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So You Want To Play a Sorcerer?

You'll probably want to read this first

Index probably want to read this first
Section Page(s)
Introduction 1
Metamagic 1,2,3
Sorcerous Origin 3
Races/Stats 3
Feats 4
Spells 5,6,7,8,9
Multiclassing? 10
Caster Unleashed: Guru's Guide to
Building and Playing a Sorcerer.

n the more hardcore circles of D&D the Sorcerer is
considered underpowered compared to wizards and
bards because of their limited spell list and small TIP #1: Reinvented Flexible Casting
number of spells known. I disagree with this Other casters have received what Sorcerer's had in
assessment and without a doubt view sorcerers as prior editions; no longer needing to prepare
the strongest casters, but because of the depth of specific spells, but instead having access to a list of
analysis required to build a proper sorcerer I decided spells and specific slot levels to dynamically cast
to make a guide. from. What Sorcerers recieved is being able to mix
and match their spells no matter what level; if you
Please Note this guide ignores UA and want to keep casting level 3 spells even though
SCAG as I am not as well versed in the you're only level 5 (2 casts of 3rd level spells) you
material and the advice herein will still can feed lower level spells into your sorcery point
give you the right mentality for building a pool and convert them into higher level spell slots.
Where a wizard hits level 5 and gets 3 fireballs per
good Sorcerer. Using this guide means day a sorcerer can get 5 level 3 spells. No other
you can be strong without having to class can do this and it is often overlooked by
bargain with your DM over what you have analysts and frequently underutilized by new players
access to; it's all in the Player's Handbook, (works the other way as well to turn high level spell
so it's all legit. slots into lots of lower level ones).

PART 1: MetaMagic Requires lots of


ts called MetaMagic for a reason; you have to get With this in mind we can more accurately measure the use of
really meta to properly use it. Your metamagic has to each Metamagic within the context of these three roles.
complement your spell selection which has to tie into
the role you want to play as a sorcerer. This three Color Coded
way synergy is what most players neglect when Highly Reccomended (green)
building their sorcerer and can make the class feel Middle of the Road (dark blue)
weak. Not recommended (red)
First step is to think about what role you want to fill as a
sorcerer, there are three distinct types Careful Spell
Highest Priority for Supports.
Not a priority for Sociopaths.
Blasters Not as effective for Blasters since it does not prevent
Supports damage from blast spells entirely and can be worked
around by just aiming better.
Great for use with Web, Stinking Cloud, or Hypnotic
Pattern/Fear to have a diverse set of saves to attack. Lets
The names are pretty self explanatory; your allies roam through web/stinking cloud and never worry
Blasters focus on damage spells and lots of AoE about being disabled. Always relevant and costs only 1
Supports use spells that buff allies or disable enemies, sorcery point. At Higher levels works with Prismatic Spray,
controlling the flow of battle. Reverse Gravity and Earth Quake.
Sociopaths manipulate NPC's (or players) with magic to
get information and sculpt events in their favor. These are Distant Spell
often the most overlooked but most powerful sorcerers.
Low Priority for everyone mostly because its
The reason you want to focus on only 1 or overshadowed by other metamagics.
2 role(s) is you do not have enough
metamagic options and spell choices to We only get a max of 4 metamagics to choose from so we
fill all three at the same time. Committing need to take only the best. Can be useful for Bard multiclass
to a role makes you a stronger asset to to get 30ft touch spells. Great for outdoors but a bulk of
your party. encounters occur indoors.
Quickened Spell (Continued)
Empowered Spell Also great on lightfoot halflings for bonus action spells into
Mandatory for Blasters and will likely be included in all easy hide checks using allies. Does not multiclass well since
sorcerer builds that use any damage spells. converting spell slots to more sorcery points gobbles up your
bonus action and if you dont have a lot of sorcerer levels your
Only metamagic usable with other metamagic and the only maximum sorcery points are low.
one usable after the spell has been cast. Great for salvaging
botched damage rolls on AoE spells. Despite being weaker Subtle Spell
than the Invoker's Over Channel it is usable far more often
Highest Priority for Sociopath.
and is not limited to evocation spells. It makes every damage
spell feel worthwhile. Works well with fireball, disintegrate, Gamebreakingly strong. Allows for spellcasting in social
scorching ray...really any spell that involves rolling a settings with 0 notice or repercussion. In combat it
fistful of dice (doesn't work with Sleep). overcomes silence, restraints/crippling injury, counter spell
Remember that you can re-roll UP TO your Charisma and even allows for sneaky spells to be cast from the shadows
modifier in dice. If you have +4 CHA but only want to re-roll 2 without giving away your position (if no rays or projectiles). If
or 3 of your damage dice you can. used properly can disrupt dexterity saves (hard to dodge a
disintegrate to the back if you can't hear it being cast). I have
Extended Spell extolled the merits of this metamagic in its own reddit post
Like Distant Spell it is simply overshadowed by other it's that good. Good for sleep, thunderwave, charm person,
Metamagic choices and should be avoided. suggestion, detect thoughts improved invisibility,
phantasmal force, ambush fireballs/disintegrates,
Doesnt offer anything truly unique; most strong crowd animate objects, pretending to be a worthless bystander
control spells have saves every round and/or last long enough during fights, your imagination is the only limiter on this.
to go through an entire encounter. Potentially good for using Usable by any type of sorcerer but mandatory for sociopaths.
a lot of save or suck spells that dont have concentration
requirements to keep a bunch of different enemies locked
down for longer, the Sleep spell comes to mind. TIP #2: Remember that you still need
an arcane focus or component pouch
Heightened Spell to cast spells with Subtle Spell.
Mid Tier for all types of sorcerers. Sew a hidden component pouch into one of your
pockets/long sleeves so you can reach inside to
Great for when you need a spell to work against that one cast subtle spells that require components, or keep
guy. Since it costs 3 sorcery points no matter what level of an arcane focus that looks inconspicuous, like a
spell being used it's better to pick it up at level 10 for use on walking stick thats a staff or a false eye thats an
higher level spells and when you have more sorcery points arcane orb etc. This keeps your casting almost
available. undetectable to those around you.
It only affects the first save for one target, so while it can
be useful for things like blindness/deafness and hold person
it works better with spells that don't allow for multiple saves;
Banish, Polymorph, Levitate, Finger of Death. Great for Twinned Spell
supports and sociopaths, so-so on blasters. Very strong secondary pick into almost any role
If you choose a Wild Mage this metamagic is not as Gets costly at higher level spells but strong economic use
useful ; once a wild mage hits level 6 they can bend luck
to cripple an enemys saves (costs only 2 sorcery points of sorcery points if done right. Great for Crown of Madness,
but consumes reaction) and still combo that with other Haste, Polymorph, Enlarge/Reduce, Suggestion and other
metamagics. strong channel abilities that do not increase targets with
. higher level slots.
Mid tier metamagic for blasters or supports useful for If a spell can target additional targets using higher level spell
slots then twinned spell isn't really that useful. Example: A
channeling standard action spells while casting other level 3 Fly Spell can be Twinned for 3 sorcery points. A level
spells or gain utility in combat 6 Sorcerer can create a level 4 spell slot using 6 sorcery
points and recycle the level 3 Fly spell for 3 sorcery points.
Better taken at level 10 when more sorcery points are The new level 4 slot created can be used to cast fly on two
targets. This is something all sorcerers can do and costs the
available and better channeling spells open up. same # of sorcery point in this case. Twin spell lets you do it 1
Channelling spells (they use concentration and actions to level earlier however.
maintain) no longer stop you from casting new spells that
dont require concentration like sunbeam, telekinesis,
eyebite, crown of madness or even vampiric
touch(multiclass bards/warlocks). Damaging Channel spells
can be double cast on their first round (quicken the spell then
standard action to re-use the power) and then channeled
while other spells are shelled out with your bonus action.

