Small Basic Assessment 2017

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Small Basic Assessment 2017


Assessment Sheet Part 1:

Question 1

This program a uses a variable.

In the space below, write a suitable name for the

variable that is typed for the question on Line 3

Variable name: Type variable name here

Question 2

This program doesnt run. Explain the error below:

Explain error here

Question 3

This program doesnt run. Explain the error below:

Explain error here

Small Basic Assessment 2017

Assessment Sheet Part 2: Write Small Basic Programs

Task 1
There are a number of items a shop sells:

prices are in pence

can of coke is 60
packet of crisps is 50

You have 100 pence pocket money

Task 1A
Write a program in Small Basic that will:

Ask the user the price of a can of coke and store the price as a variable
Ask the user the price of a packet of crisps and store the price as a variable
Calculate how much the total cost will be
Display the total cost on the screen

Insert a screenshot of your code below:

Task 1B

Modify your above program and use an IF statement to complete the following:

Ask the user how much pocket money they have and store the amount as a variable
if you have enough money to buy the items, display YES, you have enough money to buy the items or
if you do not have enough money, display NO, you do not have enough money to buy the items

Add comments to your program to explain what the code does and how the IF statement works.

An example of how comments appear in Small Basic is given here:

Small Basic Assessment 2017
Insert a screenshot of your code and comments below:

Task 1C (extension)
Modify your program, using an IF statement to complete the following:

If the cost of the items is less than your pocket money (100 pence), display how much change you will have
If the cost of the items is more than your pocket money, display that you do not have enough money and display
how much more you will need to borrow

Add comments to your program to explain what the code does and how it works

Insert a screenshot of your code (Click below this line and add a Screen Clipping.)

Task 1D (extension)
Modify your program to:

Convert your change into pounds (dont worry about the number of decimal places)

Now Test your program

Test your program again with higher prices for the crisps (70 pence) and coke (90 pence)

Insert a screenshot of your final code (Click below this line and add a Screen Clipping.)
Small Basic Assessment 2017

Task 2 A

Write a program in Small Basic that will:

Ask the user their name and using a For Loop display it 10 times on the screen (Intermediate)
Add comments to your program to explain what the code does and how it works

Insert a screenshot of your code (Click below this line and add a Screen Clipping.)

Task 2B (Extension)
Write a program in Small Basic that will:

Ask the user their name and ask how many times they want it displayed.
Using a For Loop, display their name the required number of times on the screen (Advanced)
Add comments to your program to explain what the code does and how it works

Insert a screenshot of your code (Click below this line and add a Screen Clipping.)

When finished please save a copy of this document in the following place in the shared drive:

P:\Subjects\Computing\Pupil Work\Year 8\8e2 SK\ (Find your own folder in here)

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