n: fearing lest; fearing clause
Herculs nihil mal suspicans vestem quam Lichs attulerat statim 1
induit; paul post tamen dolrem per omnia membra snsit, et quae
causa esset eius re magnopere mirbtur. Dolre paene
exanimtus, vestem dtrhere cntus est; illa tamen in corpore
haesit, neque ll mod abscind potuit. Tum dmum Herculs, 5
quasi furre impulsus, in montem Octam s contulit, et in rogum,
quem summ celeritte exstruxit, s impsuit. Hoc cum fcisset,
es qu circumstbant rvit ut rogum quam celerrim
succenderent. Omns di recusbant; tandem tamen pstor qudam,
ad misericordiam inductus, ignem subdidit. Tum, dum omnia fm 10
obscurantur, Herculs, dns nbe veltus Iove, in Olympum
abreptus est.

abripi, -ere, -ripu, -reptum: snatch away 2 malus, -a, -um: bad, 3
abscind, -ere, -scid, -scissum: tear off, 1 membrum, - n.: limb, member, 10
affer, -ferre, attul, alltum: carry to bring 5 mror, -r, -tus: to wonder, be amazed at, 7
celerits, -ttis f.: speed, quickness, 7 misericordia, -ae f.: pity, compassion, 1
circumst, -re, -stet: stand around, 1 mons, montis m.: mountain, mount, 5
cnor, cnr, cntus sum: to try, attempt, 7 nihil: nothing, 14
dmum: at length, finally, 3 nbs, -is f.: cloud, 1
densus, -a, -um: thick, 2 obscr (1): hide, conceal, 1
dtrah, -ere, -ax, -actum: draw away/off, 2 Olympus, - m.: Olympus, 1
di: a long time, long, 13 r (1): pray (for), entreat, beseech, 5
exanim (1): to kill, exhaust, 9 paene: almost, nearly, 8
exstru, -ere, -ux, -ctum: build, heap up, 1 pastor, pastoris m.: shepherd, 2
fmus, - m.: smoke, 2 quasi: as if, 4
furor, -ris m.: rage, fury, madness, 4 recs (1): refuse, give a reason against, 1
haere, -re, haes, haesrum: stick, cling, 3 rogus, - m.: pyre, 2
ignis, ignis, m.: fire, 9 subd, -ere, -did, -ditum: put under, apply, 1
impell, ere, -pul, -pulsum: drive on, incite3 succend, -ere, -cend, -censum: kindle, 1
impon, -ere, -posu, -positus: place on, 7 suspic, -re, -v, -tum: suspect, mistrust, 7
indc, -ere, -x, -ctum: induce, lead in, 2 llus, -a, -um: any, 3
indu, -ere, indu, indtum: put on, 8 vel (1): to veil, cover, 1
Iuppiter, Iovis m.: Jupiter, 8 vestis, -is f.: clothing, 12
Lichs, -ae m.: Lichas, 3

1 summ celeritte: with; abl. manner ut..succenderent: that..; ind. command

8 es qu: those who; demonstrative quam celerrim: as fast as possible
Erant lim in Thessali duo frtrs, qurum alter Aesn, Pelis 1
alter appellbtur. Aesn prm rgnum obtinuerat; at post paucs
anns Pelis, rgn cupiditte adductus, nn mod frtrem suum
expulit, sed etiam in anim habbat Isonem, Aesnis flium,
interficere. Qudam tamen ex amcs Aesnis, ubi sententiam 5
Peliae cognvrunt, puerum tant percul ripere cnstituerunt.
Noct igitur Isonem ex urbe abstulrunt, et cum poster di ad
rgem rediissent, e renuntivrunt puerum mortuum esse. Pelis
cum hoc audvisset, ets r vr magnum gaudium percipibat,
speciem tamen dolris praebuit et quae causa esset mortis 10
quaesvit. Ill autem cum bene intellegerent dolrem eius falsum
esse, nesci quam fbulam d morte puer fnxrunt.

addc, -ere, -x, -ctum: to lead to, bring, 8 frter, -tris m.: brother, 5
Aesn, -nis m.: Aeson, father of Jason, 4 gaudium, -i n.: gladness, joy, 9
alter, -era, -erum: other (of two), second, 7 morior, mor, mortuus sum: to die, 4
amcus, - m.: friend, 6 mors, mortis, f.: death, 9
appell (1): call (by name), name, 12 nesci, -re, -scv, -sctum: not know, 4
aufer, -ferre, abstul, -ltum: carry away 11 noct: at night, by night, 2
bene: well, 5 obtine, -re, -u, -tentum: hold, maintain, 9
cupidits, -ttis f.: desire, passion, 5 lim: once, formerly, 10
duo, duae, duo: two, 10 Pelis, -ae f.: Pelias, 14
ripi, -ere, -u, reptus: tear from, rescue, 2 percipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: feel perceive 5
ets: even if, although, though, 13 posterus, -a, -um: following, next, 2
expell, -ere, -pul, -pulsum: drive out, 3 praebe, -re, -u, -itum: to present, give, 7
fabula, -ae f.: story, 1 renunti, (1): report, announce, 2
fall, -ere, fefell, falsum: deceive, 3 sententia, -ae f.: thought, feeling, opinion, 2
flius, -i m.: son, 10 Thessalia, -ae f.: Thessaly, 4
fing, -ere, finx, fictum: make up, imagine, 1 verus, -a, -um: true, real, 2

1 Erant: there were rede as often translate in the correct tense

alteralter: onethe other; apply the poster di: on;abl. of time when
verb appellbtur to both nom. subjects 8 e: nom. pl. or dat. sg. for is, ea, id
2 prm: first; adverb puerumesse: that; ind. discourse,
3 regn: for the kingdom; objective gen. 9 cumaudvisset: plpf. subj. audi,
adductus: attracted; drawn PPP translate as you would plpf. indicative
nn modetiam: not onlybut also r vr: in true fact; abl. of respect
4 in anim habbat: had in mind; common 10 quae causa esset mortis: what was;
way in Latin to express I intended indirect question with impf. subj. sum
6 ripere: commonly means to rescue 11 dolremesse: that; see 16 above
7 abstulrunt: pf. au-fer (/ab + fer) 12 nesci quam: some; I-do-not-know-
cumrediissent: when; plpf. subj. what, indefinite modifying fbulam
Post breve tempus Pelis, veritus n regnum suum tant v et 1
fraude occuptum mitteret, amcum quendam Delphs msit, qu
rculum cnsuleret. Ille igitur quam celerrim Delphs s contulit
et quam ob causam vnisset demnstrvit. Respondit rculum
nllum esse in praesenti perculum; monuit tamen Peliam ut s 5
quis num calceum gerens venret, eum cavret. Post paucs anns
accidit ut Pelis magnum sacrificium factrus esset; nuntis in
omns parts dmserat et certam diem conveniend dxerat. Di
constitt magnus hominum numerus undique ex agrs convnit; in
hs autem vnit etiam Ison, qu pueriti apud centaurum 10
quendam habitverat. Dum tamen iter facit, num calces in
trnseund nesci qu flmine msit.

accid, -ere, accid: to happen, fall (on)to, 8 numerus, - m.: number, multitude, 7
ager, -gr m.: land, field, territory, 11 nuntius, -i m.: messenger, 12
amcus, - m.: friend, 6 ob: on account of (acc.), 13
mitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: lose, let go, 8 occup (1): occupy, seize, 8
apud: among, in the presence of (+ acc.), 9 rculum, - n.: oracle, 11
calceus, - m.: shoe, 3 Pelis, -ae f.: Pelias, 14
cave, -re, cv, cautum: be on guard, 1 Pelis, -ae f.: Pelias, 14
certus, -a, -um: fixed, sure, 11 praesentia, -ae f.: the present, 1
consul, consulere, -lu, -ltum: to consult, 3 pueritia, -ae, f.: childhood, 1
Delph, -rum m.: Delphi, oracle of Apollo, 2 responde, -re, -d, -nsus: to answer, 13
dmonstr (1): to show, demonstrate, 13 sacrificium, -i n.: sacrifice, 5
dmitt, -ere, -ms, --: send away, let go, 8 trnse, -re, -i (v), itus: pass (by), 10
fraus, fraudis f.: fraud, deception, 2 undique: from everywhere, from all sides, 7
mone, -re, -u, monitum: to warn, 1 vereor, -r, -itus: be afraid, fear; revere, 5
nesci, -re, -scv, -sctum: not know, 4

1 veritus n: having feared thatwould; difference

PPP, fearing clause (n + impf. subj.) 7 accidit ut: it happened that; as often,
v: with force; irreg. abl. of means, vs accidit introduces a noun result clause
2 Delphs: to Delph; place to which factrus esset: was going to make; fut.
3 cnsuleret: would consult; purpose periphrastic (fut. pple + sum), impf. subj.
4 quam ob causam: for what reason 8 parts: directions
vnisset: plpf. subj., ind. question dxerat: had appointed
5 nllumperculum: that; ind. disc.; conveniend: of convening; gen. gerund
main verb pf. so translate inf. as impf. Di constit: on; abl. of time when
utcavret: that he beware of; ind. 9 hominum: partitive genitive
command, impf. subj. in secondary seq. 12 trnseund: in crossing some river; this
s quis: if anyone; quis is indefinite gerundive of trnse modifies flmine;
before s, nisi, num, and n employ a gerund-gerundive flip: translate as
6 Post paucs anns: a few years later; a gerund (-ing) with flmine as direct obj.
later by a few years, abl. of degree of nesci qu: some; I-do-not-know-what
Isn igitur cum calceum missum nll mod recipere posset, n 1
pede nd in rgiam pervnit. Quem cum Pelis vdisset, subit
timre affectus est; intellxit enim hunc esse hominem quem
rculum demonstrvisset. Hoc igitur cnsilium iniit. Rx erat
qudam Aets, qu regnum Colchidis ill tempore obtinbat. Huic 5
commissum erat illud vellus aureum quod Phrixus lim ibi
relquerat. Cnstituit igitur Pelis Ison negtium dare ut hc
vellere potrtur; cum enim rs esset magn percul, eum in itinere
pertrum esse sprbat. Isonem igitur ad s arcessvit, et eum
cohorttus quid fier vellet docuit. Ille ets intellegbat rem esse 10
difficillimam, negtium libenter suscpit.

Aets: Aeetes, king of Cochis, 10 negtium, i n.: task, business, occupation, 13

affici, -ere, -fc, fectum: influence, treat, 13 ndus, -a, -um: naked, bare, 1
mitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: lose, let go, 8 obtine, -re, -u, -tentum: hold, maintain, 9
arcess, -ere, -v, -itum: summon, invite, 2 lim: once, formerly, 10
aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 rculum, - n.: oracle, 11
calceus, - m.: shoe, 3 Pelis, -ae f.: Pelias, 14
cohortor, -hortr, -horttus: encourage, 2 pere, -perre, peri, peritrum: to perish, 1
Colchis, -idis f.: Colchis, 4 ps, pedis m.: foot, 8
committ, -mittere, -ms: commit, entrust, 6 Phrixus m.: Phrixus, 1
dmonstr (1): to show, demonstrate, 13 potior, -r, pottus sum: get possession of, 1
difficilis, -e: hard, difficult, troublesome, 6 recipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: take back, 8
doce, -re, -u, -ctus: teach, tell, 9 rgia, -ae f.: palace, 4
ets: even if, although, though, 13 relinqu, -ere, -lqu, -lictum: leave behind, 9
fi, fier, factus: become, be made, 9 spr (1): hope (for), expect, 5
ine, -re, -, -itum: go into, enter, 4 suscipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: undertake, 14
libenter: gladly, willingly, 12 vellus, velleris n.: fleece, 12

1 cumposset: when; impf. subj. 5 ill tempore: at; abl. of time when
possum, translate as impf. indicative Huic: dat. ind. obj. of comissum erat
nll mod: in no way; abl. manner 6 commissum erat: had been entrusted
nnd: abl. absolute, add being, 7 ngtium ut: task, (namely) that
since there is no pple for sum, the subject 8 potrtur: that he possess; ind. command,
and pred. form the absolute without a pple impf. subj. deponent potior governs an abl.
2 quem cum: whom when; the pronoun is magn percul: of; gen. description
part of the cum-clause but often precedes 9 pertrum esse: fut. inf. in ind. disc.
the conjunction cum in transitions 10 cohorttus: having urged; deponent PPP
3 hunc esse: that; acc. subject in ind. disc. quid fer vellet: what he wanted to be
4 demonstrvisset: plpf. subj. in a done; ind. question, impf. subj. vol
relative clause of characteristic 11 difficillimam: superlative, acc. pred.
Cum tamen Colchis multrum dirum iter ab e loc abesset, slus 1
Isn proficisc nluit. Dmsit igitur nuntis in omns parts, qu
causam itineris docrent et diem certam conveniend dcerent.
Intere, postquam omnia quae sunt su ad armands nvs
comportr iussit, negtium dedit Arg cuidam, qu summam 5
scientiam nauticrum rrum habbat, ut nvem aedificret. In hs
rbus circiter decem dis consumpt sunt; Argus enim, qu oper
praeerat, tantam diligentiam adhibbat ut n nocturnum quidem
tempus ad labrem intermitteret. Ad multitdinem hominum
trnsportandam nvis paul erat ltior quam quibus in nostr mar 10
t consuvimus, et ad vim tempesttum perferendam tta rbore
facta est.

absum, -esse, fu: to be away, be absent, 7 ltus, -a, -um: wide, broad, 1
adhibe, -re, -u, -itum: to apply, hold to, 4 multitd, -tdinis f.: multitude, 2
aedific (1): make a building, build, 2 nauticus, -a, -um: naval, nautical, 1
Arg, -s f.: Argo, 2 negtium, i n.: task, business, occupation, 13
Argus, - m.: Argus, builder of the Argo, 1 nocturnus, -a, -um: nocturnal, 2
arm (1): arm, equip, 4 nl, nlle, nlu: notwish, be unwilling 12
certus, -a, -um: fixed, sure, 11 noster, nostra, nostrum: our, 1
circiter: about, around, 1 nuntius, -i m.: messenger, 12
Colchis, -idis f.: Colchis, 4 opus, -eris n.: work, deed, toil, 9
comport (1): carry together, collect, 1 perfer, -ferre, -tul, -ltus: bear, betake, 2
consuesc, -ere, -v, -sutum: to accustom, 3 praesum, -esse, -fu: be before, preside over 2
consum, -ere, -mps, -mptum: take, spend 9 quidem: indeed, in fact, assuredly, certainly, 8
conveni, -re, vn, ventum: come together 8 rbor, rbris n.: oak; strength, 1
decem: ten, 4 scientia, -ae f.: knowledge, wisdom, 6
diligentia, -ae f.: diligence, attentiveness, 5 slus, -a, -um: alone, only, lone, sole, 6
dmitt, -ere, -ms, --: send away, let go, 8 ttus -a, -um: whole, entire, 14
doce, -re, -u, -ctus: teach, tell, 9 transport (1): carry over or across, 2
intere: meanwhile, 7 sus, ss m.: use, employment, 3
intermitt, -ere: interrupt, break off, 5 tor, t, sum sum: use, employ, enjoy 2

1 iter: a journey of many days; acc. extent n, quidem emphasize an intervening word
3 dcerent: who would appoint; relative utintermitterent: that; result clause
clause of purpose, see line 4 9 ad labrem: for; ad expresses purpose
4 sunt su: are of use; for a use dat. sg. of ad: for transporting; ad + gerundive
purpose, 4th decl. noun sus 10 paul: a little; abl. of degree of difference
adnvs: for arming; for ships to be quam: than; follows a comparative adj.
armed use a gerundive-gerund flip and quibus: (those) which; abl. obj. of t
translate as gerund + acc. direct object 11 t: deponent inf. tor, governs an abl. obj.
6 utaedificret: that; purpose adperferendam: ad + gerundive; ll. 1, 6
8 praeerat: was (in charge) over + dat. vim: irreg. feminine acc. sg. of vs
n nocturnum quidem: not even night;
Intere is dis appetbat quem Isn per nuntis dxerat, et ex 1
omnibus reginibus Graeciae mult, qus aut re novits aut sps
glriae movbat, undique convenibant. Trditum est autem in hc
numer fuisse Herculem, de qu supr multa perscrpsimus,
Orpheum, citharoedum praeclrissimum, Theseum, Castorem, 5
multsque alis qurum nmina sunt ntissima. Ex hs Isn qus
arbitrtus est ad omnia percula subeunda partissims esse, es ad
numerum quinquginta dlegit et socis sibi adiunxit; tum paucs
dis commortus, ut ad omns css subsidia comparret, nvem
ddxit, et tempesttem ad nvigandum idneam nactus magn 10
cum plaus omnium solvit.

adiung, -ere, -iunx, -iunctum: join to, 2 nanciscor, nancisc, nactus: attain, meet, 7
alius, -a, -ud: other, another, else, 9 navig (1): to sail, 5
appet, -ere, -v, -pettum: draw near, 3 nmen, nminis, n.: name, 12
arbitror, -r, -tus sum: to judge, think, 11 ntus, -a, -um: known, familiar, 3
aut: or (aut...aut eitheror), 2 novits, -ttis f.: newness, novelty, 3
Castor, -oris m.: Castor, 1 numerus, - m.: number, multitude, 7
csus, -s m.: misfortune, accident, event, 8 nuntius, -i m.: messenger, 12
citharoedus, - m.: cithara-player, 1 Orpheus, - m.: Orpheus, 1
commoror, -r, -tum: delay, linger, tarry, 3 perscrb, -ere, -scrps, scrptum: write
compar (1): prepare, collect, 4 through, 3
conveni, -re, vn, ventum: come together 8 plausus, -s m.: applause, 1
ddc, -ere: lead or bring down, launch, 10 praeclrus, -a, -um: bright, very famous, 2
dlig, -ere, -lg, -lectum: choose, select, 6 qunqugint: fifty, 1
dc, -ere, -dx, dictum: declare, proclaim, 4 sube, -re, -i: to undergo, go up (to), 5
glria, -ae f.: glory, 1 subsidium, -i n.: support, relief, protection 1
Graecia, -ae f.: Greece, 7 supr: above, before, 6
idneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12 Thseus, - m.: Theseus, 1
intere: meanwhile, 7 undique: from everywhere, from all sides, 7

3 Trditum est: it was reported that nactus: having attained; PPP, nancscor
7 adsubeunda: for undergoing; sube 11 solvit: set sail
10 ad nvigandum: for sailing; a gerund
Haud mult post Argonautae (ita enim appellbantur qu in ist nv 1
vehbantur) nsulam quandam, nmine Cyzicum, attigrunt; et nv
gress rge illus reginis hospiti except sunt. Paucs
hrs ibi commort ad slis occsum rursus solvrunt; sed postquam
pauca mlia passuum progress sunt, tanta tempests subit corta est ut 5
cursum tenre nn possent, et in eandem partem nsulae unde nuper
profect erant magn cum percul dicerentur. Incolae tamen, cum nox
esset obscra, Argonauts nn agnscbant, et nvem inimcam vnisse
arbitrt arma rapurunt et es gred prohibbant. criter in ltore
pugntum est, et rx ipse, qu cum alis dcucurrerat, ab Argonauts 10
occsus est. Mox tamen, cum iam dlucsceret, snsrunt incolae s errre
et arma abicrunt; Argonautae autem cum rgem occsum esse vdrent,
magnum dolrem percprunt.

abici, -icere, -i, -itrum: throw away, 1 inimcus, -a, -um: unfriendly, hostile, 2
acriter: sharply, fiercely, 2 iste, ista, istud: that or those (of yours), 7
agnosc, -ere, -nv, -ntum: to recognize, 4 mlle (pl. mlia): thousand, 7
alius, -a, -ud: other, another, else, 9 nmen, nminis, n.: name, 12
appell (1): call (by name), name, 12 nox, noctis, f.: night, 7
arbitror, -r, -tus sum: to judge, think, 11 nper: recently, lately, not long ago, 2
arma, -rum n.: arms, equipment, tools, 6 obscrus, -a, -um: dark, 1
atting, -ere, -tig, -tctum: touch at, reach, 3 occsus, -s m.: fall, destruction, 4
commoror, -r, -tum: delay, linger, tarry, 3 occid, -ere, -cid, -csus: kill, cut down, 14
corior, -orr, -ortus sum: to arise, 4 passus, -s: pace, 7
curr, -ere, cucurr, cursus: run, rush, fly, 4 percipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: feel perceive 5
Cyzicus, - f.: Cyzicus, 1 prohibe, -re, -hibu: hold back, hinder, 2
dcurr, -ere, -cururr: to run down, 1 pugn (1): to fight, 4
dici, -ere, -ic, -iectum: throw/cast down 2 rapi, -ere, rapu, raptum: to seize, snatch, 5
dilcsc, -ere, -lx: grow light, 1 rursus: again, backward, back, 7
excipi, ere, cp, ceptum: receive, welcome9 sl, slis m.: sun, 10
haud: by no means, not at all, 4 tene, tenre, tenu, tentum: to hold, keep 13
hora, -ae f.: hour, 5 unde: whence, from which source, 6
hospitium, n.: hospitality, 5 veh, -ere, vx, vectum: to convey, carry, 5
incola, -ae m.: inhabitant, 7

1 mult: much; abl. of degree of difference 7 cumesset: since; causal, impf. subj.
3 gress: having stepped out; PPP, gredior nvemvnisse: that; ind. disc.
except sunt: were welcomed with pf. inf. veni, nvem is acc. subj.
4 hrs: for; acc. duration of time 9 arbitrt: having; dep. PPP
commort: having; PPP deponent gred: from stepping out; dep. inf. gredior
solvrunt: they set sail; set loose 10 pugntum est: they fought; it was
5 mlia passuum: formiles; acc. extent fought, impersonal pass., translate active
progress sunt: pf. deponent progredior, 11 incolae: nom. subject of snsrunt
translate in the active s errre: that; reflexive, ind. disc.
corta est: pf. deponent corior 12 occsum esse: pf. pass. inf. occd in
ut: that; result, impf. possum ind. discourse; acc. subject is rgem
Postrdi eius di Isn tempesttem satis idneam esse arbitrtus 1
(summa enim tranquillits iam cnsecta erat), ancors sustulit, et
pauca mlia passuum progressus ante noctem Mysiam attigit. Ibi
paucs hrs in ancors exspectvit; nauts enim cognverat
aquae cpiam quam scum habrent iam dficere, quam ob causam 5
qudam ex Argonauts in terram gress aquam quaerbant. Hrum
in numer erat Hyls qudam, puer form praestantissim. Qu dum
fontem quaerit, comitibus paulum scesserat. Nymphae autem
quae fontem colbant, cum iuvenem vdissent, e persudre
cntae sunt ut scum manret; et cum ille negret s hoc factrum 10
esse, puerum v abstulrunt.

ancora, ancorae f.: anchor, 7 mane, -re, mans, --: to stay, wait, 9
ante: before, in front of (acc.); adv. before, 5 mlle (pl. mlia): thousand, 7
aqua, -ae f.: water, 11 Msia, -ae f.: Mysia, 1
arbitror, -r, -tus sum: to judge, think, 11 nauta, -ae f.: sailor, 3
atting, -ere, -tig, -tctum: touch at, reach, 3 neg (1): to deny, say thatnot, 3
aufer, -ferre, abstul, -ltum: carry away 11 nox, noctis, f.: night, 7
col, -ere, colu, cultum: cultivate, cherish, 3 numerus, - m.: number, multitude, 7
comes, -it is m. f.: companion, 3 nympha, -ae f.: nymph, 2
cnor, cnr, cntus sum: to try, attempt, 7 ob: on account of (acc.), 13
consequor, -, sectus: follow after; pursue, 3 passus, -s: pace, 7
copia, -ae f.: abundance, supply; troops, 10 persude, -re, -sus, -susum: persuade, 9
dfici, -ere, -fc, -fectum: fail, 3 postrdi: the day after, the next day, 4
fons, fontis m.: origin, fount, source, 3 praest, -stre, -stit: stand in front, show, 6
forma, -ae, f.: beauty, shape, form, 3 satis: enough, sufficient, 6
hora, -ae f.: hour, 5 scd, -ere, scess, scessum: to withdraw 1
Hyls, -ae m.: Hylas, 2 toll, tolle, sustul, subltum: raise, lift up 10
idneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12 tranquillits, -ttis f.: calm, tranquility, 2
iuvenis, -is m.: youth, young man, 4