PART 1 | "Meta As Fuck"

Quicken Spell can be used to cast while channeling but if
With this in mind each specialisation of sorcerer has one very you are channeling a Twinned Telekinesis (throwing 2 people
influential metamagic they should take: around the battlefield) or Maintaining control of a Twinned
Crown of Madness you can simultaneously channel with your
To Review standard and blast with your bonus action.
Because of this taking Twin and Quicken Spell early can
be a nice combo for maintaining double control spells while
still shelling out strong damage. It's like a blaster/support
Supports do well when they take Careful Spell and hybrid. You can blast and control decently, but not as well as
use it best with spells like Web, Stinking Cloud,
someone who has focused on one (you also gun through
Hypnotic Pattern, Fear, Reverse Gravity and Earth
Quake. sorcery points).
Heightened Spell is truly incredible but because it costs
Blasters get the most out of taking Empowered so many sorcery points is something I would save for level 10.
Spell with damage Spells like burning hands, That having been said if you take it before 10 and keep it for
lightning bolt, fireball, wall of fire, cone of cold etc. things like Polymorph, Suggestion, Enlarge/Reduce you
wont be disappointed. Essentially Spells that do not allow
Sociopaths Must take Subtle spell and can make
for repeated saves (it's also less useful on wild mages).
great use of Detect Thoughts, Charm Person,
Suggestion, Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Force, These are just a few neat metamagic combos, and while its
Dominate Person (everything and anything). a bit daunting to think about, always try and stick to spells
that utilise your metamagics, otherwise youre not really
utilising your greatest strengths. If you really need/want a
spell dont let the fact you dont have the right metamagic
limit you, grab what you want.
The other metamagics are more versatile in their
My personal choice for first two metamagics is Twinned
applications but not as strong for defining a role;
Spell and Subtle Spell Your group will likely adore you since
Twin Spell for instance is usable for blasters or supports;
you break all social encounters and strengthen their
double suggestion in combat can let you suggest that two
characters in combat with cool twin buffs/debuffs like double
humanoids go and keep a third pinned down by the arms,
polymorph shenanigans. If you want to piss of the DM take
letting you use 1 spell to lock down 3 enemies; great for
Careful+Subtle Spell, these two let you channel encounter
control A lot of the strong twin effects are concentration so it
breaking AoE disables and cast when you're not supposed to.
can be bad to take it with Careful Spell.

