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Consumer Behavior Group 5 Kissan Ketchup


Bhumika Vishnoi B16076

Harkaran Singh B16080
Rachit Pande B16096
Uday Sharma B16117
Vimal Negi B16120

Kissan Ketchup- Understanding the

Consumer Behaviour towards Buying and
Consumer Behavior Group 5 Kissan Ketchup

Kissan was introduced in 1935 for the British settlers by Mitchell bros. In 1950 The UB group, under the
Late Vittal Malaya then, acquired it which was later sold to Hindustan Unilever Limited in 1993. Ever since
its acquisition, Kissan has been a major part of HULs portfolio in India.

Over time, Kissan evolved to become the first ever fruit and vegetable brand in the country. Till date the
backbone supporting the brand has been their focus primarily on real ingredients, fresh vegetables and
fruits. All the communications of Kissan has been around the core values of trust, natural goodness,
versatility and health. As of today its equivalent to kids loving what they eat and growing up happily, with
the reassurance of growth and health to mothers.

Since 2013, Kissan has taken over the position of market leader from the erstwhile Maggi, with its focus
as a companion for mothers as they strive hard to get their kids finish their Tiffin.

Competitive Landscape
The key competitors for Kissan Ketchup are Maggi, Tops, Heinz, Delmonte, Chings and Patanjali. The
increasing source of competition for Kissan is from the local players like Tops (North) and Surabhi
(Maharashtra) and other host of local players that are catering to price sensitive consumers.

Figure 1: Indian Ketchup Market 2016-17

Consumer Behavior Group 5 Kissan Ketchup

Figure 2: Market Share (MAT)

MS Value (MAT)
Feb' 17
Feb' 16
Feb' 15

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%


Detailed account of the problem

Kissan is one of the oldest Ketchup brands and is currently owned by HUL. Even though Kissan is market
leader in ketchup with ~28% Market share the penetration for the industry as well as for Kissan is very
low at 24% for industry and 14% for Kissan. According to Nielsen, Ketchup sector is valued at INR 1030 Cr
in 2016 with 10% growth. As more mature flavors like Schezwan, Salsa, Mayonnaise, etc. are entering the
Indian market the overall market share of ketchup in dressing and condiment space is decreasing. The
growth in Pizza, Pasta and Schezwan is supported by their increased usage as wet cooking sauce.

Table 1 Ketchup Penetration

Ketchup type MAT Feb'16 MAT Feb'17 Change (bps)

SAUCE/KETCHUP 21.7 23.8 977

KISSAN 12.9 14.3 1156

MAGGI 5.8 6.7 1455

PATANJALI 0.2 0.3 8598

Most of this penetration increase is attributed to more developed flavors in sauce like Tomato Chilli and
Hot & Sweet variants by various brands, while the major revenue for Kissan is through Normal Tomato
Ketchup which is seeing a continuous decline.
Consumer Behavior Group 5 Kissan Ketchup

With Maggi coming with newer flavors the gap between the two is decreasing in terms of market share,
if Kissan does not increase its penetration and thereby increasing its market share, then it may lose its
leadership position back to Maggi.

Analysis of the situation using a set of appropriate consumer behavior lenses

Type of value
Utalitarian Values
Low High
Hedonic Low
Values High

Ketchup category is associated with generating excitement and transformation qualities. Based on the
legacy of trust and naturalness Kissan has not been able to generate excitement in the category. The
advertisement also focuses primarily on the utilitarian values of completing the Tiffin and naturalness.
While Maggi is able to stimulate excitement from the halo effect of its mother brand. It is for this reason
that Kissan is conceived as a kids brand while Maggi is more of an adult brand. Pre 2013 when Maggie was
the Market leader the category was associated with excitement but post 2013, as per our survey, Kissan
became the Exemplar of the category and its association with kids has made the category more inclined
towards kids.