1 postrdi eius di: the day after that made subjunctive in ind. discourse
day; abl. time when; gen. quam ob causam: for which reason
tempesttemesse: ind. disc. 6 Hrum: of these; partitive gen.
arbitrtus: having thought; dep. PPP 7 form: ofbeauty; abl. of quality
2 sustulit: pf. suf-fer Qu dum: while he; who while
3 mlia passuum: see note line 2 9 e: him; dat. sg. (is, ea, id) of persuade
progressus: dep. PPP progredior 10 ut..manret: to remain; ind command
4 paucs hras: for; acc. duration sfactrum esse: that; fut. inf.
5 cpiamdficere: that; ind. disc. 11 abstulrunt: pf. au-fer (/ab + fer)
habrent: subordinate verbs often are

Post haec Argonautae ad Thrciam cursum tenurunt, et postquam 1
ad oppidum Salmydessum nvem appulrunt, in terram gress
sunt. Ibi cum ab incols quaesissent quis regnum eius reginis
obtinret, certirs fact sunt Phineum quendam tum rgem esse.
Cognvrunt etiam hunc caecum esse et dr qudam supplici 5
affic, quod lim s crudelissimum in flis sus praebuisset. Cuius
supplic hoc erat genus: missa erant Iove mnstra quaedam speci
horribil, quae capita virginum, corpora volucrum habbant. Hae
volucrs, quae Harpyiae appellbantur, Phine summam molestiam
adferbant; quotins enim ille accubuerat, venibant et cibum 10
appositum statim auferbant. Qu factum est ut haud multum
abesset qun Phineus fam morertur.

absum, -esse, fu: to be away, be absent, 7 horribilis, -e: horrible, dreadful, 11

accumb, -ere, accubu,: lie (at dinner), 4 incola, -ae m.: inhabitant, 7
affer, -ferre, attul, alltum: carry to bring 5 Iuppiter, Iovis m.: Jupiter, 8
affici, -ere, -fc, fectum: influence, treat, 13 molestia, -ae f.: trouble, annoyance, 1
appell (1): call (by name), name, 12 morior, mor, mortuus sum: to die, 4
appell, -ere, -pul, -puls: drive to, 14 obtine, -re, -u, -tentum: hold, maintain, 9
appn, -ere, -posu, -positum: set before, 3 lim: once, formerly, 10
aufer, -ferre, abstul, -ltum: carry away 11 oppidum, - n.: town, 4
caecus, -a, -um: blind, 2 Phneus, - m.: Phineus, 7
certus, -a, -um: fixed, sure, 11 praebe, -re, -u, -itum: to present, give, 7
cibus, - m.: food, 5 qun: nay (even), (but) that, 12
crdlis, -e: cruel, bitter, bloody, 6 quotins: as often as, 2
cursus, -s m.: course, running, haste, 10 Salmydessus, - m.: Salmydessus, 1
drus, -a, -um: dreadful, 1 supplicium, -i n.; punishment, supplication, 5
fams, -is f.: hunger, 3 tene, tenre, tenu, tentum: to hold, keep 13
genus, -eris n.: birth, race; kind, family, 2 Thrcia, -ae f.: Thrace, 3
Harpiae, -rum f.: Harpies, 3 virg, virginis f.: maiden, 2
haud: by no means, not at all, 4 volucris, -is f.: bird, 3

1 Post haec: after these (things); neuter acc. cuius supplic: gen. modifies genus
3 ab incols: from; abl. of source 7 speci horribil: of; abl. quality; the adj.
quisobtinret: who; ind. question is 3rd decl. i-stem (horribile horribil)
4 certrirs fact sunt: were made more 8 (et) corpora: and bodies; ellipsis, add et
certain; were informed a common phrase 9 Phine: to; dat. of compound verb
in Caesar, often followed by ind. discourse 10 quotins enim: for; enim is postpositive
5 hunc caecum esseaffic: that this one; 11 appositum: having been served;
ind. discourse with 2 verbs: pres. pass. inf. having been set before, PPP appn
6 quod: because Qu factummorertur: (because of)
in: against which it happened that it was by no means
praebuisset: had shown; governs a double very far away that Phineus would die from
acc.; relative clause of characteristic, famine; abl. of cause, noun result clause
praebe (prae-habe)
Rs igitur male s habbat cum Argonautae nvem appulrunt. Phneus 1
autem simul atque audvit es in sus fns gresss esse, magnopere
gvisus est. Scibat enim quantam opninem virttis Argonautae
habrent, nec dubitbat qun sibi auxilium ferrent. Nntium igitur ad
nvem msit, qu Isonem socisque ad rgiam vocret. E cum 5
vnissent, Phneus demnstrvit quant in percul suae rs essent, et
prmsit s magna praemia datrum esse, s ill remedium repperissent.
Argonautae negtium libenter suscprunt, et ubi hra vnit, cum rge
accuburunt; at simul ac cna apposita est, Harpyiae cenculum
intrvrunt et cibum auferre cnbantur. Argonautae prmum gladis 10
volucrs petirunt; cum tamen vidrent hoc nihil prdesse, Zts et
Calais, qu als erant instruct, in ra s sublevvrunt, ut dsuper
impetum facerent. Quod cum snsissent Harpyiae, re novitte perterritae
statim aufgrunt, neque poste umquam redirunt.

ac: and, and also, 14 nec: and not, nor, 10

accumb, -ere, accubu,: lie (at dinner), 4 negtium, i n.: task, business, occupation, 13
ar, aris n.: air, 7 nihil: nothing, 14
la, -ae f.: wing, 2 novits, -ttis f.: newness, novelty, 3
appell, -ere, -pul, -puls: drive to, 14 nuntius, -i m.: messenger, 12
appn, -ere, -posu, -positum: set before, 3 opni, -inis f.: opinion, reputation, 6
aufer, -ferre, abstul, -ltum: carry away 11 perterre, -re: frighten, terrify, 5
aufugi, -ere, -fg: flee, run away, 1 pet, petere, petv, pettum: seek, aim at, 10
Calais, is m.: Calais, 1 Phneus, - m.: Phineus, 7
cna, -ae f.: dinner, 5 poste: after this, afterwards, 7
cenculum, - n.: dining-room, 1 praemium, i n.: reward, 5
cibus, - m.: food, 5 promitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: send forth, 3
cnor, cnr, cntus sum: to try, attempt, 7 prsum, prdesse, prfu: profit, benefit, 6
dmonstr (1): to show, demonstrate, 13 quantus, -a, -um: how much, how great, 4
dsuper: from above, 2 qun: nay (even), (but) that, 12
dubit (1): to hestitate, doubt, 5 rgia, -ae f.: palace, 4
fer, ferre, tul, ltus: carry, bear, endure, 10 remedium, i n.: remedy, cure, 1
fnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 reperi, -re, repper, repertum: find out, 9
gaude, -re, gvsus sum: enjoy, rejoice, 4 sci, -re, -v (i), -tus: know, understand, 9
gladius, - m.: sword, 10 simul: at the same time; at once, together, 10
Harpiae, -rum f.: Harpies, 3 sublev (1): life up, raise, 1
hora, -ae f.: hour, 5 suscipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: undertake, 14
impetus, -s m.: attack, onset, assault, 9 umquam: ever, 5
instru, -ere, -x, -uctum: equip, draw up, 6 virts, -tis f.: valor, manhood, excellence, 10
intr (1): go into, enter, 7 volucris, -is f.: bird, 3
libenter: gladly, willingly, 12 Zts, -ae m.: Zetes, 1
male: badly, 1

1 male s habbat: was faring poorly; 3 gvisus est: pf. of semi-deponent gaude
idiom held itself poorly quantum opninem: how great a
2 simul atque: as soon as; same time as reputation; introduces ind. question
gresss esse: pf. dep., es is acc. subj 4 nec dubitbat qun: he did not doubt
that; qun often follows nn dubit 11 hoc...prdesse: that this was not beneficial
5 qu: to call; relative clause of purpose 12 erant instruct: had been equipped
E: there; frequenctly an adverb, to there ut: so that; purpose
7 sdatrum esse: that he; fut. inf. 13 re novitte: by the novelty of the situation
9 simul ac: as soon as; same time as l. 17 14 redirunt: pf. red-e
Hc fact Phneus, ut pr tant benefici meritam grtiam referret, Ison 1
demnstrvit qu ratine Symplgads vitre posset. Symplgads autem
duae erant rps ingent magnitdine, quae Iove positae erant e
cnsili, n quis ad Colchida pervenret. Hae parv intervall in mar
natbant, et s quid in medium spatium vnerat, incredibil celeritte 5
concurrbant. Postquam igitur Phine doctus est quid faciendum esset,
Isn sublts ancors nvem solvit, et ln vent provectus mox ad
Symplgads appropinquvit. Tum in pror stns columbam quam in
man tenbat msit. Illa recta via per medium spatium volavit, et
priusquam rps cnflxrunt, incolumis vsit caud tantum miss. 10
Tum rps utrimque discessrunt; antequam tamen rursus concurrerent,
Argonautae, bene intellegents, omnem spem saltis in celeritte positam
esse, summ v rms contendrunt et nvem incolumem perdxrunt.
Hc fact ds grtis maxims gerunt, qurum auxili tant percul
erept essent; omns enim scibant nn sine auxili derum rem tam 15
flciter vnisse.

ag, agere, g, ctum: drive, lead, spend, 13 mgnitd, -tdinis f.: size, greatness, 13
mitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: lose, let go, 8 maximus, -a, -um: greatest, 9
ancora, ancorae f.: anchor, 7 medius, -a, -um: middle of, 10
antequam: before, 9 meritus, -a, -um: deserved, due, just, 4
appropinqu (1): come near, approach, 8 nat (1): to swim, float, 1
bene: well, 5 parvus, -a, -um: small, 3
beneficium, - n.: benefit, favor; kindness, 8 perdc, -ere, -x, -ctum: lead through, 4
cauda, -ae f.: tail, 2 Phneus, - m.: Phineus, 7
celerits, -ttis f.: speed, quickness, 7 priusquam: before than, sooner than, 2
Colchis, -idis f.: Colchis, 4 pr: before, in front of, for, 9
columba, -ae f.: pigeon, dove, 1 prra, -ae f.: prow, bow, 1
concurr, -ere, -curr, -cursus: run together 4 proveh, -ere, -vex, -vectum: carry forth, 3
conflg, -ere, -flx, -flctum: dash together 1 rati, -nis f.: plan, method, means, reason, 2
contend, -ere, -, -tus: strive; hasten; fight 11 rectus, -a, -um: direct, straight, 2
dmonstr (1): to show, demonstrate, 13 rmus, - m.: oar, 4
discd, -ere, -ss, -ssum: go away, depart, 4 rps, rpis f.: rock, cliff, 6
doce, -re, -u, -ctus: teach, tell, 9 rursus: again, backward, back, 7
duo, duae, duo: two, 10 sci, -re, -v (i), -tus: know, understand, 9
mitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: send out, 2 spatium, -i n.: space, span, extent, 6
ripi, -ere, -u, reptus: tear from, rescue, 2 st (1): to stand, 8
vad, -ere, vs, vsum: go out, escape, 9 Symplgads, -um f.: Symplegades, 3
veni, -re: turn out, happen, 8 tam: so, so much, so very, such, 8
fliciter: happily, fortunately, 3 tene, tenre, tenu, tentum: to hold, keep 13
grtia, -ae f.: graditude, favor, thanks, 10 toll, tolle, sustul, subltum: raise, lift up 10
incolumis, -e: inscathed, uninjured, safe, 7 utrimque: on both sides, from both sides, 1
incrdibilis, -e: incredible, 2 ventus, - m.: wind, 10
intervallum, - n.: interval, distance, 2 via, -ae, f.: way, road, 4
Iuppiter, Iovis m.: Jupiter, 8 vt (1): to avoid, 2
lnis, lne: gentle, 1 vol (1): to fly, 3

1 Hc fact: ablative abs., common transition 6 faciendum esset: had to be done; passive
2 qu ratine: by what means; ind. question periphrastic (gerundive + sum)
3 ingent magnitdine: of; abl. quality 7 sublts ancors: abl. abs., PPP of toll
e cnsili, n: with this purpose, so that 10 caud: with only the tail lost; abl. abs.
4 intervall: at a small interval; manner 14 grunt: gave thanks; idiom, grtis ag
Brev intermiss spati Argonautae ad flmen Phasim vnrunt, quod in 1
fnibus Colchrum erat. Ibi cum nvem appulissent et in terram gress
essent, statim ad rgem Aetem s contulrunt et ab e postulvrunt ut
vellus aureum sibi trderetur. Ille cum audvisset quam ob causam
Argonautae vnissent, r commtus est et di negbat s vellus 5
trditrum esse. Tandem tamen, quod scibat Isonem nn sine auxili
derum hoc negtium suscpisse, mutt sententi promsit s vellus
traditrum, s Isn labrs dus difficillims prius perfcisset; et cum
Isn dxisset s ad omnia percula subeunda partum esse, quid fier
vellet ostendit. Prmum iungend erant duo taur speci horribil, qu 10
flamms ex re debant; tum hs iuncts ager qudam arandus erat et
dents dracnis serend. Hs audits Isn ets rem esse summ percul
intellegbat, tamen, n hanc occsinem re bene gerendae mitteret,
negtium suscpit.

Aets: Aeetes, king of Cochis, 10 iung, -ere, iunx, -iunctum: to join, 3

ager, -gr m.: land, field, territory, 11 mt (1): to change, 1
mitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: lose, let go, 8 neg (1): to deny, say thatnot, 3
appell, -ere, -pul, -puls: drive to, 14 negtium, i n.: task, business, occupation, 13
ar, arre, -v: plow, 4 ob: on account of (acc.), 13
aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 occsi, -inis f.: chance, opportunity, 6
bene: well, 5 s, ris n.: face, mouth 3
Colch, -rum m.: Colchians, 3 ostend (1): show, display, 6
dns, dentis m.: tooth, 5 perfici, -ere, -fc, -fectum: accomplish, 3
difficilis, -e: hard, difficult, troublesome, 6 Phsis, Phsidis m.: Phasis, 1
di: a long time, long, 13 postul (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11
drac, -nis m.: dragon, serpent, 7 prius: before, 3
duo, duae, duo: two, 10 promitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: send forth, 3
d, -ere, did, ditum: give out, emit, 3 sci, -re, -v (i), -tus: know, understand, 9
ets: even if, although, though, 13 sententia, -ae f.: thought, feeling, opinion, 2
fnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 ser, serere, sv, satum: to sow, plant, 1
fi, fier, factus: become, be made, 9 spatium, -i n.: space, span, extent, 6
flamma, -ae f.: flame, fire, torch, love, 1 sube, -re, -i: to undergo, go up (to), 5
horribilis, -e: horrible, dreadful, 11 suscipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: undertake, 14
intermitt, -ere: interrupt, break off, 5 taurus, - m.: bull, 7
ra, rae f.: anger, 12 vellus, velleris n.: fleece, 12

1 Brevspati: abl. absolute difficillims: superlative, difficilis

2 gress essent: plpf. subj. cum-clause prius: comparative adverb
3 s contulrunt: carried themselves; pf. perfcisset: plpf. subj. perfici
uttrdertur: that; ind. command 9 adsubeunda: for undergoing; ad +
4 quam ob causam: for what reason gerundive, employ gerund-gerundive flip:
5 vnissent: plpf. subj., ind. question translate as gerund and direct object; sube
6 trditrum esse: fut. inf., s is acc. subject partum esse: pf. pass. inf., ind. disc.
7 mutt sententi: having changed his quidvellet: what he wished to be
opinion; opinion changed, abl. abs. done; impf. subj. vol, ind. question
8 trditrum (esse): s is acc. subject 10 Prmum: first; adverb
iungend erant: had to be joined; were 12 serend (erant): see line 12
(going) to be joined, passive periphrastic hs audts: ablative abs.
(gerundive + sum) expresses obligation or rem esse: that; ind. discourse
necessity summ percul: of; gen. description
speci horribil: of; abl. of quality 13 nmitteret: neg. purpose clause
11 hs iuncts: ablative abs. gerendae: of carrying out; gerundive,
arandus erat: see line 12 employ a gerundive-gerund flip
Medea, regis flia, Isonem adamvit, et ubi audvit eum tantum 1
perculum subitrum esse, rem aegr ferbat. Intellegbat enim patrem
suum hunc labrem propsuisse e ips consili, ut Isn morertur.
Quae cum ita essent, Medea, quae summam scientiam medicnae habbat,
hoc cnsilium iniit. Medi nocte, insciente ptre, ex urbe vsit, et 5
postquam in monts fnitims vnit, herbs qusdam carpsit; tum sc
express unguentum parvit quod v su corpus aleret nervsque
confirmret. Hc fact Ison unguentum dedit; praecpit autem ut e di
qu ist labrs conficiend essent corpus suum et arma mn oblineret.
Iason ets paene omnibus hominibus magnitdine et vribus corporis 10
antecellbat (vta enim omnis in ventinibus atque in studi re militris
cnsumbatur), tamen hoc cnsilium nn neglegendum esse censbat.

adam, -re, -v, -tum: fall in love, love, 1 medicna, -ae f.: medicine, art of healing, 4
aegr: with difficulty, wearily, 4 medius, -a, -um: middle of, 10
al, -ere, alu, alitus: support, feed, nourish, 1 mlitris, -e: military, warlike, 3
antecell, -ere: surpass, excel, 1 mons, montis m.: mountain, mount, 5
arma, -rum n.: arms, equipment, tools, 6 morior, mor, mortuus sum: to die, 4
carp, -ere, -s, -tum: pluck, seize, 1 negleg, ere, -lx, neglctum: to neglect, 1
cense, -re: to think, 2 nervus, - m.: sinew, muscle, 1
confirm (1): make strong, strengthen, 5 nox, noctis, f.: night, 7
consum, -ere, -mps, -mptum: take, spend 9 oblin, -ere, -lv, -litum: daub over, smear, 1
ets: even if, although, though, 13 paene: almost, nearly, 8
vad, -ere, vs, vsum: go out, escape, 9 pater, patris, m.: father, 12
exprim, -ere, -press, -pressum: press out, 1 praecipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: order, take, 6
fer, ferre, tul, ltus: carry, bear, endure, 10 propn, -ere, -su, -situm: put or set forth, 4
fnitimus, -a, -um: neighboring, bordering, 2 scientia, -ae f.: knowledge, wisdom, 6
herba, -ae f.: plant, grass, 6 studium, - n.: zeal, desire, pursuit, 1
ine, -re, -, -itum: go into, enter, 4 sube, -re, -i: to undergo, go up (to), 5
inscins, -scientis: unknowing, 2 scus, - m.: juice, sap, moisture, 1
iste, ista, istud: that or those (of yours), 7 unguentum, - m.: ointment, 3
mgnitd, -tdinis f.: size, greatness, 13 venti, -tinis f.: hunting, 1
mn: in the morning, 1 vta, -ae, f.: life, 9

2 subitrum esse: fut. inf. sub-e 9 qu (di): on which; the second of two
aegr ferbat: bore poorly abl. of time when constructions
3 econsili, ut: withpurpose, so that conficiend essent: had to be; were
morertur: impf. of deponent morior (going) to be completed a passive
4 quae cumessent: since these things periphrastic (gerundive + sum) suggests
were so; i.e. as a result, obligation or necessity; here impf. subj.
5 insciente ptre: abl. absolute, pres. pple 10 hominibus: dat. of compound verb
6 sc express: abl. absolute magnitdine et vribus: in; abl of
7 quodaleretconfirmret: which; respect
impf. subj., relative clause of characteristic 11 re militris: of military affairs
v su: by its own power; abl. means 12 neglegendum esse: see line 3: passive
8 Hc fact: abl. absolute periphrastic in ind. disc.; cnsilium is
praecpit: governs an ind. command acc. subject, all governed by censbat
Ubi is dis vnit quem rx ad arandum agrum dxerat, Isn ort 1
lce cum socis ad locum constittum s contulit. Ibi stabulum
ingns repperit, in qu taur erant inclus; tum ports aperts taurs
in lcem trxit, et summ cum difficultte iugum impsuit. At
Aetes cum vidret taurs nihil contr Isonem valre, magnopere 5
mirtus est; nescibat enim fliam suam auxilium e dedisse. Tum
Isn omnibus aspicientibus agrum arre coepit, qu in r tantam
diligentiam praebuit ut ante meridiem ttum opus confcerit. Hc
fact ad locum ubi rx sdbat adiit et dents dracnis postulvit;
qu ubi accpit, in agrum quem arverat magn cum dligenti 10
sparsit. Hrum autem dentium natra erat tlis ut in e loc ubi
sments factae essent vir armt mr qudam mod ggnerentur.

ade, -re, -i(v): go to, approach, 4 mror, -r, -tus: to wonder, be amazed at, 7
Aets: Aeetes, king of Cochis, 10 mrus, -a, -um: wonderful, amazing, 7
ager, -gr m.: land, field, territory, 11 natra, -ae. f.: nature, 9
ante: before, in front of (acc.); adv. before, 5 nesci, -re, -scv, -sctum: not know, 4
aperi, -re, -u, -ertus: open, disclose, 3 nihil: nothing, 14
ar, arre, -v: plow, 4 opus, -eris n.: work, deed, toil, 9
arm (1): arm, equip, 4 orior, orr, ortus sum: arise, spring up, 5
aspici, -ere, -spx, -spectum: look at, 1 porta, -ae f.: gate, 7
contr: against (+ acc.), 7 postul (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11
dns, dentis m.: tooth, 5 praebe, -re, -u, -itum: to present, give, 7
difficults, -ttis f.: difficulty, 7 reperi, -re, repper, repertum: find out, 9
diligentia, -ae f.: diligence, attentiveness, 5 sede, -re, sd, sessum: to sit, 6
drac, -nis m.: dragon, serpent, 7 smentis, -is: seeding, sowing, 1
dc, -ere, -dx, dictum: declare, proclaim, 4 sparg, -ere, spars, sparsum: to sprinkle, 3
ggn, -ere, genu, genitum: bear, produce, 3 stabulum, - n.: stable, inclosure, 5
impon, -ere, -posu, -positus: place on, 7 tlis, -e: such, 6
incld, -ere, -s, -sum: close in, shut in, 7 taurus, - m.: bull, 7
iugum, - n.: yoke, 1 trah, -ere, trx, tractum: to draw, drag, 6
lx, lcis m.: light, 6 vale, -re, u: be strong, fare well, be able, 5
merds, - m.: midday, noon; south, 2

