Violence Consumerism and Mass Media PDF

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Anna Claire T. Estrella-Faelden
Most people think that the mass media especially television has a
pervasive effect on society especially children
One of the most important influences of the mass media is on the
socialization of the children. By providing role model and
stereotype, children often adopt these models and stereotyped as
they engage with their families and friends
Mass Media and Youth Culture
Mediatization refer to the pervasive effects of mass
media on how people see and interpret social events
Mass media exhibit ambivalent character in relation to
the formation of the youth culture. It largely through
advertising, operates as the major harbinger of the late
modern culture
Mass media also impact on the way young people
spend their leisure
Mass Media and Gender Stereotype
Stereotype are images that can be adopted about
specific types of individual groups or certain ways of
doing things
Prejudices are prejudgments or opinion that people
have before knowing the full circumstances about a
person or an event. It is often used to refer to negative
or unfavorable judgments race and ethnicity, nationality
or other personal characteristics
Mass Media and Knowledge Production
Media as a Tool of Propaganda
Aside from reinforcing existing social stereotypes and
prejudices mass media is also a powerful tool in
disseminating certain political ideas. Authoritarian states
usually us the mass media for its project of nation-
building. Hence it constantly watches over oppositions
and protests in alternative platforms of mass media.
Mass media can also used to stregthen national interest.
Mass Media and Knowledge Production
Mass media an agent of stability charged with the task
of helping preserve social and political order. This
function is commonly associated with the term
development journalism
Mass Media and Society of Spectacle
Mass media do not only maintain the status quo by
disseminating propaganda they can also make and
unmake the career of politician. In an age of society as

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