PART 2: Sorcerous Origin Wild Mage

or Dragon?

hances are if youre reading this youre a new The real defining moment for both is at level 6; Wild Mages
sorcerer player and should play a Dragon can really gobble through sorcery points with their ability to
Sorcerer; the extra HP/AC, elemental damage botch enemy saves with Bend Luck but it can replace
and ability to fly without using a concentration heightened spell, while Dragon sorcerers really step up their
spell makes playing the dragon sorcerer so much damage with Elemental Affinity. If you're planning on
easier. A wild mages bend luck is sweet however, multiclassing anything with an armor proficiency Wild Mage
so if you think you can stay alive and you want to will probably win over since you won't benefit from the AC
spice up your campaign a bit go for it. boost that Dragon Sorcerers recieve for free and you pretty
If you want a heuristic to help make a decisiion, Dragon much get a free metamagic at sorcerer 6. Monoclass
sorcerers make better blasters and Wild mages make better sorcerers will probably opt for Dragon since the HP/AC is
supports. great and you'll need spells for damage. This is not set in
stone however just something to keep in mind.

PART 3: Races/Stats

-lavor is important to a lot of players and some of a Half-Elf (only race that can get 16 dex, 16 con and 16
you may even roll stats, but if you want to keep Charisma with point buy),
things fair then use the point buy system, it a Drow (same as before except 14 con),
helps to level the playing field for all players and or a Lightfoot Halfling (also 14 con).
keeps characters within the parameters the
game is balanced around. Even though it may Honestly as long as you can start with 16+ charisma do
make a character feel more cookie cutter, large whatever. Just make sure you get a nice Constitution Score
stat discrepancies between players turn into feat and Dexterity Score (both are very common saves and you
discrepancies. If you go with point buy you'll probably play: need hp/AC.

PART 1,2 and 3 | "The short stuff"

PART 4: Feats
Get 20 Charisma as soon as Magic Initiate
Nope. Not interested. You can't boost the level 1 spell and the
possible. cantrips use the stat that other classes use. It can be cool
It affects your spell attack rolls, your spell saves, your social early level but falls off later very quickly.
rolls and even some of your metamagics. Always get 20
charisma first. If you don't see a feat listed here it's because I Resillient
don't think it's worth your time to even consider. Good for bumping your dexterity up by 1 and giving you dex
save proficiency. If you opt for a Drow or Lightfoot Halfling as
Alert your race then you can start with 17 dexterity and opt for this
Many see this as one of the stronger feats, it's great if you like feat.
to go first and hate being ambushed. I personally just keep my
sorcerer behind cover and hidden so I can avoid these Ritual Caster
situations in the first place. If you are doing point buy stats it's very difficult to find the
stat points to invest in 13 Wisdom (or Int if you're one of
Actor those Wizard dual classers BARF). If you've got the stats it
If you started with 17 Charisma and want to be the best little certainly helps to expand the already limited spell list that
Sociopath ever then have we got a feat for you. Disguise Self Sorcerers have access to.
becomes a whole new level of awesome with this feat and can
really take your social shenanigans to the next level. Spell Sniper
Good for overcoming cover if you're playing a Blaster
Crossbow Expert Remember that it only applies to spells that have attack rolls.
I wholeheartedly believe that using this feat to boost your
ranged spells in melee is not what the designers intended Tough
when they wrote it. While technically this is a good feat on Hard to justify taking this over 2 more points in constitution
paper you have lots of options for disengaging or keeping since con saves are part of your concentration checks but if
opponents away; it's a waste and a douche feat to take. you're feeling delicate and don't really use concentration
checks (or feel fine with having warcaster) then this can be a
Elemental Adept nice pick up especially at later levels.
Another sweet blaster feat, great for Dragon Sorcerers who
want to double down on their element of choice. Removing Warcaster
fire resistance can really make your fire dragon sorcerer feel One of the more hilarious melee sorceror builds available,
a lot better. Because you have empower spell the part where you can substitute spells for your Attacks of Opportunity. Use
you turn 1's into 2's isn't really that useful.. Greater Invisibility to Stealth around to different enemies
and when they move away to something else BLAMO free
Healer spell casts. This can gobble up your reaction but using it on a
Great if you take quicken spell; at level 6 it's a 1d6 +10 spell is a good way to up your damage/utility. 10/10 for
hitpoint heal and you still get to cast a spell. Not something I blasters. It's generally an awesome tier 1 feat even if you don't
really like to administer but it makes short rests much more use shields (it's just a priority if you do).
impactful for your team.
There is a way to cast with a shield
without Warcaster; if you have a focus in
Inspiriing Leader your mainhand it becomes the hand also
Hi tier team oriented feat. Highly recommended especially performing the somatic components of
since your charisma is going to be so high. your spell as well as the replacement for
your component pouch (excepting
Lucky material components that are consumed).
Great if you like to make saving throws. Combo's well with
Wild Mage for lots of extra luck.