1 ad arandum agrum: for; employ a dat. sg. (is, ea, id) ind. obj
gerundive-gerund flip and translate this omnibus aspicientibus: abl. abs.
gerundive (adj.) as a gerund (noun) qu in r: in qu r; relative adj.
dxerat: had appointed 8 utconfcerit: that; result, pf subj.
ort lce: abl. abs.; deponent PPP Hoc fact: abl. abs.
3 ports aperts: abl. absolute; aperi 11 Hrum dentum: nature of these teeth
5 nihil: not at all; adverbial acc. serves as a tlis ut: such that; result, impf subj.
strong negative 12 mr mod: in a certain amazing way
6 fliamdedisse: thathad given; e is
Nndum tamen Isn ttum opus confcerat; imperverat enim e 1
Aetes ut armts virs qu dentibus ggnerentur slus
interficeret. Postquam igitur omns dents in agrum sparsit, Isn
lassitudine exanimtus quiet s trdidit, dum vir ist ggnerentur.
Paucs hors dormibat, sub vesperum tamen somn subit 5
excittus rem ita vnisse ut praedictum esset cognvit; nam in
omnibus agr partibus vir ingent magnitdine corporis gladis
galesque armt mrum in modum terr oribantur. Hc cognit
Isn cnsilium quod dedisset Medea nn mittendum esse
putbat. Saxum igitur ingns (ita enim Medea praecperat) in 10
medis virs conicit. Ill undique ad locum concurrrunt, et cum
quisque sibi id saxum habre vellet, magna contrversia orta est.
Mox stricts gladis inter s pugnre coeprunt, et cum hc mod
plurim occs essent, reliqu vulneribus confect Isone nll
negti interfect sunt. 15

Aets: Aeetes, king of Cochis, 10 mrus, -a, -um: wonderful, amazing, 7

ager, -gr m.: land, field, territory, 11 negtium, i n.: task, business, occupation, 13
arm (1): arm, equip, 4 nondum: not yet, 4
concurr, -ere, -curr, -cursus: run together 4 occid, -ere, -cid, -csus: kill, cut down, 14
conici, -ere, -ic: throw together, throw, take omitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: neglect, omit, 6
oneself, 13 opus, -eris n.: work, deed, toil, 9
contrversia, -ae f.: dispute, controversy, 2 orior, orr, ortus sum: arise, spring up, 5
dns, dentis m.: tooth, 5 plrimus, -a, -um: most, very many, 3
dormi, -re, -v: to sleep, 8 praecipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: order, take, 6
veni, -re: turn out, happen, 8 praedc, -ere, -dx, -dictum: sto predict, 1
exanim (1): to kill, exhaust, 9 pugn (1): to fight, 4
excit (1): excite, rouse, incite, 8 put (1): to think, consider, 2
galea, -ae f.: helmet, 3 que: and, 14
ggn, -ere, genu, genitum: bear, produce, 3 quis, quitis f.: rest, repose, sleep, 5
gladius, - m.: sword, 10 slus, -a, -um: alone, only, lone, sole, 6
hora, -ae f.: hour, 5 somnus, - m.: sleep, 14
imper (1): order, command, 12 sparg, -ere, spars, sparsum: to sprinkle, 3
inter: between, among (+ acc.), 10 string, -ere, strinx, strictum: to draw out, 3
iste, ista, istud: that or those (of yours), 7 sub: under, 4
lassitd, -inis f.: weariness, 2 undique: from everywhere, from all sides, 7
mgnitd, -tdinis f.: size, greatness, 13 vesper, vesper m.: evening, 4
medius, -a, -um: middle of, 10 vulnus, -eris n.: wound, blow, 6

1 e: (for) him; dat. obj. if imperverat sub: near

2 utinterficeret: ind. command 6 vnisse: had turned out; pf. inf. veni
4 quiet s trdidit: gave himself to rest; i.e. itautesset: thus as it had been
he rested predicted; otherwise indicative, subordinate
5 paucs hrs: for; acc.of duration verbs in ind. disc. become subjunctive
7 ingent magnitdine: of; abl. quality cnsilium is acc. subject
8 mrum in modum: in an amazing way; 12 id saxum: this rock; demonstrative adj.
according to an amazing manner vellet: impf. subj. vol, (inf. velle)
Hc cognit: abl. abs. 13 stricts gladis: abl. abs.
9 quod dedisset: which; relative clause of hc mod: in; abl. manner, cum is the
characteristic, plpf. subj adverbial conjunction when
mittendum esse: had to be: was 14 plurim: very many (men); nom. subj.
(going) to be omitted pass. periphrastic nll negti: with no effort; manner
in ind. disc. in secondary sequence;
Rx Aets ubi Isonem labrem prpositum confcisse cognvit, r 1
graviter commtus est; id enim per dolum factum esse intellegbat; nec
dubitbat qun Medea e auxilium tulisset. Medea autem cum intellegeret
s in magn fore percul s in rgi manret, fuga saltem petere
constituit. Omnibus rbus igitur ad fugam parts medi nocte, insciente 5
ptre, cum frtre Absyrt vsit, et quam celerrim ad locum ubi Arg
subducta erat s contulit. E cum vnisset, ad peds Isonis s proicit, et
mults cum lacrims eum obsecrvit n in tant discrmine mulierem
dsereret quae e tantum prfuisset. Ille quod memori tenbat s per eius
auxilium magn pericul vsisse, libenter eam excpit, et postquam 10
causam veniend audvit, horttus est n patris ram timret. Prmsit
autem s quam prmum eam in nv su vectrum.

Absyrtus, - m.: Absyrtus, Medeas brother, 2 mane, -re, mans, --: to stay, wait, 9
Aets: Aeetes, king of Cochis, 10 medius, -a, -um: middle of, 10
Arg, -s f.: Argo, 2 memoria, -ae f.: memory, 4
veh, -ere, -vex, -vectum: carry away, 1 mulier, mulieris f.: woman, 3
dser, -ere, -u, -sertum: to desert, 2 nec: and not, nor, 10
discrmen, -crminis n.: crisis, peril, 5 nox, noctis, f.: night, 7
dolus, - m.: trick, deceit, 4 obsecr (1): beseech, implore, entreat, 5
dubit (1): to hestitate, doubt, 5 pater, patris, m.: father, 12
vad, -ere, vs, vsum: go out, escape, 9 ps, pedis m.: foot, 8
excipi, ere, cp, ceptum: receive, welcome9 pet, petere, petv, pettum: seek, aim at, 10
fer, ferre, tul, ltus: carry, bear, endure, 10 proici, -icere, -ic, -iectum: throw forth, 4
frter, -tris m.: brother, 5 promitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: send forth, 3
fuga, -ae f.: flight, haste, exile, speed, 6 propn, -ere, -su, -situm: put or set forth, 4
hortor, -r, -tus sum: to encourage, urge, 4 prsum, prdesse, prfu: profit, benefit, 6
inscins, -scientis: unknowing, 2 qun: nay (even), (but) that, 12
ra, rae f.: anger, 12 rgia, -ae f.: palace, 4
ra, rae f.: anger, 12 subdc, -ere, -dx, -ductum: draw up, 2
lacrima, -ae f.: tear, 10 tene, tenre, tenu, tentum: to hold, keep 13
libenter: gladly, willingly, 12 time, -re, -u: fear, dread, 6

2 nec dubitbat qun: he did not doubt interest and inner acc. so great a benefit;
that; qun often follows nn dubit plpf. subj. prsum, relative of characteristic
tulisset: plpf. subj. fer memori tenbat: i.e. remembered; in
4 fore: would be; ~futrum esse, fut. inf. memory is in fact an abl. of means
5 omnibusparts: abl. abs. svsisse: that he; follows tenbat
insciente ptre: abl. abs., pres. pple 10 excpit: welcomed; as often, received
6 quam celerrim: as quickly as possible 11 veniend: gen. sg. gerund
7 s contulit: carried himself; pf. confer horttus est: pf. dep. hortor
E: (to) there; adverb ntimret: negative ind. command
8 ndsereret: neg. ind. command 12 svectrum (esse): thatwould
9 e tantum prfuisset: had been so good to carry away; fut. inf. (add esse to the pple.)
him; had been so much profit to him, dat. quam prmum: as soon as possible
Postrdi eius di Isn cum socis sus ort lce nvem ddxit, et 1
tempesttem idneam nact ad eum locum rms contendrunt, qu
in loc Medea vellus cltum esse dmnstrbat. Cum e
vnissent, Isn in terram gressus est, et socis ad mare relicts,
qu praesidi nv essent, ipse cum Md in silvs s contulit. 5
Pauca milia passuum per silvam progressus, vellus quod quaerbat
ex arbore suspnsum vdit. Id tamen auferre erat summae
difficulttis; nn mod enim locus ipse egregi et ntr et arte erat
muntus, sed etiam drac qudam speci terribil arborem
custdibat. Tum Mda, quae, ut supr dmnstrvimus, 10
medicnae summam scientiam habuit, rmum quem de arbore
proxim dripuerat venno infcit. Hc fact ad locum
appropinquvit, et dracnem, qu, faucibus aperts, eius adventum
exspectbat, venn sparsit; deinde, dum drac somn oppressus
dormit, Isn vellus aureum de arbore dripuit et cum Md quam 15
celerrim pedem rettulit.

adveni, -re, -vn, -ventum: approach, 1 mlle (pl. mlia): thousand, 7

aperi, -re, -u, -ertus: open, disclose, 3 muni, -re, -v, -tum: to fortify, build, 2
appropinqu (1): come near, approach, 8 nanciscor, nancisc, nactus: attain, meet, 7
arbor, -is f.: tree, 5 natra, -ae. f.: nature, 9
ars, artis f.: skill, craft, art, 5 opprim, -ere, -press: to overpower 5
aufer, -ferre, abstul, -ltum: carry away 11 orior, orr, ortus sum: arise, spring up, 5
aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 passus, -s: pace, 7
cl (1): hide, conceal, 5 ps, pedis m.: foot, 8
contend, -ere, -, -tus: strive; hasten; fight 11 postrdi: the day after, the next day, 4
custodi, -re, -v, -tum: to guard, 4 praesidium, -i n.: protection, guard, 3
ddc, -ere: lead or bring down, launch, 10 proximus, -a, -um: nearest, next, 5
deinde: then, thereupon, 8 rmus, - m.: branch, 1
dmonstr (1): to show, demonstrate, 13 relinqu, -ere, -lqu, -lictum: leave behind, 9
dripi, -ere, dripu, -reptum: tear away, 2 rmus, - m.: oar, 4
difficults, -ttis f.: difficulty, 7 scientia, -ae f.: knowledge, wisdom, 6
dormi, -re, -v: to sleep, 8 silva, -ae f.: wood, forest, woodland, 7
drac, -nis m.: dragon, serpent, 7 somnus, - m.: sleep, 14
gregi: excellently, 1 sparg, -ere, spars, sparsum: to sprinkle, 3
faucs, -ium f.: throat, 2 supr: above, before, 6
idneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12 suspend, -ere, -pend, -pensum: hang up, 1
infici, -ere, -fc, -fectum: stain, dye, 4 terribilis, -e: terrible, dreadful, 5
lx, lcis m.: light, 6 vellus, velleris n.: fleece, 12
medicna, -ae f.: medicine, art of healing, 4 vennum, - n.: poison, 7

1 postrdi eius di: the day after that 2 nact: having attained; pple nancscor
day; abl. time when; gen. sg. contendrunt: hastened; strove
ort lce: abl. abs., deponent PPP 3 e: to there; see line 1
4 socisrelicts: abl. abs. 8 nn modsed etiam: not onlybut also
5 praesidi nv essent: served as guard for etet: bothand
the ship; for guard for the ship, double erat muntus: muntus erat; plpf. pass.
dat. (purpose and interest) 12 infcit: infected a branch with poison
7 idauferre: to carry it off; subject inf. 15 quam celerrim: as quickly as possible
summae difficulttis: of; gen. of 16 pedem rettulit: i.e. returned refer
description is a predicate
Dum autem ea geruntur, Argonautae, qu ad mare relict erant, anxi 1
anim reditum Isonis exspectbant; id enim negtium summ esse
pericul intellegbant. Postquam igitur ad occsum slis frustr
exspectverunt, de eius salte dsprre coeperunt, nec dubitbant qun
aliqu csus accidisset. Quae cum ita essent, mtrandum sibi censurunt, 5
ut duc auxilium ferrent; sed dum proficisc parant, lmen quoddam
subit conspiciunt mrum in modum intr silvs refulgns, et magnopere
mrt quae causa esset eius re ad locum concurrunt. Qu cum vnissent,
Ison et Mdae advenientibus occurrrunt, et vellus aureum lminis
eius causam esse cognvrunt. Omn timre sublt magn cum gaudi 10
ducem suum excprunt, et ds grtis maxims grunt quod rs tam
feliciter vnisset.

accid, -ere, accid: to happen, fall (on)to, 8 intr: within, among (+ acc.), 4
adveni, -re, -vn, -ventum: approach, 1 lmen, lminis n.: light, 3
ag, agere, g, ctum: to act, drive, lead, matur (1): to hasten, ripen, 7
spend, 13 maximus, -a, -um: greatest, 9
aliqu, -qua, -quod: some, any, definite, 3 mror, -r, -tus: to wonder, be amazed at, 7
anxius, -a, -um: anxious, 3 mrus, -a, -um: wonderful, amazing, 7
aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 nec: and not, nor, 10
csus, -s m.: misfortune, accident, event, 8 negtium, i n.: task, business, occupation, 13
cense, -re: to think, 2 occsus, -s m.: fall, destruction, 4
concurr, -ere, -curr, -cursus: run together 4 occurr, -ere: run into, meet, attack, 2
conspici, -ere, -x, -ectum: catch sight of, 3 qun: nay (even), (but) that, 12
dspr (1): to despair, give up, 4 reditus, -s m.: return, 5
dubit (1): to hestitate, doubt, 5 refulge, -re, -fuls: flash back, shine, 1
dux, ducis m/f.: leader, guide, chieftain, 5 relinqu, -ere, -lqu, -lictum: leave behind, 9
veni, -re: turn out, happen, 8 silva, -ae f.: wood, forest, woodland, 7
excipi, ere, cp, ceptum: receive, welcome9 sl, slis m.: sun, 10
fliciter: happily, fortunately, 3 tam: so, so much, so very, such, 8
frustr: in vain, for nothing, 13 toll, tolle, sustul, subltum: raise, lift up 10
gaudium, -i n.: gladness, joy, 9 vellus, velleris n.: fleece, 12
grtia, -ae f.: graditude, favor, thanks, 10

1 ea: these (things); neuter pl. demonstrative 6 duc: to the leader; dat. ind. obj. dux
ad: near, at 7 mrum in modum: in an amazing way
anxi anim: with anxious heart; manner refulgns: pres. pple, modifies neut. lmen
2 id negtium: this task; acc. subj. 8 mrt: having wondered; dep. PPP
summ pericul: of; gen. description quaeesset: ind. question, impf. subj. sum
4 nec dubitbat qun: he did not doubt Qu: to where; to which place
that; qun often follows nn dubit 9 Ison, Mdae: dat. of compound verb
5 aliqu: some; nom. sg. adj. modifies csus advenientibus: dat. pl. pres. pple
quae cum...: Since these things were 10 omnsublt: abl. abs., PPP toll
so; i.e. as a result, common in Cicero remove, in other instances lifted up
mtrandum (esse) sibi: that he had to 11 excprunt: welcomed
hurry; (it is) (going) to be hurried by him grtis grunt: gave thanks; idiom, ag
passive periphrastic (gerundive + sum) with quodvnisset: because it had turned
dat. of agent: translate in active out; plpf. subj. of alleged cause
Hs rbus gests omns sine mor nvem rrsus conscenderunt, et 1
sublts ancors prm vigili solvrunt; neque enim satis ttum
esse arbitrt sunt in e loc manre. At rx Aets, qu iam ante
inimc in es fuerat anim, ubi cognvit fliam suam nn mod ad
Argonauts s rcpisse sed etiam ad vellus auferendum auxilium 5
tulisse, hc dolre gravius exrsit. Nvem longam quam celerrim
ddc iussit, et mlitibus imposits fugients insectus est.
Argonautae, qu rem in discrmine esse bene scibant, omnibus
vribus rms contendbant; cum tamen nvis qu vehbantur
ingent esset magnitdine, nn edem celeritte qu Colch 10
prgred poterant. Qu factum est ut minimum abesset qun
Colchs sequentibus caperentur, neque enim longius intererat quam
qu tlum adic posset. At Mda cum vdisset qu in loc rs
essent, paene omn sp dposit, infandum hoc cnsilium cpit.

absum, -esse, fu: to be away, be absent, 7 long: far, far and wide, 6
adici, -ere, -ic, -iectum: throw at, hurl, 1 longus, -a, -um: long, 4
Aets: Aeetes, king of Cochis, 10 mgnitd, -tdinis f.: size, greatness, 13
ancora, ancorae f.: anchor, 7 mane, -re, mans, --: to stay, wait, 9
ante: before, in front of (acc.); adv. before, 5 mls, mlitis m.: soldier, 2
arbitror, -r, -tus sum: to judge, think, 11 minimus, -a, -um: very little, 1
aufer, -ferre, abstul, -ltum: carry away 11 mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14
bene: well, 5 paene: almost, nearly, 8
Colch, -rum m.: Colchians, 3 qun: nay (even), (but) that, 12
Colchis, -idis f.: Colchis, 4 recipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: accept, take
conscend, -ere, -nd, -nsum: climb aboard, 6 back, 8
contend, -ere, -, -tus: strive; hasten; fight 11 rmus, - m.: oar, 4
ddc, -ere: lead or bring down, launch, 10 rursus: again, backward, back, 7
dpon, -ere, -su, -situm: put down, deposit9 satis: enough, sufficient, 6
discrmen, -crminis n.: crisis, peril, 5 sci, -re, -v (i), -tus: know, understand, 9
exrdsc, -ere, -rs, -rsum: catch fire, 2 sequor, -, sectus: follow, pursue, attend, 4
fer, ferre, tul, ltus: carry, bear, endure, 10 telum, - n.: weapon, arrow, spear, 3
fugi, fugere, fg, --: to flee, hurry away, 9 toll, tolle, sustul, subltum: raise, lift up 10
impon, -ere, -posu, -positus: place on, 7 tutus, -a, -um: safe, secure, 3
infandus, -a, -um: unspeakable, 1 veh, -ere, vx, vectum: to convey, carry, 5
inimcus, -a, -um: unfriendly, hostile, 2 vellus, velleris n.: fleece, 12
insequor, -sequ, -sectum: follow upon, 1 vigilia, -ae f.: watch, night-watch, 1
intersum, interesse, -fu: be between, 1

1 Hsgests: abl. abs., PPP ger 6 gravius: more strongly; comp. adv.
2 sublts ancors: abl. abs., toll lifted up 7 mlitibus imposits: abl. abs.
3 manre: subject of esse, ttum is the pred. 9 vribus: with all their strength; manner
4 inimc anim: of; abl. quality contendbant: hastened
5 s rcpisse: had retreated; idiom cum: since
ad auferendum: for carrying off qu: relative pronoun, abl. means
10 ingent magnitdine: of; abl. quality, abl. of cause; the ut-clause is a noun result
pred. of esset; 3rd decl. i-stem ablative clause; minimum is adv. acc.
celeritte: with; abl. manner 12 Longius intererat quam: for it was no
qu: with which; abl. manner farther between than; comparative
11 prgred: pres. deponent inf. 13 qu tlum: (that) in which, (that) to which
Qu factummorertur: because of posset: impf. subj. possum + pass. inf.
which it happened that it was not at all far 14 paene omndposit: abl. abs.
from being captured by the pursuing cnsilium cpit: adopted a plan; took up
Colchians; were least away that they
Erat in nv Argonautrum flius qudam rgis Aetae, nmine 1
Absyrtus, quem, ut supr dmnstrvimus, Mda ex urbe fugins
scum abdxerat. Hunc puerum Mda interficere cnstituit e
cnsili, ut membrs eius in mare conictis cursum Colchrum
impedret; cert enim scibat Aetem, cum membra fl vdisset, 5
nn longius prsecutrum esse. Neque opni Mdam fefellit,
omnia enim ita vnrunt ut sprverat. Aets ubi prmum
membra vdit, ad ea colligenda nvem tenr iussit. Dum tamen ea
geruntur, Argonautae nn intermiss remigand labre mox
conspect hostium auferbantur, neque prius fugere dstitrunt 10
quam ad flmen Eridnum pervnrunt. Aetes nihil sibi
prfutrum esse arbitrtus s longius prgressus esset, anim
dmiss domum revertit, ut fl corpus ad sepultram daret.

abduc, -ere, dx, ductum: to lead away, 1 flius, -i m.: son, 10

Absyrtus, - m.: Absyrtus, Medeas brother, 2 fugi, fugere, fg, --: to flee, hurry away, 9
Aets: Aeetes, king of Cochis, 10 hostis, -is m./f.: stranger, enemy, foe, 5
arbitror, -r, -tus sum: to judge, think, 11 impedi, -re, -v, -tum: hinder, impede, 1
aufer, -ferre, abstul, -ltum: carry away 11 intermitt, -ere: interrupt, break off, 5
certus, -a, -um: fixed, sure, 11 long: far, far and wide, 6
Colch, -rum m.: Colchians, 3 membrum, - n.: limb, member, 10
conici, -ere, -ic: throw together, throw, take nihil: nothing, 14
oneself, 13 nmen, nminis, n.: name, 12
conlig, -ere: gather, tie together, 1 opni, -inis f.: opinion, reputation, 6
conspectus, -s m.: sight, view, 6 prius: before, 3
cursus, -s m.: course, running, haste, 10 prsum, prdesse, prfu: profit, benefit, 6
dmitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: to drop, 3 rmig (1): row, 1
dmonstr (1): to show, demonstrate, 13 revert, -ere, revers: turn back, return, 2
dsist, -ere, -stit, -stitum: desist, stop, 5 sci, -re, -v (i), -tus: know, understand, 9
domus, -s f.: house, home, dwelling, 11 sepultra, -ae f.: burial, 2
ridanus, - m.: Eridanus, 1 spr (1): hope (for), expect, 5
veni, -re: turn out, happen, 8 supr: above, before, 6
fall, -ere, fefell, falsum: deceive, fail, 3 tene, tenre, tenu, tentum: to hold, keep 13

1 nmine: by name; abl. respect prmum: first; adverb

2 ut: as; ut + indicative 8 ad ea colligenda: for gathering them;
fugins: pres. pple fugi, -ere employ a gerund-gerundive flip
3 e cnsili: with this purpose, (namely) 9 remigand: gen. gerund
so that; precedes purpose cl. 10 priusquam: earlier than, before
4 membrisconicts: abl. abs. fugere: from fleeing; English idiom
6 longius: farther; comparative adv. 11 nihil: that it would be no profit for him;
opni: expectation inner acc. or adv. acc. (not at all), cf. p. 77
7 itaut: just as; ut + indicative 12 anim dmiss: with dejected heart
Tandem post multa percula Isn in eundem locum pervnit unde 1
profectus erat. Tum nv gressus ad regem Peliam, qu regnum
adhuc obtinbat, statim s contulit, et vellere aure monstrt ab e
postulvit ut regnum sibi trderetur; Pelis enim pollicitus erat, s
Isn vellus rettulisset, s regnum e traditrum. Postquam Isn 5
quid fier vellet ostendit, Pelis prm nihil respondit, sed di in
edem trstiti tacitus permansit; tandem ita loctus est: Vids m
aette iam esse cnfectum, neque dubium est qun dis suprmus
mihi appropinquet. Liceat igitur mihi, dum vvam, hoc rgnum
obtinre; cum autem tandem dcesser, tu mihi succds. Hc 10
oratine adductus Isn respondit s id factrum quod ille rogsset. =

addc, -ere, -x, -ctum: to lead to, bring, 8 ostend (1): show, display, 6
adhuc: still, 5 Pelis, -ae f.: Pelias, 14
aets, aettis f.: age, lifetime, time, 4 permane, -re, -mans: to remain, 1
appropinqu (1): come near, approach, 8 polliceor, -cr, -citus: promise, proffer, 2
aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 postul (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11
dcd, -ere, -cess, -cessum: depart; die, 2 qun: nay (even), (but) that, 12
di: a long time, long, 13 responde, -re, -d, -nsus: to answer, 13
dubius, -a, -um: doubtful, uncertain, 3 rog (1): to ask, 1
fi, fier, factus: become, be made, 9 succd, -ere, -cess: to come up, succeed, 1
licet, -re, -uit: is allowed, permitted, 5 suprmus, -a, -um: highest, last, 1
loquor, loqu, loctus sum: speak, address, 9 tace, -re, -u, -itum: be silent, 2
monstr (1): to show, demonstrate, 3 tristitia, -ae f.: sadness, 1
nihil: nothing, 14 tu: you, 10
obtine, -re, -u, -tentum: hold, maintain, 9 unde: whence, from which source, 6
obtine, -re, -u, -tentum: hold, maintain, 9 vellus, velleris n.: fleece, 12
rtio, -ionis f.: speaking, speech, language, 2 vvus, -a, -um: living, alive, 4