Type of purchase
Upon plotting the perception of the category and advertisement that we received in the FCB Model, we
found Ketchup lies in the Fourth Quadrant towards
the Y axis, where the primary behavior of the
consumer is Do -> Feel -> Learn. These were often
impulse buys aimed at Satisfaction. While the
stated need is taste, smell, flavor; a deeper
need among the interviewed was to satisfy feel
good factors or a deeper bond between the user
and the product. With its continuous
advertisement focused on mothers it has diluted
the brands relevance to the other category users.
Consumer Behavior Group 5 Kissan Ketchup

Consumer Motivation for Purchase

On examining the motivation of the buyers using the
Maslows Hierarchy we understood the reason for the low
sales of Kissan in Tier 1 and 2 unlike metros. In comparison
to metros, in tier 1 & 2 cities, the motivation for
belongingness and Love was the major driving force when
it came to purchase and cooking of food items. It is her way
of showing care and nurturing for her family. The primary proposition of Kissan Ketchup is making Tiffin
interesting. This proposition tends to come in direct conflict with the ideal social self of mothers here.
Using ketchup to make the food interesting implies an assumption that her cooking is not up to the mark.

This positioning is in alignment with the motivation for shopping in Metros. In metros the main diver was
social imagination, where the type of food that we eat is a reflection of our social status. With ketchup
making the food interesting it was used to make modern food items that took the motivation level from
Belongingness and Love to that of Esteem which has mode hedonic value in it. It helps the mother in
Metros come out as a modern mom who prepares modern and interesting dishes thus satisfying the ideal

Unlike this Maggi has been positioning itself according to the motivation of Self-Actualization, with the
benefit of indulgence in taste of the ketchup which it describes as Its Different.

This shows even though the category is a low involvement category the motivation for purchase of a
particular brand is different based on the type of positioning it has commanded.

Perceptual Map: Prive-Value Perception

High Value Kissan


HeinzSmith & Jones

Tasty Treat Ching's Secret

Low Value
Consumer Behavior Group 5 Kissan Ketchup

Despite being similarly prices the perception for Kissan was found to be of a premium brand. This is in
parts due to niche advertising towards mother and the Halo effect of the Kissan Jam. The higher perceived
value and perceived provides Kissan an opportunity for charging premium at a later stage but the high
value for money of Patanjali is enabling consumer migration to it. The high value Patanjali was due to its
focus on hedonic values of naturalness and care for farmers.

Kissan Consumption Journey

Why do people buy Kissan Ketchup?
Kissan ketchup is source of both utilitarian and hedonic value to the consumers. Mothers, the main
decision makers for the ketchup at home look Kissan as medium to make food interesting for the kids.
Mothers relate Kissan to healthy and tasty topping on the food, thereby extracting both utility and
emotional benefits from the process.

There are many underlying causes for the same behavior that we have identified during the course of
project. These behaviors are primarily originated from the mothers concern about wellbeing of her child,
while at same time appreciating the fact that children are different from adults and hence what works for
adults do not work for the children. To understand the cognition process behind the consumption of
ketchup, we have listed down some of the behavioral insights that we feel are responsible for driving this

Behavioral Insights

Unacceptance of the new taste: One of the main reasons behind mothers using ketchup in children food
is to provide them a taste they can relate to. This insight falls in sync with cognitive organization effect
wherein every stimulus to our body is matched with a particular scheme and failure to do so could result
in rejection of stimuli, thereby reason for undesired behavior i.e. non-eating in this case. This behavior
can also be explained via Daniel Kahnemans Thinking Fast and Slow reading wherein, any new stimuli is
passed on to the slow memory. Slow memory is though more capable than fast memory, it takes much
more effort for an individual to process any message using it. Thus, if effort required crosses a certain
threshold, message altogether is rejected.

Thus, mothers add ketchup in food of their children to add a resembling taste in their diet. This helps kids
to recognize the flavor they have known and thus eat the meal without much hesitation.
Consumer Behavior Group 5 Kissan Ketchup

Experimentation in limited time: For mothers, main joy of cooking lies in positive feedback they get from
the entire family. Young mothers with limited time available to them, look for fast and creative ways to
fulfill this social acceptance need of being a great cook. Thus, ketchup being a quick, tasty, healthy
alternative to otherwise traditional tomato related recipes act as a way for them to attain their social self.
Which is being a good wife, who cooks well and takes care of her entire family

Complementary Dip to Indian Snacks: Most of Indian popular snacks are dry and need a dip as support
item. This behavior has been continued from old Chutney usage. Due to lack of expertise and time in
modern societies, ketchup provides an easy solution for the same problem. The underlying behavior can
be attributed to schema effect, where in Indian consumers imagine snacks incomplete without a dip

Red Yellow color mapping: Over the years, the color combination of red and yellow has been mapped to
sizzling and tasty food in our mind. Whenever human minds see this color combination, it feels the need
of food, thereby triggering an association effect in our mind. Many companies have used this behavioral
mapping to their advantage example McDonalds and KFC etc.