PART 4 | "Feats"
Part 5: Spell Selection

rguably the hardest part of playing a Sorcerer;
with the most limited spell selection in the
game it's easy to see why. We're going to go TIP #3: Levelling Up Lets you Swap Out
through level by level and role by role on what a Spell AND gain a new one.
spells you'll want to be picking up, most of you If you are hitting a level that unlocks a higher tier of
may just skip this section with the knowledge spell slots you can actually gain 2 new spells for
you've already acquired. Read the tip >>> that level by swapping one of your old spells for a
new one in the higher tier. This is especially useful
If you do not see a spell listed it's because at levels 5, 7 and 9 because even though you have
either I don't like it or don't have enough limited higher level spell slots to cast with you can
experience using it to evaluate it properly. convert lower level spells into higher level ones to
Many spells are situational, play to your make use of your new slots more.
campaign and your DM.
Cantrips: Letters in brackets denote what type of sorcerer and what
Blade Ward: Can be good if you take quicken spell and metamagics the spell combines well with.
plan to be taking damage. That having been said you really
shouldn't plan on tanking unless you are a multiclass. Legend
Letter(s) Role/Metamagic
Chill Touch: Arguably the best damage cantrip in the game B Blaster
for it's ability to stop all healing. Someone in your group
should have it, maybe even two. Sup Suppport

Firebolt: Bread and butter damage cantrip (especially So Sociopath

Dragon sorcs who go fire). Ca Careful
Friends: Great for getting easy persuasion checks in. E Empowered
Remember it has no verbal component so you can simply H Heightened
wiggle your fingers behind your robes and cast it easily.
Sub Subtle
Light: Ehh...You have other ways of illuminating a room. T Twinned
Like a torch... or a Fireball spell. Take it if you're really
struggling for light sources.
Mage Hand: Very useful for things you can see but can't
Level 1:
reach, or if you are restrained but can talk, since it has no Burning Hands (B,E): As far as level 1 damage spells go
Somatic component (you didn't take subtle spell!?). this one is pretty sweet. Red Dragon Sorcerers will love it
the most. Don't use higher level spell slots, it doesn't scale
Mending: Here's the thing about Mending...everyone well.
except warlocks can cast it. So let someone else take it. If
not... you might still be able to make do without it. Charm Person (So, Sub): I I really need to
explain this one? Don't use it in combat (advantage on the
Message: The poor man's telepathy. If your group is in the save). Almost required with Subtle spell, as charming
habit of using you as a scout this could be very useful. someone in front of others is really a faux pas. Not great
with heighten spell because you can just recast it with
Minor Illusion: Dope. Really only as powerful as your
Subtle Spell if they save. Doesn't require concentration
imagination. If you're not too familiar with it's use to
either which means you can afford to hold back on using
distract/confuse maybe avoid it.
higher level slots or using it with Twin Spell.
Prestidigitation: Again you have to be creative. You can
clean your clothes, soil an enemies pants for them, Chromatic Orb (B, E, T): Lots of people seem to really like
conceal the taste of poison, oust an enemy's campfire, etc. this spell. It's great early levels but can be outperformed by
cantrips later so you can afford to replace it.
Ray of Frost: The 10ft slow is so-so. It's just that the other
damaging cantrips are more useful and so this one tends Detect Magic: Make somebody else take it.
not to make it to my lists. Disguise Self (So,Sub): Wow this one is so underrated.
Shocking Grasp: Or as I like to call it "Disengage Pretend to be anyone you've ever met. If you took the
replacement." The advantage vs armored targets makes it Actor Feat you're going to love this. You can use a disguise
very useful. Highly reccomend if you are not a control kit to help put physical components into your costumes
sorcerer. too (like hats etc). Very rarely do other characters touch
those in positions of power (when was the last time
someone was allowed to grope the King willy nilly). It also
does not require concentration either!

PART 5 | "Proper Spelling"