3 s contulit: carried himself; confer nequequn: there is not doubt that

4 ut: that; ind. command 9 mihi: to me; dat. of compound verb
5 rettulisset: ifhad brought back; fut. liceat: let it be allowed; jussive pres. subj.
pf. indicate in future-more-vivid vvam: 1st sg. pres. subjunctive
condition made plpf subj in ind. disc. 10 dcesser: I depart (from life); fut. pf.
e: dat. sg. indirect object mihi: me; dat with compound verb
traditrum (esse): fut. inf.; add esse 11 idquod: that which
6 quidvellet: what he wished to be factrum (esse): fut. inf. in indirect disc.
done; impf. subj. vol, ind. question rog(vi)sset: syncopated plpf subj.
8 cnfectum (esse): have been exhausted;
Hs rbus cognits Mda rem aegr tulit, et rgn cupiditte 1
adducta mortem rg per dolum inferre cnstituit. Hc cnstitut ad
flis rgis vnit atque ita locta est: Vidtis ptrem vestrum
aette iam esse cnfectum neque ad labrem rgnand perferendum
satis valre. Vultisne eum rrsus iuvenem fier? Tum fliae rgis 5
ita respondrunt: Num hoc fier potest? Quis enim umquam sene
iuvenis factus est? At Mda respondit: M medicnae summam
habre scientiam sctis. Nunc igitur vbs demonstrb qu mod
haec rs fier possit. Postquam fnem loquend fcit, arietem
aette iam confectum interfcit et membra eius in vse ane 10
posuit, atque ign supposit in aquam herbs qusdam infdit.
Tum, dum aqua effervsceret, carmen magicum cantbat. Mox
aries vse exsiluit et, vribus refects, per agrs currbat.

addc, -ere, -x, -ctum: to lead to, bring, 8 loquor, loqu, loctus sum: speak, address, 9
aegr: with difficulty, wearily, 4 magicus, -a, -um: magic, 5
aneus, -a, -um: of bronze, 3 medicna, -ae f.: medicine, art of healing, 4
aets, aettis f.: age, lifetime, time, 4 membrum, - n.: limb, member, 10
ager, -gr m.: land, field, territory, 11 mors, mortis, f.: death, 9
aqua, -ae f.: water, 11 num: question expecting negative answer, 2
aris, -ietis m.: ram, battering-ram, 2 nunc: now, at present, 4
cant (1): sing, 1 pater, patris, m.: father, 12
carmen, carminis n.: song, 2 perfer, -ferre, -tul, -ltus: bear, betake, 2
cupidits, -ttis f.: desire, passion, 5 pon, ponere, posu, positum: to place, put, 5
curr, -ere, cucurr, cursus: run, rush, fly, 4 refici, -ere, fc, fectum: renew, make new 2
dmonstr (1): to show, demonstrate, 13 responde, -re, -d, -nsus: to answer, 13
dolus, - m.: trick, deceit, 4 rursus: again, backward, back, 7
effervsc, -ere, -ferbu: to boil up or over, 1 satis: enough, sufficient, 6
exsili, -re, -silu: leap out or forth, 1 scientia, -ae f.: knowledge, wisdom, 6
fer, ferre, tul, ltus: carry, bear, endure, 10 sci, -re, -v (i), -tus: know, understand, 9
fnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 senex, senis m.: old man, 1
fi, fier, factus: become, be made, 9 suppon, -ere, -su, -situm; set beneath, 1
herba, -ae f.: plant, grass, 6 umquam: ever, 5
ignis, ignis, m.: fire, 9 vale, -re, u: be strong, fare well, be able, 5
infer, -ferre, -tul, -ltus: bring on, wage, 3 vs, vsis n.: vessel, 5
infund, -ere, -fd, fsum: pour into, 1 vester, vestra, vestrum: your, 2
iuvenis, -is m.: youth, young man, 4

1 Hscognits: abl. abs. 5 satis valre: is not strong enough

tulit: bore poorly; pf. fer Vultis: 2nd pl. present vol
2 rg: upon the king; dat. of compound verb fier: to be made/done; inf. fi
4 cnfectum (esse): see note, line 5 6 Num: surely.not?; expects a no answer
adperferendum: for accomplishing 8 qu mod: in what way; indirect question
regnand: gen. sg. gerund (-ing) 13 vribus refects: strength recovered; abs.
Dum fliae rgis hoc mrculum stupents intuentur, Mda ita 1
locta est: Vidtis quantum valeat medicna. Vs igitur, s vultis
ptrem vestrum in adulscentiam reducere, id quod fc ipsae
facitis. Vs ptris membra in vs conicite; ego herbs magics
praebb. Quod ubi audtum est, fliae rgis cnsilium quod 5
dedisset Mda nn mittendum putvrunt. Ptrem igitur Peliam
necvrunt et membra eius in vs aneum conicrunt; nihil autem
dubitbant qun hoc maxim e prfutrum esset. At rs omnn
aliter vnit ac sperverant, Mda enim nn esdem herbs dedit
quibus ipsa sa erat. Itaque postquam di frustr exspectvrunt, 10
ptrem suum r vr mortuum esse intellxrunt. Hs rbus gests
Mda s cum coniuge su rgnum acceptram esse sperbat; sed
cvs cum intellegerent qu mod Pelias periisset, tantum scelus
aegr tulrunt. Itaque Isone et Md regn expulss, Acastum
rgem crevrunt. 15

Acastus, - m.: Acastus, 1 mrculum, - n.: wonder, marvel, miracle, 1

adulescentia, -ae f.: youth, 1 mortuus, -a, -um: dead, 7
aegr: with difficulty, wearily, 4 nec (1): to kill, slay, put to death, 9
aneus, -a, -um: of bronze, 3 nihil: nothing, 14
aliter: otherwise, in another way, 3 omitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: neglect, omit, 6
cvis, -is m/f: citizen, fellow citizen, 5 omnn: altogether, wholely, entirely, 11
conici, -ere, -ic: throw together, throw, take pater, patris, m.: father, 12
oneself, 13 Pelis, -ae f.: Pelias, 14
coninx, -iugis m/f: husband, wife, spouse, 1 pere, -perre, peri, peritrum: to perish, 1
cre (1): to create, 2 praebe, -re, -u, -itum: to present, give, 7
di: a long time, long, 13 prsum, prdesse, prfu: profit, benefit, 6
dubit (1): to hestitate, doubt, 5 put (1): to think, consider, 2
veni, -re: turn out, happen, 8 quantus, -a, -um: how much, how great, 4
expell, -ere, pul, pulsum: drive out, expel 3 qun: nay (even), (but) that, 12
fer, ferre, tul, ltus: carry, bear, endure, 10 redc, -ere, -x, -ctus: lead or bring back, 11
frustr: in vain, for nothing, 13 scelus, sceleris n.: wickedness, crime, 4
herba, -ae f.: plant, grass, 6 spr (1): hope (for), expect, 5
intueor, -tur, -tuitus sum: look upon, 1 stupe, -re, -u: be stunned, be astounded, 1
Itaque: and so, 8 tor, t, sum sum:use, employ, enjoy 2
loquor, loqu, loctus sum: speak, address, 9 vale, -re, u: be strong, fare well, be able, 5
magicus, -a, -um: magic, 5 vs, vsis n.: vessel, 5
maxim: especially, very greatly, 5 verus, -a, -um: true, real, 2
medicna, -ae f.: medicine, art of healing, 4 vester, vestra, vestrum: your, 2
membrum, - n.: limb, member, 10 vs: you, you all, 3

2 quantum valeat medicna: how strong 3 id quod: that which; demonstrative

is; inner acc. ind. question, pres. subj. 4 conicite: plural imperative, -ici from iaci
vultis: 2nd pl. vol 5 quod: this; which, nom. subject
quodMda: plpf. subj., relative 10 quibus: which; abl. obj. of sa est
clause of characteristic ipsa: (she) herself
6 mittendum (esse): must be: was sa est: pf. dep. tor, governs abl.
(going) to be omitted, pass. periphrastic 11 r vr: in true fact; i.e. actually
in ind. disc.; cnsilium is acc. subject, hsgests: abl. abs., PPP ger
8 dubitbant qun: they did not at all 12 acceptram esse: would receive; s
doubt that; nihil is an adv. acc. or inner acc. is acc. subj.; fut. inf.
(had no doubt); qun often follows dubitre 13 qu mod: in what way; abl. manner
prfutrum esset: would be profitable; periisset: plpf. subj. per-e, ind. quest
was going to be profitable, periphrastic 14 tulrunt: pf. fer, again to bear poorly
fut. (fut pple + sum); impf subj Isoneexpulss: abl. abs.
Isn et Mda Thessali expuls ad urbem Corinthum vnrunt, 1
cuius urbis Cren qudam regnum tum obtinebat. Erat autem
Crent flia na, nmine Glauc. Quam cum vdisset, Iason
cnstituit Mdae uxr suae nntium mittere e cnsili, ut
Glaucen in mtrimnium duceret. At Mda ubi intellxit quae ille 5
in anim habret, r graviter commta ire iurand confirmvit s
tantam iniriam ultram. Hoc igitur cnsilium cpit. Vestem
parvit summ arte textam et varis colribus infectam; hanc
mortifer qudam venn tinxit, cuius vs tlis erat ut s quis eam
vestem induisset, corpus eius quasi ign rertur. Hc fact vestem 10
ad Glaucen msit; illa autem nihil mal suspicns dnum libenter
accpit, et vestem nvam mre feminrum statim induit.

ars, artis f.: skill, craft, art, 5 ms, mris m.: custom, manner, law, 6
color, colris m.: color, 1 mortifer, -fera, -ferum: death-bearing, 2
confirm (1): make strong, strengthen, 5 nihil: nothing, 14
Corinthus, - m.: Corinth, 1 nmen, nminis, n.: name, 12
Creon, -ontis m.: Creon, 5 novus, -a, -um: new, 4
dnum, - n.: gift, 6 nuntius, -i m.: messenger, 12
duc, -ere, dx, ductus: lead, draw, bring, 5 obtine, -re, -u, -tentum: hold, maintain, 9
expell, -ere, pul, pulsum: drive out, expel 3 quasi: as if, 4
fmina, -ae f.: woman, 3 suspic, -re, -v, -tum: suspect, mistrust, 7
Glauc, -s f.: Glauce, 4 tlis, -e: such, 6
ignis, ignis, m.: fire, 9 tex, -ere, -u, textum: to weave, 1
indu, -ere, indu, indtum: put on, 8 Thessalia, -ae f.: Thessaly, 4
infici, -ere, -fc, -fectum: stain, dye, 4 ting, -ere, tinx, tinctum: wet, soak; dye, 1
iniria, -ae f.: wrong, insult, injustice, 2 ulcscor, ulcsc, ultus sum: to avenge, 2
ra, rae f.: anger, 12 r, rere, uss, ustum: to burn, 1
iur (1): to swear, 2 uxor, xris f.: wife, spouse, 10
is, iris n.: justice, law, right, 4 varius, -a, -um: various, 2
libenter: gladly, willingly, 12 vennum, - n.: poison, 7
malus, -a, -um: bad, 3 vestis, -is f.: clothing, 12
matrimnium, -i n.: marriage, 6

2 cuius urbis: of which city; + regnum 9 tlis: such; nom. predicate of erat
3 Crent: there was to Creon; Creon utrertur: thatburned; result
had, dat. of possession s quis: if anyone; quis is indefinite
6 ire iurand: by sworn oath; by oath before s, nisi, num, and n
(going) to be worn, abl. means 10 induisset: plpf. subj.
7 ultrum (esse): fut. inf. ulcscor ign: abl. of means, i-stem 3rd decl. noun
cpit: adopted; took up hc fact: abl. abs.
8 summ arte: with; abl. manner 11 nihil mal: nothing (of) evil; partitive
textam, infectam: PPP tex, infici 12 mre: by custom; from the custom
Vix vestem induerat Glauc cum dolrem gravem per omnia membra 1
snsit, et paul post crdl crucit affecta vt excessit. Hs rbus
gests Mda furre atque menti impulsa flis sus necvit; tum
magnum sibi fore perculum arbitrta s in Thessali manret, ex e
regine fugere cnstituit. Hc cnstitut Slem orvit ut in tant percul 5
auxilium sibi praebret. Sl autem hs precibus commtus currum msit
cui erant iunct dracns als instruct. Mda nn omittendam tantam
occsinem arbitrta currum ascendit, itaque per ra vecta incolumis ad
urbem Athns pervnit. Isn ipse brev tempore mr mod occsus est.
Accidit sve cs sve cnsili derum ut sub umbr nvis suae, quae in 10
ltus subducta erat, dormret. Mox nvis, quae adhuc rcta steterat, in
eam partem ubi Isn iacbat subit dlpsa virum nflcem oppressit.

accid, -ere, accid: to happen, fall (on)to, 8 inflx, -flcis: unhappy, unfortunate, 2
adhuc: still, 5 instru, -ere, -x, -uctum: equip, draw up, 6
r, aris n.: air, 7 itaque: and so, 8
affici, -ere, -fc, fectum: influence, treat, 13 iung, -ere, iunx, -iunctum: to join, 3
la, -ae f.: wing, 2 mane, -re, mans, --: to stay, wait, 9
mentia, -ae f.: madness, 2 membrum, - n.: limb, member, 10
arbitror, -r, -tus sum: to judge, think, 11 mrus, -a, -um: wonderful, amazing, 7
ascend, -ere, -, -nsus: ascend, mount, 3 nec (1): to kill, slay, put to death, 9
Athenae, -rum f.: Athens, 1 occsi, -inis f.: chance, opportunity, 6
csus, -s m.: misfortune, accident, event, 8 occid, -ere, -cid, -csus: kill, cut down, 14
crucitus, -s m.: torture, 2 omitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: neglect, omit, 6
crdlis, -e: cruel, bitter, bloody, 6 opprim, -ere, -press: to overpower 5
currus, -s m.: chariot, cart, 2 r (1): pray (for), entreat, beseech, 5
dlbor, -lb, -lapsum: slip or fall down, 1 praebe, -re, -u, -itum: to present, give, 7
dormi, -re, -v: to sleep, 8 precs, -um: prayer, entreaty, 3
drac, -nis m.: dragon, serpent, 7 sve: whether, or, 6
rig, -ere, -rx, -rectum: raise up, lift, 1 sl, slis m.: sun, 10
excd, -ere, -cess, -cessum: go out, depart, 2 st (1): to stand, 8
flius, -i m.: son, 10 sub: under, 4
fugi, fugere, fg, --: to flee, hurry away, 9 subdc, -ere, -dx, -ductum: draw up, 2
furor, -ris m.: rage, fury, madness, 4 Thessalia, -ae f.: Thessaly, 4
Glauc, -s f.: Glauce, 4 umbra, -ae f.: shade, shadow, 1
iace, -re, -u: to lie, lie low, 3 veh, -ere, vx, vectum: to convey, carry, 5
impell, -ere, pul, pulsum: drive on incite 3 vestis, -is f.: clothing, 12
incolumis, -e: inscathed, uninjured, safe, 7 vta, -ae, f.: life, 9
indu, -ere, indu, indtum: put on, 8 vix: with difficulty, with effort, scarcely, 5

1 Glauc: nom. subject; Greek 1st decl. sibi: reflexive, dat. of interest
2 paul post: a little later; abl. of degree smanret: fut. pf. ind. subordinate
of difference verb made subjunctive in ind. disc.
crdl: abl. i-stem modifies crucit 5 utpraebret: that; ind. command
Hsgests: abl. abs. 7 cui: to whichhad been joined
4 magnumfore perculum: that mittendam (esse): must not be omitted
would be; ~futrum esse, ind. disc governed 10 Acciditutdormret: it happened
by arbitrta (PPP arbitror) that; noun result clause
Urbem Troiam Graecs decem anns obsessam esse satis cnstat; d 1
hc enim bell Homerus, maximus potrum Graecrum, Iliadem, opus
ntissimum, scrpsit. Troi tandem per nsidis capt, Graec long bell
fess domum redre mtrvrunt. Omnibus rbus igitur ad profectinem
parts, nvs ddxrunt, et tempesttem idneam nact magn cum 5
gaudi solvrunt. Erat inter prims Graecrum Ulixs qudam, vir
summae virttis ac prudentiae, quem dicunt nnnull dolum istum
excgitsse qu Troiam captam esse cnstat. Hic rgnum nsulae Ithacae
obtinuerat, et paul antequam cum reliqus Graecs ad bellum profectus
est, puellam formsissimam, nmine Pnelopn, in mtrimnium 10
dxerat. Nunc igitur cum iam decem anns quasi in exsili
consumpsisset, magn cupiditte patriae et uxris videndae rdbat.

antequam: before, 9 Ithaca, -ae f.: Ithaca, 3

arde, -re, ars, arsum: be on fire, burn, 3 matrimnium, -i n.: marriage, 6
bellum, -, n.: war, 6 matur (1): to hasten, ripen, 7
const, -stre, -stit, -stitum: stand together, maximus, -a, -um: greatest, 9
it is agreed, 6 nanciscor, nancisc, nactus: attain, meet, 7
consum, -ere, -mps, -mptum: take, spend 9 nmen, nminis, n.: name, 12
cupidits, -ttis f.: desire, passion, 5 nnnllus, -a, -um: not none, some, 3
decem: ten, 4 ntus, -a, -um: known, familiar, 3
ddc, -ere: lead or bring down, launch, 10 nunc: now, at present, 4
dolus, - m.: trick, deceit, 4 obside, -re, -sd, -sessum: beset, beseech 1
domus, -s f.: house, home, dwelling, 11 obtine, -re, -u, -tentum: hold, maintain, 9
duc, -ere, dx, ductus: lead, draw, bring, 5 opus, -eris n.: work, deed, toil, 9
excgit (1): think out, devise, contrive, 1 patria, -ae f.: fatherland, country, 8
exsilium, -i n.: exile, 2 Pnelop, -s f.: Penelope, 1
fessus, -a, -um: wearied, exhausted, 2 pota, -ae m.: poet, 4
formsus, -a, -um: shapely, beautiful, 2 profecti, -tinis f.: departure, start, 3
gaudium, -i n.: gladness, joy, 9 prudentia, -ae f.: prudence, 1
Graecus, -a, -um: Greek, 14 quasi: as if, 4
Homerus, m.: Homer, 1 satis: enough, sufficient, 6
idneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12 scrb, -ere, scrps, scrptum: write, 2
lias, -adis f.: the Iliad, Homers epic, 1 Troia, -ae f.: Troy, 9
insidiae, -rum f.: ambush, 2 uxor, xris f.: wife, spouse, 10
inter: between, among (+ acc.), 10 virts, -tis f.: valor, manhood, excellence, 10
iste, ista, istud: that or those (of yours), 7

1 Urbemobsessam esse: that; pf. 7 summae virttis: of; gen. desciption

pass. inf., subject of impers. cnstat quem: whom; acc. subj. of excgitsse
decem anns: for; acc. duration 8 excgit(vi)sse: syncopated pf. inf.
satis cnstat: it is sufficiently agreed; qu: by which; means: masc. follows dolum
2 opus: neuter acc. in apposition to Iliadem cnstat: it is agreed; impersonal
3 Troicapt: abl. abs. 9 paul: little; abl. of degree of difference
4 ad: for; expressing purpose 10 nmine: by name; abl. of respect
5 nact: having attained; PPP nancscor 11 cumcomsumpisset: when; plpf. subj.
6 solvrunt: set sail; set free the ship 12 patriaevidendae: for seeing; use a
prms: the leaders; the first (men) gerund-gerundive flip
Postquam tamen pauca milia passuum litre Troiae progress sunt, tanta 1
tempests subit corta est ut nlla nvium cursum tenre posset, sed
aliae alis in parts disicerentur. Nvis autem, qu ipse Ulixs vehbtur,
v tempesttis ad meridiem dlta decim di ad ltus Libyae appulsa est.
Ancors iacts, Ulixs cnstituit nnnulls socis in terram expnere, qu 5
aquam ad nvem referrent et qulis esset natra eius reginis
cognscerent. H igitur nv gress imperta facere parbant. Dum
tamen fontem quaerunt, quibusdam ex incols obviam fact ab es hospiti
accept sunt. Accidit autem ut maior pars victus erum hominum in mr
qudam fruct quem ltum appellbant consisteret. Quam cum Graec 10
gustssent, patriae et socirum statim oblt confirmvrunt s semper in
e terr mansrs, ut dulc ill cib in perpetuum vscerentur.

accid, -ere, accid: to happen, fall (on)to, 8 imper (1): order, command, 12
alius, -a, -ud: other, another, else, 9 incola, -ae m.: inhabitant, 7
ancora, ancorae f.: anchor, 7 Libya, -ae f.: Libya, 3
appell (1): call (by name), name, 12 ltus, - f.: lotus, 1
appell, -ere, -pul, -puls: drive to, 14 mior, mius: greater, larger; older, 1
aqua, -ae f.: water, 11 mane, -re, mans, --: to stay, wait, 9
cibus, - m.: food, 5 merds, - m.: midday, noon; south, 2
confirm (1): make strong, strengthen, 5 mlle (pl. mlia): thousand, 7
consist, -ere, -stit, -stitum: stand still, 1 mrus, -a, -um: wonderful, amazing, 7
corior, -orr, -ortus sum: to arise, 4 natra, -ae. f.: nature, 9
cursus, -s m.: course, running, haste, 10 nnnllus, -a, -um: not none, some, 3
decimus, -a, -um: tenth, 1 obltus, -a, -um: forgetful, unmindful, 1
dfer, -ferre, -tul, -ltum: carry off, 1 obviam: in the way of, opposite to (+ dat.) 3
disici, -ere, -ic, -iectum: scatter, 1 patria, -ae f.: fatherland, country, 8
dulcis, -e: sweet, dear, fresh, 2 perpetuus, -a, -um: perpetual, everlasting, 1
expn, -ere, -su, -situm: set out, explain 7 qualis, -e: of what sort?, 1
fons, fontis m.: origin, fount, source, 3 semper: always, ever, forever, 2
frctus, -s m.: enjoyment, fruit, 1 Troia, -ae f.: Troy, 9
Graecus, -a, -um: Greek, 14 veh, -ere, vx, vectum: to convey, carry, 5
gust (1): taste, 2 vescor, vesc: to feed on, eat (+ abl.) 3
hospitium, n.: hospitality, 5 vinc, -ere, vc, victum: conquer overcome 1
iaci, -ere, ic, iactum: throw, cast, 1