On similar lines, whenever we see a red ketchup bottle, association effect is triggered in our mind, which
relates this to the tasty and sizzling food image. Thus, starting a craving for the ketchup based food.

Scientific Factors

Human tongue is receptive to the five-different kind of flavors 1. Sour 2. Sweet 3. Bitter 4. Salty and 5.
Umami. While the first 4 are attributed to the direct flavors that exist within the food, Umami is texture
and thickness feeling that is generally associated with foods like meat and cheese.

Ketchup is one of the limited food across the world that are known to trigger all 5 flavor senses at same
time in our body. Though magnitude varies from brand to brand. This factor plays an important role for
ketchup being acceptable to most sections of the world. People from various cultures, regions and age
groups will find something in ketchup they can associate with. Example Kids with sweetness, Adults with
umami and sourness

Now, considering these underlying behavioral reasons behind the purchase of Kissan Ketchup, we have
tried to determine the various steps and actions that are involved in consumer purchase lifecycle.
Consumer Behavior Group 5 Kissan Ketchup

Pre-Purchase Purchase Consumption

Need Want Exchange Reaction Value Disposal

Category Decision Brand Decision

Need for the Tomato ketchup is created by the underlying human behavior of craving for tasty food (One
that stimulates taste buds present in mouth) and transformation/experimentation. Need of ketchup exists
at social level as per Maslows need hierarchy pyramid. Thus, is triggered only after we achieve and satisfy
first two level of needs i.e. at physiological level to have food and at security level to have clean food.

At the same need level, ketchup competes with other categories like Spreads, Masalas and Artificial

Want for ketchup in a household for the first time is created by need for social acceptance/conformity.
Children ask their mothers to pack their food with ketchup and Mothers in order to fit within the social
norms agree to do so.

Second factor behind first-time want is to have emotional motivation of moving ahead in social and
lifestyle level. Mothers start to experiment with their food and use of ketchup is a medium for them to
convey modernity of their families.

Repeat users are attracted to buy ketchups generally by either visible queues like empty (or nearly empty)
ketchup bottles on kitchen shelf, advertisement on TVs and their purchase locations. Other non-visible
factors like smell are also known to generate want for the Ketchup.

In this stage, category decision is taken for ketchups wherein users select ketchup as their desired
category from other competing categories like Masala and Other spreads.

In Exchange phase of customer consumption journey, customer evaluates all the brands available to him
and based on whether he is new users or repeat users, finalize the one he needs. Selection of brand among
list of available options is generally done with non-compensatory rules for repeat users, provided they
have desired brand choices available to them. Mostly people take action on the Elimination by Aspects
rule, where in brand that performs best on attributes desired by people is generally selected (example
Consumer Behavior Group 5 Kissan Ketchup

thickness, tanginess) after iterating through all such important parameters. General purchase behavior is
habitual for repeat purchasers.

For new users and repeated users with lack of needed choice, decision set followed in attitude towards
object model. People pay attention to various beliefs like popularity, advertised taste, word of mouth
publicity to make their final decision. General purchase behavior is Beliefs -> Attitude -> Intension

Cost and Benefit Evaluation of Ketchup happens after the exchange. People weigh the cost of consuming
ketchup with the benefits they get out of it. Costs associated with consumption are Financial costs like
cost of ketchup itself, Psychological costs like expectation of tasty food, Time costs like time spent while
shopping for ketchup (high in case of brand loyalty). These are weighed against the benefits that are
present in the ketchup like taste, appearance and texture etc. While some of these benefits like packaging
etc. can be weighed against cost before real consumption, some of the most critical parameters like taste
are only evaluated during consumption time and are more experiential in nature.