Blindness/Deafness (Sup, T): You're pretty much always
Level 1 (continued): going to use blind; it's a crippling debuff that doesn't
Expeditious Retreat: If you want to be very mobile it can require concentration. Sure they get to attempt a save
be cool but it's hard to justify using up a valuable spell every round but this can be a real fight turner if the target
known on it, especially when it requires concentration. has crappy Con saves.
Blur: If you're a multiclass with high AC and you want to
Feather Fall: This one depends on how much of a dick
be in the fray this is a great spell. Unfortuntely it requires
your DM is. If they like dropping you from places it's going
concentration so it's only so-so.
to save your bacon. Eventually you get Fly so it could help
there too if you break concentration. Cloud of Daggers (B): RAW If you choose a point that is on
the intersection between two different tiles, it affects both
Fog Cloud: This spell doesn't do much to help your party
of them. Great with grappler teammates (no save!).
in combat and can be rather annoying in tight spaces.
Jump: Unless you plan to use the twin spell Crown of Madness (Sup, Q, T): If you use Twin spell this
Enlarge/Reduce piledriver combo you won't take it becomes a lot better. Since it gobbles up your action and
(Reduce an enemy, Enlarge an ally so they can always concentration to maintain it Quicken spell can be useful,
grapple them, cast jump on the same ally and they can but even after all of that unless the enemies choose to stay
flying piledriver them for boatloads of damage). next to other enemies it's useless.
Darkness: Unless you are taking 2 levels in warlock for
Mage Armor: If playing Dragon Sorcerer or a multiclass
Devil's Sight don't waste your spells known on it. It's like
sorcerer this is completely useless, otherwise it's pretty
level 2 Fog Cloud.
much compulsory.
Magic Missile (B, E): This spell isn't by any means's Darkvision: You can't really afford to pick a race that
just boring. If you're fighting a creature with high AC it's doesn't already have this feature. You need all the spells
great. you can get.
Detect Thoughts (So, Sub): This is actually a very useful
Ray of Sickness (Sup,T): This spell is useful in conjunction
spell but unless you are willing to try and spend time
with Web; if an enemy is restrained by Web you'll have
getting the right surface thoughts to come up you may be
advantage on the Ray attack and if it's poisoned by this it
forced to pry the right info from them and reveal yourself.
has disadvantage on the Strength check to escape the
Web. Enhance Ability: Very diverse usage for all kinds of skill
Shield: It's going to save your bacon a lot, but can also be checks. Can also be cast on allies.
avoided if you know how to play cautiously or have other Enlarge/Reduce (T): Fun spell, especially if you have
defensive spells. someone who likes to abuse grappling but not
gamebreakingly strong.
Silent Image(So, Sub): Like many illusion spells it relies
on the power of your imagination. Since it requires Gust of Wind (Ca): RAW the push from this spell doesn't
concentration however it's a bit hard to use in combat. trigger attacks of opportunity so it doesn't feel as useful.
Can be cool if you don't have careful spell for web and
Sleep (Sup, So, Sub): The funny thing about civillian
want to keep people away.
NPC's is they tend to have very few hit dice. A maid, or
cook, or doorman will probaby have less than 10 HP. It Hold Person (Sup, H, Sub): The First spell deemed
will be less useful with later levels but can be swapped out worthy of using Heightened Spell. 1 round of paralysis is
later. Just be careful, it affects allies. worth the sorcery points. If you have a rogue in the party
Thunderwave (B, E): Great if you are surrounded by this jumps up to top tier, only reason it's not already is
enemies and need to have them back away. If you are a concentration req.
support you'll have better options. Invisibility (So, Sub): Good for infiltration, scouting and
listening in on other people's conversations. Get
Witch Bolt (T): Really only good early with Twin spell
advantage on one attack too. The duration is much higher
(2d12 damage a turn is awesome early) for double
than Greater Invisibility so consider keeping it even when
channel. Once you hit level 5+ you'll drop it.
you hit level 7.
Knock (So, Su): Go get proficient with Thieves' Tools.
Level 2: Levitate (H, T): If you're fighting something out in the open
Alter Self (So): It's like a poor man's disguise self; if you with only melee attacks it's a great disable that has no
don't have the actor feat it can disguise your voice for you continuous save checks. Very tough situation to find
and people can touch you but it requires concentration however.
which locks out a lot of spells. If you need to breathe
underwater it can be useful I guess. Mirror Image: Mirror-fucking-image. Doesn't require
concentration; absorbs single target attacks/spells. Blur is
better if you have high AC but the two can stack if you
want to be "that guy."

PART 5 | "Spells Bitch!"

Dispel Magic: Again it's DM dependant but more often
than not it's going to come up, it also scales up with your
Level 2 (continued): charisma.
Misty Step (Su): It's a bonus action bro....Only reason it's
Fear (Sup, Ca): If you get good at positioning you can fear
not higher tier is my solution to getting things outta my
a group of enemies into a corner; as long as you stand at a
face is dealing with them, not running like a little BITCH
point where they cannot move out of that corner without
and spell slots are limited. Has neat out of combat utility
moving closer to you they are feared forever. Even if they
break line of sight they'll keep running for every turn they
Phantasmal Force (Su, T): Crafting a great illusion fail that save. Pretty decent spell.
requires a lot of cunning, best of luck. Great with Subtle
Fireball (B, E, Su): Even if you're not technically a blaster,
spell to have someone look like their choking to death or
this spell is so strong you might just pick it up anyway.
Twin for 2 crowd controls and 2d6 damage/round.
Works great with Subtle spell because if you cast a
Requires concentration and falls off at later levels.
surprise round fireball while hidden you can probably
Scorching Ray (B, E, Su): This spell's damage is balanced argue your DM to at the very least force disadvantage on
around the fact that you have to succeed on attack rolls; as the save. (can't dodge out of the way if you can't hear it
soon as you have advantage it's dope. You should know coming).
that Dragon Sorcerer's Elemental Affinity was errata'd to
only apply once per spell so it does not apply 3 times with Fly: Great for outdoors but lots of encounters occur
this spell (sad panda). After level 11 your cantrips do indoors and pretty much forces you to take feather fall (or
almost as much damage (except Eldritch Blast... which you can be cocky and tempt your DM to punish your
does more) so you can drop it after that. hubris).
Gaseous Form: Flying speed of 10 ft guys!
See Invisibility: Too situationally infrequent to merit use of
a valuable spell known. If you're DM's a huge asshole you Haste (Sup, T): If you have Twin Spell it becomes top tier.
might need it. AC boost, free disengages, dashes/hides, MOVESPEED,
Shatter(B, E): If you want to break rope bridges with makes you very hard to pin down. Uses concentration but
enemies on them, or tethers/dangling chandeliers or is worth it.
whatever it's great...I've yet to come across this situation. Hypnotic Pattern (Sup, Ca, Sub): Great crowd control
spell; no continuous saves but the effect can end if
Spider Climb: Great to keep safe from melee attackers but
someone shakes them awake, if you're a wild mage you
there are other ways to do that without using up
can dump more sorcery points into botching that initial
concentration. Again situationally useful but infrequent.
save and keeping more enemies out of a fight.
Suggestion (Sup, So, H ,Sub ,T): 1 Save or become my
bitch for 8 hours. Twinned spell turns this into a 3 for 1 Lightning Bolt (B, E): Easier to avoid allies with this spell
control spell ("You two go keep that third guy pinned to the compared to fireball but also harder to engulf all your
ground by his arms, and keep him quiet...") Limitless enemies...a tough trade off. It also doesn't have the ability
potential and super fun. to set ablaze that house you're fighting in....making fireball
the more attractive option to me.
Web (Sup,Ca): Careful Spell Web is a game changer;
Major Image (So, Sub): It's like Silent Image except you
enemies in a 20ft cube are screwed and all you and your
can smell it, oh and hear it, but no touching fellas
allies worry about is difficult terrain. It combusts though
(#fetishfantasydenied). So you can probably do some
so if you use it on someone with access to fire they can
tricky shit if you're smart about it but it's gobbling up a
free themselves for 2d4 damage (or you can free them for
level 3 spell slot.
an extra 2d4 damage).
Protection from Energy: Why is everything concentration?!
Level 3:YEEHAW! Sleet Storm (Sup, Ca): This is a spell built for a party of
Blink: Very great defensive spell, but we discussed my melee fuck bois who want to swarm in and goon squad
philosophy on defense. It's only a 50% chance to work encounters without enemies being able to run or converge
each round, but still very good when it does. on them.
Clairvoyance: You don't have the room in your spell list for Slow (B, Sup, H): It's like reverse Haste except that it
this. It's very cool affects 6 creatures. They get a save every round. It's great
for debuffing AC and Dex saves (fireballs!) and craps on
Counterspell: This can be very useful; unfortunately it
their action economy (no reactions!). I love it.
mostly depends on your DM's propensity for casters. If
you need to keep your concentration spells open in Stinking Cloud (Sup, Ca): You do not take this without
combat and your DM loves casters then take it. Otherwise careful spell, but if you do...I'm reminded of the Joker
just disable and murder them. Mandatory for Wild Mages; walking around a room filled with gas laughing his head
can counterspell wild surges! off while everyone around him is gagging and dying; that's
you now! You're a supervillain Harry!