1 mlia passuum: formiles; acc. of extent 9 accidit: it happened that; noun result clause
2 utposset: thatwere able; result erum hominum: of those men; with pars
4 v: irreg. abl. of means, vs inconsisteret: depended on; consists on
5 qu: who might; relative of purpose 11 gust(v)issent: sycopated plpf. subj.
6 qulis..reginis: what..; ind. question oblt: having forgotten; + gen., PPP dep.
7 imperta: orders; things ordered, PPP smansrs (esse): that; fut. inf.
8 quibusdam..obviam fact: put in the way of 12 utvscerentur: might eat; purpose
some from the inhabitants; PPP faci clause, vscor governs an abl. object
hospiti: with hospitality; abl. manner dulc: ablative sg., i-stem 3rd decl. adj.
Ulixs cum ab hr septim ad vesperum exspectsset, veritus n 1
soci su in percul versrentur, nnnulls reliqus msit, ut quae
causa esset morae cognscerent. H igitur in terram exposit ad
vicum qu non long aberat s contulerunt; qu cum vnissent,
socis sus quasi vn bris repperrunt. Tum ubi causam 5
veniend docurunt, es persudere cnbantur ut scum ad nvem
redrent. Ill tamen resistere ac man s defendere coeprunt, saepe
clamitants s numquam ex e loc abitrs. Quae cum ita essent,
nunti r infect ad Ulixem redirunt. Hs rbus cognits ipse cum
omnibus qu in nv relict erant ad locum vnit; et socis sus 10
frustr horttus ut su sponte redrent, manibus erum post terga
vincts invits ad nvem reportvit. Tum ancors sublts quam
celerrim port solvit.

absum, -esse, fu: to be away, be absent, 7 persude, -re, -sus, -susum: persuade, 9
ancora, ancorae f.: anchor, 7 portus, -s m.: harbort, port, 3
clamit (1): call out, 1 quasi: as if, 4
cnor, cnr, cntus sum: to try, attempt, 7 relinqu, -ere, -lqu, -lictum: leave behind, 9
dfend, dfendere, -ns, -nsum: to defend, 1 reperi, -re, repper, repertum: find out, 9
doce, -re, -u, -ctus: teach, tell, 9 report (1): to carry back, bring back, 1
brius, -a, -um: drunk, inebriated, 1 resist, -ere, -stit: resist, oppose; stand, 2
expn, -ere, -su, -situm: set out, explain 7 saepe: often, 1
frustr: in vain, for nothing, 13 septimus, -a, -um: seventh, 2
hora, -ae f.: hour, 5 sponte: of ones own will, voluntarily, 2
hortor, -r, -tus sum: to encourage, urge, 4 tergum, - n.: back, 8
infici, -ere, -fc, -fectum: stain, dye, 4 toll, tolle, sustul, subltum: raise, lift up 10
invtus, -a, -um: unwilling, 2 vereor, -r, -itus: be afraid, fear; revere, 5
long: far, far and wide, 6 versor (1): be engaged, move about, live, 3
mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14 vesper, vesper m.: evening, 4
nnnllus, -a, -um: not none, some, 3 vcus, - m.: village, 1
numquam: never, at no time, 4 vinci, -re, vnx, vnctus: bind, tie, 4
nuntius, -i m.: messenger, 12

1 ad vesperem: til evening 7 redrent: impf. subj. red-e

exspect(v)isset: plpf. subj., see line 4 man: by hand; i.e. by fighting
veritus: having feared lest; + fearing clause 8 clmitants: pres. pple
2 utcognscerent: he might learn; purpose abitrs (esse): fut. inf. abe in ind. disc.
quaemorae: what was; ind. question quae cum...esset: Since these things were
4 long: far so; as a result, common in Cicero
s consulrunt: carried themselves; went 11 ut redrent: that they return; ind command
qu: (to) there; to where su sponte: by their own will
6 veniend: gen. sg. gerund (-ing) post: behind
persudere: to persuade (dat) that..; 12 ancors subltis: abl. abs., PPP toll
governs dat. i.o. and ind. command quam celerrim: as fast as possible
Postquam e tt nocte rms contendrunt, postrdi ad terram 1
igntam nvem appulrunt. Tum, quod natram eius reginis
ignorbat, ipse Ulixs cum duodecim socis in terram gressus
loca explrre cnstituit. Paulum ltore progress ad spluncam
ingentem pervnrunt, quam habitr snsrunt; eius enim 5
introitum et natr loc et man muntum esse animadvertrunt.
Mox, ets intellegbant s nn sine percul id factrs, spluncam
intrvrunt; quod cum fcissent, magnam cpiam lactis in vss
ingentibus condtam invnrunt. Dum tamen mrantur quis in e
sde habitret, sonitum terribilem audvrunt, et oculs ad portam 10
torts mnstrum horribile vdrunt, hmn quidem speci et
figr, sed ingent magnitdine corporis. Cum autem
animadvertissent mnstrum num oculum tantum habre in medi
fronte positum, intellexrunt hunc esse num Cyclpibus, d
quibus fmam iam accperant. 15

animadvert, -ere: turn mind to, notice, 6 lc, lactis n.: milk, 1
appell, -ere, -pul, -puls: drive to, 14 mgnitd, -tdinis f.: size, greatness, 13
cond, ere, condid, -ditum: found, store up 2 medius, -a, -um: middle of, 10
contend, -ere, -, -tus: strive; hasten; fight 11 mror, -r, -tus: to wonder, be amazed at, 7
copia, -ae f.: abundance, supply; troops, 10 muni, -re, -v, -tum: to fortify, build, 2
Cyclps, Cyclpis m.: Cyclops, 7 natra, -ae. f.: nature, 9
duodecim: twelve, 6 nox, noctis, f.: night, 7
ets: even if, although, though, 13 oculus, -, m.: eye, 7
explor (1): search out, explore, 2 porta, -ae f.: gate, 7
fma, -ae f.: fame, reputation, report, rumor 7 postrdi: the day after, the next day, 4
figra, -ae f.: form, shape, 1 rmus, - m.: oar, 4
frns, frontis f.: forehead, 1 sdes, sdis f.: seat; abode, home, 5
horribilis, -e: horrible, dreadful, 11 sonitus, - m.: sound, noise, clang, 1
hmnus, -a, -um: cultured, refined, 4 terribilis, -e: terrible, dreadful, 5
ignr (1): not know, be ignorant, 5 torque, -re, tors, tortum: to twist, turn, 1
intr (1): go into, enter, 7 ttus -a, -um: whole, entire, 14
introitus, -s m.: entrance, 6 vs, vsis n.: vessel, 5

4 paulum: a little; adv. acc. quis: wonder who; ind. quest., impf. subj.
progress: dep. PPP progredior 10 oculstorts: abl. abs., PPP torque
5 quam: which; acc. subj. of habitr 11 hmnfigr: of; abl. of quality
eius: its; i.e. the caves 12 ingent magnitdine: of...; abl. of quality
6 introitum..muntum esse: that...; ind. disc. 13 mnstumhabre: ind. disc.
7 sfactrs (esse): would do; fut. inf. tantum: only; an adverb
8 quod: this; which object of fcissent 14 positum: placed; modifies oculum
9 condtam: stored up; PPP or pf. pass. inf. hunc: that this; acc. subject
(add esse) in ind. discourse d quibus: about whom
Cyclps autem pstrs erant qudam qu nsulam Siciliam et praecipu 1
montem Aetnam incolbant; ibi enim Volcnus, praeses fabrrum et ignis
inventor, cuius serv Cyclps erant, officnam suam habbat.
Graec igitur simul ac mnstrum vdrunt, terrre paene exanimt in
interirem partem spluncae refgrunt et s ibi abdere cnbantur. 5
Polyphmus autem (sc enim Cyclps appellbatur) pecus suum in
spluncam compulit; deinde, cum sax ingent portam obstrxisset,
ignem in medi splunc fcit. Hc fact, ocul omnia perlstrabat, et
cum snsisset homins in interire parte spluncae esse abdits, magn
vce exclmvit: "Qu homins estis? Merctrs an latrns?" Tum 10
Ulixs respondit s neque merctrs esse neque praedand caus
vnisse; sed Troi redeunts v tempesttum rect curs dpulss
esse. rvit etiam ut sibi sine iniri abre liceret. Tum Polyphmus
quaesivit ubi esset nvis qu vect essent; sed Ulixs, cum sibi maxim
praecavendum esse bene intellegeret, respondit nvem suam in rps 15
coniectam omnn fractam esse. Polyphemus autem nll respons dat
duo socis man corripuit, et membrs erum divulss carnem devrre

abd, -ere, -did, -ditus: to hide, put away, 3 interior, -ius: interior, 3
abe, -re, -i, -itus: go away, go off, depart, 6 inventor, -oris m.: inventor, discoverer, 1
Aetna, -ae f.: Aetna, 1 inveni, -re, -vn, -ventum: come upon,
an: or (in questions), 1 find, 8
appell (1): call (by name), name, 12 latr, -nis m.: robber, 1
bene: well, 5 licet, -re, -uit: is allowed, permitted, 5
car, carnis f.: flesh, meat, 4 maxim: especially, very greatly, 5
compell, -ere, -pul: drive together, 3 medius, -a, -um: middle of, 10
conici, -ere, -ic: throw together, throw, take membrum, - n.: limb, member, 10
oneself, 13 merctor, -ris m.: trader, merchant, 3
cnor, cnr, cntus sum: to try, attempt, 7 mons, montis m.: mountain, mount, 5
corripi, -ere, -u, -reptus: snatch (up), 6 obstru, -ere, -x, -ctum: block, close off 4
cursus, -s m.: course, running, haste, 10 oculus, -, m.: eye, 7
Cyclps, Cyclpis m.: Cyclops, 7 officina, -ae f.: workshop, shop, factory, 1
deinde: then, thereupon, 8 omnn: altogether, wholely, entirely, 11
dpell, -ere, -pul, -pulsum: drive away, r (1): pray (for), entreat, beseech, 5
drive off, 3 paene: almost, nearly, 8
dvor (1): swallow down, devour, 4 pastor, pastoris m.: shepherd, 2
dvell, -ere, -vell, -vulsum: tear apart, 1 pecus, pecoris n.: herd, flock, 4
exanim (1): to kill, exhaust, 9 perlustr (1): look over, examine, 2
exclm (1): cry out, 3 porta, -ae f.: gate, 7
faber, fabr m.: smith, engineer, 2 praecave, -re, -cv, -cautum: take
frang, -ere, frg, frctus: break, shatter, 1 precautions, guard against, 1:
ignis, ignis, m.: fire, 9 praecipu; especially, 2
incol, -ere, -u: inhabit, 4 praedor, -r, -tus sum: plunder, 1
iniria, -ae f.: wrong, insult, injustice, 2 praeses, praesidis m.: protector, 1
rectus, -a, -um: direct, straight, 2 simul: at the same time; at once, together, 10
refugi, -ere, -fg: flee back, 5 terror, terrris m.: terror, fright, 4
responde, -re, -d, -nsus: to answer, 13 Troia, -ae f.: Troy, 9
rps, rpis f.: rock, cliff, 6 veh, -ere, vx, vectum: to convey, carry, 5
servus, -, m.: slave, 2 Volcnus, - m.: Vulcan, 13
sc: thus, in this way, 2 vx, vcis, f.: voice, 9
Sicilia, -ae f.: Sicily, 1

2 praesesinventor: nom. appositives 12 redeunts: pres. pple red-e

4 simul ac: as soon as; the same time as v: irregular abl. means, vs
exanimt: having been overcome dpulss esse: pf. pass. inf. dpell
7 cumobstruxisset: after; plpf. subj 13 utliceret: that it be allowed; indirect
sax ingent: abl. means, i-stem abl. command + dat. of interest
8 Hc fact: abl. abs. 14 ubi...nvis: ind. question, impf. subj.
9 homins.esse abdits: thathad been qu vect essent: by which; relative
hidden; pf. pass. inf. in ind. disc. clause of characteristic, pf. pass. subj.
magn voce: with a loud; abl. manner 15 praecavendum esse: that he had to
10 Qu homins: what (sort of) people; beware; it had to be guarded by him
interrogative adj. passive periphrastic (gerundive + sum)
an: or governs a dat. of agent (sibi)
11 sesse: that they were; ind. disc. 16 coniectam: PPP conici
nequeneque: neithernor fractam esse: fem. nvem is acc. subj.
praedand: gen. gerund (-ing) object nlldat: abl. abs., PPP d
of the prep. caus, for the sake of 17 membrsdivulss: abl. abs.
Dum haec geruntur, Graecrum anims tantus terror occupvit ut n 1
vcem quidem dere possent, sed omn sp saltis dposit mortem
praesentem exspectrent. Polyphmus, postquam fams hc tam horribil
cen depulsa est, hum prostrtus somn s dedit. Quod cum vdisset
Ulixs, tantam occsinem re gerendae nn mittendam arbitrtus, 5
pectus mnstr gladi trnsfigere voluit. Cum tamen nihil temere
agendum exstimret, cnstituit explorre, antequam hoc faceret, qu
ratine ex splunc evadere possent. At cum saxum animadvertisset qu
introitus obstructus erat, nihil sibi profutrum intellxit s Polyphmum
interfcisset. Tanta enim erat eius sax magnitd ut n decem quidem 10
hominibus movr posset. Quae cum ita essent, Ulixs hc cnt
dstitit et ad socis rediit; qu cum intellxissent qu in loc rs essent,
nll sp saltis oblt d fortns sus dsperre coeprunt. Ille tamen n
anims dmitterent vehementer horttus est; dmnstrvit s iam ante
mults et magns periculs vsisse, neque dubium esse qun in tant 15
discrmine d auxilium latr essent.

ag, agere, g, ctum: drive, lead, spend, 13 horribilis, -e: horrible, dreadful, 11
move, -re, -mv, -mtum: move away, 5 hortor, -r, -tus sum: to encourage, urge, 4
animadvert, -ere: turn mind to, notice, 6 hum: on the ground, 2
antea: before, earlier, formerly, previously, 7 introitus, -s m.: entrance, 6
antequam: before, 9 mgnitd, -tdinis f.: size, greatness, 13
arbitror, -r, -tus sum: to judge, think, 11 mors, mortis, f.: death, 9
cna, -ae f.: dinner, 5 nihil: nothing, 14
cnor, cnr, cntus sum: to try, attempt, 7 obstru, -ere, -strx, -strctum: build
decem: ten, 4 against, block, 4
dmitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: to drop, 3 occsi, -inis f.: chance, opportunity, 6
dmnstrvit occup (1): occupy, seize, 8
dpell, -ere, -pul, -pulsum: drive away, offer, -ferre, -tul, obltum: offer, present 5
drive off, 3 omitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: neglect, omit, 6
dpon, -ere, -su, -situm: put down, deposit9 pectus, pectoris n.: breast, chest, heart, 3
dsist, -ere, -stit, -stitum: desist, stop, 5 praesns, -sentis: present, 1
dspr (1): to despair, give up, 4 prostern, -ere, -strv, -tum: to lay out, 3
discrmen, -crminis n.: crisis, peril, 5 prsum, prdesse, prfu: profit, benefit, 6
dubius, -a, -um: doubtful, uncertain, 3 quidem: indeed, in fact, assuredly, certainly, 8
d, -ere, did, ditum: give out, put forth, 3 qun: nay (even), (but) that, 12
vad, -ere, vs, vsum: go out, escape 9 rati, -nis f.: plan, method, means, reason, 2
existim (1): judge, consider, regard, think, 2 somnus, - m.: sleep, 14
explor (1): search out, explore, 2 tam: so, so much, so very, such, 8
fams, -is f.: hunger, 3 temer: rashly, 1
fer, ferre, tul, ltus: carry, bear, endure, 10 terror, terrris m.: terror, fright, 4
fortna, -ae f.: fortune, chance, luck, 3 trnsfg, -fgere, -fx, -fxum: pierce, 4
gladius, - m.: sword, 10 vehementer: strongly, violently, ardently, 11
Graecus, -a, -um: Greek, 14 vx, vcis, f.: voice, 9
1 utexspectrent: that; result 9 prfutrum (esse): there would be no
nquidem: not even benefit to him; adv. acc. or inner acc.
2 omn spdposit: abl. abs. 10 nquidem: not even by ten men
4 hum: on the ground; locative 11 hc cnt: from; abl. of separation
somndedit: gave himself to sleep 13 ndmitterent: neg. ind. command
quod: this; which, d.o. of vdisset 14 anims: courage; as often, in the plural
5 gerendae: of carrying out this matter svsisse: that they had escaped; pf.
mittendum (esse): had to be omitted; 15 nequequn: there is not a doubt that
pass. periphastic in secondary sequence 16 d: the gods; de, nom. pl.
6 nihilagendum (esse): that; cf. l. 15 latr essent: plpf. pass. subj. fer
Ort lce Polyphmus iam somn excittus idem quod hestern 1
di fcit; correpts enim dubus reliqus virs carnem erum sine
mor devrvit. Tum, cum saxum movisset, ipse cum pecore su
ex splunc progressus est; quod cum Graec viderent, magnam in
spem s post paulum vsrs vnrunt. Mox tamen ab hc sp 5
repuls sunt; nam Polyphmus, postquam omns ovs exirunt,
saxum in locum restituit. Reliqu omn sp saltis dposit laments
lacrimsque s dedrunt; Ulixs vr, qu, ut supr
dmnstrvimus, vir magn fuit cnsil, ets intellegbat rem in
discrmine esse, nndum omnn desperbat. Tandem, postquam 10
di haec tt anim cogitvit, hoc cnsilium cpit. ligns quae in
splunc rposita erant palum magnum dlgit. Hunc summ cum
dligenti praeacutum fcit; tum, postquam socis quid fier vellet
ostendit, redtum Polyphem exspectbat.

move, -re, -mv, -mtum: move away, 5 lgnum, - n.: wood, 4

car, carnis f.: flesh, meat, 4 lx, lcis m.: light, 6
corripi, -ere, -u, -reptus: snatch (up), 6 mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14
dlig, -ere, -lg, -lectum: choose, select, 6 nam: for, 6
dmonstr (1): to show, demonstrate, 13 nondum: not yet, 4
dpon, -ere, -su, -situm: put down or aside9 omnn: altogether, wholely, entirely, 11
dspr (1): to despair, give up, 4 orior, orr, ortus sum: arise, spring up, 5
dvor (1): swallow down, devour, 4 ostend (1): show, display, 6
diligentia, -ae f.: diligence, attentiveness, 5 ovis, ovis f.: sheep, 6
discrmen, -crminis n.: crisis, peril, 5 plus, - m.: stake, 2
di: a long time, long, 13 pecus, pecoris n.: herd, flock, 4
duo, duae, duo: two, 10 praeacutus, -a, -um: very pointed or sharp, 1
ets: even if, although, though, 13 reditus, -s m.: return, 5
vad, -ere, vs, vsum: go out, escape, 9 repell, -ere, reppul, -pulsum: drive back, 1
excit (1): excite, rouse, incite, 8 repon, -ere, -posu, -positum: put back, 2
exe, -re, -i, -itus: go out, 5 resist, -ere, -stit: resist, oppose; stand, 2
fi, fier, factus: become, be made, 9 somnus, - m.: sleep, 14
hesternus, -a, -um: of yesterday, 1 supr: above, before, 6
lacrima, -ae f.: tear, 10 ttus -a, -um: whole, entire, 14
lmenta, -rum n.: lamentation, 1 vr: in truth, in fact, certainly, 5

5 svsrs (esse): (namely) that; 9 magn cnsili: of; gen. description

fut. inf. in apposition to spem, hope 11 hoc cnsilium cpit: he adopted this plan
post paulum: a little later; adverbs 13 fcit: made (x) (y); double accusative
7 omndposit: abl. abs. prae-acutum is a pred. accusative
laments lacrimsque: to; dat. i.o. quid fier vellet: what he wished to be
8 vr: in truth, truly; adv., in contrast done; ind. quest; impf. subj. vol
ut: as; common for ut + indicative
Sub vesperum Polyphmus ad spluncam rediit, et edem mod 1
qu ante cnvit. Tum Ulixs utrem vn prompsit, quem forte (id
quod e erat salt) scum attulerat; et postquam magnum pculum
vn complvit, mnstrum ad bibendum provocvit. Polyphmus,
qu numquam ante vnum gustverat, ttum pculum statim 5
exhausit; quod cum fcisset, tantam volupttem percpit ut iterum
et tertium pculum rplr iusserit. Tum, cum quaesvisset qu
nmine Ulixs appellrtur, ille respondit s Neminem appellr;
quod cum audvisset, Polyphmus ita loctus est: Hanc tibi
grtiam pr tant benefici referam; t postrmum omnium 10
dvorb. Hoc cum dxisset, cib vnque gravis recubuit et brev
tempore somn oppressus est. Tum Ulixs socis convocts,
"Habmus," inquit, "quam petvimus faculttem; n igitur tantam
occsinem re gerendae omittmus."

affer, -ferre, attul, alltum: carry to bring 5 occsi, -inis f.: chance, opportunity, 6
antea: before, earlier, formerly, previously, 7 omitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: neglect, omit, 6
appell (1): call (by name), name, 12 opprim, -ere, -press: to overpower, 5
beneficium, - n.: benefit, favor; kindness, 8 percipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: feel perceive 5
bib, -ere, bib: drink, 4 pet, petere, petv, pettum: seek, aim at, 10
cn (1): to dine, eat dinner, 2 pculum, - n.: cup, 7
cibus, - m.: food, 5 postremus, -a, -um: last, 1
comple, -re, v, -pltum: fill full, fill up, 1 pr: before, in front of, for, 9
convoc (1): to call together, 3 prm, -ere, -mps, -mptum: to bring out, 1
dvor (1): swallow down, devour, 4 provoc (1): call forth, 1
exhauri, -re, -aus, -austum: drink up, 1 recumb, -ere, u: lie back, lie down, 2
facults, -ttis f.: ability, opportunity, 5 reple, -re, -plv, -pltum: fill again, fill, 4
grtia, -ae f.: graditude, favor, thanks, 10 responde, -re, -d, -nsus: to answer, 13
gust (1): taste, 2 somnus, - m.: sleep, 14
inquam, inquis, inquit: to say, 6 tertius, -a, -um: third, 2
iterum: again, a second time, 3 ttus -a, -um: whole, entire, 14
loquor, loqu, loctus sum: speak, address, 9 tu: you, 10
nm, nllus, nmin, nminem, ter, tris m.: skin, wine-skin, 1
nll/nll: no one, 6 vesper, vesper m.: evening, 4
nmen, nminis, n.: name, 12 volupts, -ttis f.: pleasure, delight, 2
numquam: never, at no time, 4

1 sub: near dat. of interest)

rediit: pf. red-e attulerat: plpf. af-fer
e-dem mod: in; abl. of manner 4 ad bibendum: for; ad + acc. gerund
2 qu: in which; abl. of manner expresses purpose
forte: by chance; abl. as adverb 6 quod: this; which obj. of fcisset
3 e erat salt: because it served as a utiusserit: that; result clause with
refuge for him; because it was for refuge perfect subj. iube, translate in pf. tense
for him, double dat. (dat. of purpose and 7 qu nmine: with; abl. means introduces
an indirect question 12 oppressus est: was overcome
8 Neminem: acc. predicate of pass. appellr socis convocts: abl. abs. or dat. i.o.
9 quod: this; which obj. of appellr 13 quam: relative adj., what opportunity, or
tibi: dat. ind. object of referam relative pronoun, the opportunity which
10 referam: 1st sg. future, refer nmittmus: let us not; neg. jussive
11 cib vnque: with; abl. cause with 14 gerendae: of carrying out; gerundive
gravis modifies re; use a gerundive-gerund flip
brev tempore: in; abl. time when
Hc oratine habit, postquam extrmum palum ign calefcit, oculum 1
Polyphem dormientis fervent lign perfdit; qu fact omns in
diverss spluncae parts s abdidrunt. At ille subit ill dolre ocul
somn excittus clmrem terribilem sustulit, et dum per spluncam
errat, Ulixem man prehendere cnbtur; cum tamen iam omnn caecus 5
esset, nll mod hoc efficere potuit. Intere reliqu Cyclps, clmre
audt, undique ad spluncam convnrunt, et ad introitum adstants quid
Polyphmus ageret quaesverunt, et quam ob causam tantum clmrem
sustulisset. Ille respondit s graviter vulnertum esse et magn dolre
adfic. Cum tamen poste quaesvissent quis ei vim intulisset, respondit 10
ille Neminem id fcisse; quibus rbus audits nus Cyclpibus: At s
nm, inquit, t vulnervit, haud dubium est qun cnsili derum,
quibus resistere nec possumus nec volumus, hc supplici adficiris.
Hoc cum dxisset, abirunt Cyclps eum in insniam incidisse arbitrt.

