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Sinkem all!

Pacific Storm: Allies

Thank you for purchasing our game!

The printed manual does not include the lengthy reference section on the various ships and
aircraft. However, on the disc in the Manuals folder you can find this section as a pdf file as
well as a pdf file of the paper manual.

Information about the Game
Main Features of the Game
Additional Add-on Features
System Requirements
Installation \ Game Start \ Uninstalling
* Technical Support
Game Settings
Game Controls
- Strategic level
- Tactical Level
- Simulator mode
Known Issues

Information about the Game

Pacific Storm: Allies is an add-on for Pacific Storm, a unique game about the war in the Pacific. It has the elements
of a global strategy, tactical naval war-game game and an arcade aircraft simulator. Playing either for the United
States, Imperial Japan, or a newly introduced nation (the UK) you walk through a dramatic sequence of large-scale
naval and air military operations. The game covers the time from 1940 to 1948. As you play, you can develop new
technologies, build and deploy new weapon systems and even change history. Thanks to a smooth and seamless
combination of strategy, tactics and simulator, you are completely free to take whatever strategic or tactical decisions
you consider best or abandon for a time all strategy and tactics and inhibit any of your units so as to take part in the
fighting personally. Pacific Storm: Allies' gameplay combines exceptional depth and scale of the strategic mode,
superior authenticity of the tactical mode and exciting dynamics of the simulator.

Main Features of the Game:

Pacific Storm: Allies organically combines three genres into one coherent whole in one game:
strategy, tactics and aircraft simulator. After attacking your enemy on strategic level you may switch to
tactical level and if you want you may inhabit almost any of your units.
Realistic 3D models: now the game offers 45 types of ships, 80 types of aircrafts, 25 types of
guided missiles and many other game objects;
Special unit editor where you can create new units as well as modify old ones is available on
strategic level;
Large-scale naval and air operations on the global map of the Pacific: including Australia,
Eastern part of North America, Oceania and part of India from 1940-1948. Possibility to change history during
the Historical camping;
System of experience gain: the crew now gains experience with every battle. New possibility of
forming elite squads has also been introduced in the game;
Beautiful Pacific 3D environments and terrains: (up to 2000 square miles). Realistic weather
effects (fog, wind, rain) and change of the day time;
Stunning special effects: including nuclear bomb explosions, and astonishing ocean backgrounds;
A large amount of tactical missions: with the possibility to choose the side to play for: Japan, US,
or Allies. Tactical battle deployment mode in which one can create any battle on one of the 50 tactical
Pacific maps, choose weather conditions and the time of day, as well as units and ammunition; Using this tool
one can reconstruct any WWII Pacific battle of WWII and take part in it;
Besides strategic Historical Campaign (composition of forces in the game start is close to historical
layout of forces) and Free Campaign (composition of forces is simplified) available in original game, Allies
introduce Arcade Mode which greatly simplifies the strategic and tactical part of the game;
Ability to develop new technologies including increasing the power rating of aircraft engines to guided
missiles technology, biological and nuclear weapons;
Switching from strategic to tactical level (and back) keeping all battle parameters: units' number and
their ammunition and characteristics, time of day, weather conditions;
Improved game control in the strategic mode allowing effective base management, mission
planning and supply management; Rich time control options (slow motion, acceleration and controlled pause);
A Multiplayer for 8 players with 3 game modes: tactical battle deployment mode, simulator mode,
and cooperative mode where two players can join forces in a mission.

Your fleet in Pacific Storm: Allies includes battleships, aircraft carriers, destroyers, cruisers, missile cruisers,
submarines and torpedo boats as well as tankers and transports. The aerial war is conducted using fighters (at first
piston-powered and in later stages jet fighters), attack aircraft, torpedo bombers and strategic bombers. There are 86
different types of units, all carefully modeled from WWII-era aircraft and ships, in the game. Also, you can develop new
technologies and create new weapons systems, which may almost instantly overturn the global balance of power.
About 100 technological improvements (upgrades) enhancing combat effectiveness of warships and military aircraft are
available. In addition to the strategic mode with its 127 different Pacific zones and 40 naval bases, you can play 20
historical battles, including the Battle of Midway, the attack on the Japanese admiral Yamamoto's plane and the battle
for Guadalcanal.