After evaluating the cost and benefits associated with the purchase and consumption decision, reaction
follows wherein users approve of disapproves the brand. In this category reaction is not only obtained
from the direct consumer, but the mother and family as well. Example, a kid might like brand to be very
tasty, but mother on learning about price she paid for the brand might develop a disliking against it.

At the end of consumption cycle, value realization happens for the ketchup. Main source of utilitarian
value realization happens from the perceived added taste to the food. While immediate gratification due
to odor of ketchup and perceived social-self boost due to acceptance of cooking results in hedonic value.

As the product is low involvement decision for a normal household, there is very limited chance of post
purchase dissonance in this case.

Post Consumption
As Kissan ketchup (and other ketchups) is available in variety of packaging, multiple disposal ways are
present. For the plastic squeeze bottles and sachet most common disposal way is by trashing.

For the glass bottles, most of Indian households either use it for some purpose in the house or sell it to
paper vendors who later on sends the bottles for recycling.
Consumer Behavior Group 5 Kissan Ketchup

Evaluating Kissan Ketchup Purchase via Family Decision making model (Mothers
and Kids)
As Kissan Ketchup involves children as influencers, father or mother in law as gatekeeper, mother and
father as buyers of the process, we have tried to evaluate the entire decision-making process under the
lens of family decision making process(for two most important persons mothers and kids). We have listed
down factors or influencers for each of these persons against various stages in model. Though, process is
influenced by all these members, it is the mother who act that final decision makers for this category.
Following is descriptions of some of the important factors from the model.

Sources of Information: Main sources of information for children are generally friends and TV
commercials. For mothers, these are TV Commercials and Internet. Word of mouth channels also play an
important role in influencing decision for first time buyers. In stores, if preferred brand is not available
display (both product wise and information wise) plays a critical role in determining decision.

Overt Search: For mothers, overt search mostly happens through internet, more TV commercials and in
store display information collection. For kids, this step is mostly absent. For repeat purchases, this step
along with previous step is nearly absent.

Sensitivity of Information: For mothers, for their first purchase sensitivity of information collected is high
due to attachment of their social self-cooking image with it. With time, sensitivity of information
decreases heavily and product moves to habitual behavior. For Kids, this step is mostly absent and
sensitivity towards information is low.

Perceptual Biases: While mother is generally biased towards WoM information sources, Kids are
influenced by TV commercials, specially featuring their favorite cartoons. Mothers are generally biased
towards health and taste aspects of Ketchup with children more biased towards taste aspect only.

Buying Motives and Evaluation Beliefs: Main intentions behind purchase by a kid are modern, social and
fun image associated with ketchup. Kid want to extend his personality by usage of ketchup in his/her food.
On the other hands, mothers are mostly looking for healthier and tastier options for their kids.

Evaluation parameters for mother include brand reputation, ingredients, and cost. While for children
evaluation parameters are generally brand reputation and usage within immediate circle.

Final Decision: Final decision is generally autonomous decision taken by the mothers but is influenced by
the wants of their kids.
Consumer Behavior Group 5 Kissan Ketchup

Other Factors: Social Class and lifestyle plays an important role in usage of ketchup. Families with higher
disposable income, generally tend to opt for brands which are perceived to me healthier and claim to be
fresh and free from artificial ingredients. Time pressure also plays critical role in purchase, as during time
sensitive moments like parties etc., purchase is generally made of brand reputation and availability.
Purchase quantity also tend to be lower during time pressure scenarios