abd, -ere, -did, -ditus: to hide, put away, 3 insnia, -ae f.: insanity, madness, 1
abe, -re, -i, -itus: go away, go off, depart, 6 intere: meanwhile, 7
adst, -stre, -stit: to stand at or near, 1 introitus, -s m.: entrance, 6
affici, -ere, -fc, fectum: influence, treat, 13 lgnum, - n.: wood, 4
ag, agere, g, ctum: to act, drive, lead, nec: and not, nor, 10
spend, 13 nm, nllus, nmin, nminem,
arbitror, -r, -tus sum: to judge, think, 11 nll/nll: no one, 6
caecus, -a, -um: blind, 2 ob: on account of (acc.), 13
calefaci, -ere, -fc, -factum: make hot, 1 oculus, -, m.: eye, 7
clmor, -ris m.: shout, roar, applause, 4 omnn: altogether, wholely, entirely, 11
cnor, cnr, cntus sum: to try, attempt, 7 rtio, -ionis f.: speaking, speech, language, 2
conveni, -re, vn, ventum: come together 8 plus, - m.: stake, 2
Cyclps, Cyclpis m.: Cyclops, 7 perfodi, -ere, -fd, -fossum: dig through, 1
dversus, -a, -um: different, contrary, 1 poste: after this, afterwards, 7
dormi, -re, -v: to sleep, 8 prehend, -ere, -hend, -hnsum: seize, 5
dubius, -a, -um: doubtful, uncertain, 3 qun: nay (even), (but) that, 12
effici, -ere, -fc, -fectus: make, form, 3 resist, -ere, -stit: resist, oppose; stand, 2
err (1): wander, 3 responde, -re, -d, -nsus: to answer, 13
excit (1): excite, rouse, incite, 8 somnus, - m.: sleep, 14
extrmus, -a, -um: outermost, farthest, last, 2 supplicium, -i n.; punishment, supplication, 5
ferve, -re: to boil; glow, 1 terribilis, -e: terrible, dreadful, 5
haud: by no means, not at all, 4 toll, tolle, sustul, subltum: raise, lift up 10
ignis, ignis, m.: fire, 9 tu: you, 10
incid, -ere, -cid: fall into, fall upon, 3 undique: from everywhere, from all sides, 7
infer, -ferre, -tul, -ltus: bring on, wage, 3 vulner (1): wound, injure, 7
inquam, inquis, inquit: to say, 6

1 hchabit: this speech made; idiom 4 sustulit: raised; pf. toll, see also l. 20
ign: abl. of means, 3rd decl. i-stem noun 7 adstants: standing near; pres. pple
2 fervent: abl., 3rd decl. i-stem adj. (pple) 12 haudquin: it is by means doubtful that
qu fact: abl. abs. translate qu as this 13 quibus: whom; dat. of compound verb
Polyphmus, ubi socis sus abiisse snsit, furre atque menti 1
impulsus Ulixem iterum quaerere coepit; tandem cum portam
invnisset, saxum qu obstructa erat movit, ut pecus in agrs
exret. Tum ipse in introit cnsdit, et ut quaeque ovis ad hunc
locum vnerat, eius tergum manibus tractbat, n vir inter ovs 5
exre possent. Quod cum animadvertisset Ulixs, intellxit omnem
spem saltis in dol magis quam in virtte pon. Itaque hoc
cnsilium iniit. Prmum trs qus vdit pinguissims ex ovibus
dlgit, qus cum inter s vminibus coninxisset, num ex socis
sus ventribus erum ita subicit ut omnn latret; deinde ovs 10
hominem scum ferents ad portam git. Id accidit quod fore
suspictus erat. Polyphmus enim postquam terga ovium manibus
tractvit, es praeterre passus est. Ulixs ubi rem tam flciter
vnisse vdit, omns socis sus ex rdine edem mod msit;
qu fact ipse nvissimus vsit. 15

abe, -re, -i, -itus: go away, go off, depart, 6 iterum: again, a second time, 3
accid, -ere, accid: to happen, fall (on)to, 8 late, -re, -u: lie hidden, 1
ager, -gr m.: land, field, territory, 11 magis: more, rather, 1
ag, agere, g, ctum: drive, lead, spend, 13 novus, -a, -um: new, 4
mentia, -ae f.: madness, 2 obstru, -ere, -x, -ctum: block, close off 4
move, -re, -mv, -mtum: move away, 5 omnn: altogether, wholely, entirely, 11
animadvert, -ere: turn mind to, notice, 6 rd, rdinis m.: arrangement, order, rank, 1
coniung, -ere, -nx, -nctum: join together, 2 ovis, ovis f.: sheep, 6
consd, -ere, -sd, sessum: sit down, settle 1 passus, -s: pace, 7
deinde: then, thereupon, 8 pecus, pecoris n.: herd, flock, 4
dlig, -ere, -lg, -lectum: choose, select, 6 pinguis, -e: fat, 1
dolus, - m.: trick, deceit, 4 pon, ponere, posu, positum: to place, put, 5
mitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: send out, 2 porta, -ae f.: gate, 7
vad, -ere, vs, vsum: go out, escape, 9 praetere, -re, -v, -itum: go pass, pass by 1
veni, -re: turn out, happen, 8 quisque, quidque: each one, each person, 3
exe, -re, -i, -itus: go out, 5 subici, -ere, -ic, -iectum: cast under, 1
fliciter: happily, fortunately, 3 suspic, -re, -v, -tum: suspect, mistrust, 7
fer, ferre, tul, ltus: carry, bear, endure, 10 tam: so, so much, so very, such, 8
furor, -ris m.: rage, fury, madness, 4 tergum, - n.: back, 8
impell, -ere, pul, pulsum: drive on incite 3 tract (1): to handle, touch, 2
ine, -re, -, -itum: go into, enter, 4 trs, tria: three, 9
inter: between, among (+ acc.), 10 venter, ventris m.: belly, 1
introitus, -s m.: entrance, 6 vmen, vminis n.: willow, 1
inveni, -re, -vn, -ventum: find, discover 8 virts, -tis f.: valor, manhood, excellence, 10
itaque: and so, 8

1 abiisse: pf. inf. ab-e in ind. discourse obstructa erat: it; supply porta as subject
3 qu: by which; abl. mean utexret: so that; purpose, exe
4 ut: as; as often, ut + indicative of verb
quaeque: each; nom. sg. modifies fem. ovis itaut: in such a waythat; result clause
5 npossent: neg. purpose, impf. possum 11 ferents: pres. pple, fer
6 quod: this; which git: pf. ag
7 magis quam: more than; magis is an adv. Idsuspictus erat: it happened as he
pon: was placed; pres. pass. inf. pon had suspected that it would be; that which
8 iniit: he initiated; pf. in-e he had suspected would be happened; id
prmum: first; adverb is subject; fore (~futrum esse) is fut. inf.
trs: supply acc. pl. ovs 12 ovium: of the sheep; i-stem gen. pl.
pinguissims: superlative adj. 13 es: them; i.e. the sheep
9 qus cum: whenthese (sheep) passus est: allowed; pf. dep. patior
inter s: to one another 15 qu fact: this done; abs.: which done
10 sus ventribus: under; dat compound nvissimus: last; most recent
Hs rbus ita confects, Ulixs veritus n Polyphmus fraudem 1
sentret, cum socis quam celerrim ad ltus contendit; qu cum
vnissent, ab es qu nv praesidi relict erant magn cum laetti
except sunt. H enim cum anxis anims iam trs dis continus
reditum erum exspectvissent, suspict (id quidem quod erat) es 5
in aliquod perculum magnum incidisse, ips auxiliand caus
gred parbant. Tum Ulixs non satis ttum arbitrtus in e loc
manre, quam celerrim proficisc cnstituit. Iussit igitur omns
nvem cnscendere, et ancors sublts paulum ltore in altum
prvectus est. Tum magn voce exclmvit: "T, Polyphme, qu 10
ira hospit spernis, istam et debitam poenam immnittis tuae
solvist." Hc voce audt Polyphmus r vehementer commtus
ad mare s contulit, et ubi nvem paulum ltore remtam esse
intellxit, saxum ingns man correptum in eam partem conicit
unde vcem venre snsit. Graec autem, etsi nn multum fuit 15
qun submergerentur, nll damn accept cursum tenurunt.

absum, -esse, fu: to be away, be absent, 7 istus, -a, -um: just, 1

aliqu, -qua, -quod: some, any, definite, 3 laetitia, -ae f.: joy, happiness, 3
altus, -a, -um: high, lofty, tall, 2 mane, -re, mans, --: to stay, wait, 9
ancora, ancorae f.: anchor, 7 poena, poenae, f.: punishment, 3
anxius, -a, -um: anxious, 3 praesidium, -i n.: protection, guard, 3
arbitror, -r, -tus sum: to judge, think, 11 proveh, -ere, -vex, -vectum: carry forth, 3
auxilior, -r, -tum: help, 1 quidem: indeed, in fact, assuredly, certainly, 8
conici, -ere, -ic: throw together, throw, take qun: nay (even), (but) that, 12
oneself, 13 reditus, -s m.: return, 5
conscend, -ere, -nd, -nsum: climb aboard, 6 relinqu, -ere, -lqu, -lictum: leave behind, 9
contend, -ere, -, -tus: strive; hasten; fight 11 remove, -re, -mv, -mtus: remove, 1
continuus, -a, -um: continuous, successive, 2 satis: enough, sufficient, 6
corripi, -ere, -u, -reptus: snatch (up), 6 spern, -ere, sprv, sprtum: spurn, reject, 1
cursus, -s m.: course, running, haste, 10 submerg, -ere, -mers, -mersum: to sink, 1
damnum, - n.: harm, injury, 1 suspic, -re, -v, -tum: suspect, mistrust, 7
debe, -re, -u, debitum: to owe, ought, 2 tene, tenre, tenu, tentum: to hold, keep 13
ets: even if, although, though, 13 toll, tolle, sustul, subltum: raise, lift up 10
excipi, ere, cp, ceptum: receive, welcome9 trs, tria: three, 9
exclm (1): cry out, 3 tu: you, 10
fraus, fraudis f.: fraud, deception, 2 tutus, -a, -um: safe, secure, 3
hospitium, n.: hospitality, 5 tuus, -a, -um: your, yours, 3
immnits, -ttis f.: cruelity, 1 unde: whence, from which source, 6
incid, -ere, -cid: fall into, fall upon, 3 vehementer: strongly, violently, ardently, 11
ra, rae f.: anger, 12 vereor, -r, -itus: be afraid, fear; revere, 5
is, iris n.: justice, law, right, 4 vx, vcis, f.: voice, 9
1 n: lestrealize; fearing clause paulum: a little; adverb
2 qu: to there; to where in altum: to the sea; into the deep (water)
3 nv praesidi: as protection for the ship; 10 magn voce: with a loud; abl. manner
double dat. (dat. interest + dat purpose) Polyphme: vocative, direct. address
5 iderat: (that which indeed was true) 11 immnittis tuae: for; gen. of crime
6 auxiliand: for the sake of helping 12 solvist: you have paid
7 gred: pres. dep. complementary inf. 13 s contulit: carried himself; pf. confer
satis ttum: that it is safe enough; add esse 14 correptum: grabbed; modifies saxum
8 quam celerrim: as fast as possible 15 nnqun: not very far from being
proficisc: pres. dep. inf. drowned; multum is an adv. acc.
9 ancors sublts: abl. abs., PPP toll
Pauca mlia passuum ab e loc prgressus Ulixs ad nsulam 1
Aeoliam nvem appulit. Haec patria erat ventrum,
Hc vast rx Aeolus antr
luctants vents tempestatsque sonrs
imperi premit ac vincls et carcere frnat. 5
Ibi rx ipse Graecs hospiti excpit, atque es persusit ut ad
recuperands vrs paucs dis in e regine commorrentur.
Septim di, cum soci labribus s rcpissent, Ulixs, n ann
tempore nvigtine excludertur, sibi sine mor proficscendum
statuit. Tum Aeolus, qu scibat Ulixem cupidissimum esse patriae 10
videndae, ei iam profectr magnum saccum e cori cnfectum
dedit, in qu vents omns praeter num inclserat. Zephyrum
tantum solverat, quod ille ventus ab nsul Aeoli ad Ithacam
navigant est secundus. Ulixs hoc dnum libenter accpit, et
grtis pr tant benefici acts saccum ad mlum alligvit. Tum 15
omnibus rbus ad profectinem parts meridin fer tempore
port solvit.

adlig (1): bind to, tie to, 2 mlle (pl. mlia): thousand, 7
Aeolia, -ae f.: Aeolia, 2 mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14
Aeolus, - m.: Aeolus, 2 nvigti, -nis f.: sailing, voyage, 2
ag, agere, g, ctum: drive, lead, spend, 13 passus, -s: pace, 7
antrum, - n.: cave, 1 patria, -ae f.: fatherland, country, 8
appell, -ere, -pul, -puls: drive to, 14 persude, -re, -sus, -susum: persuade, 9
beneficium, - n.: benefit, favor; kindness, 8 portus, -s m.: harbort, port, 3
carcer, -eris m.: prison, 1 praeter: except, besides, 2
commoror, -r, -tum: delay, linger, tarry, 3 prem, -ere, press, pressum: press, check, 1
corium, - n.: hide, leather, 1 pr: before, in front of, for, 9
cupidus, -a, -um: desirous, eager, 1 profecti, -tinis f.: departure, start, 3
dnum, - n.: gift, 6 recipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: accept, take
excipi, ere, cp, ceptum: receive, welcome9 back, 8
excld, -ere, -s, -sum: shut out, hinder, 2 recuper (1): recover, 1
fer: almost, nearly, closely, 1 saccus, - m.: sack, bag, 5
frn (1): to bridle, restrain, 1 sci, -re, -v (i), -tus: know, understand, 9
grtia, -ae f.: graditude, favor, thanks, 10 secundus, -a, -um: following, favorable, 2
hospitium, n.: hospitality, 5 septimus, -a, -um: seventh, 2
imperium, -i n.: power to command, rule, 2 sonrus, -a, -um: sounding, loud, noisy, 1
incld, -ere, -s, -sum: close in, shut in, 7 statu, -ere, -u, -tus: establish, build, 3
libenter: gladly, willingly, 12 vastus, -a, -um: waste, huge, enormous, 1
luctor, -r, -tus sum: wrestle, struggle, 1 vinculum, - n.: bond, chain, 4
mlus, - m.: mast, pole, 1 Zephyrus, - m.: Zephyrus, 1
meridinus, -a, -um: midday, noonday, 1
1 mlia passuum: few miles; acc. extent 8 s rcpissent: had retreated; idiom
3 Hc vastfrnat: prose word order: Hc n: so thatmight not; neg. purpose
in vast antr Aelus imperi premit ac 9 proficiscendum (esse): that he had to
vincls et carcere frnat luctants vents et set out; pass. periphrastic with dat. agent
tempestts sonrs 11 profectr: to the one about to set out
5 imperi premit: checks with his power 14 navigantsecundus: favorable to the
vincls et carcere: with chains and prison one sailing; dative of interest, pres. pple.
6 hospiti: with hospitality; abl. of manner 15 grtisacts: abl. abs. PPP ag, given
utcommorrentur: that; result 16 omnibusparts: abl. abs.
advrs: for;employ a gerundive- ad: for
gerund flip and translate this gerundive meridintempore: abl. time when
(adj). as a gerund with an object 17 solvit: set sail
Novem dis secundissim vent cursum tenurunt, iamque in 1
cnspectum patriae suae vnerant, cum Ulixs lassitdine
confectus (ipse enim gubernbat) ad quitem capiendam recubuit.
At soci, qu iam dudum mrbantur quid in ill sacc inclsum
esset, cum ducem somn oppressum vidrent, tantam occsinem 5
nn omittendam arbitrt sunt; credbant enim aurum et argentum
ibi esse clta. Itaque sp lucr adduct saccum sine mor solvrunt,
qu fact vent
velut agmine fact,
qu data porta, ruunt et terras turbine perflant. 10
Hc tanta tempests subit corta est ut ill cursum tenre nn
possent sed in eandem partem unde erant profect referrentur.
Ulixs somn excittus qu in loc rs esset statim intellxit;
saccum soltum, Ithacam post tergum relictam vdit. Tum vr r
vehementer exrsit socisque obiurgbat quod cupiditte pecniae 15
adduct spem patriae videndae pricissent.

addc, -ere, -x, -ctum: to lead to, bring, 8 obiurg (1): child, scold, reproach, 2
agmen, agminis n.: formation, battle line, 1 occsi, -inis f.: chance, opportunity, 6
arbitror, -r, -tus sum: to judge, think, 11 omitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: neglect, omit, 6
argentum, - n.: silver, 1 opprim, -ere, -press: to overpower 5
aurum, - n.: gold, 3 patria, -ae f.: fatherland, country, 8
cl (1): hide, conceal, 5 pecnia, -ae f.: money, 1
conspectus, -s m.: sight, view, 6 perfl (1): to blow over, 1
corior, -orr, -ortus sum: to arise, 4 porta, -ae f.: gate, 7
crd, -ere, -did, -ditum: believe, trust, 2 proici, -icere, -ic, -iectum: throw forth, 4
cupidits, -ttis f.: desire, passion, 5 quis, quitis f.: rest, repose, sleep, 5
cursus, -s m.: course, running, haste, 10 recumb, -ere, u: lie back, lie down, 2
ddum: a short time ago; just now, once, 2 relinqu, -ere, -lqu, -lictum: leave behind, 9
dux, ducis m/f.: leader, guide, chieftain, 5 ru, -ere, ru: rush, 2
exrdsc, -ere, -rs, -rsum: catch fire, 2 saccus, - m.: sack, bag, 5
excit (1): excite, rouse, incite, 8 secundus, -a, -um: following, favorable, 2
gubern (1): steer, direct, 1 somnus, - m.: sleep, 14
incld, -ere, -s, -sum: close in, shut in, 7 tene, tenre, tenu, tentum: to hold, keep 13
ra, rae f.: anger, 12 tergum, - n.: back, 8
itaque: and so, 8 turb, turbinis m.: whirlwind, 1
Ithaca, -ae f.: Ithaca, 3 unde: whence, from which source, 6
lassitd, -inis f.: weariness, 2 vehementer: strongly, violently, ardently, 11
lucrum, - n.: gain, profit; money, 1 velut: just as, even as, as, 1
mror, -r, -tus: to wonder, be amazed at, 7 ventus, - m.: wind, 10
mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14 vr: in truth, in fact, certainly, 5
novem: nine, 3
1 Novem dis: for; acc. duration of time 7 clta (esse): two neuter acc. are subject
3 confectus: exhausted adduct: drawn; PPP, nom. pl.
adcapidendum: to take rest; for 9 velut: just as; the winds are likened to
taking, use a gerund-gerundive flip troops sacking a city; from Aeneid I.82-84
4 quid: what; ind. question plpf. pass. agmine fact: abl. abs.
subjunctive: translate in plpf. pass. tense 10 qu data (est) porta: where; relative cl.
5 oppressum: overcome; PPP opprim 14 soltum (et) loosened and
6 mittendam (esse): must not be neglected; 15 quodpricissent: subj., alleged cause
passive periphrastic in indirect discourse 16 videndae: of; gerundive-gerund flip
Brev spati intermiss, Graec nsulae cuidam appropinquvrunt 1
in qu Circ, flia Slis, habitbat. Qu cum nvem appulisset,
Ulixs in terram frumentand caus grediendum esse statuit; nam
cognverat frmentum quod in nv habrent iam dficere. Socis
igitur ad s convocts qu in loc rs esset et quid fier vellet 5
ostendit. Cum tamen omns memori tenrent quam crudel morte
nect essent e qu nuper nv gress essent, nm repertus est
qu hoc negtium suscipere vellet. Quae cum ita essent, rs ad
contrversiam dducta est. Tandem Ulixs consens omnium
socis in dus parts divsit, qurum alter Eurylochus, vir summae 10
virttis, alter ipse praeesset. Tum h inter s sortt sunt ter in
terram gredertur. Hc fact, Euryloch sorte vnit ut cum
dubus et vigint socis rem susciperet.

alter, -era, -erum: other (of two), second, 7 nam: for, 6

appell, -ere, -pul, -puls: drive to, 14 nec (1): to kill, slay, put to death, 9
appropinqu (1): come near, approach, 8 negtium, i n.: task, business, occupation, 13
consensus, -s m.: agreement, consent, 1 nm, nllus, nmin, nminem,
contrversia, -ae f.: dispute, controversy, 2 nll/nll: no one, 6
convoc (1): to call together, 3 nper: recently, lately, not long ago, 2
crdlis, -e: cruel, bitter, bloody, 6 ostend (1): show, display, 6
ddc, -ere: lead or bring down, launch, 10 praesum, -esse, -fu: be before, preside over 2
dfici, -ere, -fc, -fectum: fail, 3 reperi, -re, repper, repertum: find out, 9
dvid, -ere, -vs, -vsum: divide, separate, 3 sl, slis m.: sun, 10
duo, duae, duo: two, 10 sors, sortis f.: lot, 1
Eurylochus, - m.: Eurylochus, 6 sorti, -re, iv, sorttum: to choose by lot, 2
veni, -re: turn out, happen, 8 spatium, -i n.: space, span, extent, 6
fi, fier, factus: become, be made, 9 statu, -ere, -u, -tus: establish, build, 3
frmentor, -r, -tum: fetch grain, forage, 1 suscipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: undertake, 14
frmentum, - n.: grain, 4 tene, tenre, tenu, tentum: to hold, keep 13
inter: between, among (+ acc.), 10 uter, utra, utrum: which (of two)?, 1
intermitt, -ere: interrupt, break off, 5 vgint: twenty, 1
memoria, -ae f.: memory, 4 virts, -tis f.: valor, manhood, excellence, 10
mors, mortis, f.: death, 9

2 Qu: to there; to where 7 e qu: those who; e subject of nec

3 grediendum esse: (they) had to 8 vellet: impf. subj. vol (inf. velle)
disembark; pass. periphrastic Quae cumesset: since these things are
5 convocts: PPP in abl. abs. so; as a result
quesset: in qu loc, ind. question 10 alteralter: onethe other; dat. of
quid fier: what she wanted to be done; inf. compound impf. praeesset, was over
fi, impf. subj. vol 11 ter: which (of the two); ind. question
6 memori: in memory; abl. means 12 Euryloch: for Eurylochus; dat. of interest
quammorte: with how cruel a death vnit ut: it turned out that; noun result cl.
Hs rbus ita constituts e qu sortt erant in interirem partem 1
nsulae profect sunt. Tantus tamen timor anims erum
occupverat ut nihil dubitrent qun mort obviam rent. Vix
quidem poterant e qu in nv relict erant lacrims tenre;
credbant enim s socis sus numquam post hoc tempus visrs. 5
Ill autem aliquantum itineris progress ad villam quandam
pervnrunt summ magnificenti aedifictam, cuius ad stium
cum adiissent, cantum dulcissimum audvrunt. Tanta autem fuit
eius vocis dulcd ut nll mod retinr possent qun ianuam
pulsrent. Hc fact ipsa Circ fors exiit, et summ cum 10
benignitte omns in hospitium invtvit. Eurylochus nsidis sibi
comparr suspictus fors exspectre cnstituit, sed reliqu re
novitte adduct intrvrunt. Cnam magnificam omnibus rbus
instrctam invnrunt et iuss dominae libentissim accuburunt.
At Circ vnum quod serv apposurunt medicment qudam 15
miscuerat; quod cum bibissent, grav somn subit oppress sunt.