PART 5 | #CastTheRightOne
Stoneskin(T): Good buff for your tank and potentially
yourself but I much prefer greater invisibility.
Level 3 (continued):
Wall of Fire (B, E) If you or your party have access to
Tongues (So,Sub): Bro...clerics, bards and warlocks can
abilities that can move enemies around this spell is going
take this...make one of them take it. Unless you're going all
to be incredible. I particularly like the ring option being
solo James Bond infilitration you won't need it.
directed inwards so you can push or toss enemies into the
Water Breathing: Affects 10 people? Again make someone ring of fire and have them burn to a crisp.
else take it for your party you can't use up the spell slots.
Water Walk: Ok so at first I was all like "forces them to the Level 5:
surface? SHARK KILLING SPELL" Then I read that the Animate Objects(Sub): Unless you want to animate a
creatures had to be willing and was all like "Who does bunch of medium ropes/chains to start tying people up,
water campaigns?" just carry a small supply of kitchen knives and daggers to
swarm the shit out of people with. Great for convincing
Level 4: When Twinned people they have a deadly haunted house with subtle spell.

Spell Pays off Cloud Kill (B, E): Only good if you have a mega grappler in
your group to keep opponents inside the cloud or you have
Banishment(Sup, H): Targets Charisma saves; a generally pushing eldritch blast to nudge enemies into it.
weak save. It's only highly rated becuase of the community
hyping the shit out of it, however, I prefer to just have Cone of Cold (B, E): Huge area that's ideal for smashing
polymorph for offensive and defensive purposes hordes of stuff. Nothing special but if you like doing lots of
simultaneously. damage go for it.