Attitude toward the Object Approach

Barriers - Misconceptions

I am not sure it is natural or safe for my family

It does not taste like real tomatoes but is artificial to taste

I think homemade options are far healthier than this product

Consumer Behavior Group 5 Kissan Ketchup

Its bright red color makes me think that there are chemicals in it

I think it is not good for one's throat as it's too sour

I think its detrimental to the nutritional value of the fresh food also

I think use of ketch up is unhealthy because it not being natural

Beliefs: Some of the non-evaluative ratings about the ketchup as a category by the non-users during the
research phase have been tabulated above. Consumers often maintain beliefs about the importance of
an attribute or benefit.
- Consumers want ketchup to deliver on the health promise i.e. absence of artificial ingredients,
absence of harmful chemicals and should contain natural ingredients
- Taste & Health, coupled with Artificial ingredients concerns stop consumers from using Ketchup
Thus, Ketchup category has more than two-fold challenge at hand - not only from a de-growing ketchup
category, but also from variety of homemade choices, which are freshly made with natural preservatives
and are perceived to be healthier.
Hence to drive consumption and preference, it is needed to overcome this perception barrier. It
is necessary to convince the already wary mother that ketch up does not necessarily mean unhealthy and
address her concerns regarding artificial ingredients. Mothers, want to feed their child with harmless and
organic products. Therefore, Ketchup must point out pure and organic Ketchup in the advertisements and
marketing stimuli. At the same time, fun, individuality and friend relationship emotions are very
important for young adults. Therefore, Ketchup generally needs to represents the teenage lifestyle and
the emotions.

Perception Barriers to overcome Attitude Change Theories

How can Attitudes be changed?

By changing beliefs improving good ones, diminishing bad ones through messaging
Adding an important belief
By changing behavior through marketing stimuli
Consumer Behavior Group 5 Kissan Ketchup

Changing Beliefs Adding another Belief Marketing Stimuli

Improve the belief rating for Adding a salient attribute to Persuassion through Factual
the attribute that is being the the product that is likely to Appeals with focus on
evaluated positively evaluated positively naturalness and made from
best quality tomatoes
Tempts the fussy eaters to eat Made from 100% real farm
something nutritious fresh tomatoes and health Move from a manufacturers
related benefits of tomatoes claim to a consumer belief
Since made from fresh through on ground activation
tomatoes and thus, a Better the quality of tomatoes, with the consumer must
replacement for tomatoes and lesser need for additives and conducting or witnessing the
nutritional value chemicals act himself

In general, ketchup has low involvement level and no significant differences between brands
which is habitual buying behavior. However, if the companies want to create a strong brand loyalty with
using cultural, social, personal and psychological effects of the purchasing behavior, the buyer decision
processes are very important.

The Elaboration Likelihood Model: The elaboration likelihood model (ELM) illustrates how attitudes are
changed based on differing levels of consumer involvement.

The Peripheral Route vs. Central Route: In general, ketchup being a low involvement category, the
consumers are most likely to follow the peripheral route to persuasion. But the communication may shift
from peripheral route to central route. Consumers are more likely to pay attention to the central cues
(specifically to information found in the message that pertains directly to the product, its attributes, its
advantages, or the consequences of its use) rather than to the non-product information i.e. peripheral
Consumer Behavior Group 5 Kissan Ketchup

To differentiate, communicate made from farm fresh real tomatoes No added flavours
The quality of ketchup is attributed to the quality of tomatoes that make Focus on product
Overcome the perception barrier of not being natural to drive the consumption among non-
users and loyalty among the category users Also command a price premium

Consumer Value framework for Kissan ketchup

Consumer Value Framework

Process External
Internal Influences
Personality of Utilitarian Relationship
Consumer Hedonic Quality

Personal interviews across 15 households and 50 surveys have helped us understand the consumption
pattern and consumer psychology related to ketchup. The same has been analyzed with the help of the
consumer value framework as follows:

Internal influences


Ketchup is bad for my kids as it contains chemicals

The brand is seen to offer overly sweet taste; assumed to be for children and not for spice
seekers and adults
Consumer Behavior Group 5 Kissan Ketchup

In the dynamic world, the brand has not seen to have evolved over time and no renewed energy
is associated with the brand


The category is not associated with any health benefits: The consumers are driven by taste to consume
the category and often do not associate any health benefit with ketchup. The se of ketchup with unhealthy
snacks like fries, pizza and pasta play an important role in maintaining this perception.

Kissan is too Kid like a brand for young and adults: Kissan ketchup, as a brand has been associated with
children for a long time. Thus, the young people and adults find it hard to relate to the brand personality.
They consider ketchup as a brand only for children.

