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Assignment 4, 2009
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

1 The graph of y = 2ex 3 intersects the x axis at A and the y axis at B.

a Find the coordinates of A and B.

b i Sketch on the same set of axes the graphs of

y = ex and y = 2ex 3

ii Describe three transformations which take the graph of y = ex to the graph

of y = 2ex 3 in the order in which they must be applied.

2 The function f is defined for all x R \ {0} and has the property that f (x) = f (x)

a Part of the graph of y = f (x) is given here. Copy and complete the sketch.

b Draw a separate graph to illustrate the graph of y = f (x + 3). Show clearly axes intercepts and

3 a i Sketch the graph of f(x) = 5 loge (3x 1).

State the coordinates of the x axis intercept and the equation of the asymptote.

ii State the maximal domain of the function.

iii State the range of the function.

b i Sketch the graph of f(x) = 2 + 1. State the coordinates of the y-axis intercept and the
equation of the asymptote.

ii State the maximal domain of the function.

iii State the range of the function.

12 Mathematical Methods CAS - Assignment 4

4 Simplify and then evaluate, without using a calculator

15 24 80
log10 20 + 7 log10 16 + 5 log10 25 + 3 log10 81
Full working must be shown.

5 Solve each of the following equations for x.

a 5e =3

b 2log2 (6x 1) = 10
x x+1
c 9 4.3 + 27 = 0 (note here the dot means multiplication)

d loge (3x 1) = 1

6 Simplify each of the following

log7 9
log7 3

log2 125
b + log3 243
log2 5

7 Find the inverse of each of the following functions and state the domain and range in each case.
a f : ( 7 ,) R, where f(x) = 2 loge(7x + 5)
(2 x)
b g: (, 2) R, where g(x) = 3e 5

8 The rule of the graph shown is of the form

y = a log3 (x + b).
Find the values of a and b. (5, -5)

9 The graph of the function with rule
f(x) = a loge x + b passes through the points (2, 7) and (4, 8).
Find the values of a and b.

10 Write down the transformations, in correct order, which change the function
f(x) = 3 loge (3 2x) into the function f(x) = logex.

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