Blight(B, E, H, T): 8d8 to one target for a level 4 spell? Not Creation: Hole plugger and merchant tricker.
worth. Targets one of the most consistently strong saves in
Dominate Person(Sup, So, H, Sub, T): Keep in mind with
the game with a single target damage that is almost
this spell, dominated enemies don't make saves if they
matched by fireball.
don't take damage.
Confusion (Sup, Ca, Sub): This is a really neat crowd
Hold Monster (Sup, H): Like Hold person it becomes
control but alas relies a lot on chance. With a small area of
higher priority if you have a rogue in your group (they will
effect, a save each round along with concentration, it's
love you forever).
only so-so.
Insect Plague (B, E): It's cloud kill but it doesn't slurp away
Dimension Door(Sub): It's not going to win you any fights
from you down stairs and vents and whatnot.
but it can almost guarantee your survival and make getting
into and out of places trivial. Very interesting applications. Seeming (So,Sub): It's disguise self for you and your
group; or to make a group of enemies look like foes to
Dominate Beast (Sup, H, Sub, T): DM dependant; if you're
their re-enforcements while you look like allies. Gotta be
going through the woods a lot or dealing with angry druids
creative however. (No concentration!)
or some shit then, it's going to be very useful. If a group
member has polymorph it can also be cool to turn an Telekinesis (Sup, Q,): If you have quicken spell and take
enemy into a giant gorilla; and then mind control them. this you may as well get rid of counterspell since you can
strip casters of their arcane focus and material pouches to
Greater Invisibility (B, Sup, So, Sub, T): This is where
eliminate their ability to cast spells. Can't be used with
taking Twinned Spell really starts to pay dividends.
Twinned Spell :(
Making yourself and an ally permanently invisible for 4
sorcery points is gamebreakingly strong. I'd always Teleportation Circle: Entirely DM dependant. If your DM
reccomend using a cast on yourself so that you can doesn't want you to come across other mage guilds or
maintain the concentration check more easily. places where teleportation circles exist this spell blows.
Ice Storm (Sup, Ca): I feel like I must be missing Wall of Stone Lets you make permanent walls, but this is
something everytime I read this spell. It's pretty much the kind of spell a wizard takes since they have lots of
fireball that costs a fourth level spell slot and with difficult spells known to throw around.
terrain slapped onto it. I don't get it...
Polymorph(Sup, H, T): Another Twinned Spell beauty. Level 6: So hard to choose
What's better than turning an ally into a Giant Ape? Arcane Gate: Infiltrate with your entire party; sneak an
Turning TWO allies into Giant Apes. Double the temp HP army into a castle one troop at a time, maybe bait
and mayhem... simply glorious. Also doubles as a great monsters into following you into a trap of somekind. It's
crowd control without repeated save (I like turning neat to think about but hard to capitalize on.
enemies into Killer Whales in land combat; 0ft in
movespeed and 90 hit points that have to be burned Chain Lightning (B, E): It lets you cast a cone of cold
through to turn them back, deal with a fight while they flop without worrying about collateral essentially.
around helplessly).
Circle of Death (B,E): Huge sphere for moderate damage.
Ideal for dealing with hordes I guess.
PART 5 | The Spellening
Prismatic Spray (B, Sup, Ca): Only this great because
careful spell can allow your allies to completely avoid the
effects. Empower is not reccomended because it only
Level 6 (continued): affects one roll and not everyone in the AoE.
Disintegrate (B, E, H, Sub, T): Great spell for just Reverse Gravity (Sup, Ca): You really need careful spell for
smashing someone hard. Lots of conditions make dex this one to be amazing. Optimal use of this spell relies on
saves an automatic fail (paralyzed, stunned, unconscious) 2 words... "high ceilings." If you can find a place with 100ft
or give disadvantage (restrained) so make use of those to High ceilings you've got yourself a 20d6 spell (10d6 for
increase your odds of success. going up, and 10d6 for coming back down). In all other
Eyebite (Sup, Q, T): Another reason to take Quicken Spell. uses though it's actually really good for just splitting up a
While shelling out loads of conditions you can still cast fight and being able to shoot "down" on enemies. Any
regular spells like fireballs and what have you.(sleep arrows enemies fire towards you are being fired upward
someone with eyebite then get a saving throw free and as such might incur disadvantage whilst you are firing
disintegrate for instance). downward (with gravity) and might gain advantage or
bonus damage. Great outdoors as well.
Globe of Invulnerability: If you have a team of casters that
can hurt their allies with conditions this is useful, as well Teleport: Optimal use of this spell is to acquire an object
as DM's who love casters. Good to pick up if you want to from the place you wish to teleport to. It will prevent
replace Counter Spell. mishaps and allow for easy detective work/travels. While
not incredible it can be useful for getting your group out of
Mass Suggestion (Sup,So,Sub): All the shenanigans of potential TPK's.
suggestion but on many people without the concentration
checks. Wait what? No concentration checks? OP Level 8+
Move Earth I'm sure it has lots of cool uses for like I haven't had enough experience playing
digging into places or destroying the foundations of a
structure, I've just never seen it go so far as this.
sorcerers this high level to test enough
of the spells. By this point in time your
Sunbeam (B,Sup,Ca,E,Q): This is the spell that makes you own experiences and the rationale
stronger than any invoker can hope to be in a multi turn behind other spell selections should
fight. With Quicken Spell acquireable at level 10 you can help you make the right choices.
channel your standard action to do 6d8 damage in a line
while blinding fools then toss out more damage spells
using quicken spell. It burns through spell slots and will Tip #4: Since you can only cast level
use your action and bonus action but you turn into a 6+ spells once per day and your spells
powerhouse while this spell is up. known per level drops to +1 every 2
levels after level 11 feel free to take
True Seeing: Is your DM a tricky bastard with magic? Not
more lower level spells that
any more he ain't...
potentially scale up. For instance I
don't really like level 8 sorcerer
Level 7: spells, I'd be more willing to pick up
Delayed Blast Fireball (B, E, Ca, Sub): Ok so Careful Spell Teleport or Disintegrate at level 15
can be used to charge this thing up for 10 rounds before instead of a level 8 spell and use the
having an ally (or yourself) hurl it 40 ft. So that's cool I spell slot to scale something up.
guess. Subtle spell can also be used to start channeling it
in the middle of a campfire or torch without much notice.
Apart from that though it's not that great.
Finger of Death (B, E , T): Zombies have 22hp and 8
AC...This spell does less damage than Disintegrate for the
trade off of making a Zombie. That having been said it's
permanent so you can make your own little Zombie Horde
with this badboy. Twin spell for double the Zombies!
Which at the end of the day is not that many Zombies... If
you're evil and want to harvest random peasant folk for a
month to amass ~50 zombies that could be cool I guess...I
think they made this spell for Conjurers and Necromancer
Wizards...Or Ogre killing; Zombie Ogres are wayyyy
Firestorm (B, E): Again, this is another one of those easy
aim fireballs that does some extra damage. It's not that
impressive to me but it gets the job done.