The brand is associated with trust over years: It is seen as a trustworthy brand that stands for good quality
ingredients. The brands consistent quality has stood the test of time; delivering the same taste for


Ketchup gives a heightened sensorial experience: Due to the dark red color and the thick texture, Ketchup
is seen as an accompaniment that gives a titillating experience and is irresistible.

Appearance of the product is of utmost importance: The temptation for the product is created through
its form and texture that is of prime importance to the consumer. The process of transformation from raw
tomatoes to ketchup also adds a mysterious element to the product as raw tomatoes do not create the
heightened feeling that ketchup creates. This is further justified by the fact that many of the interviewed
consumers have tried to capture the same taste in homemade ketchup but have failed to do so.

Kissan gains -ve Halo effect from Jam while Maggi has +ve from Noodles: While the consumption of
Kissan ketchup is widely influenced by the consumption and perception of Kissan Jam, the same for Maggi
is influenced by the Maggi noodles and the perception regarding it.

Consumer Personality

The consumers of the ketchup category can be classified as kids between the age of 5-12 years, teens in
the age group of 13-19 years and adults in the age group of 20-45 years. The percentage consumptions in
this category are 83%, 16% and 73% respectively. Based on the consumption analysis, it had been deduced
Consumer Behavior Group 5 Kissan Ketchup

that mothers act as gatekeepers in ketchup consumption. The personas of the mothers can be classified
as under:

Duty bound Cooks Striving Inspiration Creative Food Health conscious Social Cooks
Seekers Explorers Cooks
I don't enjoy
cooking and I only I like to ensure a I buy food that I like to ensure a
cook because I dish is going to turn doesnt contain dish is going to I will look for
have to out just right so I artificial color turn out just right products that will
make sure I plan my so I make sure I make up for my
I enjoy cooking I like to ensure a lack of skills
meals plan my meals
from scratch - dish is going to
right from starting I feel guilty that I am turn out just right I buy food that
with preparing not always at home so I make sure I doesnt contain
ingredients/masal cooking for my plan my meals artificial color
a family

Ketchup emerges as the go-to food product for mothers who are looking to add a nice flavor to their food
to make it more appealing to their kids and family. Successful and caring mothers use ketchup as the taste-
making add on in their fast cooking. They are able to relate to Kissan ketchup as a brand that is successful,
trustworthy and demonstrates their care and love for their children. However, the stagnant
communication of the brand also gives the perception that the brand itself is ageing and lacks the
dynamism that other brands showcase in the current scenario.

Consumption Process

Need recognition

Need: The primary need for the mothers is to feed the fuzzy eaters in the house. The fear that due to their
eating habits, the kids will miss out on nutrition of the healthy homemade food creates the need for
mothers to find food alternatives that are able to fulfill the nutritional needs of the children.

Want: The need to provide children both tasty but healthy food creates the want for add-ons that can
enhance the taste of healthy homemade food. Mothers do not want to dilute the uniqueness of their own
cooked food to a large extent but they also want to make it more appealing for the entire family. Approval
and appreciation from the entire family on the taste of the food and the fussy eater eating her food
enthusiastically make the mother happy.
Consumer Behavior Group 5 Kissan Ketchup

Search for alternatives: Concerned about the health of the family, the mother looks for healthy add-ons
by talking to her friends, relatives focusing on advertisements and use of online channels

Evaluation of alternatives: A recognition of the alternatives is followed by the evaluation process to make
a balanced palate available to the child in terms of both taste and health.

Choice: The final decision of consuming Kissan Ketchup is made after considering all the factors and under
heavy external influence from a friend who was a user previously.

Post-choice evaluation: The mother is satisfied as she has been able to achieve the dual objective of giving
healthy and nutritious food to her family and has emerged as a "modern mom"


Utilitarian Value

The category is mainly used to bring a transformation in the food being consumed. It helps to
enhance the taste of every dish and give it a restaurant like appeal
Mothers widely use it to tempt the fuzzy eater and make sure that they are able to make their
child eat nutritious yet tasty food

Hedonic value

Ketchup in the households is a true combination of culture and convenience as it has its
association rooted in the "chutney widely used as an accompaniment in the Indian households.
It helps create new tales of tradition that are relevant to the modern lifestyles
The taste that ketchup adds to the simple food served in regular meals in the households helps
the family members enjoy their time together even more on the dining tables
Further, ketchup is seen by many as a way to reward themselves with something indulgent.