Pacific Storm is all about battleships and aircraft carriers the giants of naval warfare during WWII about captains
and admirals, as well as rank-and-file soldiers and sailors of the two great military powers locked in a life-and-death
conflict. In Pacific Storm you can become the Commander-in-Chief responsible for the lives of thousands of servicemen
and the destiny of his country; or the commanding officer of a small squadron; or even an ordinary military pilot
fighting in the sky over the Pacific. Gradually, as you play, from all these separate bits and pieces will emerge one
impressive picture of the great and fierce battles fought in the Pacific during WWII.

Add-on Features:

Besides Japan and USA, Pacific Storm: Allies brings in new allies and axis nations for each side
(Germany for Japan, the UK and the Netherlands, and the USSR for the USA). One will need to cooperate
those new nations war and diplomatically wise.
The UK is now a playable nation with its unique units technologies and bases;
Strategic level now offers more zones for establishing new bases;
The add-on implements hit location system, which realistically shows the damage dealt to ships,
aircrafts, different devices installed on those ships and aircrafts, and how units are being destroyed. The level
of damage will now directly influence on how units function;
Diplomacy has also been added to the game; with its help one can arrange a joint nations operation
or trade technologies and units;
4 new types of buildings now available to help you train your crew - engineering academies,
army academies, air forces academies and navy academies);
Numerous new technological upgrades which will give users more freedom in creating different
weaponry and units' modifications;
Long range ground, water and air based ballistic and cruise missiles now could be launched
on strategic level;
New system of cargo transportation based on routes creation;
Improved graphics engine now offers post-render effects such as Glow, Blur and others;
New mod system allows the creation of different modifications of the game: add new units, change
units' skins, create new maps, missions and even new special effects. One can change balance and visual look
of the game;
Greatly expanded set of tactical missions due to the new nations;
PS:A offers you a differential control of major and minor calibers, torpedoes and air defense
systems, which could be controlled by AI as well as player;
Significantly extended list of units over 50 new aircrafts and modifications, and 20 new ships;
Refined landscapes the world is now abundant with different decorative elements (seagulls, pretty
clouds, detailed terrain) which make it more realistic;
Saving on the tactical level option is now available;
Hydroplanes can now station on the submarines;
Additional sound design was added for example tutorial mission's text is now fully dubbed;
New award system and statistics on how you complete a mission. You gain points for completing
tasks, destroying enemies on strategic, tactical and in simulator modes;
New direct ship controlling mode (3d person view) allows the player to control the movement of
his ships and its weapons (major and minor caliber, air defense turrets, torpedoes);
Reworked graphics engine of the game;
Possibility to control aircrafts with a mouse and an enhanced list of supported joysticks;
Great amount of improvements and corrections

System Requirements

Minimal System Requirements:

OS: Windows 2000/XP SP2/Vista
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2000 MHz or similar
RAM: 512
Video: DirectX 9-compatible 3D accelerator with 128Mb of video memory
(NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900 or ATI Radeon 9800)
HDD Free space: 4 Gb of free space
Peripherals: Keyboard, mouse
DirectX: 9.0 or higher
Sound: any DirectX-compatible sound card

Recommended System Requirements:

OS: Windows XP SP2
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3000 MHz and higher
RAM: 1024 Mb or higher
Video: 3D accelerator with 256 video memory
(NVIDIA GeForce 7600 or ATI Radeon X1600 and higher)
HDD Free Space: 4 Gb of free space
Peripherals: Keyboard, mouse, joystick
DirectX: 9.0 or higher
Sound: any DirectX-compatible sound card

Note: In order for the game to work on Windows, the user must have administrator's rights on the PC where Pacific
Storm is installed.