accumb, -ere, accubu,: to lie (at dinner), 4 inveni, -re, -vn, -ventum: find, discover 8
addc, -ere, -x, -ctum: to lead to, bring, 8 invt (1): to invite, 1
ade, -re, -i(v): go to, approach, 4 lacrima, -ae f.: tear, 10
aedific (1): make a building, build, 2 libenter: gladly, willingly, 12
aliquantum, - n.: somewhat, a little, 2 magnificentia, ae f.: splendor, magnificence 1
appn, -ere, -posu, -positum: set before, 3 mgnificus, -a, -um: splendid, magnificent, 2
benignits, -ttis f.: kindness, 1 medicmentum, - n.: drug, potion, 1
bib, -ere, bib: drink, 4 misce, -re, -u, mxtum: mix, mingle, 1
cantus, -s m.: song, singing, 1 mors, mortis, f.: death, 9
cna, -ae f.: dinner, 5 nihil: nothing, 14
compar (1): prepare, collect, 4 novits, -ttis f.: newness, novelty, 3
crd, -ere, -did, -ditum: believe, trust, 2 numquam: never, at no time, 4
domina, -ae f.: mistress, 1 obviam: in the way of, opposite to (+ dat.) 3
dubit (1): to hestitate, doubt, 5 occup (1): occupy, seize, 8
dulcd, -inis f.: sweetness, 1 opprim, -ere, -press: to overpower 5
dulcis, -e: sweet, dear, fresh, 2 stium, -i n.: mouth, entrance, 3
e, re, i (v), itrus: go, 3 quidem: indeed, in fact, assuredly, certainly, 8
Eurylochus, - m.: Eurylochus, 6 qun: nay (even), (but) that, 12
exe, -re, -i, -itus: go out, 5 relinqu, -ere, -lqu, -lictum: leave behind, 9
fors: out of doors, 1 retine, -re, -u, -tentum: hold/keep back, 3
fors: outdoors, out of doors, 1 somnus, - m.: sleep, 14
hospitium, n.: hospitality, 5 sorti, -re, iv, sorttum: to choose by lot, 2
ianua, -ae f.: door, 2 suspic, -re, -v, -tum: suspect, mistrust, 7
insidiae, -rum f.: ambush, 2 tene, tenre, tenu, tentum: to hold, keep 13
instru, -ere, -x, -uctum: equip, draw up, 6 villa, -ae f.: country-house, villa, 2
interior, -ius: interior, 3 vix: with difficulty, with effort, scarcely, 5
intr (1): go into, enter, 7 vx, vcis, f.: voice, 9

3 utdubitrent: that; result clause 7 summ magnificenti: with..; manner

nihil dubitrent qun: they did not at all 9 nll mod: in no way; abl. manner
doubt that; qun follows nn dubit 12 re novitte: by the novelty of the affair
rent: impf. subj. e, clause of doubt 14 instructam: equipped with all things
4 e qu: those who; nom. subject 15 quod: this; which, obj. of bibissent
tenre: to hold back; i.e. restrain 16 grav somn: abl. means; i-stem adj.
5 visrs (esse): fut. inf. vide
Tum Circ, quae artis magicae summam scientiam habbat, bacul 1
aure quod gerbat capita erum tetigit; qu fact omns in porcs
subit convers sunt. Intere Eurylochus ignrus quid in aedibus
agertur ad stium sedbat; postquam tamen ad slis occsum
anxi anim et sollicit exspectvit, slus ad nvem regred 5
constituit. E cum vnisset, sollicitdine ac timre tam perturbtus
fuit ut quae vdisset vix dlcid narrre posset. Ulixs autem satis
intellxit socis sus in pericul versr, et gladi corrept
Euryloch impervit ut sine mor viam ad istam domum
dmnstrret. Ille tamen mults cum lacrims Ulixem complexus 10
obsecrre coepit n in tantum periculum s committeret; s quid
gravius e accidisset, omnium saltem in summ discrmine
futram. Ulixs autem respondit s nminem invtum scum
adductrum; e licre, s mallet, in nv manre; s ipsum sine ll
praesidi rem susceptrum. Hoc cum magn vce dxisset, nv 15
dsiluit et nll sequente slus in viam s dedit.

accid, -ere, accid: to happen, fall (on)to, 8 mal, malle, malu: to prefer, 1
addc, -ere, -x, -ctum: to lead to, bring, 8 mane, -re, mans, --: to stay, wait, 9
aedis, -is f.: temple, pl. house, 1 mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14
ag, agere, g, ctum: drive, lead, spend, 13 narr (1): to narrate, relate, 7
anxius, -a, -um: anxious, 3 obsecr (1): beseech, implore, entreat, 5
ars, artis f.: skill, craft, art, 5 occsus, -s m.: fall, destruction, 4
aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 stium, -i n.: mouth, entrance, 3
baculum, - n.: staff, wand, 4 perturb (1): to trouble, greatly disturb, 2
committ, -mittere, -ms: commit, entrust, 6 porcus, - m.: pig, swine, 5
complector, -plect, -plexus sum: embrace, 3 praesidium, -i n.: protection, guard, 3
convert, -ere, -, -rsus: turn (around), 6 regredior, -gred, -gressus sum: step back, 1
corripi, -ere, -u, -reptus: snatch (up), 6 responde, -re, -d, -nsus: to answer, 13
dmonstr (1): to show, demonstrate, 13 satis: enough, sufficient, 6
dsili, -re, -silu, -sultum: jump down, 1 scientia, -ae f.: knowledge, wisdom, 6
dilcid: distinctly, plainly, 1 sede, -re, sd, sessum: to sit, 6
discrmen, -crminis n.: crisis, peril, 5 sequor, -, sectus: follow, pursue, attend, 4
domus, -s f.: house, home, dwelling, 11 sl, slis m.: sun, 10
Eurylochus, - m.: Eurylochus, 6 sollicitd, sollicitdinis f.: anxiety, worry, 1
gladius, - m.: sword, 10 sollicitus, -a, -um: troubled, anxious, 1
ignarus, -a, -um: ignorant, not knowing, 1 slus, -a, -um: alone, only, lone, sole, 6
imper (1): order, command, 12 suscipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: undertake, 14
intere: meanwhile, 7 tam: so, so much, so very, such, 8
invtus, -a, -um: unwilling, 2 tang, -ere, tetig, tactum: to touch, 3
iste, ista, istud: that or those (of yours), 7 llus, -a, -um: any, 3
lacrima, -ae f.: tear, 10 versor (1): be engaged, move about, live, 3
licet, -re, -uit: is allowed, permitted, 5 vix: with difficulty, with effort, scarcely, 5
magicus, -a, -um: magic, 5 vx, vcis, f.: voice, 9

2 qu fact: this done; abl. abs. 9 impervit: ordered (dat) that; governs
3 quid in aedibus agertur: what was a dat. and ind. command (ut + subj.)
done in the house; ind. question governed 11 ns committeret: not to entrust
by the adjective ignarus himself; thatnot, ind. command
4 ad stium: near the entrance s quid: if anything more serious; quid is
6 E: to there; adverb indefinite before s; comparative adj.
tam perturbtus: so upset; predicate 13 futram (esse)adductrum (esse):
7 utposset: that; result, impf. subj. susceptrum (esse): all fut. infinitives
quae vdisset: (the things) which he in successive ind. discourse
had seen; relative of characteristic, the 14 e licere: that it is allowed for him
missing antecedent is obj. of narrre s mallet: if he preferred; impf. subj. ml
8 socisversr: that; pres. dep. inf. in 16 nll sequente: no one; abl. abs.
ind. discourse
Aliquantum itineris prgressus ad vllam magnificam pervnit, 1
quam cum oculs perlustrsset, statim intrre statuit; intellxit enim
hanc esse eandem domum d qu Eurylochus mentinem fcisset.
At cum in e esset ut limen intrret, subit e obviam stetit
adulscns form pulcherrim aureum baculum gerns. Hc Ulixem 5
iam domum intrantem man corripuit et, Qu ruis? inquit.
Nonne scs hanc esse Circs domum? Hc inclus sunt amic tu ex
hman speci in porcs convers. Num vs ipse in eandem
calamittem venre?" Ulixes simul ac vcem audvit, deum
Mercrium agnvit; nlls tamen precibus ab institt cnsili 10
dterrr potuit. Quod cum Mercrius snsisset, herbam quandam
e dedit, quam contr carmina multum valre dicbat. Hanc cape,
inquit, et ubi Circ t bacul tetigerit, t strict gladi impetum in
eam vid ut facis. Mercrius postquam fnem loquend fcit,
mortlis vss medi sermne relquit, 15
et procul in tenuem ex oculs vnuit auram.

adulscns, -entis: young (man), youth(ful), 3 loquor, loqu, loctus sum: speak, address, 9
agnosc, -ere, -nv, -ntum: to recognize, 4 mgnificus, -a, -um: splendid, magnificent, 2
aliquantum, - n.: somewhat, 2 medius, -a, -um: middle of, 10
amcus, - m.: friend, 6 menti, -tinis f.: mention, 2
aura, -ae f.: air, breeze, 1 mortlis, -e: mortal, 1
aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 nn-ne: introduces a yes/no question, 1
baculum, - n.: staff, wand, 4 num: question expecting negative answer, 2
calamits, -ttis f.: misfortune, calamity, 1 obviam: in the way of, opposite to (+ dat.) 3
carmen, carminis n.: song, 2 oculus, -, m.: eye, 7
contr: against (+ acc.), 7 perlustr (1): look over, examine, 2
convert, -ere, -, -rsus: turn (around), 6 porcus, - m.: pig, swine, 5
corripi, -ere, -u, -reptus: snatch (up), 6 precs, -um: prayer, entreaty, 3
dterre, -re, -u, territum: frighten off, 1 procul: from afar, from a distance, 5
domus, -s f.: house, home, dwelling, 11 pulcher, -chra, -chrum: beautiful, pretty, 2
Eurylochus, - m.: Eurylochus, 6 ru, -ere, ru: rush, 2
vanesc, -ere, vanu: vanish, pass away, 1 sci, -re, -v (i), -tus: know, understand, 9
fnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 serm, sermnis m.: conversation, talk, 2
forma, -ae, f.: beauty, shape, form, 3 simul: at the same time; at once, together, 10
gladius, - m.: sword, 10 statu, -ere, -u, -tus: establish, build, 3
herba, -ae f.: plant, grass, 6 string, -ere, strinx, strictum: to draw out, 3
hmnus, -a, -um: cultured, refined, 4 tang, -ere, tetig, tactum: to touch, 3
impetus, -s m.: attack, onset, assault, 9 tenuis, -e: thin, 1
incld, -ere, -s, -sum: close in, shut in, 7 tu: you, 10
inquam, inquis, inquit: to say, 6 tuus, -a, -um: your, yours, 3
institu, -ere, -u, -tum: establish, set, 1 vale, -re, u: be strong, fare well, be able, 5
intr (1): go into, enter, 7 villa, -ae f.: country-house, villa, 2
lmen, lminis n.: threshold, 1 vx, vcis, f.: voice, 9

4 in e esset ut: was in such (a place) that 12 quamvalre:

e obviam: facing her, in the way of her carmina: songs; i.e. Circes spells
5 frm pulcherrim: of..; abl. quality; cape: sg. imperative capi
superlative adj. 13 ubitetigerit: when Circe touches; fut.
6 Qu: to where?; cf. ubi and unde pf.
8 Num vs: Surely you do not wish?; you 14 vid ut facis: see to it that you make
do not knowdo you? Num anticipates a 15 mortlis: he left the sights of the mortal in
negative response, 2nd sg. pres. vol the middle of the his speech and vanished
9 simul ac: as soon as; the same time as from his eyes far off into the thin breeze;
10 ab institt cnsili: from his set plans Aeneid 4.277-8
11 quod: this; which, obj. of snsisset
Brev intermiss spati Ulixs ad omnia percula subeunda partus 1
inuam pulsvit, et foribus patfacts ab ips Circ benign
exceptus est. Omnia edem mod atque ante facta sunt. Cnam
magnific instrctam vdit et accumbere iussus est. Mox, ubi fams
cib depulsa est, Circ pculum aureum vn repltum Ulix dedit. 5
Ille ets suspictus est vennum sibi partum esse, pculum
exhausit; qu fact Circ postquam caput eius bacul tetigit, ea
verba locta est quibus socis eius ante in porcs converterat. Rs
tamen omnn aliter vnit atque illa sperverat. Tanta enim vs
erat eius herbae quam Ulix Mercrius dederat ut neque vennum 10
neque verba quicquam efficere possent. Ulixs autem, ut e
praeceptum erat, gladi strict impetum in eam fcit et mortem
minitbtur. Circ cum artem suam nihil valre snsisset, mults
cum lacrims eum obsecrre coepit n sibi vtam adimeret.

accumb, -ere, accubu,: to lie (at dinner), 4 loquor, loqu, loctus sum: speak, address, 9
adim, -ere, -m: take away, deprive, 1 magnific: magnificently, splendidly, 1
aliter: otherwise, in another way, 3 Mercurius, - m.: Mercury, 8
antea: before, earlier, formerly, previously, 7 minitor, -r, -tus sum: threaten, 1
ars, artis f.: skill, craft, art, 5 mors, mortis, f.: death, 9
aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 obsecr (1): beseech, implore, entreat, 5
baculum, - n.: staff, wand, 4 omnn: altogether, wholely, entirely, 11
benignus, -a, -um: kind, 4 patefaci, -ere, -fc, -factum: to lay open, 2
cna, -ae f.: dinner, 5 pculum, - n.: cup, 7
cibus, - m.: food, 5 porcus, - m.: pig, swine, 5
convert, -ere, -, -rsus: turn (around), 6 praecipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: order, take, 6
dpell, -ere, -pul, -pulsum: drive away, 3 puls (1): to strike against, knock, 3
effici, -ere, -fc, -fectus: make, form, 3 quisquam, quidquam: anyone, anything, 4
ets: even if, although, though, 13 reple, -re, -plv, -pltum: fill again, fill, 4
veni, -re: turn out, happen, 8 spatium, -i n.: space, span, extent, 6
excipi, ere, cp, ceptum: receive, welcome9 spr (1): hope (for), expect, 5
exhauri, -re, -aus, -austum: drink up, 1 string, -ere, strinx, strictum: to draw out, 3
fams, -is f.: hunger, 3 sube, -re, -i: to undergo, go up (to), 5
foris, -is f.: door, entrance, 1 suspic, -re, -v, -tum: suspect, mistrust, 7
gladius, - m.: sword, 10 tang, -ere, tetig, tactum: to touch, 3
herba, -ae f.: plant, grass, 6 vale, -re, u: be strong, fare well, be able, 5
ianua, -ae f.: door, 2 vennum, - n.: poison, 7
impetus, -s m.: attack, onset, assault, 9 vennum, - n.: poison, 7
instru, -ere, -x, -uctum: equip, draw up, 6 verbum, - n.: word, speech, 4
intermitt, -ere: interrupt, break off, 5 vta, -ae, f.: life, 9
lacrima, -ae f.: tear, 10

1 Brevspati: abl. abs. 7 qu fact: this done; abl. abs.

adsubeunda: for undergoing; sube ea verba: neuter acc. object. of locta est
3 edematque: in the same way as before 9 aliteratque: otherwisethan
vnit: it turned out; impersonal 12 in eam: against her
10 eius herbae: of that plant; with vs 13 nihil valre: was not at all prevailing;
utpossent: that; result clause ind. disc., artem, craft, is acc. subj.
11 ut praeceptum erat: as it had been 14 nadimeret: that; ind. command
instructed; impersonal passive sibi: from her; dat. of compound verb
Ulixs autem ubi snsit eam timre perterritam esse, postulvit ut socis 1
sus sine mor in hmanam speciem rdceret (certior enim factus erat
de Mercuri es in porcs converss esse); nisi id factum esset, s
debits poens sumptrum ostendit. Circ hs rbus graviter commta e
ad peds s proicit, et mults cum lacrims ire iurand cnfirmvit s 5
quae ille impersset omnia factram. Tum porcs in atrium immitt iussit.
Illi dat sign irrurunt, et cum ducem suum agnvissent, magn dolre
affect sunt quod nll mod eum d rbus sus certirem facere poterant.
Circ tamen unguent qudam corpora erum nxit; qu fact sunt
omns statim in hmanam speciem reduct. Magn cum gaudi Ulixs 10
sus amcs agnvit, et nntium ad ltus msit, qu reliqus Graecs socis
recepts esse diceret. Ill autem hs rbus cognits statim ad domum
Circaeam s contulrunt; qu cum vnissent, univers laetitiae s

affici, -ere, -fc, fectum: influence, treat, 13 laetitia, -ae f.: joy, happiness, 3
agnosc, -ere, -nv, -ntum: to recognize, 4 Mercurius, - m.: Mercury, 8
amcus, - m.: friend, 6 mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14
atrium, atri n.: atrium, 3 nisi: if not, unless, 2
certus, -a, -um: fixed, sure, 11 nuntius, -i m.: messenger, 12
Circaeus, -a, -um: of Circe, 1 ostend (1): show, display, 6
confirm (1): make strong, strengthen, 5 perterre, -re: frighten, terrify, 5
convert, -ere, -, -rsus: turn (around), 6 ps, pedis m.: foot, 8
debe, -re, -u, debitum: to owe, ought, 2 poena, poenae, f.: punishment, 3
domus, -s f.: house, home, dwelling, 11 porcus, - m.: pig, swine, 5
dux, ducis m/f.: leader, guide, chieftain, 5 postul (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11
gaudium, -i n.: gladness, joy, 9 proici, -icere, -ic, -iectum: throw forth, 4
hmnus, -a, -um: cultured, refined, 4 recipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: take back, 8
immitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: send, et in, 2 redc, -ere, -x, -ctus: lead or bring back, 11
imper (1): order, command, 12 signum, - n.: sign, signal, 2
inru, -ere, -ru: rush in, 1 sum, sumere, sumps, sumptum: to take, 3
iur (1): to swear, 2 ung(u), -ere, unx, unctum: to oil, annoint, 1
is, iris n.: justice, law, right, 4 unguentum, - m.: ointment, 3
lacrima, -ae f.: tear, 10 universus, -a, -um: entire, whole, 1

2 certior factus erat: he had been 7 magn..affect: afflicted by great pain

informedthat; made more certain 8 nll mod: in no way; abl. of manner
3 factum esset: if this had not been done; eumcertirem facere: to inform him;
plpf. subj.; id is a demonstrative 9 qu fact: this done; abl. abs.
4 ssumptrum (esse): would exact; suntreduct: pf. pass. redc
fut. inf. in ind. disc., supply esse 10 qudceret: who would say; purpose
e: his; dat. of possession 11 reliqus Graecs: to; dat. ind. object
5 ire iurand: by sworn oath; by an oath socis recepts esse: that the comrades
to be sworn, gerundive; abl. of means had been taken back; pf. pass. inf. recipi
sfactram (esse): that she; omnia is 13 s contulrunt: carried themselves; went
obj. and antecedent of quae qu: to there; to where
6 immitt: pres. pass. inf. immitt laetitiae: to joy; dat. ind. obj.
Postrdi eius di Ulixs ex hc insul quam celerrim discdere in 1
anim habbat. Circ tamen cum haec cognvisset, ex odi ad amrem
conversa omnibus precibus eum orre et obtestr coepit ut paucs dis
apud s morrtur; qu r tandem impetrt, tanta beneficia in eum
contulit ut facile e persusum sit ut ditius manret. Postquam tamen 5
ttum annum apud Circn cnsmpserat, Ulixs magn desideri patriae
suae mtus est. Socis igitur ad s convocts quid in anim habret
ostendit. Ubi tamen ad ltus descendit, nvem suam tempesttibus tam
afflictam invnit ut ad navigandum paene intilis esset. Hc r cognit
omnia quae ad nvs reficiends su essent comparr iussit, qu in r 10
tantam diligentiam omns adhibbant ut ante tertium diem opus
perfcerint. At Circ ubi omnia ad profectinem parta esse vdit, rem
aegr ferbat et Ulixem vehementer obsecrbat ut e consili desisteret.
Ille tamen, n ann tempore navigtine excludertur, mtrandum sibi
existimvit, et tempesttem idneam nactus nvem solvit. Multa quidem 15
percula Ulix subeunda erant antequam in patriam suam pervnret, quae
tamen hc loc longum est perscrbere.

adflg, -ere, -flx, -flctum: dash, shatter, 1 mane, -re, mans, --: to stay, wait, 9
adhibe, -re, -u, -itum: to apply, hold to, 4 matur (1): to hasten, ripen, 7
aegr: with difficulty, wearily, 4 moror, -r, -tus sum: delay, linger, 3
amor, -ris m.: love, desire, pasfansion, 3 nanciscor, nancisc, nactus: attain, meet, 7
ante: before, in front of (acc.); adv. before, 5 nvigti, -nis f.: sailing, voyage, 2
antequam: before, 9 navig (1): to sail, 5
apud: among, in the presence of (+ acc.), 9 obsecr (1): beseech, implore, entreat, 5
beneficium, - n.: benefit, favor; kindness, 8 obtestor, -r, tum: call to witness, implore1
compar (1): prepare, collect, 4 odium, -i n.: hatred, 1
consum, -ere, -mps, -mptum: take, spend 9 opus, -eris n.: work, deed, toil, 9
convert, -ere, -, -rsus: turn (around), 6 r (1): pray (for), entreat, beseech, 5
convoc (1): to call together, 3 ostend (1): show, display, 6
dscend, -ere, -nd, -nsum: descend, 4 paene: almost, nearly, 8
desiderium, -i n.: desire, longing, 1 patria, -ae f.: fatherland, country, 8
dsist, -ere, -stit, -stitum: desist, stop, 5 perfici, -ere, -fc, -fectum: accomplish, 3
diligentia, -ae f.: diligence, attentiveness, 5 perscrb, -ere, -ps, -ptum: write fully, 3
discd, -ere, -ss, -ssum: go away, depart, 4 persude, -re, -sus, -susum: persuade, 9
di: a long time, long, 13 postrdi: the day after, the next day, 4
excld, -ere, -s, -sum: shut out, hinder, 2 precs, -um: prayer, entreaty, 3
existim (1): judge, consider, regard, think, 2 profecti, -tinis f.: departure, start, 3
facilis, -e: easy, 1 quidem: indeed, in fact, assuredly, certainly, 8
fer, ferre, tul, ltus: carry, bear, endure, 10 refici, -ere, fc, fectum: renew, make new 2
idneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12 sube, -re, -i: to undergo, go up (to), 5
impetr (1): to obtain, gain ones end, 1 tam: so, so much, so very, such, 8
inutilis, -e: not useful, useless, 1 tertius, -a, -um: third, 2
inveni, -re, -vn, -ventum: find, discover 8 sus, ss m.: use, employment, 3
longus, -a, -um: long, 4 vehementer: strongly, violently, ardently, 11

1 postrdi eius di: the day after that 8 tam afflictam: so dashed; PPP
day; abl. time when; gen. 9 utesset: that; result, impf. subj. sum
quam celerrim: as fast as possible ad navigandum: for; ad + acc., here a
in anim: had in mind; i.e. intended gerund expresses purpose
2 haec: these (things); neuter pl. acc. obj. 10 quaesu essent: who were of use;
3 omnibus precibus: abl. means, with rre dat. purpose; omnia is antecedent
utmorrtur: that he linger; ind. ad nvs reficiends: for; employ a
command gerund-gerundive flip: translate the
paucs dis: for; acc. of duration of time gerundive (adj) as a gerund with obj.
4 apud s: at her house 11 utperfcerint: that; result; unusual
qu r impert: which matter having pf. subj., translate in the pf. tense
been attained; abl. abs. i.e. Circe got 12 ad profectinem: for setting out
what she had requested above 13 ferbat: endured
5 contulit: pf. confer, Circe is subject e cnsili: from this purpose; separation
utpersusum sit: that she persuaded 14 nexcludertur: neg. purpose clause
him; impersonal pf. pass., translate active mtrandum (esse): that it had to be
utmanret: that; ind. command hastened by him; i.e. he had to hasten,
ditius: longer; comparative adv. passive periphrastic in secondary seq. with
6 apud Circn: at Circes house dat. of agent
patriae suae: for his country; objective 16 subeunda erant: had to be undergone;
gen. governed by desideri passive periphrastic with dat. of agent
7 socis convocts: abl. abs. or dat. i.o. quae: which (dangers); obj. of perscribere
Quidhabret: ind. question 17 longum est: it is long; nom. predicate
116 Nouns, Pronouns, and Adjectives

1st Declension 2nd Declension (m.) 2nd Declension (n.)