PART 5 | Why are you reading these footnotes?

PART 5: Multiclassing...?

uckily for Sorcerers, Charisma is the most Paladin 6/Sorcerer X
common caster statistic in the game which
really opens up the door for some amazing You can start either Paladin or Sorcerer at level 1 but get to
multiclass options. I personally prefer being a level 6 Paladin ASAP then go for sorcerer til the end. You
pure sorcerer but there are times (especially at have extra attack and can still get the second last sorcerous
later levels) when multiclassing can be good. origin feature by the time you hit level 20, your saves are
massive and youll be a cool juggernaught/caster. Pick up
Sorcerer/Bard and Sorcerer/Warlock are great but Warcaster at level 4 or get ready to never use a shield while
coming up with a proper multiclassing order can be difficult. casting sorcerer spells. Id recommend going for The
Starting with Sorcerer often suits most casters because it Defense Fighting Style (+1 AC) and Oath of Vengeance for
starts with Proficiency in Constitution Saving Throws sweet spells and a great channel divinity. This multiclass is -
(concentration checks). If you dont plan to take a lot of hits or really- resillient and when channeling Blur is almost
want to go 6 levels in Paladin (ugh so munchkin) then dont untouchable.
worry about it.
The problem with multiclassing early is that levels 3-14
each provide really strong milestones that youll want ASAP.
The Sorcerer X/Bard 6
This one is again hard to figure out when to go Bard, but
Sorcerer when you decide to go Bard get to 6 ASAP in the College of
Level Cool Shit You Get
Lore. This multiclass gives extra skill proficiencies, two
3 Metamagicthe whole point of the class. double skill proficiencies, Jack of All Trades (which affects
4 stat boost/feat. counter spell rolls) cutting words, font of inspiration (regain
cutting words on short rest) and eventually MAGICAL
5 level 3 god spells. <-Good place to start SECRETS. The cheese cannon; if you want to grab a level 3
multiclassing to Bard/Warlock spell from any spell list it will give the option to abuse any
6 Sorcerous Origin Feature and the ability to make spell with metamagic. (Quickened Empowered Vampiric
level 4 spell slots with sorcery points Touch being one of my favourites). I could go on for a while,
7 level 4 godlier spells and the ability to make level but plundering the paladin spell list is pretty hot too.
5 spell slots with sorcery points
8 another stat boost/feat Fighter 1 / Sorcerer X
9 game breakingly strong Level 5 spells 15 Strength and a level in Fighter lets you run around with
21 AC (Defensive Fighting Style) and defensive spells like
10 3rd metamagic (so gooood) Blur up. It will gut your Dex saves and stop you from using
11 level 6 spells like Sunbeam, Mass Suggestion and things like stealth, but if you want to be more of a blaster
Disintegrate caster instead of a tricky SoB this can be very useful.
12 another stat boost/feat <- Wild Mages can Warcaster is a must for this as well because you want to be
potentially stop here able to cast with that shield.
13 level 7 spells (meh)
Life Cleric 1 / Sorcerer X
14 THE ABILITY TO FLY FOR FREE cough Sorcerous
Origin feature (WHY DIDN'T YOU PICK DRAGON This one was recommended to me by someone on reddit and
SORCERER?) though I haven't tried it I can see the appeal. Wisdom Saves
are nice, high AC, access to the bless spell early, cure wounds
You see the problem; each and every level after level 3 is (which can be scaled up with higher spell slots), heavy armor
really impactful to a sorcerer. + shield proficency and some cool early level cleric spells to
choose from. Shit Dex saves and no Con save proficiencies.
Hard to say how it would play.
Sorcerer X/ Warlock 2-5
One of the most common power dips for a Sorcerer to make Sorcerer is really strong in the early to
to get Eldritch Blast and boost it with Invocations. Works best mid levels and it is wise to keep the
after level 4 because it lets you shell out the best cantrip in multiclassing to the later levels when you
the game. Honestly not a huge fan of this one because its stop getting a new spell every level and
pretty min/maxy but it seems popular. Its great for also the bulk of your strong abilities have been
getting a nice spell list boost and the invocation which makes acquired. Getting 17 levels in sorcerer for
eldritch blast push lets you keep creatures inside of AoE the fourth metamagic is still a potent
spells (GET BACK INTO THE WEB FULL OF MY ALLIES). option to consider.

Sorcerer X/Rogue 2
Not really viable. You have quicken and subtle spell to help
you use hide actions more easily instead of cunning action.
Costs too many levels for too little.

Paladin 6/Sorcerer X PART 5 | "Multiclassing" munchkin as fuck

You read it all? Wow I'm impressed. I hope
your Adventures as a Sorcerer go well. I
look forward to hearing about your
party's journeys and shenanigans on
/r/dndnext. Drop me a line at /u/LoL-Guru
and let me know what you thought.
Thanks for reading!

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