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Vision 2025 aims to make Pakistan next Asian Tiger and provide development foundations to become
25th largest economies in the world. The mission is to up lift individuals well-being by giving basic
necessities like clean water, education and reducing poverty. Vision 2025 tries to keep Pakistan under
50th percentile for political stability as without security, Pakistans development is unsustainable. It
ensures economic development by providing 5+7 model and promoting peace full environment with
neighboring countries. Concluding vision 2025 as strategy for transformational changes is Pakistan like
high growth, trade, mobilization of domestic resources and moving to formal economy helps Pakistan to
emerge as a powerful economic nation.

Vision 2025 provides foundation for fast development and become 25th largest economies of the world
by the end 2025 try to change Pakistan from lower middle country to upper middle country
furthermore, economy grow by over 8% between 2017-2025.

The vision 2025 aims to provide clean water and remove shortage, increased the primary enrollment rate
to 100, literacy rate to 90%, increasing the number of PhDs, and the female workforce participation rate
from 24% to 45%, reducing the poverty (49% to 20%), efficient use of agriculture and increasing Tax to
GDP ratio.

This vision 2025 envisages that Pakistan will be placed under 50th percentile for political stability, no
violence, reduced corruption and high sustainable growth furthermore recognizes that without security,
Pakistans development cannot be count as sustainable. Growth, investment and economic activities are
impossible without peace and security.

Vision 2025 provides 5+7 model, five enablers and seven pillars, offers an integrated formula for
development and prosperity. The 5 enablers are Shared vision, Political stability and continuity of
policies, Peace and security, rule of law and Social justices. Seven pillars of vision 2025 states that
government also consider Pakistans important areas i.e. developing social and human capital, achieving
sustained, indigenous and inclusive growth, governance, institutional reforms and modernization of
public sector, energy, water and food security, private sector-led growth, developing a competitive
knowledge economy and modernizing transportation infrastructure and greater regional connectivity.

Vision 2025 also emphasizes peace full environment with neighboring country for economic growth. All
citizens participation is encouraged in visions activities. The concept called Branding in which
Pakistans services and products, made unique and better quality to trade across the world.
Vision 2025 is the strategy for transformational changes in Pakistan. This will provide solution to
Pakistans short term challenges and helps in attaining sustainable development. The GOP dedicated in
transparency and accountability of the activities. Through vision 2025 Pakistan enters into formal
business economy. Modern technology plays important role in transactions, communications and
increases investment in the country. Well defined coordination among the federal level and defined road
maps are key aspects of visions 2025 success. If resources are used efficiently and managed properly,
Pakistan would emerge as a powerful economic nation.

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