Nom. copia copiae legatus legat proelium proelia
Gen. copiae copirum legat legatrum proeli proelirum
Dat. copiae copis legat legats proeli proelis
Acc. copiam copis legatum legats proelium proelia
Abl. copi copis legat legats proeli proelis

3rd Declension (m/f) 3rd Declension (n.)

Nom. mles mlites iter itinera
Gen. mlitis mlitum itineris itinerum
Dat. mlit mlitibus itiner itineribus
Acc. mlitem mlits iter itinera
Abl. mlite mlitibus itinere itineribus

4th Declension (m/f) 4th Declension (n.)

Nom. manus mans corn cornua
Gen. mans manuum corns cornuum
Dat. manu manibus corn cornuibus
Acc. manum mans corn cornua
Abl. man manibus corn cornuibus

5th Declension (m/f)

Nom. rs rs
Gen. r rrum
Dat. r rbus
Acc. rem rs
Abl. r rbus

Selected Pronouns
Nom. is he ea she id it
Gen. eius his eius her eius its
Dat. e to/for him e to/for her e to/for it
Acc. eum him eam her id it
Abl. e with/from him e with/from her e with/from it

Nom. e they eae they ea they

Gen . erum their erum their erum their
Dat. es to/for them es to/for them es to/for them
Acc. es them es them ea them
Abl. es with/from them es with/from them es with/from them

Nom. qu quae quod qu quae quae who, which, that

Gen. cuius cuius cuius qurum qurum qurum whose, of whom/which
Dat. cu cu cu quibus quibus quibus to whom/which
Acc. quem quam quod qus qus quae whom, which, that
Abl. qu qu qu quibus quibus quibus by/with/from whom/which
Nouns, Pronouns, and Adjectives 117

Nom. ille illa illud that hic haec hoc this

Gen. illus illus illus of that huius huius huius of this
Dat. ill ill ill to/for that huic huic huic to/for this
Acc. illum illam illud that hunc hanc hoc this
Abl. ill ill ill with/from that hc hc hc b/w/f this

Nom. ill illae illa those h hae haec these

Gen. illrum illrum illrum of those hrum hrum hrum of these
Dat. ills ills ills to those hs hs hs to these
Acc. ills ills illa those hs hs haec these
Abl. ills ills ills with/from those hs hs hs with/from these

reflexive pronoun possessive reflexive adjective

Nom. --- suus sua suum su suae sua
Gen. su su suae su surum surum surum
Dat. sibi su suae su sus sus sus
Acc. s suum suam suum sus sus sua
Abl. s su su su sus sus sus

Adjectives and Adverbs

Decl. Positive Comparative Superlative

1st/2nd altus, -a, -um altior, altius altissimus, -a, -um

high (deep) higher (deeper) highest, very high (deepest)
3rd fortis, forte fortior, fortius fortissimus, -a, -um
brave braver, more brave bravest, most brave, very brave

1st/2nd alt altius altissim

deeply more deeply very deeply
3rd fortiter fortius fortissim
bravely more bravely very bravely

Irregular Adjectives and Adverbs

Positive Comparative Superlative

bonus, -a, -um melior, melius optimus, -a, -um
good better best
magnus, -a, -um maior, maius maximus, -a, -um
great greater greatest
parvus, -a, -um minor, minus minimus, -a, -um
small smaller smallest
multus, -a, -um ---, plus plurimus, -a, -um
much more most
118 Synopsis: 1st Conjugation

am, amre, amv, amtum: to love

active translation passive translation
Pres. am ammus I love amor ammur I am loved
ams amtis amris ammin
amat amant amtur amantur
Impf. ambam ambmus I was loving ambar ambmur I was being loved
ambs ambtis ambris ambmin
ambat ambant ambtur ambantur
Fut. amb ambimus I will love ambr ambimur I will be loved
ambis ambitis amberis ambimin
ambit ambunt ambitur ambuntur
Perf. amv amvimus I have loved amta sum amtae sumus I have been loved
amvist amvistis amta es amtae estis was loved
amvit amvrunt amta est amtae sunt
Plpf. amveram amvermus I had loved amta eram amtae ermus I had been loved
amvers amvertis amta ers amtae ertis
amverat amverant amta erat amtae erant
Fut. Pf amver amverimus I will have amta er amtae erimus I will have been
amveris amveritis loved amta eris amtae eritis loved
amverit amverint amta erit amtae erunt

Pres. amem ammus same as amer ammur same as
ams amtis indicative amris ammin indicative
amet ament ametur amentur
Impf. amrem amrmus amrer amrmur
amrs amrtis amrris amrmin
amret amrent amretur amrentur
Perf. amverim amvermus amta sim amtae smus
amvers amvertis amta ss amtae stis
amverit amverint amta sit amtae sint
Plpf. amvissem amvissmus amta essem amtae essmus
amvisss amvisstis amta esss amtae esstis
amvisset amvissent amta esset amtae essent

am amte love!
Pres. amns (amantis) loving
Perf. amtus, -a, -um having been loved
Fut. amtrus, -a, -um going to love amandus, -a, -um going to be loved
Pres. amre to love amr to be love
Perf. amvisse to have loved amtum esse to have been loved
Fut. amtrum esse to be going to loved
Synopsis: 2nd Conjugation 119

vide, vidre, vd, visum: to see

active translation passive translation
Pres. vide vidmus I see videor vidmur I am seen
vids vidtis vidris vidmin
videt vident videtur videntur
Impf. vidbam vidbmus I was seeing vidbar vidbmur I was being seen
vidbs vidbtis vidbris vidbmin
vidbat vidbant vidbtur vidbantur
Fut. vidb vidbimus I will see vidbr vidbimur I will be seen
vidbis vidbitis vidberis vidbimin
vidbit vidbunt vidbitur vidbuntur
Perf. vd vdimus I have seen vsa sum vsae sumus I have been seen
vdist vdistis vsa es vsae estis was seen
vdit vdrunt vsa est vsae sunt
Plpf. vderam vdermus I had seen vsa eram vsae ermus I had been seen
vders vdertis vsa ers vsae ertis
vderat vderant vsa erat vsae erant
Fut.pf. vder vderimus I will have vsa er vsae erimus I will have been
vderis vderitis seen vsa eris vsae eritis seen
vderit vderint vsa erit vsae erunt

Pres. videam videmus same as videar videmur same as
vides videtis indicative videris videmin indicative
videat videant videatur videantur
Impf. vidrem vidrmus vidrer vidrmur
vidrs vidrtis vidrris vidrmin
vidret vidrent vidrtur vidrentur
Perf. vderim vdermus vsa sim vsae smus
vders vdertis vsa ss vsae stis
vderit vderint vsa sit vsae sint
Plpf. vdissem vdissmus vsa essem vsae essmus
vdisss vdisstis vsa esss vsae esstis
vdisset vdissent vsa esset vsae essent

vid vidte see!
Pres. vidns (videntis) seeing
Perf. vsus, -a, -um having been seen
Fut. vsrus, -a, -um going to see videndus, -a, -um going to be seen
Pres. vidre to see vidr to be seen
Perf. vdisse to have seen vsum esse to have been seen
Fut. vsrum esse to be going to see
120 Synopsis: 3rd Conjugation

dc, dcere, dx, ductum: to lead

active translation passive translation
Pres. dc dcimus I lead dcor dcimur I am led
dcis dcitis dceris dcimin
dcit dcunt dcitur dcuntur
Impf. dcbam dcbmus I was leading dcbar dcbmur I was being led
dcbs dcbtis dcbris dcbmin
dcbat dcbant dcbtur dcbantur
Fut. dcam dcmus I will lead dcar dcmur I will be led
dcs dctis dcris dcmin
dcet dcent dcetur dcentur
Perf. dx dximus I have led ducta sum ductae sumus I have been led
dxist dxistis ducta es ductae estis was led
dxit dxrunt ducta est ductae sunt
Plpf. dxeram dxermus I had led ducta eram ductae ermus I had been led
dxers dxertis ducta ers ductae ertis
dxerat dxerant ducta erat ductae erant
Fut. Pf dxer dxerimus I will have ducta er ductae erimus I will have been
dxeris dxeritis led ducta eris ductae eritis led
dxerit dxerint ducta erit ductae erunt

Pres. dcam dcmus same as dcar dcmur same as
dcs dctis indicative dcris dcmin indicative
dcat dcant dcatur dcantur
Impf. dcerem dcermus dcerer dcermur
dcers dcertis dcerris dcermin
dceret dcerent dceretur dcerentur
Perf. dxerim dxermus ducta sim ductae smus
dxers dxertis ducta ss ductae stis
dxerit dxerint ducta sit ductae sint
Plpf. dxissem dxissmus ducta essem ductae essmus
dxisss dxisstis ducta esss ductae esstis
dxisset dxissent ducta esset ductae essent

dc ducite lead!
Pres. ducns (dcentis) leading
Perf. ductus, -a, -um having been led
Fut. ductrus, -a, -um going to lead ducendus, -a, -um going to be led
Pres. dcere to lead dc to be lead
Perf. dxisse to have led ductum esse to have been led
Fut. ductrum esse to be going to led
Synopsis: 3rd-io Conjugation 121

capi, capere, cp, captum: to take

active translation passive translation
Pres. capi capimus I take capior capimur I am taken
capis capitis caperis capimin
capit capiunt capitur capuntur
Impf. capibam capibmus I was taking capibar capibmur I was being taken
capibs capibtis capibris capibmin
capibat capibant capibtur capibantur
Fut. capiam capimus I will take capiar capimur I will be taken
capis capitis capiris capimin
capiet capient capietur capientur
Perf. cp cpimus I have taken capta sum captae sumus I have been taken
cpist cpistis capta es captae estis was taken
cpit cprunt capta est captae sunt
Plpf. cperam cpermus I had taken capta eram captae ermus I had been taken
cpers cpertis capta ers captae ertis
cperat cperant capta erat captae erant
Fut. Pf cper cperimus I will have capta er captae erimus I will have been
cperis cperitis taken capta eris captae eritis taken
cperit cperint capta erit captae erunt

Pres. capam capmus same as capar capmur same as
caps captis indicative capris capmin indicative
capat capant capatur capantur
Impf. caperem capermus caperer capermur
capers capertis caperris capermin
caperet caperent caperetur caperentur
Perf. cperim cpermus capta sim captae smus
cpers cpertis capta ss captae stis
cperit cperint capta sit captae sint
Plpf. cpissem cpissmus capta essem captae essmus
cpisss cpisstis capta esss captae esstis
cpisset cpissent capta esset captae essent

cape capite take!
Pres. capins (capientis) taking
Perf. captus, -a, -um having been taken
Fut. captrus, -a, -um going to take capiendus, -a, -um going to be taken
Pres. capere to take cap to be take
Perf. cpisse to have taken captum esse to have been taken
Fut. captrum esse to be going to taken
122 Synopsis: 4th Conjugation

audi, audre, audv, audtum: to hear

active translation passive translation
Pres. aud audmus I hear audior audmur I am heard
auds audtis audris audmin
audit audiunt audtur audiuntur
Impf. audibam audibmus I was hearing audibar audibmur I was being heard
audibs audibtis audibris audibmin
audibat audibant audibtur audibantur
Fut. audiam audimus I will hear audiar audimur I will be heard
audis auditis audiris audimin
audiet audient auditur audintur
Perf. audv audvimus I have heard audta sum audtae sumus I have been heard
audvist audvistis audta es audtae estis was heard
audvit audvrunt audta est audtae sunt
Plpf. audveram audvermus I had heard audta eram audtae ermus I had been heard
audvers audvertis audta ers audtae ertis
audverat audverant audta erat audtae erant
Fut.pf audver audverimus I will have audta er audtae erimus I will have been
audveris audveritis heard audta eris audtae eritis heard
audverit audverint audta erit audtae erunt

Pres. audiam audimus same as audiar audimur same as
audis auditis indicative audiris audimin indicative
audiat audiant auditur audiantur
Impf. audrem audrmus audrer audrmur
audrs audrtis audrris audrmin
audret audrent audretur audrentur
Perf. audverim audvermus audta sim audtae smus
audvers audvertis audta ss audtae stis
audverit audverint audta sit audtae sint
Plpf. audvissem audvissmus audta essem audtae essmus
audvisss audvisstis audta esss audtae esstis
audvisset audvissent audta esset audtae essent

aud audte hear!
Pres. audins (audientis) hearing
Perf. audtus, -a, -um having been heard
Fut. audtrus, -a, -um going to hear audiendus, -a, -um going to be heard
Pres. audre to hear audr to be heard
Perf. audvisse to have heard audtum esse to have been heard
Fut. audtrum esse to be going to heard
Synopsis: sum and possum 123

sum, esse, fu, futrum: to be possum, posse, potu, -- : to be able, can

translation translation
Pres. sum sumus I am possum possumus I am able, can
es estis potes potestis
es estis potes potestis
Impf. eram ermus I was poteram potermus I was able, could
ers ertis poters potertis
erat erant poterat poterant
Fut. er erimus I will be poter poterimus I will be able
eris eritis poteris poteritis
erit erunt poterit poterunt
Perf. fu fuimus I have been, potu potuimus I have been able,
fuist fuistis I was potuist potuistis I was able, could
fuit furunt potuit poturunt
Plpf. fueram fuermus I had been potueram potuermus I had been able
fuers fuertis potuers potuertis
fuerat fuerant potuerat potuerant
Fut. Pf. fuer fuerimus I will have been potuer potuerimus I will have been able
fueris fueritis been potueris potueritis
fuerit fuerint potuerit potuerint

Pres. sim smus same as possim possmus same as
ss stis indicative posss posstis indicative
sit sint possit possint
Impf. essem essmus possem possmus
esss esstis posss posstis
esset essent posset possent
Perf. fuerim fuermus potuerim potuermus
fuers fuertis potuers potuertis
fuerit fuerint potuerit potuerint
Plpf. fuissem fuissmus potuissem potuissmus
fuisss fuisstis potuisss potuisstis
fuisset fuissent potuisset potuissent

xxx xxx

Pres. esse to be posse to be able
Perf. fuisse to have been potuisse to have been heard
Fut. futrum esse* to be going to be ----

* fore is a common indeclinable alternative for futrum esse.

124 Synopsis: Deponent Verb

sequ, sequ, sectus-a-um sum: to follow

Pres. sequor sequimur I follow
sequeris sequimin
sequitur sequuntur
Impf. sequbar sequbmur I was following
sequbris sequbmin
sequbtur sequbantur
Fut. sequar sequmur I will follow
sequris sequmin
sequtur sequentur
Perf. secta sum sectae sumus I have followed
secta es sectae estis
secta est sectae sunt
Plpf. secta eram sectae ermus I had followed
secta ers sectae ertis
secta erat sectae erant
Fut.. pf. secta er sectae erimus I will have followed
secta eris sectae eritis
secta erit sectae erunt

Pres. sequar sequmur same as indicative
sequris sequmin
sequtur sequantur
Impf. sequerer sequermur
sequerris sequermin
sequertur sequerentur
Perf. secta sim sectae smus
secta ss sectae stis
secta sit sectae sint
Plpf. secta essem sectae essmus
secta esss sectae esstis
secta esset sectae essent

sequere sequitor follow!

Pres. sequns (gen. sequentis) following
Perf. sectus, -a, -um having followed
Fut. sectrus, -a, -um going to follow sequendus,-a -um going to be
Pres. sequ to follow
Perf. sectum esse to have followed
Fut. sectrum esse to be going to follow

Alphabetized Core Vocabulary List

(Words 15 or More Times)
This is an alphabetized list of the running core vocabulary found at the beginning of this
commentary. To use this book properly, readers should review and memorize the running core
vocabulary as they read the stories. If they encounter a word in the text that is not found in the
facing vocabulary, it is most likely in the running vocabulary and the list below.
The number of occurrences of each word i was tabulated with the help by the author.

, ab, abs: (away) from, out of, 72

accipi: to receive, get, accept, 26
ad: to, toward; near, 188
animus, - m.: soul, spirit, breath, courage, pride, 18
annus, - m.: year, 18
Argonautae, -rum m.: Argonauts, 18
at: but; mind you; but, you say, 27
atque: and, and also, and even, 21
audi, audre, audv, audtum: to hear, listen to, 22
autem: however, moreover, 81
auxilium, - n.: help, aid, assistance, 19
bs, bovis m. f.: cow, ox, bull (bobus-dat. abl.), 18
brevis, -e: short, brief, 15
capi, capere, cp, captum: to take, capture, seize, 14
caput, capitis, n.: head; life, 20
causa, -ae f.: reason, cause; case, 31
Circ, -s f.: Circe, 15
coep, coepisse, coeptum: begin, 16
cognsc, -ere, -nv, -nitum: to learn, perf. know, 22
confer, -ferre: bring together, collect, carry, 18
confici, -ere: to exhaust, finish, accomplish, 16
conici, -ere, -ic: throw together, throw, take oneself, 13
cnsilium, -i n.: plan, advice; council, assembly, 23
constitu, -ere, -u, -tus: decide, establish, resolve, 36
corpus, corporis, n.: body, 19
cum: with (+ abl.); when, since, although, 196
d: down from, from, about, concerning (+ abl.), 29
deus, - m.: god, divinity, deity, 19
dc, -ere, dx, dictus: say, speak, tell, call, name, 17
dis, - m./f.: day, time, season, 46
dmitt, -ere, -ms, -missus: send away, let go, 8
d, dare, ded, datum: give, put, make; grant, allow, 42
dolor, -ris m.: pain, grief, anger, passion, 17
dum: while, as long as, until, 35
, ex: out from, from, out of (+ abl.), 108
gredior, -, -gressus: go out, disembark, 18
126 Alphabetized Core Vocabulary

enim: for, indeed, in truth, 77

et: and, also, even, 287
etiam: besides, also, even, 17
Eurystheus, - m.: Eurystheus, 23
exspect (1): look out for, wait for, await, 15
faci, -ere, fc, fectum: make, do, 89
flia, -iae f.: daughter, 20
flmen, -inis n.: river, stream, 15
ger, -ere, gess, gestus: carry (on), wage, 18
gravis, -e: heavy, serious, severe; venerable, 16
habe, -re, habu, -itus: have, hold; consider, 34
habit (1): to inhabit, live, 18
Hercules, -is m.: Hercules 121
hic, haec, hoc: this, that; he, she, it, 222
hom, -inis m./f.: man, mortal, human, 21
iam: now, already, soon, 29
Ison, -onis m.: Jason, 45
ibi: there, in that place, 21
dem, eadem, idem: the same, 15
igitur: therefore, then, accordingly, 71
ille, illa, illud: that (famous); he, she, it, 84
in: in (+ abl.) , into (+ acc.), 272
ingns (ingentis): huge, immense, vast, huge, 21
insula, -ae f.: island, 20
intelleg, -ere, -lx, -lctum: to realize, understand, 24
interfici, -ere, -fc, -fectum: kill, slay, destroy, 15
ipse, ipsa, ipsum: -self; the very, 50
is, ea, id: this, that; he, she, it, 230
ita: so, thus, 25
iter, itineris n.: way, road, journey, 19
iube, iubre, iuss, iussum: to order, command, 17
labor, -ris m.: labor, hardship, task, 22
ltus, ltoris n.: shore, beach, 19
locus, - m.: place, region, situation; opportunity, 51
mgnopere: greatly, very much, 15
magnus, -a, -um: great, large, tall; mighty, important, 79
manus, -s f.: hand, 16
mare, maris n.: sea, 15
Mda, -ae f.: Medea, 27
mitt, -ere, -ms, missum: to send, let go, 18
modus, - m.: way, manner; modo (adv.) only 38
monstrum, - n.: monster, 26
mox: soon, 19
multus, -a, -um: much, many, abundant, 36
Alphabetized Core Vocabulary 127

nvis, nvis, f.: ship, boat, 63

n: lest, that not, no, not, 22
neque: and not (nequeneque = neithernor), 27
nn: not, by no means, not at all, 40
nllus, -a, -um: none, no, no one, 24
omnis, omne: every, all, 96
par (1): prepare, make (ready), 21
pars, partis, f.: part, share, 23
pauc, -ae, -a: little, few, scanty, 22
paulus, -a, -um: little, small, 16
per: through, over, across, 23
perculum, - n.: risk, danger, peril, 31
Perseus, - m.: Perseus, 26
perveni, -re, -vn, -ventum: to come through, arrive 19
Polyphmus, - m.: Polyphemus, 19
possum, posse, potu: be able, can, avail, 46
post: after, behind (+ acc.); afterward, next, 32
postquam: after, when, 58
prmus -a -um: first, 16
proficscor, -, -fectus: set out, depart, 19
progredior, -gred, progressus sum: advance, 17
puer, puer, m.: boy, 17
quaer, -ere, quaesv, quaestum: to seek, ask, inquire, 21
qu, quae, quod (quis? quid?): who, which, that, 307
qudam, quaedam, quiddam: certain, a certain, 50
rede, -re, -v: go back, return, come back, 19
refer, -ferre, -tul, -ltum: report, bring back, 18
regi, -nis f.: region, district, 18
regnum, - n.: (royal) power, kingdom, realm, 19
reliquus, -a, um: remaining, left (over), 15
rs, re, f.: thing, matter, affair, business, 83
rx, rgis m.: king; adj. ruling, royal, 44
sals, -tis f.: safety, security, health, 15
saxum, sax n.: rock, 15
s: himself, herself, itself, themselves, 115
sed: but, moreover, however, 31
senti, sentre, sns, snsum: to feel, perceive, 16
s: if (only), whether, in case that, 20
sine: without (abl.), 19
socius, - m.: ally, companion, comrade, 33
solv, -ere, solv, soltum: to loosen, release, 20
species, -i f.: sight, look, appearance, aspect, 15
spelunca, -ae f.: cave, 30
statim: immediately, on the spot, at once, 28
subit: immediately, straightaway, 19
128 Alphabetized Core Vocabulary

sum, esse, fu, futrum: to be, 422

summus, -a, -um: highest, greatest, top of, 29
suus, -a, -um: his, her, its, their (own), 84
tamen: nevertheless, however, 99
tandem: finally, at last, at length, in the end, 28
tantus, -a, -um: so great, so much, so large, 55
tempests, -ttis f.: weather; storm, 17
tempus, -poris n.: time, 31
terra, -ae f.: land, earth, 22
timor, -oris m.: fear, dread, anxiety, 15
trd, -dere, -did, -ditum: to give over, hand down, 20
tum: then, at that time, 73
ubi: where, when, 56
Ulixs, -is m.: Ulysses, 43
nus, -a, -um: one, 14
urbs, urbis, f.: city, 19
ut: as, just as, when (+ ind.); (so) that, in order that, 112
veni, -re, vn, ventus: come, go, 72
vide, vidre, vd, vsum: to see, 50
vinum, vin n.: wine, 16
vir, vir m.: man, male, 23
vs, (vs), f.: force, power, violence; pl. vrs, strength, 23
vol, velle, volu: will, wish, be willing, 22

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