Installation \ Game Start \ Uninstalling

Insert the PS:A DVD into your DVD-ROM drive. Select "Install Game" option in the menu. The installation should start
automatically. If it does not happen, use Windows Explorer, open the disk with its help and run the file "setup.exe" in
the root of the Pacific Storm: Allies DVD. The installer will guide you through the installation process.
Game Start
In order to launch the game, select Start>Programs>Buka>Pacific Storm - Allies and click on the Pacific Storm:Allies
shortcut. You can also launch the game by double-clicking Pacific Storm shortcut on your desktop or selecting "Start
Game" in the DVD auto-run menu of the game.
Select Start>Programs>Buka>Pacific Storm>Uninstall, or use the Windows Add/Remove programs utility on the
Control Panel. Otherwise choose "Uninstall" in DVD auto-run menu. You can also delete the game with Windows
default installation\uninstalling tool found in the Control Panel.

Technical Support

Please ensure that your video card drivers and version of DirectX are up-to-date before contacting technical support.

Information on the game and the forums may be accessed at

Should you need to contact a technical support rep, please contact him at and attach a copy of
your dxdiag to the email.


Note: The installation process may take a few minutes. During this process your computer should not be performing
any other tasks at this time. It is strongly recommended that you disable or pause your antivirus software before you
begin the installation process to prevent the program from hanging or freezing and possibly ending up with some
corrupted game files. Keeping your antivirus software disabled during offline play will also help to avoid corrupted
game files.

Game Settings

The game settings are set in the game's "Configurator" which is used for game-detailed settings. To launch it, select
Start>Programs>cdv Software Entertainment USA>Buka and Lesta>Pacific Storm Allies>Game config or run the file
config.bat in the root directory of the game.
In the window's upper side there are different tabs to help you switch easily between the different settings.
The tab "Common" presents main game settings. In order to set the best in-game graphics quality your computer can
handle quickly you can select one of 3 modes:
Best Performance for low graphics quality and best productivity. Recommended for older/slower
Optimal Quality for reasonable balance between graphics quality and game speed.
Best Quality for best quality with game speed decreasing. Recommended only if your PC meets
recommended system requirements.
For more detailed setting of graphics and game speed see other configurator tabs in User Manual.

Game Controls

"F1" opens help. You can press this button in almost any window and game mode; *
"Esc" takes you back to the main menu;
"PrtSc" takes you to the screenshots folder;
"Shift" + "PrtScr" takes a screenshot without interface into the screenshots folder;
"[" and "]" decreases or increases game speed.
Camera Controls

"Left" to move left;
"Right" to move right;
"Up" to move forward;
"Down" to move back;
"Page Up" and "Page Down" to change camera angle;
"Home" key for maximum zoom in;
"End" key for maximum zoom out.
To rotate camera, hold down the mouse wheel (or middle button) and move the mouse left, right, up
or down to change angle;
Rotate mouse wheel to zoom in/out;
To move (pan) along the map move the cursor to the side of the screen;
While moving using a mouse, press "Ctrl" to increase movement speed or "Shift" to decrease
movement speed;

Strategic level

Camera Controls
Movement: Arrows "Left", "Right", "Up" and "Down" move the camera. Also, you can move the
camera using the mouse. To do this, place the pointer at the edge of the map and move the mouse.
Zooming: Scrolling mouse wheel or "PageDown" and "PageUp" you can zoom camera in and out.
Change angle: press and hold the wheel or the middle button of your mouse and then move it to the
right or to the left; "<" and ">" rotate camera.
"Home" places camera into the default position.

Game Controls
Formations are selected with the left mouse button (by holding the "Shift" key at the same time you
can add a unit to the selected group);
Orders are given using the right mouse button;
Right mouse click shows the right-click menu. Hold down "Alt" key to see detailed information;
To enter a base interface, click with the left mouse button;
"M" shows/hides message log;
"Ctrl" +"M"enters main base management menu;
"Esc" closes any open window or shows the main menu if there are no open windows;
"[" and "]" keys increase/decrease game speed;
"Space" pauses and resumes the game;
"F2" renames a formation;
"F5" quick save;
"F9" quick load;
"W" shows/hides weather conditions;
"I" shows/hides information flags;
"N" shows/hides zone and base names;
"V" shows/hides reconnaissance zones;
"Z" shows/hides zone affiliation.

