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Below are eight questions containing verbs in the future tense.

For each one, answer in the

present progressive tense. Make sure the question and answer set makes good sense. To do this,
you will need to think about what is asked and how one would logically respond.

Example: Estar perdido Paco? (Will Paco be lost?)

No, Paco est estando perdido ahora. (No, Paco is lost now.)

1. Estudiars lituratura?

2. Tendrs ms de cien libros?

3. Bebers el t?

4. Har la tarea Susana?

5. Conocer a muchas personas?

6. Dibujar bien Juan?

7. Saldrn ellos a las ocho?

8. Comeremos la cena a las seis?

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