External Influences

Apart from the external influence of friends and social media, other external factors also play an
important part in the decision making process for ketchup consumption. These include factors
like nurturance and premium feel that have been associated with the Kissan brand over a period
of time. This serves as an important factor for the two types of buyers: the quality seekers and
the price conscious ones.
Consumer Behavior Group 5 Kissan Ketchup

Secondly, with the growing age, the taste buds of the kids are developed in such a way that they
start seeking for more advanced flavors like mayo, thus lowering the importance of ketchup for
teens and adults.
Relationship Quality
Kissan is like a neighbor who everyone is not fond of. Though present, we do not say hello to each
other everyday

However, in happiness and sadness, Kissan is always there. It helps us in time of need

The brand cues nurturance and symbolizes the mother-child bond

Maggi, on the other hand, is like a best friend who makes my everyday life more enjoyable and

A mother feels that Kissan ketchup evokes my complete trust, is always there for me and makes my
world a better place

Way Forward: Suggestion for the future

Heavy User
Increase consumption
Light User by propagating the
usage of ketchup as a
Include ketchup in cooking ingredient in
Non User more meal occasions Chinese and Indian
to increase gravy dishes
It is important for consumption
Kissan ketchup to be
ubiquitous in OOH
food service outlets Leverage how ketchup
can help serve
restaurant like dishes
No harmful effects i.e. at home
absence of baddies

Based on the insights collected from the detailed analysis, the following conclusion were formed:

Consumer Behavior Group 5 Kissan Ketchup

Non-user of the Kissan ketchup are evaluating the product on the safety benefits. For them, It is
important for Kissan ketchup to be ubiquitous in OOH food service outlets
Light users of Kissan ketchup increase the ketchup consumptions in the home meal occasions
For Heavy users, the ketchup is the vital cooking ingredients. High usage of the ketchup have
increased their consumption in the Chinese and Indian gravy dishes

*OOH Consumption at roadside vendors is high among Non-Users; and consumption of egg based
items, Chinese meals is high amongst Non-Users & Light Users
**Consumers want a ketchup that is healthy, contains no artificial ingredients and has a long shelf life

Strategy Changes required in 4P

Product: No Major changes required

Kissan is not the leader in the 1 kg Glass bottle segment. Market share of 1 kg
glass bottle is lost to the local player like Surabhi, Tops and Patanjali. However,
Kissan fresh tomato ketchup continues to be market leader and is also perceived
to be price worthy. The New Packaging however is needed to be replaced as
customers do not identify it with the brand.

Price: No Major changes required

There is a wide difference in the price perception between Kissan and other users causing the price
sensitive users to choose other brands. This difference between the perceived and the actual price need
to be correlated and narrowed down through promotions.

Place: No Major changes required

The timely availability of the product is ensured by the large distribution channel of HUL. But the
Squeezo is available only in supermarkets and not in local Kirana store. Hence efforts need to be put
to ensure its visibility in local stores, if we need to move on to it over the course of time. Also Tier 2
and 3 cities should be targeted where the development of taste is slower.

Promotion: Changes required

The intent of the marketing campaigns should be to educate consumers about how good the product is
considering 100% natural and does not contain any artificial preservatives, colors, flavors or any added
Consumer Behavior Group 5 Kissan Ketchup

The campaigns should be based on the insight that though taste is the prime factor in deciding what one
eats, health is becoming increasingly relevant day by day. Consumers are becoming more sensitive on
the ingredients which make up the product. They would love to avoid artificial preservatives from their
packaged food if they had a healthier choice in the market especially in Ketchup where the kids are the
biggest users in the household.

Kissan owns the MWAs but they do not make Kissan unique. However further focusing on
Innovation, Transformation, Food Modernization and Varietal Usage will make Kissan unique and can
be owned
Awareness about other flavors of Kissan are missing, therefore the awareness about its use as
cooking ingredient in Chinese and Indian gravy should be increased

Overall, changes are required in the promotional strategies. More targeted advertising is needed for
Kissan to avoid spill overs.

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