Tactical Level

"F12" pauses game;
"Ctrl+i" switches icon display mode;
"i" shows last screen message;

(left to right)
"Minimize/Restore" ("M" hides/shows the mini-map);
"Pause" (to continue game press "F12");
"Main Menu" ("Esc");
"Mission Information";
"Exit to the Pacific Ocean map" (battle results resolve automatically);
"Call landing troops window" ("D");
"Messages log"

Unit Selection
Left-click selects/deselects unit;
Select with a frame: press and hold left mouse button and drag mouse over the object;
To select all units use "Ctrl" + "A" combination

Hot keys
"A" selects all units on the screen;
"Ctrl+Z" selects all units of the type already selected;
"Z" selects all units of the type on the screen;
"Ctrl" + "number" (1-9) bind selected units to a group;
"Number" (1-9) selects a bound group;
"Shift" shows affiliation icons on all units;
"Shift" + "select" adds new units to the selected units list;
"Shift" + "icon click" to deselect unit;
"Backspace" to show/hide unit names on the screen;
Click on the icon in the formations list on the left to select whole formation.

Right-click gives an order (move, attack);
"Ctrl" + right-click orders to attack the point, if the unit is allowed;
To order to attack several units, select your units, and by holding the "Ctrl" key pressed select the
enemy units with the frame (holding the left mouse button);
"Shift" + right-click on a friendly unit give the selected unit the order to escort the unit clicked on;
"Shift" + right-click gives an order to attack an enemy unit without changing the movement direction;
"Alt" + selected units causes the altitude and speed control window to appear;
"Space" centers camera on selected unit;
"U" to enter the direct control mode;
A Right-click on the selected plane icon binds the camera to the unit.

Unit Control Interface on Tactical Level

When you select a unit, you will see unit control interface in the bottom right corner of the screen. The buttons are
(downwards, left to right):
The "Stop unit" button stops unit's movement. This button is available for all unit types;
"Forbid shooting" forbids the unit to fire. The unit will not respond to enemy fire until allowed to do
so. "Allow shooting" allows the unit to fire;
"Allow\Forbid auto-landing". When this mode is on and the unit runs out of ammunition or fuel, it will
look for a place to land. When this mode is off, the unit will continue flying until it crashes or gets shot. This
button is available only for aircrafts. If you want the unit to land immediately, press "Land" button, and the
plane will start automatic landing on a nearest runway;
"Kamikaze mode on\off". This button is only available for Japanese airplanes. In this mode your
aircraft will look for a suitable ship to attack unless you indicate another goal. The kamikaze will search for a
suitable ship to attack, if you don't specify your own target, and then crash into it causing heavy damage and
demoralizing the enemy.
"Unit direct control". This button allows the player to switch to simulator mode ("U" hot key);
"Attack priorities" allows setting target priorities for units. The unit will try to destroy the target of the
highest priority set;
"Attack point" sets a point that will be attacked by all possible unit weapons;
"Maximum dive", "Dive", "Emersion" are submarine dive modes;
"Launch torpedo". If you set a submarine to "disable shooting" mode, you can control it manually and
launch torpedoes;
On interface upper part there are buttons that set attack distance (maximum zoom, medium
distance, maximum distance) and independent mode;

Unit's Independency Modes:

"Passive": unit performs only player's orders;
"Hold position": unit holds position but can also attack enemy and move a little;
"Active" : unit does what it finds necessary but cannot ignore player's orders.

Group of Units Controls

On the left side of the screen you can see your unit groups. To select a unit left-click on one
of the icons. All unit groups will be selected, and in the bottom of the screen you will see the icons of
all units in this group. To select a unit from this group, click on a unit icon at the bottom of the
screen, to focus on the unit, use the "Space" bar. By clicking on the icon with the right mouse button,
a camera will become attached to the selected unit.
To set the units' fly altitude and speed, select unit(s) and press "Alt". By holding the "Alt"
key you can see a menu in the center of the screen where you can set a certain speed and the height
of units.

Simulator mode

Airplane Controls
"LEFT", "RIGHT" roll;
"UP", "DOWN" pitch;
"Z", "X" yaw;
"PageUp", "PageDown" increase/decrease thrust;
"D", "C" raise/lower flaps;
"SPACE" fires machine-guns;
"CTRL"+ "SPACE" drop bombs/launch rockets;
"S" injects methanol (if available)
"Tab" sets bomb/torpedo as primary weapon;
"Q" switches to fire mode;
"E" switches to rocket guidance control mode;
"W" landing gear extension/retraction control;
"B" opens bomb hatch;
"T" switches to a different target;
"Enter" selects current target;
Left "SHIFT" to center the view of a target;
"Ctrl + Tab" switches to the next plane;
"Ctrl + Shift + Tab" switches to the previous plane;

Joystick and mouse

"K"/"J" switch between keyboard/joystick;
"K"/"M" switch between keyboard/mouse
"0" fires machine-gun;
"1" drops bombs/torpedoes or launches rockets;

"1" cockpit view;
"2" rear view;
"3" fixed camera;
"4" free camera (use mouse wheel or keys "+" and "-" to zoom in/out); In this view, press mouse
wheel/middle button and move mouse to the right and to the left to rotate around the plane;
"5" cinematic camera that tracks the plane from a certain distance;
"NumPad+" zoom camera in;
"NumPad-" zoom camera out;
"NumPad Enter" show/hide cockpit selection interface;
"NumPad 0-9" switches to a cockpit;
"ALT" switch between targeting mode/free look in a cockpit;
"Home" center the camera.
Direct ship control
Only ships have "direct control" button. Direct control mode allows player to take full control over the selected ship.
With "W", "A", "S", "D" keys you can assign a direction of movement for your ship. Buttons in the lower right corner
select major and minor calibers, anti-air turrets and torpedoes (hot keys "7" + "8" + "9"). You may manually select a
target for the ship by holding "Ctrl" and right clicking on the target you want to assign. In PS:A when choosing a
weapon the firing range of this weapon and its firing vector shows automatically.

Hit Locations
Each unit in the game ship or plane has its own hit location system. Hit location systems simulate sections and systems
of original prototypes. "Show Damage" button shows damage info of the selected unit. The damage info menu shows
upper and side projection of a ship or only the upper one if a plane's info has been requested. Damage done to ships
during battles and causing flooding greatly reduces their performance, speed, maneuverability, accuracy, and ability to
detect ships, submarines and planes.
You can read more about these and other features in the "User manual" or in-game hints (use F1 in any game mode)

Known Issues
Known issues
On older/slower PC's during game start, a short 2-3 second interval pause between splash-screen and
introduction movie is possible.
Some hardware and video card version combinations can cause a lack of special effects on enemy
ships during movement.
Some ATI video cards might cause crashes (try turning secular maps off in the game's configurator
and decreasing texture quality).
Some hardware configurations with onboard sound cards may be a reason for CTDs (try turning off
hardware acceleration in the settings of the sound card).


Lesta Studio

Malik Hatajaev
Project Lead
Sergei Ulixes Titarenko
Lead Game Designer
Vladimir Sinden Gremitsky
Game Designers
Oleg Bishop Fedorov
Sergey Corvax Kuznetsov
Zakhar Graf Ignatyev
Game Designers Assistants
Igor Galjagin Galjagin
Igor Soldatenkov
Aleksey Xor Sukhoruchko
Lead Programmer
Oleg Bishop Fedorov
Sergey "Corvax" Kuznetsov
Timofey "Tim" Lisitshenkov
Andrey "Olan" Oleynik
Ivan Alaferov
Aleksey Kozhin
Dmitriy Efimov
Production Coordinator
Petr Amicus Prokhorenko
Community Manager
Stanislav "Hunter" Fokin
Aleksey Xor Sukhoruchko
3D Artists
Vladimir "Sinden" Gremitsky
Igor "Garry" Soldatenkov
Anastasiya Mikhaylenko
Vyacheslav Dement'ev
Dmitriy belov
Evgeniy Nikolayev
Dmitriy Grishenkov
Denis Kozlov
Denis Muraviev
Aleksandr Kirichenko
Zhanna Vasilieva
Banu Kuspanova
Vladislav Sudakov
Viktor Kudryashov
Oleg Shadrin
Valeriya Zelenskaya
Kristina Magnitskaya
Vladimir Shigorev
Mission Design
Timofey Lisitshenkov
Evgeniy "Jey" Stupnikov
Sergei "Corvax" Kuznetsov
Map Design
Oleg Shadrin
Lead Tester
Evgeniy "Jey" Stupnikov
Ivan "Zluka" Gorbatshev
Aleksey "Xor" Sukhoruchko
Outsource Testers
Alexander "R2-D2" Kozub
Leonif "Bravo" Shegalev
Intro and Audio
Sergei "Ulixes" Titarenko
Alexander Kiritchenko
Denis Trufanov
Polina Tikhonova
Irina Basina
Sound and Music
Danila-Master Voroshilov
(and "STEREO SIGNAL" band)
Technical Director
Yuriy Sukharev
Freelance Artists
Andrey "ZloySkin" Suvorov
Alexey "Rulex" Rubel'
Anton "Tango3D" Vorob'jov
Oleg "Neva" Goncharuk-Sukach
Andrey "andy_ray" Gorelov
Mikhail "mikedo" Dorokhin
Sergey "Losovoy" Lozovoy
Vitaliy "Loss" Losev
Arkadiy "Super Rash" Mel'nikov
Andrey "COPATHuK" Romov
Mikhail "Master" Filatov
Georgi "Hof" Markov
Valeriy Mendelis

To military-historic
community Blitzfront for
advice and support
Anton "Heavy" Kurchatkin
and also to
Boris Yulin and Boris Moskovkin

Special thanks from Lesta Studios QA

to international testers
Charles "Chip" Henson, James "KiloAlpha4" Cseh,
Claude "JanMasterson" Janssen, Klaus "Jinks" Norgaard,
William "Wigriff01" Griffiths, Christopher "SemperFi2382" M. Kiefer

Thanks to the enthusiastic OGRE community

(Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)
& Projected grid water rendering concept by Claes Johanson
Buka Entertainment
Alexey (Stallker) Peshehonov
Ivan (BlackWarrior) Moroz

Producer Assistant
Alexey (=RA=) Chebotarev

Technical Adviser
Kirill (Kbest) Bestemyanov

Localization Manager
Dmitriy Penzin

International department
Sergey Vtorushin
Svetlana Ladoshkina
Carlos Mateos
Tatyana Sinitsina
Maria Shestakova

Testing coordinator
Alexander Pak

Senior Testers
Maria (prolonga) Bratolybova
Alexey (=RA=) Chebotarev

Buka Internal Testers

Dmitriy (solowey) Anufriev
Evgeniy (Uncle_Fu) Popov
Igor (DIVWarboss) Dmitriev
Ivan (QaWise) Raynov
Lidiya (Lio) Ovsyannikova
Alexey (pifagor) Petrov
Alexey (StC) Popenkov
Dmitriy(OM) Larin

Buka External Testers:

Andrey (BravoMC) Apyonkin

Artur (kotovsky) Gayazov
Vladimir (papa) Kleban
Alexey (jefolzok) Kozlov
Dmitry ( DeMoN) Kurshin
Nikolay (Joudan) Maystrenko
Andrei (xabbal) Rostanin
Alexey (Alezz_net) Shmol

Alexander Mikhailov

VP financial
Marina Ravun

VP international
Victoria Enns
VP development
Ivan Bunakov

Thanks to
Elena Andreeva
Julia Belova
Sergey Bobkov
George Dobrodeev
Julia Karpinskaya
Elena Kvasnikova
Anna Kucherenko
Vladimir Minaev
Ivan Moroz
Ekaterina Myshenko
Dmitriy Penzin
Oksana Plotnikova
Oksana Saichkina
Anna Sergeeva
Tatyana Sinitsina
Victoria Stasko
Irina Tsareva
Eugenia Udalova
Igor Ustinov
Tatyana Ustinova

And also:
Anton Ravin (NVIDIA)
Guy Grenier (NVIDIA)
Philip Gerasimov (NVIDIA)
Igor Panyuta (Saitek)
Mikhail Kapustin (Saitek)
Evgeniya Gavrilova

Very specical thanks to

Marina Ravun :)

Official site of the game

Buka Entertainment & Lesta Studio 2007 - All rights reserved

All rights for distribution on the territory of Russia and Commonwealth of Independent States belong to Buka

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